“Spreading Your Wings”
“Spreading Your Wings” Baccalaureate Mass at Our Lady of Czestochowa Shrine (Doylestown, PA) 2 June 2007 I’m honored to be with you today to share in your Baccalaureate & Graduation, and I thank you for the invitation. It’s been thirty years since I took part in one of these, but if I remember correctly, there should be a few parties on this occasion! And that reminds me of a graduation story from California. There a young Valley girl was cruising along the coast in her convertible after her party. She came to a sharp curve which she couldn’t negotiate, and went flying off the side. As the convertible plummeted below her, she managed to reach out and grab onto a single branch extending from the rocks. Immediately she screamed, “help!” But no response. “Help,” she cried again, but there was silence on the lonely road above. Finally, she yelled out, “can anybody hear me?” And a voice from the clouds answered, “Yes.” “Can you help me?” she yelled back. “Of course I can ... I’m God” the voice bellowed. “So, just let go.” A minute or two went by, and the girl looked up and yelled ... “can anybody else hear me?” Now I know that scenario is unlikely to play out for any of you who are very soon-to-be high school graduates, and not just because I assume you are more sensible drivers. Rather, it’s because today you are “spreading your wings” ... so you could fly. I’m intrigued by this as your choice of a theme for this day and so I’d like to explore with you this idea of “spreading our wings.” Don’t worry, this won’t be a full-fledged lesson in aviation.
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