The Writings of Barbara Pym Index

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The Writings of Barbara Pym Index The writings of Barbara Pym Index compiled by Hazel K. Bell Note: Titles of works of literature, and quotations, are listed in the index under the names of their authors, except for those of Barbara Pym, which are entered under their titles. For topics, products, places and characters, indication is given only of the novels they appear in, with page numbers of their first appearance and maybe some selected others. Only the opening page numbers may be given where references extend over several pages. Characters are listed under their surnames if given; otherwise the forename is entered in the index; minor characters with forenames only may be omitted. Bold type indicates the novels in which they are main characters. References to the volume of Barbara Pym’s diaries and letters, A Very Private Eye, are included only if the items also appear in her other works. References to these, and to her radio talk of 1978, ‘Finding a Voice’, are underlined. Title abbreviations and editions used are: ACR ‘Across a Crowded Room’ AQ An Academic Question paperback Grafton edition, 1987 CH Crampton Hodnet paperback Grafton edition, 1986 CTS Civil to Strangers Macmillan, 1987 CV ‘The Christmas Visit’ EW Excellent Women Penguin paperback edition, 1980 FGL A Few Green Leaves Granada paperback edition, 1981 FV ‘Finding a Voice’ GoB A Glass of Blessings Penguin paperback edition, 1980 GBC ‘Goodbye Balkan Capital’ GF ‘Gervase and Flora’ HF ‘Home Front Novel’ JP Jane and Prudence Pan paperback edition, 1989 LTA Less than Angels Granada paperback edition, 1980 NFR No Fond Return of Love Granada paperback edition, 1981 QA Quartet in Autumn Flamingo paperback edition, 1994 SDD The Sweet Dove Died Granada / Panther edition, 1980 STM ‘So, Some Tempestuous Morn’ STG Some Tame Gazelle Granada paperback edition, 1981 SVS ‘So Very Secret’ UA An Unsuitable Attachment Macmillan, 1982 VPE A Very Private Eye Grafton 1985 ‘Across a Crowded Room’, ‘The Christmas Visit’, ‘Finding a Voice’, ‘Gervase and Flora’,‘Goodbye Balkan capital’, ‘Home Front Novel’, ‘So Very Secret’ and ‘So, Some Tempestuous Morn’ are all included in the volume, Civil to Strangers (Macmillan, 1987). To help convert references in this index for other editions of the works, the opening pages of chapters in all the editions used here are listed on pages 38-39. Chapters of Barbara Pym’s novels in the editions used for this index begin on the pages listed below: Some Tame Crampton Excellent Jane and Less Than A Glass Gazelle Hodnet Women Prudence Angels of Blessings 1 5 1 7 5 5 5 2 17 12 15 15 23 19 3 30 19 22 26 30 33 4 43 29 29 37 43 52 5 52 36 39 52 54 63 6 61 48 48 65 65 75 7 68 60 56 74 75 87 8 79 66 64 86 91 96 9 92 77 73 94 101 105 10 102 85 82 109 113 115 11 114 97 95 117 124 126 12 128 107 103 130 136 137 13 144 120 109 140 151 145 14 152 131 116 149 157 155 15 159 140 124 157 163 165 16 171 151 130 162 173 176 17 185 159 142 172 184 185 18 198 167 154 188 195 201 19 210 175 160 199 211 210 20 219 184 170 218 222 220 21 231 193 180 226 230 230 22 243 197 188 235 240 240 23 210 197 245 245 247 24 205 25 211 26 219 27 231 No Fond Return An Unsuitable The Sweet An AcademicQuartet A Few Civil to of Love Attachment Dove Died Question in Autumn Green Strangers Leaves 1 5 13 7 1 5 7 9 2 20 22 13 14 18 13 15 3 29 34 18 20 27 18 23 4 36 45 25 26 31 25 30 5 44 56 33 36 35 34 42 6 52 71 42 44 46 39 46 7 61 80 49 50 53 43 51 8 71 90 54 60 58 51 59 9 81 101 64 68 64 60 64 10 93 107 76 76 70 66 70 11 104 119 79 84 78 72 76 12 117 132 87 91 83 84 82 13 126 140 96 101 90 95 90 14 144 145 99 108 97 100 97 15 157 155 109 114 104 112 103 16 173 170 115 122 115 116 109 17 181 184 123 127 123 122 116 18 189 197 128 131 131 126 120 19 204 206 137 135 141 133 127 20 219 220 147 141 149 140 133 21 229 231 153 146 155 146 142 22 241 240 162 154 160 153 146 23 254 249 171 159 167 162 149 24 266 176 167 171 170 156 25 278 184 176 177 163 26 182 27 191 28 198 29 203 30 208 31 213 A Very Private Eye Preface xiii The early life 1 Part I: Oxford 11 Part II: The war 133 Part III: The novelist 257 Published by the Barbara Pym Society 2004 1 The writings of Barbara Pym Index A almond blossom