District of: Division No. 01 - Court No. 500-11-057800-209 Estate No. 41-2606765

FORM 01.1 General Sender Identification for: Copies of all Prescribed Forms Sent to Creditor(s) Electronically

In the matter of the bankruptcy of Bo Pelouse Inc. having operated in the city of Pointe-Claire in the Province of Quebec

Dated at the City of Laval in the Province of Quebec, this 20th day of January 2020.

Responsible Individual (Sender): Marino Delacas (Trustee)

Corporate Name : Ginsberg, Gingras & Associates Inc.

Address: 310-3111, Boul. St-Martin Ouest Laval, Québec, H7T 0K2

Telephone: (800) 955-0409 Fax: (800) 955-0409 E-mail: [email protected]


Please be advised that the above-noted individual is required to retain the signed original of the document as part of the official records of this proceeding. FORM 31 PROOF OF CLAIM (Sections 50.1, subsections 65.2(4), 81.2(1), 81.3(8), 81.4(8), 81.5, 81.6, 102(2), 124(2) et 128(1), and paragraphs 51(1)e) and 66.14b) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act)

fax : 800-955-0409 email : [email protected]

IN THE MATTER OF THE BANKRUPTCY OF: (or proposal or receivership of the property)

AND THE CLAIM OF (All notices or correspondence regarding this claim must be forwarded to the following address):

Name of creditor: Telephone number: Address: Fax number: E-mail address: Reference number:

In the matter of the bankruptcy (or proposal or receivership) of (name of debtor) of (city and province), do hereby certify:

I, (name of creditor or representative of the creditor), of (city and province), do hereby certify:

1. That I am a creditor of the above-named debtor (or that I am (state position or title) of (name creditor or representative of the creditor)). 2. That I have knowledge of all circumstances connected with the claim referred to below. 3. That the debtor was, at the date of the bankruptcy (or the date of the receivership, or in case of a proposal, the date of the notice of intention or of the proposal, if no notice of intention was filed), namely the day of , , and still is, indebted to the creditor in the sum of $, as specified in the statement of account (or affidavit or solemn declaration) attached and marked as Schedule “A”, after deducting any counterclaims to which the debtor is entitled. (The attached statement of account or affidavit must specify the vouchers or other evidence in support of the claim) 4. CHECK AND COMPLETE THE APPROPRIATE CATEGORY:  A. UNSECURED CLAIM OF $ (Other than as a customer contemplated by Section 262 of the Act): That in respect of the said debt, I do not hold any assets of the debtor as security and (Check and complete appropriate category):  I do not claim a right to a priority;  I claim a right to a priority under section 136 of the Act for $ (Set out on an attached sheet details to support priority claim)  B. CLAIM OF LESSOR FOR DISCLAIMER OF A LEASE FOR THE AMOUNT OF $ That I hereby make a claim under subsection 65.2(4) of the Act, particulars of which are as follows (Give full particulars of the claim, including the calculations upon which the claim is based):  C. SECURED CLAIM OF $ That in respect of the said debt, I hold assets of the debtor valued at $ as a security, particulars of which are as follows: (Give full particulars of the security, including the date on which the security was given and the value at which you assess the security, and attach a copy of the security documents)  D. CLAIM BY FARMER, FISHERMAN OR AQUACULTURIST OF THE AMOUNT OF $ That I hereby make a claim under subsection 81.2(1) of the Act for the unpaid amount of $. (Attach a copy of sales agreement and delivery receipts)  E. CLAIM BY WAGE EARNER OF THE AMOUNT OF $  That I hereby make a claim under subsection 81.3(8) of the Act in the amount of $.  That I hereby make a claim under subsection 81.4(8) of the Act in the amount of $.  F. CLAIM BY EMPLOYEE FOR UNPAID AMOUNT REGARDING PENSION PLAN OF THE AMOUNT OF _ $  That I hereby make a claim under subsection 81.5 of the Act in the amount of $.  That I hereby make a claim under subsection 81.6 of the Act in the amount of $. FORM 31 – CONCLUDED

 G. CLAIM OF AGAINST DIRECTOR OF THE AMOUNT OF $ (To be completed when a proposal provides for the compromise of claims against directors) That I hereby make a claim under subsection 50(13) of the Act, particulars of which are as follows: (Give full particulars of the claim, including the calculations upon which the claim is based)

 H. CLAIM OF A CUSTOMER OF A BANKRUPT SECURITIES FIRM OF THE AMOUNT OF $ That I hereby make a claim as a customer for net equity as contemplated by section 262 of the Act, particulars of which are as follows: (Give full particulars of the claim, including the calculations upon which the claim is based)

5. That, to the best of my knowledge, I am  (or the above-named creditor is) or am not  (or the above-named creditor is not) related to the debtor within the meaning of section 4 of the Act. 6. That the following are the payments that I have received from, and the credits that I have allowed to, and the transfers at undervalue within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Act that I have been privy to or a party to with the debtor within the three months (or, if the creditor and the debtor are related within the meaning of section 4 of the Act or were not dealing with each other at arm’s length, within the 12 months) immediately before the date of the initial bankruptcy event within the meaning of subsection 2(1) of the Act: (Provide details of payments, credits and transfers at undervalue) 7. (Applicable only in case of the bankruptcy of an individual)  Whenever the trustee reviews the financial situation of a bankrupt to redetermine whether or not the bankrupt is required to make payments under section 68 of the Act, I request to be informed, under paragraph 68(4) of the Act, of the new fixed amount or of the fact that there is no longer surplus income.  I request that a copy of the report filed by the trustee regarding the bankrupt’s application for discharge pursuant to subsection 170(1) of the Act be sent to the above address.

Dated at , this (City) (Date)

Witness’ Signature Creditor’s Signature (or is representative)

Phone Number: Fax Number: Email address:


1. If an affidavit is attached, it must be completed before a person qualified to take affidavits. 2. A trustee may, pursuant to section 128(3) of the Act, redeem the security on payment to a secured creditor of the debt or the value of the security as assessed, by the secured creditor. 3. Section 201(1) of the Act provides severe penalties for making any false claim, proof, declaration or statement of account 4. If a copy of the Form is sent electronically by means such as email, the name and contact information of the sender, prescribed in Form 1.1, must be added at the end of the document..

FORM 36 GENERAL PROXY (Sections 51(1)(e) and 66.15(3)(b) and 102(2) of the Act)

In the matter of the bankruptcy (or proposal or consumer proposal) of , a bankrupt (or insolvent person or a consumer debtor) I (or We) , (name of creditor), of (name of city, town or village), a creditor in the above matter hereby appoint of to be by (or our) general proxy in the above matter except as to the receipt of dividends, (with or without) power to appoint another general proxy in his or her place.

Dated at , this (City) (Date) Name of creditor (or representative)

Witness’ Signature Creditor’s Signature (or is representative) CHECKLIST FOR PROOFS OF CLAIM

This checklist is provided to assist you in preparing the accompanying proof of claim form and, where required, proxy form in a complete and accurate manner. Please specifically check each requirement.


 The signature of a witness is required;  The claim must be signed personally by the individuals;  If the creditor is a corporation, the full and complete legal name of the company or firm must be stated;  Give the complete address, including postal code, where all notices or correspondence is to be forwarded, the name of the person to contact, the phone number and fax number.


 Please state your name, city of residence, and if you are completing the declaration for a corporation or another person, your position or title.


 State the date of bankruptcy, proposal of receivership and the amount of your claim;  A detailed statement of account must be attached and must show the date, number and amount of all the invoices, charged credits or payments;  A statement of account is not complete if it begins with an amount brought forward;  The amount of the statement of account must agree with the amount claimed on the proof of claim.


 An ordinary creditor must check subparagraph A. A preferred creditor must set out on an attached schedule the particulars of your priority;  A secured creditor must check subparagraph C. You must insert the value at which you asses each of your securities and provide a certified true copy of the security documents as registered.


Strike out “are” or “are not” as applicable to you. You would be considered a related person if:

 You are related to blood or marriage to the debtor;  If the debtor is a corporation and you were a shareholder or if your company was controlled by the same shareholders as the debtor corporation.


All creditors must attach a detailed list of all payments or credits received or granted, as follows:

 Within the 3 months preceding the bankruptcy or proposal, if the creditor and the debtor are not related;  Within 12 months preceding the bankruptcy or proposal, if the creditor and debtor are related.

In the case of an individual’s bankruptcy only, you may request some or all of the items stated after paragraph 6.


A creditor may appoint a proxy by completing the proxy form, if the creditor is a corporation, the proxy form must be completed in the corporate name and signature witness.


 Only creditors who have filed claims in the proper manner before the time appointed for the meeting of creditors are entitled to vote;  A creditor may vote either in person or by proxy;  A debtor may not be appointed a proxy at any meeting of his creditors;  The trustee may be appointed as a proxy to for any creditors;  A corporation may vote by an authorized agent at the meeting of creditors;  In order to have the right to vote, a person must himself be a creditor or be the holder of a property executed proxy showing the name of the creditor;  Only creditors who filed claims in the proper form with the trustee are entitled to share in any distribution that may be made.

District of: Quebec Division No. 01 - Montreal Court No. 500-11-057800-209 Estate No. 41-2606765

_FORM 68_ X Original Amended Notice of Bankruptcy, First Meeting of Creditors (Subsection 102(1) of the Act)

In the matter of the bankruptcy of Bo Pelouse Inc. having operated in the city of Pointe-Claire in the Province of Quebec

Take notice that:

1. Bo Pelouse Inc. filed (or was deemed to have filed) an assignment on the 20th day of January 2020, and the undersigned, Ginsberg, Gingras & Associates Inc., was appointed as trustee of the estate of the bankrupt by the official receiver (or the Court), subject to affirmation by the creditors of the trustee's appointment or substitution of another trustee by the creditors.

2. The first meeting of creditors of the bankrupt will be held on the 11th day of February 2020, at 11:00 AM, at the office of Salons AB-Sarto Desnoyers, at 1335 Lakeshore Dr, Dorval, QC, H9S 2E5.

3. To be entitled to vote at the meeting, a creditor must lodge with the trustee, before the meeting, a proof of claim and, where necessary, a proxy.

4. Enclosed with this notice is a proof of claim form, proxy form, and list of creditors with claims amounting to $25 or more showing the amounts of their claims.

5. Creditors must prove their claims against the estate of the bankrupt in order to share in any distribution of the proceeds realized from the estate.

Dated at the Ville of Laval in the Province of Quebec, this 20th day of January 2020.

Ginsberg, Gingras & Associates Inc. - Licensed Insolvency Trustee Per:

______Marino Delacas - Licensed Insolvency Trustee

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District of: Quebec Division No. 01 - Montreal X Original Amended Court No. Estate No. -- Form 78 -- Statement of Affairs (Business Bankruptcy) made by an entity (Subsection 49(2) and Paragraph 158(d) of the Act / Subsections 50(2) and 62(1) of the Act) In the matter of the bankruptcy of Bo Pelouse Inc. having operated in the city of Pointe-Claire in the Province of Quebec To the bankrupt: You are required to carefully and accurately complete this form and the applicable attachments showing the state of your affairs on the date of the bankruptcy, on the 20th day of January 2020. When completed, this form and the applicable attachments will constitute the Statement of Affairs and must be verified by oath or solemn declaration.

LIABILITIES ASSETS (as stated and estimated by the officer) (as stated and estimated by the officer)

1. Unsecured creditors as per list "A" ...... 2 097 246,00 1. Inventory ...... 0,00 ...... Balance of secured claims as per list "B" ...... 64 479,10 2. Trade fixtures, etc...... 0,00 ...... 3.. . Accounts receivable and other receivables, as per list "E" Total unsecured creditors ...... 2 161 725,10 Good ...... 0,00 2. Secured creditors as per list "B" ...... 513 905,45 . . . . . Doubtful...... 0,00 ...... 2 849,23 Bad ...... 0,00 3. Preferred creditors as per list "C" ...... Estimated to produce...... 0,00 . 4. Contingent, trust claims or other liabilities as per list "D" 0,00 4. Bills of exchange, promissory note, etc., as per list "F" . . . 0,00 estimated to be reclaimable for ...... 5.. Deposits in financial institutions ...... 0,00 Total liabilities...... 2 678 479,78 6.. Cash ...... 0,00 . . 7.. . Livestock...... 0,00 Surplus ...... NIL 8.. . Machinery, equipment and plant...... 0,00 9.. . Real property or immovable as per list "G" ...... 0,00 10.. . . Furniture...... 10 000,00 11.. . . RRSPs, RRIFs, life insurance, etc...... 0,00 12.. . Securities (shares, bonds, debentures, etc.) ...... 0,00 13.. . Interests under wills ...... 0,00 14.. . . Vehicles ...... 1 229 002,00 15.. . . Other property, as per list "H" ...... 162 001,00 If. .bankrupt is a corporation, add: Amount of subscribed capital ...... 0,00 Amount. . . . paid on capital ...... 0,00 Balance. . . . subscribed and unpaid...... 0,00 Estimated. . to produce ...... 0,00 . . . . Total assets ...... 1 401 003,00 Deficiency...... 1 277 476,78 ...... I, Marc Guindon, of the Ville of Pointe-Claire in the Province of Quebec, do swear (or solemnly declare) that this statement and the attached lists are to the best of my knowledge, a full, true and complete statement of my affairs on the 20th day of January 2020 and fully disclose all property of every description that is in my possession or that may devolve on me in accordance with the Act.

SWORN (or SOLEMNLY DECLARED) before me at the City of Laval in the Province of Quebec, on this 20th day of January 2020.

Marino Delacas, Commissioner of Oaths Marc Guindon For the Province of Quebec ExpiresPG July 19, 2021

Page 1 District of: Quebec Division No. 01 - Montreal Court No. Estate No. FORM 78 -- Continued

List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1 111852 Inc 22, Stewart 275,00 0,00 275,00 122860 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5T6 2 3119271 Canada Inc. 190, Strathmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 123092 Dorval QC H9S2J4 3 7181469 Canada inc. 6 Avenue Lourdes 919,80 0,00 919,80 (Yard Turner) Pointe-Claire QC H9S4R2 4 9140-7064 Quebec Inc 115, Vincennes 250,00 0,00 250,00 124583 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M5 5 93477974 Quebec Inc. 72, Pardo 275,00 0,00 275,00 121122 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3H3 6 93771822 Quebec Inc. 137, Douglas-Shand 275,00 0,00 275,00 115462 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2C5 7 A A Mohammed 106, Maitland 250,00 0,00 250,00 119931 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X4 8 A Boyer 54, Elgin 250,00 0,00 250,00 117228 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K1 9 A Butler 23, Victoria 250,00 0,00 250,00 124458 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4S4 10 A Chandra 299, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123260 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4Y1 11 A Dean 17, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114278 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z1 12 A Desjardins 112, Maitland 270,00 0,00 270,00 119937 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X4 13 A Dimitrovas 125, Ivanhoe Cr. 310,00 0,00 310,00 118783 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z9 14 A Docherty 150, Ivanhoe Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 118804 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z8 15 A Gacek 107, Sunderland 250,00 0,00 250,00 123712 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L4 16 A J Szanter 158, Westcliffe 537,44 0,00 537,44 124836 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M9 17 A Kovacs 5, Foxwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 117359 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H2 18 A Lanthier 20, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119081 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G7 19 A Lipovsek 304, Violet Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 124670 Dorval QC H9S3N9 20 A McLoughlin 149, Millhaven 275,00 0,00 275,00 120452 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V9 21 A Mocella 139, Stillview 562,44 0,00 562,44 122894 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X9 22 A Moisan 46, White Pine Drive 250,00 0,00 250,00 130236 Beaconsfield QC H9W5E3 23 A Portelance 278, Tulip 270,00 0,00 270,00 124179 Dorval QC H9S3P6 24 A Rashotte 116, Glasgow 275,00 0,00 275,00 117917 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M5


Date Marcai Guindon

Page 2 of 236 District of: Quebec Division No. 01 - Montreal Court No. Estate No. FORM 78 -- Continued

List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 25 A Rattan 46, Nicholson 220,00 0,00 220,00 120918 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A2 26 A T Ridgeway 360, Claude 250,00 0,00 250,00 115669 Dorval QC H9S3B3 27 A Vaugeois 157, Millhaven 290,00 0,00 290,00 120460 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V9 28 A Vost 190, Fairhaven 270,00 0,00 270,00 117554 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A8 29 A W Donaldson 119, Longmeadow 250,00 0,00 250,00 119766 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X3 30 A W Donaldson 119, Longmeadow 229,95 0,00 229,95 119766 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X3 31 A W Fox 59, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 120710 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C4 32 A Waldie 39, Parkland 250,00 0,00 250,00 121311 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E6 33 A Wosik 155, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123841 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V2 34 A. Brunner 392, Brookhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 114512 Dorval QC H9S2N7 35 A. Deborah Pellerin 55, Elmwood 270,00 0,00 270,00 117462 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M2 36 A. Mancini 155, Brookhaven 275,00 0,00 275,00 114448 Dorval QC H9S2N5 37 A.S. Gabriel 8, Julien 229,95 0,00 229,95 118938 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4G6 38 A.S. Gabriel 8, Julien 190,00 0,00 190,00 118938 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4G6 39 Aaron Laudi 117, Prince-Edward 275,00 0,00 275,00 121983 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C9 40 Aaron Wagstaff 104, Westbank 275,00 0,00 275,00 124780 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X6 41 Abajue 217, Louise-L'amy 190,00 0,00 190,00 119804 Dorval QC H9S5Z4 42 Abracen 73, De Breslay 479,95 0,00 479,95 116435 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 43 Academie of Imagination Daycare 19, Cartier 275,00 0,00 275,00 115032 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4R5 44 Accent Tonique 173, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125109 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J1 45 Adam Aspelund 101, Spartan Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 122687 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R4 46 Adam Deskin 173, Regatta 250,00 0,00 250,00 122265 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z5 47 Adam Kowalewski 114, Pendennis 275,00 0,00 275,00 121373 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1H6 48 Adam Nowak 51, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121887 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C4

