VETRUNNER Email: [email protected] ISSN 1449-8006 Vol. 26 Issue 10 — March, 2006 IN DEFENCE OF CAMPBELL PARK Your handicap reporter, Jenny Walton, describes the first handicap of the new season that was run over the Campbell Park course.

Any left over Christmas cheer was worked off at the first monthly handicap held on the somewhat rain gouged track at Campbell Park. A total of 189 people participated across the three Series. All Series were on an out and back course, with the Thomas a 6km and the Frylink and Waddell 3km. The next handicap is being held at the North Curtain course on February 19. It is being held a week early to allow for the weekend of Championships which is being held over 25 and 26 February. Just on quick personal note, this will be my last write-up. As I have decided to do some further study I wont have the time. I would like to thank everyone I spoke to in the process of writing the stories and have enjoyed talking to you all. A big thanks goes to Jim O’Donnell for his The Thomas Series. The honours in the longer race at Campbell Park went to, help and guidance since I started doing from the left, Ewan Brown the silver medal, the winner Peter Sinfield got his first these write-ups. If anyone has some taste of success in the handicaps and Peter McDonald took the bronze medal. spare time to help Jim out with the monthly write-ups or any other aspect of the Vetrunner production, I’m sure he would be most grateful. The bronze medal was won by Peter McDonald (M50) in a net time of 29.06 minutes with a per km rate of 4.51 Thomas Series from a group 21 start. Peter’s fitness goals for this year The gold medal was won by Peter Sinfield (M45) in a are to stay injury free and keep running to stay fit. He net time of 30.38 minutes with a per km rate of 5.06 from kept up his regular weekly runs and did some social a group 15 start. This effort was made even better by the jogging as well as weights at the gym. Peter has trained fact this run was Peter’s qualifying run with the Vets. with Geoff Moore’s group and runs with his partner Maria Having only joined the club last October Peter’s goal is to O’Reilly. Peter attributes Geoff’s group sessions with loose 10 kilos so that he can run better generally and winning him the medal – of which had vowed never to win especially in his other role as a Rugby referee. Looking for one. a lifestyle change Peter has been following a program of Greg Dutton-Regester (M40) was the only participant weights and cardio from January 1. As worker at to run under 4 minutes per km with his rate being 3.49 Campbell Park the track was familiar to Peter because he minutes. An amazing forty people had a rate of under 5 often either runs that track or the longer one around Mt minutes per km. Of those forty, nine were women. Ainslie and Mt Majura. At the moment work precludes There were 108 participants in the Thomas Series. Peter from group training but he’s hoping to change that some time soon. Frylink Series The silver medal was won by Ewan Brown (M55) in a The gold medal was won by Megan Haylock (W40) from net time of 34.36 minutes with a per km rate of 5.46 from a group 26 start in a net time of 15.15 minutes and a per a group 9 start. Ewan’s goal for this year is to run faster km rate of 5.05. Along with competing in triathlons, one of at 5.30 per km. The silver medal is great result seeing as Megan’s fitness goals this year was to not let her sister though Ewan, who always trains alone, didn’t do any Karen beat her to the finish. Megan attributes her gold training over the Christmas break. (Continued on Page 13) Page 2 — March Vetrunner A very warm opening day for the handicaps

The Frylink Series. Above, Megan Haylock, left won the short course run at the Campbell Park course with Neil Boden who was third. The Waddell Series. Rosalie Pilkinting, above centre, starts the year off Jack Thackray, not in this shot, was second. where she left off in 2005 — winning the gold medal. On her left, Rick Hatcher was runner up and Rod Gilchrist took the bronze medal T-Shirts for Brenda and Peter

100 and counting. Left, Brenda Day has notched up 100 handicaps. Halfway there. Above, Peter Cullen, was presented with his 50 Run Handicap T-Shirt March Vetrunner — Page 3

This month our membership numbers have reached 510 – still short of the 530 who registered for 2004-05, but we PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE have a few months to go in the current membership year. Exceeding 500 members in every year of this century (well, such opportunities as they present themselves and create we’ve had several years of it now!) is a feat matched even more of our own, to publicly expose the good things we amongst our inter-State peers only by Victorian Masters enjoy in our club, and to promote athletics. Athletics. Our numbers continue to represent about one Making ourselves visible in the community is also sixth of the total membership of veteran/masters athletic important to our major external funder, Sport and clubs in . That’s well above the ACT’s population Recreation ACT. A recent ‘meet and greet’ session that I share. had with representatives of the agency provided Though these numbers are an indicator of a successful confirmation that its funding contributions to sporting club, ACTVAC faces stiff competition from a range of organisations are seen as investments in an active and organisations that offer different options for people healthy community. I expressed this view in an earlier interested in active lifestyles. Cycling (road and MTB), column in which I wrote about our funding relationship orienteering, triathlons, adventure sports and many team with government. sports are amongst those currently attracting large On the other side of the equation lies our obligation to numbers into mature age competition. This should continue to offer attractive facilities to current and emphasise to us that we compete for members in a market potential members. The vibes I felt at the meeting were all in which there is an expanding range of opportunity. Some good, suggesting that SRACT is satisfied with its of these groups are becoming increasingly entrepreneurial ‘investment’ in ACTVAC. Hopefully this will be reflected in in advancing their sport. For instance, the Brindabella bonus funding, for which our 2005 Key Results outcomes Challenge bicycle events conducted over a weekend in early are currently being assessed. December demonstrated the level of organisation that the I think I’ve left just enough space for a reminder about various cycling groups can achieve. The events attracted the need for everyone to get behind our club’s organisation interest from media, the general community and even from of the Australian Masters Athletics Championships at government. All that must be good for the cycling Easter. Roy Jones and his team continue to work hard to community. prepare what should be a great competition. Dave It was therefore a very good initiative taken by Roger Mackenzie will be looking for many more volunteers to help Pilkington to organise a stall at the recent ‘Contact throughout the Easter weekend. Please give Roy and Dave ’ expo, part of the National Multicultural Festival and all of the organising team your support. With over 500 activities in Civic. He had good support from a number of members we should have no trouble putting on a good show club members who spent time at the stall, promoting our for interstate visitors and local competitors alike. club. Thanks to Roger and all of those who volunteered for You will probably receive this Vetrunner at around the this. Hopefully it will gain us some new members but, time of the ACT Championships. Best wishes to all of you regardless, our club was prominent amongst others who are competing or volunteering at this event. pitching their wares to the community. We need to take And let’s all enjoy the Commonwealth Games. GEOFF

ACT VETERANS ATHLETIC CLUB “Fitness Through Fellowship” The Vetrunner is the official Newsletter of ACTVAC ISSN 1449-8006 Postal Address: GPO Box 2356, Canberra, ACT 2601. Internet at: Disclaimer: The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of ACTVAC Patron: Jack Pennington (m). Email: Run/Walk Handicap Stuart J Statistican and Club Records: President: Geoff Sims [email protected] Reid 62942368 (h). Email: Neil Boden 62424038 (h) 62547284 (h) Email: Finance/Admin Sub-Committee. [email protected] 62499428 (w). Email at home: [email protected] Peter McDonald 62486960 (h). Aministration/Finance [email protected] or at Vice President: Chris Lang . 62405731 (w). 0412661071 Information and Technology/ work [email protected] 62317353 (h) 62612826 (w) (m). Email: Registrar Mick Corlis Throwing Handicapper: Trish 0427317353 (m). Email: [email protected] 62963969 (h) 62750753 (w) Thomas 61613635. Email: [email protected] Events Sub-Committee. Email: [email protected] Secretary: Ken White Roger Pilkington 62517966 [email protected] Uniform and Badges Sales: 62662589 (w) 0417029744 (m). (h). 0409543826 (m). Other Contacts: Rosemary/Bob Parker Email: [email protected] [email protected] Catering/Lost Property: John 62882508. Treasurer: Will Foster Member/Services Sub- Suiter (Track) 62959524 (h). Vetrunner Editor: Jim 62549511 (h). Email: Committee. Kent and Lynn Williams O’Donnell 62513016 (h) [email protected] Sub-Committee Contacts: (Monthly Run/Walking Hcps) Email: Assets register, Insurance. Annual Awards/Half Marathon 62474127 (h). Peter Freeman [email protected] Director Bryan Thomas (Throwing Hcp) 62395112 (h). Vetrunner Assistant Editor: Committee: 61613635 (h). Email: Club Marquee: Ken White Jenny Walton 62310975. Email: Chris Booth 62474116 (h). [email protected] (details listed in Secretary). [email protected] 0437599536 (m). Email: Membership Services Geoff Equipment Officer: Jayne Vetrunner Distribution: Roger [email protected] Moore 62544753 (h) Email: Hardy 62271433 (h) Abbott 62514051. Jenny Galvin Handicap Sub-Committee. [email protected] 0421610053 (m). 62925294. Pam Faulks 62588679 (h) Athletic Events Alice Scott Health and Safety Officer: Run/Walking Handicap Sub- 62012672 (w). 62383178 (h). Email: Roy Jones 62510148 (h). Committee, Vetrunner : Doug Email: [email protected] [email protected] Public Officer: Chris Mahe Fry 62886439 (h) Coaching/Training Sub- Social Events Val Chesterton 62951440 (h). Email: Email:[email protected] Committee. 62928994 (h) Jenny Galvin [email protected] First Aid Officers: Roy Jones, George Kubitzky 62555315 62925294 (h) Monika Short Relays and Cross Country: John Ison, Gai Webster, (h). 62571777 (w). 0419629486 62958625 (h). Jim White 62314168 (h). Michelle Granville and Marlene Page 4 — March Vetrunner ACT VETERANS NEVER AGAIN! A motivational tale ATHLETIC CLUB GEOFF BARKER took time out to travel to Gosford with a number of ACTVAC runners and walkers to take part in the 12 hour event in Supported by January. Here are his impressions on how that event went and the aftermath.

I think it all started as a bit of a joke really. Another Walking Club committee meeting had finished and we were having the customary glass in the bar to wind down. I was wearing my “International Friendship Run” T shirt which had a symbol of the world and four doves flying around it. A pole vaulting champion asked me if I was religious. After trying to work out exactly what answer she wanted and avoiding answering directly she said that if I wanted to “run for friendship” I should do the 12hr run/walk, that it is in a good cause (Victor Chang Heart Research), a few from Canberra were already doing it and they could do with the support etc. I replied that I was not into religious or friendship but stupidity. Over the next few weeks the issue was raised on several occasions and I actually began to wonder things like, ‘Could I go for 12hrs in one go’?, ‘If so how would I handle 12hrs straight?’, ‘Psychologically what would happen?’, ‘How far would I be able to go?’, ‘What would I think about?’, and so the questions kept coming. All the time I was getting gentle persuasion from the pole vaulting champion, and one of Australia’s best known race walkers and a holder of many records started also gently telling me in strong terms that I should do it. I decided to sit down and have a sensible discussion with common sense. In the end stupidity won out. I somehow became convinced it would be a good challenge, and besides a free T shirt was part of the deal! Before I realised it I sent off my entry for the 2006 Gosford Coastal Classic 12hr Run/Walk. I made the decision to run, taking the view that I could always slow down to (Continued on Page 31)


The Gosford experience. Carol Baird and Geoff Barker before the start (they look too good to be at the end of the gruelling event) of the 12-hour track walk at Gosford in January.

Also Supporting ACTVAC are: The West Deakin Hellenic Bowling Club Belconnen Stationery Pty Ltd March Vetrunner — Page 5 RECORD IN THE WOMENS’ STEEPLECHASE JANUARY 19 For the second week running the photo finish system has worked with only a few minor hiccups with the starters gun not activating the clock automatically in two heats of the 100m Daniels Handicap. Certainly a better average than we have had over the past month or so especially before Christmas. On the subject of photo finish we had a newcomer to our ranks of operators this week with John Donovan volunteering to learn the Over the stile. John Alcott leads Alan system. John is out of action, Duus in the 2000m Steeplechase. athletic wise, with two bulging discs in his lower back and he JANURAY 19 wants to keep in touch with track 2000m Steeplechase and field and the rest of what Age Name Perf Age% M50 Nick Blackaby 11:59.3 happens in our club. M55 Alan Duus 09:59.2 Our record breakers just keep M60 Richard Hilhorst 09:33.0 76.2 coming, this week we added two M60 John Alcock 10:08.0 68.1 M70 Peter Trotter 10:27.4 76.1 more marks to the track and field W55 Carol Baird 09:39.4 81.0 records book. Plus I may add W65 Val Chesterton 14:53.6* 59.8 another that was broken at ACT Wet feet. Jim White about to take a dip at 3000m Steeplechase Athletics Interclub meet two days Age Name Perf Age% the water jump in the 3000m M55 Jim White 14:24.7 70.7 before our meet. Steeplechase M55 Alan Williams 14:39.4 71.2 The first record went in the very M55 Mick Saunders 14:57.7 68.9 first track event, a 2000m Steeplechase, this event is restricted officially to 1500m Age Name Perf Age% men over sixty and all the women’s age groups. I mention this because that M35 Raoul Luescher 4:38.96 77.4 first race had two runners that weren’t eligible as they were under 60, M35 Patrick Kluth 5:08.59 69.5 although they were allowed to compete and their times recorded without an M40 Colin Farlow 4:36.68 81.6 M40 Dale Moore 5:01.11 74.9 Age%. The record went to Val Chesterton and although she didn’t flash M40 Don Smith 5:09.32 72.9 around the track like a 30-year-old, she nevertheless broke her own record of M45 Mick Horan 4:55.62 77.5 15:20.1 with her time of 14:53.6. Well done Val and this shows that there are M45 Rod Lynch 5:01.74 75.9 M45 Roger Pilkington 5:13.69 73.6 age group records in this type of event that are up for grabs, all you have to do M45 Gary Bowen 5:17.02 73.4 is take part. M45 Dave McClelland 5:17.97 72.6 The second record came in the relays, which have been giving our M45 Ewen Thompson 5:47.89 66.9 M50 Phil White 4:55.02 80.1 statistician a bit of a headache over the last few meets, continually updating M50 Ken Smith 5:50.25 67.5 relay records. This time, well actually again, it was the quartet of W55s that M50 Nick Blackaby 7:08.71 55.6 ripped round the four laps in the 4x400m race finishing in 5:17.02, way, way M55 Geoff Moore 5:23.65 77.5 M55 Kevin Chamberlain 5:30.72 77.3 better than the of mark set last year. The victorious runners were Jill Brown, M55 Patrick Stakelum 5:46.26 71.2 Maureen Rossiter, Margaret Taylor and Carol Baird, incidentally this was M55 Mick Saunders 6:11.75 67.5 Maureen’s second record in a matter of seven days as she broke the individual M55 Alan Duus 6:32.38 65.1 M55 Alan Williams 6:39.23 63.4 800m the previous week. M60 Richard Hilhorst 6:15.42 71.5 The news coming from this week’s ACT Athletics Interclub was that Jenny M60 John Alcock 6:36.33 65.1 M65 Tony Booth 6:01.37 76.8 Brichaeck ran a 4:59.91 in the Mile breaking the long standing W40 mark of M65 Roger Abbott 6:21.28 73.6 Elaine Cooper from 1999, Elaine’s time on that day was 5:02.8. W30 Anna Danielsson 5:20.54 71.9 Congratulations to all three girls on top efforts. W35 Lea Edwards 6:06.01 65.0 W40 Katie Forestier 5:41.54 71.9 As mentioned above the first events this week on the track were the W40 Charlie McCormack 5:57.24 68.8 steeplechases and in the field the hammer. W45 Helen Larmour 5:53.11 73.2 W50 Kathy Sims 5:50.98 79.4 The first steeple was over 2000m with M60 Richard Hilhorst leading right W55 Margaret McSpadden 7:07.86 67.9 from the gun and increasing the margin as the laps were counted down, in the W55 Barbara Tucker 7:08.71 67.1 end Richard finished nearly 30 seconds ahead of W55 Carol Baird and over a W60 Francis Harris 7:09.55 72.5 minute ahead of fellow M60 John Alcock in third. Richard and Carol won 4x400m Relay M40 Ken Gordon their respective age group as well as M70 Peter Trotter and of course the M45 Mick Horan record breaker W65 Val Chesterton. W35 Karen Davis In the 3000m race only three runners faced the starter, all incidentally in W40 Charlie McCormack 4:15.65 M55 Geoff Sims the M55 age group, and all running 14 minutes something. Jim White took Page 6 — March Vetrunner

the honours some 15 seconds ahead of M50 Phil White M50 Don Smith Alan Williams with Mick Saunders a W45 Vicki Matthews 4:24.50 further 17 seconds adrift. M45 John Morton The first of the three field events this M45 Dave McClelland M40 Peter Cullen week was the hammer. Numbers in all W45 Helen Larmour 4:29.79 the field events this week were well M45 Leo Kennedy down on normal with more than half of M40 Dale Moore M45 Rod Lynch the throwing regulars over in New W40 Katie Forestier 4:30.40 Zealand taking part in the 2006 W55 Jill Brown Oceania Championships. Of the seven W55 Maureen Rossiter W55 Margaret Taylor that took part all but one of them won W55 Carol Baird 5:17.02* their respective age groups with W65 Cory Collins newcomer Geoff Clumpton taking W65 Val Chesterton W65 Terri Jones second spot in the M50s that was won M75 John Burns 7:48.01 by David Haggith, David’s throw of 2000m Walk just over 35m was the best of the Age Name Perf evening. Of the other Steve Wallace M35 John Donovan 15.38 Over he goes. Mick Saunders shows M45 Lachlan Wilkinson 11.12 there is more than one way to get won the M45s, Alex Turbin M55s, M50 Dez Wildwood 12.26 over the water jump in the 3000m Robin Whyte M60s, Ewen Drummond M50 Luis Cordina (FW) 15.12 Steeplechase M80s and the only woman in the field M55 Alan Williams 12.58 M55 Mick Saunders (FW) 15.13 Nola De Chazal in the W65s. M60 Robin Whyte 11.27 Back on the track we had two events in operation at the same time, due M60 Rod Gilchrist 13.16 M65 Terry Munro 13.25 to a delay that came about due to the two steeplechase events. W55 Carol Baird (FW) 11.49 The walkers were first to go in their race over 2000m that was supposed W55 Barbara Tucker 12.30 to be a Perry Handicap, but that didn’t eventuate and it was a straight five W55 Marg McSpadden (FW) 15.40 W60 Alice Scott 14.48 lap event that was hand timed to help the officials pick up that lost time. The W65 Val Chesterton 14.44 race at first was somewhat competitive with Lachlan Wilkinson leading W65 Terri Jones (FW) 16.06 Robin Whyte and Carol Baird right behind them. However, as the laps went W65 Nola de Chazal 17.46 by Lachlan took control and eventually crossing the finish line some 15 100m Daniels Handicap Heat 1 seconds ahead of Robin with Carol third a further 22 seconds adrift. In the Age Name Hcp Perf Pts other age groups John Donovan (yes the same Donovan that used to compete W75 Gwen Gleeson 36.5 13.47 40 in at least five or six event every week till his back gave out) took part in his W30 Karen Davis 1 13.88 32 W55 Jill Brown 18.5 13.95 31 first walk and created another first by being, by my knowledge, the first W55 Maureen Rossiter 12.5 14.00 30 track competitor to compete with the “aid” of a walking stick (there is no W45 Vicki Matthews 8.5 14.07 28 doubt some obscure law in the vets athletics organisations saying that W40 Katie Forestier 13.5 14.27 24 Heat 2 competitors must not be “aided” while competing) though it didn’t help him M40 Michael Rutter 10.5 11.29 34 that much as he, the lone M35, finished well back in the field. Dez Wildwood M65 Christopher Yardley 41 11.36 32 took the M50s, Alan Williams the M55s and Terry Munro was the lone M35 Ken Telfer 4.5 11.58 28 M55 Jim White 28 11.61 27 walker in the M65s. Two fitness walkers were M50 Luis Cordina (a M75 Jack Perry 38.5 11.91 21 newcomer that trains with Geoff Moore’s group on Mondays at Parliament M50 Neville Madden 20 11.97 20 House) and M55 Mick Saunders. For the women the first race walker was M70 Ray Bramwell 29.5 12.02 19 M45 P P Davies 24 12.70 6 W55 Barbara Tucker ahead of W65 Val Chesterton and W60 Alice Scott. Heat 3 Three fitness walkers Carol already mentioned, Margaret McSpadden and M45 Rod Lynch 26.5 10.9 36 Terri Jones. M75 John Burns 37.5 11.4 26 M45 Leo Kennedy 9.5 11.9 16 In the 200m there was quite a healthy field of 24 competitors, 16 men and M30 Dion Devow 0 12.4 0 eight women that took part in the five heats. Two men challenged three M45 Dave McClelland 0 14.5 0 Heat 4 women in Heat 1 with the women cleaning up to take to take the top three M65 Kevin de Smet 36.5 11.2 30 spots, they went to Jill Brown, Cory Collins and Heidi Wain leaving John M35 Craig Edwards 14 11.2 30 Burns and Jack Perry in their wake. Heat 2 was an all male affair with the M35 Patrick Kluth 0 14.1 0 M55 Mick Saunders 0 16.7 0 top three spots highly contested. Don White was the winner a fraction of a 200m second ahead of Peter Davies and Ray Bramwell another fraction of a second Age Name Perf Age% in third. Heat 3 was an all female event with Karen Davis cleaning up the M30 Dion Devow 26.54 75.1 pack though the next three spots were again highly contested with the other M30 Brad Osborn 28.30 69.7 M35 Ken Telfer 24.04 85.2 three, although two seconds behind the winner, all finishing in 31 seconds M35 Craig Edwards 27.08 74.1 plus. In front was Vicki Matthews from Margaret Taylor and Maureen M40 Michael Roden 23.54 88.3 Rossiter. Heat 4 was the “second division” of the elite men that saw Geoff M40 Michael Rutter 25.73 82.5 M45 Leo Kennedy 25.05 87.1 Sims a reasonably comfortable winner from Chris Edwards and Ken Smith. M50 Ken Smith 27.17 82.1 Heat 5 was of course the “first division” of the men’s quicks. This event was M50 Neville Madden 30.12 74.6 held up for a few minutes as some “joker” tripped over the timing cells and it M50 Don White 33.27 73.2 M50 Nick Blackaby 41.80 53.8 took a few minutes to do a reset. The result of the race was never in doubt M55 Geoff Sims 26.71 87.8 and it was only a matter of how much Michael Roden would win by. In the M55 Peter P Davies 33.82 69.8 end Ken Telfer put up a pretty good show to restrict Michael’s win to tenth of M70 Ray Bramwell 33.97 77.2 M75 John Burns 38.19 73.5 a second with Leo Kennedy a further second behind. M75 Jack Perry 42.09 65.8 Of all those mentioned above the other age group wins went to M30 Dion W35 Karen Davis 29.08 76.7 Devow and W40 Charlie McCormack. W40 Charlie McCormack 32.73 70.3 W45 Vicki Matthews 31.03 77.9 The jumpers were in action in their first two events, the pole vault and W50 Heidi Wain 37.96 65.8 March Vetrunner — Page 7

W55 Margaret Taylor 31.49 84.1 the long jump. W55 Maureen Rossiter 31.89 81.7 W55 Jill Brown 34.26 76.7 Only one taker in the pole vault with M65 Col Robbie getting over in W65 Cory Collins 36.04 82.8 2.02m. High Jump In the long jump newcomer Simon Carmichael got in a beauty to head off Age Name Perf Age% he other four men in the field by over a metre with Antoni Podlak second and M30 Brad Osborn 1.65 69.9 M30 Simon Carmichael 1.55 64.3 Nick Blackaby third. Peter Davies won the M55s. The two women in the event M30 Dion Devow 1.40 60.6 were W65 Val Chesterton and W75 Gwen Gleeson, Gwen was only a mere M45 Roger Pilkington 1.30 64.7 M45 Ewen Thompson 1.25 62.8 centimetre off the age group record. M50 Ken Smith 1.40 71.8 The middle distance race this week was over the popular 1500m distance M50 Nick Blackaby 1.00 51.8 that had 34 runners contesting for the top three places as well as taking out M65 Colin Robbie 1.20 74.5 W55 Margaret Taylor 1.25 84.5 their individual age groups. W65 Val Chesterton 0.95 70.9 In the men’s top heat newcomer Raoul Luescher took off like a scalded cat Pole Vault on the gun and quickly opened up a ten metre gap on Colin Farlow, however Age Name Perf Age% M65 Colin Robbie 2.02 56.0 going into the second lap Raoul had come back quite a bit with Colin right on Long Jump his shoulder. Going down the back straight for the second time Colin took Age Name Perf Age% charge of the race keeping a steady pace and easily holding off Raoul’s effort M30 Simon Carmichael 5.50 61.5 to get back into the race as he cruised to a two second win with Phil White in M50 Antoni Podolak 4.22 62.4 M50 Nick Blackaby 3.76 54.9 third spot about ten seconds adrift. Raoul may be someone to lookout for if he M55 Peter P Davies 3.47 55.7 comes back again this season. Anna Danielsson was the only woman in the W65 Val Chesterton 2.62 57.7 top heat. The second heat went to Gary Bowen who also took off at a fairly W75 Gwen Gleeson 1.95 50.4 quick rate of knots right from the gun, but unlike Raoul he kept up the pace Discus Age Name Perf and as the race went on the gap got bigger, though in the last lap Geoff Moore M45 Steve Wallace 21.65 did close the margin by a few seconds, Gary eventually won by some six M50 David Haggith 30.68 seconds with Kevin Chamberlain in third spot about the same distance M50 Geoff Clumpton 19.97 M55 Alex Turbin 33.28 behind. Katie Forestier took the honours for the women in this heat finishing M60 Robin Whyte 22.52 well ahead of Kathy Sims and Helen Larmour. In the slower of the three M65 Colin Robbie 31.31 heats Mick Saunders and Richard Hilhorst battled it out in the early part of M65 Christopher Yardley 18.83 W65 Nola De Chazal 12.02 the race, though with a lap to go Mick stepped on the gas leaving Richard in Shot second spot across the line with Roger Abbott third. For the women Margaret Age Name Perf McSpadden was ahead of Barbara Tucker and Fran Harris at the race M45 Steve Wallace 8.69 M50 Geoff Clumpton 10.85 concluded. Other age group wins went to M45 Mick Horan, M65 Tony Booth M50 David Haggith 10.51 and W35 Lea Edwards, Lea although a long time member is rarely seen at M55 Alex Turbin 11.80 track. M60 Robin Whyte 7.32 M65 Christopher Yardley 5.96 Before going on to the last couple of track events the two divisions of the M80 Ewen Drummond 7.50 discus and shot were underway, though it looks like due to the small fields W65 Nola De Chazal 4.64 the competitions didn’t take all that long. Hammer Age Name Perf At the discus with the “guns” away this week Alex Turbin, Col Robbie and M45 Steve Wallace 26.38 David Haggith were vying for top dog on the night. In the end Alex was a M50 David Haggith 35.01 couple of metres ahead of Col who in turn was a less than a metre ahead of

