POSTAL FACTS 2 0 2 0 C O M P A N I O N About Postal Facts You know we deliver for America. And installations worldwide. And consider Do you have any comments, questions you know we’ve been doing it for a this very important fact: Everyone in or suggestions for Postal Facts? Send long time. But do you know exactly the U.S. and its territories has access us an email at
[email protected]. how much we deliver? Every day? Each to postal products and services and year? Did you know we don’t use your pays the same for a First-Class Mail Unless otherwise noted, all figures are tax dollars for our operations? Did postage stamp, regardless of location. based on the Postal Service’s fiscal you know we have programs designed year. Want to know more about the United to help the communities we serve? Postal Facts 2020 provides the public And what does the “ZIP” in ZIP Code States Postal Service? You can connect with us in many ways, including: with information about the Postal mean, anyway? You can find these Service. The facts in this publication Facebook answers and more at may be reproduced for the purpose of When you explore Postal Facts, you’ll stating the fact itself, and in a busi- Twitter ness, informational, academic context find information about postal oper- ations and revenue, as well as some and the like, and in the body of text Instagram things on the lighter side of our busi- discussing factual subject matter rel- ness.