History Auteur Titre Côte

American history / Jack Abramowitz. - Chicago : Follett Publishing Abramowitz, Jack XB335 Company, 1979

Arthur's Britain : History and Archaelogy AD 367-634 / Leslie Alcock .- Alcock, Leslie XB1211 London : Penguin books, 1989.

Appian The civil war / Appian .- London : Penguin books, 1996. XB1617

Special relationships : Britain, Irelind and the Northern Irland problem / Arthur, Paul XB1226 Paul Arthur .- London : TBP, 2000.

Arthur, Paul Northern Ireland since 1968/ Paul Arthur .-London : ICBH, 1968. XB1258 The post-colonial studies reader / Bill Ashcroft [et all] .- .- London : Ashcroft, Bill XB1661 routledge, 2005. Ashley, Maurice The english civil war / Maurice Ashley .- London : AS, 1990. XB1219 The industrial revolution 1760-1830 / T. S. Ashton .- New York: : Ashton, T.S XB948 O.U.P,1968. The English renaissance : an anthology of sources and documents / Kate Aughterson, Kate XB828 Aughterson. - London : Routledge, 1998

Documents in british history : volume 1 : early times to 1714 / Brian Bakeley, Brian I. XB1213 l.Bakeley .- New York : lccp, 1975.

An introduction to contemporary history / Geoffrey Barraclough. – Barraclough, Geoffrey XB905 Baskerville. – London : Penguin, 1996

Ecclesiastical history of the english people with Bede's letter to egbert and Bede cuthbert's letter on the death of Bede / Bede .- London : Penguin books, XB1394 1990. A student's guide to history / Jules R.Benjamin .- New York : Bedford, Benjamin, Jules R. XB1075 2004. Free at last! Diaries 1991-2001/ Tonny Benn .- London : Arrow Books, Benn, Tony XB1181 1990. Bertherton, Charlotte Global politics / Charlotte Bretherton .- London : Blackwell, 1996. XB1321

Interpreting British governance / Mark Bevir, R. A. W. Rhodes. - London : Bevir, Mark XB600 Routledge, 2003 Studying history / Jeremy Black, Donald M.Macraild .- London : black, Jeremy XB1161 Macmillan, 1988. New britain : my vision of a young country / Tony Blair .- London : FE, Blair, Tony XB1220 1996. Bonwick, Colin The American revolution / Colin Bonwick .-London : Palgrave, 2002. XB1509

De Valera and the Ulster question 1917-1973 winner of the Ewart-Biggs Bowman, John XB952 memorial prize / John Bowman. - New York : O.U.P,1989

Boyce, D . George Nationalism in ireland / D . George Boyce .- London : routledge, 1992. XB1228

Ireland 1828-1923 from ascendancy to democracy / D.George Boyce .- Boyce, D . George XB1239 London : Blackwell, 1992. British consciouses and identity / Brendan Bradshaw .- London : Bradshaw, Brendan XB1292 Cambridge, 2000. The age of improvement 1783-1867 / Asa Briggs .- London : Longman, Briggs, Asa XB1241 1979. Brivati, Brian New labour in power / Brian Brivati .- London : Routledge, 1997. XB1333

The penguin history of the United States of America / Hugh Brogan. - Brogan, Hugh XB229 London : Penguin, 1990 The penguin history of the USA / Hugh Brogan .- London : Penguin books, Brogan, Hugh XB1408 2001. Life in Modern Britain / Peter Bromhead. – 17e éd. – New York : Bromhead, Peter XB1 Longman, 1991 Bryson, Bill Troublesome words / Bill Bryson .- London : Penguin books, 2002. XB1612

Britain in the twentieth century : a documentary reader / Lawrence Butler Bulter, Lawrence XB1209 .- London : heinemann, 1975.

Burk, Kathleen The British Isles since 1945 / Kathleen Burk. - London : Routledge, 2003 XB725 Standard english prose glasworth / Edmund Burke. - New York : Dutton Burke, Edmund XB302 and Company, 1930

An introduction to the new testament and the origins of Christianity / Burkett, Delbert XB1016 Delbert Burkett .- London:CUP, 2002.

British political facts 1900-1994 / david Butler and Greth Butler .- London Butler, David XB1324 : Macmillan, 1994.

British political facts since 1979 / david Butler and Greth Butler .- London Butler, David XB1500 : Macmillan, 2006.

