Friends of Blackwater Canyon June 2005 501 Elizabeth St.reet Room 3, Charleston, WV 25311 • 304-345-7663 • •
[email protected] Friends of Blackwater and the Smokey the Bear, don’t cut out the Wilderness Society submit joint scoping letter heart of Blackwater Canyon!! On May 31, Friends of Allegheny Wood Products, a timber Virginia’s Blackwater and The Wilderness Society company owned by John Crites, wants to “”natural submitted extensive comments to the turn the beautiful, world-class Blackwater treasure” (that’s Forest Service on the scope of the Canyon Trail – located on our public how Senator Blackwater Trail study and questioned National Forest land — into a commercial Robert C. Byrd the legal basis of AWP’s request. The logging road and an access road to AWP’s described the letter was also signed by the WV Rivers planned condominiums. Blackwater Can- Coalition, the WV Environmental Our United States Forest Service (yes, yon.) Council, the Ohio Valley Environmental Smokey the Bear and gang) owns the We must demand that our public Coalition, the WV Chapter of the Sierra land that AWP wants for its commercial officials speak out, and tell the Forest Club, and the WV Highlands Conser- logging road. Over ten thousand people Service not to destroy the natural vancy. We told the Forest Service to so far have told the Forest Service that integrity of the Blackwater Canyon. address the following: AWP’s request is a bad idea. Now, the Go to our website,, 1. Research on endangered species Forest Service is preparing an Environ- and follow our mailings and e-mails along the Trail and on lands that border mental Impact Statement (EIS) study of throughout the coming summer, to learn the Trail — where a logging road and AWP’s plan; with some results likely in how you can make your voice heard on intended land use changes to develop the fall of 2005.