Volume 4 January 2019 FINAL 18-MONTH RESULTS 1 “WE MUST REMEMBER THAT ONE MAN IS MUCH THE SAME AS ANOTHER, AND THAT HE IS BEST WHO IS TRAINED IN THE SEVEREST SCHOOL.” – THUCYDIDES 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Executive Summary 5 Assessment Of Data/Program Evaluation 8 Outcomes Of 18-Month Program Evaluation 10 18-Month Program Evaluation Report The PATHH To Posttraumatic Growth: 17 Warrior PATHH Students Share Their Stories 23 Military Psychologist Article 30 18-Month Results 58 Qualitative Feedback Contact information: Josh Goldberg 33735 Snickersville Turnpike Bluemont, VA 20135 (972) 975-7488
[email protected] www.bouldercrestinstitute.org EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Since the attacks of September 11, 2001, more than 2.8 million men and women have deployed to war zones across the globe, serving with honor, courage, commitment, loyalty, duty, respect, integrity, and excellence. The post 9/11 conflicts, which represent the longest stretch of war in American history, have taken a tremendous toll in terms of both visible and invisible wounds. It is estimated that more than 30 percent of these remarkable Warriors are struggling with PTSD (a clinical diagnosis received from a mental health professional) or combat stress (struggling with the same symptoms but lacking an official diagnosis). We have now lost more brave souls to suicide at home than on the battlefield, and the suicide rate has grown every year since 2002. In September 2013, we opened Boulder Crest Retreat Virginia with one objective in mind – to ensure that combat veterans and their families had what they required to live great lives – full of passion, purpose, growth, connection, and service – here at home.