20-Jan-2020 Date Marcx Guindon

Page 3 of 236 District of: Quebec Division No. 01 - Montreal Court No. Estate No. FORM 78 -- Continued

List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 49 Adam Pietrzykowski 592, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124935 Dorval QC H9P2M3 50 Adam Rolland 74, Summerhill 275,00 0,00 275,00 123674 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L2 51 Adamczewski 104, Cragmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 116218 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M1 52 Adams 46, Little Rock 250,00 0,00 250,00 119723 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G2 53 Adams 150, Millhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 120453 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V8 54 Adams 142, Monterrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 120568 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W4 55 Adams 114, Sunderland 275,00 0,00 275,00 123719 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L2 56 Adel Messiha 137, Valois Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 124299 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B8 57 Adil Touati 124, Longmeadow 250,00 0,00 250,00 119771 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X2 58 Adnan Antsar 2, John-Fisher 275,00 0,00 275,00 118906 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5W4 59 Adnan Kasenally 137, Spartan Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 122714 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R4 60 ADP Canada Co. - Credit Department 3250 Bloor St. W. 16th Floor East Tower 24 302,21 0,00 24 302,21 Attn: Luby Misetic Etobicoke ON M8X 2X9 23NW 61 Adrea Locke 215, Springdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 122737 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R4 62 Adrian Turner 117, Sunderland 250,00 0,00 250,00 123722 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L4 63 Adriano Brunello 70, Broadview 275,00 0,00 275,00 114320 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z4 64 Adventure Techniques 601, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123556 Dorval QC H9P2A3 65 Afroditi Papadimitrios 146, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124826 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M7 66 Agence du revenu du Québec Service des dossiers de faillites 103,97 0,00 103,97 Attn: Direction régionale du recouvrement 1265 boul Charest O 6e étage C65-6I 1022154784IC0001 Québec QC G1N 4V5 67 Agence du revenu du Québec Service des dossiers de faillites 18 515,03 0,00 18 515,03 Attn: Direction régionale du recouvrement 1265 boul Charest O 6e étage C65-6I TVQ: 1022154784TQ0001 Québec QC G1N 4V5 68 Agnes Kermani 244, Frobisher 275,00 0,00 275,00 117744 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4T5 69 Agnes Kolosky 124, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117013 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X9 70 Agnieszka Aleszkiewicz 583, Strathmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 123548 Dorval QC H9P2A3 71 Ahmad Ismael Zadah 31, Georgia Cr. 545,00 0,00 545,00 117247 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V7

20-Jan-2020 x Date Marc Guindon

Page 4 of 236 District of: Quebec Division No. 01 - Montreal Court No. Estate No. FORM 78 -- Continued

List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 72 Ahmed Eldaly 122, Marlin Cr. 504,95 0,00 504,95 120058 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B3 73 Ahmed Shah/Bishop 116, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123816 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T6 74 Ahmed 272, Clement 205,00 0,00 205,00 115743 Dorval QC H9S2T2 75 Ahsan 1925, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 355,00 0,00 355,00 113993 Dorval QC H9S2G1 76 Aida Mirshak 41, Aurora 270,00 0,00 270,00 113313 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G1 77 Aime Legault 162, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124840 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M9 78 Alain Grey 29, Hansen 275,00 0,00 275,00 125624 Beaconsfield QC H9W5P4 79 Alain Grey 29, Hansen 229,95 0,00 229,95 125624 Beaconsfield QC H9W5P4 80 Alain Martin 310, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123271 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 81 Alain Neemeh 185, Brookhaven 300,00 0,00 300,00 114451 Dorval QC H9S2N5 82 Alain Nguyen 100, Brunet 270,00 0,00 270,00 113807 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T8 83 alain Proulx 268, Green Circle 190,00 0,00 190,00 118216 Dorval QC H9S3T9 84 Alain Toussaint 9, Glendale 250,00 0,00 250,00 125600 Beaconsfield QC H9W5P6 85 Alan G Hutchison 136, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113428 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z8 86 Alan Ladd 441, Delmar 250,00 0,00 250,00 116586 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A3 87 Alan Quail 122, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114129 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T8 88 Alana Bourque 50, Lansdowne Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 119548 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B9 89 Alana Mabe 222, Braebrook 220,00 0,00 220,00 114175 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V5 90 Alani Harrison 121, St-Jean 250,00 0,00 250,00 122984 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y9 91 Alarcon 269, Malcolm Circle 200,00 0,00 200,00 119995 Dorval QC H9S1T6 92 Alasdair MacKay 260, Strathmore 270,00 0,00 270,00 123105 Dorval QC H9S2J4 93 Alaster and Nancy Burpitt/Proulx 29, St-Jean 250,00 0,00 250,00 122953 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y9 94 Albano Pedicelli 362, Lagacé 275,00 0,00 275,00 119265 Dorval QC H9S2M3 95 Albers 233, Lakeview 275,00 0,00 275,00 119495 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C8


Date Marc Guindon

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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 96 Albert Deschamps 33, Hampton Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 118285 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 97 Albert Rich 260, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114202 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V9 98 Albisi 190, Pine Beach 275,00 0,00 275,00 121481 Dorval QC H9S2T9 99 Alda Brant 6, Basswood Circle 229,95 0,00 229,95 113388 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Y1 100 Aldo Conti 100, Elmwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 117235 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M4 101 Aldo Di Raddo 98, Sunnyside 225,00 0,00 225,00 123799 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T6 102 Aldo Orsini 127, Saddlewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 121648 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 103 Alejandrino 1555, Turcot 275,00 0,00 275,00 124200 Dorval QC H9S1G4 104 Aleksanera Isakovic 11, Gables Court 260,00 0,00 260,00 129617 Beaconsfield QC H9W5H3 105 Alessandro Macri 335, Lake 250,00 0,00 250,00 119321 Dorval QC H9S2J2 106 Alex and Jenny Kwan/Do 629, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 125914 Dorval QC H9P2A7 107 Alex Androsoff 535, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115789 Dorval QC H9P2H3 108 Alex Asgari 33, Westwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 124562 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y6 109 Alex Bearzatto 126, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119147 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H4 110 Alex De Léry 2075, Chanteclerc 270,00 0,00 270,00 113824 Dorval QC H9P1L6 111 Alex Di Palma 11, Stewart 275,00 0,00 275,00 122853 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5T5 112 Alex Gieysztor 262, Ste-Claire 250,00 0,00 250,00 122829 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4E6 113 Alex Mariani 55, Valois Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 124258 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B5 114 Alex Marshall 602, Wright Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 125224 Dorval QC H9P2C2 115 Alex Normandin 1810, Dawson 229,95 0,00 229,95 116393 Dorval QC H9S1Z1 116 Alex Normandin 1810, Dawson 220,00 0,00 220,00 116393 Dorval QC H9S1Z1 117 Alex Sarimazi 92, Nicholson 275,00 0,00 275,00 120948 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A1 118 Alex Vallée 123, Duke-of-Kent 275,00 0,00 275,00 117012 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y1 119 Alexander Campbell 80, Kernan Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 119034 Dorval QC H9S3V4

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 120 Alexander Charbonneau 154, Monterrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 120580 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W4 121 Alexander Gemmell 265, Neptune 270,00 0,00 270,00 120771 Dorval QC H9S2L3 122 Alexander Halarides 106, Forest Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 117726 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T1 123 Alexander Krupnik 200, Hampshire 275,00 0,00 275,00 129702 Beaconsfield QC H9W3N7 124 Alexandra Banos 27, De L'église 250,00 0,00 250,00 116498 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5J1 125 Alexandra Girard 140, Sunderland 250,00 0,00 250,00 123742 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L2 126 Alexandra Pungartnik 132, Radisson 250,00 0,00 250,00 122137 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E6 127 Alexandra Santel 537, Prince Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 121828 Dorval QC H9P1Z2 128 Alexandra Zendran 70, Hartford 270,00 0,00 270,00 118365 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3E1 129 Alexandre Bardoux 103, Hilary 275,00 0,00 275,00 118180 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R7 130 Alexandre Guinta 1750, Parkfield 250,00 0,00 250,00 121263 Dorval QC H9P1T5 131 Alexandre Moreau 100, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113744 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J1 132 Alexandre Roland 133, Duke-of-Kent 275,00 0,00 275,00 117017 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y1 133 Alexandre Semov 1155, Pierre-Mallet 250,00 0,00 250,00 121471 Dorval QC H9S4K4 134 Alexandre Villeneuve 182, Martin 270,00 0,00 270,00 129143 Dorval QC H9S3R6 135 Alexandrer DeMarchi 2070, Parkfield 275,00 0,00 275,00 121279 Dorval QC H9P1V2 136 Alexandru Vasile 279, Clement 275,00 0,00 275,00 115746 Dorval QC H9S2T1 137 Alfred Gonzalez 287, Georges V 190,00 0,00 190,00 117800 Dorval QC H9S3S8 138 Alfred Jaeger 12, Cedar 250,00 0,00 250,00 115103 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y1 139 Ali Zoghi 114, Glasgow 275,00 0,00 275,00 117915 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M5 140 Alice Nehme 661, Rockcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 122303 Dorval QC H9P2E2 141 Alice R. Malisia 2260, Campbell 250,00 0,00 250,00 114741 Dorval QC H9P1L3 142 Alicia Diaz-De-La-Serna 121, Vincennes 275,00 0,00 275,00 124587 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M5 143 Alicia Hallahan 175, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117030 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y2

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 144 Aliister Moore 57, Jefferson 250,00 0,00 250,00 118874 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J7 145 Alisan Bissannette 116, Lincoln Drive 275,00 0,00 275,00 129837 Beaconsfield QC H9W1M4 146 Alison Jung 142, Marlin Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 120071 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B4 147 Alison Rollins 134, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114345 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z4 148 Alison Sipos 135, Oakridge 275,00 0,00 275,00 121052 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C4 149 Alistair Acton 112, Winthrop 250,00 0,00 250,00 125176 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W7 150 Alka Patel 1620, Surrey 275,00 0,00 275,00 123893 Dorval QC H9P1W4 151 Allaire 1714, Parkfield 250,00 0,00 250,00 121251 Dorval QC H9P1T5 152 Allan Cusson 565, De L'église 275,00 0,00 275,00 116517 Dorval QC H9S1R2 153 Allan Idle 164, Coolbreeze 275,00 0,00 275,00 116131 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S7 154 Allan Lamarre 22, Hornell 275,00 0,00 275,00 118700 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R3 155 Allan McLaughlin 122, Dieppe 250,00 0,00 250,00 116700 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X6 156 Allan Moore 85, Sevigny 250,00 0,00 250,00 122633 Dorval QC H9S3V8 157 Allan Tilson 142, Radisson 250,00 0,00 250,00 122142 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E6 158 Allard 234, Sherwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 122637 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R8 159 Allison Cassidy 44, Wildtree Drive 275,00 0,00 275,00 130257 Beaconsfield QC H9W5G4 160 Allison Gerhart 152, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123838 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V1 161 Allmark 550, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124921 Dorval QC H9P2M3 162 Amanda Howard 580, St-Léon 275,00 0,00 275,00 121664 Dorval QC H9P1Z9 163 Amanda Lagendyk 100, Windcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 125017 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W1 164 Amanda Maks 21, Chester 275,00 0,00 275,00 115388 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H8 165 Amanda Scholefield 116, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121766 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 166 Amanda Scholefield 163, Pointe-Claire Avenue 375,00 0,00 375,00 121797 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M7 167 Amanda Zito 152, Maywood 275,00 0,00 275,00 120298 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M2


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 168 Amath 132, Concord Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 116009 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N4 169 Amber Findleton 512, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123528 Dorval QC H9P2A2 170 Amin Gouda 1072, Courcelles 275,00 0,00 275,00 116168 Dorval QC H9S5P8 171 Amir Hashemi 94, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 122974 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y9 172 Amir Sam 220, Comber 275,00 0,00 275,00 115925 Dorval QC H9S2Y4 173 Amir Yaghamei 134, Westcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 124814 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M7 174 Amira Henein 10, Waverley 275,00 0,00 275,00 124736 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W3 175 Amy Harris 208, Stonehenge Drive 250,00 0,00 250,00 130116 Beaconsfield QC H9W3X9 176 Amy Lee Gonye 160, Valois Bay 270,00 0,00 270,00 124313 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B9 177 Amy Mehra 228, Adams 275,00 0,00 275,00 ehre Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y6 112787 178 Amy Mikhael 111, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 114851 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J8 179 Ana Milena 322, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 125932 Dorval QC H9S2L6 180 Anant V Herlekar 104, Longmeadow 250,00 0,00 250,00 118107 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X2 181 Anas Benchekroun 15, Westwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 124892 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y6 182 Anatoly Gorsain 156, Sunderland 250,00 0,00 250,00 123753 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L6 183 Anctil 580, De L'église 275,00 0,00 275,00 116520 Dorval QC H9S1R1 184 Andra Grama 112, Beechnut 250,00 0,00 250,00 113518 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2B2 185 Andre and Anne Marie Kunysz/Walsh 4, John-Fisher 275,00 0,00 275,00 118907 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5W4 186 Andre and Susan Rheaume 353, Donegani 250,00 0,00 250,00 116796 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M4 187 Andre Beaulieu 107, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120045 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 188 Andre Couisneau 95, Cartier 275,00 0,00 275,00 114775 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4R8 189 Andre Demers 91, Pointe-Claire Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 121750 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M6 190 Andre Desmarais 152, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 122003 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C8 191 Andre Dufresne 154, Sunnyside 270,00 0,00 270,00 123840 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V1

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 192 Andre Khodeir 395, Allard 479,95 0,00 479,95 112925 Dorval QC H9S3C1 193 Andre Lebeau 306, Raimbault 525,00 0,00 525,00 122196 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5T9 194 Andre Lemire 765, De L'église 250,00 0,00 250,00 116535 Dorval QC H9S1R8 195 Andre Saucier 1095, Dawson 275,00 0,00 275,00 116366 Dorval QC H9S1X9 196 Andre Schleicher 119, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121985 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C9 197 Andre Sushko 26, Prince-Edward 275,00 0,00 275,00 121873 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C5 198 Andrea Allen 97, St-Jean 250,00 0,00 250,00 122975 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y9 199 Andrea Burns 112, Longmeadow 270,00 0,00 270,00 119759 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X2 200 Andrea Hill 615, Graham 250,00 0,00 250,00 117274 Dorval QC H9P2B2 201 Andrea Kostyk 323, Duke-of-Kent 270,00 0,00 270,00 117062 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y5 202 Andrea Schell 113, Hastings 275,00 0,00 275,00 118392 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P4 203 Andrea Seniw 20, Kamouraska 250,00 0,00 250,00 118961 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V2 204 Andrea Stoll 195, Chestnut 275,00 0,00 275,00 129388 Beaconsfield QC H9W2S5 205 Andrea Vey 82, Watford 250,00 0,00 250,00 125893 Beaconsfield QC H9W6A7 206 Andrea Zakem 276, Hickory 275,00 0,00 275,00 118059 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S2 207 Andrea Zalcman 65, Little Rock 275,00 0,00 275,00 119737 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G5 208 Andree Vanasse 171, Creswell 275,00 0,00 275,00 128333 Beaconsfield QC H9W1E8 209 Andree-Anne Tremblay 130, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120747 Dorval QC H9S2L2 210 Andrei Malashenko 123, De Breslay 275,00 0,00 275,00 116455 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 211 Andrei Oprea 15, Parkland 250,00 0,00 250,00 121290 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E6 212 Andrei Schiopu 223, Tulip 250,00 0,00 250,00 124161 Dorval QC H9S3P4 213 Andres Narrea 1530, Hamilton Place 250,00 0,00 250,00 118251 Dorval QC H9S1H2 214 Andrew Bocking 333, Courtland 270,00 0,00 270,00 116181 Dorval QC H9S2R8 215 Andrew Carter 21, Bayview 275,00 0,00 275,00 113451 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C1