ADLER SPIRAL HANDICAP OVER 4-LAPS JANUARY 19 David. Others to come up with age Name Age Gp GAct Start Gross Net Points Elig % New GpComment group wins included M45 Steve Ken Smith M50 31 31 4:05 10:57 6:52 50 Y 0 38 Above 30% Wallace and M60 Robin Whyte. Ken Gordon M40 39 39 5:15 11:02 5:47 49 Y 3 46 Above 30% Dale Moore M40 37 37 4:55 11:03 6:08 48 Y 6 43 Above 30% Nola De Chazal was a lonely figure Gary Bowen M45 38 38 5:05 11:07 6:02 47 Y 9 44 Above 30% in the women’s competition and Barbara Tucker W55 24 24 3:10 11:09 7:59 46 Y 12 29 Above 30% rightfully took the honours. Neil Boden M55 37 37 4:55 11:16 6:21 45 Y 15 41 Above 30% John Suiter M75 20 20 2:35 11:28 8:53 44 Y 18 23 Above 30% The top three guys in the shot Carol Baird W55 33 33 4:25 11:28 7:03 43 Y 21 36 Above 30% were again Alex Turbin and David D McClelland M45 37 37 4:55 11:31 6:36 0 N 24 39 Above 30% K Chamberlain M55 40 40 5:20 11:32 6:12 42 Y 27 43 Above 30% Haggith though this time they were Terry Munro M65 3 3 0:15 11:33 11:18 41 Y 30 challenged by newcomer Geoff Mick Saunders M55 35 35 4:40 11:35 6:55 0 N 33 Clumpton. As it turned out Alex was Helen Larmour W45 35 35 4:40 11:38 6:58 0 N 36 Peter Cullen M40 41 41 5:30 11:40 6:10 40 Y 39 less than a metre ahead of Geoff Ma McSpadden W55 27 27 3:35 11:44 8:09 39 Y 42 with David only a few centimtres Cory Collins W65 20 20 2:35 11:45 9:10 38 Y 45 behind. Again Steve Wallace and Tony Booth M65 38 38 5:05 11:48 6:43 37 Y 48 39 Roger Abbott M65 36 36 4:50 11:49 6:59 36 Y 51 Robin Whyte won their respective Kathy Sims W50 36 36 4:50 11:50 7:00 35 Y 54 age groups. With Col Robbie not in Richard Hilhorst M60 37 37 4:55 11:53 6:58 34 Y 57 the competition Chris Yardley was Mick Horan M45 37 37 4:55 11:54 6:59 0 N 60 Terri Jones W65 11 11 1:20 11:54 10:34 33 Y 63 the M65 winner and Ewen Rod Lynch M45 46 46 6:10 11:56 5:46 32 Y 66 46 2below 65% Drummond was as usual not Katie Forestier W40 39 39 5:15 11:56 6:41 31 Y 69 39 2below 65% challenged in his age group the John Morton M45 44 44 5:55 11:58 6:03 30 Y 72 Jim White M55 41 41 5:30 12:02 6:32 29 Y 75 M80s. Once again Nola De Chazal Roger PilkingtonM45 44 44 5:55 12:04 6:09 28 Y 78 43 2below 65% was the only representative of the Nick Blackaby M50 29 29 3:50 12:05 8:15 27 Y 81 27 Below 80% fair sex in the shot. Robin Whyte M60 22 22 2:55 12:07 9:12 26 Y 84 21 2below 65% Peter Davies M55 30 30 4:00 12:38 8:38 0 N 87 25 Below 80% The second sprint this week was Mike Breen M50 30 30 4:00 12:56 8:56 0 N 90 22 Below 80% another Daniels race, this week over Nola De Chazal W65 0 1 0:00 12:58 12:58 0 N 93 1 Below 80% John Donovan M35 32 11 1:20 13:57 12:37 0 G 96 1 2below 65% 100m. In Heat 1, an all women’s affair, Gwen Gleeson was first over Page 8 — March Vetrunner the line picking up 40 points ahead of Karen Davis’ 32 points and Jill Brown’s 31. In the three heats of the men’s competition Michael Rutter took the first heat and for his effort added another 34 points to his tally. The second went to Rod Lynch who did even better in the points situation knocking up 36 of them. The final heat saw Kevin De Smit and Craig Edwards sharing the honours as well as the same time and the same points tally of 30. Overall in the women’s races Gwen Gleeson had the best time of 13.47 from a 36.5m handicap and Rod Lynch ran a 10.90 in the men’s divisions from his handicap of 26.5m. Again no hurdles entries this week. The relay this week was a 4x400m event with a healthy number of six teams taking part in a relay that is now one of the top events of our weekly track meets. With so many runners away this week there was only one team that was vying for an age group record, the W55s, and an age group record they got, see item at the start of this report. The quickest time of the six came from a mixed quartet of two men and two women, that although well behind after the first lap soon grabbed the lead as they, Ken Gordon, Mick Horan, Karen Davis and Charlie McCormack, went on to stop the clock at 4:15.55. Geoff Sims’ team that Making it look easy. Richard Hilhorst included Phil White, Don Smith and Vicki Matthews were second home just shows how it is done at the Steeplechase ahead of John Morton’s four that had Dave McClelland, Peter Cullen and water jump, Helen Larmour. The final two events of the meet were the high jump and a four lapper M50 Geoff Clumpton 26.96 in the Adler Spiral Handicap Series. M55 Alex Turbin 30.76 M60 Robin Whyte 21.19 In the high jump three M30s contested for the top efforts, Brad Osborn, M80 Ewen Drummond 26.06 newcomer Simon Carmichael and Dion Devow. At the end of six jumps Brad W65 Nola De Chazal 14.15 was 10 centimetres ahead of Simon with Dion some 15 centimetres adrift. Of Mile (ACT Athletics Interclub Tuesday, January 17) the rest Ken Smith had the best leap from Roger Pilkington with Ewen Age Name Perf W40 Jenny Birchaeck 4:59.91** Thompson third. For the two women in the event Margaret Taylor was an *ACT record. easy winner from Val Chesterton. ** Australian record. In the 4-Lap Spiral the first runner home was Ken Smith from Ken All records have to be ratified before being entered on Gordon and Dale Moore. The quickest runners in the field were Rod Lynch the club’s record books. by a second from Ken Gordon in the men’s race and for the women it was Katie Forestier from Helen Larmour. JANUARY 25 3000m Early event Age Name Perf Age% JANUARY 25 M35 Patrick Kluth 11:12.28 68.3 It is not often that an Australian record is broken at our track and field M40 Colin Farlow 10:18.48 78.1 meets, though we have had our fair share of these records over the years. It Ross Gregg 11:05.75 72.5 M45 Paul Considine 10:20.14 79.0 was only a couple weeks ago the Don Fraser got in a 5.13 in the long jump to Richard Faulks 10:53.14 75.0 take the Australian M65 mark. Hugh Ford 11:54.79 68.6 M50 Nick Blackaby 15:12.44 55.8 However, this week, our third session since the Christmas break and also M55 Jim White 12:46.54 69.3 on the eve of the big Telstra A-Series meet with all the elite of Australia’s Mick Saunders 12:48.03 69.8 athletes that were striving for A or B qualifying marks for the upcoming Alan Duus 13:12.81 68.9 Alan Williams 13:14.57 68.1 Commonwealth Games in . Peter P Davies 15:36.87 57.8 What a surprise we got with two Australian records coming to our club in M60 Richard Hilhorst 12:55.00 74.0 John Alcock 13:43.33 66.9 the 4x800m relay, though it must be noted that this type of event is Geoff Barker 13:59.89 66.3 relatively new on the masters or veterans scene. M65 Roger Abbott 13:44.92 72.6 Notwithstanding it is a great honour for our athletes to be named as M70 Peter Trotter 14:44.30 69.3 W35 Ellen Lloyd 14:28.07 58.6 Australian record holders. W45 Pam Faulks 15:25.86 59.2 The first of the two quartets were the M55s with Pat Stakelum, Kevin W50 Heidi Wain 15:08.34 63.1 Chamberlain, John Lamb and Geoff Sims stopping the clock at 9:56.90 W55 Margaret McSpadden 14:36.50 70.9 W70 Anne Young 16:51.17 71.2 bettering the old mark by a whopping 48 seconds. Then only a matter of two minutes later our W55 team that comprised Margaret Taylor, Jill Brown, 3000m Late event Maureen Rossiter and Margaret McSpadden flashed across the line in Age Name Perf Age% 12:54.80 to establish a W55 Australian record. M40 Anthony Perry 10:28.78 75.1 Dale Moore 10:51.93 74.0 It shows how much depth we have in some of our age groups as there was Don Smith 11:50.41 68.0 a second M55 team with Alan Duus, Neil Boden, Mick Saunders and Alan M50 Michael Leahey 10:31.86 81.3 Nick Blackaby 15:24.93 55.1 Williams, they were fourth over the line in 12:03.40. M55 Geoff Moore 11:23.31 78.5 These two records weren’t the only ones that our statistician Neil Boden Kevin Chamberlain 12:24.51 73.3 has to attend to this week. That same quartet of W55s that broke the Neil Boden 13:11.69 66.5 Bob Parker 14:32.01 62.1 4x800m took another record out in less than half an hour when they ran a M65 Peter Kallio 11:43.80* 86.1 1:05.47 in the 4x100m relay though this time it was an ACT record. Tony Booth 13:08.80 75.1 Roger Abbott 13:44.65 72.7 Quite a tight finish in this event between the mixed team of Karen Davis, W45 Helen Larmour 12:31.79 73.6 Craig Edwards, Andrew McMahon and Vicki Matthews and the same M55 W55 Rosemarr Parker 15:44.98 65.7 March Vetrunner — Page 9

5000m team that broke the 4x800m Age Name Perf Age% M45 Craig Wisdom 20:29.89 68.7 record with Vicki Matthews M55 Mick Saunders 23:00.25 67.0 running the final leg and holding W30 Mel Cockshutt 19:48.52 72.7 off the fast finishing John Lamb 1500m Walk by less than half a second. The Age Name Perf M75 four of Michael Freer, John M55 Alan Williams 8:59 Mick Saunders 11:02 Burns, Jack Perry and Jack Robert Kennelly 12:02 Thackray just missed out on a M60 Robin Whyte 8:35 Geoff Barker 10:23 record with their time of 1:12.48 M65 Terry Munro 10:10 just outside the M75 ACT mark. W50 Carmen Carlon 12:31 After having a spell off W65 Val Chesterton 10:32 competition for a few weeks 4x800m Relay Age Name Perf Consie Larmour went straight M55 Patrick Stakelum back to record breaking mode M55 John Lamb M55 Kevin Chamberlain snaring another brace of records M55 Geoff Sims 9:56.90** this week. Her first came in the M45 Mick Horan 60m running a 10.67 breaking W45 Helen Larmour M50 Michael Leahey her previous best of 10.93. Consie M45 Craig Wisdom 10:30.50 of course competes in the W70 M55 Don Smith age bracket. Her second record M35 Andrew McMahon M60 John Alcock came at the long jump with a leap Versatility. Doesn’t seem to matter to Geoff M65 Tony Booth 11:20.90 of 2.64m once again breaking her if it is either a walk or a run, he does them M55 Alan Duus own W70 record of 2.61. both well. M55 Neil Boden M55 Mick Saunders Then in the last event of the M55 Alan Williams 12:03.40 night Peter Kallio, still a M65 is still managing to break records with only a W55 Margaret Taylor W55 Jill Brown matter of months till he goes up to the M70 group. Peter ran in the late 3000m W55 Maureen Rossiter event and was fifth over the line in 11:43.80 taking a whopping 28 seconds off W55 Margaret McSpadden 12:54.80# the old mark that was jointly held by Keith Perroux and Michael Freer. Just 4x100m Relay note Peter’s Age% of 86.1, by far the best of anyone in the two 3000m races Age Name Perf W45 Vicki Matthews that were on the card this week. W35 Karen Davis Looking at those 3000m events, in the early race there was quite a contest M35 Craig Edwards between Colin Farlow and Paul Considine. Colin led nearly all the way until M30 Andrew McMahon 54.89 M55 Patrick Stakelum they got the bell for the last lap when Paul suddenly went past Colin opening a M55 Geoff Sims five metre gap. One would have thought Colin was gone, but that gap was M55 John Lamb M55 Peter P Davies 55.44 closed up to less than a metre going down the back straight and at the 200m to W55 Jill Brown go mark Colin really took off showing Paul that he would have to pull W55 Margaret McSpadden something special out of his bag to win the race. He didn’t and Colin won W55 Margaret Taylor W55 Maureen Rossiter 1:05.47* easily by a couple of seconds. Ellen Lloyd, who made a surprise return to track M75 Michael Freer this week, was the first women home ahead of Margaret McSpadden. Other to M75 John Burns take out age group wins included: M35 Pat Kluth, M50 Nick Blackaby, M55 M75 Jack Perry M75 Jack Thackray 1:12.48 Jim White, M60 Richard Hilhorst, M65 Roger Abbott and M70 Peter Trotter. For the women it was W45 Pam Faulks, W50 Heidi Wain and W70 Anne 60m Age Name Perf Age% Young. M30 Robert Gerrard 8.07 79.4 In the late 3000m race there was again a duel, this time between Anthony M35 Craig Edwards 8.11 80.0 M40 Michael Rutter 7.95 86.2 Perry and Michael Leahey. Michael led for the first four or five laps but as the M45 Ian Sanders 9.64 72.9 race went on Anthony was proving to be the stronger of the two and with a M50 Nick Blackaby 11.67 61.9 couple of laps to go broke away by a few seconds holding that advantage right M55 John Lamb 8.76 85.2 M65 Don Fraser 8.56 93.9 through to the finish line. Only two women took part in the late 3000m this Kevin De Smet 10.49 76.6 week with Helen Larmour getting up from Rosemary Parker. Other age group M70 Ray Bramwell 10.07 82.7 wins came from M55 Geoff Moore who seems to be getting better as the season M75 Jack Thackray 10.11 86.8 John Burns 10.61 83.7 goes on. Jack Perry 11.20 78.4 Three runners in the 5000m with Mel Cockshutt showing a clean pair of W35 Karen Davis 8.65 82.0 W45 Pam Faulks 11.07 68.6 heels to her male opponents taking the event by almost a minute and a half W55 Margaret Taylor 9.28 89.8 ahead of Craig Wisdom with Mick Saunders third. Maureen Rossiter 10.06 81.5 Jill Brown 10.26 80.5 With so many throwers away at the Oceania Athletic Championships in New W70 Consie Larmour 10.67* 88.1 Zealand the three throwing events had only 27 competitors’ all up taking part. W70 Alison Ide 13.11 71.7 The first was the heavy weight with six throwers with David Haggith having Daniels 200m Handicap the best heave for the men and Jen Bourke the women. In the men’s divisions Heat Name Hcp Perf Pts 1 Consie Larmour 51 26.86 51 only Robin White and Ewen Drummond got over ten metres with Rob Karen Davis 1 28.11 38 Kennelly just under nine and for the women the only other thrower was Nola Vicki Matthews 15 28.29 37 De Chazal. Maureen Rossiter 19 29.04 29 Jill Brown 33 29.15 28 Slightly more throwers in the discus, which is probably due to the fact that Carmen Carlon 68 42.18 1 the event was held at the main track. This time Alistair Davey came in with 2 Jack Perry 86 21.20 58 Michael Rutter 20 23.00 40 the top throw from Attila Spaits and David Haggith. For the women there P P Davies 52 23.71 32 wasn’t much in it between Jen Bourke and Jan Banens. Age group wins went Page 10 — March Vetrunner to M45 Craig Wisdom, M55 Rob Kennelly and M80 Ewen Drummond. The Kevin de Smet 66 23.72 32 Chris Yardley 75 24.69 23 other two women throwing were Carmen Carlon and Nola De Chazal. Dale Moore 27 27.23 1 Of the five men that took up the spear, Craig Wisdom came out on top with 3 Craig Edwards 27 22.83 41 John Lamb 31 22.85 0 a heave of over 30m ahead of David Haggith and Robin Whyte. Age group John Burns 73 22.92 40 victories were also seen from M35 Alistair Davey and M65 Christopher Jim White 48 24.30 27 Yardley. Of the three women in the javelin Jen Bourke had her third win of the Andrew McMahon 22 24.65 0 Mick Saunders 50 25.45 0 night ahead of Jan Banens and Nola De Chazal. Geoff Barker 64 25.73 12 In the first of the three jumps, the long, seven were in the competition. Two Discus of the men got in jumps of five metres or more, Robert Gerrard and Don Fraser, Age Name Perf Robert the best by some 38 centimetres. In the three metre plus range were M35 Alistair Davey 36.71 M45 Craig Wisdom 24.51 Peter P Davies and Ray Bramwell with Nick Blackaby just under that. Vicki M50 David Haggith 31.65 Matthews was clearly ahead of Consie Larmour in the women’s competition, M55 Robert Kennelly 18.23 M60 Robin Whyte 23.23 though Consie got that W70 record. M65 Attila Spaits 33.17 For the three men in the triple jump Don Fraser was clearly the best ahead Christopher Yardley 19.01 of Ray Bramwell and the inimitable Nick Blackaby. For the two women in the M80 Ewen Drummond 17.46 W50 Carmen Carlon 10.32 jump Margaret Taylor was in good form with a leap of just over nine metres, W60 Jan Banens 20.71 Val Chesterton was just outside the six metre mark. W65 Jenny Bourke 21.83 The third and final jump of the meet was over the high bar. At the Nola De Chazal 11.76 conclusion of their six jumps Robert Gerrard was ten centimetres ahead of Don Heavy Weight Age Name Perf Fraser followed by Robin Whyte and Ray Bramwell equal on 1.15 and again M50 David Haggith 13.16 that Nick Blackaby won his age group. The women’s contest was again between M55 Rober Kennelly 8.47 M60 Robin Whyte 10.65 Margaret Taylor and Val Chesterton and as one would have expected Margaret M80 Ewen Drummond 10.77 was ahead of Val at the finish. W65 Jenny Bourke 9.96 Of the three track events left to report, the walk over, 1500m, was won by Nola De Chazal 6.41 Robin Whyte ahead of Alan Williams and Terry Munro and Val Chesterton was Javelin Age Name Perf well ahead of Carmen Carlon in the two woman race. M35 Alistair Davey 19.18 The first sprint this week was over the shorter 60m distance with Michael M45 Craig Wisdom 31.33 M50 David Haggith 29.01 Rutter showing that he was back to top form with a sizz-ling 7.95 ahead of M60 Robin Whyte 24.07 Robert Gerrard 8.05 and Craig Edwards 8.11 with Don Fraser and John Lamp M65 Christopher Yardley 14.15 not far off the pace with 8.56 and 8.76 respectively. Ian Saunders won the W50 Carmen Carlon 7.09 W60 Jan Banens 18.96 M45s, Ray Bramwell the M70s and Jack Thackray the battle of the M75s from W65 Jenny Bourke 20.97 John Burns and Jack Perry. For the women Karen Davis was also in sizz-ling Nola De Chazal 9.74 form winning in 8.65 ahead of Margaret Taylor’s 9.28 and Maureen Rossiter’s Triple Jump 10.08. Pam Faulks won the W45 as did Consie Larmour the W70s and a record Age Name Perf Age% M50 Nick Blackaby 6.82 48.0 from Alison Ide. M65 Don Fraser 9.28 81.1 The final individual sprint event was over 200m in the Daniels Sprint M70 Ray Bramwell 7.62 70.5 W55 Margaret Taylor 9.03 87.5 Handicap Series. Who else could be the winner on the night than Consie W65 Val Chesterton 5.80 63.9 Larmour, she not only won Heat 1 but also scored a whopping 51 points in the Long Jump women’s race, mind you she was off a very good handicap of 51 metres. Karen Age Name Perf Age% Davis was second picking up 38 points, Vicki Matthews next with 37 followed M30 Robert Gerrard 5.38 60.9 M50 Nick Blackaby 2.90 42.3 by Maureen Rossiter 29, Jill Brown 28 and Carmen Carlon 1. M55 Peter P Davies 3.54 56.8 The first of the two men’s heats was taken out by Jack Perry, the second by M65 Don Fraser 5.00 89.3 M70 Ray Bramwell 3.19 60.2 Craig Edwards, both scoring well in the pointscore race, Jack 58 and Craig 41. W45 Vicki Matthews 3.81 63.8 Other pointscores were Michael Rutter and John Burns on 40, Peter P Davies W70 Consie Larmour 2.64 62.6 and Kevin de Smet 32, Jim White 27, Chris Yardley 23, Geoff Barker 12 and High Jump Dale Moore 1. John Lamb, Andrew McMahon and Mick Saunders didn’t qualify Age Name Perf Age% M30 Robert Gerrard 1.40 59.3 for points this time around. M50 Nick Blackaby 1.00 51.8 Thanks to Roger Pilkington and all his helpers the meet was carried out M60 Robin Whyte 1.15 67.6 M65 Don Fraser 1.30 78.8 without much fuss and no incidents, especially with the photo finish system, M70 Ray Bramwell 1.15 72.8 though after a meeting before this week’s events got underway between Geoff W55 Margaret Taylor 1.25 84.5 Sims, Mike Adler, Doug Fry, Alice Scott and myself about the photo finish W65 Val Chesterton 0.95 70.9. equipment and its many faults, it was decided that all races would be started *ACT record. on the “smoke” as well as the gun. Usually the “gun” registers first but on one **Australian record. occasion, the 4x800m relay, my finger got in ahead and as a result that race #Established an Australian record. All records have to be ratified before being entered only recorded tenths and not one hundredths. on the club’s record books.

FEBRUARY 2 FEBRUARY 2 100m Boag Event Once again there were problems with the photo finish equipment, albeit a Age Name Perf Age% completely different one. M30 Robert Gerrard 12.1 81.5 The system was used for the A Series meet on Australia Day and some of M35 Ken Telfer 11.3 90.3 M35 Craig Edwards 12.3 81.3 the equipment and wiring had to be changed to the requirements of Athletics M40 Michael Roden 11.3 91.4 Australia. No problems with that as Athletics Australia have the right to have M40 Dale Moore 13.9 76.3 a back-up in case one system fails and one of them did fail showing how M45 Leo Kennedy 11.8 91.7 M50 Phil White 12.7 87.5 necessary it is to have a back-up. M50 Nick Blackaby 18.6 59.7 However, it appeared that some of the wiring wasn’t put back in its M55 Geoff Sims 13.2 87.7 March Vetrunner — Page 11

M65 Don Fraser 13.0* 95.2 appropriate place and the race set M65 Kevin De Smet 16.7 62.2 M70 Ray Bramwell 15.9 80.7 up computer had no contact with W45 Vicki Matthews 14.5 82.1 the server, as a result the system W55 Jill Brown 16.6 77.5 was not operable at all. It was then W70 Consie Larmour 17.1 85.6 W75 Gwen Gleeson 20.3* 77.6 decided the only solution was to go W55 Margaret Taylor 14.4 90.0 back to manual timing, which 200m Hurdles operated quite efficiently. Age Name Perf Age% M30 Brad Osborn 31.2 68.4 I would presume that to fix the M30 Robert Gerrard 32.9 64.9 server problem would be to reattach M35 Craig Edwards 32.0* 68.1 the cable from the server to the set- M65 Don Fraser 34.6 84.0 W55 Margaret Taylor 40.7 74.8 up computer. Easier said than done 400m as there is a myriad of wires under Age Name Perf Age% the desk and neither Doug nor I M35 Ken Telfer 54.2 84.0 could have had any idea which was M40 Michael Roden 51.0 90.5 M40 Colin Farlow 57.3 82.7 the relevant cable to re-connect. M40 Geoff Monro 1:04.4 71.6 Still the meet got off in time and M40 Dale Moore 1:05.1 72.8 the 3000m runners were sent on M40 Peter Cullen 1:05.2 71.7 M40 Bryce Anderson 1:07.1 70.6 their way by Mike Adler, though as M45 Mick Horan 57.7 83.3 it was really hot at 6pm quite a few M45 Leo Kennedy 59.7 81.4 runners decided to give it a miss M45 Doug Taupin 1:06.4 79.6 M45 Richard Faulks 1:00.3 79.7 this week, still there were 16 men Numero Uno. Geoff Monro seems pretty M45 Dave McClelland 1:06.4 72.9 and two women who braved the confident that he is in fact number one. M50 Phil White 58.7 84.9 M50 Ken White 1:03.0 79.7 conditions. Those harsh conditions M55 Geoff Sims 1:00.1 87.0 didn’t seem to bother newcomer Raoul Luescher as he took off like a scalded cat M60 Mike Worsley 1:24.3 65.4 and by the first two hundred metres had established a bit of a gap, though Geoff M60 Geoff Barker 1:39.3 58.0 M65 Tony Booth 1:14.1 77.4 Monro did try to keep up with Raoul but after the first lap he must have felt the M75 Michael Freer 1:30.6 70.5 pressure and dropped back to run his own race. Raoul never lessened that early M75 John Burns 1:42.3 62.5 pace and went on to post one of the best 3000m performances we have seen at W35 Ellen Lloyd 1:15.1 66.6 W45 Vicki Matthews 1:11.8 75.3 track this season as he crossed the line in 10.02 almost half a minute ahead of W55 Jill Brown 1:18.1 75.7 Paul Considine who easily saw off the tiring Geoff Monro who just managed to W70 Consie Larmour 1:33.4 74.1 hang onto that third spot from the fast finishing Ross Gregg. In other age Pole Vault groups M50 Nick Blackaby was challenged for the first time in few weeks as Age Name Perf Age% M30 Simon Carmichael 1.25 20.3 Jamie Macgregor joined the opening race, however Jamie was a bit out of shape M35 Craig Edwards 1.73 30.1 and faded before the half way mark leaving Nick to take out another age group High Jump win. Age Name Perf Age% In the M55s Robbie Costmeyer was home first ahead of Alan Williams and M30 Simon Carmichael 1.55 64.3 M45 Roger Pilkington 1.30 64.7 Ken Eynon who was back at track for the first time this year. Bernie Millett, M45 Ewen Thompson 1.25 62.8 now an M60, easily took out the age group finishing well ahead of Mike Long Jump Worsley, John Alcock and Geoff Barker. Only two women braved the hot Age Name Perf Age% M30 Simon Carmichael 5.48 61.2 conditions where Carol Baird was quite a bit ahead of Barbara Tucker at the M30 Brad Osborn 4.88 55.2 race end. M50 Antoni Podolak 4.21 62.3 With most of the throwers back from attending the Oceania Masters M50 Nick Blackaby 3.05 44.5 M60 Kevin Chapman 2.04 34.6 Championships there was more interest in the throwing events this week. The M65 Don Fraser 4.89 87.3 hammer was the first field event on the card this week with 10 competitors M70 Ray Bramwell 3.29 62.1 having a go at throwing the ball with a wire handle and as is usual some W45 Vicki Matthews 3.70 62.0 W55 Margaret Taylor 4.43 87.0 competitors threw heavier weighted hammers than others. W55 Helen Topor 2.76 55.0 With Ray Green and Jayne Hardy back in action the test for others was to W65 Val Chesterton 2.52 55.5 get in heaves further trying to beat them, but the reality is more often than not W70 Consie Larmour 2.72 64.5 ACT rec they can’t beat them in either distance or the AST percentages. Ray was the W75 Gwen Gleeson 2.23 57.6 only male in the field that got the ball out beyond 40m. David Haggith was Hammer second overall and Alex Turbin third. Ewen Drummond was fourth overall and Age Name Perf M50 David Haggith 34.82 also taking out his age group. M55 Alex Turbin 27.94 In the women’s throw Jayne Hardy joined her mentor Ray in getting in a M60 Ray Green 42.00 heave over 40m. There was quite a contest for the second best throw overall M60 Robin Whyte 22.25 M80 Ewen Drummond 26.00 between Sharon Gibbins and Jan Banens, in the end Jan got up with her best W40 Jayne Hardy 41.33 throw about a metre and a half ahead of Sharon. Jen Bourke won the W65s and W45 Sharon Gibbins 35.33 Mary Wahren the W70s. W60 Jan Banens 36.98 W65 Jen Bourke 23.41 Back at the track it was time for the “Blue Ribbon” event, the sprint over W70 Mary Wahren 19.20 100m, this week it doubled-up as a Boag event. The men and women Boag Javelin Trophies is spread over several weeks on the season in sprint races as well as Age Name Perf the hurdles. M30 Brad Osborn 33.33 M35 Peter Jugovic 35.43 In the first heat, we had our first record on the night. It came from the M45 Roger Pilkington 23.81 diminutive Gwen Gleeson when she ran a 20.3 to break her own W75 mark by M50 David Haggith 31.68 three tenths. Margaret Taylor won that heat very narrowly from Vicki M55 Alex Turbin 23.42 M60 Ray Green 33.54 Matthews with Jill Brown a couple of seconds back. The second record breaking M60 Robin Whyte 27.02 run came in the second heat with Don Fraser winning by almost three seconds Page 12 — March Vetrunner to break the 13.4 M65 mark held jointly between himself and Jack Thackray by four tenths. The third heat went to Craig Edwards beating Phil White and Geoff Sims. The ‘guns’ took to the track in the final heat with what at first looked like Ken Telfer was going to take the win from Micheal Roden. Ken was well ahead about ten metres from the finish line, but Michael was winding up and got up right on the line, both were given the same time, but there was no doubt that Michael was the winner. Leo Kennedy was third in that heat just ahead of Richard Gerrard. The javelin and shot were the other events on the card to attract the throwers. Covering the javelin first, Don Fraser, no doubt the adrenalin flowing from his ACT record in the 100m sprint got in a beauty to take the competition’s best overall from newcomer Peter Jugovic by about half a metre leaving Ray Green to defend third spot just ahead of Brad Osborn. Other age group winners included M50 David Haggith, M55 Alex Turbin and M70 Ray Bramwell. Six throwers were vying for the best throw of the meet, but I’m sure that with Jayne Hardy in attendance they more than likely would have to settle for the runners-up spots. And that’s how it turned out, Jayne winning by a ‘mile’ from Jen Bourke and Sharon Gibbins. Age group marks also went to W50 Carmen Carlon, W60 Jan Banens and W70 Mary Wahren. Making a debut. Helen Torpor taking Twelve turned out for the shot where it again was “whose going to come part in the race walk for the first time this second to Jayne Hardy”. Getting those runners-up places were, in order, season. Sharon Gibbins and Jan Banens. Carmen Carlon got another first in the W50s M60 Bernie Millett 24.48 as did Mary Wahren in the W70s with Jen Bourke the winner in the W65s. M60 Kevin Chapman 13.99 Back on the track the 1500m runners were getting themselves sorted out in M65 Don Fraser 36.06 the heats. Despite the heat 24 runners took part in the three heats. The first M70 Ray Bramwell 21.56 W40 Jayne Hardy 34.01 one went to Gary Bowen well ahead of Zel Bodulovic who was making his debut W45 Sharon Gibbins 19.32 in the vets competition. Third in that first heat was Jim White. The second W50 Carmen Carlon 7.57 heat went to Bryce Anderson again quite easily from Geoff Moore and Mick W60 Jan Banens 18.01 W65 Jen Bourke 22.44 Saunders. The quickest heat was taken out by John Morton. John hardly W70 Mary Wahren 17.90 looked like he was going to get a win as at the bell he was at least 30m behind Shot Geoff Munro. However, as Geoff came into the final straight he was under Age Name Perf challenge from John and with fifty metres to go it was all over as John surged M50 David Haggith 10.58 M55 Alex Turbin 12.07 past a very tiring Geoff who was lucky to hold off third spot from the fast M60 Ray Green 12.22 finishing Mick Horan. Other age group wins came from M50 Michael Leahey, M60 Robin Whyte 7.57 M65 Attila Spaits 9.68 M55 Kevin Chamberlain, M60 Richard Hilhorst and M65 Roger Abbott. Only M80 Ewen Drummond 7.67 two women faced the starter for the event with Lea Edwards too good for her W40 Jayne Hardy 10.24 fellow W35 compatriot Lisa Wilson. W45 Sharon Gibbins 8.80 W50 Carmen Carlon 4.16 Maybe Lisa spent all her bickies in the 3000m walk where she was third W60 Jan Banens 8.08 over the line in what was a Perry Handicap race. The top points went to Mick W65 Jen Bourke 7.77 Saunders ahead of John Donovan. John as most would have known is only W70 Mary Wahren 5.95 walking as he recovers from back disc problems which means he has to walk 3000m Age Name Perf Age% with the aid of a walking stick. Don’t know about his knees but at least the M35 Raoul Luescher 10:02 76.8 walking stick was straight. The best net time came from Robin Whyte ahead of M40 Geoff Monro 11:20 69.0 Lisa Wilson and Mark Worrall. M40 Don Smith 12:17 65.5 M45 Paul Considine 10:28 78.0 Before going on to report on the final three track races of the meet, it is M45 Ross Gregg 11:21 71.4 time take on the jump, three of them again this week. M45 Gary Bowen 12:28 66.5 Only two takers in the pole vault with Craig Edwards taking on Simon M45 Mark Worrall 14:42 55.1 M50 Nick Blackaby 15:44 54.0 Carmichael and finishing up some fifty centimetres ahead. M50 Jamie Macgregor 17:42 48.0 Surprisingly not many in the high jump either, even though this is one of M55 Robbie Costmeyer 12:08 75.0 the favourite events for jumpers. It went like this, Simon Carmichael jumped M55 Alan Williams 13:24 67.3 M55 Ken Eynon 14:11 64.2 1.55, Roger Pilkington 1.30 and Ewen Thompson 1.25. M60 Bernie Millett 12:18 77.7 Eight men and five women took part the third jump this week, the long. M60 Mike Worsley 13:14 71.5 The top contest in the men’s group was between Simon Carmichael and Robert M60 John Alcock 13:51 66.3 M60 Geoff Barker 14:29 64.0 Gerrard with Robert landing a pretty good 1.60 some 12 centimetres ahead at W55 Carol Baird 13:45 73.7 the finish. Also up there in the high four metre position were Don Fraser and W55 Barbara Tucker 15:38 65.5 Brad Osborn, Don winning by a centimetre. In other age groups the M50s went 1500m Age Name Perf Age% to Antoni Podoak and the M70s to Ray Bramwell. For the women Margaret M40 Geoff Monro 4:47.1 76.3 Taylor showed she hasn’t lost the art of the jumps when she easily won the M40 Dale Moore 4:49.8 77.9 overall top jump ahead of Vicki Matthews with Helen Topor third. The W65s M40 Don Smith 5:09.2 73.0 M40 Bryce Anderson 5:33.9 67.6 went to Val Chesterton and the W70s to Consie Larmour with a record M40 Zel Bodulevic 5:50.7 63.4 breaking, her own, leap of 2.72 an improvement of eight centimetres. M45 John Morton 4:42.1 81.8 With the middle distance runners just having enough time to catch their M45 Mick Horan 4:47.5 79.7 M45 Dave McClelland 5:18.9 72.4 breath it was time for the 400m. Quite a good turnout that took five heats to M45 Gary Bowen 5:32.2 70.0 get all the starters accommodated. Heat 1 went to Mike Worsley well ahead of M45 Roger Pilkington 5:57.1 64.6 March Vetrunner — Page 13

