February 2014 www.lymmlife.co.uk 1 2 www.lymmlife.co.uk February 2014 Editor Gary Skentelbery Production Paul Walker Editor’s Comment Advertising Although this is our February edition it is our first of the year - nothing appears to be happening. James Balme so Happy New Year! Common sense would suggest the Nick White introduction of parking restrictions Tony Record As I reported in the last issue - There is obviously a lot of hard Lymm High School has received work going on at Lymm High School from 8am-6pm on one side of the Freephone road - but when relying on common 0800 955 5247 a “good” Ofsted report, with the and it does no one any favours to school “outstanding in many areas” have rumours flying around. sense and highway issues we could be left wating a long time! Editorial with the Executive Principal Tarun Let’s have a line drawn under 01925 623633 Finally congratulations to all those Kapur having a positive impact in the whole sorry saga and move involved in the annual Dickensian Email all areas. forward in a positive light. Festival. Organising such events is
[email protected] This is indeed good news for the One other issue which won’t never easy, time consuming and school and those connected with it - go away is the parking problems fraught with frustration. Websites which I suspect will include a large in and around the village caused www.lymmlife.co.uk Keep up the good work - it is chunk of our readership. by the double parking especially appreciated.