Inženjerski projektni zavod d.d. Prilaz baruna Filipovića 21, 10000 Zagreb More than Phone: 00385 1 3717 300 60 years of experience Fax.: 00385 1 3717 309 E-mail:
[email protected] in infrastructure engineering design! 02 // Company Profile 03 Inzenjerski projektni zavod is a company specialized in infrastructure engineering design and has been active in this field for over 60 years now. The Government of the Republic of Croatia has established IPZ in 1948 as a national company for development of all kinds of designs for roads, road structures and water engineering facilities. Actively participating in the reconstruction of the country that has suffered huge destruction in the war and in the modernization of the traffic infrastructure in Croatia and in other countries of the former Yugoslavia, IPZ has over the period of sixty-two years developed more than 7,200 studies, conceptual designs, investment programmes, preliminary, main and capital investment designs, expert opinions and other pieces of technical documentation. 04 // Company Profile 05 IPZ has designed more than 50% or all roads and 1993. motorways in the Republic of Croatia, as well as the first motorway in the former Yugoslavia, several hundreds of bridges, many tunnels, several dozens of engineering structures, ranging from industrial plants to transformer stations, thousands Vrbovec of kilometres of water supply and sewer systems, hundreds of Sv. Helena water tanks, etc. Gornja Ploča Gračac An important date in the development of IPZ is the year 1993, when IPZ was privatized and transformed into a joint stock company owned by the former and present employees.