Parish of St. James, With St. Nicholas, Itchenor


For the year ended 31st December 2015

Incumbent The Reverend Jonathan Swindells The Rectory Pound Road PO20 8AJ


St James HSBC 94 East Street PO19 1HD

St Nicholas Barclays Bank plc Branch PO Box 54 Chichester PO19 1HT

Independent Examiner Mrs N Merridue Matthews Hanton Ltd. 93 Aldwick Road Bognor Regis West PO21 2NW Parochial Church Council of Birdham with Report of the Trustees

Aim and purposes

Birdham with Itchenor Parochial Church Council has the responsibility of cooperating with the Incumbent, The Reverend Jonathan Swindells, in promoting in the ecclesiastical parish, the whole mission of the church; pastoral, evangelistic, social and ecumenical. The Parish has strong links as a united benefice with the Parish of West Wittering, and many activities are undertaken jointly. The Parish has two churches, St. James at Birdham and St. Nicholas at Itchenor. Each church provides its own members of the PCC, and has autonomous management of its services and worship under the Rector's authority.

The Rector leads a Ministry Team of one licensed non-stipendiary clergyman, Revd. Jim Mould, one licensed Reader, Dr Sue Monks and two active retired clergymen and three other Readers, a Deacon and Youth Worker. In 2015 the Benefice welcomed a non-stipendiary training assistant curate.

The PCC is also specifically responsible for the maintenance of both churches through separate Church Fabric Trusts.

Objectives and Activities

The PCC is committed to enabling as many people as possible to worship at our churches and to become part of our parish communities at Birdham and Itchenor. The PCC maintains an overview of worship throughout the parishes and makes suggestions on how our life together can embrace and involve the wider communities in which we are called to serve. Our faith is vibrantly expressed through our worship and lived out in service to the church family and wider community. Being faithful in prayer and alive to God's living word in scripture is a cornerstone of our work and witness and is reflected in the house groups, prayer groups and bible groups. In all this we continue to live out our faith sacramentally and Holy Communion is offered on the Lord's Day throughout the year.

When planning our activities for the year, the incumbent and the PCC have considered the Charity Commission's guidance on public benefit and, in particular, the specific guidance on charities for the advancement of religion. In particular, we try to enable all people to live out their faith as part of our parish community through:

through being part of His body, the church, growing together as his people.

To facilitate this work it is important that we maintain the fabric of both of the Church buildings as well as planning to improve the church's facilities. In 2015 significant progress was made in the planning of a new development to the church building ‘The Annexe' which will enhance the work and witness of the church of St. James.

The project was re-launched at Pentecost 2013 and to date £350,000 has been pledged through the generosity of the church family, the local community, existing church funds and a significant grant from a local charitable trust. However, the total amount to be raised - £650,000 - remains a significant challenge and it is anticipated that to raise such an amount there will need to be skilled fundraisers recruited and that the church continue to define and refine a clear case through its existing outreach and Christian witness to both the local church and the wider community in order that the project justifies such funding. It has been encouraging to welcome new community based members to the team and to plan to phase the build in two stages and so ensure that the funds already used are seen to be enabling the project to gain traction and further funding momentum.

In 2015 the Diocese introduced the Strategic Mission Plan. The strategy aims to bring the whole Diocese together as a family around our three common purposes: church growth, re-imagining ministry and contributing to the common good. The central structures and resources are there to encourage and facilitate local mission. Each Benefice is to identify one particular project or area of work they are going to major on in 2016 to address the area of the strategy where there are weaknesses. This will need to be practical rather than aspirational. This new strategy has at its heart the vision to know, love and follow Jesus and over 2016/17 the Benefice will adopt this as the key tool for mission planning. The Benefice supported the launch of the strategy through organising a Deanery wide act of witness at the Lighting of the Beacon on the eve of Pentecost.