M45 Ewen Thompson 6:14.3 62.2 Michael Freer and Geoff Barker. Heat 2 the smallest of the five, Tony Booth M50 Michael Leahey 4:57.9 80.7 M50 Jamie Macgregor 8:31.5 46.6 needed one of his super finishes to beat Ellen Lloyd coming up the final straight M55 Kevin Chamberlain 5:12.7 81.7 with Jill Brown third. Heat 3 saw the win going to Ken White showing his good M55 Geoff Moore 5:41.2 73.5 form of recent weeks leaving Geoff Munro in second spot again. Dale Moore was M55 Mick Saunders 5:42.4 74.0 M55 Jim White 6:00.4 69.0 third in the heat. Heat 4 was quite even as they went down the back straight M55 Ken Eynon 6:36.3 64.5 but Mick Horan, a slimmer version of the one we saw at the beginning of the M60 Richard Hilhorst 6:04.8 73.6 season, started to turn on the power in the last 100m winning easily from M60 Mike Worsley 6:25.5 69.0 M65 Roger Abbott 6:27.7 72.4 Richard Faulks and Doug Taupin. The final heat included the guns of the likes W35 Lea Edwards 5:50.9 67.8 of Michael Roden and Ken Telfer with Colin Farlow, Phil White, Leo Kennedy W35 Lisa Wilson 7:33.2 53.3 and Geoff Sims were pushing all the way. But in the end it was between W50 Kathy Sims 6:00.6 77.3 Medley Relay (2x200m, 1x400m, 1x800m) Michael and Ken, then in the last 50 there was no doubt that Michael was going Age Name Perf to win, with others watch from track side pushing him all the way to the line to M55 Patrick Stakelum get under the 51 seconds. Sadly for Michael he didn’t manage to get under his M45 Richard Faulks M45 Dave McClelland target but he didn’t go over it either and with both of the timekeepers watches M50 Phil White 4:29.6 stopping at 50.9 plus meaning under hand held time conventions that it had to M40 Don Smith be rounded up to 51 seconds even. This is the third time in a row that Michael M45 John Morton W40 Jayne Hardy has run that time. W45 Vicki Matthews 4:33.6 Over the past couple of weeks there seems to be a reluctance of runners to M30 Robert Gerrard take part in hurdle events. Well this week all of a sudden we had five names on M35 Craig Edwards M45 Gary Bowen the start list for the 200m hurdles. Quite a good race seemed on the cards with M50 Ken White 4:54.9 a couple of M30s, an M35 and M65 and a W55. Brad Osborn, one of the M30s 3000m Walk Perry Hcp took the winners plaudits from M35 Craig Edwards with the other M30 Robert Name Name Net Perf W55 Helen Topor 24.41 Gerrard third. Don Fraser was only tenths outside of his M65 ACT record, with M35 John Donovan 23.08 Margaret Taylor following a few seconds behind. M45 Mark Worrall 18.23 The relays this season have been the surprise package attracting five or six M55 Alan Williams 19.13 M55 Mick Saunders 21.00 teams each session. However, just before that start of the relay, a medley of M60 Robin Whyte 17.35 2x200m, 1x400m and 1x800m, there were only five names on the list. After an M60 Rod Gilchrist 20.25 announcement to get another three runners to make up at least one team M60 Geoff Barker 21.36 M60 Tony Andrews 23.07 another eight runners came forward making up three teams. The winning M65 Terry Munro 21.04 quartet comprised Pat Stakelum, Richard Faulks, Dave McClelland and Phil M70 Bob Chapman 21.13 White whi came from behind to take the win ahead of Don Smith, John Morton, W35 Lisa Wilson 17.21 W55 Carol Baird 18.26 Jayne Hardy and Vicki Matthews. Robert Gerrard, Craig Edwards, Garry W55 Barbara Tucker 19.39 Bowen and Ken White finished third. W50 Carmen Carlon 26.29 In the 5-Lap Spiral Handicap Rosemary Parker had a last gasp win ahead of W65 Val Chesterton 24.52 our walking stick man John Donovan. 1000m Walk W55 Rosemary Parker 6.42 The track and field reports come from Jim O’Donnell. The results are keyed into out *ACT record. web site by Geoff Moore, Robyn Whyte and Jim O’Donnell who also formats the results All records have to be ratified before being entered for Vetrunner, the club web page and the Canberra Times IN DEFENCE OF CAMPBELL PARK (Continued from Page 1) uninjured. Having started the last few seasons well and medal win to Karen because she is constantly encouraging then getting an injury Neil is hoping to keep going this her and providing support for her to improve. Kerry year without the problems. A track and field runner, Neil Vaughan is another person Megan wanted to thank trains with Geoff Moore’s group on a Monday and then because as her training partner Kerry has helped Megan does track on Thursdays. The rest of his time is taken up keep it altogether. Megan even competed in a triathlon the with a variety of different sports administration roles, day before the Vets run! The lure of triathlons kept Megan including organizing events such as the Australia day training over the Christmas break with either cycling, meet. swimming, hill runs and sprints on most days of the week. Gary Bowen (M55) led the charge on the per km rate As a member of the Vikings triathlon club Megan trains with 4.14. He was followed by Neil Boden (M55), Carol with group but also runs with her sister and at times on Baird (W55) 4.42 and Sarah Pau (W30) with 4.57. Those her own. running between 5 and 5.59 minutes per km were Theresa The silver medal was won by Grahame Taylor (M60) Macgregor (W40) 5:10, Karen Daniels (W45) 5:12, Cathy from a group 20 start in a net time of 17.20 minutes and a Montalto (W50) 5:16, George Kubitzky (M50) 5:29, per km rate of 5.47. Recouping from a knee injury Margaret Taylor (W55) 5:35, Rosemary Parker (W55) 5:41, Grahame’s goal is to stay injury free and keep running. Grahame Taylor (M60) 5:47, Brenda Ford (W55) 5:56 and Also a track and field participant Grahame is hoping to Kerry Boden (W45) 5:58. compete in the Nationals in the long jump and the javelin. There were 43 participants in the Frylink Series. Having a very active job Grahame didn’t train much over the Christmas break but runs regularly when back in Waddell Canberra. The gold medal was won by Rosalie Pilkinton (W45) The bronze medal was won by Neil Boden (M55) from a from a group 14 start in a net time of 24.37 and per km group 34 start in a net time of 13.36 minutes and a per km rate of 8.12. rate of 4.32. Neil’s fitness goal this year is to remain (Continued on Page 16) Page 14 — March Vetrunner Thomas series at Campbell Park over 6km Difficulty factor 1.05 ID Age Name Grp GAct Start Gross Net Gp Rate Rate CorrRt Age% Pts Elig % Com New Gp 3794 M45 Peter Sinfield 15 15 10:00 40:38 30:38 5:15-5:20 5:06 4:51.7 59.8 150 Y 0 Gold 21 1064 M55 Ewan Brown 9 9 6:50 41:26 34:36 5:45-5:50 5:46 5:29.5 58.5 149 Y 0 Silver 13 1626 W50 Rosemary Longstaff 1 22 13:40 41:53 28:13 6:50-7:00 4:42 4:28.7 80.3 0 0 1 Auto Rv 25 2333 W50 Anne McNeill 1 13 9:00 42:03 33:03 6:50-7:00 5:31 5:14.8 67.9 0 N 2 Auto Rv 16 1669 M50 Peter McDonald 21 21 13:10 42:16 29:06 4:45-4:50 4:51 4:37.1 66.4 148 Y 3 Bronze 23 4034 M40 Jon Donovan 10 10 7:25 42:35 35:10 5:40-5:45 5:52 5:34.9 51 147 Y 4 Auto Rv 12 3623 M40 Tony Falzarano 25 25 15:15 42:46 27:31 4:25-4:30 4:35 4:22.1 64.6 0 N 5 Auto Rv 26 1606 W55 Margaret McSpadden 14 14 9:30 42:47 33:17 5:20-5:25 5:33 5:17.0 71.1 146 Y 6 Auto Rv 15 4431 M45 Mark Kethro 1 22 13:40 42:54 29:14 6:50-7:00 4:52 4:38.4 62.6 0 N 7 Auto Rv 23 1069 M55 Graham Burke 1 25 15:15 42:55 27:40 6:50-7:00 4:37 4:23.5 74.3 0 0 8 Auto Rv 26 2032 M60 Kevin Chapman 16 16 10:30 42:57 32:27 5:10-5:15 5:25 5:09.0 64.3 145 Y 9 Auto Rv 17 4309 W35 Elle Knight 21 21 13:10 43:02 29:52 4:45-4:50 4:59 4:44.4 64.6 0 1 10 Auto Rv 22 3603 W50 Kathy Sims 1 22 13:40 43:04 29:24 6:50-7:00 4:54 4:40.0 77 0 0 11 Auto Rv 22 2043 W55 Lynn Williams 6 6 5:15 43:05 37:50 6:06-6:10 6:18 6.03:0 63.3 144 Y 12 2399 W40 Annette Sugden 1 22 13:40 43:07 29:27 6:50-7:00 4:55 4:40.5 67.3 0 0 13 Auto Rv 22 1191 M60 Garry Hand 21 21 13:10 43:11 30:01 4:45-4:50 5:00 4:45.9 68.9 143 Y 14 2609 M55 Ian Bowden 1 13 9:00 43:14 34:14 6:50-7:00 5:42 5:26.0 58.3 0 0 14 Auto Rv 13 1174 M60 Terry Giesecke 11 11 7:55 43:15 35:20 5:35-5:40 5:53 5:36.5 58.5 142 Y 15 4059 M55 Mick Saunders 26 26 15:45 43:22 27:37 4:20-4:25 4:36 4:23.0 73.9 141 Y 16 3454 W40 Cathy Newman 25 25 15:15 43:23 28:08 4:25-4:30 4:41 4:27.9 70.9 140 Y 17 2762 M50 Nick Blackaby 12 12 8:25 43:25 35:00 5:30-5:35 5:50 5:33.3 54.6 139 Y 18 2560 M50 Steve Appleby 31 31 18:10 43:25 25:15 3:57-4:00 4:12 4.05:0 76.5 138 Y 19 2412 M50 Kerry Alchin 1 32 18:25 43:26 25:01 6:50-7:00 4:10 3:58.3 78.9 0 N 20 Auto Rv 31 4065 M40 Bruce Wight 28 28 16:50 43:29 26:39 4:10-4:15 4:27 4:13.8 66.7 137 Y 21 1787 M55 Geoff Sims 20 21 13:10 43:30 30:20 4:50-4:55 5:03 4:48.9 66.8 0 1 22 Auto Rv 21 2142 M55 Robbie Costmeyer 30 30 17:55 43:36 25:41 4-40:5:00 4:17 4:04.6 80 136 Y 23 3912 W55 Diana Schneider 20 20 12:40 43:36 30:56 4:50-4:55 5:09 4:54.6 77.4 135 Y 24 2077 W50 Elizabeth Thompson 25 25 15:15 43:36 28:21 4:25-4:30 4:44 4:30.0 78.5 0 1 25 2426 W50 Sherryl Greathead 14 14 9:30 43:37 34:07 5:20-5:25 5:41 5:24.9 65.8 134 Y 26 3622 M40 Peter Cullen 32 32 18:25 43:38 25:13 3:55-3:57 4:12 4.2:00 70.4 133 Y 27 Auto Rv 31 1332 M55 Geoff Moore 29 29 17:20 43:39 26:19 4:05-4:10 4:23 4:10.6 76.9 132 Y 28 2023 M60 Kent Williams 36 36 19:30 43:44 24:14 3:45-3:47 4:02 3:50.8 85.8 0 1 28 Auto Rv 35 1984 M55 Peter Clarke 36 36 19:30 43:50 24:20 3:45-3:47 4:03 3:51.7 82 131 Y 29 Auto Rv 35 2149 M45 Robert Ey 29 29 17:20 43:51 26:31 4:05-4:10 4:25 4:12.5 69.4 130 Y 30 1496 M55 Alan Williams 23 23 14:15 43:51 29:36 4:35-4:40 4:56 4:41.9 68.9 129 Y 31 4385 M35 Simon Tuan 34 34 18:55 43:53 24:58 3:50-3:52 4:10 3:57.8 67.9 128 Y 32 Auto Rv 33 1329 M55 Charlie Modrak 29 29 17:20 43:54 26:34 4:05-4:10 4:26 4:13.0 75.7 127 Y 33 2257 M40 Greg Dutton-Regester 42 42 21:00 43:55 22:55 3:30-3:32 3:49 3:38.3 78.3 126 Y 34 Auto Rv 41 1109 W65 Sue Counsel 12 12 8:25 43:56 35:31 5:30-5:35 5:55 5:38.3 76.1 125 Y 35 1839 M65 Warren Butler 9 9 6:50 43:58 37:08 5:45-5:50 6:11 5:53.7 57 124 Y 36 2168 M45 Mick Horan 25 25 15:15 44:01 28:46 4:25-4:30 4:48 4:34.0 64 0 1 37 3697 M60 Doug Limbrick 30 30 17:55 44:04 26:09 4:00-4:05 4:21 4:09.0 79.8 0 1 38 2532 W55 Jill Brown 13 13 9:00 44:05 35:05 5:25-5:30 5:51 5:34.1 65.9 123 Y 39 4393 W45 Kerrie Tanner 26 26 15:45 44:10 28:25 4:20-4:25 4:44 4:30.6 70.6 122 Y 40 2358 M55 Hugh Moore 1 29 17:20 44:13 26:53 6:50-7:00 4:29 4:16.0 75.3 0 N 41 Auto Rv 27 4703 W45 Prue Bradford 11 11 7:55 44:14 36:19 5:35-5:40 6:03 5:45.9 56.2 0 0 42 1935 M55 Mario Larocca 23 23 14:15 44:16 30:01 4:35-4:40 5:00 4:45.9 67 121 Y 42 4808 W40 Allison Duncan 17 17 11:05 44:18 33:13 5:05-5:10 5:32 5:16.3 58.7 0 1 43 3657 W50 Maria O'Reilly 28 28 16:50 44:18 27:28 4:10-4:15 4:35 4:21.6 80.2 120 Y 44 2176 W45 Pam Faulks 15 15 10:00 44:19 34:19 5:15-5:20 5:43 5:26.8 58.4 0 0 45 1001 M65 Roger Abbott 22 22 13:40 44:21 30:41 4:40-4:45 5:07 4:52.2 73.4 119 Y 46 Auto Rv 21 1272 M60 Bill Leyden 23 23 14:15 44:23 30:08 4:35-4:40 5:01 4:47.0 68.6 0 N 47 Auto Rv 22 1858 W65 Desma Butler 7 7 5:50 44:26 38:36 5:55-6:00 6:26 6:07.6 70 118 Y 48 2071 M60 Wayne Berry 22 22 13:40 44:29 30:49 4:40-4:45 5:08 4:53.5 68 0 1 49 2406 M60 Mike Worsley 18 18 11:35 44:30 32:55 5:00-5:05 5:29 5:13.5 63.7 117 Y 50 4230 W50 Jacqueline Millard 11 11 7:55 44:32 36:37 5:35-5:40 6:06 5:48.7 60.2 116 Y 51 Auto Rv 10 4382 W30 Jayne Crossling 15 15 10:00 44:40 34:40 5:15-5:20 5:47 5:30.2 54.7 0 N 52 Auto Rv 14 1444 M75 John Suiter 10 10 7:25 44:42 37:17 5:40-5:45 6:13 5:55.1 69.4 115 Y 53 3962 M50 Colin Adrian 19 19 12:05 44:42 32:37 4:55-5:00 5:26 5:10.6 59.9 114 Y 54 Auto Rv 18 2218 M55 Tony Cavuoto 26 26 15:45 44:47 29:02 4:20-4:25 4:50 4:36.5 68.7 113 Y 55 2770 M50 Lloyd Donnelly 1 20 12:40 44:50 32:10 6:50-7:00 5:22 5:06.3 60.7 0 0 56 Auto Rv 17 2685 M45 Hugh Ford 30 30 17:55 44:51 26:56 4-4:05:00 4:29 4:16.5 68.4 0 1 57 4432 M35 Andrew Guild 1 26 15:45 44:51 29:06 6:50-7:00 4:51 4:37.1 59.3 0 N 57 Auto Rv 23 2293 M50 Ken White 27 27 16:20 44:52 28:32 4:15-4:20 4:45 4:31.7 67.7 0 1 58 4994 W55 Penny Becker 17 17 11:05 44:55 33:50 5:05-5:10 5:38 5:22.2 70 0 1 59 5023 W50 Carmel Lynch 9 9 6:50 44:56 38:06 5:45-5:50 6:21 6:02.9 59.4 112 Y 60 Auto Rv 8 1195 M65 George Hanzar 24 24 14:45 44:57 30:12 4:30-4:35 5:02 4:47.6 70.1 111 Y 61 1167 M75 Michael Freer 15 15 10:00 44:59 34:59 5:15-5:20 5:50 5:33.2 74 110 Y 62 Auto Rv 14 3658 W50 Robyn McClelland 17 17 11:05 45:03 33:58 5:05-5:10 5:40 5:23.5 65.5 0 0 63 1398 M60 Bernie Rogers 6 6 5:15 45:07 39:52 6-6:10:00 6:39 6:19.7 52.6 109 Y 64 2303 M55 Phillip Toomey 12 12 8:25 45:09 36:44 5:30-5:35 6:07 5:49.8 55.9 0 0 65 Auto Rv 11 2083 W45 Carol Ey 25 25 15:15 45:11 29:56 4:25-4:30 4:59 4:45.1 68.2 108 Y 66 Auto Rv 24 2684 M45 Ross Gregg 32 32 18:25 45:12 26:47 3:55-3:57 4:28 4:15.1 68.3 0 1 67 1326 M60 Bernie Millett 31 31 18:10 45:15 27:05 3:57-4:00 4:31 4:17.9 77.8 107 Y 68 Auto Rv 30 2536 M50 Michael Clancy 19 19 12:05 45:18 33:13 4:55-5:00 5:32 5:16.3 57.5 106 Y 69 Auto Rv 18 1355 M55 Bob Parker 18 18 11:35 45:19 33:44 5-5:05:00 5:37 5:21.3 60.5 105 Y 70 1133 M60 John Dimitriou 4 4 3:10 45:20 42:10 6:20-6:30 7:02 6:41.6 49.5 104 Y 71 Auto Rv 3 3478 W55 Ruth Baussmann 15 15 10:00 45:26 35:26 5:15-5:20 5:54 5:37.5 64.5 103 Y 71 2191 M70 Ray Bramwell 16 16 10:30 45:30 35:00 5:10-5:15 5:50 5:33.3 67 102 Y 72 4500 M55 John Revesz 8 8 6:20 45:40 39:20 5:50-5:55 6:33 6:14.6 51.1 101 Y 73 Auto Rv 7 4050 W55 Barbara Tucker 1 16 10:30 45:42 35:12 6:50-7:00 5:52 5:35.2 66.5 0 0 74 Auto Rv 11 5008 W50 Dawn Casey 7 7 5:50 45:46 39:56 5:55-6:00 6:39 6:20.3 56.7 100 Y 75 Auto Rv 6 2086 M55 Jim White 29 29 17:20 45:52 28:32 4:05-4:10 4:45 4:31.7 70.5 99 Y 76 2040 M55 Alan Green 27 27 16:20 46:01 29:41 4:15-4:20 4:57 4:42.7 68.2 0 1 77 Auto Rv 26 March Vetrunner — Page 15

2163 M50 Alan Mallory 25 25 15:15 46:01 30:46 4:25-4:30 5:08 4:53.0 61.4 98 Y 78 4759 M50 David Webster 33 33 18:40 46:09 27:29 3:52-3:55 4:35 4:21.7 71.8 97 Y 79 2713 W45 Debbie Cowell 25 5 4:15 46:19 42:04 4:25-4:30 7:01 6:40.6 48.5 0 G 80 Auto Rv 24 2386 W65 Pamela Weiss 3 3 2:10 46:29 44:19 6:30-6:40 7:23 7:02.1 62.7 96 Y 81 2435 W45 Maree Coldrick 21 21 13:10 46:45 33:35 4:45-4:50 5:36 5:19.8 60.8 95 Y 82 1871 W50 Lorraine Stevens 1 5 4:15 46:49 42:34 6:50-7:00 7:06 6:45.4 52.3 0 N 83 Auto Rv 2 5019 W50 Lorraine Jansen 12 12 8:25 46:53 38:28 5:30-5:35 6:25 6:06.3 58.3 0 1 84 Auto Rv 11 3961 M65 Neil Gentle 6 6 5:15 47:01 41:46 6-6:10:00 6:58 6:37.8 53.9 94 Y 85 1270 M55 Terry Levings 22 22 13:40 47:20 33:40 4:40-4:45 5:37 05:20.6 60.1 93 Y 85 Auto Rv 21 2631 M65 Clive Glover 25 25 15:15 47:24 32:09 4:25-4:30 5:22 5:06.2 65.8 0 0 86 Auto Rv 24 2106 W50 Maria White 15 15 10:00 47:31 37:31 5:15-5:20 6:15 5:57.3 59.8 92 Y 87 Auto Rv 14 4433 W30 Sally Clements 1 7 5:50 47:36 41:46 6:50-7:00 6:58 6:37.8 45.4 0 N 88 Auto Rv 3 2150 W60 Alice Scott 10 7 5:50 47:36 41:46 5:40-5:45 6:58 6:37.8 58 0 G 89 2135 M55 Kevin O'Keeffe 32 32 18:25 47:43 29:18 3:55-3:57 4:53 4:39.0 69.1 91 Y 90 4725 M65 Christopher Yardley 8 8 6:20 47:52 41:32 5:50-5:55 6:55 6:35.6 52 90 Y 91 4108 W45 Janine McNamara 6 6 5:15 48:06 42:51 6-6:10:00 7:09 6:48.1 47.6 0 0 92 2167 M45 Roger Pilkington 32 32 18:25 48:08 29:43 3:55-3:57 4:57 4:43.0 62.4 89 Y 93 Auto Rv 31 1763 M60 Neil Mcleod 1 1 0:00 48:24 48:24 6:50-7:00 8:04 7:41.0 43.1 88 Y 94 1169 M65 Doug Fry 12 15 10:00 48:59 38:59 5:30-5:35 6:30 6:11.3 55.4 87 Y 95 2037 W55 Beryl Lowry 4 5 4:15 49:34 45:19 6:20-6:30 7:33 7:11.6 52.9 0 1 96 Auto Rv 3 1927 M50 Christopher Lang 20 29 17:20 49:47 32:27 4:50-4:55 5:25 5:09.0 60.8 86 Y 97 Auto Rv 19 1573 M60 Will Foster 25 25 15:15 51:50 36:35 4:25-4:30 6:06 5:48.4 56.8 85 Y 98 Auto Rv 24 1294 W70 Joan Mallory 1 1 0:00 52:08 52:08 6:50-7:00 8:41 8:16.5 60 84 Y 99 2638 W60 Diane Clancy 1 1 0:00 60:01 60:01 6:50-7:00 10:00 9:31.6 42.3 0 0 100 Frylink Series at Campbell Park over 3km Difficulty factor 1.11 ID Age Name Grp GAct Start Gross Net Gp Rate Rate CorrRt Age% Pts Elig % Com New Gp 4983 W40 Megan Haylock 26 26 9:50 25:05 15:15 4:50-4:55 5:05 4:34.8 67 75 Y 0 Gold 31 2158 M75 John Burns 5 5 2:15 25:31 23:16 7:10-7:20 7:45 6:59.2 58.4 0 0 2 Auto Rv 7 4144 W50 Antonina Bolschelarski 13 13 6:20 25:34 19:14 5:55-6:00 6:25 5:46.5 60.1 0 1 4 Auto Rv 15 1735 M60 Grahame Taylor 20 20 8:15 25:35 17:20 5:20-5:25 5:47 5:12.3 60.7 74 Y 7 Silver 22 2224 M55 Neil Boden 34 34 12:00 25:36 13:36 4:10-4:15 4:32 4:05.0 73 73 Y 9 Bronze 35 3963 W55 Lorraine Cox 7 7 3:20 25:41 22:21 6:50-7:00 7:27 6:42.7 56.3 0 1 11 Auto Rv 8 1453 W55 Margaret Taylor 23 23 9:00 25:44 16:44 5:05-5:10 5:35 5:01.5 74.1 72 Y 14 Auto Rv 24 3941 W30 Sarah Pau 30 30 10:55 25:46 14:51 4:30-4:35 4:57 4:27.6 62.8 71 Y 16 Auto Rv 31 4336 M45 Paul Noone 14 14 6:35 25:48 19:13 5:50-5:55 6:24 5:46.2 48.9 0 1 19 Auto Rv 15 4194 W70 Consie Larmour 15 15 6:50 25:54 19:04 5:45-5:50 6:21 5:43.5 78.4 70 Y 21 Auto Rv 16 2401 W60 Jillian M Clark 15 15 6:50 26:01 19:11 5:45-5:50 6:24 5:45.6 69 69 Y 23 3704 W55 Carol Baird 34 34 12:00 26:05 14:05 4:10-4:15 4:42 4:13.8 86.6 68 Y 26 2460 W65 Val Chesterton 8 8 3:50 26:08 22:18 6:40-6:50 7:26 6:41.8 61.1 67 Y 28 2720 W45 Karen Daniels 29 29 10:40 26:15 15:35 4:35-4:40 5:12 4:40.8 66.1 66 Y 30 4196 W50 Jenny Holmes 1 1 0:00 26:17 26:17 7:50-8:00 8:46 7:53.6 42.9 65 Y 33 4930 W55 Brenda Ford 21 21 8:30 26:19 17:49 5:15-5:20 5:56 5:21.0 70.6 64 Y 35 4241 M45 Gary Bowen 40 40 13:40 26:23 12:43 3:40-3:45 4:14 3:49.1 75.8 63 Y 38 4697 W40 Jenny Walton 11 11 5:30 26:25 20:55 6:10-6:20 6:58 6:16.9 48.7 62 Y 40 1849 M60 Grahame Delaney 14 14 6:35 26:26 19:51 5:50-5:55 6:37 5:57.7 53.4 61 Y 42 1067 W65 Lorna Burdon 8 8 3:50 26:31 22:41 6:40-6:50 7:34 6:48.7 64.8 60 Y 45 2223 W45 Kerry Boden 22 22 8:45 26:38 17:53 5:10-5:15 5:58 5:22.2 59.8 59 Y 47 Auto Rv 21 1356 W55 Rosemary Parker 25 25 9:35 26:39 17:04 4:55-5:00 5:41 5:07.5 73.7 58 Y 50 Auto Rv 24 4219 W35 Audrey Gormley 20 20 8:15 26:51 18:36 5:20-5:25 6:12 5:35.1 53.9 0 0 52 4072 W35 Claire Perry 6 6 2:45 26:55 24:10 7-7:10:00 8:03 7:15.4 41.5 57 Y 54 2174 M60 Neil Harrigan 1 10 4:55 26:57 22:02 7:50-8:00 7:21 6:37.0 49.1 0 N 57 Auto Rv 9 2214 W40 Theresa Macgregor 32 32 11:30 26:59 15:29 4:20-4:25 5:10 4:39.0 66.4 56 Y 59 Auto Rv 31 2538 M50 George Kubitzky 29 29 10:40 27:08 16:28 4:35-4:40 5:29 4:56.7 59.8 55 Y 61 1103 M75 Merv Collins 15 15 6:50 27:15 20:25 5:45-5:50 6:48 6:07.9 70.6 0 0 64 Auto Rv 14 2309 W65 Cory Collins 19 19 7:55 27:19 19:24 5:25-5:30 6:28 5:49.5 75.7 0 0 66 Auto Rv 18 1346 M60 Alan Norden 17 17 7:25 27:24 19:59 5:35-5:40 6:40 6.1:00 53 0 0 69 Auto Rv 16 2016 W50 Julie Carmody 7 7 3:20 27:26 24:06 6:50-7:00 8:02 7:14.2 46.7 54 Y 71 2006 M50 John Carmody 1 1 0:00 27:28 27:28 7:50-8:00 9:09 8:14.9 35.8 0 0 73 2647 W50 Cathy Montalto 33 33 11:45 27:33 15:48 4:15-4:20 5:16 4:44.7 74 53 Y 76 1961 W45 Anitra Kenny 12 12 6:00 27:36 21:36 6-6:10:00 7:12 6:29.2 50.4 52 Y 78 2728 W65 Jenny Galvin 12 12 6:00 28:07 22:07 6-6:10:00 7:22 6:38.5 62.8 51 Y 80 Auto Rv 11 2471 W75 Gwen Gleeson 7 7 3:20 28:20 25:00 6:50-7:00 8:20 7:30.5 77.2 0 1 83 1520 W70 Anne Young 17 17 7:25 28:23 20:58 5:35-5:40 6:59 6:17.8 71.3 50 Y 85 3670 M60 Michael Roche 22 22 8:45 28:28 19:43 5:10-5:15 6:34 5:55.3 54.9 49 Y 88 Auto Rv 21 1023 M70 John Bakker 8 8 3:50 28:37 24:47 6:40-6:50 8:16 7:26.5 47.9 0 1 90 4999 W45 Amanda Chew 18 18 7:40 28:39 20:59 5:30-5:35 7 6:18.1 51 48 Y 92 Auto Rv 17 1367 M75 Jack Perry 1 1 0:00 28:58 28:58 7:50-8:00 9:39 8:41.9 46 47 Y 95 2403 M65 Doug Carney 18 18 7:40 29:06 21:26 5:30-5:35 7:09 6:26.2 50.8 46 Y 97 4434 W40 Maria Brady 1 7 3:20 29:20 26:00 7:50-8:00 8:40 7:48.5 39.2 0 N 100 Auto Rv 2 Waddell Series at Campbell Park over 3km Difficulty factor 1.08 ID Age Name Grp GAct Start Gross Net Gp Rate Rate CorrRt Age% Pts Elig % Com New Gp 1074 W55 Mary Ann Busteed 1 4 1:40 28:41 27:01 9:50-10:00 9:00 8:20.3 62.9 0 0 0 Auto Rv 10 4435 W50 Lynda Sinfield 1 4 1:40 29:32 27:52 9:50-10:00 9:17 8:36.0 58.5 0 N 2 Auto Rv 9 1351 M70 Jim O'Donnell 29 13 6:10 30:32 24:22 6:35-6:40 8:07 7:31.2 71.1 0 G 5 Review 20 1046 W65 Jenny Bourke 11 11 5:25 30:34 25:09 8:10-8:20 8:23 7:45.7 73.6 0 1 8 Auto Rv 15 1289 M65 John Macleod 6 6 2:45 30:38 27:53 9-9:10:00 9:18 8:36.4 60.4 0 0 10 Auto Rv 9 4337 W45 Rosalie Pilkinton 14 14 6:30 31:07 24:37 7:50-7:55 8:12 7:35.9 62.5 40 Y 13 Gold 18 1869 M55 Rick Hatcher 34 34 11:50 31:15 19:25 6:10-6:15 6:28 5:59.6 73.6 39 Y 16 Silver 37 2503 M60 Rod Gilchrist 33 33 11:35 31:25 19:50 6:15-6:20 6:37 6:07.3 76.1 38 Y 18 Bronze 35 1386 M70 Stuart J Reid 14 14 6:30 31:28 24:58 7:50-7:55 8:19 7:42.3 69 0 1 21 Auto Rv 16 1135 M70 Otmar Dorfer 16 16 7:00 31:31 24:31 7:40-7:45 8:10 7:34.0 71.1 37 Y 24 Auto Rv 18 1290 W65 Chris Mahe 9 9 4:20 31:39 27:19 8:30-8:40 9:06 8:25.9 69.3 36 Y 27 Auto Rv 10 4873 W55 Jane Bell 12 12 5:55 31:47 25:52 8-8:10:00 8:37 7:59.0 64.9 35 Y 29 Auto Rv 13 Page 16 — March Vetrunner

