Tenements in Lieu of the Several Occupiers Thereof; And
4208 tenements in lieu of the several occupiers thereof; tain place called Smithy Place, in the township and for repealing or for altering, amending, and of Honley, in the parish of Almondbury, in the rendering more effectual some of the powers or west riding of the county of York, and terminating provisions of an Act, passed in the session of Par- near the Gas Works, in the township of Uttoxeter, liament held in the first and second years of the in the parish of Uttoxeter, in the county of Staf- reign of His late Majesty King William the ford, at a point where it is proposed to commence Fourth, intituled " An Act for the better manage- a railway running from Uttoxeter aforesaid to ment of the poor in the several parishes and Dudley, in the county of Worcester, to be called hamlets in the city of Norwich and county of the " the Derbyshire, Staffordshire, and Worcestershire same city," relating to the said rates for the relief Junction Railway," and which said railway or of the poor, and to the assessment, collection, and railways, for which application is intended to be recovery thereof, or of any compositions for the made to Parliament pursuant to this notice, and the same; and which said city, and county of the works and conveniences connected therewith res- same city, comprise the several parishes, hamlets, pectively, will pass or be made from, in, through, liberties, and places following, that is to say; Saint or into the several parishes, townships, townlands, Peter of Mancroft, Saint Peter per Mountergate, and extra-parochial or
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