North Carolina Geological Surveys, with List of Publications of Each
NORTH CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC SURVEY JOSEPH HYDE PRATT, State Geologist BULLETIN No. 27 ALTITUDES IN NORTH CAROLINA COMPILED BY THE NORTH CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC SURVEY 3 3 3 ' -, 3 c -J I -> "> C J o £ ) " J O j t, S 3 -S 3 o -5 -> 3 3 3 > ' • > ' I 3 3 ~> J ' 3 3 . 3 .3 -t i] \..0 ) J 3-3 — - 5 3 -, RALEIGH Edwards & Broughton Printing Co. State Printers 1917 . H £5 7 N 8 l 3 h- GEOLOGICAL BOARD Governor T. W. Bickett, ex-officio Chairman Raleigh Prank R. Hewitt Asheville Hugh MacRae Wilmington John Sprunt Hill Durham C. C. Smoot, III North Wilkesboro " c .c c c c c 1 '< ' ~ , c c c c -c c c c cr cr Cc , , c c , r c , c e -• t ' c c c c c c ' c e c c ;, . 1 ,- ; . c c c . '. Joseph Hy£3 cP&aH, State Geologist.. '.: . -t r ;. .: Chapel Hill c c c C "C I '','.'. < • 'tt <; - <: .c c ' , C. c , , ce c ( d - : . r c =c= Kc ;v _ LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Chapel Hill, K C, October 1, 1917. To His Excellency, Hon. T. W. Bickett, Governor of North Carolina. Sir : —I have the honor to transmit herewith for publication a re- port on "The Altitudes of North Carolina" as Bulletin 27 of the publications of the North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey. The compilation of this report was begun a number of years ago, as the need for having such data in available form has long been felt; and it is believed that this bulletin will serve a most useful purpose.
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