AWS Budget Questioned /O/7 AJT^I ]Q During Lively AUC Debate
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— AWS Budget Questioned •A.JL >-a I^IL M m * B-5 %JT~ "TF-f *"~ "J5^J" TSKT /O/7 AJT^I ]Q During Lively AUC Debate V ^l/l ( V/ \ I l/l . \ Spirited discussion on the proposed $33,095 Student GovernGovern- ^*—-"^ ^-^ ^^"^^ ment budfebudgett ended uncompleteuncomnleted at 12:20 aa.m m . WpHnpcHa-iWednesdayr mornmr>m.- ing as Tuesday night's meeting of the Undergraduate Council was recessed until next Tuesday night. LXXXVII, No. 27 ALLEGHENY COLLEGE, MEADVILLE, PA. Thursday, May 23, 1962 The Council had already approved part of the 1963-64 col- lege calendar, ten chairman and 105 members for ten important ASG committees, and deferred decision on the new editor of the Movies And Carnival Literary Magazine until next week. Highlighting budgetary discus- A rare procedure in AUC, reces- sion was ASG appropriation of Highlight Fund Drive sing was required so that women A double feature movie in Hen- could return to their dorms before funds for Allegheny Women Stu- derson Auditorium will kick off Al- expiration of their 12:30 permis- dents. Strong feeling was expressed legheny's annual Fund Drive Week- sions, which had already been given by Council members that such end. On the Waterfront will be special extension by AWS at the AWS grants as a $350 scholarship shown Friday evening at 6:30 and request of AUC, also an unusual ac- for a woman foreign student, a Anatomy of a Murder will begin at tion. The remainder of the agenda $25 scholarship award to a woman, 8:40. There will be a charge of fifty will be acted upon next week before cents for each film or a ticket for and $200 support for Junior Ad- a new agenda is adopted. both pictures may be purchased for visers, Cwens, and student advisers seventy-five cents. Tickets will go should not be subsidized by ASG on sale in Henderson Auditorium but should come from specifically at 6:10 p.m. AWS funds, since AWS was in ef- Brooks Driveway will be the fect getting credit for money given scene of a Circle Dance which will begin between 9:30 and 10, also on them by ASG. Friday night. Refreshments will be These oponions were countered sold during the evening and in case by new AWS president Lana HIDING BEHIND NEW ANTI-PHOTOGRAPHIC CAMOUFLAGE of bad weather, the dance will be unidentified Dean of Students, left, takes in happenings at Allegheny's riot held in the CU. Hough, Treasurer Ruth Hoerner, attempt. Other notables weren't so lucky. "What me worry?" and past AWS Judicial Vice Presi- Saturday's activities will begin at 1:30 p.m. and continue until 5. The dent Gloria Gill, who said that AWS Students Provoked By main event of the afternoon will be activities were only partly subsi- II the carnival in Brooks Circle. Many dized by ASG, with money also sororities and fraternities as well as coming from AWS fines and penny- AWS "Blanket Regulation independent groups will sponsor a-minute nights. The spirit of spring, which in the past few weeks has riot- such booths as a pie-throwing and ously surged through eastern Ivy League colleges, finally a clown dunking concession. Com- AUC President Hank Drucker reached western Pennsylvania last week in weakened form as petition in the form of races will stated that ASG was given the en- Allegheny men, instead of tearing up lawns and blocking traffic, also be a part of the carnival. Co- tire student activity fee by the col- marched on the ramparts of Brooks Hall last Wednesday night ed participation is urged as prizes lege under the assumption that some in protest against AWS and its "regulation prohibiting women donated by downtown merchants DR. MARTIN L. KING, JR. support would be given to AWS, from sunbathing on campus." will be valuable to couples. and that if AUC were not to op- Forming in front of Baldwin The College Union will be the King Cancels Talk erate in this way then AWS would clattered at his feet. Hall at 10 p.m., some 200 men ran center of activity on Saturday night. have to receive their funds from a During the activities, some 25 Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. has The building will be closed to stu- different source and ASG would toward Brooks, where they began women streaked across Brooks canceled his scheduled speaking ap- dents until 9 p.m. when the follow- have no control whatsoever over chanting "We want blankets!" and lawn and ran through Baldwin, pearance which was to be held at ing events will begin: a dance will AWS budgets. later "Down with AWS!" The where they were reportedly held the David Mead Field House to- be held in the South Lounge, a crowd soon swelled to an estimated prisoners for several minutes as