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 216 Andrew Chao Daongam 169, Lakeview 270,00 0,00 270,00 119462 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4B9 217 Andrew Czereyski 408, Delmar 220,00 0,00 220,00 116560 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4V8 218 Andrew Emanuel 218, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114171 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V5 219 Andrew Jurga 427, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 121932 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A6 220 Andrew Lindsay 43, Beaconsfield Blvd 250,00 0,00 250,00 125447 Beaconsfield QC H9W3Y8 221 Andrew Mahoney 214, Monaco 250,00 0,00 250,00 120539 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R6 222 Andrew Moore 169, Broadview 275,00 0,00 275,00 114373 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z5 223 Andrew Oulton 15, Laurelwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 118085 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R2 224 Andrew Peplowski 43, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122065 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G1 225 Andrew Stewart 445, St-Louis 310,00 0,00 310,00 123364 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A6 226 Andrew Wilkins 22, Viburnum 190,00 0,00 190,00 124412 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5A7 227 Andrew Yang 209, Sherbrooke 250,00 0,00 250,00 130065 Beaconsfield QC H9W1P4 228 Andriane Mourelatos 303, MacLean 250,00 0,00 250,00 119922 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y3 229 Andy Rust 25, Parkland 250,00 0,00 250,00 121300 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E6 230 Anfossi 58, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 115519 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N1 231 Angana 555, Pine Beach 250,00 0,00 250,00 121556 Dorval QC H9P2J4 232 Angel 295, Allard 250,00 0,00 250,00 112903 Dorval QC H9S3B8 233 Angela Bowland 85, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121219 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y6 234 Angela Meklenschek 148, Duke-of-Kent 275,00 0,00 275,00 117024 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X9 235 Angela Zawazda 1845, Brookdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 114436 Dorval QC H9P1X5 236 Angelina Doyle 139, Spartan Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 122716 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R4 237 Angers 2270, Chadillon 250,00 0,00 250,00 115196 Dorval QC H9P1L4 238 Angus Graham 106, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 114848 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J9 239 Anik Savard 207, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 113798 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 240 Anis Assabgui 107, Alexina 275,00 0,00 275,00 112809 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M8 241 Anissa Chekir 2295, Swallow 270,00 0,00 270,00 123921 Dorval QC H9S2K6 242 Anissa Rawji 4, Lakeside 275,00 0,00 275,00 119361 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G1 243 Anita Rajnai 179, Norwood 229,95 0,00 229,95 120418 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R3 244 Anita Rajnai 179, Norwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 120418 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R3 245 Anjli Bhatia 110, Queens 225,00 0,00 225,00 122101 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G4 246 Anlu Construction inc 435, Starling 270,00 0,00 270,00 122759 Dorval QC H9S2K1 247 Anlu Construction inc 435, Starling 747,34 0,00 747,34 122759 Dorval QC H9S2K1 248 Anmarie Pearson 724, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115838 Dorval QC H9P2J1 249 Ann Farrell 109, Michigan 250,00 0,00 250,00 119442 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V7 250 Ann Julie Comeau 1555, Carson 275,00 0,00 275,00 114816 Dorval QC H9S1N1 251 Ann Romanecz 114, Westcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 124798 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M6 252 Anna Campagna 520, Thorncrest 459,90 0,00 459,90 121961 Dorval QC H9P2M6 253 Anna Campagna 520, Thorncrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 121961 Dorval QC H9P2M6 254 Anna De Lima 356, Raimbault 250,00 0,00 250,00 122235 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V1 255 Anna Kelly 1310, Kingsley 275,00 0,00 275,00 119173 Dorval QC H9S1G1 256 Anna Sabatino 219, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123158 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5L7 257 Anna Sarahy Chiantera Duque 284, MacLean 275,00 0,00 275,00 119903 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y1 258 Anna Tountas 40, McConnell 275,00 0,00 275,00 120316 Dorval QC H9S5N9 259 Anna Towstuk 185, Brockwell 250,00 0,00 250,00 114415 Dorval QC H9S5J8 260 Anne Blanchette 10, Chester 275,00 0,00 275,00 115379 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H7 261 Anne Caron 624, Dubord Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 116959 Dorval QC H9P1N6 262 Anne Chauvin 23, Lansdowne Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 119525 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B9 263 Anne Donaldson 67, Farnham Drive 275,00 0,00 275,00 129516 Beaconsfield QC H9W5H7

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 264 Anne Ethier 125, Des Canots 270,00 0,00 270,00 115553 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X3 265 Anne Fearnley 1535, Turcot 250,00 0,00 250,00 124198 Dorval QC H9S1G4 266 Anne Gautreau 65, Vincennes 250,00 0,00 250,00 123137 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M1 267 Anne Kettenbeil 78, Prince-Edward 380,00 0,00 380,00 121893 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C7 268 Anne Marie Bismuth 42, White Pine Drive 250,00 0,00 250,00 130234 Beaconsfield QC H9W5E3 269 Anne Whelan 27, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121171 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y4 270 Anne-Marie Henson 29, Woolmer 275,00 0,00 275,00 125217 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H1 271 Annette Brown 1555, Anchorage Place 275,00 0,00 275,00 112996 Dorval QC H9P1Y2 272 Annette Muleka 2140, Goldfinch 375,00 0,00 375,00 117965 Dorval QC H9P1M7 273 Annick Wilson 140, Prince-Edward 225,00 0,00 225,00 121996 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C8 274 Annie Cantin 39, Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 115575 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W9 275 Annie Cardinal 26, Martin 270,00 0,00 270,00 120164 Dorval QC H9S3R3 276 Annie Dinello 135, Douglas-Shand 250,00 0,00 250,00 115461 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2C5 277 Annie Lambert 340, Raimbault 250,00 0,00 250,00 122222 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V1 278 Annie Nam 1175, Pierre-Mallet 275,00 0,00 275,00 121476 Dorval QC H9S4K4 279 Annie Rakush 1, Carlisle 250,00 0,00 250,00 114939 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S9 280 Annie Zasada 99, Cedar 400,00 0,00 400,00 115155 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y3 281 Anthony and Liza Cox 3, Clearpoint 270,00 0,00 270,00 115691 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5T7 282 Anthony De Paola 437, Clement 285,00 0,00 285,00 115773 Dorval QC H9S2T5 283 Anthony Delatolla 218, Adams 275,00 0,00 275,00 112777 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y6 284 Anthony Fraschetti 136, Rowan 250,00 0,00 250,00 129992 Beaconsfield QC H9W1J2 285 Anthony Lemme 151, Concord Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 116027 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N3 286 Anthony Manouk 170, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114710 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5H4 287 Anthony Panetta 96, Broadview 275,00 0,00 275,00 114341 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z4

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 288 Anthony Pouw 6, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121150 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y3 289 Anthony Roth 255, Handfield Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 118322 Dorval QC H9S3V1 290 Anthony Scalia 121, Dieppe 250,00 0,00 250,00 116699 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X5 291 Anthony Smith 390, Linnet Cr. 525,00 0,00 525,00 119715 Dorval QC H9S2L1 292 Anthony Wice 176, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116134 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S7 293 Antoine Bsilis 11, Foxwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 117733 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H2 294 Antoine Landry 78, Valois Bay 270,00 0,00 270,00 124269 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B3 295 Antoine Rechain 19, Tampico 250,00 0,00 250,00 123938 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z7 296 Antoine Sirsly 5, McConnell 504,95 0,00 504,95 120307 Dorval QC H9S5L9 297 Antoine 304, Inglewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 118188 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z6 298 Anton Rueberer 2160, Lark 220,00 0,00 220,00 118070 Dorval QC H9P1R2 299 Antonia Vriniotis 198, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 113789 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V5 300 Antonio Arana 1110, Montigny 275,00 0,00 275,00 120589 Dorval QC H9S5N7 301 Antonio Bramante 73, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 122967 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y9 302 Antonio Echeverria 188, Lakeview 270,00 0,00 270,00 119474 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C3 303 Antonio Fuschini 580, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124931 Dorval QC H9P2M3 304 Antonio Zoccoli 123, Boylan 275,00 0,00 275,00 114080 Dorval QC H9S5J7 305 Anushka Pehlivanyan 146, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114141 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T9 306 Aoude 17, Westfield 265,00 0,00 265,00 124879 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 307 Arakelian 132, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114344 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z4 308 ARC - Taxe - Québec Shawinigan-Sud National Verification and Collection 8 052,14 0,00 8 052,14 TPS :142848837RT001 Centre 4695 Shawinigan-Sud Blvd Shawinigan-Sud QC G9P 5H9 309 Archibald 59, Belmont 250,00 0,00 250,00 113568 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2N2 310 Ardron 1520, Erin Place 250,00 0,00 250,00 117529 Dorval QC H9S1S4


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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 311 Arès 154, Broadview 450,00 0,00 450,00 114360 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z6 312 Ari Saryan 106, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116692 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X4 313 Arian Khazai Nejad 260, Touzin 275,00 0,00 275,00 124070 Dorval QC H9S2M9 314 Ariane D'Ete 521, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123382 Dorval QC H9P2E8 315 Arib 2230, Herron Road 275,00 0,00 275,00 125335 Dorval QC H9S1C4 316 Ariel Elder Zanini 380, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124106 Dorval QC H9S2N2 317 Ariel Guberman 1830, Brentwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 114245 Dorval QC H9S1K4 318 Arlene Jolicoeur 242, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123184 Dorval QC H9S2S4 319 Arless 370, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123318 Dorval QC H9S2S6 320 Armin Hadadian 136, Concord Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 116013 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N4 321 Armstrong 104, Livingston 275,00 0,00 275,00 119748 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1S3 322 Armstrong 35, Parkdale 245,00 0,00 245,00 121179 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y4 323 Arpi Demeny 695, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120844 Dorval QC H9P2A7 324 Arsenault 46, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116429 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N1 325 Arsenault 47, De Breslay 275,00 0,00 275,00 116431 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 326 Arsenault 188, Fairhaven 275,00 0,00 275,00 117553 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A8 327 Arsenault 140, Millhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 119459 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V8 328 Arsenault 188, Windward Cr. 220,00 0,00 220,00 125120 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J3 329 Arthur C F Lau 126, Astoria 275,00 0,00 275,00 113259 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A8 330 Artin Kojakian 272, Jaillet 275,00 0,00 275,00 118819 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X9 331 Artur Vero 96, Maywood 275,00 0,00 275,00 120260 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3L6 332 Ashleigh Manktelow 11, Jasper 250,00 0,00 250,00 125660 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R7 333 Ashley McWhinnie 4, Viburnum 190,00 0,00 190,00 124395 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5A7 334 Ashley Trainor 435, Vinet 270,00 0,00 270,00 124653 Dorval QC H9S2M7


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 335 Ashton Dumas 521, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120811 Dorval QC H9P2A6 336 Ashton Golding 119, Newton Square 250,00 0,00 250,00 120872 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1H9 337 Ashvin Patel 22, Papillon 230,00 0,00 230,00 121110 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5B9 338 Ashvin Patel 22, Papillon 230,00 0,00 230,00 121110 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5B9 339 Ashwin Kaushal 20, Parkdale 245,00 0,00 245,00 121164 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y3 340 Assaad Jammal 702, Graham 275,00 0,00 275,00 118043 Dorval QC H9P2B6 341 Assaf/Nadeau 2210, Swallow 250,00 0,00 250,00 123902 Dorval QC H9S2K3 342 Astrid LeFoley 11, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121864 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C2 343 Atek 133, Des Canots 190,00 0,00 190,00 116626 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X3 344 Attiwell 240, Handfield Circle 270,00 0,00 270,00 118315 Dorval QC H9S3V3 345 Aubie 116, Hastings 250,00 0,00 250,00 118395 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P3 346 Audet 130, Windward Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 125078 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H9 347 Auer 169, Georgia Cr. 380,00 0,00 380,00 117854 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y1 348 Austin McKell 109, Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 115340 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L4 349 Austin 1740, Wilshire 229,95 0,00 229,95 124997 Dorval QC H9P1S4 350 Austin 1740, Wilshire 250,00 0,00 250,00 124997 Dorval QC H9P1S4 351 Ayana Goin 1, Robinsdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 122279 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J4 352 Ayaz Mistry 258, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123205 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 353 Aysenil Ataogul 108, Summerhill 250,00 0,00 250,00 123676 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L5 354 Azmy 79, Aurora 275,00 0,00 275,00 113017 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G3 355 B Boucher 159, Douglas-Shand 275,00 0,00 275,00 116897 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E2 356 B D Wentzel 94, Charles 275,00 0,00 275,00 115326 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L1 357 B Ellement 60, Mount Pleasant 270,00 0,00 270,00 120716 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2T2 358 B Fillinger 148, Monterrey 275,00 0,00 275,00 120574 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W4


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 359 B Kubecki 119, Winthrop 250,00 0,00 250,00 125183 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W6 360 B Mitchell 155, Dieppe 290,00 0,00 290,00 116717 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X5 361 B Payson 23, Rodney 200,00 0,00 200,00 122331 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L8 362 B Payson 23, Rodney 275,00 0,00 275,00 122331 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L8 363 B Uman 242, Sedgefield 245,00 0,00 245,00 122581 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P2 364 B Warner 64, Hillside 534,93 0,00 534,93 118657 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E3 365 B. Hynes 43, Parkland 250,00 0,00 250,00 121313 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E6 366 B. Jeffcott 210, St-Jean 250,00 0,00 250,00 123000 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z2 367 B. Papadakis 43, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121184 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y6 368 B. Piltz 28, Parkland 275,00 0,00 275,00 121303 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E8 369 Babin 139, Ivanhoe Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 118793 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z9 370 Bacz 153, Westcliffe 270,00 0,00 270,00 124831 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M8 371 Baker 501, St-Léon 300,00 0,00 300,00 123058 Dorval QC H9P1Z8 372 Balkaran 1520, Hamilton Place 270,00 0,00 270,00 118249 Dorval QC H9S1H2 373 Bandet 635, St-Louis 190,00 0,00 190,00 123404 Dorval QC H9P2G3 374 Banque de développement du Canada - Québec Département des comptes spéciaux 58 186,00 0,00 58 186,00 Attn: Eric Verville 5 Place Ville Marie, Niveau Plaza, Édifice BDC 119994-02 Montréal QC H3B 5E7 375 Banque de développement du Canada - Québec Département des comptes spéciaux 23 780,00 0,00 23 780,00 Attn: Eric Verville 5 Place Ville Marie, Niveau Plaza, Édifice BDC 119994-03 Montréal QC H3B 5E7 376 Banu Onur 102, Longmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 119779 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A3 377 Barbara Davey 121, Winthrop 275,00 0,00 275,00 125185 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W6 378 Barbara Di Vito 132, Pickwood Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 121451 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M4 379 Barbara Latkowski 579, Prince Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 121842 Dorval QC H9R1Z2 380 Barbara Laverty 261, Touzin 200,00 0,00 200,00 124071 Dorval QC H9S2N1 381 Barbara Richard 91, Cartier 275,00 0,00 275,00 114772 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4R8

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 382 Barbara Riendeau 171, Claude 275,00 0,00 275,00 115626 Dorval QC H9S3A9 383 Barbara Rowan 122, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125072 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H9 384 Barbara Shapiro 105, Elgin 250,00 0,00 250,00 115490 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K3 385 Barbara Shapiro 105, Elgin 229,95 0,00 229,95 115490 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K3 386 Barbara Smith 161, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114367 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z5 387 Barbara Styrczula 29, Charles 275,00 0,00 275,00 115282 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4K6 388 Barbara Thompson/Dalziel 108, Bannister 275,00 0,00 275,00 113382 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M7 389 Barbara Wheeler 164, Sunnyside 572,45 0,00 572,45 123850 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V1 390 Barber 305, Donegani 250,00 0,00 250,00 116773 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2W5 391 Barber 105, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120043 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 392 Barnes 60, Elgin 250,00 0,00 250,00 117288 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K1 393 Barnes 117, Sundale 250,00 0,00 250,00 123696 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B7 394 Barr 115, Crestview 250,00 0,00 250,00 116247 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A2 395 Barrette 77, Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 115588 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W9 396 Barrette 1690, Torrence 275,00 0,00 275,00 124042 Dorval QC H9P1R7 397 Barrucco/Bourcier 74, Pardo 225,00 0,00 225,00 121123 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3H3 398 Barry Kagan 91, Rockwyn 250,00 0,00 250,00 122313 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W3 399 Barry S Robshaw 25, Sunnyview 250,00 0,00 250,00 123881 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B5 400 Bart Oldeman 111, Highgate 250,00 0,00 250,00 118533 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X5 401 Bartek 335, Allard 275,00 0,00 275,00 112911 Dorval QC H9S3C1 402 Barth Gillian 5, Condover 250,00 0,00 250,00 116029 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Y7 403 Batoul Sadeghi 135, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 122989 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z2 404 Bauer/Micak 78, Broadview 229,95 0,00 229,95 114328 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z4 405 Baumgartner 175, Boul. Des Sources 250,00 0,00 250,00 114043 Dorval QC H9S2J1

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 406 Baumgartner 175, Boul. Des Sources 250,00 0,00 250,00 114044 Dorval QC H9S2J1 407 Baur 245, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120765 Dorval QC H9S2L3 408 Bautista 1755, Brookdale 200,00 0,00 200,00 114423 Dorval QC H9P1X2 409 Baxter 166, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 113043 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T9 410 Baxter 168, Westcliffe 225,00 0,00 225,00 124845 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M9 411 Bazzocchi 1110, Prince Philip 275,00 0,00 275,00 121848 Dorval QC H9S5N8 412 Beatrice Lands 1870, Herron Crescent 229,95 0,00 229,95 118468 Dorval QC H9S1C6 413 Beatrice Snow 385, Lagacé 250,00 0,00 250,00 119272 Dorval QC H9S2M2 414 Beatrice White 142, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114139 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T8 415 Beattie 440, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123515 Dorval QC H9S2J4 416 Beauchamp 320, Lake 375,00 0,00 375,00 119317 Dorval QC H9S2J3 417 Beauchamp 679, Pine Beach 250,00 0,00 250,00 121592 Dorval QC H9P2K8 418 Beaudoin 275, Violet Cr. 220,00 0,00 220,00 124662 Dorval QC H9S3N8 419 Beaudoin/Cormier 694, Pine Beach 250,00 0,00 250,00 120421 Dorval QC H9P2L1 420 Beaulieu 246, Allard 190,00 0,00 190,00 113174 Dorval QC H9S3B9 421 Beaulieu 325, Brookhaven 504,95 0,00 504,95 114489 Dorval QC H9S2N6 422 Beaulieu 64, Kings 275,00 0,00 275,00 119108 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H2 423 Beaulieu 345, St-Louis 220,00 0,00 220,00 123299 Dorval QC H9S2S5 424 Beauregard 1760, Wilshire 500,00 0,00 500,00 125001 Dorval QC H9P1S4 425 Beauregard 618, Wright Crescent 200,00 0,00 200,00 125230 Dorval QC H9P2C2 426 Bedford 560, St-Léon 250,00 0,00 250,00 121656 Dorval QC H9P1Z9 427 Begin 25, De Breslay 350,00 0,00 350,00 116415 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 428 Bei Zheng 2170, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 114012 Dorval QC H9S2E6 429 Belair 154, Douglas-Shand 250,00 0,00 250,00 115476 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E3