1 Parochial Church Council of Birdham with West Itchenor Report of the Trustees

Achievements and Performance

Worship and Prayer

The PCC is committed to offering a full worship experience in order that the spiritual lives of all members of the church and community are spiritually nurtured, deepened and fulfilled. For example, evening and Saturday prayers provide a quiet, intimate and reflective environment for the healing ministry. Sunday services include the Book of Common Prayer, traditional language and modern language Common Worship Eucharistic services as well as a variety of family services at both churches, Opportunities are provided for people to engage in other expressions of worship, of which CHURCH@6 (St. Nicholas) impacts significantly. Welcome and hospitality remain central to the mission of both churches and all are welcome to attend any services. The new pattern of worship at St Nicholas is now established and whilst some aspects are still being explored, such as changing the times of the Songs of Praise to 11am in the winter months it is now secure. Little Nicks continues to grow and more families and children have attended major services e.g. Mothering Sunday. It is hoped that both St. James and St. Nicholas will now have new hymn books in Easter 2015 to replace the existing 30 year old books which have a limited hymn selection. This will further enrich worship. The Sunday School at St. James presently does not have a leader and whilst the existing team does wonderful work with the children it is an area which is in need of greater attention and encouragement. Additionally all churches in the Benefice seen a significant drop in the number of families attending with children in order to gain a place at Bishop Luffa school. This is a Deanery wide issue and presently Bishop Luffa School has been undersubscribed in Year 7 for the last two years. This is an extraordinary sea change in the life of the Deanery and will significantly impact on the attendance. Further it will demand a fresh approach to mission and evangelism. Morning prayer on Tuesday at St. James continues to be grow. Evening prayer continues on Friday at St. Nicholas, Itchenor and is appreciated by those who come as a prayerful way to end the week.

Significantly we welcomed the Reverend Sarah Manouch to be the assistant training Curate for the Benefice in June. Sarah has settled in very well in her new ministry and is appreciated by all the congregations she serves and is a respected colleague. The Rector is responsible for her training.

Attendance for 2015 (2014 figures in brackets)

The usual Sunday attendance, measured by the average congregations on the four Sundays in October, was 80 (77) adults and 18 (25) children at St. James and 30 (25) adults and 15 (11) children at St. Nicholas, although attendances much exceeded these figures on special occasions in both churches.

At Easter, there were 112 (127) communicants, with a total of 156 (142) attending worship at St. James, and 92 (99) communicants and a total attending of 129 (149) at St. Nicholas

At Christmas, there were 120 (108), communicants and 504 (330) people attending worship at St. James and 119 (60) communicants and 330 (254) people attending at St. Nicholas.

During the year, there were 13 (19) Baptisms 9 (9) Weddings and 8 (9) Funerals in Church at St. James and 7 (2) Baptisms, 2 (2) Weddings and 9 (2) Funerals in church at St. Nicholas. Numbers for Feast Days and Occasional Offices fluctuate annually.


The work of the Safeguarding Team continues to be a beacon of excellence and good progress has been made in ensuring the parishes continue to meet the demands of the Diocese in relation to safeguarding. Ongoing safeguarding training is in place and rigorously delivered and monitored.

Youth Work

Youth groups were well supported and Redlands Camp ran well if with fewer numbers. 2015 so a significant change in youth work as the Benefice engaged in a time of consultation to consider how effectively the church was engaging with children, young people and families through the existing model of a full time youth worker. As part of this consultation Ben Shaw left the post of Youth Worker. The Youth Work Management Group was tasked with much of this work and they are to be commended for their persistence and resilience in achieving the best possible outcome.

2 Parochial Church Council of Birdham with West Itchenor Report of the Trustees

However Youth Work continues to be a priority within the Benefice and in March 2016 Alistair Ghinn was appointed as the ‘Church Mission Worker’ with particular focus on young people and families.

