In September 2014, the world will hear the voices of the youth speaking out against rhino poaching and the decimation of other endangered species at the inaugural ! WORLD YOUTH RHINO SUMMIT 21-23 September 2014 (incorporating World Rhino Day) ! Centenary Centre, iMfolozi Game Reserve, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa ! ! ! Contact: Email:
[email protected] Website: Facebook: ! Twitter: SCT/FINAL/10/7/14 ! Wildlife crime is the fourth About the World Youth Rhino Summit most profitable illegal trade in Wildlife crime has exploded in recent years to meet the increasing demand for the world after drugs, arms rhino horn, elephant ivory and tiger products, particularly in Asia. The rhino and human trafficking, poaching crisis affecting South Africa and other African and Asian rhino range estimated at US$19 billion states is now recognised as a worldwide wildlife emergency. The brutal killing of rhinos - particularly in South Africa - is being driven by global criminal syndicates, many with links to international terrorism and narcotics cartels. Equally as important as fighting the front-line battles, improving anti-poaching operations and global law enforcement efforts to counter wildlife crime, is the need for a critical mass of support that will drive informed global awareness of the value of rhinos, not just economically but also their value to Africa’s and Asia’s heritage and biodiversity in the decades to come. This is taking shape and significantly: tens of thousands of young people !in South Africa, other African states and internationally are calling for rhino poaching to be stopped.