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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 430 Béland 25, Lansdowne Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 119527 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B9 431 Belanger 155, Broadview 275,00 0,00 275,00 114361 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z5 432 Bell 23, Parkland 225,00 0,00 225,00 121298 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E6 433 Bellemare 281, Lepage 275,00 0,00 275,00 119612 Dorval QC H9S3E7 434 Bellman/Séguin 152, Valois Bay 250,00 0,00 250,00 124308 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B9 435 Belmonte 1630, Torrence 275,00 0,00 275,00 124037 Dorval QC H9P1R5 436 Belzile/Goyer 295, Jaillet 275,00 0,00 275,00 118842 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y3 437 Benjamin Pien 48, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113320 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G2 438 Benoit Lacoume 150, Viking 275,00 0,00 275,00 124539 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1K7 439 Benoit Provost 966, Bord-du-Lac Terrasse 335,00 0,00 335,00 114037 Dorval QC H9S5W7 440 Benwell 655, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115820 Dorval QC H9P2H5 441 Bercovitz 77, Bayview 270,00 0,00 270,00 113489 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C4 442 Berman 26, Horizon 190,00 0,00 190,00 118687 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 443 Berman 532, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123537 Dorval QC H9P2A2 444 Bernadette De Guzman 220, Lake 310,00 0,00 310,00 119303 Dorval QC H9S2J3 445 Bernard Blais 165, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125104 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J1 446 Bernard Denis 69, Hillside 250,00 0,00 250,00 118661 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E4 447 Bernard Lachapelle 348, Berkeley 275,00 0,00 275,00 113653 Dorval QC H9S1H4 448 Bernard Lachapelle 348, Berkeley 229,95 0,00 229,95 113653 Dorval QC H9S1H4 449 Bernard Marin 30, Bras-D'or 275,00 0,00 275,00 114220 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W7 450 Bernard Ouimet 256, Neptune 280,00 0,00 280,00 120768 Dorval QC H9S2L4 451 Bernard Wolf 54, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114311 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z2 452 Bernard/Hastings 81, Dahlia 250,00 0,00 250,00 116278 Dorval QC H9S3N3 453 Bernardelli 232, Sherwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 122636 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R8

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 454 Bernardino 93, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121969 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C6 455 Bernicky 552, Prince Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 121833 Dorval QC H9P1Z3 456 Bernier 1635, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 250,00 0,00 250,00 113785 Dorval QC H9S2E7 457 Bernier 7, Horizon 250,00 0,00 250,00 118668 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 458 Bernier/Pagé 24, Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 115564 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X1 459 Bertoia 253, Ste-Claire 300,00 0,00 300,00 122824 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4E5 460 Bertram 655, HydePark 250,00 0,00 250,00 118711 Dorval QC H9P1Z7 461 Bertrand Dagenais 120, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120056 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B3 462 Berube 160, Boylan 275,00 0,00 275,00 114090 Dorval QC H9S5L3 463 Betsy Hansford 113, Windward Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 125063 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H7 464 Bettina Tsartolias 400, Strathmore 190,00 0,00 190,00 123507 Dorval QC H9S2J4 465 Betty McKoy 57, Belmont 275,00 0,00 275,00 113566 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2N2 466 Bev Bell-Milsom 22, Carlisle 250,00 0,00 250,00 114958 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S9 467 Beverly Murphy 117, Newton Square 250,00 0,00 250,00 120871 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1H9 468 Beverly Preston 1725, Wilshire 250,00 0,00 250,00 124994 Dorval QC H9P1S3 469 Bianca Elizabeth 455, Starling 300,00 0,00 300,00 122762 Dorval QC H9S2K1 470 Bianca Ragusa 162, Lakeview 250,00 0,00 250,00 119401 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C1 471 Biernat 299, Tulip 325,00 0,00 325,00 124188 Dorval QC H9S3P5 472 Bigras/Daniel 744, Graham 250,00 0,00 250,00 118118 Dorval QC H9P2B6 473 Bilaj/Bernier 1145, Pierre-Mallet 275,00 0,00 275,00 121468 Dorval QC H9S5V9 474 Bilgin 117, Forest Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 117342 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T2 475 Billy Sevigny 285, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120131 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 476 Bin Jusoh 705, Graham 250,00 0,00 250,00 118044 Dorval QC H9P2B7 477 Bing Li 125, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120746 Dorval QC H9S2L3


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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 478 Binks 9, Killarney Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 119047 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X7 479 Birchenough 225, Monaco 275,00 0,00 275,00 120546 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R7 480 Bishai 637, Pine Beach 400,00 0,00 400,00 121578 Dorval QC H9P2K5 481 Bishara 109, Summerhill 275,00 0,00 275,00 123677 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L6 482 Bishara 109, Summerhill 229,95 0,00 229,95 123677 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L6 483 Bishop/Humphries 153, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116128 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S9 484 Bisson/Lemaire 12, Martin 250,00 0,00 250,00 120159 Dorval QC H9S3R3 485 Black Newin 1, Field 250,00 0,00 250,00 117628 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H3 486 Blair Coyle 22, Summerhill 275,00 0,00 275,00 123635 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K4 487 Blair Marshall 317, Berkeley Place 300,00 0,00 300,00 113675 Dorval QC H9S2Z1 488 Blair 209, Neptune 310,00 0,00 310,00 120755 Dorval QC H9S2L3 489 Blanchard/Paap-Morissette 138, Glenbrook Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 117372 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X8 490 Bleichert 1820, Herron Crescent 220,00 0,00 220,00 118463 Dorval QC H9S1C6 491 Blevins 110, Windward Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 125060 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H9 492 Bob Donnelly 326, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 129128 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z4 493 Bobby Grenier 379, Allard 190,00 0,00 190,00 112921 Dorval QC H9S3C1 494 Bochen Li 8, McConnell 275,00 0,00 275,00 120308 Dorval QC H9S5N9 495 Bogdan Lungulesu 259, Tulip 270,00 0,00 270,00 124171 Dorval QC H9S3P5 496 Bogdan Skorupa 296, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123255 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 497 Bogdana Marinescu 118, Hilary 190,00 0,00 190,00 118569 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S1 498 Bogna Wajda 44, Hampton Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 118296 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 499 Boisclair 135, Monterrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 120563 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W3 500 Boivin 285, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123240 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5L3 501 Bokor 13, Horizon 190,00 0,00 190,00 118674 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1

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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 502 Bonnie-Lee Dubeau 69, Eastview 175,00 0,00 175,00 129131 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1H3 503 Boone 3, Horizon 190,00 0,00 190,00 118664 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 504 Bossé 1565, Dawson 275,00 0,00 275,00 116382 Dorval QC H9S1Y5 505 Boston 277, Malcolm Circle 329,08 0,00 329,08 119998 Dorval QC H9S1T6 506 Boston 277, Malcolm Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 119998 Dorval QC H9S1T6 507 Bouchard 15, Cavell 316,18 0,00 316,18 115086 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3N3 508 Bouchard 140, Empress 250,00 0,00 250,00 117332 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R2 509 Bouchard 12, Horizon 270,00 0,00 270,00 118673 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 510 Boucher 9, Horizon 250,00 0,00 250,00 118670 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 511 Boudreau 553, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115795 Dorval QC H9P2H3 512 Boulerice 16, Queens 270,00 0,00 270,00 122049 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E9 513 Bourassa 24, Fifth 250,00 0,00 250,00 117662 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C7 514 Bourgeois 144, Winthrop 275,00 0,00 275,00 125202 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X1 515 Bourke 1735, Wilshire 250,00 0,00 250,00 124996 Dorval QC H9P1S3 516 Bourquin 52, Lansdowne Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 119550 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B9 517 Bousquet/Briere 59, Hampton Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 118309 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 518 Bouthillette/Bernier 119, Michigan 275,00 0,00 275,00 119452 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V7 519 Bouthillier 273, Lilas 287,44 0,00 287,44 119662 Dorval QC H9S3M5 520 Bouthillier 273, Lilas 250,00 0,00 250,00 119662 Dorval QC H9S3M5 521 Bouthillier 521, St-Léon 250,00 0,00 250,00 123068 Dorval QC H9P1Z8 522 Boutin 140, Allard 250,00 0,00 250,00 113154 Dorval QC H9S3B7 523 Boyer 368, Courtland 250,00 0,00 250,00 116193 Dorval QC H9S2R9 524 Bozena Leskiewicz 103, Aurora 275,00 0,00 275,00 113351 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G6 525 Bozena Paslawski 6, Bras-D'or 275,00 0,00 275,00 114207 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W4


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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 526 Bozenna Krajewska 1625, Dawson 250,00 0,00 250,00 116384 Dorval QC H9S1Y7 527 Brad Daigle 614, Thorncrest 200,00 0,00 200,00 123998 Dorval QC H9P2M7 528 Brad Whitmore 98, Parkdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 121230 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y7 529 Brady Deegan 161, Pointe-Claire Avenue 190,00 0,00 190,00 121796 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M7 530 Brahim Bensenouci 123, Avondale 275,00 0,00 275,00 125432 Beaconsfield QC H9W5L6 531 Brais/Randall 465, Brookhaven 275,00 0,00 275,00 114525 Dorval QC H9S2N6 532 Brakchi 218, St-Jean 300,00 0,00 300,00 123003 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z3 533 Bralexo Investissements Ltée 1820, Dawson 229,95 0,00 229,95 116395 Dorval QC H9S1Z1 534 Bralexo Investissements Ltée 1820, Dawson 275,00 0,00 275,00 116395 Dorval QC H9S1Z1 535 Brault 290, Cloverdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 115881 Dorval QC H9S3J5 536 Brazeau 225, Allard 190,00 0,00 190,00 113165 Dorval QC H9S3B8 537 Breger 415, Caledonia 275,00 0,00 275,00 114660 Dorval QC H9S2Y1 538 Brenda Lecours 292, Malcolm Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 120002 Dorval QC H9S1T7 539 Brenda Timmons 67, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113331 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G3 540 Brendan Magill 131, Yonge Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 125283 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M1 541 Brendan Remenyi 609, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115807 Dorval QC H9P2H5 542 Brent Bassermann 465, Elmridge 270,00 0,00 270,00 117455 Dorval QC H9S3A1 543 Brent Smitheman 116, Maywood 200,00 0,00 200,00 120278 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3L8 544 Bresciani 127, Astoria 250,00 0,00 250,00 113260 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B1 545 Bretzel 151, Duke-of-Kent 275,00 0,00 275,00 117026 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y1 546 Brian Bevand 215, Tulip 250,00 0,00 250,00 124159 Dorval QC H9S3P4 547 Brian Bourne 44, Chester 270,00 0,00 270,00 115399 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J1 548 Brian Buffett 4, Terrasse Armand 504,95 0,00 504,95 123950 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E7 549 Brian Howard 64, Montrose 275,00 0,00 275,00 120607 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S4

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 550 Brian Ireland 33, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 115395 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H8 551 Brian Kenemy 120, Windcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 125037 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W1 552 Brian Kouri 114, Longmeadow 275,00 0,00 275,00 119761 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X2 553 Brian Matte 66, Montrose 250,00 0,00 250,00 120609 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S4 554 Brian O'Leary 108, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113406 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z8 555 Brian Panarinfo 14, Prince-Edward 275,00 0,00 275,00 121866 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C3 556 Brian Parrack 105, Sundale 479,95 0,00 479,95 123684 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B7 557 Brian R Finn 175, Radisson 275,00 0,00 275,00 122173 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V2 558 Brian Ruse 230, Meredith 275,00 0,00 275,00 120365 Dorval QC H9S2Y7 559 Brian Sinnott 42, Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 115577 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X1 560 Brian Taylor 169, Alton 275,00 0,00 275,00 127597 Beaconsfield QC H9W2Z1 561 Brian 63, Mount Pleasant 250,00 0,00 250,00 120719 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2T3 562 Bridget Dussault 337, St-Louis 290,00 0,00 290,00 123293 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z6 563 Bridget Heffernan 795, Graham 250,00 0,00 250,00 118132 Dorval QC H9P2B7 564 Brière 668, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115824 Dorval QC H9P2H8 565 Brière 668, Clement 287,44 0,00 287,44 115824 Dorval QC H9P2H8 566 Brigitte Desrosiers 260, Vista 275,00 0,00 275,00 124697 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R7 567 Brigitte Dubé 386, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123332 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A2 568 Brigitte Ricard 285, Roy 275,00 0,00 275,00 122396 Dorval QC H9S3C9 569 Brinja Levesque 8, Nicholson 275,00 0,00 275,00 120893 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A2 570 Brisebois 114, Ivanhoe Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 118775 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z8 571 Britten 321, Cloverdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 115894 Dorval QC H9S3J6 572 Broadbent 81, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122084 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G3 573 Brock Howell 661, Wright Crescent 190,00 0,00 190,00 125246 Dorval QC H9P2C4


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 574 Brock 1765, Castlefield 220,00 0,00 220,00 115075 Dorval QC H9P1V9 575 Brock/Lis 1835, Carson 250,00 0,00 250,00 115017 Dorval QC H9S1N5 576 Bromilow 82, Elmwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 117477 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M4 577 Brooke Gaisford 295, Inglewood 220,00 0,00 220,00 118759 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z4 578 Brossard 109, Longmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 119783 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A4 579 Brosseau 612, Dubord Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 116954 Dorval QC H9P1N4 580 Brossoit/Valois 42, Aurora 275,00 0,00 275,00 113314 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G2 581 Brouillet 454, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123372 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A2 582 Brown 117, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114125 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T6 583 Brown 1770, Brookdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 114426 Dorval QC H9P1X4 584 Brown 590, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115804 Dorval QC H9P2H4 585 Brown 27, Parkland 250,00 0,00 250,00 121302 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E6 586 Brown 682, Wright Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 125254 Dorval QC H9P2C5 587 Brown/Notargiacomo 398, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123340 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A2 588 Browne 260, MacLean 260,00 0,00 260,00 119879 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y1 589 Brownie 635, Dubord Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 116963 Dorval QC H9P1N5 590 Bruce Anderson 100, Yonge Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 125260 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L9 591 Bruce Tracy 38, White Pine Drive 275,00 0,00 275,00 130232 Beaconsfield QC H9W5E3 592 Bruce Walsh 24, Sunnyview 275,00 0,00 275,00 123880 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B7 593 Brunet 62, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121730 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 594 Brunet 350, Watson 275,00 0,00 275,00 124726 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4E7 595 Brunet/Lavoie 1470, Carson 275,00 0,00 275,00 114808 Dorval QC H9S1M8 596 Brunetti 59, Ponner 479,95 0,00 479,95 121625 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4W4 597 Bruno Azoulay 107, Highgate 250,00 0,00 250,00 118531 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X5


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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 598 Bruno Cote 614, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124943 Dorval QC H9P2M5 599 Bruno D'Amico 308, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123492 Dorval QC H9S2J4 600 Bruno Simon 72, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119111 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H2 601 Bryan Joubert 590, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123396 Dorval QC H9P2E9 602 Bryan Leblanc 362, Mimosa 275,00 0,00 275,00 120530 Dorval QC H9S3K6 603 Buaquina 616, Dubord Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 116956 Dorval QC H9P1N4 604 Buckiewicz 365, Stream 275,00 0,00 275,00 123614 Dorval QC H9S2P8 605 Buckley 102, Michigan 250,00 0,00 250,00 120444 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V6 606 Burch 110, St-Jean 405,00 0,00 405,00 122980 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y9 607 Burns 71, Belmont 250,00 0,00 250,00 113574 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2N6 608 Bussiere 70, Montrose 220,00 0,00 220,00 120610 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S4 609 Butler 51, Elmwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 117458 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M2 610 C A Gelinas 151, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121788 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M7 611 C Benezra 302, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123264 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 612 C Byrnes 236, Frobisher 275,00 0,00 275,00 117740 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4T5 613 C Cheung 651, Rockcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 122300 Dorval QC H9P2E2 614 C Colagiovanni 264, Louise-L'amy 220,00 0,00 220,00 119813 Dorval QC H9S5V4 615 C Dagenais 138, Sunnyside 275,00 0,00 275,00 123829 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T8 616 C D'Aoust 84, Kirkwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 125740 Beaconsfield QC H9W5L4 617 C E Zygmuntowicz 67, Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 115584 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W9 618 C L Delacretaz 194, Creswell 275,00 0,00 275,00 128352 Beaconsfield QC H9W1E9 619 C Leroux-Lachapelle 380, Mimosa 275,00 0,00 275,00 120534 Dorval QC H9S3K6 620 C Morneau 44, Drayton 240,00 0,00 240,00 116928 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V2 621 C R Baird 141, Sherbrooke 270,00 0,00 270,00 130042 Beaconsfield QC H9W1N8

