REF. MR. CARRIGG ' Classical, and Mercantile Academy, Right Rev
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crop3. which have often mentioned tropolis. One piece which fell through the and Coimcil of the Sixteenth September One thoufand use. - REF. MR. CARRIGG ' eight hun 'red, U]ion all Ships and Veifels coming from or skylight of the pastrycook near Spring-gar- Respectfully informs his Friend's, and the through the Mediterranean, or from the Weft Barbary on dens, was weighed by a gentleman in the. the Atlantic Ocean, be ftricliy enforced and' extended as ' Public,' that agreeable to,his former Advertisement m NEW POS R ROAD ACT. hei'r'n aftcr diiected, and that til Officers .appointed for shop it out-weighed a Dollar. the Limerick, Galway Papers, he has opened his and the Service of,quarantine do.ufe their Care iuid Diligence, Classical, and Mercantile Academy, and iiaufe the leveral Rules and Regulations eftablifliid by Abstract of the Act of Parliament lately passed the fai'd Order, and by this prtf'tnt Order, for the due under the patronage and immediate inspection of for. improving, and: ke'eping in repair, the Performaore nf quarantine to be punctually obferved and INSTRUCTION TO FARRI&R'S Right Rev: Doctor COS 1 ELL0. carried into Execution. Post Roads in Ireland, and for ; entering ' For JULY 1305. The Creek, Latin, and French Languages wjllpe. , -And vye doherebyfurtller order,,require, and command, •the conveyance of letters by his Majesty's Post taught';—the kngiish Language,, and Declamation, That ail Ships' and Vcfieir coming .from the Port of Cadiz,' Office more secure and expeditious; or from liny other Port of'Spain without the Straits of POTATOES. vali be particularly attended to.—History, anyient, Gibraltar, lying to- tlie Southward of Cape Su.i-nt Vincent, The Post Masters General are to appoint and modernGeography, with the use of the Globes; The crops of potatoes, planted'in rows, and all , Peri'ons, Goods.and Merchandifes on hoard the proper ..persons to survey and make maps of MaffieSi.atics.iri general will form a distinguished part fame, do arid Ihiill'pefoiTO quarantine for l'uch time, and must have a third horse-hoeing 'this month. in the'System of Education adopted in his Academy. in fuch Manner, aiid at l'uch Places as are described by the The common Way of ploughing backwards the roads from Dublin to the extreme post The morality .of Jiis Boys will engage his whole at- faid Proclamation of ihe.Sixteenth Scpternher One thou- or forwards every time of iioise-lioeing, is towns in Ireland, and to point out such al- tention; since he looks on advancement m every fanil eight hundred, and that the Matter anil other Perfon, terations as may appeal- proper for 'levelling having Charge of all fuch Ships and Veffels do .iikewife not w'ell adapted to this crop ; for cutting the other pursuit, unattended with this, not only unne- itri.ctly confo'm theml'elvcs in all refpects to the Rules, roots,: when thfc plants are- in full growthgrovi , / die road or shortening the distance.- cessary, but destructive. ' Loughrea, June 29,,.18,0.5. am'l Regulations required by the laid, ProcUmatinn, and hurts the cropland you destroy runnernpi'Us thathatt , I In no part of any new road to be made by this prrfenL Proclamation, to be obl'erved by Ships and . Veifels liable to quarantine. would pooduce potatoes. For this reason, shall.tilt ascent or descent exceed the rate of one foot in 35 of length,. if the same be ENN1S RACES And we do hereby further order, That no Perform, the third horse-iioeing should be given first practicable.- Are unavoidably.postponed until Goods, Wares, or Mcrchnndifes, or any I'malt Packages with the shim, which cuts and loosens the brought an Bagpagr, Prelerits, o' othevwife, or any Let." earth, without turning it over; of forming The surveyor shall mark ih Lis map any • .MONDAY* the r$th of JUL Ti ter's or Packet's or Parcels of Letters, or other Articles whatfoever on Board any Ship or Veffel, of Ships or Vtf- any ridge. Some of them work with many liousesj gardens, inclosed demesne, &c. &c. ' JOHN-M'NAMARA, l stewards. fels, coming from anv Place from whence the Lord Lieu- little triangular shaves, some with s'ihgle ffat Which may be on the line of any proposed BOYLE VANDELETJR,! .. tenant, by-.lad with the Advice of the Privy ' Council, ones, and others-only with coulters j but any new road j and shall also mark the most con- (hall have judged it probable that the Plague, or other infectious Difeafe or Diltemper declared to be df the na- of them that cut up fresli the bot- venient line which he can find to avoid,such* ? John. Wallace, Margaret Par-1 Pursuant toa ture of the Plague, maybe brought, (ball come or be tom of the ' furrows; will answer the pur- For any barony or half barony, in ffte line ito,-Jane/Goufih, the Hon.' Decretal- Order made brought, on Shore, or go to be put on board any other pose. A double mould-board plough (a of such road, there shall be distinct map.