New Mineral Names*

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New Mineral Names* American Mineralogist, Volume 69, pages 210-215, 1984 NEW MINERAL NAMES* Pere J. DuNu, Jonr D. Gruce, Mrcneer FLerscHen, AND ADoLF Pessr Chromdravite* Lithosite* E. V. Rumantseva(1983) Chromdravite, a new mineral.Zapiski A. P. Khomyakov, N. M. Chernitsova, and N. L Chistyakova Vses. Mineralog.Obsh., 112,222-226(in Russian). (19E3)Lithosite, KcALSisOzs.2H2O, a new mineral.Zapiski Vses.Mineralog. Obsh., ll2,218-222 (in Russian). Analysis by K. K. Gunbar after correction for 65Va impurity of chromian phengite(analyzed) gave SiO2 30.75, TiO, 0.13, Microprobe analyses of the mineral gave SiO2 50.0, 49.6; Al2O32.92, Cr2O3 3 I.60, V 2Or1.46, F e2O3 7.65, MnO 0. 19,MgO A12O320.7,20.4;K2O28.4,28.0;H2O (loss on ignition)2.34, sum 9.05,CaO 0.16,Na2O 2.66,820,3 9.00, loss on ignition4.43, sum of averages 100.94Vo,corresponding to K5.saAl3grSis oe 1W.00%.Microprobe analysis gave SiO2 37.9, Al2O35.1, Cr2O3 O2s' 2.53H2O.Easily decomposedby cold,lO% HCl. The infra- 30.|, V2O30.5, Fe2O38.E, MnO 0.7, MgO 6.5%. The correcred red spectrum indicates the presenceof molecular water. chemical analysis gives the formula (Na6 s;Mnoor X-ray study shows it to be monoclinic, pseudo-orthorhombic, "7Caa.s3)(Mgz vo 22Alo 16Tiq.62)3.0o (cra_zr FeISe Ab zr)666 (82 e1Ale se)goo Sis ar a= 15.197,b=10.233, c: E.435A,9:XJ.2t",Z=2,D(calc.) Ab re)6.0oo27(Oo.zrOHrrz)+ oo. This is, therefore, unlike chromian : 2'54, (meas.): 2.51.The strongestX-ray lines(47 given) are varieties previously described, a new member of the tourmaline 3.46 (84)(2r2,4or); 3.26(84)(122,03r) ; 3.07 (r0o)(3 0,a2Q ; group with Mg dominant in the Y position, Cr in the Z position. 2.E2(73)(33o,402);2. l0(83X004). Chromdravite is trigonal, a : 16.11, c = 7.27 A. The strongest The mineral occurs as irregular grains, l-3 mm in size. It is X-ray lines (28 given) are 6.57(50)(l0l), 4.05(50X220), colorless, water-clear, luster vitreous, fracture conchoidal. 3.58(75X0 l 2), 3.04(7s)(122), 2. 62( I 00X05I ), 2.079(sO)(221). Hardness by micro-impression, load 50-70 g 412-E24,av. 559 Color dark green,nearly black crystals ofpyramidal form. D = kg/, or about 5 % Mohs. It is optically biaxial, positive, a 3.40.Optically uniaxial, negative, a = 1.778,e = 1.772,absorp- : 1.510,B : 1.513,y = 1.527,2V : 47',Z : b, Y neara, X near tion O > E, pleochroic with O dark green,E yellow-green.The c. Under X-rays it acquiresa bright rose color, which persistsfor infra-red spectrum is given. at least 8 months; it is then pleochroic with X and Icolorless, Z The mineral occurs in micaceousmetasomatites in the Onezh- bright rose. kii depression,central Karelia, associatedwith chromian phen- The mineral occurs in the S.E. part of the Khibina alkalic gite (Cr2O317.13%), taeniolite, and vanadianmuscovite, quartz, massif, Kola Peninsula, in veins gf ultra-agpaitic pegmatite and dolomite. cutting nepheline syenites (rischorrites). It occurs in cavernous The name is for the composition. Type material is in the parts of drill cores consisting of orthoclase, sodalite, aegirine, mineralogicalmuseum of the Leningrad Mining Institute. M.F. pectolite, lamprophyllite, lomonosovite, and shafranovskite. The name is from the Greek lithos (stone), becauseit consists of the most abundant components of the Earth's crust. Type Kularite (= Monazite) material is at the FersmanMuseum, Acad. Sci. USSR, Moscow, and the museumof the GeologicalInstitute, Kola Branch, Acad. R. A. Nekrasova and I. Ya. Nekrasov (1983) Kularite, an Sci. USSR, Apatite. M.F. authigenicvariety of monazite. Doklady Adkad. Nauk SSSR, 268,68E-693 (in Russian). The name kularite (for the Kular ridge, Siberia) is given to the Lun'oklte* so-called"gray monazite" or "black monazite," which has been A. V. Voloshin, Ya. A. Pakhomovskii,and F. described by many investigators. Chemical analyses including N. Tyusheva (19E3)Lun'okite, a new phosphate,the manganeseanalogue the individual lanthanides, are given of 7 samplesthat contain of overite, from granitic pegmatitesof the Kola Peninsula. SiO20.03-0.95 , ThO2 l.l2-l.4OVo,D = 4.0-4.5, slightlyelectro- Za- piski Vses. Mineralog.Obsh., l12, (in magnetic. The X-ray pattern is stated to be the pattern ..of 232-237 Russian). typical monazite without any adventitious reflections." Microprobe analysis of the mineral gave P2O535.42, Al2O3 13.42,MnO 18.97,FeO 5.55,MgO 3.59,CaO 3.21,H2O19.40, Discussion srrm 99.56Vo, corresponding to the formula (Mns rrCaoz) (Mg6 . (Mn, An entirely unnecessaryand uselessname. M.F. 35Fe631Mno3s)Al,.s5(POr) ro 3.78H2O, or Ca)(Mg,Fe,Mn)A(PO4)r(OH) . 