Parish News Magazine

The PCC does not have control or governance of this respected and valued publication. With the retirement of the present management team it is hoped that another team of volunteers may come forward to continue the work of the Parish News. Recent profits of the Parish News have been shared with the churches of the Benefice but presently the management team are keeping the profits as a reserve fund for any future publication. The management team must be commended for the excellent running of the magazine over many years,

Deanery Synod

Four members of the PCC sit on the Deanery Synod. This provides the PCC with an important link between the parish and the wider structures of the church. The launch of the Diocesan Strategy was the main focus of the Deanery in 2015.

Charitable Outreach and Evangelism

Helping those in need is a demonstration of our faith and draws others into faith. The church families of St. James and St. Nicholas continue to support a wide range of charities at home and abroad as well as responding to particular crisis as they arise. Not only is fund raising an effective tool in meeting these needs it also encourages greater fellowship with the church family and beyond. The Chichester Food Bank was supported by all churches in the Benefice through the encouragement of the Mother’ Union.

St. James has supported several overseas missions including the Goodwill Children's Village, WATSAN, Christian Aid (Philippines Typhoon Appeal), DEC Syria Appeal. The church continues to give to local charities and has supported St. Wilfred's Hospice, Stonepillow, The Children's Society, Sussex Snowdrop Trust, Script Worldwide, the Mothers' Union and as ever the Royal British Legion. A range of other Christian charities received support throughout the year.

Our parish magazine is distributed monthly to parishioners in the two villages and available in the Churches. The magazine keeps our parishioners informed of the important matters affecting our Church and articles that help develop our knowledge and trust in Jesus. The magazine is shared with West Watering. The profit from sales and advertising were again a significant boost to the funds of all parishes in the Benefice.

Electoral Rolls

The number of names on the Electoral Roll at the time of the Annual Parochial Church Meeting in 2015 was 302 (299): St. James’ Church 178 and for St. Nicholas’ Church 124.

Summary of PCC Meetings 2014/15 for St. James Birdham with St. Nicholas Itchenor

A new PCC secretary was appointed but despite the very real hopes of that appointment was with regret that the volunteer had to stand down. Presently no successor has been found. The full PCC met four times during the year with an average attendance of 73%.

Given its wide responsibilities the PCC has a number of committees each dealing with a particular aspect of parish life and all are responsible to the PCC.

The financial life of both parishes is well managed by the Treasurer and budget set for both churches. The Church of St. Nicholas has continued to work effectively to steward income despite real challenges and has successfully adopted the Parish Giving Scheme in 2015.

3 Parochial Church Council of Birdham with West Itchenor Report of the Trustees

Highlights from the church of St James

The church of St James has enjoyed another full year! Many events were held as part of their community outreach and in support of various charities including coffee mornings, art exhibitions, craft fairs, curry n quiz nights, nearly new children’s clothing and toy sales, cream teas and choir and music concerts and local talent nights with Birdham Village Choir leading the way ably led by Dr Sue Monks. The Historic Churches Truest ‘Ride and Stride’ was enthusiastically supported once again. Particularly encouraging was the link between the church and community in hosting monthly ‘Movie Nights’ at the village hall. The Harvestide Fayre in the Field attracted a good range of local businesses and was well received as a community event to celebrate the village and its commercial life. September saw our intrepid team of cyclists and striders in the Sussex Historic Churches Trust annual event. The Quinquennial Inspection took place in September and whilst some electrical works will need to be carried out in the coming year the report showed that the church has been well cared for and maintained over many decades. The Advent Bonfire was a good alternative to all the Halloween hype and it is hoped to make this an annual event. Over £1000 was collected for charitable causes over the Christmas season. Whilst it fell in 2016 the churches of the Benefice had a wonderful 90th birthday celebration for one of the pillars of the church, Joyce Henson. St James remains a lively and loving community living out a vision to know, love and follow Jesus.