the night. Informed sources said that As the propesed budget recom- casino will be in the grill, there will King felt he had a moral obliga- mended by the AUC executive com- 400 men, many of them just ob- doors were held shut by the men. be entertainment in the coffee house, tion to remain in Birmingham after mittee now stands, $100 has been According to sources close to the servers. Allegheny women respond- the showing of two at films, and 1500 children were expelled from cut from the $800 (or $860, accord- activity, the demonstration was "an ed to the request for blankets by (Continued on page 4) school on Wednesday. Continued on Page 5 throwing from windows, to quote unorganized mass protest against the Meadville Tribune, "certain creeping infringement of women's rights by AWS" and the upcoming articles of feminine apparel." They vote on the proposed AWS con- were quickly snatched up by the stitution. Awards Given At President's Review blanket-hungry mob. Editor's note: Due to inclement weather the President's Review will be held dation Ribbon for superior perform- Women also reportedly invited Friday at 1^:00 PM. in the David Mead Field House. At the time of this ance of duty as members in the printing the weather could not be anticipated and, as a result, the following the men to come inside Brooks, and Two For The Seesaw article reads in the past tense. AFROTC program during the past the men responded by running year: Cadet Lt. Cols. Gary D. An- down to South Hall, where they Premieres At Playshop The 12th annual President's Re- ability in the AFROTC program derson, John S. Bernhard, Delmar chanted about blankets for a few view was presented by the Alle- during the past year. Dr. L. L. Pel- A. Fischer, Harry W. Healey, Eban by John Quattrocchi minutes but, receiving a somewhat gheny AFROTC Detachment 735 letier, college president, presented D. Jones, David M. McLaud, Rich- less enthusiastic reception, returned For those who enjoy the theatre at Robertson Field yesterday. High- the award. ard T. Weaver, Cadet Majs. Gary to Brooks, where the crowd, after of realism, a la William Gibson, lighting the review was the presen- The Professor of Air Science F. Koehler, Robert F. Sembrat; and occasional cheers, gradually dis- "Two for the See-saw", which tation of various awards by faculty Commendation Ribbon for meritori- Cadet Capt. Donald J. Coffey. members and guest military officers. persed. Dean McKean also arrived opens tonight and runs through ous service as the Angel Flight Cadet 1st Lt. George W. Com- about this time and joined the Saturday, is an admirable Playshop Cadet 1st. Lt. Robert K. Parker Commander was awarded to Mari- mons Jr., was awarded the Air group. He became the only near- Force Association Award for out- production. received the President's ROTC lyn D. Fowler. casualty when a thrown beer can standing scholarship, leadership, and Scholarship Award for outstanding The following cadets received the The play, which is directed by interest in the AFROTC program scholastic attainment and leadership Professor of Air Science Commen- Christopher Hampton, has only two as a junior this year. Birthday Party Given characters and represents a Her- Capt. Joseph S. Jawdy, USAR, culean Challenge to the stars, Joan presented the Reserve Officer's As- For Mr. B At Post Office Thergusen, as "Giddel", and David sociation Gold Medal to Cadet 2nd Bray, as "Jerry." Both players how- Lt. Emil F. Kloske for the out- Strains of "Happy Birthday to ever, give sound performances. standing junior with high qualities you" issued from Bentley Post Particularly good are the non- of leadership, character, and inter- Office last Wednesday morning verbal aspects of the acting which est. when a surprise party was sprung on occasion make the dialogue su- Cadet TSG Robert D. Ludwick on a much-loved member of the perfluous. Times of emotional ex- college community. received the Reserve Officer's As- treme, either joy or anger, are the sociation Silver Medal Award for Custodian J. E. Balliet, affection- best examples. It is then that the the outstanding sophomore, with ately known as "Mr. B," to the players' expressions, gestures and girls of Brooks Hall, celebrated his high stndards of leadership, charac- movements completely eclipse the ter and interest. eighty-fourth birthday, May 13. often crude dialogue. Characteristically modest, "Mr. B" The Reserve Officer's Bronze didn't announce the occasion, but While the over-all production has Medal award went to Cadet A3C let it slip'to Mrs. Johannesmyer in some "slow" moments, it does Charles F. Whitaker III for leader- the Post Office when picking up achieve and maintain its essential ship qualities as a freshman.