^ . Jol- -m E^nsj- ' ' . .now,th* e- Rt. this-Gause,bearing Ship or Vstfel id order to be landed or brought on Shore and where any part of the existing foad:i3 Hon.jSi.-Lord Carbeiry, date the 15th. day of in any Port or, Pla'ce,in' Ireland, although fuch Shiip s or comrflori instrument in- some counties)', VetT, Is I'o coming, ;from fuc'li infected Place to be retained,- and is not 12 feet wide in 9'le»Worth Greene, and December, 1804, I is aforefaid should follow the shim in about a week; and, (h ull at the Time of fuch landing ,or- unfh pping thereof be jisxtila Davis,!; "-.«' do-hereby give notice striking the furrows, throw up all the loose the clear, thesurveyor sh-'dl mark oh which f at Sea; and (hall not have arrived in any Port or Place id to all the Creditors Ireland,''and although fuch Ships or Veifels tftay riot be earth against the ridges, banking them' up. side it can be .Widened, most conveniently,' Jalm.-Scoit, . George Evans, and Legatees of Rich. hbtfnd'to.any Port or Place in Ireland. There is a great use in this operation :. for it and the expence of making the new road, Catherine Shad well, per- Evans, deceased, in throws up fresb earth foT the roots jtd shoot • &c. through each half barony, or of widen • sonal, Repiesentativeof Jo- the Pleadings named, And it is hereby i'u< ther ordered, That if any pcrfons, Goods,.Wsres. and Merchandifes, orany ftnali Packages ' ing the old road to not less than 42, feet nor .• siah Sliadwell, .deb Elinor > to come ir, before me, into-j which is preferable to taking it away broughtas Baggage, P.ef nts, or iithcrwife, or any Let- and prove their,seve- from them, after they have advanced at all more than 5.Q feetj and-also the expence- of Shadwell, Anne Shadwell,- ters, or Packets, or,Parcels of Letters, or other Articles Sarah Shadwell, Bridget ral and respective De- whatfoev-ron Board'iany Ship or Velfei, or Ships or Vcf- in growth. making foot paths to the new line or that' Shadwell, Belinda Shad- mands, on or before felscoming from any place from whence the Lord Lieute- •part-, or the old which is to be retained, also" the 16th Day of July THE FALLOWS. well, Joh-Tj Shadwell, the nant,: by. a ad with the Advice of the Privy Council, ihaii the expence of making bridges, &e. Rev. James Kenny, John nest, otherwise they have judged if. probable that the Plague, or -oth-ir infec- Have an eye to yoii'i1 fallows this month, Cos:, and Richard Evans, ' will be precluded the' tious Dil'eafe or Oiltemper declared to be of tlie- nature of and do not follow the:example of those far- .' The surv.e'ysj &c. of the roatls froin .Dub- Esq.- Heir at L:ajv of Simon Benefit-, of said De- the Plague,, may te; .brought, fhalt g'o^or,be .put 011 Board lin direct to. the. extreme post towns, and any t'ther Ship or Vclfel in order to'b* landed or brought mers who totally neglect them Yor.'works'. of. Evans, deceased,. '- cree. Dated this 14th onShore as aforrfaid,' all liich Perforin,,Goods, Warcsaud hay and harvest. A farmer carries' birds ' from Waterford to Cork and Limerick, and 5 DEPEND AANTS: day of June, 1805. Merchandifes, fmall Patltager. brolight as Bagga-e, Pre business very unprofitably,' if be does'not'- from D. Dee to L. Detry, shall-be: finished T. WALKER'. lents or othcrwife, Letters, Pai-k'et«, Parcels.of Letters, keep'Wen'and li'6'rs^s enough-for all Works:.; in preference to th'ose of any-other roads.—' For Particulars apply to Mr: BI.OOD, Solicitor and other Articles whatloever, (hall perform quarantine, ip like manner as if the Ships or Velfcis from which thc.y, When the surveys,. &c. of any road are fi- for the Plaintiffs, Aungier^street, Dublin. it is' unpardonable to suffel; the fallows to be weri unihipped had prcvlciufiy arrived irr foiiie poit or ovcr-t'un with weed's. _ , ,.,,' ,. nished, notice thereof posted Upon place in Ii-ida'nd. ... the door of the County Court House, 2r.- -A ploughing well timid, just before: har- By thi Lord Lieut;,iant u: Council <jf Ireland, And it is-'hr-r-l-y finth^r ordrred, That if any Pilot or days previous to the ensuing.