Highlights from the church of St Nicholas

The church family at St Nick’s continues to punch beyond its weight ably led by the churchwardens and the care of Revd Jim Mould. It is encouraging to note that both the very young and the very old have received particular care and encouragement. The Monthly Lunch Club at The Ship for older parishioners and those living on their own continues to flourish as do the pre-schoolers who meet every Thursday with parents and helpers. The Flower Festival was a great success in both raising funds (nearly £2000) and attracting many people into church. St Nicholas continues to host the wider church family and communities in marking one of events in prayer and praise and notably for the Queen’s reign in September. The church continues to grow in confidence in holding a range of events and concerts. The fabric of the church is extremely well cared for and the heating and sound system have both been updated and modified to endure the church is a comfortable and welcoming environment. To say that ‘small is beautiful’ may be a cliché but it’s certainly true of the church of St Nicholas and all who worship and support church life.

Financial Review 2015

Balance Sheet

Fixed Assets are mainly the parish share of the benefice office plus an historical value of the extension to the burial ground.

Net Current Assets

Birdham is healthy with cash and advanced payments of £83,824 in unrestricted funds and £63,534 in restricted funds making £147,358 in total. £83,532 of this is invested with the Church of Deposit Fund, £56,868 is held in our HSBC current account and £7,628 represents advanced payments refundable from The Birdham Village Church Restoration Trust Net unrestricted funds are £84,706.

Itchenor has cash of £18,454 which is held in the Barclay's current account. Of this, £8,089 is held in restricted funds and £10,365 is held in unrestricted funds. This includes a gift from Birdham of £5,000 which it is hoped, given the improved finances of Itchenor, will be repaid in 2015. Nevertheless, this is a much better position than last year.


Birdham generated 18% more in general income excluding the Annex fund appeal than 2013 which was a good result. This resulted mainly from increased donations and fees from the use of the Church which offset reductions in events income. Income from this source was directed towards the Annexe Fund.

Itchenor has had a satisfactory year on income and benefitted from the £5,000 gift from Birdham. Without such gift, underlying income was down on 2013 by 13%. General donor income was down by 17%. Fees were up 66%. Overall total income was up 2% on 2013.

4 Parochial Church Council of Birdham with West Itchenor Report of the Trustees

Funds raised from 108 donations received for the Restoration work carried out during the year totalled £28,120, including Gift Aid. This was a very good addition to the church’s own resources enabling the work to be completed by September at a total cost of £66,894.


Birdham expenditure was almost £4,000 more than 2013. The main differences were increased Giving and Routine repairs and Churchyard Upkeep which were offset by lower Rectory expenses. Most other expenses were about the same.

Itchenor expenditure was £5,000 less than 2013. The increase in Giving £1,815 was offset by reductions in Rector’s and Church Services costs £3,200, no Churchyard costs, (all funded from the Churchyard Restricted Fund) and a reduction in Professional Fees.


Birdham achieved a satisfactory surplus of £10,294 in general funds and £10,902 in restricted funds which were donations to the Annexe Fund and a top up of the Organ Fund.

Itchenor achieved a satisfactory surplus of £7,181 in general funds, but shows a deficit in restricted funds of £876 due to spending on churchyard upkeep using a fund restricted for that purpose offset by surplus funding from the Restoration Appeal.


We would like to thank all the volunteers who work so hard to make our churches lively, vibrant and loving church communities of faith. In particular we want to mention our churchwardens, Mrs. Jeanette McDowell, Mrs. Jane Oundjian and Mrs. Maggi Stokes who have worked so tirelessly on our behalf, Mr. Basil Taylor who has helped us all to understand the church's accounts and its finances, and all the other members of the PCC for their valuable contribution to our ministry and for keeping the churches running.

Structure, governance and management

The method of appointment of PCC members is set out in the Church Representation Rules. At St. James and St. Nicholas the membership of the PCC consists of the incumbent (The Rector), churchwardens, the clergy and readers and members elected by those members of the congregation who are on the electoral roll of the church. All those who attend our services/members of the congregation are encouraged to register on the Electoral Roll and stand for election to the PCC.

