Star Wars Episode 1: the Phantom Menace Bingo Myfreebingocards.Com

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Star Wars Episode 1: the Phantom Menace Bingo Myfreebingocards.Com Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Bingo Safety First! Before you print all your bingo cards, please print a test page to check they come out the right size and color. Your bingo cards start on Page 3 of this PDF. If your bingo cards have words then please check the spelling carefully. If you need to make any changes go to Play Once you've checked they are printing correctly, print off your bingo cards and start playing! On the next page you will find the "Bingo Caller's Card" - this is used to call the bingo and keep track of which words have been called. Your bingo cards start on Page 3. Virtual Bingo Please do not try to split this PDF into individual bingo cards to send out to players. We have tools on our site to send out links to individual bingo cards. For help go to Help If you're having trouble printing your bingo cards or using the bingo card generator then please go to where you will find solutions to most common problems. Share Pin these bingo cards on Pinterest, share on Facebook, or post this link: Edit and Create To add more words or make changes to this set of bingo cards go to Go to to create a new set of bingo cards. Legal The terms of use for these printable bingo cards can be found at Have Fun! If you have any feedback or suggestions, drop us an email on [email protected]. Bingo Caller's Card Use your Bingo Caller's Card to call the bingo and keep track of which words you have already called. Print two copies of the caller's card. Cut one copy up, fold the squares in half, and put them in a hat. To call the bingo, pull a square out of the hat, unfold it and read it out. When you have called a word/number, tick it off on the second copy of the caller's card. You can use the second copy of the caller's card to check if a player has a winning card during a game. Obi- Qui Gon Jar Jar Darth Podracing Wan Jinn Watto Sebulba Maul Kenobi Binks Royal R2- Anakin Shmi Padme Naboo starship D2 C3PO Skywalker Skywalker Senator Boss Gungan Battle Captain Tatooine Droideka Palpatine Nass army droid Panaka Droid Comm Lightsaber Jedi Galactic Nute Hologram transporter link duel Council Senate Gunray Double- Darth bladed Sidious lightsaber Bingo Card ID 001 Bingo Card ID 002 Star Wars Episode 1: The Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Phantom Menace Obi- Nute Boss Senator Gungan Comm Lightsaber Nute Wan Hologram Sebulba Gunray Palpatine army duel Gunray Nass link Kenobi Obi- Double- Jedi Shmi Lightsaber Darth Shmi Droideka Wan bladed Droideka Council Skywalker duel Skywalker Naboo Kenobi lightsaber Maul Jar Jar FREE Captain Comm FREE R2- Binks Watto SPACE Padme Panaka Padme link SPACE D2 Watto Qui Battle Darth R2- Senator Droid Galactic Tatooine Gon Palpatine Tatooine C3PO transporter Senate droid Maul Jinn D2 Double- Qui bladed Galactic Royal Anakin Battle Captain Boss Anakin Senate Sebulba starship Skywalker Panaka Gon Skywalker lightsaber droid Nass Jinn Bingo Card ID 003 Bingo Card ID 004 Star Wars Episode 1: The Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Phantom Menace Obi- Qui Jar Jar Gungan Shmi Wan Tatooine Naboo Watto Gon Tatooine army Padme Skywalker Kenobi Binks Jinn Shmi Galactic Senator Captain Battle Jar Jar Droid Hologram transporter Skywalker Senate Palpatine Sebulba Panaka Sebulba droid Binks Obi- Comm FREE Royal Jedi R2- FREE Podracing Hologram Wan starship Council Naboo link SPACE D2 SPACE Kenobi Qui Darth Boss Battle Nute Royal Darth Nute Senator Gon Gunray starship Gunray Watto Palpatine Maul Nass Jinn droid Maul Double- Double- Darth Lightsaber Anakin Droid Comm Padme bladed Podracing bladed Sidious duel Skywalker lightsaber C3PO transporter lightsaber link Bingo Card ID 005 Bingo Card ID 006 Star Wars Episode 1: The Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Phantom Menace Qui Captain Gungan Anakin Darth Gungan Boss Nute Gon Tatooine Panaka army Skywalker army Gunray C3PO Jinn Maul Nass Obi- Double- Shmi bladed Battle Comm Royal Darth Lightsaber Skywalker Watto Wan starship Watto duel Kenobi lightsaber droid link Maul Obi- Lightsaber FREE Royal Boss FREE Jar Jar Anakin Podracing duel starship Hologram Wan Skywalker SPACE Nass Kenobi SPACE Binks R2- Galactic Comm Galactic Shmi Jedi Droideka Sebulba D2 Senate link C3PO Senate Naboo Skywalker Council Double- Qui Jar Jar Droid Senator Nute bladed R2- transporter Tatooine Palpatine Gunray Padme Gon Droideka Binks lightsaber Jinn D2 Bingo Card ID 007 Bingo Card ID 008 Star Wars Episode 1: The Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Phantom Menace Double- R2- Jedi Nute R2- bladed Anakin C3PO Padme Tatooine Droideka Skywalker D2 Council Gunray D2 lightsaber Obi- Qui Royal