C. Davis, Kenneth Don't know much about history / Kenneth C. Davis .- London : 2006. XB1586

The penguin history of the secand world war / Peter Calvocoressi [et all] .- Calvocoressi, Peter XB1417 London : Penguin Books, 1999.

Campbell, James The Anglo-Saxon / James Campbell .- London : P.B, 1991. XB1251

Cannadine, David Class in britain / David Cannadine .- London : Penguig, 2000. XB1370

Cawood, Ian Britain in the twentieth century / Ian Cawood. - London : Routledge, 2004 XB777 Twentieth century international history / Stephen Chan .- London : IBT, Chan, Stephen XB1327 1999. A Divided Britain / Claire Charlot, Monica Charlot, Bernard Charlot, Claire XB2 d’Hellencourt. – Paris : Longman France, 1991 Poverty and inquality in Great-Britain (1942-1990) / Monica Charlot. - Charlot, Monica XB955 Paris : CNED, 2000 Childs, David Britain since 1945 : a political history .- London : routledge, 2006. XB1479

Chils, David Britain Since 1939 : Progress and decline / David Childs .- London, 1995. XB1207 The goverment and politics of ireland / Basil Chubb .- London : Longman, Chubb, Basil XB1272 1992. American politics : classic and contemprary readings / Allan J. Ciglar, Cigler, Allan J. XB206 Burdett A. Loomis. - New York : Houghton Mifflin Company, 2002

Portrait des USA : population, géographie, histoire, gouvernement, Clack, George économie, enseignement, science et médecine, religion, sciences sociaux, XB66 arts, sports et loisirs, médias / George Clack. – New York : USIA, 1997

Clapham, Marcus . The Wordsworth book of First World War Poetry / intr. Marcus Clapham. XB87 intr. – London : Wordsworth, 1995

Clark, Alain Diaries 1987-1992 / Alain Clark .-London : Timewarner, 1986. XB1236 Diarie : into politics : the long-awaited early years / Alain Clark .- London Clark, Alan XB1287 : W.N, 1997. Revolution and rebellion : State and society in england in the seventeeth Clark, J.C.D XB1262 eighteenth centuries / J.C.D. Clark .-New York : CUP, 1990. Hope and Glory : Britain 1900-2000 / Peter Clarke .- London : Penguin Clark, Peter XB1424 books, 2000. Clausewitz, Carl Von On War / Carl Von Clausewitz .- London : Wordsworth classics, 1997. XB1625

Prolonged Labour : the slow birth of new labour britain / David Coates .- Coates, David XB1519 London : Palgrave, 2005.

Cobley, Paul Narrative / Paul Cobley. - London : Routledge, 2000 XB719

Israeli settlements in the occupied arab territories an international Collectif XB1154 symposium / Collectif .- !london: dar al-afaq, The Constitution of United States of America / Collectif. – New York : Collectif XB1102 USIA, [SD] Britain 2001 : the official yearbook of the united kingdom / Collectif .- Collectif XB1235 London : TSO, 2001.

Collectif UK 2002 / Collectif .- New York : TOY, 2001. XB1257

Collectif Britain 2000 / Collectif .- New York : T.O.Y, 2000. XB1260

Collectif Britain 1997 / Collectif .- London : PCOI, 1996. XB1281

Collectif Britain 1998 / Collectif .- London : PCOI, 1996. XB1288 Collectif Britain and the commenwealth / Collectif .- London : HMSO, 1992. XB1289 Centre for regional economic and social research / collectif .- London : Collectif XB1300 [SL, SD] collectif Orientalism / collectif. – Tunis : FLM, 1991 XB15 Colley, Linda Britain : Forging Nation 1707-1837 / .-London : YUP, 1992. XB1234 The english novel in history 1950 - 1995 / Steven Connor. - London : Connor, Steven XB800 Routledge, 2001 The longman guide to sources in contemporary british history : Cook, Chris organisation and societies / Chris Cook and David Waller .- London : XB1177 Longman, 1994.

The longman handbook of moder british history 1714-1987 / Chris Cook Cook, Chris XB1217 and John Stevenson .- New york : Longman, 1988.

War's other voices : women writers on the lebanese civil war / Miriam Cooke, Miriam XB850 Cooke .- New York: CUP, 1967.