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 622 C R Belson 45, Belton 287,44 0,00 287,44 113631 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A3 623 C Ringler-Nguyen 259, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123206 Dorval QC H9S2S3 624 C Rulli 14, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121158 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y3 625 C W Rose 1835, Dawson 275,00 0,00 275,00 116398 Dorval QC H9S1Z2 626 C Watson 177, Coolbreeze 190,00 0,00 190,00 116135 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S9 627 C Watson 439, Delmar 250,00 0,00 250,00 116584 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A3 628 C Z Francis 449, Delmar 229,95 0,00 229,95 116590 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A3 629 C. Fortier 17, Clearview 250,00 0,00 250,00 115707 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C6 630 C/Carla Gorman/Letourneau 46, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 115400 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J1 631 Cachia 60, Ashburton 275,00 0,00 275,00 113121 Dorval QC H9S5K2 632 Cadorette 153, Sedgefield 250,00 0,00 250,00 122529 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 633 Cadot 39, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121880 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C4 634 Calbert 151, Douglas-Shand 311,82 0,00 311,82 115473 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E2 635 Calbert 153, Douglas-Shand 229,95 0,00 229,95 115475 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E2 636 Caleb Brereton 508, Westwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 124907 Dorval QC H9P2M3 637 Callary 140, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 121905 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G6 638 Camacho/Picard 112, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114121 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T1 639 Camalaneshan Sinnanainar 348, Raimbault 250,00 0,00 250,00 122227 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V1 640 Camel Zahoulni 6, Brunet 300,00 0,00 300,00 114530 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T2 641 Cameron Fortin 29, Belton 250,00 0,00 250,00 125297 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z8 642 Cameron Mackey 36, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116423 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N1 643 Camille Girard 564, Prince Charles 285,00 0,00 285,00 121837 Dorval QC H9P1Z3 644 Camille Hartmann 285, Allard 250,00 0,00 250,00 112900 Dorval QC H9S3B8 645 Camille Meloche 70, Aurora 380,00 0,00 380,00 113334 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G4


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 646 Camille Perron 1084, Courcelles 275,00 0,00 275,00 116171 Dorval QC H9S5P8 647 Camirand 20, Brunet 250,00 0,00 250,00 114539 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T5 648 Campanelli/Padron 66, Elgin 240,00 0,00 240,00 117294 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K1 649 Campbell 440, Stream 250,00 0,00 250,00 123630 Dorval QC H9S2P5 650 Canadian Payment Services 27 900,00 0,00 27 900,00

651 Candis Steenbergen 138, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 121903 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G6 652 Canty 137, Monterrey 270,00 0,00 270,00 120564 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W3 653 Caporicci 415, Allard 945,00 0,00 945,00 112929 Dorval QC H9S3C1 654 Capro 1120, Montigny 275,00 0,00 275,00 120590 Dorval QC H9S5N7 655 Capuano 75, Bayview 250,00 0,00 250,00 113487 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C4 656 Cara Lyn Di Caprio 163, Broadview 275,00 0,00 275,00 114369 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z5 657 Cara Lyn Di Caprio 298, St-Louis 270,00 0,00 270,00 123258 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 658 Carbray 169, Sedgefield 250,00 0,00 250,00 122541 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N9 659 Cardi/di Nardo 122, Alston 275,00 0,00 275,00 112961 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3E4 660 Cardilli 34, Prince-Edward 275,00 0,00 275,00 121877 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C5 661 Cardinal 190, Malcolm Circle 479,95 0,00 479,95 119972 Dorval QC H9S1T4 662 Cardinal 138, Radisson 225,00 0,00 225,00 122140 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E6 663 Cardinal 689, Wright Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 125257 Dorval QC H9P2C4 664 Carina/Daniel Groombridge/Staton 1775, Brookdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 114427 Dorval QC H9P1X2 665 Carkaxhija 612, Avila - Legault 190,00 0,00 190,00 113204 Dorval QC H9P2X4 666 Carl Brown 184, Sedgefield 275,00 0,00 275,00 122556 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N7 667 Carl Howarth 149, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114699 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E3 668 Carla Iacovelli 9, Valois Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 124326 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V3 669 Carla Tittley 37, Cedar 275,00 0,00 275,00 115121 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X9


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 670 Carlo Coppola 240, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120102 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y2 671 Carlos Alvarez Caro 212, Vinet 275,00 0,00 275,00 124212 Dorval QC H9S2M6 672 Carlos Gomes 76, Cedar 250,00 0,00 250,00 115142 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y4 673 Carlos Mejia 1830, Dawson 275,00 0,00 275,00 116397 Dorval QC H9S1Z1 674 Carlos Pasqual 1, Tampico 250,00 0,00 250,00 123924 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z4 675 Carlson/Wasson 291, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123248 Dorval QC H9S2S3 676 Carmela Bertone 242, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120104 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y2 677 Carmela Martinez 285, Dumouchel 275,00 0,00 275,00 117110 Dorval QC H9S2H3 678 Carmelina Tavone 51, Cedar 280,00 0,00 280,00 115127 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y3 679 Carmen Bailey 1515, Kirkland Place 250,00 0,00 250,00 119198 Dorval QC H9S1E1 680 Carmen Binette 12, Victoria 250,00 0,00 250,00 124455 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4S3 681 Carmen Pietracupa 153, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125097 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J1 682 Carmine Maurizio 11, Nicholson 200,00 0,00 200,00 120896 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A2 683 Carol Black Baxendine 126, Marlin Cr. 504,95 0,00 504,95 120062 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B3 684 Carol Canaan 262, Hickory 275,00 0,00 275,00 118493 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R9 685 Carol Dimentberg 375, Oakville 250,00 0,00 250,00 120683 Dorval QC H9S2R3 686 Carol Shipman 144, Stillview 250,00 0,00 250,00 122899 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X8 687 Carol Thornton 136, Pickwood Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 121455 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M4 688 Carol Tripp 4, Saddlewood 190,00 0,00 190,00 122412 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S6 689 Carol Walker 91, Drayton 250,00 0,00 250,00 116944 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V5 690 Carol-Ann Brehn 143, Des Canots 250,00 0,00 250,00 116631 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X3 691 Carole Clement 65, Sevigny 250,00 0,00 250,00 122629 Dorval QC H9S3V8 692 Carole Poirier 220, Malcolm Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 119980 Dorval QC H9S1T5 693 Caroline Baker 130, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116703 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 694 Caroline Bouffard 75, Pointe-Claire Avenue 190,00 0,00 190,00 121739 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M6 695 Caroline Burns 121, Pickwood Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 121443 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M3 696 Caroline Hebert 151, Glenbrook Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 117942 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X9 697 Caroline Landry/Prieto 30, Whitehead Terrasse 275,00 0,00 275,00 124965 Dorval QC H9S5M4 698 Caroline Saint - Aubin 52, Hampton Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 118303 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 699 Caroline Townshend 103, Ashington 250,00 0,00 250,00 113214 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z1 700 Carolyn Catania 81, Nicholson 275,00 0,00 275,00 120937 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A1 701 Carolyn Deme 80, Montrose 250,00 0,00 250,00 120614 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S4 702 Carolyn Sawyer 35, Glendale 250,00 0,00 250,00 125612 Beaconsfield QC H9W5P6 703 Carolyn Schridrer 96, Elmwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 117231 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M4 704 Carolyn Silas 49, Hartford 275,00 0,00 275,00 118175 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C7 705 Carolyn Weir 325, Thorncrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 123982 Dorval QC H9S2X9 706 Caron 20, Hampton Gardens 479,95 0,00 479,95 118273 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 707 Carr 35, Mount Pleasant 275,00 0,00 275,00 120657 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S8 708 Carriere 110, Kings 190,00 0,00 190,00 119134 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H4 709 Carroll 103, Beechnut 250,00 0,00 250,00 113510 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2B1 710 Carter 601, Neptune 270,00 0,00 270,00 120832 Dorval QC H9P2A7 711 Cartwright 141, Empress 250,00 0,00 250,00 117333 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P5 712 Cassandra Leslie 4, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121148 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y3 713 Castano 34, Belmont 275,00 0,00 275,00 113551 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M9 714 Castro 265, Allard 190,00 0,00 190,00 112896 Dorval QC H9S3B8 715 Castro 362, Courtland 250,00 0,00 250,00 116191 Dorval QC H9S2R9 716 Caswell / Wilson 122, Pickwood Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 121444 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M4 717 Catherine Aouad 154, Dieppe 270,00 0,00 270,00 116716 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 718 Catherine Battershill 368, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 115479 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z1 719 Catherine Bedic 148, Ivanhoe Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 118802 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z8 720 Catherine Blain 1320, Kingsley 275,00 0,00 275,00 119174 Dorval QC H9S1G1 721 Catherine Blunt 316, Raimbault 190,00 0,00 190,00 122205 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5T9 722 Catherine Boehme 2290, Swallow 190,00 0,00 190,00 123920 Dorval QC H9S2K5 723 Catherine Bolton 425, Lagacé 250,00 0,00 250,00 119278 Dorval QC H9S2M2 724 Catherine Bolton 425, Lagacé 229,95 0,00 229,95 119278 Dorval QC H9S2M2 725 Catherine Broady 12, Bowling Green 250,00 0,00 250,00 114073 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W1 726 Catherine Caza 144, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113434 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z8 727 Catherine Collins 360, Oakville 275,00 0,00 275,00 121069 Dorval QC H9S2R4 728 Catherine Daignault 615, Dubord Cr. 288,23 0,00 288,23 116955 Dorval QC H9P1N5 729 Catherine Fournier 105, Newton Square 250,00 0,00 250,00 120680 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1H9 730 Catherine Fraser 17, Tampico 250,00 0,00 250,00 123936 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z7 731 Catherine Gagne-Walder 73, Bayview 250,00 0,00 250,00 113485 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C4 732 Catherine Godbout 151, Hastings 275,00 0,00 275,00 118421 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P8 733 Catherine Heroux 18, Jervis Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 118902 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X7 734 Catherine Hornsey 5, Lancaster 400,00 0,00 400,00 119505 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A9 735 Catherine Lapierre 102, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113746 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J1 736 Catherine Lefebvre 1630, Turcot 250,00 0,00 250,00 124201 Dorval QC H9S1G5 737 Catherine Pellerin 126, Yonge Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125278 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L9 738 Catherine Renaud 104, Windcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 125021 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W1 739 Catherine Rozon 157, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114707 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E3 740 Catherine So 109, Longmeadow 270,00 0,00 270,00 118112 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X3 741 Catherine Tellier 2180, Swallow 250,00 0,00 250,00 123130 Dorval QC H9S2K3


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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 742 Catherine Vitello 49, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113321 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G1 743 Cathie Newey 146, Sunnyside 316,18 0,00 316,18 123832 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V1 744 Cathie Newey 146, Sunnyside 275,00 0,00 275,00 123832 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V1 745 Cathy Ladd 149, Glenbrook Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 117940 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X9 746 Cathy Levesque 2165, Goldfinch 190,00 0,00 190,00 117969 Dorval QC H9P1M8 747 Cathy Shetler 456, Delmar 479,95 0,00 479,95 116597 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A4 748 Cathy Strokowsky 83, Fairlawn Crescent 275,00 0,00 275,00 125542 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R3 749 Cathy Vallieres 22, De L'église 275,00 0,00 275,00 116493 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5J2 750 Cauton 531, Strathmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 123536 Dorval QC H9P2A1 751 Cebritas 610, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115808 Dorval QC H9P2H6 752 Cecily Ranger 96, Prince-Edward 190,00 0,00 190,00 121972 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C7 753 Celina Mowad 167, Regatta 250,00 0,00 250,00 122259 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z5 754 Celine Blanchard 110, Summerhill 250,00 0,00 250,00 123678 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L5 755 Centre Marc Vanier 245, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115732 Dorval QC H9S2T1 756 Centre Marc Vanier 245, Clement 229,95 0,00 229,95 115732 Dorval QC H9S2T1 757 Cernea 368, Raimbault 190,00 0,00 190,00 122243 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V1 758 Chadia and Ben 106, Champs D'avions 200,00 0,00 200,00 115235 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S7 759 Chaif 114, Hilary 200,00 0,00 200,00 118565 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R8 760 Chaif 1780, Torrence 250,00 0,00 250,00 124055 Dorval QC H9P1R9 761 Chainey 107, Windcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 125024 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W2 762 Chaks 102, Winthrop 275,00 0,00 275,00 125169 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W5 763 Chalifour 9, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116407 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 764 Chan 323, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118201 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A1 765 Chandik 1610, Surrey 355,00 0,00 355,00 123891 Dorval QC H9P1W4

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 766 Chantal Blouin 356, Mimosa 250,00 0,00 250,00 120529 Dorval QC H9S3K6 767 Chantal Daoust 85, Vincennes 275,00 0,00 275,00 124554 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M1 768 Chantal Lamontagne 23, Viburnum 340,00 0,00 340,00 124413 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5A3 769 Chantal Levesque 166, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124844 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M9 770 Chantal Morrissette 1755, Wilshire 250,00 0,00 250,00 125000 Dorval QC H9P1S3 771 Chantal Poitras 1825, Brentwood 270,00 0,00 270,00 114244 Dorval QC H9S1K3 772 Chantal Ste-Marie 103, Belmont 275,00 0,00 275,00 113579 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2N9 773 Chantale Bacon 69, Brunet 275,00 0,00 275,00 114572 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T7 774 Chantale Lacoste 139, Coolbreeze 275,00 0,00 275,00 116120 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S9 775 Chantale Lacroix 91, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113733 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4H7 776 Chanthachone Keosavang 182, Cameron Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 114718 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5H4 777 Chao Liu 116, Chaucer 190,00 0,00 190,00 115367 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4V3 778 Chao Zhang 34, Compton Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 115982 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V5 779 Chapman/Boucher 113, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116449 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 780 Chaput 1855, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113985 Dorval QC H9S2G1 781 Charbonneau 8, Horizon 250,00 0,00 250,00 118669 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 782 Charette 11, Westwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 124889 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y6 783 Charles Baillargeon 80, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116096 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S7 784 Charles Burtles 571, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123543 Dorval QC H9P2A3 785 Charles Carlisle 125, Longmeadow 250,00 0,00 250,00 119772 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X3 786 Charles Carriere 2165, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 250,00 0,00 250,00 114011 Dorval QC H9S2G4 787 Charles Duguay 561, Oriole Cr. 190,00 0,00 190,00 120699 Dorval QC H9P1P3 788 Charles Gariepy 370, Pine Beach 310,00 0,00 310,00 121527 Dorval QC H9S2W6 789 Charles Henderson 129, Spartan Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 122708 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R4

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 790 Charles Hindle 2285, Swallow 250,00 0,00 250,00 123919 Dorval QC H9S2K6 791 Charles Johnston 18, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121162 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y3 792 Charles Laroque 157, Radisson 275,00 0,00 275,00 122156 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E7 793 Charlesworth 76, Valois Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 124268 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B3 794 Charmain Stephens 113, Windcrest 275,00 0,00 275,00 125030 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W2 795 Charmaine Houston 125, Belmont 250,00 0,00 250,00 113593 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2P7 796 Charron 353, Raimbault 250,00 0,00 250,00 122232 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V1 797 Charron 637, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124950 Dorval QC H9P2M4 798 Chartier 10, Cedar 250,00 0,00 250,00 115100 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y1 799 Chartier 465, Starling 250,00 0,00 250,00 122764 Dorval QC H9S2K1 800 Chartrain 133, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120064 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 801 Chartrand 165, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116721 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X5 802 Chartrand 655, Dubord Cr. 200,00 0,00 200,00 116970 Dorval QC H9P1N5 803 Chase 129, Valois Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 124295 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B8 804 Chauvel 381, Cloverdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 115913 Dorval QC H9S3J6 805 Chavez 569, Oriole Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 120702 Dorval QC H9P1P3 806 Cheasley 24, Winston Circle 300,00 0,00 300,00 125133 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X6 807 Chelsea Bell 57, Pointe-Claire Avenue 170,00 0,00 170,00 121726 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M4 808 Chen 76, Coolbreeze 275,00 0,00 275,00 116089 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S5 809 Chen 698, Dubord Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 116985 Dorval QC H9P1N8 810 Chen 75, Saddlewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 122459 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S4 811 Cheng 475, Starling 250,00 0,00 250,00 122766 Dorval QC H9S2K1 812 Chenxiao Zhang 8, Chester 275,00 0,00 275,00 115377 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H7 813 Cheryl Couchman 588, Starling 250,00 0,00 250,00 122792 Dorval QC H9P1V5


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 814 Cheryl McLachlan 1, Wilton 275,00 0,00 275,00 125007 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X3 815 Cheryl Watson 129, Monterrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 120559 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W3 816 Cheyne 186, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114156 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V5 817 Chibok 113, Ivanhoe Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 118774 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z9 818 Chin Hsieh 1050, 5th Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 112870 Dorval QC H9S1J2 819 Chisolm 110, McNicoll 515,00 0,00 515,00 120325 Dorval QC H9S3W4 820 Chong/Yu 150, Maywood 275,00 0,00 275,00 120297 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M2 821 Choudhry 660, Rockcliffe 190,00 0,00 190,00 122302 Dorval QC H9P2E3 822 Chris and Karen Scallon/Dewyn 94, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122094 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G4 823 Chris Ayoub 41, Mount Pleasant 250,00 0,00 250,00 120662 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S8 824 Chris Callaghan 275, Green Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 118219 Dorval QC H9S3T7 825 Chris Carter 57, De Breslay 275,00 0,00 275,00 115518 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 826 Chris De Verteuil 84, Prince-Edward 190,00 0,00 190,00 121963 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C7 827 Chris Derrig 119, Windcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 125036 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W2 828 Chris Georgiadis 53, Wildtree Drive 275,00 0,00 275,00 130261 Beaconsfield QC H9W5G2 829 Chris Hanck 29, Claude 250,00 0,00 250,00 125517 Beaconsfield QC H9W4E9 830 Chris Hoffman 62, Little Rock 260,00 0,00 260,00 119736 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G4 831 Chris Lefebvre 149, Arrowhead Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 113110 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V4 832 Chris McCooeye 37, Belton 250,00 0,00 250,00 113628 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A2 833 Chris McCunn/Pedroso 107, Hastings 275,00 0,00 275,00 118386 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P4 834 Chris Robinson 58, Kings 270,00 0,00 270,00 119104 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G9 835 Chris Rubino 129, Nightingale 225,00 0,00 225,00 129911 Beaconsfield QC H9W1C7 836 Chris Staddon 580, Rockcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 122288 Dorval QC H9P2C7 837 Chris Stephens 111, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114120 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T5


