Portland Daily Press: July 28, 1896
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1862-VOL. 64. PORTLAND MAINE, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 28, 1896. PRICE THREE CENTS, ms i.v vi c*. Wo kep% close watok on the suspooted other prominent Democrat, talked to th “CANNOT BE TRUSTED.” HORROR OF THE FELLER. men the y*xt da; and thoie Is another, THE POT POLITOL. correspondent. Long before Winslow’ ; AT THE CAPITAL. PITTSBURG SHAKES. one Bailor who may know something withdrawal he had what the tenden “The Party of Absurdities and Monstro- about this affair when he is made to seen was L Will testify. This man was on watoh below cy and believed now that it wll __ cities”—President Hyde Bolt. at tlio time. The next the a ohano ) 0 day passengor give many Democrats In Maine called attention to the mate who my to vote, whereas would noceesaril; Augusta, July 27.—In a letter to At- took occasion to talk to this sailor they The Crew Have Arrived in the have felt some embarrassment in sup Tons and Tons of It Has a Taste a Genuine City through one of the windows of the houso. St is Boiling Merrily iu Maine Jus Campaign torney F. L. Staples of this city, Presi- of As soon as I saw them I ran over and porting a tioket in Maine and / gold dent Hyde of Bowdoin oollege, who is of Boston. asked the mate what the matter was. He Sow. national silver tioket. He also believe< Literature Cyclone. turned it off by saying the sailor asked a announces that he shall voto that make a can Demoorat, him what was to be done. He tuok hold Plaisted would strong He his rea- of him and they decided to put Brown didate. Other Demoorats have expressec L the Kopubllcan ticket. gives in was irons. I don’t believe that the themselves satisfied with the turn tin sons as follows: “The maintenance of of their conversation at all. I WILL MATE BEAM ARRAIGNED THESE subject BINGING THE CHANGES ON THI I situation has taken and Dockland Demo ! BE DISTRIBUTED BY BOTH LASTED BUT TEN MINUTES BUT do not know what to think of that financial integrity, respoct for judicial sailor, orats lor he acted When he In brief are glad Winslow with PARTIES. IESTEREAY. oortainly queerly. “PEOPLE’S” CONTENTION. authority, the promotion of oivil sorvica VERY SEVERE. saw me with a revolver after the murder drew. he shook like a leaf and seemed fright- reform, the preservation of the standard ened to deuth. to which contracts have been SEWALL’S VIEWS- acoordlng Will Get Away. Looks Like Democratic Headquarters Pleads “Not Guilty”—Spencer Says Another for Another Demo which ore and Houses Unroofed and Streets Coll Meeting of the The Talks made, by savings secured, BlownlDown, of Swan Democratic Candidate Ver; at Mitchell On Sailor May lie Guilty Too—Monks and Halifax July 37.—Mr. Swan Washington—Senator aud Cellars cratic State Committee Next Wednes In which labor is to be paid, cannot be Flooded, Trees Uprooted & (Jo., of New York is still in Halifax, Briefly. the Fence—Some Interesting Treasury Kliue Out on Personal JEtecogufeance. foi and Several Killed—A Number being interested in thu despatch of the day—Hanson Said to be Working Intrusted to a committed to the People TO THE Statements. party barkentino Herbert Fuller for Kosarlo. [SPECIAL PRESS.] Aro Badly Hurt. Boston, July 37.—The Plant line the Nomination—A Doom for Ex-Gov absurdities and of the A new captain and otBoers are expect- Bath, 27.—Hon. Arthur Hawaii monstrosities Put a Little steamer Halifax, from Prince July Washington, Jnly 27—Auditor Baldwin 27.—A Capt. Phe, ed from New York. There will be no Piaisted. at Pittsburg Pa., July cyoloue answered a few questions very briefly a 1 platform adopted Chicago.” Edwards Island and Halifax arrived ut 7 Dioublo In securing a crew and the vessel today finished compiling the sugar storm buret upon this oity at 4.30 p. m. 27.—The his office Sanford’s this will probably got away by Thuisday. Augusta, July development! today. at Bath Ginger o’clock morning having among the bonnty olalms. They aggregate $6,085,- Young Republicans Organize. and oaused tho death of two persons and All effects including the furniture, etc. here today In the distressing snarl of the “how that candidate Winslow has re Mate Seaman 156. There was appropriated $5,0.10,000 to was an the fatal of another and a mone- passengers Brum, Brown, were got today and takon down Bath, Me., July 27.—Thoro be injury In together divided silver-gold Democracy, whici signed who are in the race of the candi Every Steward Spenoe, Mr. Lester Monoks and tho harbor and thrown overboard. pay bounty on this aggregate. The enthnsiastio meeting in this city this tary loss of $100,000, throughout Alle- are the outcome of Winslow’s withdrawal for Governor?” five seamen from daoy in hand will 82 cent of the barkentine Herbert To Take Command. money pay per the evening, for the permanent organization ghany county. Several churches In the are now more than ever. -s.