Coote, Stepphen Royal Survivor : a life of Charles II / Stephen Coote .- H & S,1988. XB1191

Corcoran, Neil Poets of Modern Irland / Neil Corcoran .- London : UVC, 1999. XB1390

Coxall, Bill Contemporary British politics / Bill Coxall (et all) .- UK :PM, 2003. XB1076 The british electorate 1963-1992 / Ivor Crewe[et all] .- New York : Crewe, Ivor XB1277 Cambridge, 1995. National identities : the constitution of the united kingdom / Bernard Crick Crick, Bernard XB1266 .- New York : BP, 1991.

Law and government under the tudors : essays presented to Sir Geoffrey Cross, Claire Elton on his retirement / Claire Cross, David Loades, J. J. XB193 Scarisbrick,…[et. all.]. - London : CUP, 2003

Currie, Edwina Diaries 1987-1992 / Edwina Currie .-London : Timewarner, 1986. XB1212

De Tocqueville, Alexis Democracy in America / Alexis De Tocqueville. - New York : Vintage, 1945 XB307

Delillo, Don Americana / Don Delillo .- London : Penguing books, 1971. XB1448

Delillo, Don Libra / Don Delillo .- London : Penguin books, 1988. XB1451

Us foreingn policy since 1945 / Alain P. Dobson, Steve marsh .- London : Dobson, Alain P. XB1721 routledge, 2006.

Congress reconsidered / Lawrence C. Dodd, Bruce I Oppenheimer. - New Dodd, Lawrence C. XB385 York : A Division of Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1989

Contemporary america / Russell Duncan, Joseph Goddar .- London : Duncan, Russell XB1504 Palgrave, 2005. Dunleavy, Patrick Developpement in Britsh politics / Patrick Dunleavy .- London : PM, 2003. XB1058 Facets of the conflict in Northern Ireland / Seamus Dunn .- London : Dunn, Seamus XB1231 MP,1995. The making of the modern english state 1460-1660 / Philip Edwards .- Edwards, Philip XB1223 London : palgrave, 1996. Britain and the french revolution / Clive Emsley .- London : Longman, Emsley, Clive XB1160 2000. Modern islamic political thought / Hamid Enayat .- London : I.B. Tauris, Enayat, Hamid XB1639 2004. The condition of the Working class in england / Friedrich Engels .- London Engels, Friedrich XB1439 : Penguin books, 1987.

Winston Churchill : the greatest briton / Dominique Enright .- London : Enright, Dominique XB1238 M.O.B.L, 2003.

Doing gender, doing difference : inquality, power, and institutional change Fentermaker, Sarah XB189 / Sarah Fentermaker. - London : Routledge, 2002

Doing gender, doing difference : inquality, power, and institutional change Fentermaker, Sarah XB189 / Sarah Fentermaker. - London : Routledge, 2002

Empire : haw britain made the modern world / Niall Ferguson .- Ferguson, Niall XB1027 London:Penguin books, 2004. The labour party : socialism and society since 1951 / Steven Fielding .- Fielding, Steven XB1297 New York : MUP, 1997.

The labour Party : Continuity and change in the making of 'new'labour / Fielding, Steven XB1061 Steven Fielding .- London:PM, 2003.

Undreamed Shores : England's wasted empire in america / Michael Foss .- Foss, Michael XB1267 London : PP, 1974.

Foster, R.F Modern ireland 1600-1972 / R.F. Foster .- London : Penguin books, 1988. XB1334

Paddy & Mr Punch : connections in Irish and english history / R.f. Foster .- Foster, R.F XB1225 London : ALTPP, 1993.

Structure and identity : the Creative Imagination in Dorothy Richardson’s Fouli, Janet XB3 Pilgrimage / Janet Fouli. – Tunis : FLM, 1995 The conservatives and british society 1880-1990 / Martin Francis .- Fracis, Martin XB1167 London : Uwpc, 1996. Egypt, Greece and Rome : civilization of the ancient mediterranean / Freeman, Charles XB1671 Charles Freeman .- New York : , 2004.