1773 M55 John Littler 26 26 9:40 31:47 22:07 6:50-6:55 7:22 6:49.6 64.6 34 Y 32 Auto Rv 27 2449 M70 Dave Mackenzie 28 28 10:10 31:47 21:37 6:40-6:45 7:12 6:40.3 81.1 33 Y 35 4779 W55 Monika Short 32 32 11:15 32:06 20:51 6:20-6:25 6:57 6:26.1 81.9 32 Y 37 2864 W55 Faye Green 12 12 5:55 32:24 26:29 8-8:10:00 8:50 8:10.4 64.5 0 1 40 1066 M65 Alan Burdon 29 29 10:30 32:32 22:02 6:35-6:40 7:21 6:48.0 76.5 31 Y 43 Auto Rv 28 2060 M60 John Hunt 25 25 9:25 32:41 23:16 6:55-7:00 7:45 7:10.9 69.5 30 Y 45 1186 M70 David Hall 7 7 3:15 33:25 30:10 8:50-9:00 10:03 9:18.6 57.1 29 Y 48 1238 W55 Margaret Johnson 10 10 4:50 33:59 29:09 8:20-8:30 9:43 8:59.8 58.3 28 Y 51 4436 W55 Margaret Fenotti 1 10 4:50 33:59 29:09 9:50-10:00 9:43 8:59.8 58.6 0 N 54 Auto Rv 7 1154 M55 Tony Fenotti 1 10 4:50 34:00 29:10 9:50-10:00 9:43 9.1:00 48.1 0 N 56 Auto Rv 6 1236 M60 Keith Johnson 1 10 4:50 34:01 29:11 9:50-10:00 9:44 9.4:00 54.5 0 0 59 Auto Rv 6 1129 M60 Peter L Davies 1 10 4:50 34:02 29:12 9:50-10:00 9:44 9.7:00 53.6 0 0 62 Auto Rv 6 1872 M55 Frank Stevens 1 1 0:00 34:03 34:03 9:50-10:00 11:21 10:30.6 43.6 0 N 64 2499 M55 Pat Fisher 32 32 11:15 34:37 23:22 6:20-6:25 7:47 7:12.7 61.2 27 Y 67 Auto Rv 31 2466 W65 Nola De Chazal 15 15 6:45 34:38 27:53 7:45-7:50 9:18 8:36.4 67.8 0 0 70 Auto Rv 14 2472 W70 Dorothy Seedsman 8 8 3:45 35:20 31:35 8:40-8:50 10:32 9:44.9 61.8 26 Y 72 Auto Rv 7 3606 W40 Narelle Blackaby 1 1 0:00 35:31 35:31 9:50-10:00 11:50 10:57.7 40.9 25 Y 75 4268 W50 Christine Freeman 13 13 6:10 35:52 29:42 7:55-8:00 9:54 9:10.0 52.5 24 Y 78 Auto Rv 12 1165 M55 Peter Freeman 11 11 5:25 35:54 30:29 8:10-8:20 10:10 9:24.5 48.7 23 Y 81 Auto Rv 10 1882 W55 Brenda Day 21 21 8:20 36:04 27:44 7:15-7:20 9:15 8:33.6 60.9 22 Y 83 Auto Rv 20 2400 M70 Barry Seedsman 21 5 2:10 36:05 33:55 7:15-7:20 11:18 10:28.1 51.4 0 G 86 Auto Rv 20 3911 M55 John Kennedy 1 1 0:00 36:11 36:11 9:50-10:00 12:04 11:10.1 38 0 0 89 4704 M50 Steve Bradford 1 1 0:00 36:13 36:13 9:50-10:00 12:04 11:10.7 36.9 0 0 91 1073 M55 John Busteed 2 1 0:00 36:15 36:15 9:40-9:50 12:05 11:11.3 40.9 0 G 94 Auto Rv 1 1352 M70 Greg O'Neill 1 1 0:00 36:16 36:16 9:50-10:00 12:05 11:11.6 48 0 0 97 2311 W55 Diann Bramwell 14 14 6:30 37:06 30:36 7:50-7:55 10:12 9:26.7 56.2 21 Y 100 Auto Rv 13 Running/Walking Handicap Medallists

As at 3/12/2005 Lorna Burdon 9 2 5 2 Jamie Macgregor 7 4 3 0 Name Tot Gold Sil Bron Merv Collins 9 4 3 2 Dave Mackenzie 7 1 3 3 Rosemary Parker 16 5 6 5 Rick Hatcher 9 3 3 3 Stuart N Reid 7 2 3 2 Trish Thomas 16 5 5 6 Duane Lowry 9 4 3 2 Monika Short 7 0 3 4 Nola De Chazal 15 3 4 8 Terry Munro 9 1 7 1 Bryan Thomas 7 1 2 4 Thelma Reddy 15 4 6 5 Alan Norden 9 4 1 4 Raine Thompson 7 1 2 4 Peter Freeman 14 5 6 3 Andrina Norden 9 4 4 1 Trevor Vogler 7 2 3 2 Ken Daniels 13 4 2 7 Frank Nugent 9 7 1 1 Peter Ward 7 3 3 1 Terry Levings 13 5 4 4 Robin Whyte 9 4 1 4 Maria White 7 3 1 3 Alice Scott 12 6 2 4 Neil Boden 8 2 5 1 Jane Bell 6 1 4 1 Jim Tucker 12 4 4 4 Alan Burdon 8 2 2 4 Chris Booth 6 2 3 1 Alan Williams 12 4 6 2 Gregory Lewis 8 3 5 0 Bob Chapman 6 1 4 1 Greg O'Neill 11 7 2 2 David Meyers 8 0 3 5 Steve Crane 6 1 2 3 Jack Thackray 11 3 2 6 Geoff Moore 8 4 0 4 Mick Dando 6 0 4 2 Lucille Warth 11 6 4 1 Maureen O'Shea 8 2 2 4 Karen Daniels 6 0 4 2 Tony Booth 10 3 4 3 David Alden 7 2 4 1 Otmar Dorfer 6 3 1 2 Carmen Carlon 10 4 2 4 Bev Breen 7 3 4 0 Will Foster 6 1 2 3 Nigel Coldrick 10 4 3 3 John Busteed 7 1 2 4 Keith Johnson 6 3 3 0 Lesley Hamilton 10 2 4 4 Cory Collins 7 3 2 2 Peter Kallio 6 2 1 3 John Littler 10 5 3 2 Mike Dwyer 7 2 3 2 Bill Leyden 6 1 3 2 Al Mallory 10 4 4 2 Michael Gardner 7 3 3 1 John Macleod 6 2 1 3 John Stenhouse 10 0 4 6 George Hanzar 7 0 1 6 Joan Mallory 6 2 2 2 Roger Stewart 10 2 3 5 Mick Horan 7 1 4 2 Kevin Matthews 6 2 2 2 Diann Bramwell 9 3 2 4 Beryl Lowry 7 3 1 3 Brian Paxman 6 0 4 2 IN DEFENCE OF CAMPBELL PARK (Continued from Page 13) April 1989 at Dunrossil Drive. She has won three gold The silver medal was won by Rick Hatcher (M55) from a medals and two silver medals and has completed 10 group 34 start in a net time of 19.25 and a per km rate of ACTVAC half marathons. The T-shirt was present by Nola 6.28. Rick’s goal for this year are to stay injury free but De Chazal. still be competitive (looks like he’s off to a good start). Peter Cullen was presented with his T-shirt for 50 During the Christmas break Rick kept up his training of 75 handicap events. Peter’s first event was in November 1997 to 80km per week including a Friday run with the Customs at the Lake Ginninderra course. He has 3 bronze medals to Joggers. Apart from the Customs run and the Tuesday Vets his name and has competed in 4 ACTVAC half marathons. group Rick does most of his training on his own. Peter’s T-shirt was presented by Mick Charlton. The bronze medal was won by Rod Gilchrist (M60) from A big thank you to the two handicap directors, Bob and a group 33 start in a net time of 19.50 and a per km rate of Cilla Chapman . Otheres rostered on for duty included 6.37. Alsion Ide, Charmaine Knobel, Amanda Lynch, Jenny The fastest participants all under 8 minutes per km Davies, John Adcock, Tony Booth, Nigel Coldrick, Terry were Rick Hatcher (M55) 6:28, Rod Gilchrist (M60) 6:37, Jones, Adrian Krauss, Robin Whyte, Graeme Small, Mick Monika Short (W55) 06:57, Dave Mackenzie (M70) 07:12, Charlton, Pauline Rohan, Alan Duus, Peter Kallio, Rod Alan Burdon (M65) 07:21, John Littler (M55) 07:22, John Lynch, Mike Dwyer, Rochard Hilhorst, Marco Falzarano, Hunt (M60) 07:45 and Pat Fisher (M550 07:47. Geoff Barker and Karen Collins. There were 38 participants in the Waddell Series. A big thanks also to all the regulars in Stuart Reid, T-shirts Doug Fry, Ian Bowden of the handicap sub-committee as Brenda Day was presented with a T-shirt for 100 well as Carol Baird and George Kubitzky with the fruit, handicap events. Sixty three of which were in the Thomas Dave Mackenzie assisting with the child minding ten, Kent series and 36 in the Waddell. Brenda’s first event was in and Lynn Williams with the chuck wagon March Vetrunner — Page 17

Bev Scown 6 4 0 2 Keith Butler 4 1 3 0 Margaret Taylor 6 2 2 2 Wendy Davidson 4 1 2 1 In appreciation Kaye Thorpe 6 3 2 1 Grahame Delaney 4 1 1 2 To all Officials and Volunteers, Pamela Weiss 6 2 3 1 John Dimitriou 4 1 0 3 Lynn Williams 6 2 2 2 Robert Ey 4 2 1 1 Many of you will have seen the Glenda Wood 6 0 1 5 Alan Frazer 4 1 1 2 Australian Athletics team Roger Abbott 5 1 2 2 Jenny Galvin 4 2 1 1 announcement yesterday and John Bakker 5 2 2 1 Faye Green 4 1 0 3 taken great delight in seeing so Kerry Boden 5 1 3 1 Bob Harlow 4 0 1 3 Ian Bowden 5 0 3 2 Francis Harris 4 1 2 1 many ACT based athletes in the Colin Bridge 5 1 2 2 David Holmes 4 0 4 0 team. Some of you may have a Tony Cavuoto 5 1 3 1 Reg Johnson 4 1 2 1 particular link to one or more of Cilla Chapman 5 1 3 1 Roy Jones 4 4 0 0 the athletes and feel some pride in Jillian M Cark 5 3 1 1 Anitra Kenny 4 2 2 0 Brenda Day 5 3 2 0 Deslie Kubitzky 4 2 1 1 their selection. Brenda Field 5 1 2 2 Ian Lavering 4 1 0 3 I cannot begin to imagine how Lloyd Field 5 3 1 1 Sylvia Mackay 4 1 3 0 proud the parents of these athletes Beverley Forbes 5 2 2 1 Chris Mahe 4 1 2 1 Christine Freeman 5 2 3 0 Ron Maxwell 4 1 1 2 are, in particular Kerry and Neil Michael Freer 5 0 2 3 Joe Mayer 4 2 2 0 Boden, and Michael Armstrong's Audun Fristad 5 4 0 1 Neil Mcleod 4 1 2 1 and Lisa Corrigan's parents. This Bill Ginich 5 3 2 0 John McMillan 4 1 3 0 selection is the result of many Adrian Krauss 5 1 3 1 Bernie Millett 4 2 0 2 George Kubitzky 5 4 0 1 Cathy Montalto 4 1 0 3 hours of hard work, sacrifice and Brian Mclachlan 5 0 0 5 Cathy Newman 4 1 0 3 talent, primarily by the athletes Pat Mullins 5 2 0 3 Jim O'Donnell 4 3 1 0 and their coaches but also by the Claire Perry 5 0 2 3 Bob Parker 4 2 1 1 officials and volunteers that Roger Pilkington 5 2 2 1 Dan Reddy 4 2 1 1 Pauline Rohan 5 1 1 3 Stuart J Reid 4 0 2 2 provide the environment for them Gwen Vines 5 1 3 1 Bernie Rogers 4 1 2 1 to compete and train. Anne Young 5 1 0 4 Maureen Rossiter 4 1 0 3 Last year I was honoured to Carol Baird 4 2 1 1 Anni Schiworski 4 2 2 0 receive the Telstra Athletics Geoff Barker 4 1 1 2 Dorothy Seedsman 4 0 1 3 Ruth Baussmann 4 1 2 1 Lorraine Stevens 4 1 1 2 Australia Volunteer Award, during Clive Beeson 4 2 1 1 Cindy Stewart 4 0 2 2 my acceptance speech, I thanked Jennie Blake 4 0 2 2 Dave Thomson 4 1 1 2 everyone for the award, but Jenny Bourke 4 1 2 1 Rob Thorpe 4 3 1 0 Ray Bramwell 4 1 2 1 Phillip Toomey 4 2 2 0 acknowledged that the real Ewan Brown 4 2 2 0 Gai Webster 4 2 0 2 reward for me and every other volunteer out there is seeing athletes such as Lauren Boden TWO STALWARTS CELEBRATE progress from Little Athletics to National Open Champion and MARCH BIRTHDAYS feeling that in a small way I have been part of that. BRYAN THOMAS continues his brief profiles of members celebrating We all should share this pride, three score and ten years (plus) birthdays during the year. Last month as our athletes attain we had two octogenarian and seven septuagenarian birthdays but this success. Yesterday 19 ACT Based month only two, Peter Frylink and Greg O’Neill. athletes were announced in the Peter Frylink, our inaugural president (1979-85), turns 73. He was edi- Commonwealth Games team, an tor or co-editor of “Vetrunner” (1979-86) and leader of the organizing outstanding effort for such a small team for the 1984 Oceania Championships. In 1985 he was awarded Association: Life Membership. Peter was more social jogger than competitive run- Patrick Johnson, Adam Miller, ner plodding along at the back of the field enjoying the race and com- Daniel Batman, , pany of those jogging along at his own gentle pace. The Frylink Series , Stuart Rendell, in our running handicap program bears his name. During the 80s , Michael Armstrong, ‘running boom’ Peter was contracted to build an ‘eco-friendly’ toilet Heath Francis, Tim Parravicini, block at Deek Drive, Stromlo. During construction it was known as Kerrie Tuarima, Richard ‘Peter’s Palace’ but when Robert de Castella officially opened it in Nicholson, Lauren Boden, Lisa 1987 and had the honour of first pee it became “Deek’s Dunny”. Peter Corrigan, , Luke now lives in Umina on the Central Coast but maintains a close inter- Adams, , and Katrina est in club activities. Webb are all based here in Greg O’Neill is 74. Although injuries have curtailed his participation Canberra. While the AIS plays a in recent times Greg was for many years a regular at all running significant role in many of these events including pack runs, handicaps, track and field, fun runs, athletes being here, they and many marathons and half marathons. He was the second recipient of the more have used Canberra as part prestigious Encouragement Award (1982) and third to achieve 200 of their preparation, and not only monthly handicaps (September 2003) having run his first in June 1981 for the facilities. on the now abandoned course through Forrest. He ran our first eight The selection of ACT Based half marathons (1982-89) and as a marathon runner his aim was to officials also supports the break the ‘4 hour barrier’ which he eventually achieved when he ran outstanding environment here in 3.53 in the 1988 Canberra Marathon aged 56. Canberra. Members moving up an age group this month are: Well done to all, feel proud Bryce Anderson M45, Norm Bakker and John Hunt both M65, Chris knowing that we all played a role in supporting these athletes. Lang M55, Cathy Newman W45, Diana Schneider W60, Megan Stewart Thank you, W40 and Lynn Williams W60. MICHAEL THOMSON, President, Congratulations and Happy Birthday Peter, Greg, Bryce, Norm, John, ACT Athletics Chris, Cathy, Diana, Megan and Lynn. Page 18 — March Vetrunner Mike Adler 3 0 1 2 Peter P Davies 3 1 1 1 Jack Perry 3 1 1 1 Alan Anderson 3 0 2 1 Edna Dundas 3 1 1 1 Rosalie Pilkinton 3 3 0 0 Bob Banens 3 0 1 2 Pat Fisher 3 1 1 1 Adrian Plunkett 3 1 1 1 Roslyn Bauer 3 0 3 0 Julie Fitch 3 1 0 2 Marlene Reid 3 0 2 1 Nick Blackaby 3 2 0 1 Doug Fry 3 3 0 0 Bill Rendall 3 1 1 1 Kevin Blewitt 3 2 1 0 Peter Frylink 3 1 2 0 Maureen Scutter 3 1 1 1 Gary Bowen 3 0 0 3 Bronwyn Gardner 3 1 2 0 Graeme Small 3 1 1 1 Prue Bradford 3 1 0 2 Michelle Glanville 3 2 1 0 Andrew Snedden 3 0 1 2 Mike Breen 3 1 2 0 David Hall 3 0 3 0 Chris Tait 3 1 0 2 Kate Bridge 3 1 1 1 Tony Hammett 3 1 1 1 Grahame Taylor 3 2 0 1 Gael Brook 3 0 1 2 Noel Hart 3 0 1 2 Tony Taylor 3 0 1 2 Jill Brown 3 1 2 0 Megan Haylock 3 0 1 2 Jack Tonkin 3 1 2 0 Graham Burke 3 2 1 0 Lynda Hilton 3 1 1 1 Louise Vizard 3 0 3 0 John Burns 3 2 1 0 Keith Hodgson 3 1 1 1 Peter Waddell 3 0 1 2 Mary Ann Busteed 3 0 0 3 David Holland 3 1 2 0 Ken White 3 0 1 2 John Carmody 3 1 1 1 Allan Johnson 3 1 1 1 Mike Worsley 3 0 2 1 Julie Carmody 3 1 0 2 Margaret Johnson 3 2 0 1 Gabrielle Wright 3 2 1 0 Amanda Chew 3 1 0 2 John Kemp 3 1 0 2 Judy Allison 2 1 0 1 Peter Clarke 3 1 0 2 Lachlan Lewis 3 2 1 0 Steve Appleby 2 0 1 1 Connie Clement 3 2 0 1 Amanda Lynch 3 1 2 0 Michael Badham 2 1 0 1 Maree Coldrick 3 1 0 2 Bob Mee 3 1 0 2 Bill Beale 2 1 0 1 Tanya Colyer 3 2 1 0 Charlie Modrak 3 0 2 1 Judith Benson 2 0 2 0 Kevin Comerford 3 2 0 1 Richard Morcom 3 2 0 1 Wayne Berry 2 0 2 0 Paul Considine 3 2 1 0 Juani M O'Reilly 3 2 0 1 Chris Best 2 2 0 0 Peter Cullen 3 0 0 3 John Parker 3 2 0 1 Graham Bridge 2 1 1 0 Running/Walking Handicap Tallies

