Commemorating the past: advocacy, promotion and the archive

Jeannette Strickland Archive & Records Consultant ARAI/IRMS meeting, 26 October 2017 What is an anniversary?

• A commemoration of something that has happened • An opportunity to remember and, maybe, reflect • A reason to celebrate

Why are they important? At a national level – • “Commemoration is the act of remembering. It is an active, creative process which continuously re- interprets the past” • “Commemoration is central to national identity and can be seen as the social and political glue which reinforces shared beliefs and offers collective reassurances” • “Monuments, public parades and events reflect the politics and culture of a society” Commemorating Ireland: History, Politics and Culture, Eberhard Bort (ed), 2004

Why are they important?

On a local level, for an organisation, a business: • Celebration of continued existence and accomplishments • Promotion of corporate identity and values • Boost employee morale • Build stakeholder confidence • Strengthen relationships • Increase sales / fundraising

Big or small

• 1787 – sailing of the “first • 1993 – centenary of fleet” to Australia Sheffield acquiring city • 2005 – 60th anniversary of status end of WWII • 2006 – 10th anniversary of • 2007 – 200th anniversary cloning Dolly the sheep of abolition of slavery • West Sussex – Mapping • 2012 – Olympics and the Millennium (2000); Cultural Olympiad 70th anniversary of the • 2014-2018 – 100th Record Office (2016); Blue anniversary of WWI Plaque Scheme

Rivers of blood… “The discrimination and the deprivation, the sense of alarm and of resentment, lies not with the immigrant population but with those among whom they have come and are still coming. This is why to enact legislation of the kind before parliament at this moment is to risk throwing a match on to gunpowder… As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding. Like the Roman, I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood” Enoch Powell, 20 April 1968 © The Telegraph Opportunities

• Engagement – internal and external • Raise awareness • Collaboration • Demonstrate inclusivity / diversity • Add value


• 150th anniversary of HSBC in Hong Kong, 2015 • Opportunity to unlock bank’s archives for many different users and a chance to showcase their holdings to senior executives • Collaborative effort with archives as bedrock • “Think big and go beyond the conventional boundaries” –

Port Sunlight, historic home of plc Unilever plc A quick history! • Founded in the UK as Limited • Factory and housing created by William Lever • Named after his best selling soap Sunlight launched four years earlier • First sod cut on the site 3 March 1888 • 100th anniversary marked by queen’s visit

2013 – Port Sunlight 125

Ideas floated: • April - opening factory and new European IT centre • May - AGM • Invitation to the queen • Involving the village and its inhabitants • Famous people with connections to the company and Port Sunlight • Online campaign – dedicated FaceBook site • Working with the Port Sunlight Village Trust and National Museums Liverpool • Combined food festival and summer fete – 21/22 Sept – Unilever marquee • Sponsorship – PG Tips, and ice cream • Lectures • Press trip • Tour for politicians – Vince Cable (Sec of State for Business) • Family fun day for staff in factory • Tours during Heritage Open Weekend • Port Sunlight app

Port Sunlight 125 – rationale

Communications team’s targets – • “Ignite Unilever employees’ pride and engagement in celebrating 125 years” • “Strengthen and grow relationships with the local community and key opinion formers and reinforce Unilever’s commitment to the North West and UK overall” • “Generate reputation-enhancing coverage with all appropriate levels of media”

Port Sunlight 125 – branding

• A hook / common theme • Used by all partners • Anniversary logo • Unilever blue • Village architecture • FaceBook page - https://en- 125/

Port Sunlight 125 • Archive specific event no 1 • Piggy-backed on 125 • Archive film show in Port Sunlight and London

Port Sunlight 125

• Archive specific event no 2 • Piggy-backed on 125 • Port Sunlight app • Delayed launch to September • iPhone and Android • Rated 9.4 – “awesome” Being organised

• Plan early • Aims and objectives • Be prepared • Identify the funding • Be bold • Large collaborative projects may provide toolkits • Keep communications and simple • If you don’t tell the story, someone else will and it may not be the story you want to tell!

Be in control…

• …of whatever you can • Place(s) on organising committee • Project plan and risk register • Intellectual control of your images and material • Financial management • DropBox for sharing • Don’t leave in hands of just one person in team….

For involvement?

• PR and advocacy opportunities - internal and external • Enhance reputation • Find new champions • Engagement with staff • Opportunity to work with different stakeholders / new collaborations • Reach new audiences • Potential deposits • New volunteers • Use to your advantage e.g. extra publicity for PS app


• Value vs time and resources • Timeframe – maintaining the day job; other pressures • Financial cost • Managing expectations… • Danger of spiralling out of control – have to be firm and realistic • Staff burn out

How to mitigate…

• Make sure you are involved at decision making level – don’t have decisions thrust upon you • Always be positive – suggest alternatives instead of saying no • But be realistic and manage expectations • Think how you can re-use material • Find people to help – Friends, volunteers, experts in other parts of organisation


• Debrief – What went well – What didn’t work so well… – Why? – Knowledge bank for any similar events in the future, incl contacts

How do you measure success?

Tangible – Intangible – • Media coverage • Goodwill • FaceBook “likes”; blog • Community support comments • Allies and champions • Number of visitors • Improved team working • Number of enquiries • Sense of achievement • Accessions • Staff satisfaction and • Volunteers pride • Increased resources

And finally

• Thank your team and everyone who has helped! • Drinks, large box of chocolates, flowers • Try to negotiate time off in lieu if worked evenings or weekends • Give yourselves an enormous pat on the back [because other people may not always think to do so!]

Thank you!

Jeannette Strickland Email: [email protected]