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 838 Chris Willard 685, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120843 Dorval QC H9P2A7 839 Chris/Vivianne Mc Gowan/Touchette 1815, Windermere 250,00 0,00 250,00 125045 Dorval QC H9S1G8 840 Christel Hagen 76, Lucerne 229,95 0,00 229,95 119867 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V2 841 Christel Hagen 76, Lucerne 250,00 0,00 250,00 119867 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V2 842 Christian Michaud 2270, Partridge 275,00 0,00 275,00 121364 Dorval QC H9P1V8 843 Christian Miller 305, Starling 250,00 0,00 250,00 122743 Dorval QC H9S2J8 844 Christian Richard 203, Lagacé 270,00 0,00 270,00 119210 Dorval QC H9S2L9 845 Christian Therien 15, Saddlewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 122420 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S6 846 Christiane Girard 9, Cardiff 250,00 0,00 250,00 114756 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1G1 847 Christiane Martel 55, Little Rock 275,00 0,00 275,00 119729 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G5 848 Christie 211, Louise-L'amy 190,00 0,00 190,00 119802 Dorval QC H9S5Z4 849 Christina Chough 79, Watford 275,00 0,00 275,00 125890 Beaconsfield QC H9W5P1 850 Christina Daoussis 358, Raimbault 250,00 0,00 250,00 122236 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V1 851 Christina Forest 214, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 123002 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z3 852 Christina Leddy 48, Ponner 275,00 0,00 275,00 121614 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X9 853 Christina Masecchia 159, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 290,00 0,00 290,00 113847 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J9 854 Christina Pottie 610, Strathmore 285,00 0,00 285,00 123558 Dorval QC H9P2A2 855 Christina Rey 236, Allard 275,00 0,00 275,00 113170 Dorval QC H9S3B8 856 Christine Borodula 58, Coolbreeze 275,00 0,00 275,00 116076 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S5 857 Christine Buchholz 2, Compton Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 115950 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V6 858 Christine Burelle 8, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116406 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M9 859 Christine Cartwright 103, Windcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 125020 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W2 860 Christine Ciampini 415, Delmar 476,29 0,00 476,29 116565 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A3 861 Christine Dane 8, Paris 250,00 0,00 250,00 121138 Pointe-Claire QC H9P2X3

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 862 Christine Elie 42, Pointe-Claire Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 121713 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 863 Christine Gauthier 2145, Goldfinch 275,00 0,00 275,00 117966 Dorval QC H9P1M8 864 Christine Gritsas 223, St-Louis 240,00 0,00 240,00 123163 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5L6 865 Christine Harvey 33, Kanata 250,00 0,00 250,00 118998 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V3 866 Christine Lacki 113, Metis 250,00 0,00 250,00 120439 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E5 867 Christine Levreault 52, Hartford 250,00 0,00 250,00 118178 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C8 868 Christine McDowell 5, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124883 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y6 869 Christine Nairn 112, Sunnyside 275,00 0,00 275,00 123812 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T6 870 Christine Olliver 445, Strathmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 123516 Dorval QC H9S2J7 871 Christine Pfundner 56, Bras-D'or 190,00 0,00 190,00 114231 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W8 872 Christine Starnes 159, Braebrook 220,00 0,00 220,00 114152 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V2 873 Christine Yeager 4, Hornell 250,00 0,00 250,00 118690 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R3 874 Christophe Lallemand 430, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124118 Dorval QC H9S2N2 875 Christopher Baker 103, Brunet 270,00 0,00 270,00 113808 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T9 876 Christopher Blasko 102, Saddlewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 121632 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 877 Christopher Cabral 116, Sundale 250,00 0,00 250,00 123695 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B6 878 Christopher Chadwick 8, Allard 275,00 0,00 275,00 127585 Kirkland QC H9H5L1 879 Christopher Gervais 117, Kings 275,00 0,00 275,00 119142 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H5 880 Christopher Hannan 116, Cragmore 270,00 0,00 270,00 116230 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M1 881 Christopher Higgins 53, Sweetbriar Drive 285,00 0,00 285,00 125859 Beaconsfield QC H9W5M4 882 Christopher Jacques 350, Louise-L'amy 220,00 0,00 220,00 119833 Dorval QC H9S5V8 883 Christopher Kack 133, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 121902 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G5 884 Christopher Leone 111, Empress 275,00 0,00 275,00 117520 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P5 885 Christopher von-Roretz 325, Lagacé 250,00 0,00 250,00 119252 Dorval QC H9S2M2


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 886 Christophory 346, Linnet Cr. 190,00 0,00 190,00 119704 Dorval QC H9S2K9 887 Chu Lan Lin 23, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123789 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G6 888 Chuan Hao Lin 70, Whitehead Terrasse 275,00 0,00 275,00 124973 Dorval QC H9S5M4 889 Chung 7, Cardiff 275,00 0,00 275,00 114754 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1G1 890 Cicali/Persechino 121, Braebrook 290,00 0,00 290,00 114128 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T7 891 Cindy Jack 179, Ruskin 275,00 0,00 275,00 128938 Beaconsfield QC H9W2Y1 892 Cindy Leclerc 9, Parkland 275,00 0,00 275,00 121286 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E6 893 Cindy MacIntosh 430, Stream 250,00 0,00 250,00 123628 Dorval QC H9S2P5 894 Cindy Mikromastoris 425, Touzin 270,00 0,00 270,00 124117 Dorval QC H9S2N3 895 Cinzia Vittorio 3, John-Fisher 275,00 0,00 275,00 125315 Pointe-Claire QC H9R0A9 896 Claes 350, Lagacé 250,00 0,00 250,00 119261 Dorval QC H9S2M3 897 Claire Filiatrault 1740, Surrey 200,00 0,00 200,00 123114 Dorval QC H9P1W8 898 Claire Garneau Chaniotis 189, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 400,00 0,00 400,00 113861 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4K1 899 Claire Nash 23, Jervis Bay 250,00 0,00 250,00 118905 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X6 900 Claire Pelletier 11, Raynor 250,00 0,00 250,00 122252 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5H7 901 Claris Ngantchou 150, Fairlawn Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 125570 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R4 902 Claude & Nicole Vallee 349, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115499 Dorval QC H9S2T3 903 Claude Cousineau 85, Pointe-Claire Avenue 180,00 0,00 180,00 121745 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M6 904 Claude Labbe 103, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125055 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H7 905 Claude Macdonald 94, Kirkwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 125746 Beaconsfield QC H9W5L4 906 Claude Montambault 1, Coolbreeze 229,95 0,00 229,95 116045 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G3 907 Claude Montambault 1, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116045 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G3 908 Claude Paquet 230, Vinet 250,00 0,00 250,00 124218 Dorval QC H9S2M6 909 Claude Rizk 90, Sussex Drive 275,00 0,00 275,00 130145 Beaconsfield QC H9W3G1

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 910 Claude Valiquet 289, Georges V 190,00 0,00 190,00 117801 Dorval QC H9S3S8 911 Claudia Chois 26, Lansdowne Gardens 190,00 0,00 190,00 119528 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B9 912 Claudia Davies 54, Ashburton 275,00 0,00 275,00 113117 Dorval QC H9S5K2 913 Claudia Demers 650, Hyde Park 250,00 0,00 250,00 118710 Dorval QC H9P1Z6 914 Claudia Miranda Zavala 417, Delmar 275,00 0,00 275,00 116567 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A3 915 Claudia Perez 160, Braebrook 270,00 0,00 270,00 114153 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T9 916 Claudine Drouin 88, Highgate 190,00 0,00 190,00 118517 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5E2 917 Claudio Piscina 349, Lagacé 250,00 0,00 250,00 119260 Dorval QC H9S2M2 918 Claudio Piscina 421, St-Louis 270,00 0,00 270,00 121926 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A6 919 Claudio Spera 156, Sedgefield 275,00 0,00 275,00 122531 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N6 920 Claudio Vecchio 2135, Swallow 250,00 0,00 250,00 123125 Dorval QC H9S2K4 921 Clement Cateau 35, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121709 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M4 922 Clement Fortin 260, Brookhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 114473 Dorval QC H9S2N4 923 Clement 195, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123083 Dorval QC H9S2S1 924 Clementina Clerici 375, Courtland 250,00 0,00 250,00 116196 Dorval QC H9S2R8 925 Clermont 8, Golf 280,00 0,00 280,00 117979 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N5 926 Cliff Davies 1, Laurelwood 225,00 0,00 225,00 118073 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R2 927 Clifford Clements 116, Grassmere 250,00 0,00 250,00 118146 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Y8 928 Clifford Egerton 10, Karin 250,00 0,00 250,00 119015 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3K6 929 Clive Seacombe 109, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120046 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 930 Clodia Baillie 73, Vincennes 190,00 0,00 190,00 124549 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M1 931 Clonis 687, Dubord Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 116981 Dorval QC H9P1N6 932 Clotilde Francis 335, Penn 275,00 0,00 275,00 128835 Beaconsfield QC H9W1B5 933 Cobb 345, Boul. Des Sources 300,00 0,00 300,00 114053 Dorval QC H9S2J1

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 934 Colette Casavant 716, Neptune 479,95 0,00 479,95 120848 Dorval QC H9P2B1 935 Colette Legault 31, Jasper 250,00 0,00 250,00 125669 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R7 936 Colin and Rebecca Cherry 100, Eldon 275,00 0,00 275,00 117202 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B4 937 Colin Butler 131, Nicholson 220,00 0,00 220,00 120987 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5W9 938 Colin Russell 530, Graham 205,00 0,00 205,00 118023 Dorval QC H9P2B3 939 Colin 1995, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 300,00 0,00 300,00 113997 Dorval QC H9S2G2 940 Colina Lodge 244, Malcolm Circle 229,95 0,00 229,95 119988 Dorval QC H9S1T5 941 Colina Lodge 244, Malcolm Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 119988 Dorval QC H9S1T5 942 Colleen Casey 198, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116147 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S7 943 Colleen Glover 90, Bayview 250,00 0,00 250,00 113502 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C3 944 Colleen Kilkenny 340, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115497 Dorval QC H9S2T4 945 Colleen McManus 14, Sunnyside 270,00 0,00 270,00 123780 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G5 946 Colleen Stewart 136, Spartan Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 122713 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R5 947 Collin Charron 113, Crestview 250,00 0,00 250,00 116245 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A2 948 Coloccia 244, Handfield Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 118317 Dorval QC H9S3V3 949 Colton 1530, Erin Place 250,00 0,00 250,00 117531 Dorval QC H9S1S4 950 Comeau 225, Pine Beach 190,00 0,00 190,00 121490 Dorval QC H9S2V3 951 Commander 3, Carlisle 190,00 0,00 190,00 114941 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S9 952 Commander 102, Vanguard 225,00 0,00 225,00 124357 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T3 953 Conrad W Mainville 179, Fieldcrest 275,00 0,00 275,00 117642 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A5 954 Constable 46, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119098 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G9 955 Constance Gallant 32, Pointe-Claire Avenue 220,00 0,00 220,00 121705 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 956 Constantine Kalafatidies 570, St-Léon 250,00 0,00 250,00 121660 Dorval QC H9P1Z9 957 Contance Martineau 381, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117098 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z2


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 958 Contre 213, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123151 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5L7 959 Contreras / Pizarro 210, Thorncrest 275,00 0,00 275,00 123961 Dorval QC H9S2X8 960 Cooke 45, Valois Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 124250 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B4 961 Coombe 33, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121706 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M4 962 Coombes 12, Westwood 300,00 0,00 300,00 124890 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y5 963 Cooney 660, Hyde Park 250,00 0,00 250,00 118712 Dorval QC H9P1Z6 964 Corcoran 78, Bayview 250,00 0,00 250,00 113490 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C3 965 Cordella 680, Rockcliffe 270,00 0,00 270,00 122305 Dorval QC H9P2E3 966 Corey Nadeau 50, boul St-Charles 1 552,17 0,00 1 552,17 Sous-traitant : EcoBalance Beaconsfield QC H9W 6G7 967 Coronel 115, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124799 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M5 968 Corrigan 115, Charles 229,95 0,00 229,95 115346 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L4 969 Corrigan 115, Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 115346 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L4 970 Corriveau 109, Hermiston 275,00 0,00 275,00 118452 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P1 971 Cossette 290, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123111 Dorval QC H9S2J4 972 Costello 58, Parkdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 121196 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y5 973 Cotter 13, Kamouraska 190,00 0,00 190,00 118954 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V2 974 Couetoux 3, Tampico 275,00 0,00 275,00 123926 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z4 975 Coughlin 355, Claude 275,00 0,00 275,00 115668 Dorval QC H9S3B4 976 Coughlin 1635, Turcot 250,00 0,00 250,00 124202 Dorval QC H9S1G6 977 Couillard 350, Stream 250,00 0,00 250,00 123612 Dorval QC H9S2P5 978 Courtney Gordon 171, Brunet 275,00 0,00 275,00 125337 Dorval QC H9S5R5 979 Courtney 69, Fifth 270,00 0,00 270,00 117697 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C9 980 Courtney 69, Fifth 258,69 0,00 258,69 117697 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C9 981 Couto/callaghan 159, Sunnyside 220,00 0,00 220,00 123845 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V2

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 982 Couture 280, Violet Cr. 300,00 0,00 300,00 124663 Dorval QC H9S3N9 983 Cowie 239, Stream 275,00 0,00 275,00 123589 Dorval QC H9S2P3 984 Craig Bedford 2215, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 250,00 0,00 250,00 114017 Dorval QC H9S2G4 985 Craig Cheverton 143, Empress 225,00 0,00 225,00 117526 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P5 986 Crawford 15, Tampico 275,00 0,00 275,00 123934 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z6 987 Crespi 1680, Surrey 275,00 0,00 275,00 123896 Dorval QC H9P1W6 988 Creswell 1785, Parkfield 250,00 0,00 250,00 121269 Dorval QC H9P1T4 989 Cristiana Elie 54, Pointe-Claire Avenue 270,00 0,00 270,00 121723 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 990 Cristina Minescu 245, Dahlia 275,00 0,00 275,00 116313 Dorval QC H9S3N6 991 Cristofaro 240, Tulip 200,00 0,00 200,00 124168 Dorval QC H9S3P3 992 Crockett 1760, Castlefield 250,00 0,00 250,00 115074 Dorval QC H9P1W1 993 Crystal Champagne 96, Drayton 350,00 0,00 350,00 116947 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V7 994 Csendes 175, Georgia Cr. 229,95 0,00 229,95 117857 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y1 995 Csendes 175, Georgia Cr. 300,00 0,00 300,00 117857 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y1 996 CSI Montreal 670, Strathmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 123565 Dorval QC H9P2A2 997 Cuillerier 70, Victoria 250,00 0,00 250,00 124483 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4S6 998 Curotte / Kaczmarek 1810, Forest 275,00 0,00 275,00 117713 Dorval QC H9S1V2 999 Cynthia Cohen-Tordjman 71, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113335 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G3 1000 Cynthia Demirjian 8, Terrasse Armand 275,00 0,00 275,00 123954 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E7 1001 Cynthia Ekins 519, Prince Charles 270,00 0,00 270,00 121822 Dorval QC H9P1Z2 1002 Cynthia Foster 75, Broadview 270,00 0,00 270,00 114325 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z3 1003 Cynthia Nagy 62, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 122964 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y9 1004 Cynthia Parent/Mansor 142, Concord Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 116018 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N4 1005 Cynthia Sarazen 113, Newton Square 275,00 0,00 275,00 120869 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1H5


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1006 Cynthia Woo 368, Lagacé 275,00 0,00 275,00 119267 Dorval QC H9S2M3 1007 Cyril/Ian MacDonald 121, Chestnut 250,00 0,00 250,00 115426 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B2 1008 Czarnowske 72, Summerhill 275,00 0,00 275,00 123672 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L2 1009 D and B Monpetit/McKay 144, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120073 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B4 1010 D Ayoub 570, Graham 270,00 0,00 270,00 118031 Dorval QC H9P2B3 1011 D B Gibson 16, Stewart 275,00 0,00 275,00 122855 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5T5 1012 D B Gibson 16, Stewart 229,95 0,00 229,95 122855 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5T5 1013 D B Maxwell 264, Ste-Claire 375,00 0,00 375,00 122831 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4E6 1014 D Beauvais 187, Coolbreeze 225,00 0,00 225,00 116140 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S9 1015 D Butler 2, Valois Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 124319 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V3 1016 D Caron 22, Rodney 250,00 0,00 250,00 122330 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L7 1017 D Cheponis 30, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121174 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y3 1018 D Corbett 131, Sedgefield 190,00 0,00 190,00 121918 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 1019 D Desjardins 276, Jaillet 275,00 0,00 275,00 118823 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X9 1020 D Doucet 198, Sedgefield 275,00 0,00 275,00 122566 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P1 1021 D Douglas/Young 83, De Breslay 275,00 0,00 275,00 116440 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 1022 D E Fuller 100, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123800 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T6 1023 D F Clarke 3, Drayton 275,00 0,00 275,00 116907 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V1 1024 D Fillion 152, Glenbrook Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 117943 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X8 1025 D Friedman 19, Westwood 529,95 0,00 529,95 124896 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y6 1026 D Friedman 19, Westwood 529,95 0,00 529,95 124896 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y6 1027 D Jankowska 189, Radisson 275,00 0,00 275,00 122187 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V2 1028 D Johnson 16, Glendale 469,90 0,00 469,90 125603 Beaconsfield QC H9W5P5 1029 D Kostic 140, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113432 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z8