The PCC members are responsible for making decisions on all matters of general concern and importance to the parish including deciding on how the funds of the PCC are to be spent.

The full PCC met four times during the year and with an average level of attendance of 73%. Given its wide responsibilities, the PCC has a number of committees each dealing with a particular aspect of parish life and all are responsible to the PCC.

Administrative information

St. James, Birdham and St. Nicholas, Itchenor are in the Benefice of West Wittering with Birdham and West Itchenor, within the Deanery and Diocese of Chichester. Contact may be made through the Benefice Office at The Rectory, Pound Road, West Wittering, PO20 8AJ, Telephone 01243 514057. Email [email protected]. The PCC is a body corporate (PCC Powers Measure 1956, Church Representation Rules 2006) and a charity exempted from registration with the Charity Commission.

5 Parochial Church Council of Birdham with West Itchenor Report of the Trustees


Members of the PCC are either ex-officio or elected by the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) in accordance with the Church Representation Rules. During the year the following served as members of the PCC:

Incumbent: The Revd. Jonathan Swindells - Chairman (ex-officio)

Assistant Priest: The Revd. Jim Mould (ex-officio)

Assistant Training Curate: The Revd. Sarah Manouch (ex-officio)

Deacon: Revd. Annette Stickley (ex-officio)

Readers (ex-officio) Dr. Susan Monks Miss Joyce Henson Mr Michael Chater Mr Ben Harvey

Churchwardens St .James Church, Birdham:- Mrs. Jeanette McDowell

Churchwardens St. Nicholas Church, Itchenor:- Mrs. Jane Oundjian Mrs. Maggie Stokes

Representatives on the Deanery Synod Mr. Jonathan Aburrow Mrs. Sue Pope Mrs. Maggi Stokes Mrs. Sallie Drew

Treasurer Mr. Basil Taylor FCA

Elected members (duty end date)

St. James, Birdham Mrs. Clare Benfield - 2016 Mr. Jonathan Aburrow - 2017 Mr. Alan Drew - 2017 Mrs. Lilia Orduña Novelo - 2018 Mr. David Nightingale – 2018 Mrs. Joanne Mahoney - Co-opted Member

St. Nicholas, Itchenor Mrs. Nicole Dukoff-Gordon - 2016 Mrs. Simone Horsley - 2016 Mrs. Susan Pope - 2017 Mr. Basil Taylor – 2017 Mrs. Diana Cawley – Co-opted Member

6 Parochial Church Council of Birdham with West Itchenor Report of the Trustees

Sidesmen for 2014

St .James, Birdham

Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Blyth, Mr. Clear, Mr. & Mrs. Drew, Mr. & Mrs. Hembling, Miss Henson, Mrs. Hollands-Hurst, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Laming, Mrs. Mason, Mr. Merrifield, Mr. & Dr. Monks, Mrs. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Neville, Mrs. Plackett, Mr. & Mrs. Price, Mr. & Mrs. Strong, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Woodcock and the young people from the Sunday School and Youth Group also serve at the Family Services.

St. Nicholas, Itchenor

Mr. Blevins, Mrs. Cawley, Mr. Chater, Mr. Christmas, Mrs. Dukoff-Gordon, Mr. Hartley, Mrs. Johnson-Cadwell, Mrs. Mead-Briggs, Mrs. Neal, Mr. & Mrs. Oundjian, Mr. Payne, Mrs. Pope, Mrs. Salt. Mrs. Stokes,

7 Independent Examiners Report to the PCC of BIRDHAM with WEST ITCHENOR

This report on the Accounts of the PCC for the year ended 31 December 2015, which are set out on pages 3 to 9, is in respect of an examination carried out in accordance with the Church Accounting Regulations 2006 ("the regulations") and s.145 of the Charities Act 2011 ("the act").