Name Long Short Walk Tot Alice Scott 74 51 1 126 Joe Mayer 93 0 0 93 George Hanzar 236 0 0 236 Judi Edwards 119 4 0 123 John Richardson 93 0 0 93 Greg O'Neill 139 74 8 221 John Kemp 122 0 0 122 Alan Anderson 77 15 0 92 Bryan Thomas 214 5 1 220 Maureen O'Shea 75 47 0 122 Margaret Taylor 0 90 2 92 Bob Parker 201 18 0 219 Peter L Davies 109 11 2 122 Cory Collins 62 29 0 91 Stuart J Reid 186 23 7 216 John Dimitriou 122 0 0 122 Ian Bowden 55 36 0 91 Peter Freeman 165 3 38 206 Brian Austin 121 0 0 121 Jill Brown 82 8 0 90 Alan Williams 202 0 0 202 Lynn Williams 99 21 1 121 Nick Blackaby 90 0 0 90 John Macleod 185 12 4 201 Kent Williams 119 0 0 119 Doug Carney 52 36 2 90 John Bakker 151 47 1 199 Alan Mallory 119 0 0 119 John McMillan 89 0 0 89 Jim O'Donnell 94 55 40 189 Peter Kallio 116 0 2 118 Chris Booth 33 30 26 89 Sue Counsel 188 0 1 189 Steve Appleby 118 0 0 118 Gwen Gleeson 2 87 0 89 John Busteed 171 11 4 186 David Meyers 52 64 0 116 Jenny Galvin 0 89 0 89 Rosemary Parker 57 122 7 186 Bob Harlow 114 0 0 114 Frank Nugent 28 60 0 88 Colin Bridge 184 0 0 184 John Carmody 113 1 0 114 Bernie Hackett 78 7 2 87 Terry Levings 184 0 0 184 Maree Coldrick 99 14 0 113 Marco Falzarano 87 0 0 87 Charlie Modrak 184 0 0 184 Ron Maxwell 100 12 0 112 Gregory Lewis 0 86 0 86 Doug Fry 180 0 0 180 Richard Scutter 109 0 3 112 Ian Kenny 85 1 0 86 Mary Ann Busteed 174 1 1 176 Roger Stewart 5 107 0 112 Dorothy Seedsman 70 5 11 86 Anne Young 151 23 2 176 Mick Dando 26 86 0 112 Mirek Milewski 85 0 0 85 Otmar Dorfer 161 2 11 174 Dave Mackenzie 7 44 61 112 Jack Perry 0 85 0 85 Roger Abbott 165 8 0 173 Margaret Johnson 60 47 4 111 Laurie Robinson 83 1 0 84 Bronwyn Gardner 164 7 1 172 Jim O'Shea 110 0 0 110 Adrian Krauss 0 84 0 84 Duane Lowry 126 41 5 172 Jack Thackray 9 101 0 110 Ken White 82 0 2 84 Trish Thomas 29 114 28 171 Neil Mcleod 110 0 0 110 Wayne Berry 84 0 0 84 Bill Leyden 171 0 0 171 Lesley Hamilton 15 80 14 109 Roger Pilkington 83 1 0 84 Bob Chapman 106 64 0 170 Rob Thorpe 109 0 0 109 Graham Burke 83 0 0 83 Joan Mallory 170 0 0 170 Alan Duus 108 0 1 109 Linda Jamieson 80 2 0 82 Bernie Rogers 168 0 0 168 Juani M O'Reilly 97 4 7 108 Ron Weir 71 11 0 82 Michael Freer 155 6 6 167 Lloyd Field 66 41 0 107 John Lightfoot 82 0 0 82 Alan Burdon 124 13 29 166 Ray Bramwell 37 63 7 107 Tanya Colyer 10 35 36 81 Alan Norden 72 90 0 162 Cilla Chapman 40 63 3 106 Rod Gilchrist 65 4 12 81 Mike Dwyer 62 98 1 161 Norma Lindemann 98 1 7 106 Neil Matters 72 8 0 80 Merv Collins 56 91 14 161 Jillian M Clark 0 106 0 106 Bev Breen 0 80 0 80 Ken Daniels 64 95 1 160 Val Chesterton 45 54 6 105 Karen Daniels 1 79 0 80 Michael Gardner 158 1 0 159 Pamela Weiss 93 8 4 105 John Ison 79 0 0 79 Tony Booth 151 5 2 158 Richard Morcom 104 0 0 104 Michael Clancy 53 26 0 79 Ewan Brown 158 0 0 158 Jenny Hefford 103 1 0 104 Andrina Norden 27 41 10 78 John Suiter 153 2 1 156 Robert Sword 103 0 0 103 Kaye Thorpe 3 75 0 78 Keith Johnson 123 23 7 153 Beryl Lowry 79 21 3 103 Neil Harrigan 68 10 0 78 Jim White 152 1 0 153 Jim Tucker 15 74 13 102 Phillip Toomey 15 61 2 78 Will Foster 149 3 0 152 Stuart N Reid 102 0 0 102 Bill Rendall 77 0 0 77 Lorna Burdon 104 37 11 152 Gwen Vines 97 4 1 102 Max Carter 76 0 0 76 Dan Reddy 151 0 0 151 Terry Munro 50 27 25 102 Tony Taylor 73 3 0 76 Peter Ward 141 10 0 151 Pat Mullins 91 4 6 101 Trevor Vogler 69 7 0 76 Al Mallory 115 6 29 150 Nola De Chazal 0 62 39 101 Bev Scown 49 25 1 75 Lucille Warth 71 65 14 150 John Hart 100 0 0 100 Mike Adler 57 17 0 74 Thelma Reddy 124 15 1 140 Peter Skinner 99 1 0 100 David Morgan 43 31 0 74 Geoff Moore 120 19 0 139 Brenda Day 63 0 37 100 Reg Mullins 74 0 0 74 Maria White 133 2 2 137 George Kubitzky 51 48 0 99 Diann Bramwell 0 18 56 74 Peter Clarke 135 0 2 137 Jo Cullen 97 0 0 97 Anitra Kenny 13 61 0 74 Bernie Millett 135 0 1 136 Cathy Montalto 0 97 0 97 Brenda Field 35 38 0 73 Graeme Small 131 4 0 135 Sherrl Greathead 59 38 0 97 Ian Macfarling 73 0 0 73 Kevin O'Keeffe 129 1 0 130 Russell Lutton 85 11 0 96 Raine Thompson 22 27 24 73 Neil Boden 38 91 1 130 Keith Butler 95 0 0 95 Glenda Wood 40 33 0 73 John Littler 102 0 27 129 Val Bland 92 3 0 95 Barry Seedsman 58 4 11 73 Keith Perroux 74 53 0 127 Robert Ey 94 1 0 95 Mike Worsley 73 0 0 73 Nigel Coldrick 126 1 0 127 Mick Corlis 94 0 0 94 Elizabeth Thompson 73 0 0 73 John Alcock 126 0 1 127 David Hall 49 10 35 94 Jim Bosworth 71 1 0 72 March Vetrunner — Page 19 Bob Hunter 72 0 0 72 Jenny Bourke 42 0 5 47 Narelle Blackaby 0 11 18 29 Peter Trotter 36 36 0 72 Mario Larocca 45 1 1 47 Megan Haylock 0 29 0 29 Cindy Stewart 0 71 0 71 Ian Dundas 15 31 0 46 Myriam De Rignies 28 0 0 28 Ruth Baussmann 71 0 0 71 Kerry Boden 0 39 7 46 Joan Glover 2 26 0 28 Cathy Newman 60 11 0 71 Ron Ford 45 0 0 45 Frank Green 28 0 0 28 Jeff Day 70 0 0 70 Chris Higgins 45 0 0 45 Ian Johnson 28 0 0 28 Eric Lindemann 67 1 2 70 Mike Kennedy 45 0 0 45 Malcolm Phipps 28 0 0 28 Tony Cavuoto 70 0 0 70 Bob Mee 28 2 13 43 Gurdip ahota 28 0 0 28 Adrian Plunkett 65 4 0 69 Gary Moss 43 0 0 43 Louise Vizard 4 24 0 28 Craig Tucker 69 0 0 69 Roslyn Bauer 5 38 0 43 Carolynne Yates 27 1 0 28 Christopher Lang 64 5 0 69 Ray Blackmore 31 9 3 43 Lois Bolton 14 14 0 28 Maria O'Reilly 68 0 1 69 Michael Roche 0 43 0 43 Karen Collins 27 1 0 28 Anna Farnham 68 0 0 68 Brenda Ford 2 41 0 43 Mike Allen 27 0 0 27 Peter Waddell 38 11 19 68 Stuart Manley 42 0 0 42 Daryl Back 27 0 0 27 Brian Wenn 68 0 0 68 Jack Tonkin 41 1 0 42 Malcolm Mann 20 7 0 27 Carmen Carlon 0 33 34 67 Terri Jones 29 12 1 42 Jim Mckenzie 27 0 0 27 Ewen Thompson 58 8 0 66 John Henderson 41 0 0 41 Christine Pauling 27 0 0 27 Craig Wisdom 66 0 0 66 Derek Quinto 41 0 0 41 Dave Thomson 25 2 0 27 John Jamieson 65 0 0 65 Elaine B Slater 25 16 0 41 Dave Southgate 27 0 0 27 Brian Paxman 65 0 0 65 Charmaine Knobel 41 0 0 41 Mike Rudwick 27 0 0 27 Jamie Macgregor 34 31 0 65 Peter McDonald 41 0 0 41 Allison Duncan 26 0 1 27 Theresa Macgregor 24 41 0 65 Diana Schneider 41 0 0 41 Colin Adrian 26 1 0 27 Connie Clement 64 0 0 64 Glenn Coward 39 1 0 40 Peter Bourgaize 26 0 0 26 Peter P Davies 64 0 0 64 Annie Van Herck 37 2 1 40 Jenny Bramley 0 26 0 26 Jon Donovan 64 0 0 64 Ross Gregg 40 0 0 40 Richard Parsons 9 17 0 26 Clive Beeson 50 13 0 63 Debbie Cowell 37 3 0 40 Jonne Yabsley 23 3 0 26 Alan Frazer 63 0 0 63 Hal Dalheim 28 11 0 39 John Revesz 23 3 0 26 Grahame Taylor 0 63 0 63 John Parker 0 39 0 39 Neil Gentle 23 2 1 26 Bruce Wight 63 0 0 63 Amy Pryor 39 0 0 39 Sue Bowden 25 0 0 25 Anna Sutherland 0 62 0 62 Jenny Davies 39 0 0 39 Kate Bridge 10 15 0 25 Bill Egan 46 16 0 62 Pat Fisher 15 0 24 39 Dale Chatwin 25 0 0 25 Clive Glover 60 1 1 62 John Kennedy 37 1 1 39 Helen Daly 15 10 0 25 Margaret McSpadden 56 6 0 62 Gillian Lee 33 5 0 38 Brian Mcglynn 9 16 0 25 Steve Crane 58 0 3 61 Eamonn Moloney 38 0 0 38 Jenny White 10 15 0 25 Francis Harris 10 51 0 61 Steve Smith 36 2 0 38 Peter Wilson 25 0 0 25 Hugh Crawley 61 0 0 61 Juani B O'Reilly 31 3 4 38 Barry Wisener 25 0 0 25 Rick Hatcher 11 0 50 61 Vicki Matthews 0 37 1 38 Robert Barbaro 0 25 0 25 Lachlan Lewis 59 1 0 60 Frank Kresse 28 9 0 37 Amanda Lynch 0 0 25 25 Brian Mclachlan 0 60 0 60 Paulette Montaigne 22 12 3 37 Sylvia Mackay 0 0 25 25 Carol Baird 0 60 0 60 Jennie Blake 37 0 0 37 Doug Limbrick 25 0 0 25 Audun Fristad 23 31 5 59 George Quarmby 34 3 0 37 Geoff Sims 24 0 1 25 Vic Hessell 19 40 0 59 Alan Green 37 0 0 37 John Hunt 0 0 25 25 Terri Henderson 2 56 1 59 Hugh Dakin 36 0 0 36 Carmel Lynch 25 0 0 25 Mick Horan 42 17 0 59 Ian Dalziel 14 22 0 36 Gael Brook 0 24 0 24 Robbie Costmeyer 59 0 0 59 Bill Ginich 36 0 0 36 David Cook 23 1 0 24 Carolyn Behm 0 58 0 58 Roy Jones 36 0 0 36 David Holland 12 12 0 24 Peter Frylink 54 3 1 58 Annette Sugden 31 5 0 36 Hans Kettniss 24 0 0 24 Harry Tys 58 0 0 58 Warren Butler 35 1 0 36 Dianne Lane 0 22 2 24 Peter Hann 0 58 0 58 Jean Heath 0 23 12 35 Marie Plunkett-Cole 18 6 0 24 Carol Ey 50 8 0 58 Joe Janas 35 0 0 35 Brian Wright 24 0 0 24 Patrick McNeile 57 0 0 57 Rad Leovic 35 0 0 35 Allan Sherriff 0 24 0 24 Carol Robinson 54 3 0 57 Richard Hilhorst 35 0 0 35 Michelle Glanville 13 11 0 24 Gai Webster 5 52 0 57 Tony Murray 34 0 0 34 Helen Munro 0 3 21 24 Caroline Campbell 54 1 1 56 Colin Farlow 34 0 0 34 Dawn Casey 24 0 0 24 Faye Green 0 28 28 56 Anne McNeill 33 1 0 34 Julie Carmody 0 8 16 24 Maureen Rossiter 0 54 1 55 Kathy Sims 33 1 0 34 John Backhouse 20 3 0 23 Claire Perry 0 55 0 55 Christopher Yardley 34 0 0 34 Malcolm Bennett 23 0 0 23 Alan Wilson 33 21 0 54 Wilf Deck 33 0 0 33 Graham Bridge 23 0 0 23 Prue Bradford 51 1 2 54 Beverley Forbes 4 29 0 33 John Fitzgerald 23 0 0 23 Chris Mahe 10 30 14 54 Joanne Hastings 33 0 0 33 Robyn Kennedy 16 7 0 23 Kevin Chapman 53 1 0 54 Susan Littler 29 4 0 33 Sue Kesson 23 0 0 23 Reg Johnson 50 3 0 53 Ian Lavering 1 31 1 33 Peggy Anne O'Malley 22 1 0 23 Marlene Reid 0 53 0 53 Susan Archer 33 0 0 Gary Pattel 23 0 0 23 Chris Tait 53 0 0 53 33 Anni Schiworski 17 0 6 23 Elaine Cooper 10 43 0 53 Russel Barton 32 0 0 32 Alex Tandy 23 0 0 23 Garry Hand 41 12 0 53 Julie Fitch 29 3 0 32 Ernie Warner 23 0 0 23 Steve Bradford 52 0 1 53 Janet Mann 32 0 0 32 Michael Howe 0 23 0 23 Jim McLean 2 50 0 52 Pauline Rohan 0 9 23 32 Ron Vines 23 0 0 23 Stephen Yates 52 0 0 52 Geoff Barker 21 1 10 32 Milton Valentine 23 0 0 23 Mike Breen 35 17 0 52 Jane Bell 0 0 32 32 Ann Dawson 23 0 0 23 Kevin Matthews 0 52 0 52 Desma Butler 29 2 1 32 Judy Blake 0 13 10 23 David Holmes 0 52 0 52 Bob Banens 0 29 2 31 Robyn McClelland 23 0 0 23 Grahame Delaney 5 47 0 52 Max Chapman 31 0 0 31 Amanda Chew 18 5 0 23 Monika Short 0 0 52 52 Kerry O'Neill 30 1 0 31 Robert Bushell 19 0 3 22 Wendy Davidson 51 0 0 51 Michael Ward-Pearson 17 14 0 31 Margaret Dalheim 1 21 0 22 Robert Thomson 51 0 0 51 Geoffrey Herring 31 0 0 31 Bob Hammond 22 0 0 22 Tim Wright 48 1 2 51 John Burns 0 31 0 31 Trevor Jacobs 22 0 0 22 Lorraine Stevens 43 8 0 51 David Alden 8 22 0 30 Maggie Johnson 22 0 0 22 John Stenhouse 7 0 43 50 Ken Eynon 30 0 0 30 Terry Lewis 22 0 0 22 Gabrielle Wright 47 3 0 50 Maureen Marshall 20 10 0 30 Marilyn Neill 22 0 0 22 Mick Charlton 50 0 0 50 Lisa Wilson 25 4 1 30 Ross Peake 0 22 0 22 Peter Cullen 50 0 0 50 Graham Martin Peelgrane 22 0 0 22 Robin Whyte 4 0 45 49 Zalewska-Moon 30 0 0 30 Shirley Rake 21 1 0 22 David Webster 49 0 0 49 Martin Butterfield 29 0 0 29 Sabrina Sonntag 22 0 0 22 Mick Saunders 48 0 0 48 Harold Kemp 29 0 0 29 Chris Vincent 18 4 0 22 Terry Giesecke 48 0 0 48 Rae Palmer 29 0 0 29 Drew Winson 22 0 0 22 Ken Gowans 46 1 0 47 Maree Smith 27 2 0 29 Diana Wright 22 0 0 22 Deslie Kubitzky 46 1 0 47 Kon Sotiropoulos 29 0 0 29 Marc Wilson 22 0 0 22 Neville Madden 44 3 0 47 Belinda Thompson 29 0 0 29 Carol Kelly 22 0 0 22 Rod Lynch 47 0 0 47 Garry Maher 0 29 0 29 Hugh Ford 16 6 0 22 Page 20 — March Vetrunner Jenny Walton 8 14 0 22 Joy Hilhorst 4 14 0 18 Christine Toohey 15 0 0 15 Nigel Crew 4 0 17 21 Kerry Alchin 18 0 0 18 Damian Rutledge 14 1 0 15 Edna Dundas 21 0 0 21 Lorraine Jansen 17 1 0 18 Paul Considine 11 4 0 15 Geoff Gardner 21 0 0 21 Greg Dutton-Regester 18 0 0 18 Judy Allison 14 0 0 14 Geoff Hawke 21 0 0 21 Consie Larmour 0 18 0 18 Michael Badham 14 0 0 14 Lynda Hilton 3 17 1 21 Barry Beames 17 0 0 17 Christine Benger 11 3 0 14 Allan Johnson 21 0 0 21 Allistair Clarke 17 0 0 17 Martin Darby 14 0 0 14 Mick Konemann 20 1 0 21 Ian Daley 0 17 0 17 Kirsten Didlick 8 6 0 14 Chris Lathbury 21 0 0 21 Dennis Frost 17 0 0 17 Craig Edwards 13 1 0 14 Sandra Lawrene 19 2 0 21 Hazel Hoskisson 14 3 0 17 John Franze 14 0 0 14 Lee Lewis 21 0 0 21 Anne I'Ons 17 0 0 17 John Mahoney 14 0 0 14 Helena Winson 21 0 0 21 Garry Lee 12 5 0 17 Jim Middleton 14 0 0 14 Amanda Walker 19 2 0 21 David Morton 17 0 0 17 Amanda Ruffin 14 0 0 14 Carolyne Kramar 17 4 0 21 Janelle Parks 15 2 0 17 John Scown 8 6 0 14 Alison Ide 0 21 0 21 Robyn Cavuoto 17 0 0 17 Chas Stewart 14 0 0 14 Paul Archer 21 0 0 21 Peter Hogan 17 0 0 17 Priscilla Wadham 7 7 0 14 Kevin Blewitt 15 5 0 20 Katie Forestier 1 16 0 17 Bernie Wiemers 14 0 0 14 Dan Dawes 20 0 0 20 Diane Clancy 1 11 5 17 Ian Willis 14 0 0 14 Peter James 20 0 0 20 Christine Freeman 0 0 17 17 Ian Wood 14 0 0 14 Robyne Kellett 0 20 0 20 Heather Allsopp 14 2 0 16 John Woodall 14 0 0 14 Marg Mackie 17 3 0 20 Bill Dent 0 16 0 16 Judy Gorman 2 0 12 14 Kathe O'Brien 20 0 0 20 Mel Dowd 9 7 0 16 Bob Lowry 14 0 0 14 Jack Pennington 20 0 0 20 Col Ford 16 0 0 16 Pam Faulks 13 1 0 14 Jim Sawkins 15 5 0 20 Deirdre Geelan 16 0 0 16 Antonina Bolschelarski 0 14 0 14 Andrew Snedden 0 20 0 20 Tony Kingdon 16 0 0 16 Janet Burstall 1 12 0 13 Carol Stevenson 19 1 0 20 Fiona Longden 16 0 0 16 Tim Chambers 13 0 0 13 Rob Veenendaal 19 1 0 20 David Miles 16 0 0 16 Maria Hancock 13 0 0 13 Kathleen Bleakley 0 20 0 20 David Morewood 16 0 0 16 Lawrie Kendall 0 13 0 13 Blair Phillips 20 0 0 20 Tony Paterson 11 5 0 16 Ellen Lloyd 4 9 0 13 Lloyd Donnelly 20 0 0 20 James Roberts 16 0 0 16 Judy Stevenson 8 5 0 13 Lorraine Cox 0 19 1 20 Brian Templeton 16 0 0 16 John Swaine 13 0 0 13 Gary Bowen 4 16 0 20 Jean Herring 0 3 13 16 Bill Wise 13 0 0 13 Stan Awizen 19 0 0 19 Cilla Dalton 0 15 1 16 John Stoney 13 0 0 13 Eva Bennet 18 1 0 19 Peter Thomson 16 0 0 16 Rosalie Pilkinton 0 0 13 13 Shelley Bissett 0 19 0 19 Tony Fenotti 15 0 1 16 Phil Coggins 12 0 0 12 Wendy Cook 2 17 0 19 Jacqueline Millard 15 0 1 16 Barbara Curran 0 12 0 12 Jeff Culnane 19 0 0 19 Jenny Holmes 0 4 12 16 Tanya Daley 0 12 0 12 Trish Dalziel 2 17 0 19 David Anderson 15 0 0 15 Michael Daly 12 0 0 12 Margaret Dando 4 14 1 19 Adam Bartlett 0 15 0 15 Peter Davis 8 3 1 12 Nick Hearnshaw 19 0 0 19 Chris Best 15 0 0 15 Simon Duke 12 0 0 12 Mark Power 19 0 0 19 Malcolm Bone 15 0 0 15 Rhonda Gilbert 12 0 0 12 Dave Watson 19 0 0 19 Ed Brittain 15 0 0 15 Jane Halton 12 0 0 12 Paul Macgowan 19 0 0 19 Eric Brookbanks 15 0 0 15 Tony Mckittrick 12 0 0 12 Marian Blake 2 17 0 19 Arthur Brown 15 0 0 15 Geoff Parkinson 12 0 0 12 Rosemary Longstaff 19 0 0 19 Gunnar Bursell 15 0 0 15 Sue Quayle-Bates 3 9 0 12 Robin Collins 9 9 0 18 Cameron Colquhoun 15 0 0 15 Peter Schiworski 12 0 0 12 Kevin Comerford 18 0 0 18 Howard Girvan 15 0 0 15 Maureen Scutter 0 0 12 12 Jenny Fitzsimmons 0 18 0 18 Ralph Hoskisson 15 0 0 15 David Shore 12 0 0 12 Jenny Gregory 18 0 0 18 Barbara Jackson 15 0 0 15 Elaine M Slater 7 5 0 12 Tony Hammett 18 0 0 18 Maureen Janas 15 0 0 15 Fay Stenhouse 12 0 0 12 Glenda Heyde 18 0 0 18 Keith Knight 15 0 0 15 Marian Ward 12 0 0 12 Stephen Kellett 17 1 0 18 Linda Lenton 11 4 0 15 John Williams 3 9 0 12 Monty Momcilovic 18 0 0 18 Gary Lynch 15 0 0 15 Roy Yeeles 12 0 0 12 Paul Rudkin 18 0 0 18 Peter O'Brien 13 2 0 15 Amalendu Edelsten 12 0 0 12 Mary Wahren 14 1 3 18 Mike Sainsbury 4 11 0 15 Ken Gordon 0 12 0 12 Michael Whipp 18 0 0 18 Walter Stibbs 13 2 0 15 Zena Allen 11 0 0 11 Bob Allison 11 0 0 11 Tony Brown 0 11 0 11 Eddie Cross 11 0 0 11 Mark Fountain 11 0 0 11 Chris Hurley 11 0 0 11 Fiona Jorgensen 11 0 0 11 Penny Lee 0 0 11 11 Geoff Morrison 11 0 0 11 Rosa Murray 10 1 0 11 Tom Murray 10 1 0 11 Jeff O'Brien 11 0 0 11 Peter Rogers 11 0 0 11 Nigel Rudkin 11 0 0 11 Deirdre Russack 4 7 0 11 Laurie Sorahan 11 0 0 11 John Walsh 0 11 0 11 Polly Templeton 10 1 0 11 Frank Stevens 6 3 2 11 Len Childs 5 5 0 10 Marjolein Collins 0 0 10 10 Jenny Eneberg 0 10 0 10 Ric Fitch 10 0 0 10 Craig Freeman 0 6 4 10 Brian Gleeson 10 0 0 10 Peter Jackson 10 0 0 10 Steve Kavanagh 10 0 0 10 Ian Leves 10 0 0 10 Robert Marshall 10 0 0 10 Deny Martin 9 1 0 10 Jenny May 10 0 0 10 Peter May 6 4 0 10 Bryan Mccarthy 10 0 0 10 Steve Nichols 10 0 0 10 Erika Parkinson 8 2 0 10 March Vetrunner — Page 21 THE MARCH HANDICAPS AT KOWEN FOREST COURSE DESCRIPTION How to get there Follow Parkes Way/Morshead Drive or Fairbairn Ave to Pialligo Ave. Then follow Pialligo Ave past the Airport to Sutton Rd. Turn left into Sutton Rd, then right after about 1km into the Kowen Forest entrance road (Kowen Road). Kowen Road is mostly good gravel with a bitumen section up the hill. This section is one way. The picnic area is about 4.5km from Sutton Rd. (Alternate via Federal Highway and Sutton Rd) Course description Both long and short courses start near the picnic area and head North, then East then South. The short course then turns West back to the finish near the start (3.5km). The long course turns East, then South, then West and finally North to finish about 80m before the picnic ground entrance (7.5km). ACTVAC EXPLOITS AT OCEANIA By Sharon Gibbins see at the airport? ACTVAC’s roving race caller - Robert An intrepid few ACTVAC athletes popped over to Kennelly, farewelling his niece who was catching the same Christchurch in January to compete at the Oceania flight as us to NZ. Ray had already realised he had left his Masters Athletics Championships. Here are some less or camera, binoculars and toiletries behind. Raylea Rudov more serious matters. was to go one better by having her bag placed on the Getting there is always a challenge. It was several wrong flight. She arrived nickerless at the Camelot Motor weeks after I had paid for the flights that I found out I Lodge (some of you may remember that Jayne Hardy was could have long service leave to go - phew! nick-named “Javine the nickerless” at the nationals in Ray Green and I flew from Sydney, and who should we Adelaide, as she had forgotten her underwear). Qantas did supply Raylea with T-shirt, shorts and toiletries for the inconvenience. Raylea also couldn’t find her Aussie uniform, so borrowed a ‘70s model. Jayne managed to delight the NZ customs officers by trying to import a sheepskin. Sheepskins to New Zealand? That, along with spikes, hessian bag and farm boots, kept the customs busy. Ray and I were driven from the airport in a van to pick up our car. We stopped at a roundabout, when I heard the ute behind us tooting. I turned around to watch one of my bags fly out from the van and land on the road. The driver of the ute calmly got out and picked up my bag, following until we stopped. Happens every day! Next day we wandered up the road and found a local market. I felt faint (jet-lag) and was lured to a stand serving “tea and scons with jem and crim” for $2- great deal. We cleaned them out. Next was a trip to the ground where we started to do some training. We were wondering why people were walking around with clipboards, when we found out that it was actually a Saturday competition. Ray pulled a calf muscle! Back at Camelot Jayne pulled out her table tennis set. It was a bit unfortunate for those of us who didn’t have magnifying glasses as the bats were only 5cms across. We The trifecta. Our W60 women on the podium in the hammer, soon fished out some saucepans to use as bats, but the ball from the left Raylea Rudov silver, Jan Banens gold and Trish was only 2cms wide! Thomas bronze. (Continued on Page 27) Page 22 — March Vetrunner The Southern Trust Oceania Peter Taylor NZL 13.26 M40 Jack O'Connor NZL 25.00 Kit Chambers NZL 13.35 Gavin Jensen NZL 25.41 Track and Field Championships Paul Chaplain AUS 13.73 Robert Bennett NZL 25.81 Bill Carr AUS 13.88 David Creamer NZL 25.86 were held at the QE 11 Park, Viddy Jermacans AUS 13.88 W+0.9 Christchurch, New Zealand from Gary Maher AUS 15.77 M45 Gregory Potts AUS 24.92 Ross McBeth NZL 16.00 Mark Smith NZL 26.12 January 14 to January 21, 2006. W+0.5 Warren Edlin NZL 27.02 Listed are the results of events M60 Russell White NZL 13.32 Phillip Lancaster AUS 27.73 Fred Turner AUS 13.62 Paul Allsworth COK 28.03 except the complete Pentathlon Richard Coates GBR 14.32 W+0.9 and Weight Pentathlon results. Ivan Sobotka CZEC Republic 15.66 M50 Dennis O'Leary NZL 26.27 W=0.5 Trevor Watson NZL 27.26 Club members should read the M65 Malcolm Fraser NZL 14.06 Jeff Barnfield NZL 27.62 Graeme Noden AUS 14.07 Noel Burr NZL 27.82 results of their favourite events Lothar Muller GER 14.10 Ed Archibald NZL 28.20 noting that the performances, Don Chambers AUS 14.17 Henare Vickeridge NZL 28.29 Ron Munro NZL 14.64 Christian Hotta NZL 28.84 although elite in some events, are Noel Jones NZL 16.76 W-0.3 not outside times, distances that John Eastmond NZL 17.57 M55 Paul Sharland NZL 27.10 W-0.8 Peter Taylor NZL 27.50 we see each week are our own M70 Hugh Coogan AUS 13.85 Kit Chambers NZL 27.67 track and field meets Max Wood NZL 14.95 Bill Carr AUS 28.22 Ron Johnson NZL 16.01 Paul Chaplain AUS 28.24 100m Tony Tolhurst NZL 16.15 Viddy Jermacans AUS 28.28 W30 Ranell Hobson AUS 12.75 W+0.4 W+0.7 Vanessa Story NZL 14.18 M75 Alistair Mackay NZL 16.04 M60 Keith Howden AUS 26.41 W+0.6 Maurice Dauphinet AUS 16.82 Russell White NZL 27.71 W35 Sonya Pollard AUS 13.39 Rad Leovic AUS 16.93 W-0.5 W+0.6 W+0.4 M65 Malcolm Fraser NZL 28.90 W40 Julie Brims AUS 12.57 M85 Eric de Lautour NZL 20.05 Lothar Muller GER 29.51 Roberta Thompson AUS 12.95 W+0.4 Graeme Noden AUS 30.37 Rosemary Heyrick NZL 13.93 M90 Syd Taylor NZL 21.67 Ken Daniels AUS 30.39 Lynne Booth NZL 14.46 W+0.4 Don Chambers AUS 30.47 Penny Reid NZL 14.54 200m Ron Munro NZL 30.49 Delia Baldock AUS 15.55 W30 Ranell Hobson AUS 27.17 Stewart Foster NZL 31.23 Mona Henderson COK 17.21 Vanessa Story NZL 29.32 Noel Jones NZL 34.13 W+0.6 W-0.4 W-1.5 W45 Marie Kay AUS 13.16 M70 Hugh Coogan AUS 28.10 Julie Judd NZL 14.85 W35 Sonya Pollard AUS 27.95 W-0.4 Max Wood NZL 31.31 Sharon Gibbins AUS 14.86 W40 Julie Brims AUS 26.15 W-1.0 Alison Newall NZL 16.18 Roberta Thompson AUS 26.96 M75 Alistair Mackay NZL 34.11 Janet Zaulich AUS 16.56 Rosemary Heyrick NZL 28.70 Rad Leovic AUS 35.56 W+0.7 Maurice Dauphinet AUS 36.02 W50 Lynne Choate AUS 14.02 Lynne Booth NZL 29.93 Penny Reid NZL 30.76 W-1.2 Margaret Smith AUS 14.03 Delia Baldock AUS 32.33 M85 Eric de Lautour NZL 40.08 Noeline Burden COK 14.46 Sophie Cockcroft AUS 33.00 W-1.2 Birgit Steltner NZL 16.13 W-0.4 M90 Syd Taylor NZL 47.38 Lynne Mackay NZL 17.33 800m Takau Moeka'a COK 18.38 W45 Marie Kay AUS 26.55 Chris Penn AUS 29.67 W35 Jenny Drummond NZL 3.24.23 W+1.4 Julie Judd NZL 31.79 W40 Anne Hare NZL 2:20.57 W55 Sheryl Gower NZL 14.67 Alison Newall NZL 33.81 Sally Ann Taylor AUS 2:35.69 Wilma Perkins AUS 14.69 Janet Zaulich AUS 34.25 Elizabeth Slattery AUS 2:37.98 Hazel McDonnell AUS 15.30 Anne Hunter NZL 15.43 W-1.4 Carol Chettleburgh NZL 2:38.66 W50 Margaret Smith AUS 29.67 Maria Moran NZL 2:41.18 Janette Turner AUS 15.91 Lynne Choate AUS 29.94 Linda Reynolds NZL 2:44.96 Loraine Baron AUS 16.09 Gail Kirkman NZL 30.18 Sue Hatherill NZL 2:46.54 Nancy Bowmar NZL 16.33 Lynne Mackay NZL 35.25 Delia Baldock AUS 2:53.66 Hilda Davidson NZL 18.14 W-0.5 Takau Moeka'a COK 39.96 Sophie Cockcroft AUS 2:56.52 W-0.4 Donna Monahan AUS 3:05.59 W60 Noreen Parrish AUS 15.10 W55 Sheryl Gower NZL 30.77 Mona Henderson COK 3:48.15 Peggy Macliver AUS 15.62 Hazel McDonnell AUS 31.96 W45 Cris Penn AUS 2:27.26 Valmai Padget AUS 16.78 Janette Turner AUS 32.85 Janet Zaulich AUS 3:10.89 Jean Hampson AUS 17.26 Lesley Hamilton AUS 17.29 Anne Hunter NZL 32.86 W50 Dalise Sanderson NZL 2:43.02 Lois Anderson NZL 33.31 Vicky Adams NZL 2:44.40 Margaret Orman NZL 17.31 Loraine Baron AUS 34.15 Lyn Harris NZL 2:49.22 W-0.7 Nancy Bowmar NZL 34.70 Heather Saltzer AUS 2:55.74 W65 May Ward AUS 16.56 Irene Davey AUS 35.27 W55 Tui Ashe NZL 2:52.82 Annette Horsnell AUS 16.66 Julie Williams NZL 17.66 W+0.7 Sue Waru NZL 2:54.75 W60 Marge Allison AUS 31.20 Irene Davey AUS 3:19.23 Yvonne Hines AUS 18.39 Noreen Parrish AUS 31.41 W60 Marge Allison AUS 2:48.79 Glen Watts NZL 19.54 Chris Waring NZL 32.24 Margaret Orman NZL 2:56.13 W+0.8 Peggy Macliver AUS 32.45 Jean Hampson AUS 3:09.22 W70 Margaret Peters NZL 15.88 Marie Slattery NZL 19.93 Margaret Orman NZL 34.82 Ngaire Byers NZL 3:23.90 Jean Hampson AUS 35.72 Fay Riley NZL 3:30.50 Clasina Vanderveeken NZL 22.83 Valmai Padget AUS 35.75 Margaret Fraser NZL 3:35.15 W-0.8 W-1.3 W70 Dawn Cumming NZL 3:36.79 W75 Marcia Petley NZL 21.17 W65 May Ward AUS 35.29 Clasina Vanderveeken NZL 4:35.47 W-0.8 M30 Travis Venema AUS 11.58 Annette Horsnell AUS 36.61 W75 Shirley Brasher AUS 4:46.95 Julie Williams NZL 36.90 M30 Brendan Whelan AUS 2:01.38 Corney Carstens NZL 11.92 Yvonne Hines AUS 40.50 M35 Andrew Davenport NZL 2:00.96 W-0.7 W+0.4 Mark Sullivan NZL 2:04.58 M35 John Turner NZL 12.58 W70 Margaret Peters NZL 33.50 Craig Motley NZL 2:14.48 Tare Teautama NZL 12.61 Gregory Brush NZL 13.29 Marie Slattery NZL 43.40 Richard Malloch NZL 2:17.89 Clasina Vanderveeken NZL 47.93 M40 Gary Ewart AUS 2:01.67 W-0.7 W-0.9 Jack O'Connor NZL 2:02.32 M40 Gavin Jensen NZL 12.74 W75 Marcia Petley NZL 45.24 Joe Ford NZL 2:02.95 W-0.7 W-0.9 Ian Dieudonne NZL 2:09.29 M45 Gregory Potts AUS 11.98 Mark Smith NZL 12.86 M65 Malcolm Fraser NZL 29.44 David Drummond NZL 2:11.36 Graeme Noden AUS 29.89 Brendan Magill NZL 2:19.36 Jose Luis Hernandez Lothar Muller GER 29.96 M45 David MacDonald NZL 2:12.91 Abdalah MEX 12.86 Ken Daniels AUS 29.97 Ken Wyber NZL 2:13.20 Paul Allsworth COK 13.38 Don Chambers AUS 30.16 Phill Monahan AUS 2:40.07 Phillip Lancaster AUS 13.61 Warren Edlin NZL 13.63 Stewart Foster NZL 30.38 Steven Reghenzani AUS 3:02.46 Ron Munro NZL 30.87 M50 Terry Hicks AUS 2:05.88 W+0.6 Noel Jones NZL 33.51 Noel Burr NZL 2:09.99 M50 Dennis O'Leary NZL 12.64 John Eastmond NZL 37.27 Allan Thomas NZL 2:15.77 Terry Hicks AUS 12.94 W-2.7 Derek Shaw NZL 2:21.77 Trevor Watson NZL 13.36 Ed Archibald NZL 13.57 M30 Travis Venema AUS 23.87 Bob Pearce AUS 2:26.85 Corney Carstens NZL 24.37 Kevin Knight NZL 3:01.01 Jeff Barnfield NZL 13.64 W-0.9 M55 Tony McManus NZL 2:12.98 David Lobb COK 13.96 M35 John Turner NZL 26.55 Trevor Ogilvie NZL 2:13.70 Christian Hotta NZL 13.98 Gregory Brush NZL 28.06 Murray Clarkson NZL 2:23.93 W+1.4 M55 Paul Sharland NZL 13.14 W-0.9 Peter Tutty NZL 2:32.17 March Vetrunner — Page 23