Darth Lightsaber Battle Shmi Gungan starship Watto Sidious duel Wan C3PO Gon Skywalker army Kenobi Jinn droid Obi- Senator Comm FREE Galactic Captain FREE Palpatine Senate Droideka Sebulba Panaka Naboo Wan link SPACE SPACE Kenobi Jar Jar Battle Darth Jar Jar Senator Royal Darth Sebulba Tatooine Binks droid Naboo Maul Binks Palpatine starship Maul Qui Gungan Droid Anakin Comm Boss Jedi Hologram Gon Podracing army transporter Skywalker Council Watto Jinn link Nass Bingo Card ID 009 Bingo Card ID 010 Star Wars Episode 1: The Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Phantom Menace Qui Double- Battle Jedi Boss bladed Sebulba Hologram Droid Gon transporter Council Padme C3PO lightsaber droid Jinn Nass Shmi Comm Captain Galactic Lightsaber Darth Darth Tatooine Sebulba Padme Skywalker link Panaka Senate duel Sidious Maul Gungan Jar Jar FREE Nute Battle Shmi FREE Senator Anakin army Binks SPACE Naboo Gunray droid Skywalker SPACE Palpatine Skywalker Obi- Darth Senator R2- Lightsaber Darth Royal Nute Droid Palpatine duel Sidious Hologram starship Gunray Wan transporter Maul D2 Kenobi Jedi Gungan Galactic R2- Captain Podracing Podracing Watto Council C3PO Droideka army Senate D2 Panaka Bingo Card ID 011 Bingo Card ID 012 Star Wars Episode 1: The Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Phantom Menace Boss Battle Nute Comm Lightsaber Darth Jar Jar Boss Darth Podracing Nass droid Gunray link duel Sidious Binks Nass Maul Double- Jar Jar Darth Droid Shmi Tatooine bladed Hologram Droideka Podracing Binks lightsaber Watto Sidious transporter Skywalker Obi- Obi- Gungan FREE Royal Comm Galactic FREE Battle Hologram Wan army starship Senate Wan Kenobi SPACE link SPACE Kenobi droid R2- Jedi Galactic Lightsaber Royal R2- Gungan Nute D2 Council Senate duel Naboo starship D2 army Tatooine Gunray Qui Qui Double- Anakin Senator bladed Anakin Padme C3PO Sebulba Gon Skywalker Gon Palpatine C3PO Skywalker Jinn Jinn lightsaber Bingo Card ID 013 Bingo Card ID 014 Star Wars Episode 1: The Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Phantom Menace Obi- Double- Captain Captain Royal Galactic bladed Hologram Droid Droid Wan Panaka transporter transporter Panaka starship Tatooine Senate Kenobi lightsaber Obi- Royal Comm R2- Jar Jar starship C3PO Sebulba C3PO Wan Hologram Naboo link D2 Kenobi Binks Jar Jar Lightsaber FREE Nute Darth FREE Senator Podracing Binks duel SPACE Padme Gunray Droideka Maul SPACE Palpatine Darth Darth Anakin Jedi Battle Anakin Gungan Lightsaber Jedi Battle Maul Sidious Skywalker Council droid Skywalker army duel Council droid Qui Qui Boss Gungan Galactic Comm Nute R2- Gon Droideka Gon army Senate Padme Gunray Jinn Nass Jinn link D2 Bingo Card ID 015 Bingo Card ID 016 Star Wars Episode 1: The Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Phantom Menace Darth Double- Gungan Boss Battle Galactic Jar Jar Darth R2- bladed Naboo Sidious lightsaber army Nass droid Senate Binks Maul D2 Qui Qui Lightsaber Battle duel Gon Hologram Tatooine Sebulba Gon Podracing Watto Tatooine Jinn droid Jinn Obi- Comm Jar Jar FREE Shmi Captain Senator FREE Royal Hologram Skywalker Panaka Wan Palpatine starship link Binks SPACE Kenobi SPACE Obi- Royal Nute Anakin Jedi Gungan Lightsaber Droideka Wan Padme starship Gunray Naboo Skywalker Council army duel Kenobi Darth R2- Anakin Nute Droid Shmi Podracing Watto Maul D2 Skywalker Gunray transporter Droideka Skywalker Padme Bingo Card ID 017 Bingo Card ID 018 Star Wars Episode 1: The Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Phantom Menace Obi- Jar Jar Gungan R2- Royal Captain Galactic Boss Anakin Captain army starship Panaka Senate Skywalker Wan Panaka Binks D2 Nass Kenobi Comm Boss Darth Double- Nute Jar Jar Jedi Padme bladed Hologram Naboo link Nass Sidious lightsaber Gunray Binks Council Qui Double- Droid FREE Anakin Gungan FREE Droid Hologram bladed transporter Skywalker Droideka Gon army transporter SPACE Jinn SPACE lightsaber Galactic Lightsaber Senator Darth Senator Tatooine Sebulba Droideka Sebulba Senate duel Palpatine Padme Maul Palpatine Qui Jedi Darth Shmi Comm R2- Podracing Gon C3PO Council Naboo Sidious Skywalker C3PO Jinn link D2 Bingo Card ID 019 Bingo Card ID 020 Star Wars Episode 1: The Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Phantom Menace Darth Royal Droid Darth Jar Jar Sebulba Droideka Hologram Maul starship transporter Watto Maul Padme Binks Double- Galactic Captain Lightsaber Anakin Darth Shmi Jedi bladed Tatooine Senate C3PO lightsaber Panaka duel Skywalker Sidious Skywalker Council Jedi FREE R2- Boss Gungan FREE Royal Senator Hologram Council SPACE Naboo D2 Nass army SPACE starship Palpatine Obi- Double- Senator Nute Comm Lightsaber Galactic bladed Palpatine Gunray duel Padme Podracing Wan Senate Droideka link Kenobi lightsaber Obi- Qui Darth Battle
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