4H2O,the Mn analogueof over- ite (CaMgAl) and of segelerite(CaMgFe+3). The D.T.A. curve shows a sharp endothermic peak at 210'C and a broad one at 340'C, and an exothermic peak at 640'C. Loss in weight 3.2% H2O at 60-160"C, 4.4Vaat 160-200'C, 11.8% 200--600"C.The * Minerals marked with asteriskswere approved before publi- infra-red spectrum is given. cation by the Commissionon New Minerals and Mineral Names The X-ray pattern is similar to those of overite and segelerite of the International Mineralogical Association. and is indexed in space group Pbca with unit cell a : 14.95,b : 0003-004x/84/0I 02-021 8$00 .50 210 NEW MINERAL NAMES 2tl 18.71,c: 6.964.,Z = 8,D (calc.): 2.69,(meas.) = 2.66.The greenishand blueish tints; bireflectanceis weak; pleochroism is strongest X-ray lines (47 given, many broad or difuse) are greenish to greenish-blue;anisotropism is perceptible; internal 9.39(9X020), 3.48(6X420,002),2.92('7)(440,431), 2.809(l0b) reflections absent. Reflectances are (|,,Vo):48O,37.6-40.4; (232,042,16r). 540,37 .5 -39.6: 580, 37.2-38. 9 ; 640,36.3-37 . 5 . Colorless to white with a faint yellowish tint. Hardness 3-4. Rayite is found at Rajpura-Dariba,Rajasthan, India. The name Opticallybiaxial, positive, 2V = 70", a = 1.603,B: 1.608,7: is for the late Professor SantoshK. Ray of President College in 1.616,r < v, distinct, X : c, Z = b, cleavages:(010) perfect, Calcutta. Type material is at the Indian Institute of Technology, (001)imperfect. Kharagpur,India, and at the I.G.E.M. of the USSR Academyof The mineral occurs as radiating aggregates,0.5-1.0 mm, in Sciences,Moscow. P.J.D. fractures in granitic pegmatites and on crusts of nodules of mitridatite in fractures. Associated minerals are eosphorite, laueite.and kingsmountite. The name is for the Lun'ok River. Type material is at the Richelsdorfite* FersmanMineralogical Museum, Moscow, and at the Geological P. Susseand G. Schnorrer-Kohler(1983) Richelsdorfite, Ca2 Instituteof the Kola Branch, Acad. Sci. USSR, Apatite. M.F. CusSblCl/(OH)"/(AsOr)+l' 6H2O, a new mineral. Neues Jahr. Mineral. Monat., 145-150. Nd-churchite = neodymianchurchite Richelsdorfite is monoclinic, sp-acegroup CZlm, with a = 14.17(6),b = v.a2i6), c : 13.57(5)Aand 102.0(2)";Z= 4,D E. K. Podporina,V. V. Burkov, and K. N. Danilova(1983) Nd- B: (obs.) : 3.20,D (calc.) = 3.27glcm3. The principallines of the churchites from the crust of weathering of Kazakjstan meta- powderpattern are : I 3.290(10)(0016.6 l2(3X002) 4.408(5)(003) morphicrocks. Doklady Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R.,268, 195-198. ) ; ; ; 2.6aaQ)@22,005).The turquoise to sky-blue (in Russian). 3.024(8)(241,48): tiny tabular crystals are biaxial negative with 2V (obs) = 69'. A chemical analysisand X-ray powder data (both normal) are Indices of refraction, calculatedfrom reflectivities on (001) and given. X-ray spectrographicanalysis shows yttrium to be pre- (010)surfaces, are: o = 1.698(3),I = l.'765(3),y : 1.799(4). dominant as usual ff/ff+Ln) : 61.6%). Nd is the most abun- Optical orientation and pleochroism are: X inclined to c pale dant lanthanide (15 at.Voof the lanthanides, excluding Y). The blue, nearly parallel to a greenish-bhte,Z parallel to b light "new variety" is calledNd-churchite. greenishblue, dispersionr > v. The luster is vitreous, {001} cleavageis perfect, hardness(Mohs) is 2. The mineral is readily Discussion soluble in dilute HCl. Microprobe analysisgave: CaO 8.97, CuO 28.7l,ZnO0.23, FeO 0.01, Sb2O5 11.88, AszOs 31.18, Cl 1.83, A uselessname for the variety neodymian churchite. It is also HzO (by difference) 17.19, total 100.00Vo.The formula was sure to causeconfusion. the L M. A. Commissionuses names confirmed by structure determination (Tillmann and Stisse, such as Monazite-(Nd) to denote mineral species with Nd 1982). predominant. This variety is not even a new one; Semenovand Richelsdorfite was first found in Permian sandstone in the Khomyakov(Diagn. Svoistva Mineral, 1981,p. 88-93)published Richelsdorf Mountains, Hesse, with calcite, duftite, tirolite and an analysisof churchite with Nd = 19.3 at.Voof the lanthanides, tetrahedrite, later also in cavities in barite and as an incrustation excludingY. M.F, on blocks of Kupferschiefer. Subsequently it was also recog- nized in cavities in quartz with calcite, tetrahedrite, galena, brochantite and devilline at St. Andreasberg in the Harz. Ri- Rayite* chelsdorfiteis mostly in very small speheroidalaggregates up to K. Basu, N. S. Bortinikov, A. Moorkherjee,N. N. Mozgova, 0.2 mm in diameter.
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