Bill Carr AUS 2:43.41 John Waite AUS 6:51.49 Julie Judd NZL 7.68 Dave Kennedy NZL 2:44.49 M70 Frank Rogers AUS 5:54.98 W50 Noeline Burden COK 7.82 M60 Peter Sandery AUS 2:27.35 Ellis Goodyear NZL 6:22.86 Birgit Steltner NZL 7.52 Don Burtt AUS 2:31.47 Patrick Mills NZL 6:23.71 Takau Moeka'a COK 6.41 Bob Schickert AUS 2:36.92 Ron Johnson NZL 6:42.71 W55 Anne Hunter NZL 8.87 Dave Rowell NZL 2:39.44 Jim Tobin NZL 6:58.67 Nancy Bowmar NZL 7.38 Elwyn Egan AUS 2:44.11 Brian Keown NZL 7:06.32 Lois Anderson NZL 7.14 John Dumergue NZL 2:44.93 M75 Rad Leovic AUS 6:59.60 Loraine Baron AUS 7.08 Norris Wyatt NZL 2:51.55 Peter Thomas NZL 7:06.27 Hilda Davidson NZL 5.90 Douglas Smart AUS 3:28.61 Michael Browne NZL 7:10.76 W60 Nyla Waite AUS 7.07 M65 Malcolm Fraser NZL 2:40.01 Ian Brownie NZL 7:22.73 Lynne Schickert AUS 4.92 Bill Kenny NZL 2:55.15 M80 Norm Pearce AUS 7:43.01 W65 Yvonne Hines AUS 4.90 Dave Eastmond NZL 2:55.98 Robert Boland NZL 8:18.39 W70 Marie Slattery NZL 6.13 Peter Hanson NZL 2:59.10 Mel Munro NZL 9:21.41 W75 Shirley Brasher AUS 4.88 Colin Trengove AUS 3:00.20 M85 Eric de Lautour NZL 7:03.40 Pole Vault John Eastmond NZL 3:03.71 High Jump W40 Sally Ann Taylor AUS 1.60 John Waite AUS 3:08.19 M35 John Turner NZL 1.74 W55 Wilma Perkins AUS 2.20 Christopher Windle AUS 3:12.35 M40 Dave Rondon NZL 1.51 M40 Dave Rondon NZL 3.00 Noel Jones NZL 3:16.47 M45 Kieran McKee NZL 1.64 M45 Stephen McKee NZL 3.65 Peter Watts NZL 3:21.70 Stephen McKee NZL 1.61 Kieran McKee NZL 3.20 M70 Hugh Coogan AUS 2:37.43 Mike Wilson NZL 1.35 M55 Murray Andersen NZL 3.00 Frank Rogers AUS 2:51.37 M50 Terry Hicks AUS 1.45 Jos Pols NZL 2.20 Patrick Mills NZL 3:01.55 David Lobb COK 1.20 M60 John Bradley GBR 3.20 Ellis Goodyear NZL 3:02.70 M55 Peter Lambert AUS 1.40 Alister Wilson NZL 2.10 M75 Hector Mein NZL 3:12.98 Jos Pols NZL 1.35 Selwyn Hawken AUS 1.99 Rad Leovic AUS 3:20.09 Viddy Jermacans AUS 1.25 Peter McWilliams AUS 1.80 Ian Brownie NZL 3:31.26 M60 Ivan Sobotka CZEC Republic 1.40 Ivan Sobotka CZEC Republic 1.80 M80 Norm Pearce AUS 3:33.77 Fred Turner AUS 1.30 M65 Brian Senior NZL 2.41 Robert Boland NZL 4:04.93 Dave Rowell NZL 1.25 Noel Jones NZL 1.85 Mel Munro NZL 4:21.83 Alister Wilson NZL 1.25 M70 Ron Johnson NZL 2.20 M85 Eric de Lautour NZL 3:38.31 Selwyn Hawken AUS 1.25 M75 Bill Newton NZL 1.70 1500m Peter McWilliams AUS 1.20 Hector Mein NZL 1.60 W40 Anne Hare NZL 4:38.35 M65 Peter O’Halloran NZL M80 Wallace Opperman NZL 1.45 Elizabeth Slattery AUS 5:15.80 1.26 Shot Put Carol Chettleburgh NZL 5:24.18 Spencer Herft AUS 1.23 M35 Rene' Otto NZL 11.83 Linda Reynolds NZL 5:31.56 Robin Herron USA 1.23 Rene Chalmers NZL 9.31 Robyn Stansfield NZL 5:32.29 Don Chambers AUS 1.11 M40 Philip Frkovic AUS 12.83 Sue Hatherill NZL 5:35.76 M70 Kerry Thew AUS 1.20 Dave Rondon NZL 7.65 Lynda Bateson AUS 6:40.14 Jim Blair NZL 1.20 David Drummond NZL 6.25 Mona Henderson COK 8:45.96 Ron Johnson NZL 1.17 M45 Mark Flaus NZL 11.79 W45 Julie Wilson NZL 5:07.68 M75 Rad Leovic AUS 1.11 Keith Barrow NZL 11.56 Bernadette Jago NZL 5:26.80 Alistair Mackay NZL 1.08 Richard Young NZL 10.55 W50 Dalise Sanderson NZL 5:27.79 Long Jump Barry Mullins AUS 9.83 Vicky Adams NZL 5:34.21 W30 Ranell Hobson AUS 4.45 Terry James NZL 7.37 Lyn Harris NZL 6:06.27 W40 Julie Brims AUS 4.81 Mark Smith NZL 6.87 W55 Sue Waru NZL 5:46.66 Lynne Booth NZL 4.24 Warren Edlin NZL 6.23 W60 Jean Hampson AUS 6:47.05 Raylene Bates NZL 4.05 M50 Lajos Joni AUS 11.58 Ngaire Byers NZL 7:02.73 Delia Baldock AUS 3.93 Peter Teys AUS 11.16 Fay Riley NZL 7:04.93 W45 Marie Kay AUS 5.31 Joseph Bradley NZL 10.54 Margaret Fraser NZL 7:10.30 Sharon Gibbins AUS 3.79 M55 Robert Banens AUS 11.35 W65 Carol Thompson NZL 7:37.70 Julie Judd NZL 3.78 Cameron Murch NZL 9.91 W70 Dawn Cumming NZL 7:23.41 Alison Newall NZL 3.20 Jos Pols NZL 9.87 W75 Shirley Brasher AUS 9:31.07 W50 Birgit Steltner NZL 3.58 Peter Lambert AUS 9.53 M30 Brendan Whelan AUS 4:07.67 Noeline Burden COK 3.58 Richard Davison NZL 9.42 M35 Andrew Davenport NZL 4:10.48 Lynne Mackay NZL 3.09 Viddy Jermacans AUS 7.85 Brent Pulley NZL 4:15.09 Takau Moeka'a COK 3.04 M60 Ray Green AUS 13.24 Mark Sullivan NZL 4:20.08 Noela Avery AUS 2.86 Phillip Cox NZL 11.47 Richard Malloch NZL 4:40.78 W55 Wilma Perkins AUS 4.03 John Reynolds AUS 9.34 Andrew Garrett NZL 5:07.09 Anne Hunter NZL 3.76 Roy Skuse NZL 9.27 Craig Hutson COK 5:41.14 Nancy Bowmar NZL 3.55 David Wookey AUS 9.26 M40 Gary Ewart AUS 4:13.61 Lois Anderson NZL 3.42 Peter McWilliams AUS 8.79 Joe Ford NZL 4:13.81 Irene Davey AUS 3.15 Selwyn Hawken AUS 8.27 Ricky Gutsell NZL 4:20.16 Loraine Baron AUS 3.12 Bryan Thomas AUS 7.74 David Drummond NZL 4:22.82 Hilda Davidson NZL 2.89 M65 Lothar Muller GER 10.35 Brent Halley NZL 4:30.03 Beverley Church NZL 2.42 Brian Senior NZL 10.10 David Creamer NZL 4:50.51 Betty Hawken AUS 1.23 Robin Herron USA 9.87 M45 David MacDonald NZL 4:28.29 W60 Peggy Macliver AUS 3.41 Don Chambers AUS 8.92 Ken Wyber NZL 4:42.22 Lesley Hamilton AUS 2.77 Fred Goodall NZL 8.53 Clive Kitchingman NZL 4:45.29 Lynne Schickert AUS 2.15 Ken Daniels AUS 8.11 Peter Cajthaml USA 4:48.27 W65 Yvonne Hines AUS 2.29 Robert Doake NZL 7.15 Mike Wilson NZL 4:54.65 W70 Marie Slattery NZL 2.59 Alan Hunter NZL 6.73 Steven Reghenzani AUS 6:10.13 W75 Colleena Blair NZL 2.57 M70 Arvo Ropelin AUS 11.66 M50 Noel Burr NZL 4:29.00 W80 Ingrid Lorenz GER 2.70 Laurie Devlin NZL 10.55 Terry Hicks AUS 4:30.20 M35 Gregory Brush NZL 5.37 Ron Johnson NZL 9.67 Allan Thomas NZL 4:37.01 John Turner NZL 4.99 Kerry Thew AUS 7.62 Derek Shaw NZL 4:47.82 Rene' Otto NZL 2.52 M75 Graeme Lawless NZL 10.19 Bob Pearce AUS 5:00.47 M45 Stephen McKee NZL 5.34 Bill Newton NZL 8.99 Bill MacKay NZL 5:29.26 Terry James NZL 2.89 Charlie Bishop NZL 7.92 Kevin Knight NZL 6:25.04 M50 Terry Hicks AUS 5.00 Dave Leech NZL 7.45 M55 Tony McManus NZL 4:31.08 David Lobb COK 3.99 Arthur Grayburn NZL 6.16 Trevor Ogilvie NZL 4:33.31 M55 Murray Andersen NZL 4.80 M80 Feliks Jekabsons AUS 10.09 Murray Clarkson NZL 4:51.15 Kit Chambers NZL 4.70 M85 Dave Scratton NZL 7.80 Peter Larkin NZ 5:00.91 Peter Lambert AUS 4.62 Discus Iain Chinnery NZL 5:15.35 Viddy Jermacans AUS 4.56 W35 Lynette Smith AUS 31.65 Dave Kennedy NZL 5:31.22 Ross McBeth NZL 4.32 W40 Jayne Hardy AUS 35.81 M60 Peter Sandery AUS 4:58.50 M60 Maurice Callaghan NZL 4.58 Christine McCahill NZL 32.80 Neville Reid NZL 5:17.06 Fred Turner AUS 4.26 Mona Henderson COK Bob Schickert AUS 5:19.75 Ivan Sobotka CZEC Republic 3.99 25.44 Robert McPherson NZL 5:25.19 Selwyn Hawken AUS 3.93 Roberta Thompson AUS 23.71 Norris Wyatt NZL 5:29.87 Alister Wilson NZL 3.46 W45 Sharon Gibbins AUS 32.68 Dave Rowell NZL 5:32.45 Jeff Hill COK 2.84 W50 Heather Saltzer AUS 27.32 Elwyn Egan AUS 5:45.81 M65 Lothar Muller *GER 4.82 Winifred Harding NZL 23.28 William Wells NZL 5:49.53 Graeme Noden AUS 4.58 Margaret Smith AUS 30.44 Peter Coughlan NZL 5:56.00 Don Chambers AUS 3.98 Takau Moeka'a COK 17.39 Robert Mather NZL 7:35.86 Ron Munro NZL 3.96 Katy Tapling NZL 14.70 Trevor Miller AUS 8:10.59 Robert Doake NZL 3.67 Teraimateata Hill COK M65 Walter Hume NZL 5:31.20 M70 Tony Tolhurst NZL 3.76 14.05 Dave Eastmond NZL 5:55.07 Ron Johnson NZL 3.53 Noela Avery AUS 13.76 Bill Kenny NZL 6:01.03 M75 Maurice Dauphinet AUS 3.38 W55 Christine Schultz AUS Colin Trengove AUS 6:01.62 Rad Leovic AUS 3.35 33.54 Christopher Windle AUS 6:25.17 Triple Jump Tui Ashe NZL 23.72 Roger Barber AUS 6:33.63 W40 Julie Brims AUS 10.59 Judy Coram AUS 22.31 John Eastmond NZL 6:34.26 Delia Baldock AUS 8.81 Anne Hunter NZL 18.64 Ray Waters NZL 6:42.15 W45 Marie Kay AUS 10.68 Heather Steer NZL 17.73 Page 24 — March Vetrunner

Lorraine Mussett AUS 14.79 Yvonne Hines AUS 18.09 Patricia Thomas AUS 9.77 W60 Patricia Thomas AUS 21.75 Glen Watts NZL 17.58 Adrienne Holdsworth AUS 9.05 Raylea Rudov AUS 20.62 Clarine Scratton NZL 15.33 Lesley O'Neil NZL 8.63 Janice Banens AUS 20.35 Valerie Babe NZL 11.81 Alison Duncan NZL 8.07 Adrienne Holdsworth AUS 18.12 Lorraine Menzies NZL 11.16 Sandra Dingwall NZL 6.46 Lesley O'Neil NZL 17.10 W70 Valerie Worrell AUS 13.42 W65 Helen Searle AUS 15.20 Alison Duncan NZL 15.22 Patricia Drayton NZL 14.31 Glen Watts NZL 10.58 Marion Sohier AUS 14.54 Anna Matenga COK 14.97 Clarine Scratton NZL 9.59 W65 Helen Searle AUS 27.53 Colleen Brunker NZL 13.15 Valerie Babe NZL 9.10 Glen Watts NZL 20.26 Margarita Jekabsons AUS 10.83 Yvonne Hines AUS 7.16 May Ward AUS 17.59 Iris Bishop NZL 10.69 Lorraine Menzies NZL 5.19 Valerie Babe NZL 17.43 lasina Vanderveeken NZL 10.51 W70 Patricia Drayton NZL 10.69 Clarine Scratton NZL 16.94 W75 Ngawini Pepene NZL 18.59 Valerie Worrell AUS 10.36 Yvonne Hines AUS 13.80 Colleena Blair NZL 14.30 Colleen Brunker NZL 10.02 Lorraine Menzies NZL 11.83 W80 Spiers NZL 17.31 Margarita Jekabsons AUS 7.07 W70 Valerie Worrell AUS 19.76 W95 Ruth Frith AUS 17.67 Iris Bishop NZL 6.13 Patricia Drayton NZL 16.42 Hammer W75 Colleena Blair NZL 8.96 Colleen Brunker NZL 15.95 W40 Jayne Hardy AUS 43.52 Ngawini Pepene NZL 7.15 Iris Bishop NZL 13.73 Christine McCahill NZL 42.36 W80 Pam Spiers NZL 5.54 Anna Matenga COK 13.50 Raylene Bates NZL 37.76 W85 Rona Smith NZL 5.22 Margarita Jekabsons AUS 11.13 W45 Sharon Gibbins AUS 39.17 M35 Rene Otto NZL 13.77 W75 Colleena Blair NZL 15.59 W50 Winifred Harding NZL 32.89 M40 Philip Frkovic AUS 13.22 Ngawini Pepene NZL 13.90 Noela Avery AUS 21.17 M45 Mark Flaus NZL 10.84 W80 Ingrid Lorenz GER 15.17 Katy Tapling NZL 19.23 Andrew Pam Spiers NZL 19.64 W55 Christine Schultz AUS 34.27 Atkinson-Howatt AUS 8.96 W80 Rona Smith NZL 19.41 Beverley Church NZL 33.40 M50 Lajos Joni AUS 14.69 W95 Ruth Frith AUS 10.90 Judy Coram AUS 29.94 Terrence Gibbs AUS 13.75 M35 Rene' Otto NZL 36.24 Heather Steer NZL 29.88 Joseph Bradley NZL 13.03 Rene Chalmers NZL 32.60 Hazel McDonnell AUS 22.89 M55 Richard Davison NZL 14.96 M40 Philip Frkovic AUS 38.37 W55 Sharon Reynolds AUS 20.96 Robert Banens AUS 13.08 Dave Rondon NZL 25.57 Lorraine Mussett AUS 18.88 Jos Pols NZL 12.99 M45 Richard Young NZL 35.90 W60 Janice Banens AUS 39.08 Cameron Murch NZL 12.46 Mark Flaus NZL 33.01 Raylea Rudov AUS 29.10 M60 Kevin Bradley NZL 17.45 Andrew Patricia Thomas AUS 24.67 Ray Green AUS 17.45 Atkinson-Howatt AUS 30.69 Adrienne Holdsworth AUS 22.89 Phillip Cox NZL 14.95 Barry Mullins AUS 28.56 Lynn Donaldson NZL 21.55 John Reynolds AUS 14.56 Terry James NZL 20.81 Alison Duncan NZL 18.39 David Wookey AUS 11.61 M50 Jo Tasker NZL 40.01 W55 Lesley O'Neil NZL 16.93 Selwyn Hawken AUS 10.28 Peter Teys AUS 36.43 W65 Helen Searle AUS 39.51 M65 Robin Herron USA 13.94 Lajos Joni AUS 35.64 Glen Watts NZL 26.06 Brian Senior NZL 12.00 Joseph Bradley NZL 34.84 Valerie Babe NZL 25.84 Alan Hunter NZL 7.22 Clive Choate AUS 26.17 Clarine Scratton NZL 21.72 M70 Laurie Devlin NZL 18.06 M55 Cameron Murch NZL 39.60 Yvonne Hines AUS 18.57 Arvo Ropelin AUS 11.53 Robert Banens AUS 37.12 Lorraine Menzies NZL 14.60 Kerry Thew AUS 10.29 Richard Davison NZL 33.96 W70 Valerie Worrell AUS 26.89 M75 Graeme Lawless NZL 12.15 Jos Pols NZL 32.52 Colleen Brunker NZL 23.19 Charlie Bishop NZL 11.74 M60 Ray Green AUS 49.90 Patricia Drayton NZL 22.94 Dave Leech NZL 11.62 John Reynolds AUS 36.21 Clasina Vanderveeken NZL 16.20 Bill Newton NZL 9.62 Kevin Bradley NZL 34.21 Iris Bishop NZL 15.97 M80 Feliks Jekabsons AUS 11.98 Phillip Cox NZL 33.86 Margarita Jekabsons AUS 15.52 M85 Dave Scratton NZL 10.21 Alister Wilson NZL 30.35 W75 Ngawini Pepene NZL 16.99 5000m Selwyn Hawken AUS 27.87 Shirley Brasher AUS 15.43 W35 Diana Pittwood-Adams NZL 24:36.47 David Wookey AUS 26.73 W80 Pam Spiers NZL 11.74 Kathryn Hutson COK 27:25.43 Jeff Hill COK 23.43 W85 Rona Smith NZL 11.32 W40 Elizabeth Slattery AUS 19:42.01 M65 Brian Senior NZL 33.42 W95 Ruth Frith AUS 11.16 Robyn Stansfield NZL 20:54.64 Robin Herron USA 30.73 M35 Rene Otto NZL 37.46 Linda Reynolds NZL 21:37.57 Fred Goodall NZL 30.22 M40 Philip Frkovic AUS 41.99 Sophie Cockcroft AUS 24:07.22 Bryan Slattery NZL 28.91 M45 Mark Flau NZL 32.70 Lynda Bateson AUS 26:54.31 Robert Doake NZL 27.68 Richard Young NZL 31.23 W45 Ruth Vomund USA 19:37.06 Ken Daniels AUS 27.52 Barry Mullins AUS 30.04 Bernadette Jago NZL 20:06.74 Alan Hunter NZL 18.96 Andrew Pam Wyber NZL 22:15.67 Roly Letham NZL 17.13 Atkinson-Howatt AUS 27.12 W50 Brenda Fortune NZL 21:22.68 M70 Ron Johnson NZL 32.86 M50 Lajos Joni AUS 41.89 W55 Sue Waru NZL 21:50.40 Laurie Devlin NZL 30.10 Joseph Bradley NZL 36.07 Barbara Patrick NZL 22:20.46 Arvo Ropelin AUS 29.75 Terrence Gibbs AUS 27.91 Tulip McRoy NZL 23:54.45 Jim Blair NZL 25.49 M55 Richard Davison NZL 42.78 Irene Davey AUS 25:48.46 Kerry Thew AUS 24.33 Robert Banens AUS 37.17 Shirley Rolston NZL 26:29.84 M75 Graeme Lawless NZL 32.31 Jos Pols NZL 32.56 W60 Theresa Woodham NZL 24:49.25 Maurice Dauphinet AUS 24.47 Cameron Murch NZL 28.76 M30 Brendan Whelan AUS 15:25.51 Bill Newton NZL 23.42 M60 Kevin Bradley NZL 45.79 M35 Brent Pulley NZL 16:13.64 M75 Charlie Bishop NZL 23.37 Ray Green AUS 42.78 Mark Reid NZL 17:13.23 Dave Leech NZL 22.89 Phillip Cox NZL 39.51 Richard Malloch NZL 17:44.01 Arthur Grayburn NZL 20.74 John Reynolds AUS 36.29 Andrew Bates NZL 17:57.66 M80 Feliks Jekabsons AUS 22.77 David Wookey AUS 28.99 Craig Hutson COK 22:25.89 Wallace Opperman NZL 16.52 Alister Wilson NZL 24.87 M40 Ricky Gutsell NZL 16:30.21 M85 Dave Scratton NZL 20.83 Selwyn Hawken AUS 24.24 Ronnie Thomas NZL 16:42.56 Javelin Peter McWilliams AUS 24.16 Brendan Magill NZL 17:23.12 W35 Lynette Smith AUS 38.54 M65 Robin Herron USA 33.70 M45 David MacDonald NZL 16:32.68 Jenny Drummond NZL 17.30 Brian Senior NZL 31.61 Clive Kitchingman NZL 17:44.50 W40 Jayne Hardy AUS 38.54 Roly Letham NZL 19.65 Peter Cajthaml USA 18:47.31 W50 Heather Saltzer AUS 25.72 Alan Hunter NZL 18.58 Phill Monahan AUS 20:38.47 Margaret Smith AUS 24.01 M70 Laurie Devlin NZL 44.54 Geoff Stoddart COK 20:47.16 Teraimateata Hill COK 17.30 Arvo Ropelin AUS 27.21 Steven Reghenzani AUS 24:37.31 Takau Moeka'a COK 16.86 Kerry Thew AUS 21.66 M50 Derek Shaw NZL 17:42.33 Noela Avery AUS 13.61 M75 Charlie Bishop NZL 25.39 Gene Sanderson NZL 18:08.61 Katy Tapling NZL 11.03 Dave Leech NZL 24.66 Bob Pearce AUS 18:59.32 W55 Christine Schultz AUS 24.68 Bill Newton NZL 24.25 Paul Dixon NZL 22:17.18 Judy Coram AUS 22.20 Arthur Grayburn NZL 17.60 Kevin Knight NZL 25:08.88 Beverley Church NZL 30.55 M80 Feliks Jekabsons AUS 29.44 M55 Tony McManus NZL 16:34.00 Tui Ashe NZL 19.50 Weight Throw Trevor Ogilvie NZL 16:47.56 Lorraine Mussett AUS 13.18 W40 Christine McCahill NZL 14.99 Peter Larkin NZL 17:26.78 Loraine Baron AUS 12.65 Jayne Hardy AUS 13.96 Gary Tuttle USA 18:38.28 Betty Hawken AUS 10.26 W45 Sharon Gibbins AUS 12.04 Graeme Dahl AUS 19:14.46 W60 Margaret Orman NZL 21.68 W50 Winifred Harding NZL 11.31 Peter Tutty NZL 19:15.70 Janice Banens AUS 20.45 W55 Christine Schultz AUS 11.75 Iain Chinnery NZL 20:04.36 Lesley Hamilton AUS 20.29 Heather Steer NZL 10.91 Dave Kennedy NZL 21:05.29 Lynn Donaldson NZL 19.67 Beverley Church NZL 10.81 M60 Peter Sandery AUS 18:01.68 Lesley O'Neil NZL 19.39 Judy Coram AUS 10.13 Neville Reid NZL 19:21.84 Patricia Thomas AUS 18.62 Sharon Reynolds AUS 9.69 John Shivas NZL 19:23.76 Raylea Rudov AUS 17.96 Lorraine Mussett AUS 7.02 Bob Schickert AUS 19:57.95 Adrienne Holdsworth AUS 16.33 Betty Hawken AUS 4.00 Norris Wyatt NZL 20:20.08 Alison Duncan NZL 913.31 W60 Janice Banens AUS 14.94 Robert McPherson NZL 20:27.66 W65 Helen Searle AUS 23.03 Raylea Rudov AUS 13.82 Peter Coughlan NZL 22:25.17 Barbara Bird NZL 19.35 Lynn Donaldson NZL 10.60 os Galavazi NZL 22:30.00 March Vetrunner — Page 25

William Wells NZL 22:43.31 Delia Baldock AUS 9:27.80 W65 Loloma Foster NZL 35:46.91 Kevin Jago NZL 25:08.58 Donna Monahan AUS 9:34.18 Ann Henderson NZL 37:27.57 Douglas Smart AUS 25:27.67 Sophie Cockcroft AUS 9:40.35 W70 Christine Dauphinet AUS 35:53.64 Robert Mather NZL 28:23.49 Lynda Bateson AUS 11:07.75 Clasina Vanderveeken NZL 38:18.35 Trevor Miller AUS 30:11.35 W50 Vicky Adams NZL 8:21.69 M40 Rodney Gillum NZL 26:37.84 M65 Walter Hume NZL 20:33.52 Noeline Burden COK 11:09.33 M45 Mark Donahoo AUS 23:47.48 John Waite AUS 23:33.42 W55 Tulip McRoy NZL 9:37.12 M50 Michael Harte NZL 24:31.90 Christopher Windle AUS 23:42.31 Heather Carr AUS 9:42.89 Eric Kemsley NZL 25:16.40 Peter Watts NZL 23:44.97 Irene Davey AUS 11:17.61 John Hart NZL 31:40.23 Colin Trengove AUS 23:54.50 W60 Fay Riley NZL 11:59.91 M55 Roger Denton NZL 27:00.31 Dave Eastmond NZL 24:11.21 Lynne Schickert AUS 14:37.40 Keith Rutherford NZL 29:58.96 Roger Barber AUS 25:03.98 W65 Lynn Fraser NZL 13:30.21 David Barrett NZL 31:34.27 John Eastmond NZL 25:32.49 W70 Dawn Cumming NZL 11:33.81 M60 George White AUS 25:53.96 Ray Waters NZL 26:01.51 Clasina Vanderveeken NZL 13:25.31 Bryan Thomas AUS 31:42.02 M70 Sid Pavett NZL 21:31.17 M60 Bob Schickert AUS 8:06.13 Bruce Patton NZL 33:13.23 Ron Stevens NZL 21:36.28 Norris Wyatt NZL 8:25.49 M65 Tony Johnson AUS 28:26.03 Frank Rogers AUS 21:55.21 Peter King NZL 8:48.93 Eric Saxby NZL 29:00.03 Patrick Mills NZL 23:15.00 William Wells NZL 8:56.56 Patrick Sela AUS 31:41.57 David Padget AUS 23:54.32 Bryan Thomas AUS 10:30.63 M70 Colin Hainsworth AUS 33:41.68 Ellis Goodyear NZL 24:00.36 M65 Walter Hume NZL 8:13.80 M80 Richard Keatinge AUS 35:46.76 Brian Keown NZL 25:23.35 Neville Wagner NZL 8:57.95 10km Road Walk Jim Tobin NZL 26:25.60 Dave Eastmond NZL 9:40.10 W30 Wendy Healey NZL 55:53 Keith Wills NZL 28:49.03 M70 Patrick Mills NZL 9:45.78 W40 Annette Major AUS 57:18 M75 Irwin Barrett-Lennard AUS 23:27.47 M75 Hector Mein NZL 9:57.89 W45 Heather Lancaster AUS 1:14:08 Stan Gawler NZL 25:12.15 Rad Leovic AUS 11:22.0 W50 Alison Thompson AUS 57:40 Hector Mein NZL 25:44.30 3000m Steeplechase Janet Holmes AUS 1:00:59 Peter Thomas NZL 27:37.76 M35 Andrew Davenport NZL 11:09.80 Sharon McDonald NZL 1:02:29 Michael Browne NZL 28:06.76 M40 Brendan Magill NZL 10:53.35 Lynda Woodward AUS 1:06:55 Peter Shillito NZL 29:45.10 M45 Phill Monahan AUS 12:54.31 W55 Heather Carr AUS 54:01 M80 Norm Pearce AUS 30:06.71 M50 Michael Morrissey NZL 11:41.15 Celia Johnson AUS 1:04:49 Mel Munro NZL 37:40.21 Bjorn Dybdahl AUS 11:51.95 Shirley Rolston NZL 1:10:06 M85 Eric de Lautour NZL 26:51.31 Kevin Knight NZL 16:08.12 Sheryl Miratana NZL 1:11:45 80m Hurdles M55 Trevor Ogilvie NZL 10:48.43 Margaret Bray NZL 1:23:25 W40 Delia Baldock AUS 16.50 Francis Campkin NZL 13:38.41 W60 Sandy Brunner AUS 57:27 W-0.5 3000m Race Walk Gwen Steed AUS 1:05:05 W45 Marie Kay AUS 12.51 W30 Wendy Healey NZL 16:07.39 Margaret Trengove AUS 1:08:09 Julie Judd NZL 17.13 Justijana Roseman AUS 17:29.73 Marion McIntosh NZL 1:13:56 W-0.5 W35 Diana Pittwood-Adams NZL 18:07.66 Lynne Schickert AUS 1:16:24 W50 Gail Kirkman NZL 15.75 W40 Annette Major AUS 15:32.22 W65 Loloma Foster NZL 1:12:16 Noeline Burden COK 18.23 Bernadette Raffe COK 23:24.17 Ann Henderson NZL 1:19:01 Birgit Steltner NZL 19.69 W45 Heather Lancaster AUS 21:41.35 Lynn Fraser NZL 1:19:44 W-0.8 W50 Alison Thompson AUS 16:03.30 W70 Christine Dauphinet AUS 1:13:20 W55 Lois Anderson NZL 17.09 Sharon McDonald NZL 17:01.06 M35 David Smyth NZL 1:00:51 Hazel McDonnell AUS 17.79 Janet Holmes AUS 17:01.25 M40 Rodney Gillum NZL 57:05 Beverley Church NZL 26.02 Lynda Woodward AUS 19:18.15 Christopher Bowman NZL 1:07:23 W-0.8 Teraimateata Hill COK 27:07.14 M45 Mark Donahoo AUS 48:46 M70 Ron Johnson NZL 25.59 W55 Heather Carr AUS 15:31.84 M50 Michael Harte NZL 50:37 W-0.7 Shirley Rolston NZL 18:49.70 Eric Kemsley NZL 51:46 M75 Rad Leovic AUS 21.98 Celia Johnson AUS 18:51.66 John Hart NZL 1:07:23 W-0.7 Sheryl Miratana NZL 19:00.63 M55 Roger Denton NZL 55:49 100m Hurdles Margaret Bray NZL 24:16.69 Keith Rutherford NZL 59:44 W30 Ranell Hobson AUS 16.67 W60 Sandy Brunner AUS 16:50.23 David Barrett NZL 1:03:05 Vanessa Story NZL 20.26 Gwen Steed AUS 18:05.70 M60 George White AUS 56:10 W-0.4 Margaret Trengove AUS 19:57.84 Bryan Thomas AUS 1:06:39 M50 Noel Burr NZL 21.54 Marion McIntosh NZL 21:09.18 M65 Eric Saxby NZL 57:26 W+1.3 Margaret Fraser NZL 21:20.10 Tony Johnson AUS 58:50 M55 Murray Andersen NZL 19.02 Lynne Schickert AUS 22:05.31 Patrick Sela AUS 1:04:46 Christopher Portch NZL 19.39 W65 Loloma Foster NZL 21:17.03 M70 Morrie Hinton NZL 1:01:15 W+1.3 Ann Henderson NZL 21:36.88 Bert Janes AUS 1:09:03 M60 Selwyn Hawken AUS 21.26 Valerie Babe NZL 23:23.65 Leigh Smith AUS 1:09:37 Ivan Sobotka CZEC Republic 22.00 Lorraine Menzies NZL 26:56.77 M75 Colin Hainsworth AUS 1:07:43 William Wells NZL 22.94 W70 Christine Dauphinet AUS 21:35.48 M80 Richard Keatinge AUS 1:12:14 W-1.4 Clasina Vanderveeken NZL 22:47.32 8km Cross Country M65 Don Chambers AUS 20.07 Dawn Cumming NZL 26:42.36 W35 Yvonne Evans NZL 30:17 Stewart Foster NZL 23.98 M40 Rodney Gillum NZL 15:24.35 Jenny Drummond NZL 43:15 W-1.4 M45 Mark Donahoo AUS 13:54.79 Kathryn Hutson COK 46:48 110m Hurdles M50 Michael Harte NZL 13:55.91 W40 Elizabeth Slattery AUS 32:52 M35 John Turner NZL 19.59 Eric Kemsley NZL 14:20.69 Linda Reynolds NZL 34:18 Andrew Davenport NZL 19.61 John Hart NZL 19:59.51 Robyn Stansfield NZL 34:19 W-1.2 M55 Roger Denton NZL 15:44.64 Carol Chettleburgh NZL 37:12 M45 Rohinton Mehta IND 21.34 Keith Rutherford NZL 17:10.96 Lynda Bateson AUS 43:03 W-1.2 David Barrett NZL 18:05.94 Mona Henderson COK 50:56 M60 George White AUS 15:33.90 W45 Julie Wilson NZL 31:09 300m Hurdles W50 Gail Kirkman NZL 53.74 Bruce Patton NZL 18:47.41 Ruth Vomund USA 32:26 Noeline Burden COK 1:01.08 Bryan Thomas AUS 18:56.43 Bernadette Jago NZL 33:09 Birgit Steltner NZL 1:05.40 Selwyn Hawken AUS 24:19.35 Pam Wyber NZL 38:31 W55 Wilma Perkins AUS 58.90 Peter McWilliams AUS 25:46.63 Lianne MacKay NZL 42:34 M65 Eric Saxby NZL 16:36.71 W50 Dalise Sanderson NZL 34:09 Hazel McDonnell AUS 1:00.64 Lois Anderson NZL 1:02.55 Tony Johnson AUS 16:37.17 Vicky Adams NZL 36:05 W60 Marge Allison AUS 55.91 Patrick Sela AUS 18:17.80 W55 Sue Waru NZL 35:37 M60 Maurice Callaghan NZL 49.75 M70 Bert Janes AUS 20:12.93 Barbara Patrick NZL 36:09 Selwyn Hawken AUS 59.33 Leigh Smith AUS 20:17.79 Tulip McRoy NZL 38:29 M75 Colin Hainsworth AUS 20:38.35 Shirley Rolston NZL 43:50 Ivan Sobotka CZEC Republic 59.36 William Wells NZL 1:01.44 M80 Richard Keatinge AUS 21:00.01 Diane Carter NZL 50:305 M65 Don Chambers AUS 54.82 5000m Race Walk Helen Tobin NZL 51:52 Stewart Foster NZL 57.20 W30 Wendy Healey NZL 27:26.23 W60 Theresa Woodham NZL 40:57 M70 Ron Johnson NZL 1:05.68 Justijana Roseman AUS 29:32.66 Jean Hampson AUS 43:59 Fay Riley NZL 45:07 M75 Ian Brownie NZL 1:11.20 W40 Annette Major AUS 27:00.50 Rad Leovic AUS 1:12.21 Bernadette Raffe COK 36:53.39 Marion Sohier AUS 1:09:51 Mona Henderson COK 43:12.32 W65 Carol Thompson NZL 44:43 400m Hurdles W45 Heather Lancaster AUS 36:55.48 Lynn Fraser NZL 52:57 W40 Delia Baldock AUS 11:21.48 W75 Shirley Brasher AUS 58:45 Sally Ann Taylor AUS 1:30.19 W50 Alison Thompson AUS 28:00.89 Sharon McDonald NZL 29:13.78 M30 Brendan Whelan AUS 26:42 W45 Marie Kay AUS 1:04.70 M35 Mark Reid NZL 28:08 M35 Andrew Davenport NZL 1:01.75 Janet Holmes AUS 29:18.50 Lynda Woodward AUS 32:48.53 Richard Malloch NZL 30:17 M40 Brendan Magill NZL 1:10.28 Craig Hutson COK 36:35 M45 Rohinton Mehta IND 1:10.46 W55 Heather Carr AUS 26:21.36 Celia Johnson AUS 31:21.46 M40 Brent Halley NZL 27:10 M50 Terry Hicks AUS 1:04.21 David Drummond NZL Noel Burr NZL 1:09.78 Shirley Rolston NZL 33:17.75 Sheryl Miratana NZL 34:31.60 27:57 M55 Christopher Portch NZL 1:18.39 Ronnie Thomas NZL 28:51 Viddy Jermacans AUS 1:23.79 W60 Sandy Brunner AUS 28:24.59 Gwen Steed AUS 30:54.85 M45 David MacDonald NZL 27:18 2000m Steeplechase Margaret Trengove AUS 33:59.41 Clive Kitchingman NZL 28:27 W35 Diana Pittwood-Adams NZL 11:01.16 Marion McIntosh NZL 35:40.40 Peter Cajthaml USA 31:16 W40 Linda Reynolds NZL 8:33.67 Lynne Schickert AUS 36:04.87 Geoff Stoddart COK 33:40 Page 26 — March Vetrunner