English law and British institutions : documents / Danièle Frison, Wesley Frison, Danièle XB254 Hutchinson, Françoise Weil,…[et. all.]. - Paris : Ellipses, 2001

Frison, Danièle Guide culturel du Royaume-Uni / Danièle Frison .- Paris : Ellipses, 2004. XB1480 The end of history and the last man / Francis Fukuyama .- London : Fukuyama, Francis XB1024 Penguin books, 1992. British society and social welfare : towards a sustainable society / George George , Vic XB218 Vic, Paul Wilding. - London : MacMillan, 1999 The routledge Atlas of British history / .- London : Gilbert, Martin XB1722 routledge, 2007. Gill, Anton Rulin Passions : sex, race and empire / Anton Gill .- London : BBC, 1995. XB1341 An Outline of American history / Howard Gincotta. – New York : USDS, Gincotta, Howard XB1254 [s. d. Culture & society in britain 1850-1890 : A source bouk of contemporary Golby, J.M. XB1172 writing / J.M.Golby .- London : oup, 1986. Tout savoir sur le monde anglophone / Claude Gosset, [et all] .- Paris : Gosset, Claude XB1482 Ellipses, 2001. Irland before and after the famine : explorations in economic history ,1800- Grada, Cormac O XB1197 1925 / Cormac o Grada .- New York : Mup, 1993.

A survey of modern english / Stephan Gramley, Krut-Michael Patzold .- Gramley, Stephan XB1574 London : Routledge, 2004.

Legends, traditions and history in medieval England / Antonia Gransden .- Gransden, Antonia XB1218 London : ThP, 1992.

Grant, Wyn Pressure groups and british politics / Wyn Grant .- London : CPS, [sd]. XB1328 Our dream : a world free of poverty / Sendra Granzow .- London : OP, Granzow, Sendra. XB1149 2000. The Boundaries of the state in modern Britain / S. J. D. Green, R. C. Green, S. J. D. XB187 Whiting. - London : CUP, 2002

Britain and european integration since the second world war / Sean Greenwood, Sean XB1261 Greenwood .- New York : MUP, 1996.

Contemporary British institutions & culture a glossary / Françoise Grellet GRELLET, Françoise XB899 .- Paris : Hachette, 1998.

Major problems in American history since 1945 / Robert Griffith, Paula Griffith, Robert XB201 Baker. - New York : Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001

The Victorian age : an anthology of sources and documents / Josephine M. Guy, Josephine M. XB809 Guy. - London : Routledge, 1998

Totalitarism & the modern conception of politics / Michael Halberstam .- Halberstam, Michael XB1630 London : YUP, 1999.

Hall, Diane The Last word / Diane Hall, Mark Foley. - London : Nelson, 1989 XB547 The last word : Teacher's book / Diane Hall, Mark Foly. - London : Nelson, Hall, Diane XB552 1988 Hall, Diane Working with english preposition / Diane Hall. - London : Nelson, 1986 XB521

Hall, Diane Now you're talking / Diane Hall, Mark Foly. - London : Nelson, 1988 XB557 Now you're talking : Teacher's book / Diane Hall, Mark Foly. - London : Hall, Diane XB577 Nelson, 1988 America olone : The neo-conservatives and the global order / Stefan Halper, Stefan XB1071 Halper, Jonathan Clarke .- UK :CUP, 2004. Private lives public spirit Britain 1870-1914 / Jose Harris. - London : Harris, Jose XB681 Penguin Books, 1993 Nineteenth-century britain : A very short introduction /Christopher Harvie, Christopher XB1552 Harvie, H.C.G . Matthew .- London : Oxford, 2000.

Pope to Burney, 1714-1779 : scriblerains to bluestockings / Moyra Haslett. - Haslett, Moyra XB740 London : Plagrave, 2003

Hay, Colin Re- stating social and political change / Colin Hay .- London : OUP, 1996. XB1308 Third world politics : A concise introduction / Jeff Haynes .- New York : Haynes, Jeff XB1331 Cambridge, 1996 The combridge introduction to modern british fiction,1950-2000 / Dominic Head, Dominic XB1092 Head .- UK : CUP,2004.

Hemingway, Ernest Green Hills of Africa / Ernest Hemingway. – London : Arrow, 1994 XB51

Hennessy, Peter Never again : Britain 1945-1951 / Peter Hennessy .- London : JC, 1948. XB1335

The political Thought of the conservative party since 1945 / Kevin Hickson Hickson, Kevin XB1513 .- London : Palgrave, 2005.

God's Englishman : Oliver Cromwell and the english revolution / Hill, Christopher XB1290 Christopher Hill .- London : Penguin books, 1983.