Respective responsibilities of trustees and examiner

As the members of the PCC you are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements; you consider that the audit requirement of the Regulations and section 145 of the Act do not apply. It is my responsibility to issue this report on those financial statements in accordance with the terms of the Regulations.

Basis of independent examiner's report

My examination was carried out in accordance with the General Directions given by the Charity Commission under section 145(5)(b) of the Act and to be found in the guidance from the CBF. That examination includes a review of the accounting records kept by the PCC and a comparison of the accounts with those records. It also includes considering any unusual items or disclosures in the financial statements and seeking explanations from you as trustees concerning any such matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be required in an audit, and consequently I do not express an audit opinion on the view given by the accounts.

Independent examiner's statement

In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention:

(1) which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the requirements to keep accounting records in accordance with section 132 of the act; and to prepare financial statements which accord with the accounting records and comply with the requirements of the Act and the Regulations

have not been met; or

(2) to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper understanding of the accounts to be reached.


Mrs N Merridue Matthews Hanton Ltd. 93 Aldwick Road Bognor Regis PO21 2NW

8 Parochial Church Council of Birdham with West Itchenor BALANCE SHEET 31st DECEMBER 2015

Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds Total Total St James St Nicholas St James St Nicholas 2015 2014 Birdham Itchenor Birdham Itchenor Fixed Assets Extension of Burial Ground 882 - - - 882 882 Share of Parish Office 6,000 4,000 - - 10,000 10,000 Less Depreciation of Benefice Office ( 6,000) ( 3,092) - - ( 9,092) ( 8,991)

882 908 - - 1,790 1,891

Current Assets Debtors & Payments in advance 10,680 - - - 10,680 10,680 Short Term Deposits 19,998 453 63,534 - 83,985 83,532 Cash at Bank & in Hand 62,458 6,643 12,994 6,510 88,605 75,322

93,136 7,096 76,528 6,510 183,270 169,534

Liabilities Amount falling due within 1 year ( 3,052) - - - ( 3,052) ( 3,722)

Net Current Assets 90,084 7,096 76,528 6,510 180,218 165,812

Net Assets 90,966 8,004 76,528 6,510 182,008 167,703

Funds Unrestricted General Fund 90,966 8,004 - - 98,970 96,080 Restricted Not covered by Trust Deed - - 583 - 583 584 Memorial Book Fund - - 354 - 354 354 Music Fund - - 126 - 126 126 Rectors Discretionary Fund - - 200 - 200 200 General Legacies - - 18,095 - 18,095 18,095 Church Reorganisation & Extension Fund - - 45,770 6,510 52,280 45,980 Churchyard Fund - - - - - 1,400 Organ Fund - - 5,150 - 5,150 4,150 Youth Worker - - - - - 734 Sound System Fund - - 6,250 - 6,250 -

90,966 8,004 76,528 6,510 182,008 167,703

Approved by the Parochial Council on ______, and signed on its behalf by:

Chairman Churchwarden

9 Parochial Church Council of BIRDHAM with WEST ITCHENOR Statement of Financial Activities for the year ended 31st December 2015

Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds Total Total Note St James St Nicholas St James St Nicholas 2015 2014 Birdham Itchenor Birdham Itchenor Incoming Resources Recurring income From Donors 2 ( a ) 49,432 30,411 10,010 1,271 91,124 145,814 Fund Raising Events 2 ( b ) 1,434 3,137 2,719 - 7,289 - Income from Investments 2 ( c ) - - - - - 444 Income from Charitable & - Ancillary Trading 2 ( d ) 6,190 5,798 - - 11,988 14,736 Non-recurring Income 2 ( e ) 5,000 - - 5,000 -

Total Incoming Resources 62,056 39,346 12,729 1,271 115,402 160,994

Resources Used Grants 3 ( a ) 2,637 7,186 - - 9,823 11,154 Activities directly Relating to the work Of the Church 3 ( b ) 48,216 32,945 735 2,850 84,746 150,026 Church management & Administration 3 ( c ) 3,943 2,585 - - 6,528 5,897

