Holycross Proposed Local Area Plan (PLAP) 2005

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Holycross Proposed Local Area Plan (PLAP) 2005 Holycross Local Area Plan 2006. North Tipperary County Council & South Tipperary County Council. Holycross Local Area Plan (LAP) 2006 North Tipperary County Council & South Tipperary County Council Forward Planning Sections of North Tipperary County Council & South Tipperary County Council. Holycross Local Area Plan 2006. North Tipperary County Council & South Tipperary County Council. HOLYCROSS LOCAL AREA PLAN (LAP) 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 Introduction 1.0 Legal Basis for the LAP 01 1.1 Functions and Aims of the LAP 01 1.2 Duration of the LAP 01 1.3 Village Boundary 01 1.4 Previous Plans/Strategies 02 Section 2 Holycross in Context 2.0 Location and Setting 03 2.1 History, Heritage and Culture 03 2.2 Village Form and Character 04 2.3 Demographics 04 2.4 Public Consultation and Discussion 04 Section 3 Village Development 3.0 Village Development Policy 05 Policy Village 1: Village Development 05 Policy Village 2: Village Facilities 05 Policy Village 3: Advertising 05 Policy Village 4: Telecommunication Apparatus 06 Policy Village 5: Satellite Dishes 06 3.1 Specific Village Development Objectives 06 Section 4 Village Housing 4.0 Village Housing Policy 07 Policy HSG 1: Infill Development 07 Policy HSG 2: New Residential Development 07 Policy HSG 3: Village Housing Densities 07 Policy HSG 4: Conservation on the Village Fringe 07 Policy HSG 5: New Residential Development Master Plans 08 Policy HSG 6: Childcare Facilities 08 Policy HSG 7: Social/Affordable Housing 09 4.1 Specific Village Housing Objectives 09 Section 5 Village Employment and Economic Activity 5.0 Village Employment and Economic Activity Policy 10 Policy EMP 1: Employment and Economic Activity 10 Policy EMP 2: Tourism 10 5.1 Specific Employment and Economic Activity Objectives 10 Section 6 Recreation and Amenity 6.0 Recreation and Amenity Policy 11 Policy AMT 1: Special Areas of Conservation 11 Policy AMT 2: Water Corridors 11 Policy AMT 3: Passive Amenity 11 Policy AMT 4: Neighbourhood Amenity 11 6.1 Specific Recreation and Amenity Objectives 11 Section 7 Transport and Accessibility 7.0 Transport and Accessibility Policy 12 Policy TRANS 1: Pedestrian Rights 12 Policy TRANS 2: Public Transport 12 7.1 Specific Transport Objectives 13 Holycross Local Area Plan 2006. North Tipperary County Council & South Tipperary County Council. Section 8 Public Services 8.0 Public Services Policy 14 Policy SERV 1: Sewer Capacity 14 Policy SERV 2: Storm Water Retention 14 Policy SERV 3: Litter 14 Policy SERV 4: Waste Management 14 8.1 Specific Services Objectives 15 Section 9 Heritage 9.0 Heritage Policy 16 Policy HTG 1: Protected Structures 16 Policy HTG 2: Tree Preservation 16 Policy HTG 3: Views and Prospects 16 Policy HTG 4: Archaeology 16 Policy HTG 5: Village Architectural Conservation Area 17 9.1 Specific Heritage Objectives 17 Section 10 Development Control 10.0 Introduction 18 10.1 Enforcement 18 10.2 Development Contributions 18 10.3 Bonds 18 10.4 Residential Density/Plot Ratio 18 10.5 Infill 19 10.6 Extensions to Dwellings 19 10.7 Childcare Facilities 19 10.8 Public Open Space 20 10.9 Private Open Space 20 10.10 Parking and Loading 21 10.11 Bicycles 22 10.12 Petrol Filling and Service Stations 22 10.13 Advertising Structures and Signs 22 10.14 Poster Boards 23 10.15 Land Use Zoning Objectives 23 Schedule of Tables Table 1 Minimum Open Space Requirements 20 Table 2 Car Parking Standards 21 Table 3 Proposed Land Zoning Areas 23 Table 4 Key Development Sites 34 Schedule of Figures Figure 1 Holycross Population Trend 1999-2002 04 Schedule of Appendices Appendix 1 Building Design and Features of Traditional Tipperary Rural Villages 25 Appendix 2 Master Plan and Village Development Site Brief 34 Appendix 3 Land Use Zoning Matrix 39 Schedule of Maps Map 1 Holycross Local Area Plan 2006 Land Use Zoning Map 2 Holycross Local Area Plan 2006 Specific Objectives Holycross Local Area Plan 2006. North Tipperary County Council & South Tipperary County Council. Section 1: Introduction 1.0 Legal Basis of LAP The legal basis for this LAP is provided by the Planning and Development Acts 2000-2002 (Sections 18 and 19). The Act provides for the preparation of Local Area Plans (LAPs) for any part of the functional area of a Planning Authority. A local area plan shall be consistent with the objectives of the County Development Plan. It may include objectives for the zoning of land for the use solely or primarily of particular areas for particular purposes, or such other objectives in such detail as may be determined by the planning authority for the proper planning and sustainable development of the area to which it applies, including detail on community facilities and amenities and on standards of design of developments and structures. This LAP has been prepared by North