Hobsbawm, Eric Industry and empire / Eric Hobsbawm .- London : Penguin books, 1999. XB1599

Hollis, Daniel Webster The history of irland / Daniel Webster Hollis .- London : GP, 2001. XB1253 Making american foreign policy / Ole R.Holsti .- New york : routledge, Holsti, Ole R. XB633 2006. The mid-victorian generation 1846-1886 / K .Theodore Hoppen .- London : Hoppen, Theodore XB1283 Oxford, 1998. The oxford history of the twentieth century / Michael Howard .- New York Howard, Michael XB1270 : oup, 1998. Humphreys, Emry The taliesin tradition / Emry Humphreys .- London : SEREN, 2000. XB1311

Huxley, Aldous Brave new world / Aldous Huxley. - New York : Bantam Books, 1958 XB359

Huxley, Aldous Brave new world / Aldous Huxley. - London: Vintage, 2004. XB1470 Northern Ireland : Faith and Faction / Maurice Irvine .-London : Irvine, Maurice XB1229 Routledge, 1991. Irwin, John L. Modern Britain : An introduction / John L.Irwin .- London : U.H, 1990. XB1193

Ivison, Duncan Postcolonial liberalism / Duncan Ivison. - London : CUP, 2002 XB177

Britains triumph & decline in the middle east : military campaigns 1919 to Jackson, William XB1242 the present day / William Jackson .- London : Brassey's, 1996.

Postcolonial Approaches to the european middle ages / Ananya Jahanara Jahanara, Ananya XB1079 Kabir, Deanne Williams .- UK : CUP, 2005.

Do the poor stay poor? : New evidence about income dynamics from the Javis, Sarah XB1304 british household panel survey / Sarah Javis .- London : AP, 1995.

A Passage to India / Betty Jay ; Richard Beynon. – Cambridge : Icon Jay, Betty XB67 books, 1998 Leading Labour : from keir Hardie to Tony Blair / Kevin Jefferys .- Jefferys, Kevin XB1221 London : I.B.T.P, 1999.

Peace now : American society and the ending of the vietnam war / Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones, Rhodri XB1651 Jeffreys-Jones .- London : YUP, 1999.

Jenkins, Keith Re-Thinking History / Keith jenkins .- London : Routledge, 1991. XB1298 France from Louis XV toNapoleon :the great nation / Colin Janes .- Jones, Colin XB1015 London:Penguin books, 2002. The english nation : the great myth / Edwin Jones .- London : Sutton P, Jones, Edwin XB1418 2003. Modern political thinkers and ideas / Tudor Jones .- London : Routledge, Jones, Tudor XB1306 2002. Visions of the people / Industrial england and the question of class, 1848- Joyce, Patrick XB1319 1914 / Patrick Joyce .- London : Cambridge, 1999. European conflict from philip II to Hitler / David Kaiser .- London : IBT, Kaiser, David XB1296 [sd] Political institutions in the united states / Richard S. Katz .- London : Katz, Richard S. XB258 OUP, 2005. Rethinking ethnicity : Majority groups and dominant minorities / Eric P. Kaufmann, Eric P. XB1516 Kaufmann .- London : routledge, 2004.

British Politics : continuities and change / Denis Kavanagh. - New York : Kavanagh, Denis XB612 Oxford U.P., 2000

The reordering of british politics :politics after thatcher / Dennis Kavanagh, Denis XB1316 Kavanagh .- London : OUP, 1997.

Keegan, John The first world war / .- London : H, 1998. XB1326

English society in the later midle âges 1348-1500 / Maurice Keen. – Keen, Maurice XB679 London : Penguin Books, 1990

Kennedy-Pipe, The origins of the present troubles in northeren ireland / Caroline XB1264 Caroline Kennedy-Pipe .- London : Longman, 1997.

