ANG, Marine Reservists Here Tomorrow K-Bay Is Site Brigade CC, Staff of Two Week Return from Calif, Summer Stints Brig
ANG, Marine Reservists Here Tomorrow K-Bay Is Site Brigade CC, Staff Of Two Week Return from Calif, Summer Stints Brig. Gen. Avery R. Kier, 1st Ma- servicemen of Hawaii rine Brigade commanding general, "Citizen" members of his staff, were will arrive by land and air tomor- and slat- VOL. VI, No. 24 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE RAY, T. H. Friday, June 14, 1957 'ed to return to Kaneohe Bay yes- row to begin two weeks of annual terdaY after taking part in confer- summer training. Arriving by land en,-rs on the forthcoming Opera- is the Marine Corps Reserve's 15th radewinds." Col, Hutchinson Infantry Battalion, while air The group left by Marine aircraft guardsmen of the 119th Intercep- or the West Coast Sunday, and tor Squadron, Hawaii Air National were slated to confer with Air To Leave June 30 Guard, will set their sleek F-88E FMFPac representatives Monday at jets down on the X-Bay runway. the Marine Corps Air Station. El Col. Homer G. Hutchinson, Jr., after first flying oiler the field in Toro, Calif. The conferences were MCAS executive officer, is slated formation to conclude with a meeting with to leave June 30 aboard the Mat- The 15th Infantry Bn., under the Navy's commander, Amphibious sonia for the Mainland and duty of Lt. Col. Lewis M. Group command Three aboard the USS Cal- at the Air War College, Maxwell Nutting. will conduct training in -,ert at Coronado. Calif. Air Force Base, Montgomery, Ala. two phases. Phase One which starts Operation -Tradewinds- is an im- The incoming executive officer will tomorrow, is designed to familiarize pending joint Navy-Marine Corps be Lt.
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