and South Tipperary County Councils (from here referred to as the Council) and is in accordance with the South Tipperary County Development Plan 2003 and the North Tipperary County Development Plan 2004. The plan was adopted by South Tipperary County Council on the 16th January 2006 and North Tipperary County Council on the 23rd January 2006. It should be noted that legislation does not allow a Local Area Plan to identify new Protected Structures, listed trees and views, Special Areas of Conservation (SAC’s) or Natural Heritage Areas (NHA’s). Reference should be made to the relevant Appendix of each county development plan in this regard as they apply to the LAP area. The following list of Appendices set out in both the South Tipperary County Development Plan 2003 and the North Tipperary County Development Plan 2004 include designations relevant to the LAP: Appendix 3 Protected Structures Appendix 4 Natural Heritage Areas (NHA’a) Special Areas of Conservation (SAC’s) Appendix 5 Protected Trees Appendix 6 Protected Views Appendix 9 Architectural Conservation Areas (Designations in the North Tipperary Draft County Development Plan 2003 are located in a separate Book of Maps) 1.1 Functions and Aims of the LAP The main functions of the LAP are: (i) To examine the pattern and extent of growth in the village and its surrounding hinterland in recent years; (ii) To identify lands for appropriate uses, to provide a policy framework to ensure the sustainable development of the village and its hinterland and to identify objectives for the physical development of Holycross and its hinterland. These policies and objectives shall be implemented over the lifetime of the LAP; (iii) To provide the basis for assessing the detailed planning applications submitted to both planning authorities in such a way that Holycross can encourage and assimilate change, which is essential to the future sustainable development of the village; and, (iv) To ensure the conservation of heritage assets in the village. The aim of the Holycross LAP is to ensure the proper planning and sustainable development of the village. It will therefore facilitate the coordinated social, economic, cultural and environmental development of Holycross and the conservation and enhancement of its natural and built environment. The aim is to develop a plan, which would be agreed and implemented with the concerted effort and mutual co-operation of local people, business, public and private bodies and voluntary organizations. 1.2 Duration of the LAP The duration of this plan will be for a period of 6 years from the date of its adoption i.e. 2006- 2012. 1.3 Village Boundary For the purposes of this LAP, the village of Holycross shall be taken as the area within and bounded by the blue line on Appendix maps. 1 Holycross Local Area Plan 2006. North Tipperary County Council & South Tipperary County Council. 1.4 Previous Plans/Strategies (i) The South Tipperary County Development Plan, 2003: in preparing the Local Area Plan, the Planning Authority has had regard to the policies and objectives set out in the South Tipperary County Development Plan, 2003. (ii) The South Tipperary County Housing Strategy 2001: this sets out current and future housing requirements within the County and the requirement for social and affordable housing. (iii) The North Tipperary County Development Plan 2004: in preparing the Local Area Plan, the Planning Authority has had regard to the policies and objectives set out in the North Tipperary County Development Plan, 2004. (iv) The North Tipperary County Housing Strategy 2001: this sets out current and future housing requirements within the County and the requirement for social and affordable housing. To date the village of Holycross has not had a statutory development plan adopted by the relevant county council. 2 Holycross Local Area Plan 2006. North Tipperary County Council & South Tipperary County Council. Section 2: Holycross in Context 2.0 Location and setting Holycross village is located centrally in County Tipperary and lies on the county borders of North and South Tipperary. The Hollyford hills lie to the west of the area and the flat peat lands of the midlands lie to the north and east. The village straddles the River Suir, and was developed as a religious centre at a fording point in the river. Thurles town lies approximately 5 km to the north east of the village on the regional road R660 and Cashel town lies approximately 13 km to the south. The village is elongated and centered on a junction of the R661 and the R660. 2.1 History, Heritage and Culture Holycross village receives its name from Ceall Uachta Lawyne or ‘the upper church or small church in the territory of Lamund’, a name that attributes to as far back as the 8th century. In 1182 the present ‘Abbey of the relic of the True Cross’ at Holycross was founded on the banks of the River Suir.
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