Community Action Plan 2019 - 2024 Draft June 2019 TABLE of CONTENTS
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TEMPLEMORE COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN Draft Issue 2019 - 2024 for Community June Feedback 2019 Only! Templemore Community Action Plan 2019 - 2024 Draft Issue 14th June 2019 Draft for Community June Feedback 2019 Only! Tipperary Local Community Development Committee (LCDC) is the managing body for the European Union Rural Development 2014 -2020 (LEADER) Programme in County Tipperary. This project has been co-funded under the EU Rural Development 2014 -2020 (LEADER) Programme implemented in County Tipperary by North Tipperary Development Company on behalf of the Tipperary LCDC. Acknowledging the assistance of the EU and The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development: Europe Investing in Rural Areas. Funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan 2014 -2020 GEARÓID FITZGIBBON FOREWORD MR. TOM PETERS, CHAIR OF TEMPLEMORE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION Welcome to the Templemore Town 5 Year Community Action Plan; an exciting devel- The Steering Committee of the TCDA together with its Associate Members opment to enhance our town and its hinterland as a great place to live, work, visit and has guided the development of this 5 Year Community Action Plan and will do business in. This plan is being promoted by Templemore Community Development play a key role in commencing its implementation. Association (TCDA) with the purpose of enabling the potential of the Town to be realised and sustained, as well as providing a focus to empower the community to enhance and The Steering Committee members include: improve the socio-economic and quality of life in Templemore. Tom Peters (Chair) Michael Connell Declan Glynn Pat Hassey Templemore is of course already a great place to live and has a very strong ethos of Ronan Loughnane volunteerism and community spirit which is demostrated by the many community, sport- Sally Loughnane Kevin Ludlow Myles McMorrow Michael O’Brien ing and social organisations and facilities in the town. It is intended that this action plan John Walsh will complement those current initiatives and provide the base from which future activi- Breda Webster Valerie Young ties can be selected, guided and progressed. It will assist in identifying and leveraging funding from various sources and influence the achievement of targets and goals as Associate members include: Seamus Hartigan Bridget Jones well as capitalising on the leisure, sporting, cultural, historical and natural heritage of the Anne Loughnane town for the benefit of the community. Immense thanks is due to our consultants, Landscape Architect, Dave Ryan This 5 Year Community Action Plan is a product of our community consultation process and his Associate, community planner Gearoid Fitzgibbon, and Community De- and the actions outlined in the plan endeavour to integrate the ideas that have emerged velopment Officer with North Tipperary Development Company , Trisha Purcell. from the community and also as a reflection of that community spirit and thought.This They all give their time and expertise well beyond their obligations to ensure the plan seeks to make an impact by achieving progress through small and medium pro- success of this project. jects that add up to making a big change. It is about building on the good work that is already happening locally and continuing on that journey together. An action plan is not perfect, but more important than a ‘perfect’ action plan for community development is one that is feasibile for the community together and It is envisaged that the plan will incentivise and guide a proactive and collaborative effort in partnership with others to complete within a reasonable period of time. It is by the community and its stakeholders and act as a focus for the business and com- a starting point that we all can continue to update and revise as the community munity sectors to effect meaningful change over the lifetime of the plan. It is a working learn over time and through evaluation, how to best accomplish our goals. document that requires the support of the community and in many cases the community working together in partnership and with other agencies and bodies, both statutory and I believe that realising the commitments set out in this action plan will have a voluntary. As time moves on, various sub groups will be formed in relation to priority positive effect right in the heart of our community and in the lives of local people. actions in the plan and I encourage everyone to get involved and make things happen by finding new ways of working together in the interest of the community. TCDA will per- The creation of this Community Action Plan has been made possible through form a coordinating role involving liaising with stakeholders to support and facilitate the co-funding under the EU Rural Development 2014-2020 (LEADER) Programme implementation of the actions in this plan. implemented in County Tipperary by North Tipperary Development Company on behalf of the Tipperary Local Community Development Committee. It is important to note that some projects and initiatives set out within the action plan are subject to future feasibility studies and analysis, detailed design, agreements, statuto- ry approval and available funding. Detailed actions and projects can be adapted and updated over time to ensure that they remain relevant and supportive of the objectives of this action plan. Templemore, County Tipperary, Community Action Plan 2019 - 2024 Draft June 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword.....................................................................................3 Executive Summary....................................................................5 Introduction .................................................................................6 Approach and Process ...............................................................7 Profile of Templemore .................................................................8 • Location • Population • Education • History • People • Built heritage • Other landmarks Templemore Community Planning Process................................16 • Community Questionnaire • Meetings • Community Workshop Recommendations......................................................................20 • Pillar I • Strategic Theme I • Strategic Theme II • Strategic Theme III • Pillar II Aspirational Recommendations Beyond 5 years.......................39 Appendix A..................................................................................43 Templemore, County Tipperary, Community Action Plan 2019 - 2024 4 Draft June 2019 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Templemore, County Tipperary, Community Action Plan 2019 - 2024 5 Draft June 2019 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION BY TCDA Templemore Community Development Association (TCDA) was established in 2016 aiming to: • Make Templemore Town and its environs a better place to live • Work closely with all relevant government bodies and support groups • Establish a good working relationship with all elected representatives • Encourage, harness and foster the energy of all those associated with the town of Templemore for the betterment of its inhabitants and to provide the future generations with a home to be proud of. In 2017, Templemore Community Development Association invited tenders for the preparation of a Five year Community Action Plan for Templemore Town, County Tipperary. The plan required the provision of a list of achievable actions to en- hance and improve the town of Templemore and contribute to the social cohesion, spirit and economic well-being of the community. Work on the plan was commenced in October 2018 by Dave Ryan Landscape Architect and Gearóid Fitzgibbon Community Planner. In its aim of enhancing the town as an excellent place to visit, work, live and do business in, all of the recom- mended actions in this plan, are feasible, practical and achievable. Some are short term, some mid term. Each one gives a guide timeline and recommended potential leads and supporting roles for stakeholder involvement. Here the consultants have tried to strike a balance between the desires expressed during the planning pro- cess and the available capacity of the local community and volunteers. While the plan focuses on what the local community itself can achieve, a separate list has been included relating to what the local community are seeking from the Local Authority and Statutory Agencies for local infrastructure, transport and ser- vices. INTRODUCTION BY DAVE RYAN AND GEARÓID FITZGIBBON This plan seeks to guide community initiative over the next 1-5 years, to develop the town and enhance it as an attractive place to visit, work, live and do business in. In the preparation of the plan, we have sought to have regard to all aspects of life in the town of Templemore, looking at the key strengths of the town, its features, assets, key points of interest, culture and natural resources. Through a detailed community development approach, outlined in more detail be- low, we have created a list of priority themes and recommendations, that reflect the concerns and energies of the local people who attended local planning meet- ings and workshops and responded to the community questionnaire. We believe that this local input and involvement is reflected in the final plan. Templemore, County Tipperary, Community Action Plan 2019 - 2024 6 Draft June 2019 APPROACH AND PROCESS Summary of facilitated engagement carried out in preparation of Templemore Community Action Plan Date Meeting with Location This draws on publicly available data, notably from the Census and Pobal. Draft-