Total Resources used 54,796 42,716 735 2,850 101,097 167,077

Extraordinary items Surplus/(Deficit) 6 ------

Net Incoming (outgoing) Resources Net movement of Funds 7,260 ( 3,370) 11,994 ( 1,579) 14,305 ( 6,083)

Transfers between Funds Transfer from General to Organ Fund ( 1,000) - 1,000 - - -

( 1,000) - 1,000 - - -

Balances Brought forward 84,706 11,374 63,534 8,089 167,703 173,786

Balances carried forward 90,966 8,004 76,528 6,510 182,008 173,786

10 Parochial Church Council of BIRDHAM and WEST ITCHENOR Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2015

2 Incoming Resources Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds Total Total St James St Nicholas St James St Nicholas 2015 2014 Birdham Itchenor Birdham Itchenor

2 ( a ) Incoming Resources from Donors Tax Efficient Planned Giving 26,727 18,704 - 45,431 41,544 All Tax Recovered 6,156 4,500 1,430 - 12,086 12,769 Collections (loose cash) 5,524 2,921 - 8,445 8,513 Designated Collections 653 - - - 653 2,515 Other Income 10,372 4,286 8,580 1,271 24,509 75,473 Youth Worker - - - - - 5,000

49,432 30,411 10,010 1,271 91,124 145,814

2 ( b ) Fund Raising Events 1,434 3,137 2,719 - 7,289 -

2 ( c ) Income from Investments CBF Deposit Interest (gross) - - - - - 421 Bank Interest - - - - - 23

- - - - - 444

2 ( d ) Income from Charitable & Ancillary Trading Parochial Fees 6,190 2,678 - - 8,868 10,815 Hire of Church Room ------Other Income - 3,120 - - 3,120 3,921

6,190 5,798 - - 11,988 14,736

2 ( e ) Non-recurring Income Legacies etc., 5,000 - - - 5,000 -

Total Incoming Resources 62,056 39,346 12,729 1,271 115,402 160,994

11 Parochial Church Council of BIRDHAM and WEST ITCHENOR Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2015

3 Resources Used Unrestricted Funds Restricted Funds Total Total St James St Nicholas St James St Nicholas 2015 2014 Birdham Itchenor Birdham Itchenor 3 ( a ) Grants Missionary & Charitable Giving Church Oversees Church Oversees ------Missionary Societies Relief & Development Agencies Development Agencies ------Home Missions & other Church Societies Societies ------Other Charities 2,637 7,186 - - 9,823 11,154 Church Fabric Trusts ------

2,637 7,186 - - 9,823 11,154

3 ( b ) Activities relating directly to the work of the Churches Ministry Parish Contribution 23,040 15,357 - - 38,397 31,408 Rectors Expenses - 207 - - 207 - Rectory/Office Expenses ------Assistant Clergy 1,873 1,392 - - 3,265 3,762 Rectors Admin. Assistant 4,163 3,059 - - 7,223 5,842 Church & Services Light,Heat,Water,Telephone etc., 2,080 1,950 - - 4,030 2,670 Routine Repairs 3,467 2,731 - - 6,198 4,786 Church Extension Work - - - - - 36,760 Church Restoration Work - - - 1,450 1,450 42,799 Altar Requisites& music 163 285 - - 448 242 Organist & Choir 3,260 1,416 - - 4,676 3,924 Flower Fund ------Churchyard Upkeep 4,514 1,129 - 1,400 7,043 8,897 Honorarium - 1,000 - - 1,000 1,000 Depreciation of Benefice Office - 101 - - 101 112 Family/ Youth Worker 5,654 4,318 735 - 10,708 7,824 Organ Fund ------