Gary Barrow NZL 35:38 Norris Wyatt NZL 32:59 Roger Barber AUS 40:04 Steven Reghenzani AUS 40:29 Robert McPherson NZL 33:48 Ray Waters NZL 40:50 M50 Derek Shaw NZL 29:15 Peter King NZL 35:05 John Eastmond NZL 42:24 Gene Sanderson NZL 29:51 William Wells NZL 35:45 M70 Sid Pavett NZL 35:06 Bob Pearce AUS 32:56 Peter Coughlan NZL 37:20 Ron Stevens NZL 36:01 Bill MacKay NZL 35:02 Jos Galavazi NZL 37:27 Frank Rogers AUS 36:41 Kevin Knight NZL 42:28 Bryan Thomas AUS 39:04 Patrick Mills NZL 37:50 M55 Tony McManus NZL 27:02 Douglas Smart AUS 45:28 David Padget AUS 37:53 Trevor Ogilvie NZL 27:11 Trevor Miller AUS 48:25 Ellis Goodyear NZL 38:33 Murray Clarkson NZL 30:01 Robert Mather NZL 49:02 Brian Keown NZL 40:24 Gary Tuttle USA 31:05 M65 Walter Hume NZL 33:22 Keith Wills NZL 48:51 Peter Tutty NZL 31:35 Neville Wagner AUS 34:19 Graeme Dahl AUS 32:08 John Caughley NZL 36:29 M75 Irwin Barrett-Lennard AUS 37:40 Francis Campkin NZL 33:07 John Waite AUS 36:46 Hector Mein NZL 40:28 M60 Peter Sandery AUS 30:16 Peter Watts NZL 38:16 Stan Gawler NZL 40:53 Bob Schickert AUS 32:43 Dave Eastmond NZL 38:36 Peter Thomas NZL 43:44

Weight Pentathlon – Men AUS 1035 674 679 711 1080 4179 Age Name Ham Shot Discus Javelin Weight Total Christine McCahill 41.45 11.29 35.93 23.37 14.50 M30 John Adams 21.03 8.86 22.12 26.30 7.22 NZ 1022 743 650 393 1136 3944 NZ 208 417 312 247 298 1482 W45 Sharon Gibbins 39.65 8.91 33.32 21.45 10.47 M35 Rene Otto 36.16 12.18 32.60 36.05 12.18 AUS 1159 643 653 414 881 3750 NZ 450 617 516 408 592 2583 W50 Winifred Harding 28.30 10.09 24.13 14.48 9.21 M40 Phillip Frkovic 43.27 12.69 36.42 34.40 13.40 NZ 610 794 491 284 580 2759 AUS 622 669 592 425 716 3024 Brigit Steltner 19.57 6.86 15.48 15.73 7.19 Wayne Doyle 29.19 11.00 31.22 46.26 9.52 NZ 379 497 290 316 427 1909 AUS 375 563 488 621 475 2522 Noela Avery 18.98 5.47 11.34 14.41 6.96 Dave Rondon 19.23 7.27 23.06 32.69 6.28 AUS 359 373 186 283 410 1611 NZ 204 334 330 397 279 1544 Katy Taplin 17.46 6.27 14.20 10.28 6.26 M45 Mark Flaus 30.93 11.66 35.93 33.94 11.34 NZ 318 445 252 179 358 1552 457 665 618 467 636 2843 W55 Chirstine Schultz 32.90 11.07 30.58 22.57 11.55 Andrew AUS 826 983 730 569 845 3953 Atkinson-Howatt 21.40 8.20 22.76 36.91 6.82 Judy Coram 30.68 8.73 23.11 21.32 8.15 AUS 276 433 448 520 341 2081 AUS 759 745 522 532 559 3117 M50 Joe Bradley 35.69 10.23 34.87 51.78 12.79 Heather Steer 28.44 8.10 19.25 14.96 9.88 NZ 538 590 561 832 690 3211 Lorraine Mussett 18.30 5.77 15.25 12.08 5.84 Joni Lajos 34.02 12.17 32.86 34.68 15.48 AUS 389 449 312 264 368 1782 AUS 507 617 521 366 762 2773 Betty Hawken 9.00 4.94 10.48 11.03 4.22 M55 Robert Banens 38.29 10.96 35016 49026 13.96 AUS 122 367 190 234 237 1150 AUS 672 725 636 878 843 3754 Beverley Church 22.49 Richard Davidson 43.40 9.58 31.74 27.85 14.66 NZ 513 513 NZ 782 619 561 430 892 3284 W60 Jan Banens 38.73 8.20 21.63 28.82 14.34 Cameron Murch 32.87 9.39 35.16 44.03 11.48 AUS 1135 778 47 597 1006 4063 NZ 556 603 636 766 672 3233 Rayea Rudov 27.02 8.00 21.07 18.44 12.56 Jos Pols 33.06 9.96 30.58 28.51 9.39 AUS 738 755 529 518 864 3404 NZ 560 648 535 443 528 2714 Patricia Thomas 25.35 8.36 20.89 19.53 11.10 3303 M60 Ray Green 42.39 13.04 46.71 33.58 13.68 Lynn Donaldson 21.77 7.05 14.83 18.32 10.52 AUS 836 886 922 584 768 3996 NZ 563 650 343 514 702 2772 Phillip Cox 38.68 11.38 30.88 23.84 14.00 Lesley O’Neil1 16.74 7.72 17.15 18.20 8.61 NZ 749 756 557 374 789 3225 NZ 397 724 412 510 552 2595 Kevin Bradley 43.47 7.28 32.08 23.15 16.78 Alison Duncan 18.09 7.21 15.89 14.07 8.09 NZ 861 440 584 360 972 3217 NZ 441 667 374 374 511 2367 John Reynolds 30.82 9.37 36.42 25.77 14.47 Sandra Dingwell 17.59 6.04 14.05 17.34 6.93 AUS 567 600 683 415 820 3085 NZ 425 538 321 462 421 2187 David Wookey 28.69 9.76 25.85 33.48 11.79 Diane Underwood 18.31 5.68 15.97 12.87 7.17 AUS 518 628 445 582 645 2818 NZ 449 499 377 335 440 2100 Alister Wilson 24.17 8.74 32.74 19.66 10.43 W65 Helen Searle 38.49 11.23 27.08 23.23 15.30 NZ 427 552 593 287 558 2417 AUS 1291 1270 819 772 1235 5387 Peter McWilliams 24.86 9.07 28.78 25.56 9.26 Glen Watts 25.30 7.24 20.41 17.52 9.86 AUS 430 577 510 411 482 2410 NZ 785 765 586 558 745 3439 Selwyn Hawken 20.53 8.29 26.42 31.85 10.09 Clarine Scratton 23.60 6.23 17.10 14.53 9.08 AUS 332 518 458 547 536 2391 NZ 721 639 473 447 676 2956 Roy Skuse 26.51 8.28 26.36 23.01 10.43 Barbara Bird 18.90 7.24 15.53 18.44 7.02 NZ 468 516 457 357 558 2356 NZ 545 765 420 592 495 2817 Bob Cahners 26.71 Val Babe F 6.06 16.91 10.35 8.84 USA 468 468 NZ 0 618 467 293 655 2033 M65 Brian Senior 33.57 9.63 32.70 26.49 13.11 Lorraine Menzies 14.26 4.43 11.43 10.85 5.84 NZ 730 739 683 496 823 3471 NZ 374 419 285 312 `393 1783 Robin Herron 33.90 9.59 29.39 21.09 13.40 W70 Valarie Worrell 25.32 6.70 17.69 15.02 9.45 USA 738 735 599 367 844 3283 AUS 921 809 574 541 827 3672 Ken Daniels 21.89 8.42 26.80 33.98 8.69 Patricia Drayton 22.75 7.29 15.85 13.04 10.46 AUS 426 630 534 679 506 2775 NZ 810 892 506 457 930 3595 Bryan Slattery 21.96 7.17 28.64 25.01 10.15 Colleen Brunker 23.60 5.94 16.12 14.21 9.42 NZ 428 519 581 460 610 2598 NZ 847 791 516 507 824 3395 Alan Hunter 6.34 18.24 20.91 6.84 Iris Bishop 16.86 5.14 .13.59 10.28 6.36 NZ 445 325 363 375 1508 NZ 557 589 419 342 515 2422 M70 Laurie Devlin 43.38 9.54 29.39 21.91 17.88 MargaritaJekabsons 15.27 5.29 11.48 11.27 7.18 NZ 1009 631 695 417 1207 3959 AUS 490 610 339 383 597 2419 Avro Ropelin 25.45 11.01 29.46 28.80 12.31 W75 Ngawini Pepene 15.99 6.24 12.12 19.54 7.37 AUS 529 749 697 593 788 3356 NZ 632 878 438 866 738 3552 Ron Johnson 29.02 9.64 30.42 31.36 10.83 Colleena Blair 13.64 5.39 16.12 12.98 8.91 NZ 623 639 725 659 678 3324 NZ 516 739 619 542 920 3336 Kerry Thew 20.38 7.64 23.57 21.86 9.78 Shirley Brasherf 14.86 4.40 8.05 8.66 5.37 AUS 396 482 530 416 601 2425 AUS 576 579 261 332 546 2294 M75 Graeme Lawless 27.33 9.85 30.95 19.25 10.95 W80 Pam Spiers 11.77 3.43 9.47 7.06 5.39 NZ 697 778 874 423 800 3572 NZ 537 523 403 318 628 2409 Bill Newton 24.08 8.47 21.67 26.50 9.61 W85 Rona Smith 11.51 3.85 9.18 7.47 4.89 NZ 596 651 566 637 687 3137 NZ 689 765 505 441 724 3124 Charlie Bishop 26.45 7.86 21.83 22.57 10.19 W95 Ruth Frith 11.08 4.35 9.78 6.43 5.16 NZ 670 595 572 520 736 3093 AUS 1459 1702 1187 766 1636 6750 Dave Leech 26.50 7.59 20.39 16.80 11.48 Pentathlon – Men NZ 671 571 525 352 845 2964 Rad Leovic 15.85 5.07 15.53 17.09 7.43 Age Name LJ Jav 200m Discus 1500m Total AUS 346 344 371 361 505 1927 M35 Craig Motley 4.86 35.63 28.43 26.11 4:36.91 M80 Feliks Jekabsons 28.97 9.98 26.96 19.30 12.43 NZ 402 401 418 389 723 2333 AUS 925 961 898 439 997 4220 Rene Otto 2.56 34.80 35.36 29.78 DNS M85 David Scratton 22.05 7.83 20.63 18.01 10.22 NZ 33 389 68 460 0 950 NZ 867 919 819 546 968 4119 M40 Ian Dieudonne 4.40 28.67 26.26 24.92 4:38.08 NZ 360 332 661 366 804 2532\ Dave Rondon 4.56 31.74 26.93 24.18 5:53.37 Weight Pentathlon – Women NZ 394 382 608 351 391 2126 Age Name Ham Shot Discus Javelin Weight Total Brendan Magill 4.28 23.82 29.34 18.10 4:44.59 W35 Lynette Smith 22.97 8.95 32.46 30.58 6.68 NZ 335 255 432 237 763 2022 AUS 410 494 527 488 402 2321 M45 Andrew W40 Jayne Hardy 41.99 10.40 37.29 38.65 13.87 Atkinson-Howatt 3.94 36.12 29.67 28.36 6:35.07 March Vetrunner — Page 27

AUS 315 506 484 460 291 2056 Rad Leovic 3.25 9.28 42.87 17.10 6:59.60 M50 Ed Archibald 4.30 30.24 28.49 23.76 6:17.14 AUS 591 143 269 420 677 2100 NZ 459 423 644 343 438 2307 David Lobb 4.00 19.92 29.75 20.31 6:07.06 Pentathlon – Women COK 384 236 552 278 483 1933 Age Name 100m Shot LJ Jav 800m Total M55 Viddy Jermacans 4.45 22.69 29.08 22.37 6:02.55 W35 Lynette Smith 15.21 8.47 3.65 30.35 2:45.16 AUS 580 326 674 359 579 2518 AUS 428 460 261 483 515 2147 Christopher Portch 3.94 24.17 30.61 23.82 5:50.66 W40 Julie Brims 13.05 7.45 4.63 21.48 2:41.96 NZ 437 356 565 389 638 2385 AUS 866 447 587 354 602 2856 Jos Pols 3.74 27.74 33.08 31.53 DNF . Mona Henderson 16.72 7.71 2.84 23.83 3:52.77 NZ 384 428 409 556 0 1777 COK 333 466 130 403 57 1389 M60 Ivan Sobotka 3.99 43.39 34.94 34.76 7:16.03 Bernadette Raffe 17.22 6.98 3.23 17.53 3:34.46 Czech Republic 533 802 368 645 342 2690 COK 278 411 212 274 146 1321 Kevin Bradley 3.87 23.40 31.04 32.32 6:07.07 W45 Sharon Gibbins 15.46 8.51 3.76 19.74 4:00.02 NZ 496 365 607 590 633 2689 AUS 612 609 406 374 69 2070 Fred Turner 4.33 DNS 28.08 30.59 6:05.73 W50 Heather Salzer 15.64 9.03 3.59 25.02 3:01.99 AUS 6.39 0 823 551 637 2650 AUS 704 696 428 555 547 2930 Selwyn Hawken 3.95 30.55 32.48 27.37 7:43.05 Lynne Choate 14.65 7.00 3.45 14.21 3:22.40 AUS 521 518 512 479 2:51 2281 AUS 853 510 386 277 360 2386 Alister Wilson 3.96 19.39 38.13 31.36 6:38.20 Noeline Burdon 15.79 6.52 3.63 11.76 3:07.32 NZ 523 281 213 568 490 2075 COK 683 467 441 216 495 2302 Ray Green 2.50 34.41 DNS 50.27 DNS Brigit Steltner 16.59 7.08 3.38 16.34 3:16.13 AUS 145 603 0 1006 0 1754 NZ 575 518 364 332 414 2203 M65 Lothar Muller 4.63 25.33 29.72 28.15 7:16.63 W55 Tui Ashe 16.11 8.38 3.80 18.42 2:53.30 Germany 862 468 769 568 404 3073 NZ 752 709 595 447 738 3241 Graeme Noden 4.47 25.33 29.74 21.33 7:32.47 Nancy Bowmar 18.11 7.03 3.38 14.92 3:21.77 AUS 802 468 768 400 347 2785 NZ 496 573 443 346 478 2336 Spencer Herft 4.19 32.80 33.38 23.77 Loraine Baron 16.42 6.44 3.04 13.15 3:36.61 AUS 702 649 523 459 0 2333 AUS 709 515 331 295 356 2206 Don Chambers 3.70 19.73 30.74 22.84 Betty Hawken 27.38 5.12 1.71 10.01 DNS AUS 535 335 697 438 2004 AUS 0 385 12 205 0 602 Roly Letham 2.28 15.53 39.99 16.43 8:57.67 W60 Margaret Orman 17.64 6.79 3.23 21.67 3:01.51 NZ 136 238 189 283 110 956 AUS 657 621 482 626 810 3196 M70 Ron Johnson 3.30 30.64 34.25 34.07 6:42.71 Lesley Hamilton 17.29 7.50 2.56 18.42 3:57.52 NZ 498 641 552 832 612 3135 AUS 703 700 248 518 324 2493 M75 Hector Mein 3.42 23.17 36.80 19.82 :40.89 W70 Clasina Vanderveeken 22.33 4.92 2.14 9.33 4:28.51 NZ 661 538 565 507 758 3029 NZ 351 558 246 303 457 1915 ACTVAC EXPLOITS AT OCEANIA (Continued from Page 21) Next stop- the Gondola. At the top we were ravenous, Tourist doctor triages totalled tourist on tar so after a feast of wedges we played the NZ sugar-stick Gary Maher didn’t want to be left out of the excitement, so pickup championship. I top scored with 15 pickups (beat after buying a new top he decided to walk out in front of a that!) while our newly disabled player (Gary) was second car. He was thrown into the air like a bull tossing a with 9. matador. Fortunately he fell on his head, and didn’t break First event was the hammer at 8.30am. I complained a leg. Jayne and Raylea thought he was dead as he lay that is was 6.30am our time, and I was still suffering from unconscious on the road, but he came out fighting, telling jet lag. everyone he was fine to go home. Neck collar, dots on Most afternoons at Camelot we shocked bystanders by chest, pink armband, grazed fingers, ice packs, codeine, sinking into the icy depths of the pool and doing our panadol, brufen, “The Simpsons” bandaids, and lots of recovery exercises. The spa, RICE therapy, massage, and a sympathy were Gazza’s lot. A doctor from England was on few anti-inflammatories also helped our recovery from day the spot, so Raylea scooped up the doc’s Raybans 1 of comp. (expensive sunnies) with Gary’s gear. The sunnies were Rad Leovic amazed everyone by the number of events given to the PC who came to Camelot Lodge for an he entered. He had to turn down our dinner invitations to autograph. He would send them on to England. PC told us be in bed by 7pm. What dedication! that the driver was drunk, so was charged. Later we went Bryan Thomas was ecstatic to get a medal in the walk, back for a re-enactment of the crime. Wouldn’t you know and NOT get disqualified. Eat your heart out Robin it? Gary tried to get run over again – in exactly the same spot! We saved him this time as we couldn’t possibly hand out any more sympathy. Gary’s new nickname is “Gary Martyr”, after his run in the 100m, where he collapsed over the line. He felt his groin pull. Jan Davies went to feel his groin too, but couldn’t find the right lump. (Gary unfortunately sustained a more long term injury than we first realised- his pride- no, his hip). A great side trip in Christchurch is the Antarctic Centre. An all terrain vehicle called a Hagglund drove us up 30degree slopes, over 1.2metre crevasses, did donuts and drove through water 3m deep. Next we donned jackets and boots and went into the freezer (a replica of Antarctica). An encore performance from Gary. Gary saw a sign saying “slippery surface”. So yep, you’re right. He slipped onto his bum and cut himself. As we were all sympathised out, he showed the attendant his cut hand. “Oh you poor dear! You come with me and I’ll fix you up.” Gary reappeared later sporting his new bandaid like a VC. Raylea later found some bandaids that said “road rash” on The medal winners. A group of Australian medallists, from them. Gary plastered himself with them. the left, David Wookey, Ray Green, Ivan Sabothka and Bryan Thomas Page 28 — March Vetrunner

Whyte! Trish Thomas, Jan Banens and Raylea appeared no more. The last night we sent Jayne off to bring in our on the podium many times as part of the ACTVAC 60- washing on the pretext that we had sore legs and couldn’t year-olds women’s whitewash of the throws. They wore move. We then arranged the room for a surprise for her their winter throwing championship shirts and waved the birthday. Jayne then enjoyed the next week jet-boating, Aussie flag proudly. Bob Banens again pulled out a big one white water rafting, horse riding and quad biking. That’s in the Javelin. Hazel McDonnell (QLD) brought her blue our Jayne! Ray and I were more sedentary with dolphin heeler mascots with her. She entertained us with stories of watching, soaking in the thermal pools, and cruising the their adventures around the world, and makes sure she museums and arts/ crafts shops. NZ is fast becoming like always has a plastic bag on the ready for any droppings! home with all the possums. As revenge for Jayne’s import Ray confused the wind gauge reader with his 5step of sheepskin to NZ, they made me import a pair of possum run-up for the pentathlon long jump. The reader usually skin gloves back to OZ! “Merino mink” is all the go- a soft watches for the athlete to run past before he sets the mix of merino and possum fur. The bird population is machine. Ray was in the pit long before there was a growing with out rosellas, magpies and cockatoos. reading registered. Apparently our black swans are fair game, and Europe’s Several team members managed to score plenty of runs white swans are protected. We were amused by a petrol with a bad dose of norovirus or the Christchurch Cramps station which had instead of the two prices in dollars, or Kiwi Kwakes. (Lucky we didn’t arrive earlier for the showed, “Unleaded: ARM and Super: LEG”. Hepatitis A outbreak). Next Oceania is in Townsville in 2008. The team up By the end of the competition many of us were sporting there is already planning for our arrival. The hotels and bandages and ice-packs. I pulled a hamstring just as I was hospitals will be on the lookout for any ACTVAC members. going for another warm-up for the relay, and Ray pulled Start planning the drive now. You might catch Gary on his calf again in his pent 200m. Then there was Gary- say the side of the road. FROM CANBERRA TO CHRISTCHURCH An Aussie’s view of the Oceania Masters Athletic The bulk of 424 athletes who entered the 13th Oceania Championship that were held in Christchurch, New Masters Championships were from the host nation New Zealand. Zealand and Australia; but it was pleasing to see thirteen Cook Islanders, a Norfolk Islander (Ian Anderson, BRYAN THOMAS was asked by the Australian and New president of Oceania Masters Athletics) and others that Zealand executive to write a report to accompany the travelled from England, Czech Republic, Germany, India, results of the Oceania Championships for publication in Mexico and United States to participate in this popular “Vetline” (official magazine of NZ Masters Athletics). regional athletics carnival. It was also pleasing that Queensland Masters Athletics also sought permission to women made up more than 38% of entries and both publish the story in their magazine. Australia and Cook Islands had perfect male to female ratios of 50%. Our Canberra contingent of ten athletes also The article below is similar to the one written for “Vetline” had the perfect mix. but has been modified to give it an ACTVAC flavour. Sixty year-olds were the most popular age groups for both genders while amongst the women W55 and W40 had After leaving hot, dry and brown Canberra it was a next most participants and in the men M65 was just ahead surprise to be greeted by cool, damp, windy and green of M50. Christchurch. The amazing indefatigable and regular visitor to But from then on we enjoyed warm sunny days that Canberra Ruth Frith, from Queensland, at 96years of age caused athletes to suffer from sunburn unless sun cream was the most senior competitor. Ruth, as is customary had been applied. It appears Christchurch has its own entered all five throwing events, which of course she duly version of the “Fremantle Doctor” for every afternoon a won and in so doing set two new World Records as well as strong sea breeze cooled the city. two new single age world best performances. M90 New Ten lucky ACTVAC members travelled to Christchurch Zealander Syd Taylor entered both sprints was the oldest to participate in the Oceania Championships and to enjoy male athlete. a New Zealand holiday. Our representatives and the At the opposite end of the age bracket were two events entered were - Bob Banens M55 shot put, discus, Aussies, who at 30years of age were the youngest. javelin, hammer, heavy weight and throws pentathlon; The 200m was the most popular event closely followed Janice Banens W60 shot put, discus, javelin, hammer, by the 100m and discus. However, male and female heavy weight and throws pentathlon; Sharon Gibbins W45 preferences differed; women favoured the discus over the shot put, discus, javelin, hammer, heavy weight, throws 100m and 200m while men preferred distance running pentathlon, 100m and long jump; Ray Green M60 shot put, events such as the 5000m, 1500m and 8km cross country. discus, javelin, hammer, heavy weight, throws pentathlon While average entries per athlete were more than four, and pentathlon; Jayne Hardy W40 shot put, discus, javelin, some competitors were so multi-skilled and energetic that hammer, heavy weight and throws pentathlon; Rad Leovic they were continually on the go throughout the M75 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, high jump, long jump, championships. Most ambitious male competitors were triple jump, javelin, 80m hurdles, 300m hurdles, M70 Ron Johnson (NZ) who entered nineteen events and steeplechase, pentathlon and throws pentathlon (phew!); M60 Selwyn Hawken (Q) and M75 Rad Leovic (ACT) each Gary Maher M55 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, high jump, with fourteen. triple jump, 100m hurdles,400m hurdles and pentathlon The busiest three women were Kiwis; a W70 with (phew again!); Raylea Rudov W60 shot put, discus, javelin, eleven entries and a W65 and a W55 with ten apiece. At the hammer, heavy weight and throws pentathlon; Bryan other extreme twenty-four athletes entered a single event Thomas M60 8km cross-country, steeplechase, shot put, and not surprisingly in most cases it was the half javelin, 3000m walk, 5000m walk and 10km road walk and marathon. Trish Thomas W60 shot put, discus, javelin, hammer, heavy The 13th Oceania Masters Athletics Championships weight and throws pentathlon. (previously held in Suva in 1982 and 94, Canberra 84, Apia March Vetrunner — Page 29

