High Speed Rail White Paper
THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL HIGH-SPEED RAIL IN ORANGE COUNTY AND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WHITE PAPER THE LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL HIGH-SPEED RAIL IN ORANGE COUNTY AND SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA WHITE PAPER i. Preface 1 Introduction and Background 1.1 Background 1.2 Purpose of Conference 2 Conference Summary 2.1 Welcome and Opening Remarks 2.1.1 Sarah L. Catz, Director, Center for Urban Infrastructure 2.1.2 Gary Brahm, Chancellor of Brandman University 2.1.3 Curt Pringle, Mayor of Anaheim and Chair, California High-Speed Rail Authority 2.2 Global Positioning: High-Speed Rail Around the Globe 2.2.1 Tom Downs, Chair, Rail Division, Veolia Transportation 2.3 Benefits of High-Speed Rail 2.3.1 Sarah L. Catz, Director, Center for Urban Infrastructure 2.4 How Do We Pay For High-Speed Rail? Moderator, John Haussmann, VP and Principal Manager, HDR 2.4.1 Do Public-Private Partnerships Make Sense? Mike Schneider, Managing Partner, InfraConsult 2.4.2 Foreign Investors: Kent Carl, President, Triarm International, Inc. 2.5 Federal Strategy 2.5.1 Loretta Sanchez, U.S. Representative, 47th District 2.6 Getting Connected: Defining an Effective Intermodal Strategy 2.6.1 Peter Buffa, Member, Board of Directors, Orange County Transportation Authority 2.6.2 Richard Flierl, Principal, Cooper Carry 2.6.3 Emile Haddad, President and CEO, FivePoint Communities 2.6.4 Art Leahy, CEO, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority 2.6.5 Will Kempton, CEO, Orange County Transportation Authority 2.6.6 Larry Agran, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Irvine 2.7 What are the Solutions 2.7.1 Tom Umberg, Vice Chair, California High-Speed Rail Authority Participated Discussion 3 Online Survey 3.1 Survey Overview 3.2 Survey Data 4 Appendices 4.1 Speaker Bios 4.2 Proposed California High-Speed Rail Lines PREFACE4.3 Thinking Ahead: High-Speed Rail in Southern California, a report released in August by the Center for Urban Infrastructure, showcased the benefits of a fast, convenient, and efficient intercity high-speed rail system on southern California’s economy.
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