48,216 32,945 735 2,850 84,746 150,026

3 ( c ) Church Management & Administration Books stationery,etc 1,039 503 - - 1,542 2,609 Miscellaneous expenses - 48 - - 48 1,223 Professional Fees 2,150 1,881 - - 4,031 1,414 Subscriptions & Fees ------Family Support Worker ------Fund raising costs 85 153 - - 238 452 Seekers,pathfinders,Tower Gp 669 - - - 669 199

3,943 2,585 - - 6,528 5,897

Total Resources Used 54,796 42,716 735 2,850 101,097 167,077

12 Parochial Church Council of BIRDHAM and WEST ITCHENOR Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2015

4. Staff costs (shared equally with West Wittering PCC) Total Total St.James St.Nicholas 2015 2014

Licensed Assistant Stipend - - - 1,000

Youth Worker 5,656 4,318 9,975 11,742

Rectors Administrative Assistant 4,163 3,059 7,223 3,710

9,820 7,378 17,197 16,452

The Licensed Assistant is a member of the PCC(ex officio) and was paid stipend and expenses as shown above. No other member of the PCC received any reimbursement of personal expenses or remuneration. Garden work at Itchenor Churchyard is carried out by an independent firm and at Birdham by self employed labour.

5. Accounting Policies 5a. Basis of Accounting

The Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with the Church Accounting Regulations 2006 together with applicable accounting standards and the Charities Statement of Recommended Practice. The Financial Statements have been prepared on the historical cost convention.

5b. Fund Accounting

General Funds represent the funds of the PCC which are not subject to any restrictions regarding their use and are available for the general purposes of the PCC. Restricted Funds represent money which has been given for a particular purpose such as donations for the St. Nicholas Churchyard Fund & Organ Fund. The Accounts include all transactions, assets & liabilities for which the PCC is responsible in law.

5c. Incoming Resources

Voluntary Income and Capital Sources

Collections are recognised when received by or on behalf of the PCC. Planned Giving under covenants is recognised only when received.

In the case of both churches, Income Tax recoverable on Gift Aid donations & Covenants is not recognised until the repayments have been received from the Inland Revenue.

Grants & legacies to the PCC are accounted for as soon as the PCC is notified of its legal entitlement and the amount due. Fund raising events are accounted for net of expenses.

Other Ordinary Income

Hire of the Church Room at Birdham is recognised when the rental is received.

13 Parochial Church Council of BIRDHAM and WEST ITCHENOR Notes to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31st December 2015

5d. Resources Used

Grants Grants & donations are accounted for when paid over or when awarded if that award creates a binding obligation on the PCC.

Activities directly relating to the work of the Church Parish contribution of each church is accounted for by twelve equal monthly instalments.

5e. Fixed Assets

Consecrated land and buildings and movable church furnishings. Consecrated and benefice property is excluded from the Accounts by Section 96(2) of the charities Act 1993 except for expenditure in 1998 of £882 in relation to an option to extend the St James Burial Ground. No value is placed on moveable Church furnishings held by the Churchwardens on special trust for the PCC and which require a faculty for disposal since the PCC considers this to be inalienable property. All expenditure incurred during the year on consecrated or benefice buildings and movable church furnishings, whether maintenance or improvements, is either written off as expenditure in the statement of Financial Activities and separately disclosed or is paid(or provided for) by the Restoration Trust (Birdham) or Fabric Trust (Itchenor).

Depreciation has been provided on the share of the Benefice Office at the following annual rates:

St James, Birdham - 10% Straight Line (over 10 years) St Nicholas, Itchenor - 10% Reducing Balance

5f. Current Assets

Amount owing to the PCC at 31st December in respect of fees or other income are shown as Debtors. Short Term Deposits include cash held on deposit with the CBF of the Church of England Deposit Fund or at the Banks.

5g. Current Liabilities

Amounts owed by the PCC at 31st December in respect of due or planned expenditure are shown as Creditors. Planned expenditure includes provision for donations to be made using the surplus from the current year, as decided at committee meetings.