86, Nourmea 88, Auckland 90, Norfolk Island 92 and 2000, balloons being set aloft by a boisterous Aussie contingent Papeete 96, Hawkes Bay 98, Geelong 2002 and Rarotonga and release of pigeons were the highlights. two years ago) were a successful and enjoyable eight-day There were of course many exciting competitions, athletics meet. As in every level of masters’ athletics it is probably heaps of PBs, certainly numerous club, the friendly social ambiance that makes such championship and national records and even four World championships so addictive, in fact some competitors have Records. In almost the final event of the championships participated in all thirteen. W30 Angela McKee achieved a NZ Commonwealth Games Visiting Czech Republic athlete M60 Ivan Sobutka is a qualifying performance in the high jump with a great leap regular participant in these championships because he of 1.89m. Many competitors, including eight of our ten ACT says - “I like coming to South Pacific for my annual representatives, had participated in the memorable WMA holidays to get away from the cold of my homeland and I World Championships in San Sebastian, Spain only a few like to do some athletics”. Ivan, a good javelin thrower, months earlier and a number of the stars from these tried some additional events this year such as jumps and championships produced the goods again in Christchurch. hurdles and entered nine events. Another regular of the Two great champions produced a brace of World championships since his debut in Norfolk Island in 2000 is Records apiece. W55 Heather Carr (Victoria), no stranger our popular multi-event athlete M55 Gary Maher. Poor to setting World Records set new standards in two of her Gary had only just arrived in Christchurch when he had three race walking events, 15.31.84 for the 3000m walk and the misfortune of being hit by a car driven by a drunk and 54.01 for the 10km road walk. W95 Ruth Frith the injuries received meant he had to withdraw from (Queensland) continued to rewrite the record book for almost all his nine events. But Gary was determined to get throwing events by setting new World Records for both some time on the track and managed to qualify for a run in the heavy weight throw with her toss of 5.11m and the relays on the last day. Gary is developing a reputation throwing pentathlon with a score of 6750 points. for having spectacular falls at championships for he also Twelve new World Best Performances for Single Ages managed an impressive swan dive and forward roll at the were also set during these championships. Heather and end of an 800m in San Sebastian. Ruth’s World Records mentioned above also qualify as W56 All venues were excellent. I must admit when I first and W96 single age best performances. One of these single walked into QE II on the first day I felt the stadium was age world bests were set by our very own Sharon Gibbins too vast and impersonal for a track and field meet of this who can now claim to have hurled the heavy weight size, but over time I grew accustomed and comfortable to further (12.04m) than any other 47year-old woman in the its layout. The infield throwing areas were especially world. Other world single age world bests were for - W61 attractive for competitors and spectators alike as each 300m hurdles 55.91, W63 3000m walk 16.50.23, W80 long 10m arc was clearly marked on the grass by a painted line jump 2.10m, M82 heavy weight 11.98m, M83 3000m walk and a large sign that made throwing events more 21.00.01 and W96 javelin 7.67m and hammer throw 11.16m. interesting. There were several other super performances; for example The four by 2km loop cross country course, adjacent to Marie Kay of Wollongong, holder of the World Record for the stadium, with its numerous tight corners, several little W45 heptathlon, missed the W45 World Record in the 400m hillocks and two hurdles per lap all on a bed of lush grass hurdles by a mere .06 of a second. was a delight for both runners and viewers. Except for a All of us, except perhaps injured pedestrian Gary, young M30 Aussie who led all the way, most medallists (in returned home pleased with our performances and had both the male and female 8km races) wore black and white medals to prove it. Rad must have really set off airport uniforms. metal detectors with his massive haul of gold, silver and On the other hand most prizes in the 10km road walk bronze. I had the rare honour of winning our first medal went to Aussies. The road walk was conducted on a when I won bronze in the 3000m walk. My most satisfying picturesque1km out and back course through the centre of competitive experience from the championships was Hagley Park. Because at least half the course was in the surviving all three race walking events without shade of tall trees, passed close to flower beds and an disqualification. I pleased that I had passed the judges ornamental pond with its family of ducks that occasionally scrutiny, which has not always been my fortune. Apart waddled back and forth across my path it was possible to from Sharon’s magnificent toss of the heavy weight all our relax a little from the concentration required to keep a throwers excelled. Bob, Ray and Jayne set Oceania legal gait. A special appeal about participating in mixed records and our trio of W60s Janice, Raylea and Trish age and gender competitions such as the road walk or half shared the gold, silver and bronze medals between them, marathon is the opportunity to better appreciate the but in different combinations, in almost all five throwing talents of our elite performers such as W55 Heather Carr events. (Victoria) who finished fourth outright setting a new If the traditional sporting rivalry between Australia World Record in the process. and New Zealand was measured across all events it might Special praise must be given to the officials and come out fairly even. Aussie women would be ahead in helpers. At almost every event there were more than sprints, throws and walks while female Kiwis were enough friendly and competent people to conduct the definitely the dominant force in middle distance and competition efficiently and safely. I usually offer to help at distance races as were their men-folk. throwing events while watching Trish and/or friends Following the championships, we like almost all other compete but at these championships there was nothing to Aussie participants, set off for a New Zealand holiday. do. Congratulations to the organizers for doing away with Trish and I went on a two-week car tour clock-wise around a Call Room except for events requiring heats. I have beautiful South Island and took warm sunny weather with always believed that in masters’ athletics competitors go us where ever we went. Imagine being more concerned direct to the event in sufficient time to warm up, be about getting a sun tan than sand flies at Milford Sound? briefed and ready to start on time without having to sit During our trip we just happened to meet up with fellow and wait in a designated area. Aussie athletes in Timaru, Dunedin, Te Anau, Milford and The Opening Ceremony was an enjoyable low-key Queenstown. affair for those involved and those who watched. The So now we look forward to doing it all again in August entry by country is always fun for athletes. Cook 2008 in tropical Townsville, sporting capital of Far North Islanders, dressed in traditional garb, appeared to be Queensland. Those of us who have experienced the having most fun as they danced their way around the competition and friendship of Oceania will definitely aim track. The musical accompaniment provided by a military to be there and we encourage our veteran/masters athletic band, raising of the attractive Oceania flag, green and gold friends to join with us in two years time. Page 30 — March Vetrunner IN REPLY TO A CONSULTANT’S ATHLETICS REPORT This article written by Club President GEOFF SIMS, sufficiently prevalent with other bodies to provide good is a reply to a review undertaken by Consultant informal communication links. Henny Oldenhove for ACT Athletics. Athletic interests of ACTVAC members The ACTVAC provides a full range of athletics Thank you for the meeting we had recently. I welcome activities to satisfy widely varying interests among its ACT Athletics’ interest to consult with ACTVAC during members. Although not based on empirical evidence, a your review of its structure and strategic plan. It profile of interests of its 500 members (including multiple demonstrates a recognition of common interests between interests) would be something like: participants in open age and mature age athletics. As 1. 75% participate in cross country running events. promised during our discussion I’ve made some notes 2. 25% participate in track and field competition. about ACTVAC’s collaborative activity with ACT Athletics 3. 10% participate in race or fitness walking events. (ACTA) and with other athletics bodies in the ACT, and 4. 15% participate in throwing events. about further opportunities. These varied interests co-exist well within ACTVAC. Affiliation There is no evidence of tension between groups within At a formal level, ACTVAC operates independently of ACTVAC or of any desire for independence. As noted ACTA. It is affiliated with the mature-age athletics above, many members supplement their specialty interest national body Australian Masters Athletics (AMA), and by being members of other specialist athletics clubs in the through it with World Masters Athletics (WMA). AMA is a ACT. member of the Australian Athletics Federation. ACTVAC Opportunities for further collaboration with ACT has no formal affiliation with Athletics Australia. athletics bodies Existing collaborative activity I comment first on issues that are unlikely to be A number of collaborative ventures with ACTA and acceptable to ACTVAC members. other bodies have evolved through local arrangements, ACTVAC values its independent status and ability to with varying degrees of formality: manage its activities for the direct benefit of its members. 1. ACTVAC and ACTA have conducted annual track and There is no evidence that members would want the field championships jointly for a number of years. question of further collaboration with ACTA to impact on Operating under a single meeting management its affiliation arrangements with AMA. That means that structure, both organisations share the AIS facility members are unlikely to be interested in any proposal for booking, nomination of officials and volunteers, event alternative affiliation with ACTA, should that arise under programming and results processing system. the review of ACTA’s structure and strategic plan. 2. ACTVAC conducts its annual cross country The idea of a single membership fee that would provide championships jointly with the ACT Cross Country an individual athlete with membership of multiple Club (ACTCCC), which performs this role for ACTA. organisations in the ACT has been canvassed at the ACT 3. Soon to be formalised between ACTVAC and ACTA is a Athletics Council (on which ACTVAC has been given proposal to facilitate access to each organisation’s observer status by ACTA). This proposal is problematic for summer track and field competitions for members of ACTVAC in a number of ways, including the management both organisations who are aged 30 years or more. of capitation fees for affiliation with different national 4. ACTVAC and the ACT Race and Fitness Walking Club bodies, and arrangements for insurance that also flow conduct joint walking events (open to walk competitors through different national bodies. of all ages) at ACTVAC track and field competitions While ACTVAC member interests have not been during the summer season. canvassed, it is possible that further collaboration could be 5. ACTVAC and other athletics organisations have an pursued with ACTA in a number of fields, outlined below. informal understanding that they will avoid clashes of Training and accreditation of officials events, and implement this through collaborative ACTVAC does not have a strong group of accredited development of event calendars. Most include dates of athletics officials. This is of greater consequence for the other organisation’s activities in calendars of events more technical track and field event management than for provided to their members. management of out of stadium events, where ACTVAC’s 6. From time to time, ACTVAC and other organisations capability is strong. Allowing some variations approved by make arrangements to borrow or lease equipment from WMA, veteran/masters competition is conducted under the each other, especially for major events. same IAAF rules as used by ACTA for open age 7. Volunteer assistance for major events is often competition. ACTVAC has welcomed ACTA’s willingness supplemented through invitations distributed to to assist ACTVAC with training of officials and in members of other organisations. Examples from recent providing supervised experience at ACTA events. years have been Telstra A Series, INAS-FID world However, few ACTVAC members have obtained official championships for athletes with an intellectual qualifications recognised by Athletics Australia. ACTVAC disability, Australian Masters Games athletics track and field events are therefore managed by (although the latter was organised by a separate body volunteers drawing on a more informal understanding of under the YMCA’s auspice). event rules and procedures. While this generally works These arrangements are supplemented by informal well for club competition, ACTVAC cannot provide the links arising from individual ACTVAC members being level of skill required of officials for major events such as members (and in some cases administrators) of other the AMA Championships, which it conducts periodically. athletic organisations in the ACT. ACTVAC membership There is potential for more collaboration with ACTA to overlap is particularly strong with the ACTCCC but is develop the capability of officials for track and field events. March Vetrunner — Page 31 Participation by ACTVAC members as officials at ACTA selected functions in the future. The opportunity to out- events is recognised as a means of attracting reciprocal source (without ceding any element of control) to an assistance from ACTA officials when needed. athletics ‘office’ used by other ACT athletics organisations Coaching could make this more attractive. ACTVAC does not have any coaching development Event management software program. A handful of ‘coaches’ (who have sound Both ACTA and ACTVAC use the program ‘Meet experience but whose coaching qualifications are generally Manager’ for management of major track and field events not known or not of concern) offer organised training and for which participants have submitted entries in advance, advice to groups of ACTVAC athletes. Venues and times so that events can be populated before competition begins are advertised in the ACTVAC magazine, Vetrunner. The (as at the joint ACT Track and Field Championships). This groups are probably characterised more by their provision software does not meet the needs of either organisation at of group training opportunities (and associated social normal club/interclub competition where competitors activities) than by their delivery of coaching or mentoring nominate and, where necessary, are organised into heats for individual athlete development. This is the nature of or competition groups immediately before the event veteran/masters athletics, where individuals involve commences. The possibility of sharing use of locally themselves for a variety of reasons. Nevertheless, developed software that caters better for results opportunities for coach development and accreditation processing and reporting under this scenario has been that would flow from collaboration with ACTA could raised. Advantages would accrue to both organisations improve ACTVAC’s service to members looking for through the ability of volunteers trained in use of the coaching. software to assist at either competition. Club administration Publicity for athletics ACTVAC administration is undertaken by volunteer ACT Athletics organisations could collaborate to members of the club’s Committee and Sub-Committees, maximise the publicity given to athletics generally and to and by individuals with assigned roles. Around 100 emphasise the opportunities available at all ages and members are involved. Commercial services are engaged across athletics disciplines. for hosting a website and for child care at certain events. A Age-related transition in athletics commercial online registration and payment system (as ACTVAC could work jointly with ACTA and with ACT used by ACTCCC) is currently being trialled. Until early Little Athletics to facilitate transition between junior, 2005 a commercial IT service also provided management open and mature age competition as people with an of a database of membership and results records. A return interest in athletics grow older. It could also explore to commercial services of this nature will depend on a opportunities for different generations within families to current review. At about the time commercial IT services participate with their own age group, while maintaining a were first engaged, the club ceased arrangements to have shared family interest. a paid part-time administrative officer. Disclaimer While volunteer administration generally works well The views expressed above are my own. However, I for ACTVAC, there are some time-critical business needs intend to offer them for publication in Vetrunner, to let which do not always fit well with a volunteer service ACTVAC members know about the issues that have arisen model. The current review of IT services should lead to during your review for ACTA, and to encourage debate improved process and easier administration by volunteers, about opportunities for collaboration around a shared but it is possible that ACTVAC will consider out-sourcing interest in our sport. NEVER AGAIN! A motivational tale (Continued from Page 4) 2. a sister of the grandfather who is trying to be a golfer walk whereas if I walked I would have nothing to slow 3. a member of the defence force who looked after the down to. This turned out to be a masterful decision. ultra runner and holder of many records with military The day duly arrived and we all went to the grass track precision. at Gosford on the Saturday morning to set up our ‘base’. I found out later that there was a Sri Chinmoy entrant This consisted of tents and tables and chairs and making from Canberra as well. sure that food and drinks would be able to be kept dry in I tried to have a sleep in the afternoon but the nervous the case of inclement weather. I was able to mix with my anticipation I was going through prevented me from fellow entrants from Canberra. having anything more than a cat nap. Finally the They were indeed a very impressive team; they were: starting time approached. We needed to register, collect 1. a pole vaulting champion out numbers etc. I found I was number 2 and the ultra 2. one of Australia’s best known race walkers and a holder runner holder of many records was number 1. We were of many records allocated lap scorers and I introduced myself to my lap 3. a navy man called ‘Blue’ who in fact refused to shave scorer a young lady Louise. I had the time to walk around 4. a senior public servant with long locks the track the have a look at the surface. Half way round it 5. a grandfather who is trying to be a golfer struck me as a rather stupid thing to do as in 10 minutes I 6. a diplomat who had only been in the country three was going to be spending 12hrs looking at the damn thing! months The starter called all 47 of us to the line for a race 7. an ultra runner and holder of many records briefing. I wondered what instructions were needed to go and me round and round a 400-metre track for 12 hours! Mainly We were also lucky enough to have some helpers. They things about courtesy to other runners/walkers and the were: fact that every two and a half hours the track direction 1. a junior Zorro, son of Blue would be reversed. I did hear one competitor say that if Page 32 — March Vetrunner we want to ‘pass wind’ we should move to lane 3. records. I had also moved up to 13th position overall. It The starter’s gun went off at precisely 7.30pm. Having was about now I noticed one of Australia’s best known race no real ‘plan’ I started at a good slow pace but was quite walkers and holder of many records going around fairly amazed at how fast some of the runners went around. It slowly in lane three. On asking how he was he simply said wasn’t long before the competitors were fairly evenly “Not to worry, I always seem to struggle for a while at the spread right around the track. I simply settled into what I six hour mark”. I felt a little bit cocky as I was actually thought was an even pace and started to wonder what I feeling OK again after my legs ‘warmed up’ a bit. Oh how earth I was going to think about all night! Within a half stupid!! hour my singlet was saturated with perspiration, but I Things went along fairly comfortably for the next few noticed a girl running in a coat! I was conscious that it hours. I noticed some runners had slowed down was starting to get dark even though the floodlights had considerably, often down to a walk. Others, both runners come on. There were tables with watermelon, bananas, and walkers were taking longer times off the track. The oranges, and water on the 50metre bend and I got into the camaraderie amongst us from Canberra was still as high habit of helping myself to some water and a piece of as ever. Though it was noticeable that the words now watermelon or banana every half hour. sometimes became grunts of encouragement. For me the Early on the lap scorers were calling out but after a best thing was that the senior public servant with long while they seemed to quieten down a bit. I became locks was no longer walking with his mate and so I didn’t worried that Louise missed one of my laps. Every hour have to go 2 lanes wide to pass them. One of Australia’s the progress laps were posted on a big white board. After best known race walkers and holder of many records soon the first hour I was in 18th place. I was happy with that. got his breath back and was striding out as quickly as at One of Australia’s best-known race walkers and holder of the beginning. Perhaps the most disappointing thing was many records and the grandfather who is trying to be a that the diplomat who had only been in the country three golfer were walking to-gether lap for lap and at the end of months was forced to withdraw because of shin splints. I the hour they were recorded with different laps. This know it was a blow to her. Junior Zorro, son of Blue did provided a topic for conversation for many hours after the an excellent job of having a ‘popper’ drink ready for me on race. the hour every hour. He also catered to the needs of the After one a half hours Matt took over from Louise as others from Canberra as well as any professional. The my lap scorer. By now I had got into the habit of always weather while fairly muggy was bearable. A few times I catching the lap-scorer’s eye as I passed. Matt stayed for thought it was raining before I realised the wet drops on about another 2 hrs when he passed over to Lauren. By my legs were in fact drops of perspiration coming from the end of the 12hrs I felt Lauren and I had become good saturated shorts. It did rain very lightly at about the 10½ friends. As I approached the line each time I would look hr mark, or 6am, but it was refreshing rather than out for her with a ‘Got me Lauren’ and I always felt better anything else. when I heard her voice ‘Got you Geoff’. Every 2½ hours At the 9 hr mark, or 4.30am, I well and truly hit the the direction was changed by the placing of witches hats wall. My stomach started to cramp and I felt slightly sick. and an official directing us to turn. As a result I saw I said to Lauren “Sorry I just have to walk for a while”. everyone’s face 4 times through the night. It was She said, “That’s OK – just keep putting one foot in front noticeable that the faces became a little wearier looking as of the other”. So I did, round and round the track I went. the night wore on. I was sure a women runner who passed I felt comforted when the diplomat who had only been in me frequently was the wife of our club President. On the the country three months made me a nice warm cup of tea change of direction I was always a bit disappointed to and then walked a lap with me while I drank it. A little discover that it was not her at all. This clone of the later Lauren also walked a lap with me. I found these President’s wife actually went on to win the women’s expressions of camaraderie very encouraging. running section. I walked for an hour during which time I slipped back During the 1st half of the night us from Canberra to about 20th position overall, and the ultra runner and generally had some light hearted words of encouragement holder of many records had made a good recovery and for each other as we passed. After 5½ hours I was feeling easily regained her place well in front of me. At the 10- quite comfortable and was able to lift my tempo and hour mark, or 5.30am, I said to Lauren I was ready to covered 50kms in the 1st 6 hours. In the meantime the start running again. She was happy again. I immediately ultra runner and holder of many records began to struggle thought I must be starting to hallucinate because as I and was off the track for a while being ably assisted by a passed a certain walker he was heard to say, “Nice butts member of the defence force who looked after her with Geoff!” I became very confused especially as it was a male military precision voice and I don’t think I was wearing my pink singlet at At the 6-hour mark or 1.30am, I felt I had earned a 10- that stage. (I changed singlets a couple of times through minute break. I told Lauren I would be off and went and the night). After a few minutes I realised he was referring sat down. I found it extremely hard to get up again and to a bank clerk, - and who should have been a gym went and reported back to Lauren that I was about to instructor - from Sydney passing me on the outside. I restart. When I did Lauren told me I had been 20 minutes noticed the beard of the navy man called ‘Blue’ who in fact and she was about to come and look for me. I appreciated refused to shave no longer flowed over his shoulder. It was her concern. To show my appreciation and perhaps bribe rather wet and droopy, as though he had fallen into the a couple of laps (?) I gave the lap scorers a box of sea, and he was walking the slowest I have ever seen him chocolates. walk. The pole-vaulting champion had developed a I duly started and found my legs really stiff, not definite lean and was heard to murmur ‘I think I’ll stick to wanting to move at all. The big thrill when I did get going pole vaulting!’ The senior public servant with long locks was looking at the tally board to find that I had in fact was walking strongly with one of Australia’s best known gained 2 laps on the ultra runner and holder of many race walkers and holder of many records. No doubt they were discussing anything but the walk. one of Australia’s best known race walkers and holder of Dawn was heralded by the sound of birds and the City many records Rail trains nearby. By this stage the track seemed to have Robin Whyte, walker – 85 kms become like concrete, the soles of my feet started to the navy man called ‘Blue’ who in fact refused to shave become very tender. I was tempted to change my shoes Mark Worrall, walker – 77kms but did not want to risk sitting down as my will power was the senior public servant with long locks starting to become as tired as my body. I was also being Lachlan Wilkinson, walker – 86 kms motivated by Lauren who was encouraging me by counting down the distance I had left to achieve 90kms. There were the grandfather who is trying to be a golfer several times I questioned her as to whether or not I Pat Fisher – 88kms, 2nd male walker would make it. She kept assuring me I would. There were the diplomat who had only been in the country three two small sand patches on the track, one at the end of the months home straight, the other at the end of the back straight. Sharon Chomyn – 40 kms 2nd female walker Amazingly both remained fairly soft throughout. With the ultra runner and holder of many records about an hour to go my right foot did not land exactly right Carol Baird – 101 kms, 3rd female runner on the sand in the back straight and I experienced a And the supporters: shooting pain in my instep. junior Zorro, son of Blue I limped for about 10 metres and it simply disappeared, thankfully. Next day though my right instep Michael Worrall was fairly sore. the sister of the grandfather who is trying to be a golfer, Eventually the 10-minute to 12-hour hooter went and I Colleen McCardle, and only had three laps to go to achieve 90km. I found it a bit the member of the defence force who looked after the ultra hard to believe. I crossed the line for 90kms with about runner and holder of many records with military precision 2minutes to spare. Lauren left her post and congratulated Bob Baird. me immediately. I was full of smiles as I decided to stop And of course my lap scorers Louise, Matt and especially and watch all the others complete as the final hooter went Lauren. at 7.30am. Also congratulations to the army of officials and There were congratulations all round and a sense of helpers who were on hand all night to ensure that things achievement that is hard to match. I must admit I pointed went smoothly. my finger at the pole vaulting champion and one of Hopefully this will motivate others to ‘have a go’ at an Australia’s best known race walkers and holder of many ultimate challenge. Next year is the Classic’s 10th records and said “Don’t you ever ask me to do that again!” Anniversary so the organisers are planing for a bumper Thank-you to my fellow competitors from ACT Race event. and Fitness Walking Club and ACT Vetrunners, they are: Me – never again. the pole vaulting champion Did someone say there a 24hr event? Val Chesterton – 70 kms, 1st female walker Now that would be a challenge!!

The older we get, the faster we used to be. The longer we could jump and throw. BRYAN THOMAS continues his monthly column finding out The Way We Were haw we really went some 20 or even 10 years ago. 20 YEARS AGO (March 1986) summarised the results and recommendations from the Five visitors joined 23 of our members in the pentathlon members survey conducted over the last two months. championships. Records were set by W30 Linda Jamieson Champion M75 ACT and Australian athlete Gordon with 2329 points, W50 Mary Wahren 981, W55 Claire O’Cal- Boag (b.1919) died of prostate cancer. Our annual Boag laghan 1091, M50 Quentin Anthony 2760, M55 Charlie Rann Award, that recognizes our most outstanding male and fe- 2577 and M65 Gordon Boag 1531 points. M35 Bob Allison male sprinter/hurdlers, is named after him. 10.30.4, W30 Louise Fairfax 12.18.3 and W35 Rosemary Our track and field championships conducted over a Parker 13.22.8 set records in the 3000m steepl. weekend attracted many interstate visitors. Records were At the end of our athletics season 207 (107 by men and set by Conrad Burge M45 110H 16.5, Merv Collins M70 stee- 100 by women) ACT records and 12 Australian records had ple 10.12.1, Michael Craig M45 pv 3.15m, Martin Crowe M35 been set. Most prolific were Claire O’Callaghan (23) and weight 9.62m, Tim Gulliver M50 pv 2.20m, Liam Hanna M50 Gordon Boag (16). 10,000m 16.52, Mick Konemann M30 hj 1.68m, George Men- 35 members participated in the Australian Champion- cik M60 weight 16.31m, Marlene Reid W40 400 63.5, Michael ships in Adelaide, most staying together in accommodation Rutter M30 tj 12.28m, Grahame Taylor M50 100H 15.5, Alex close to the track. A special feature was a presentation of a Turbin M45 weight 11.92m and Anne Young W60 10,000m giant birthday cake and singing “Happy Birthday Bill” to 46.18. well-known 90year old NSW vet Bill Empey. Bill ran in the Our annual track and field awards were won by – Adler 100, 200 and 400m events. Women’s hammer throw and tri- Series Nola de Chazal (frontmarkers) and Graeme Small ple jump were officially recognized events. (backmarkers), Daniels Series Vicki Matthews and Greg Mike Adler reported on the 8km Parkes Fun Run in Skaines, Heart Foundation Trophy Ray Bramwell, Fristad which we had 30 members participate. Paul rake 24.46 was Awards Bob Banens and Elaine Cooper (gold), Jack Thack- the outright winner, Ken Sweeney was 2nd, Mary Ann Bus- ray and Sue Bourke (silver), Kevin Matthews and Anne teed was 2nd woman and 1st W30 –39, Mike Adler 1st M60+, Young (bronze) and Johnson Trophy to Mike Adler. Anne Young 1st W50-59 and Lucille Warth best W60+. Throwing handicap consisted of hammer and javelin. Monthly handicap was an 8km loop in Stromlo Forest. Charlie Rann won from Ray Green and Jen Bourke. Jim Brennan led the field of 87 just ahead of Judy Benson Running handicap was at Lake Tuggeranong. 121 ran and Alan Williams. 6.5km course won by Tony Booth from Dorothy Seedsman 10 YEARS AGO (March 1996) and Maria White. 45 completed the short course won by Jim Neil Boden, chair of the Marketing sub-committee, Tucker from and Andrew Sneddon. Page 34 — January Vetrunner FEBRUARY Weekly, Bi-Weekly and Monthly Events Fri 24 – Sun 26 – ACTVAC/ACTAA ACTVAC General Committee Meetings monthly on the second Wednesdays of the month Combined Track and Field at Western Distrcits Rugby Club, Catchpole Street, Macquarie at 7pm. Contact Secretary Ken Championships at the AIS. White on 62662589.

ACTVAC Weight Pentathlons will be held on: 2006 — March 12, April 9, May 14, June 18, MARCH July 16, August 13, September 17, October 15, November 12, December 17. Thurs 2 – ACTVAC Track and Field at the Customs Joggers meet every Friday at Stage 88 in Commonwealth Park at 12.20pm. Nick AIS from 6pm. Program: 3000m, 100m, Blackaby 62756506. 1500m walk (ACTVAC Championship), Lake Tuggeranong Stakes every Tuesday on the lake edge near KFC at 12.20pm. Lloyd 800m, 400m (B), Short Hurdles, 4x100m Edwards 62446340. Relay, 3000/5000m (Turkey Run), Weight BBQ Stakes Handicap every Wednesday from the Senior Citizens Club in Woden at (LTF), Long Jump, Javelin, Shot, High Jump, 12.20pm. Adrian Plunkett 62832307. Triple Jump (QA). Round the Lake (Burley Griffin) every second Wednesday (off PS pay week) from beside Sat 4 – Mountain Running at Mt Keira over Lake Burley Griffin in Commonwealth Park at Nerang Pool bridge from 12.20pm. Geoff Perry 5km and 2.5km. 62496965. Tues 7 – ACTCCC Summer Series Boat ACTCCC Women’s and Girls Jogalong at Weston Park (till the forest is open again) on the House, Menindee Place, Parkes, 2 and 5km, first Sunday of the month at 9am. Maria White 62314168. 6pm. Lake Ginninderra Handicap, last Tuesday of the month, from outside the Lighthouse Bar at Thurs 9 – ACTVAC Track and Field at the 12.20pm. Michael Aylott 62526683. AIS from 6pm. Program: Pentathlon Mount Ainslie Run Up, first Tuesday of the month, from Treloar Crescent behind the War Championships (Long Jump, Javelin, Memorial at 12.45pm. John Harding 62441153. 200m, Discus, W800m, M1500m). Black Mountain Run Up held on Tuesdays Mar 21, April 18, May 16, June 20, July 18, Aug 10,000m/1000m Walk Championship 15, Sept 19, Oct 17, Nov 21, Dec 19 at 12.45pm, Clunies Ross St, 100m east of Botanic (6.15pm). Other events: 3000m, p 100m, Gardens Entrance. 200m, 7 Lap Spiral Hcp (A), Weight (LTF), Long Jump, Discus, Javelin, High Jump 5km, 6pm. (B), 1200/2000m walk (Last Pointscore), (QA), Triple Jump. Thurs 23 – ACTVAC Track and Field at 1500m (P), 100m, 200m Hurdles, 4x200m Sat 11 – Six Foot Track Ultra Marathon. Blue the AIS from 6pm. Program: 3000m (Open Relay, 8 Lap Spiral Hcp (A), Weight (LTF), Mountains. Invitation), 200m, 1200/2000m Walk, Long Jump (QA), Javelin, Shot, High Jump, Sun 12 – Weston Creek Athletic Club 21st 4x1500m Relay, 100m (D), 200m Hurdles Triple Jump. Annual Half Marathon, Irish Club, Parkinson (B), 4x200m Relay, 3000/5000m, Hammer, Street, Weston. Pole Vault, Long Jump, High Jump (QA), Tues 14 – ACTCCC Summer Series South Discus, Shot. APRIL Curtin Oval, 2 and 5km, 6pm. Sat 25 – ACTVAC Throwing Handicap at Sat 1 – ACTCCC Regatta Point 4km Thurs 16 – ACTVAC Track and Field at the Masson Street throwing area in Commonwealth Park at 1pm. the AIS from 6pm. Program: Weight Turner. Competition in Hammer and Javelin Sun 2 – ACTCCC Women’s and Girls’ Fun Pentathlon Championships (Hammer, from 1pm. Contact 61613635. Run over 5km at Stage 88, Commonwealth Shot, Discus, Javelin, Weight). 10,000m Sun 26 – ACTVAC Running/Walking Park at 9am. Championships at 730. Other events: Handicap at Kowen Forest. Three races, Thurs 6 – ACTVAC Track and Field at the 3000m, 100m, 1500m Walk (PH), 800m, Thomas Series over 7.5km, Frylink over AIS from 6pm. Program: 3000m, 60m, 400m, Long Hurdles, Pole Vault, Long Jump, 3.5km and Waddell over 3.5km. 800m walk, 1000m, 200m, 5000m High Jump. Note the change of the starting time back Championships (7.45pm), 4x100m Relay, Sat 19 – Sat 26 – Commonwealth Games at 9am . Hammer, Pole Vault, Long Jump, Discus, (Athletics) Melbourne. Organisers Mario Larocca and Alica Scott. Shot, High Jump. Presentation of Awards. Tues 21 – ACTCCC Summer Series Acton Thurs 30 – ACTVAC Track and Field at Sat 8 – ACTCCC Marathon Eve 5 and 10k Ferry Terminal, Barrine Drive, Acton, 2 and the AIS from 6pm. Program: 3000m, 200m Fun Runs Telopea Park High School. 4pm.

JOIN A TRAINING GROUP—YOUR KEY TO GETTING FIT GroupsGroups ofof veterans conduct training ThrowsJOHN HUNT RAY 62748035 GREEN (w)62316712 Sundays (h). (NoLong long Distanceweekends). CallRunning for details. sessionssessions allall overover Canberra. If you areare Call11am for at details the AIS track. PatMICK Stakelum DANDO 6247736162418537 (h)(h) Sundaysat Black interestedinterested inin trainingtraining forfor a particularparticular Jumps Mountain(when no Naturehandicaps Reserve are scheduled) on Tuesdays at eventevent youyou shouldshould contactcontact oneone of the Throws RAY GREEN 62316712 atWeston 5.30pm. Park Call and for furtherTuesdays details. at Black manymany groupsgroups thatthat are listed. It’s always JOHN(h). Call HUNT for details. 62748035 (w) Sundays 11am at the AIS track. LongMountain Distance Peninsula Running from 9am. funfun toto traintrain withwith others,others, to share skills Saturdays at 7am from the Acton Ferry ROY JONES 62510148 (h) Call for andand knowledge.knowledge. Runners, throwers, RaceRace andand FitnessFitness WalksWalks Terminal. (These venues till further details. jumpersjumpers andand walkerswalkers ofof allall levels areare ROBINROBIN WHYTEWHYTE 04142796390414279639 (m) Call notice). Call for details. welcome.welcome. forfor details.details. ROY JONES 62510148 (h) Call for CHRIS BOOTH 62474116 (h) Mondays Females in Training InIn bothboth thethe trainingtraining details and thethe CHRIS BOOTH 62474116 (h) Everydetails. Tuesday at the AIS Track comingcoming eventsevents calendarcalendar where there is atMondays 5.30pm fromat 5.30pm Parliament from House. Parliament Alan Burdon 62862411. Mountain (variousWater distances)Strengthening at 12.15pm. and nono contactcontact phonephone number indicated or House. Katherine Fitzpatrick 62141239. informationinformation onon anyany clubclub event contact walking.Alan Burdon Call for details.62862411. Mountain Conditioning JOHN BELL Geoffthe Secretary,Moore, the TrainingSharon Coordinator Gibbins Middlewalking. Call Distance for details. Running Water0438381425 (m)Strengthening/ Deep water training on62910047 62544753 (h) oror on Emailon Email at at: GEOFF MOORE 62544753 (h), at the AIS Pool. Call for details. Middle Distance Running Conditioning [email protected] 0410544753 (m). Meet on Mondays at JOHNAll athletes BELL 0438381425. wishing to join Call a for training details. GEOFF MOORE 62544753 (h) Sprinting Parliament House underground car group phone the contact. If you train Sprinting park0410544753 at 5.30pm, (m). Meetand onSaturdays Mondays at Allregularly athletes and wishing you wouldto join likea training some JOHNJOHN BURNSBURNS 6231951162319511 (h) Monday Banambilathe New Street, Parliament Aranda at 9am.House Call groupcompany phone please the let contact. us know. If you train regularly and you would like some atat 4.15pm4.15pm atat CalwellCalwell PlayingPlaying Fields.Fields. forunderground details. car park from 5.30pm. GEOFF MOORE Training Groups company please let us know. FRANFRAN HARRISHARRIS 6230234162302341 (h) Strength GREGThen at STRETTON Dickson Oval 62958474 on Thursdays (h) at theat Coordinator. work,work, hurdlehurdle Twice weekly at Grammar5.30pm. Call School for details. (corner of Mugga GEOFF MOORE Training Groups thethe AISAIS track.track. CallCall forfor details.details. Way/FlindersGREG STRETTON Way on 62958474 Sundays (h)at 9am. Call Coordinator. Jumps for details. March Vetrunner — Page 35 Two Australian relay records at track

Australian relay record. Below and from the left, The M55 record breaking team of Pat Stakelum, Kevin Cham- berlain, John Lamb and Geoff Sims broke the M55 age group Australian 4x800m record in a time of 9:56.9 at the AIS on Wednesday, January 25

Australian relay record. Above and from the left, the W55 record breaking team of Jill Brown, Margaret McSpadden, Margaret Taylor and Maureen Rossiter established an Australian 4x800m relay record in a time of 12:54.8 on Wednesday, January 25 at the AIS. The same team also broke the 4x100m relay later at the same meet Track and field report and results on Page 5 .

ACT VETERANS ATHLETIC CLUB INC Membership/Change Application Details Form To either join or renew your annual membership [from July 1, 2005 to June 30, 2006] join as a new member [to December 31, 2006] or even change your membership details, please enter the relevant details below. When completed send to: ACTVAC, GPO Box 2356, Canberra City, ACT 2601 or at any ACTVAC Club Event.

First Name………………………………Family Name…………………………………………………………………….... Membership No (if known)

Address…………………………………………………….…………………... City…………….………….………..State………….….P/C…….…..…..

Contacts: Phone No (h)…………….……….....…….…....(w)…...….….………….………….…....(m)…………….….…….….……………………….

Email Address…………………………………………………………….…………...………….. Sex: Male………..……….. Female………..………..

Date of Birth: Day………….……...….…..... Month………...……..…..…..... Year……………..………...… Distribution List: [Yes] [No] Tick one*

If Double Membership. Membership No………………….. Sex: Male……..…….. Female……..…….. DoB…………………………………………

(Second Person Details): First Name…………….………………Family Name.………..…..………………………...…………….…………………..

Contacts: Phone No (h)…………….…… (w)…...….….……… (m)…………….….…….….…… Email……………………………………………….

Emergency Contact Phone No…………………...Name……………………………..…………..……….. Relationship……………………………….

Membership Fees $34 (Single) $57 (Double) Payment Details:………………………………………………………………...(Cash/Cheque/Card) (Note: A capitation fee of $7 for each member goes to our national body, AMA)

If Card: [MasterCard] [Visa] [Bankcard] Tick one. Card Number………………….……………………………………………………………………..

Card Holders Name……………………………………………………...………...……...…. Expiry Date…………………..………..…………....…….

Signature (If sent by Post)……………………………………….……………...… First aid skills………………………………………………………... * [Yes] — Getting the Veturnner in the printed format. [No] — Taking it electronically from the Club’s website at