Government & politics in britain an introduction / John Kingdom .- Kingdom, John XB1339 London : PP, 1991.

a monarchy transformed britain 1603-1714 / Mark Kishlansky .- Kishlansky, Mark XB1014 London:Penguin books, 1996. Nebula award stories 1965 / Damon Knight. - New York : Doubelday & Knight, Damon XB341 company, 1966 Kolchin, Peter American slavery/ Peter Kolchin .- New york: penguin, 1993. XB1018 Britain and Ireland :A concise history / Jürgen Kramer.- London : Kramer, Jürgen XB1670 routledge, 2007. L. Altholz, Josef Victorian England 1837-1901 / Josef L. Altholz. – UK : Cambridge, 2002 XB1365 Les grands dates de l'histoire Américaine / Pierre Lagayette. - Paris : Lagayette, Pierre XB956 Hachette, 1993 American empire : A debate / Bradley A. Thayer .- New York : routledge, Layne, Christopher XB1669 2007. Aspects of British political history 1815 - 1914 / Stephen J. Lee. - London : Lee, Stephen J. XB1366 Routledge, 2002

Lent, Adam New political thought : an introduction / Adam Lent .- London : LW, 1998. XB1312

America since 1945 : The american moment / Paul Levine, Harry Levine, Paul XB1499 papasotiriou .- London : Palgrave, 2005. The Medival world / Peter Linehan, Janet L. Nelson. - London : Routledge, Linehan, Peter XB832 2001 Loades, David Power in Tudor england / David Loades .- 1997. XB1255 The welfare state in britain since 1945 / Rodney Lowe .- London: P Lowe, Rodney XB1053 macmillan, 2005. Macaulay, Lord The history of england / Lor Macaulay .- London:Penguin book, 1979. XB1019

Prpaganda and empire : the manipulation of british public opinion 1880- Mackenzie, John M. XB1330 1960 / John M. Mackenzie .- London : MUP, 1990.

The impact of the english reformation 1500-1640 / Peter Marshall .- Marshall, Peter XB1232 London : Arnold, 1997. Britain 1815-1851 : teacher's resource book / Dave Martin .- London : J.M, Martin, Dave XB1250 2000. Marwick, Arthur British society since 1945 / Arthur Marwick. – London : Penguin, 1996 XB118

The penguin social history of britain : British Society since 1945 / Arthur Marwick, Arthur XB278 Marwick. - London : Penguin,1996 English Society in the early middle ages / Doris Mary Stenton .- London : Mary Stenton, Doris XB1268 Penguin books, 1954.

Mattew, H.C.G Gladstone 1809-1898 / H.C.G.Mattew .- London : Oxford, 1997. XB1285 London Labour and the london poor / Henry Mayhey .- London : Penguin Mayhew, Henry XB1247 books, 1985. Mccormik, John Contemporary Britain / John Mccormick .- London:PM, 2003. XB1055

The future of northern ireland / John Mcgarry and Brendan o'Leary .- Mcgarry, John XB1215 London : Oxford, 1990.

Chronology of the ancient world (10,000 BC - AD 799) / H. E. L. Mellersh. - Mellersh, H. E. L. XB281 London : Helicon, 1995 The official Fahrenheit 9/11 reader / Michael Moore .- London : Penguin Moore, Michael XB1623 books, 2004. Twentieth-century Britain : A very short introduction / Kenneth O. Morgan, Kenneth O. XB1549 Morgan .- London : Oxford, 2002.

Morgan, Kenneth The Power to inform / Kenneth Morgan. - London : Penguin, 1989 XB549

Routledge : a level english guides: original writing / Sue Morkane .- Morkane, Sue XB1039 London : routledge, 2004. The oxford illustrated history of tudor& stuart britain .- New York : OUP, Morrill, John XB1318 1996. Morris, T.A Tudor Government / T.A. Morris .- London : Routledge, 1999. XB1256

Neocleous, Mark Fascism/ Mark Neocleous .- London : OUP1997. XB1201

Norton, Philip Parliament in british politics / Philip Norton .- London : Palgrave, 2005. XB1503 Contemporary Britain : a survey with texts / John Oakland. - London : Oakland, John XB731 Routledge, 2001 Contemporary Britain : a survey with texts / John Oakland. - London : Oakland, John XB833 Routledge, 2001 Constitutional reform in the UK / Olivier Dawn. - New York : Oxford U.P., Olivier, Dawn XB665 2003 Sources of twentieth-century global history / James H. Overfield. - New Overfield, James H. XB203 York : Houghton Mifflin Company, 2002

Palin, Michael Arouned the world in 80 days / Michael Palin .- London : BBC, 1989. XB1305 Developpement in American politics / Gillian Peele(et all) .- UK : PM, Peele, Gilliam XB1072 2002. The Constitution of United States of America / intr. J. W. Peltason. – New Peltason, J. W. intr. XB31 York : USIA, 1999 The origins of modern english society / Harold Perkin. - London : Perkin, Harold XB724 Routledge, 2002 Pettegree, Andrew The Reformation world / Andrew Pettegree. - London : Routledge, 2000 XB839

Porter, Roy English society in the 18th century / . – London : Penguin, 1991 XB678

A history of everyday things in england IV 1851-1914 / Marjories & Quennell, Marjories XB1340 C.H.B. Quennell .- London : B.T.B, 1958.