“I don’t know. The state oon Glass Fuller which put into Halifax complicated really olalms and allowed. hill were unroofed Tuesday Thomas will take of the Young Men’s Republican olub. dlstriot, partially and of| Capt. McLaughlin Monday morning Secretary Beane Is vention will be like the Chicago oonven • with the bodies of Capt. and Mrs. Nash command of the barkentino Herbert Ful- William R. Campbell presided and Fred one struck by lightning. A number of sued a call for the state committee t( Dion, an assembly of the people, who wll Drinking and the second mute Bamberg who were ler. Ho is on bis way to Haliax. It Is The treasury gold reserve stands $105,- Blaisdell secretary. The following officers smaller houses were unroofed, and sew- said enough men havo been secured to meet at tho Augusta House next Wed choose their own oandidate for Gover murdered, on hoard. Officer Thomas 073,914. Today’s With drawals wero $134,- were elected: John S. Hyde, president; ers discharged their overflow Into bouses. Water man the vessel and sbo will resume her nesday It will be a memorabli nor.” Kline of evening. 500. Hundreds of trees were Halifax accompanied the a H. S. Ward 1; Charles H. uprooted and voyage to Rosario in few days. li V Donnell, meeting, far excelling the former one “Will they make any change in thi _____ prisoners and turned them over to police MaBon, Ward 2, Fred H Low. Ward 3, many lawns laid waste. At Sugar Camp ^ racy features and outcry state ?’ The demand for literature at During Cain of Division who with 45 Impassioned platform campaign Grove on the west oaptain 1, HARRINGTON MOURNED Sanford L. Eogg, Ward 4, James E. picnic ground Penn, The questions whioh arise ore: Wil “I think not. The convention will bi the Republican and Democratic congres- Warm Weather men was at the wharf when the vessel Drake, Ward 5, Charles T. Rideout, Ward where a fishing and hunting club was When the Murdered Captain and His Wife the committee commit the party to golc called to nominate a Governor, and tb< sional headquarters Is unprecedented arrived, it being expected that a large 6, Herbert H. Ward 7, vice encamped, a limb of a tree fell upon the or to a oonven for sound MoCarth, It will insure against cramps, pains, colds, crowd Were Laid at Best. silver? Will It oall new platform will probably not be toucbet Singularly enough requests would bo present. There were presidents; Osoar O. Rogers, treasurer; commissary tent in which a number of chills, and indigestion, and protect the July 37.—At lion or assume the responsibility of nnm upon. The convention will, however, money literature come largely from many there but there was no demonstra Harrington, midnight H P1. Stntann A T. fitwnnf and *5onfm>rl mombers of the club bad taken lefuge system from malarial, typhoid and epidemic bodies of a candidate? resolutions ; doubtful middle states whloh the Demo- ion. Saturday the Capt. and Mrs. ing probably adopt endorsing from tho one was other is so L. executive committee. storm, instantly killed influences. No GINGER pure, The silver men here are all the crats are confident of The Fogg, The Nash slain while asleep aboard the bark- olamorinf Chicago platform.” carrying. and one had his back broken so and so safe, prisoners were hand cuffed while The question of dues and other busi- and can- speedy, were laid for another oonvention while most of th< “Will not this be lo greatest Interest shown in sliver lit- Mr. Monks was entine Hrbert Fuller side by equivalent ohang not recover. Two were hurt. f the allowed to go to his ness was left for the next meeting next badly Containing among its ingredients purest men are to It. Ii the state ” erature Is in such of the eastern states as side in the double grave prepared for hard-money opposed ing platform. a of medicinal French brandy and the best of home. The men wore taken to station 1, Friday evening. In Pittsburg teamster was struok by it is to the them in tha cemeterv here. would seem that the latter have the situ No. It will be them- WVHUfUV* UW lUiillMlJ III ^UPilUUll! a and died imported ginger, vastly superior where wero booked and simply adapting falling signboard within a few and often dangerous gingers tfiey given break- This la true of New cheap, worthless, All of business were closed after atlon in their hands, and the soft nionej selves to existing changed condition.” especially York, THECHURCH TROUBLES minutes.