Educational Directory 1°30
UNITED STATESDEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR RAY LYMAN WILBUR. Secretary s. OFFICE OF EDUCATION WILLIAM JOHN COOPER. Commissioner BULLETIN, 1930, No. 1 EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORY 1°30 1 --"16. ,0 DANIA el 9-111911,- , Al.. s."2:1,_ 111 %. a a. Al. UNITED STATES GOVEANNIENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON:1930 - bes oh by the Swerintendept ofDocuments, Yashington, D. C. e . Price 30 casts o ) ..:41 1\1 456391 g. JUrl-71118 AC4 1,69 \ '30 ,1101141117111.... swim r-" R :7) - - -.40- - t .1.111= CONTENTS I 1 Page I. United StatesOffice ofEducation___ _ _ 1 II. PrincipalState schoolofficers .. ______ .. ... s .;2 III. Countyand other localsuperintendents of schools'_ _...... _ .............. 16 Iv. Superintendentsof public schoolsin cities andtowns 40 I V. Public-schoolbusiness managers_______- ____---.--..... --- 57, VI. Presidentsof tiniversitiesand colleges 58 VII. Presidents of juniorcolleges _ , 65 VIII. Headsof departmentsof education_ 68 "P r Ix. Presidentsor WM OW .N. deans of sehoolsof theology__ m =0 MMM .. ../ Mt o. w l0 X. Presidentsordeans of schools oflaw _ 78 XI. Presidentsor deans of schools of medicinP M Mo". wt. MP OM mm .. 80 XII. Presidentsordeans of schoolsof dentistry__.---- ___--- - 82 XIII. Prusidentsordeans of dchoolsof pharmacy_____ .. 82 XIV. PNsidentsofrschools ofosteopathy : 84 XV. Deansof schools ofveterinary medicine . 84 XVI. Deansof collegiateschools ofcommerce 84 XVII. Schools, colleges,ordepartments ofengineering _ 86 XVIII. Presidents,etc., of institutions forthetraini;igof teachers: , (1) Presidents ofteachers colleges__:__aft do am IND . _ . _ 89 (2) Principals of Statenormal schools_______ _ N.M4, 91 (3) Principals ofcity public normalschools___ __ _ 92 (4) Principals ofprivate physicaltraining schoolss.,__ _ 92 (5) Prinoipals ofprivatenursery,kindergarten, andprimary training schools 93 (6) Principals of privategeneral training schools 93 XIX.
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