A documented history of the commenwealth : étudier le commenwalth / Redonnet, Jean-Claude XB152 Jean-Claude Redonnet. - Paris : Editions Du Temps, 1999

Poverty and inquality in Britain (1942-1990) / Jean-Claude Redonnet. - Redonnet, Jean-Claude XB154 Paris : Editions Du Temps, 2000

Pauvreté et inégalités en Grande-Bretagne de 1942 à 1990 / Jean-Paul Révauger, Jean-Paul XB290 Révauger. - Paris : Editions Du Temps, 2000

Key words in American life : understanding the United States / Michel Reze, Michel XB172 Reze, Raloh Bowen. - London : Armand Colin, 1998 American experience / Randy Roberts, James S. Olson .- London : Roberts, Randy XB1583/2 Logman, 2004. The penguin history of the twentieth century / I.M Roberts .- Roberts, I.M. XB1010 London:Penguin, 1999. The new penguin history of the world / J.M. Roberts .- London : Penguin Roberts, J.M. XB1023 books, 2002. The penguin history of europe / J.M. Roberts .- London : Penguin books, Roberts, J.M. XB1190 1997. Building new labour : The politics of party organisation / Meg Russell .- Russell, Meg XB1510 London : Palgrave, 2005.

Russo, Gloria The USA a chronology / Gloria russo. - Paris : Ellipses, 2002 XB260

Salgado, Gamini The Elizabethan under world / Gamini Salgado .- New York : A.S, 1992. XB1286

Sarwar, Ghulam Bouk on islam in english / Ghulam Sarwar : London : t.m.e.t, 1983. XB1164

Coming of age : America in the Twentieth Century / Michael Schaller, Schaller, Michael Virginia Scharff, Robert D. Schulzinger,…[et. all.]. - New York : XB204 Houghton Mifflin Company, 1998

Humanism and the renaissance / Zachary S. Schiffman. - New York : Schiffman, Zachary S. XB709 Houghton Mifflin Company, 2002

Une Esquisse du gouvernement american / Richard C. Schroeder, Nathan Schroeder, Richard C. XB65 Glick. – New York : USIA, 1990 The evolution of the british party system 1885-1940 / Robert Self .- London Self, Robert XB1314 : Longman, 2000. Small Expections : learning to be poor? / Jules Shropshire .- London : JRF, Shoropshire, Jules XB1323 1999.

The Student's companion to Britain : British history, Géography, Life, Sieper, Roswitha XB694 Institutions, Arts and Thought / Roswitha Sieper. - Paris : Ellipses, 1993

The penguin book of first world war poetry/Jon Silkin.- London:penguin Silkin, Jon XB993 books, 1996.

A history of western thought : from ancient greece to the twentieth Skirbekk, Gunnar XB1178 century / Gunnar Skirbekk and Nils Gilje .- London : routledge, 1987.

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The emergence of a nation state : the commonwealth of england 1529-1660 Smith, Alan G.R XB1259 / Alan G.R. Smith .- London : Longman, 1984. Culture and power in england 1585-1685 / R . Malcolm Smuts .- London : Smuts, R. Malcolm XB1180 Macmillan, 1999. Western society and the Church in the middle ages / R. W. Southern .- Southern, R. W. XB1615 London : Penguin books, 1990. The concise history of the world since 1945 / W.M. Spellman .- London : Spellman, W.M. XB1533 Palgrave, 2006. The United states : 1763-2001 / John Spiller [et all] .- London : routledge, Spiller,John XB1678 2005. The Mythology of the British Islands / Charles Squire. - London : Squire, Charles XB221 Wordsworth, 2000 A companion to the study of history / Michael Stanford .- New york : Stanford, Michael XB1187 Blackwell, 1994. Stannard Allen, W Living english structure / W. Stannard Allen. - London : Longman, 1974 XB483

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