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1030 D Lavoie 10, Basswood Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 113390 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Y1 1031 D Legault 97, Cragmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 116211 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3K7 1032 D M Sears 101, Livingston 275,00 0,00 275,00 119745 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1S4 1033 D Malo 126, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116111 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S7 1034 D Manny 116, Arrowhead Crescent 275,00 0,00 275,00 113083 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V5 1035 D Maroun 8, Fifth 275,00 0,00 275,00 117650 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C7 1036 D Maytan 173, Alton 275,00 0,00 275,00 127600 Beaconsfield QC H9W2Z1 1037 D Miletti 107, Forest Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 117727 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T2 1038 D Murphy 72, Lucerne 270,00 0,00 270,00 119864 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V2 1039 D Noftall 83, Watford 275,00 0,00 275,00 125894 Beaconsfield QC H9W5Y2 1040 D P Sherry 108, Sunderland 290,00 0,00 290,00 123713 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L2 1041 D Pollack 131, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121992 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C9 1042 D S George 356, Vinet 250,00 0,00 250,00 124630 Dorval QC H9S2M8 1043 D Sideleau 149, Heather 275,00 0,00 275,00 118429 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A6 1044 D SouthWest 117, Maitland 250,00 0,00 250,00 119942 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X5 1045 D Trewin 109, Cameron Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 114673 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E2 1046 D Wilks 145, Douglas-Shand 250,00 0,00 250,00 115467 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2C8 1047 D Wood 106, Chestnut 250,00 0,00 250,00 114788 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B1 1048 D. Antoniou 66, Pardo 275,00 0,00 275,00 121119 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3H3 1049 Dacosta 36, Drayton 270,00 0,00 270,00 116924 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V2 1050 Dae Ho Yum 272, Stillview 190,00 0,00 190,00 122939 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5C2 1051 Dagenais 5, Pointe-Claire Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 121692 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M4 1052 Dagsaan 55, Charles 275,00 0,00 275,00 115303 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4K7 1053 Daigle 282, Roy 275,00 0,00 275,00 122395 Dorval QC H9S3C6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1054 Dale Keiller 88, Drayton 250,00 0,00 250,00 116941 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V6 1055 Dale MacKenzie 102, Livingston 250,00 0,00 250,00 119746 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1S3 1056 D'Alessandro/McKenna 129, Nicholson 220,00 0,00 220,00 120985 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5W9 1057 Dalia Parvino 266, Vinet 250,00 0,00 250,00 125931 Dorval QC H9S2M6 1058 Dalphond 63, Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 115583 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W9 1059 Daly 195, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116143 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S9 1060 D'ambrosio 101, Pickwood Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 121426 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M3 1061 Damien et Abla Lescal/Maglo 124, Highgate 250,00 0,00 250,00 118545 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X4 1062 Damm 108, Beechnut 229,95 0,00 229,95 113514 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2B2 1063 Damm 108, Beechnut 250,00 0,00 250,00 113514 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2B2 1064 Dan Amarica 28, Kanata 250,00 0,00 250,00 118993 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V3 1065 Dan Bekhazi 99, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121231 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y6 1066 Dan Cregan 119, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124803 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M5 1067 Dan Flynn 218, Springdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 122740 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R5 1068 Dan Kellar 536, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115790 Dorval QC H9P2H4 1069 Dan Sauve 41 A, rue Cartier 2 759,40 0,00 2 759,40 Sous-traitant: DSL Landscaping Pointe-Claire QC H9S 4R5 1070 Dana Barrette 125, Brookhaven 275,00 0,00 275,00 114445 Dorval QC H9S2N5 1071 Dang Bubendorff 319, Handfield Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 118349 Dorval QC H9S3V1 1072 Danick Dufresne 130, Alston 250,00 0,00 250,00 112969 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3E4 1073 Daniel Audette 505, Strathmore 270,00 0,00 270,00 123525 Dorval QC H9P2A1 1074 Daniel Codoni 1535, Adair Place 250,00 0,00 250,00 112889 Dorval QC H9S1W2 1075 Daniel Dansdurand 272, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120122 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 1076 Daniel Fanaberia 53, Waverley 275,00 0,00 275,00 124760 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W7 1077 Daniel Gagnon 792, Graham 275,00 0,00 275,00 118131 Dorval QC H9P2B6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1078 Daniel Gaudreau 353, Thorncrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 121945 Dorval QC H9S2X9 1079 Daniel Gilbert 1795, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113980 Dorval QC H9S2E9 1080 Daniel Grapliov 88, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122090 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G4 1081 Daniel Guy 194, Belmont 275,00 0,00 275,00 113607 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M8 1082 Daniel Hebert 695, Strathmore 220,00 0,00 220,00 123571 Dorval QC H9P2A4 1083 Daniel Kunin 36, Fifth 275,00 0,00 275,00 130342 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C7 1084 Daniel Laberge/ Krajcar 171, Fieldcrest 275,00 0,00 275,00 117635 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A5 1085 Daniel Lalonde 50, De La Presentation 275,00 0,00 275,00 116468 Dorval QC H9S3L3 1086 Daniel Martin 79, Fifth 250,00 0,00 250,00 117706 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E1 1087 Daniel Mongeau 183, Creswell 275,00 0,00 275,00 128341 Beaconsfield QC H9W1G1 1088 Daniel Mullins 355, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123308 Dorval QC H9S2S5 1089 Daniel Nyisztor 155, Clement 270,00 0,00 270,00 115711 Dorval QC H9S2S8 1090 Daniel Patenaude 736, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120854 Dorval QC H9P2B1 1091 Daniel Pullen 28, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116417 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N1 1092 Daniel Ricard 130, Longmeadow 275,00 0,00 275,00 119777 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X2 1093 Daniel Seguin 165, Radisson 275,00 0,00 275,00 122162 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V2 1094 Daniel Stephen 659, Dubord Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 116972 Dorval QC H9P1N5 1095 Daniel St-Pierre 231, Brookhaven 205,00 0,00 205,00 114464 Dorval QC H9S2N5 1096 Daniel Villemure 139, Newton Square 250,00 0,00 250,00 120882 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5H2 1097 Daniel Witkowski 9, Papillon 190,00 0,00 190,00 121097 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5C1 1098 Daniel Wylie 2150, Swallow 225,00 0,00 225,00 123127 Dorval QC H9S2K3 1099 Daniel Yagua 466, Delmar 250,00 0,00 250,00 116607 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A4 1100 Danielle Arbour 109, Buckingham 275,00 0,00 275,00 114629 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1K9 1101 Danielle Chafetz 142, Lakeview 270,00 0,00 270,00 119383 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4B7

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1102 Danielle Huberdeau 28, Pilon 250,00 0,00 250,00 129137 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R1 1103 Danielle Poirier 1715, Morin 250,00 0,00 250,00 120634 Dorval QC H9P1P6 1104 Danielle Tetreault 25, Hillcrest 275,00 0,00 275,00 118584 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E6 1105 Danielle Veillette 55, Bras-D'or 250,00 0,00 250,00 114230 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W6 1106 Daniels 222, Louise-L'amy 275,00 0,00 275,00 119805 Dorval QC H9S5V4 1107 Danius Juras 173, Elisabeth 250,00 0,00 250,00 117426 Dorval QC H9S2X4 1108 Danny Davidson 415, Thorncrest 375,00 0,00 375,00 121953 Dorval QC H9S2X9 1109 Danny Furlotte 101, Maitland 477,15 0,00 477,15 119926 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X5 1110 Danny Furlotte 101, Maitland 275,00 0,00 275,00 119926 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X5 1111 Danny Todaro 237, Dorchester 275,00 0,00 275,00 116876 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y1 1112 Dansereau 77, Montrose 275,00 0,00 275,00 120612 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S3 1113 Danuta Mierzwinski 102, Elgin 275,00 0,00 275,00 115487 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K2 1114 Dany Kattar 425, Lake 275,00 0,00 275,00 119336 Dorval QC H9S2J2 1115 D'Arcy 135, Brookhaven 300,00 0,00 300,00 114446 Dorval QC H9S2N5 1116 Darcy 190, Stream 250,00 0,00 250,00 123579 Dorval QC H9S2N8 1117 Daria Suszczynska 142, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124822 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M7 1118 Dario Fraticelli 112, Chester 287,44 0,00 287,44 114852 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4K1 1119 Darko Stanar 289, St-Louis 270,00 0,00 270,00 123246 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5L3 1120 Darlene Mackay 106, Kipling 275,00 0,00 275,00 119195 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2B3 1121 Darlene Orme 785, Graham 190,00 0,00 190,00 118128 Dorval QC H9P2B7 1122 Darlene Petsche 162, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114155 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T9 1123 Darrell Hewines 113, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116695 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X5 1124 Darren Zygmuntowicz 123, Mount Pleasant 225,00 0,00 225,00 120734 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2T9 1125 Darryl MacDonald 25, Salisbury 250,00 0,00 250,00 122514 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z2

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1126 Darvin Lemus 131, Des Canots 190,00 0,00 190,00 116625 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X3 1127 Daryl Lamoureux 140, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120069 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B4 1128 Dave and Amphone Beaupre/Inthachit 27, Bayview 250,00 0,00 250,00 113454 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C1 1129 Dave Hume 118, Pickwood Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 121440 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M3 1130 Dave Ingham 260, Hickory 275,00 0,00 275,00 118491 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R9 1131 Dave Jennings 14, Perrier 275,00 0,00 275,00 121416 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3N9 1132 Dave Spencer 36, Kings 275,00 0,00 275,00 119090 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G9 1133 David Amar 100, Astoria 275,00 0,00 275,00 113234 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A8 1134 David and Gloria Mac Millan 80, Coolbreeze 275,00 0,00 275,00 116097 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S7 1135 David Bachelor 117, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116697 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X5 1136 David Barbiero 555, St-Léon 250,00 0,00 250,00 121655 Dorval QC H9P1Z8 1137 David Bartolomei 51, Ponner 275,00 0,00 275,00 121617 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4W4 1138 David Benison 345, Allard 250,00 0,00 250,00 112913 Dorval QC H9S3C1 1139 David Boys 395, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120801 Dorval QC H9S2L5 1140 David Carter 219, Brookhaven 275,00 0,00 275,00 114460 Dorval QC H9S2N5 1141 David Craddock 1000, 3rd Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 112838 Dorval QC H9S1V6 1142 David Delaney 25, Stewart 275,00 0,00 275,00 122863 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5T6 1143 David Fenwick 17, Sunnyview 250,00 0,00 250,00 123873 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B5 1144 David Friedman 166, Fieldcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 117630 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A4 1145 David Gare 12, Wilton 375,00 0,00 375,00 124232 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X4 1146 David Hobson 17, Drayton 190,00 0,00 190,00 116915 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V1 1147 David Klingler 338, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123294 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z5 1148 David Lamothe 129, Alston 250,00 0,00 250,00 112968 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3E2 1149 David Lapointe 95, Elgin 270,00 0,00 270,00 117303 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K3

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1150 David Longworth 142, Ivanhoe Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 118796 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z8 1151 David Lowther 28, Hillside 275,00 0,00 275,00 118632 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E3 1152 David MacKenzie 215, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114168 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V7 1153 David Maloney 2281, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 305,00 0,00 305,00 114024 Dorval QC H9S2G5 1154 David Markey 235, Allard 250,00 0,00 250,00 113169 Dorval QC H9S3B8 1155 David Martin 158, Queens 275,00 0,00 275,00 122120 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G6 1156 David McMillan 60, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122073 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G2 1157 David O'Hashi 126, Prince-Rupert 275,00 0,00 275,00 122031 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M2 1158 David Pidgeon 41, Winston Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 125144 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X5 1159 David Plaa 236, Meredith 275,00 0,00 275,00 120366 Dorval QC H9S2Y7 1160 David Reader 122, Winthrop 275,00 0,00 275,00 125186 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W7 1161 David Richardson 63, Hillcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 118614 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E6 1162 David St-Louis 296, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120142 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 1163 David Strong 282, Martin 250,00 0,00 250,00 125904 Dorval QC H9S3R9 1164 David Tomkins 136, Radisson 250,00 0,00 250,00 122139 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E6 1165 David Zhang 294, Jaillet 275,00 0,00 275,00 118841 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y3 1166 David/Cheryl Johnston/Cornacchia 32, Brunet 250,00 0,00 250,00 114548 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T5 1167 Davidson 114, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114123 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T1 1168 Davidson 1557, Glengarry Place 250,00 0,00 250,00 117952 Dorval QC H9S1J5 1169 Davidson 131, Vanguard 250,00 0,00 250,00 124372 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T4 1170 Davies 170, Stream 250,00 0,00 250,00 123578 Dorval QC H9S2N8 1171 Davoust 19, Bayview 250,00 0,00 250,00 113450 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C1 1172 Dawn Cady 184, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116737 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X7 1173 Dawson 230, Stream 250,00 0,00 250,00 123586 Dorval QC H9S2N8

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1174 De Benedetti 542, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115792 Dorval QC H9P2T2 1175 de Peralta 204, Norwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 121027 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R4 1176 Dean Vey 152, Park 275,00 0,00 275,00 129918 Beaconsfield QC H9W2M8 1177 Dearn 620, Graham 250,00 0,00 250,00 117275 Dorval QC H9P2B5 1178 Deb Hooper 177, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113855 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J9 1179 Debbi McClintock 25, Summerhill 275,00 0,00 275,00 123638 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K5 1180 Debbie Derocher 358, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123311 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z5 1181 Debbie Odorico 129, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125077 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H7 1182 Debbie Oestreich 114, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116696 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X6 1183 Deborah Bicknell 39, Hillside 275,00 0,00 275,00 118638 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E4 1184 Deborah Kostro 4, Carlisle 220,00 0,00 220,00 114942 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S9 1185 Deborah Lewis 90, Highgate 190,00 0,00 190,00 118518 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5E2 1186 Deborah Martin 2125, Pheasant 250,00 0,00 250,00 121419 Dorval QC H9P1S5 1187 Deborah Meldrum 290, Tulip 250,00 0,00 250,00 124183 Dorval QC H9S3P6 1188 Debra Kisiel 188, Chestnut 275,00 0,00 275,00 129385 Beaconsfield QC H9W2S6 1189 Debritu Merid Camporeale 1535, Glengarry Place 190,00 0,00 190,00 117949 Dorval QC H9S1J5 1190 deCombe 190, Lakeview 275,00 0,00 275,00 119476 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C3 1191 DeCosta 252, Champlain 250,00 0,00 250,00 115199 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X7 1192 Deegan 88, Parkdale 200,00 0,00 200,00 121221 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y7 1193 Deeks 365, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123317 Dorval QC H9S2S5 1194 DeJesus/Amayao 275, Allard 190,00 0,00 190,00 112898 Dorval QC H9S3B8 1195 Delisle 24, Augusta 275,00 0,00 275,00 113287 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V4 1196 Delisle 42, Ponner 250,00 0,00 250,00 121608 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X9 1197 Della Serra 355, St-Louis 270,00 0,00 270,00 125345 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z5

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1198 Delsole 153, Arrowhead Crescent 275,00 0,00 275,00 113113 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V4 1199 Delvecchio 282, MacLean 240,00 0,00 240,00 119901 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y1 1200 Demers/Bernard 203, Clement 270,00 0,00 270,00 115718 Dorval QC H9S2T1 1201 Demetrios and Liliana Demos/Garzone 195, Hampshire 275,00 0,00 275,00 129699 Beaconsfield QC H9W3N8 1202 Demontbrun 291, Allard 250,00 0,00 250,00 112902 Dorval QC H9S3B8 1203 Denault 406, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123348 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A2 1204 Denington 361, Donegani 250,00 0,00 250,00 116799 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M4 1205 Denis Beauchamp-Dumouchel 166, Sunnyside 275,00 0,00 275,00 123852 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V1 1206 Denis Bédard 113, Highgate 275,00 0,00 275,00 118534 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X5 1207 Denis Boucher 656, Dubord Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 116971 Dorval QC H9P1N6 1208 Denis Bricault 180, Radisson 220,00 0,00 220,00 122178 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V2 1209 Denis Cullen 40, Brunet 479,95 0,00 479,95 114554 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T5 1210 Denis Langlais 139, Winthrop 230,00 0,00 230,00 125198 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W8 1211 Denis Martel 645, Rockcliffe 479,95 0,00 479,95 122299 Dorval QC H9P2E1 1212 Denis Rudak 6, Lakeside 250,00 0,00 250,00 119362 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G2 1213 Denis Voizard 396, Brookhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 114514 Dorval QC H9S2N7 1214 Denise Currie 10, Raspberry Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 129938 Beaconsfield QC H9W6C9 1215 Denise Guilbault 22, Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 115562 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X1 1216 Denise Maitland 133, Oakridge 275,00 0,00 275,00 121051 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C4 1217 Denise Pelletier 165, Dahlia 287,44 0,00 287,44 116287 Dorval QC H9S3N4 1218 Denise Pelletier 165, Dahlia 250,00 0,00 250,00 116287 Dorval QC H9S3N4 1219 Dennis Crilley 150, Concord Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 116026 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N4 1220 Dennis Jimenez 24, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119084 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G7 1221 Denys Dupont 123, Spartan Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 122704 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R4