STG 244 ‘So, some tempestuous morn’ STM 331 almonds NFR 185, 286-7 Thyrsis VPE 147, 150 Abbey ambulances QA 31-2, 134-5, 141 ‘To Marguerite’ EW 128 community NFR 107 Amery, Willie STG 148 Arrowsmith, M. EW 104 tearooms VPE 352 Amis, Fr. LTA 193 art CH 9 visiting EW 180-3 amphitheatre UA 172-3 galleries NFR 96-100; VPE 124, 305 aborigines LTA 144 Angelina, Sister CH 137 see also pictures abortion AQ 70-1 Anglo-Catholic revival QA 16 Arthur, name JP 14 academic world Anglo-Saxon: CH 80-1; STG 119, 206; articles see journals disputes LTA 10 SDD 125; SVS 290 Ash Wednesday: EW 48; GoB 136-8; QA dustier fringes NFR 7, 234 Angus, Miss SVS 309 62; UA 93-6; VPE 289 see also journals; universities animals FGL 204, 206 ashes, scattered UA 211 acknowledgements, printed AQ 7, 44, 45; game EW 138 Ashton, Ian AQ 140, 150 NFR 79 see also apes; cats; dogs Asians QA 21, 24 acolytes: EW 33, 215; GoB 215 anointing spoons UA 220 asparagus; CTS 32, 49-50, 70, 71-2; SDD Adder, Dr CH 133 anorexia nervosa QA 108 46 Addison, Joseph STG 129 Anstruther, Fr. UA 65-6, 139, 230 Asperges: JP 175, 236; LTA 77; VPE address, modes of AQ 45 Anthea STM 369- 272-3 Adrian SVS 265, 294, 295, 300-1 Cleveland CH 12-; aspidistras CTS 49-50; EW 159 Advent GoB 55 anthropologists / anthropology: AQ 25; Aspinall, Connie: HF 219-; STG 13-14, 28 advertisements CH 3; UA 113, 154 EW 11, 17, 26-7, 34-5, 51, 53, 92, Assumption, Feast of QA 52 Africa: EW; JP 237, 242; LTA 140-; STG 152; FGL 13, 69, 116; FV 384; GoB atheism EW 84-5; JP 24 79, 116, 167; FGL 15-16; UA 40; VPE 218; LTA 6-21, 36, 49, 133, 173, 183, au pairs AQ 3, 18 cannibalism EW 139-40 185; STG 206; UA 13, 34, 40-1, 78, Aubrey, John: AQ 40; FGL 102 deaths in LTA 235-6 83, 125-8, 210-, 216, 246; VPE Brief Lives JP 134 diseases LTA 236 faith in LTA 102-3 auctions SDD 7-; VPE 333 food in LTA 143-4 lectures in: EW 86-8; LTA 17-18; STG Auden, W.H. CH 114; JP 123; VPE 371, languages: AQ 132; LTA 117-18, 240-1; 177-82 387 STG 178-9 research centre LTA 8-11, 94-6, 117-18; August EW 177; UA 224 relics AQ 22 VPE aunts FGL 182-3 see also Mbawawa students LTA 10-11, 17-20, 95-8, 201-2 Austen, Jane FGL 211; FV 383-4; HF Africa (journal) VPE trunk of notes LTA; VPE 279 220; QA 7; STM 331; UA 26; VPE 57, African in restaurant UA 235-6 women, early EW 87 264, 354, 410 Agatha (maid) SVS 283, 290-1 see also journals sites visited VPE 350 age difference, in love UA 171-1, 233 antique shops SDD 8, 10-, 18-, 87, 111; Emma: FGL 13; JP 108; VPE 146 ageing: AQ 53-4; FGL 10, 76; QA 108, VPE 305, 318, 332 Mansfield Park NFR 286 117, 157; VPE 271, 346, 389, 428-9 antiques and tea shop GoB 236, 240-3 Persuasion LTA 183 geriatrics FGL 75 apes STG 76 Pride and Prejudice GBC 348 see also old people Apfelbaum, Dr: EW 85, 88, 134, 225; avocado pears: ACR 368; VPE 433 agent FGL 9, 172 FGL 135; LTA 12, 13, 217; UA 212 azaleas NFR 124; UA 147 Agnew’s Apocalypse STG 19 exhibition SDD 18, 19 apostle spoons UA 220 B agnosticism GoB 14, 84-5; QA 79-81 apples STG 11 Aida LTA 93 Arborfield, Dolly AQ 14- Ba (woman at party) SDD 159-60, 164 Ainger, Mark CV 357-; UA 14-15 archaeology EW 173, 179; GoB 10, 61-2, Babbington’s, Rome UA 146-8 Ainger, Sophia CV 357-; UA 13-15 182 babies, expecting CTS 169-70 Air Raid Wardens: HF 248-9; SVS 276 architecture CH 118 babysitting AQ 168 see also blackout Aristotle STG 156 bacon QA 22 air raids and Air Raid Precautions Arkwright, Mrs JP 35 badgers GoB 38-9 (A.R.P.): GBC 347, 348-53; SVS Arling, Mrs GBC 343-4 bagatelle NFR 266-7 318-21; VPE 135, 146, 212 Arling, Janet GBC 344- baked beans: NFR 93-4; STG 184; QA 23 air terminals: LTA 187-8; UA 140 Arling, Laura GBC 344-55 ‘Beano’ CH 101 air travel UA 142; VPE 283 Armitage, George AQ 8, 81 Baker, Mildred CTS 161 Akenside, John STG 22, 57 Armitage, Heather AQ 97-8 Baldwin, Dr CH 124 albs, washing LTA 170-1, 172 Army Balham UA 73 alcohol / dinking LTA 137; STG 146-7; camp HF 268 Balkans: GBC 345-55; STG 31, 121-2, VPE 358, 412, 413, 438-9, 461 canteens: SVS 278-9, 324; VPE 134, 146 213 abstinence QA 87, 108, 156 chaplain HF 265 Ballance, Mr SVS 274, 279 serving STG 114-15 majors GB 33 ballet CH 71, 81 see also types of drinks soldiers VPE 134, 146, 148-9 Balliol, Oxford: CTS 20, 142; STG 238; Alcott, Louisa M.
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