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1222 Deonarine 7, Papillon 190,00 0,00 190,00 121095 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5C1 1223 Derek J P Evans 134, Pickwood Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 121453 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M4 1224 Derek Jones 4, Westwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 124882 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y5 1225 Derek Matz 54, Bras-D'or 190,00 0,00 190,00 114229 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W8 1226 Desbarats 241, Allard 190,00 0,00 190,00 113171 Dorval QC H9S3B8 1227 Desbiens 136, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113834 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J3 1228 Deschamps 241, Louise-L'amy 220,00 0,00 220,00 119809 Dorval QC H9S5V4 1229 Deschamps 144, Spartan Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 122721 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R5 1230 Deschenes 290, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123247 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 1231 Desiree Ofter 56, Jefferson 375,00 0,00 375,00 118873 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J8 1232 Desjardins 151, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 122002 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C9 1233 Deslauriers 80, Aurora 275,00 0,00 275,00 113018 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G4 1234 Desormeaux 62, Lucerne 250,00 0,00 250,00 119855 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V2 1235 Desrosiers 320, Stream 190,00 0,00 190,00 123605 Dorval QC H9S2P5 1236 Destro 386, Touzin 275,00 0,00 275,00 124108 Dorval QC H9S2N2 1237 Dewar 61, Bayview 250,00 0,00 250,00 113477 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C4 1238 Dexuan Cui 286, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120132 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 1239 Dhanuta 520, Pine Beach 425,00 0,00 425,00 121548 Dorval QC H9P2J3 1240 DHMR Entrepneur General 1, Claude 200,00 0,00 200,00 125509 Beaconsfield QC H9W4E9 1241 DHMR Entrepneur General 1, Claude 250,00 0,00 250,00 125509 Beaconsfield QC H9W4E9 1242 DHMR Inc 8, Marie-Anne 405,00 0,00 405,00 120033 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4G1 1243 Di Biase 2225, Chanteclerc 250,00 0,00 250,00 115255 Dorval QC H9P1L9 1244 Diana Lilly 24, Kamouraska 190,00 0,00 190,00 118965 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V2 1245 Diana Lilly 153, Pointe-Claire Avenue 190,00 0,00 190,00 121790 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M7

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1246 Diane Alfonsi 106, Sundale 250,00 0,00 250,00 123685 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B6 1247 Diane Brisebois 112, Ivanhoe Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 118773 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z8 1248 Diane Girouard 585, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120830 Dorval QC H9P2A6 1249 Diane Hamill 164, Westcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 124842 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M9 1250 Diane Maheu 275, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124075 Dorval QC H9S2N1 1251 Diane Martin 135, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113427 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A2 1252 Diane Mercier 278, Lagacé 250,00 0,00 250,00 119239 Dorval QC H9S2M1 1253 Diane Olsen 557, Oriole Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 120698 Dorval QC H9P1P3 1254 Diane Parent 609, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120833 Dorval QC H9P2A7 1255 Diane Rosman 4, Canterbury Park 250,00 0,00 250,00 114746 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z7 1256 Diane Sprackett 16, Hampton Gardens 229,95 0,00 229,95 118269 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 1257 Diane Stapleton 118, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125068 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H9 1258 Diane Wyeth 112, Douglas-Shand 270,00 0,00 270,00 116886 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2B6 1259 Dianne Bates 152, Kings 275,00 0,00 275,00 119164 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H4 1260 Diaz 32, Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 115571 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X1 1261 Dibitonto 113, Westcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 124797 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M5 1262 Dierden 362, Raimbault 225,00 0,00 225,00 122239 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V1 1263 Diez 108, Brunet 250,00 0,00 250,00 114576 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T8 1264 Dillitzer 445, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120384 Dorval QC H9S2L7 1265 Dima Abou-Chakra 8, Tampico 275,00 0,00 275,00 123929 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z5 1266 Dimitar Kolev 211, Boylan 275,00 0,00 275,00 114097 Dorval QC H9S5J7 1267 Dimitry Mikhailov 146, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120075 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B4 1268 Dimosthenis Papadimitrios 140, Spartan Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 122717 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R5 1269 Dina Schrider 1535, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113782 Dorval QC H9S2E5

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1270 Dino Giansante 48, Hillside 250,00 0,00 250,00 118644 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E3 1271 Dino Vani 140, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114138 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T8 1272 Dixon 128, Concord Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 116006 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N4 1273 Djahangiran 9, Carlisle 190,00 0,00 190,00 114947 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S9 1274 Docherty 142, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125090 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H9 1275 Dohmen 1760, Brookdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 114424 Dorval QC H9P1X4 1276 Dolores Pilon 27, Victoria 300,00 0,00 300,00 124461 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4S5 1277 Dolores Tuccia 95, Sedgefield 190,00 0,00 190,00 122517 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 1278 Domenico Rodi 355, Georges V 275,00 0,00 275,00 117826 Dorval QC H9S3S9 1279 Domenico Valela 409, Delmar 504,95 0,00 504,95 116561 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4W5 1280 Dominique St-Laurent 7, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121693 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M4 1281 Dominique Trahan 643, Dubord Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 116965 Dorval QC H9P1N5 1282 Dominique Verret 370, Starling 250,00 0,00 250,00 122752 Dorval QC H9S2J9 1283 Dominque Longueville 64, Jefferson 250,00 0,00 250,00 118881 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J8 1284 Domus Meridian 620 Boul St-Jean #201 2 432,48 0,00 2 432,48 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3K2 1285 Don & Christa Liesemer 62, Elmwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 117469 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M3 1286 Don Field 98, Broadview 275,00 0,00 275,00 113188 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z4 1287 Don Reid 261, Hickory 275,00 0,00 275,00 118492 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R9 1288 Don Ross 564, Starling 175,00 0,00 175,00 122786 Dorval QC H9P1V5 1289 Don Wagner 31, Pointe-Claire Avenue 270,00 0,00 270,00 121704 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M4 1290 Donald Bidd 1540, Fortin Place 275,00 0,00 275,00 117355 Dorval QC H9S1K5 1291 Donald De Gray 54, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121193 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y5 1292 Donald De Gray 54, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121193 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y5 1293 Donald Dwyer 23, Killarney Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 119058 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X7


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1294 Donald Quinn 575, Rockcliffe 375,00 0,00 375,00 122287 Dorval QC H9P2C6 1295 Donald Van Dyke 112, Yonge Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 125269 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L9 1296 Dong Chul Sim 2295, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 250,00 0,00 250,00 114026 Dorval QC H9S2G5 1297 Dong Mei Liu 139, Westcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 124819 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M5 1298 Dong Wang 299, MacLean 275,00 0,00 275,00 119918 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y3 1299 Donna Bayly 134, Saddlewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 122472 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 1300 Donna Bayly 134, Saddlewood 229,92 0,00 229,92 122472 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 1301 Donna Chabaud 361, Vinet 250,00 0,00 250,00 124631 Dorval QC H9S2M7 1302 Donna Collister 1515, Hamilton Place 250,00 0,00 250,00 118248 Dorval QC H9S1H3 1303 Donna Montreuil 146, Sherbrooke 250,00 0,00 250,00 130046 Beaconsfield QC H9W1N9 1304 Donna Nigelsky 6, Fairwood 245,00 0,00 245,00 117556 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R9 1305 Donna Patterson 260, Champlain 250,00 0,00 250,00 115203 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X7 1306 Donoso 186, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116139 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S7 1307 Doreen Geary 338, Stream 285,00 0,00 285,00 123609 Dorval QC H9S2P5 1308 Doreen Mcguigan 1050, 4th Avenue 229,95 0,00 229,95 112858 Dorval QC H9S1K1 1309 Doreen Mcguigan 1050, 4th Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 112858 Dorval QC H9S1K1 1310 Doreen Porter 530, Neptune 205,00 0,00 205,00 120815 Dorval QC H9P2A5 1311 Doreen Quinn 561, Prince Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 121836 Dorval QC H9P1Z2 1312 Dorel Sas 271, St-Louis 270,00 0,00 270,00 123219 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5L3 1313 Dorin Tambur 115, Yonge Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 125271 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M1 1314 Dorothy Alexandra Lavell 191, Hampshire 275,00 0,00 275,00 129697 Beaconsfield QC H9W3N8 1315 Dorothy Baird 369, Courtland 250,00 0,00 250,00 116194 Dorval QC H9S2R8 1316 Dorothy Yule 27, Chester 220,00 0,00 220,00 115391 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H8 1317 Doucet 68, De Breslay 479,95 0,00 479,95 115526 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N2

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1318 Doug Bellevue 109, Champs D'avions 275,00 0,00 275,00 115238 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S7 1319 Doug Casey 107, Kings 270,00 0,00 270,00 119133 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H3 1320 Doug Farnell 70, Ballantyne Terrasse 275,00 0,00 275,00 113373 Dorval QC H9S3E3 1321 Doug McDuff 248, Stillview 190,00 0,00 190,00 122927 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5C2 1322 Doug Peters 3, Valois Circle 270,00 0,00 270,00 124320 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V3 1323 Douglas and Carol Gavin 29, Summerhill 709,90 0,00 709,90 123641 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K5 1324 Douglas Desbrisay 325, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124087 Dorval QC H9S2N3 1325 Douglas G Pope 1, Canterbury Park 849,88 0,00 849,88 113068 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z7 1326 Douglas Page 226, Comber 275,00 0,00 275,00 115927 Dorval QC H9S2Y4 1327 Douglas Taylor 95, Valois Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 124277 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B7 1328 Doygun 109, Saddlewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 121636 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 1329 Doyle 25, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 122952 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y9 1330 Doyle 25, St-Jean 250,00 0,00 250,00 122952 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y9 1331 Drego 1170, John-Pratt 275,00 0,00 275,00 118918 Dorval QC H9S5R3 1332 Drew Brazil 127, Chaucer 270,00 0,00 270,00 115374 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5J5 1333 Drinkell 187, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114159 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V4 1334 Drixdel Ramos 138, Pickwood Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 121457 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M4 1335 Drouin 93, Elgin 375,00 0,00 375,00 117301 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K3 1336 D'Silva 11, Tampico 275,00 0,00 275,00 123931 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z6 1337 Dubeau 2075, Nightingale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121002 Dorval QC H9S1E3 1338 Ducharme 62, Ashburton 275,00 0,00 275,00 113123 Dorval QC H9S5K2 1339 Dudley/Mooney 125, Stillview 275,00 0,00 275,00 122884 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X9 1340 Dufresne 15, Bellerive Terrasse 275,00 0,00 275,00 113522 Dorval QC H9S5X6 1341 Duhaime/Chaillez 994, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113966 Dorval QC H9S2C5

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1342 Dumoulin 573, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124928 Dorval QC H9P2M2 1343 Duncan 259, Green Circle 190,00 0,00 190,00 118168 Dorval QC H9S3T7 1344 Dunn 340, Berkeley 275,00 0,00 275,00 113649 Dorval QC H9S1H4 1345 Dupras 1535, Erin Place 375,00 0,00 375,00 117532 Dorval QC H9S1S5 1346 Durand 47, Brunet 270,00 0,00 270,00 114557 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T4 1347 Durocher 128, Ivanhoe Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 118785 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z8 1348 Dustin Angrignon 370, Claude 250,00 0,00 250,00 115671 Dorval QC H9S3B3 1349 Duval 2045, Chanteclerc 250,00 0,00 250,00 113820 Dorval QC H9P1L6 1350 Dvorak 246, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120766 Dorval QC H9S2L4 1351 Dwayne Baker 10, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121863 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C3 1352 E Alloul 366, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 115478 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z1 1353 E Carlin 5, Viburnum 190,00 0,00 190,00 124396 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5A3 1354 E Carmona 219, Adams 275,00 0,00 275,00 112778 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y6 1355 E Carroga 109, Astoria 275,00 0,00 275,00 113242 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A9 1356 E F Arnsby 37, Chester 275,00 0,00 275,00 115397 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H8 1357 E F Arnsby 37, Chester 229,95 0,00 229,95 115397 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H8 1358 E Kuchar 57, Cedar 480,00 0,00 480,00 115131 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y3 1359 E Lariviere 5, Brunet 250,00 0,00 250,00 114529 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T3 1360 E Lonergan 209, Norwood 260,00 0,00 260,00 121030 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R5 1361 E Mackay 115, Maitland 250,00 0,00 250,00 119940 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X5 1362 E. Strasburger 200, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120752 Dorval QC H9S2L4 1363 Easey 98, Windward Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 125053 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H6 1364 Eastlyn Flemming 562, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123542 Dorval QC H9P2A2 1365 Ed Bonarek 131, Monterrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 120561 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W3


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1366 Eden/Luke Feilde/Meyer 525, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124912 Dorval QC H9P2M2 1367 Edgar Jolin 132, Viking 250,00 0,00 250,00 124523 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1K7 1368 Edgerly 24, Murray Gardens 300,00 0,00 300,00 120745 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4E8 1369 Edit Fried 37, Raspberry Crescent 275,00 0,00 275,00 129958 Beaconsfield QC H9W6C9 1370 Edith Lacombe 313, Raimbault 250,00 0,00 250,00 122202 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5T9 1371 Edmonds 674, Clement 220,00 0,00 220,00 115826 Dorval QC H9P2H8 1372 Edouard Bedard 255, Applebee 275,00 0,00 275,00 113005 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S1 1373 Edward and Joan Power 16, Westwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 124893 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y5 1374 Edward Groombridge 153, Sunderland 245,00 0,00 245,00 123750 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L7 1375 Edward Leckett 119, Arrowhead Crescent 270,00 0,00 270,00 113086 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V4 1376 Edward Murphy 65, Jefferson 250,00 0,00 250,00 118882 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J7 1377 Edwards 124, Saddlewood 190,00 0,00 190,00 121646 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 1378 Edwards 582, Prince Charles 275,00 0,00 275,00 121843 Dorval QC H9P1Z3 1379 Edwin Romero 2055, Carson 270,00 0,00 270,00 115029 Dorval QC H9S1P4 1380 Egresi 104, Highgate 229,95 0,00 229,95 118528 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5E2 1381 Eileen Forse 115, Winthrop 275,00 0,00 275,00 125179 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W6 1382 Eileen Lefebvre 331, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 125344 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z3 1383 Ekins 273, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115744 Dorval QC H9S2T1 1384 Elaina Colbeck 98, Valois Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 124280 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B6 1385 Elaine Bellefeuille 368, Berkeley 275,00 0,00 275,00 113659 Dorval QC H9S1H4 1386 Elaine Berube 323, Handfield Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 118351 Dorval QC H9S3V1 1387 Elaine Moreau 107, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116446 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 1388 Elaine Wyse 609, Wright Crescent 220,00 0,00 220,00 125227 Dorval QC H9P2C3 1389 Elamine Ghalem 116, Brunet 200,00 0,00 200,00 114581 Dorval QC H9S3G3

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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1390 Elder 15, Brunet 275,00 0,00 275,00 114534 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T4 1391 Eleanore Schonfeld 2, Tampico 250,00 0,00 250,00 123925 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z5 1392 Elen Natarajan 135, Concord Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 116012 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N3 1393 Elham Jabbarian 14, Tampico 250,00 0,00 250,00 123933 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z5 1394 Eliana Marengo 285, Neptune 270,00 0,00 270,00 120775 Dorval QC H9S2L3 1395 Eliane Thome 97, Stockwell 275,00 0,00 275,00 123445 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5W8 1396 Elias Coriaty 185, Roy 275,00 0,00 275,00 122377 Dorval QC H9S3C3 1397 Elijah Breder 96, Avondale 270,00 0,00 270,00 129146 Beaconsfield QC H9W5L5 1398 Elisa Wibault 306, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123268 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 1399 Elise Charland 2260, Swallow 250,00 0,00 250,00 123914 Dorval QC H9S2K5 1400 Elise Chevalier 50, Winston Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 125148 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X6 1401 Elise Mohammed 111, Alexina 275,00 0,00 275,00 113137 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M8 1402 Elizabeth Bosina 215, Monaco 275,00 0,00 275,00 120540 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R7 1403 Elizabeth Browne 1, Drayton 275,00 0,00 275,00 116905 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V1 1404 Elizabeth Bruineman 109, Crestview 250,00 0,00 250,00 116241 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A2 1405 Elizabeth Craig-Henry 170, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116132 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S7 1406 Elizabeth Myles 2287, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 114025 Dorval QC H9S2G5 1407 Elizabeth Roberts 10, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123778 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G5 1408 Elizabeth Russell 26, Stewart 275,00 0,00 275,00 122864 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T6 1409 Elizabeth Webster 231, Adams 275,00 0,00 275,00 112790 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y6 1410 Eljon Investments 80, Donegani 862,31 0,00 862,31 129147 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V4 1411 Ella Sobel 311, Violet Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 124672 Dorval QC H9S3P1 1412 Ellen Gelinas 152, Pointe-Claire Avenue 190,00 0,00 190,00 121789 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 1413 Elliott 295, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123253 Dorval QC H9S2S3


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1414 Elmokyan 84, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 115419 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J6 1415 Elsa Harvey 332, Brookhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 114492 Dorval QC H9S2N7 1416 Elsamra 126, Longmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 119798 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A3 1417 Else Leon 117, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120053 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 1418 Elsie Gauthier 415, Vinet 275,00 0,00 275,00 124649 Dorval QC H9S2M7 1419 Elspeth Stilton 108, Sundale 250,00 0,00 250,00 123687 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B6 1420 Elvira Rosete 1875, Brookdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 114439 Dorval QC H9P1X5 1421 Emery/Flavelle 386, Brookhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 114510 Dorval QC H9S2N7 1422 Emilian Hristov 330, Roy 275,00 0,00 275,00 122401 Dorval QC H9S3E1 1423 Emily Bradshaw 56, De Breslay 500,00 0,00 500,00 115517 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N1 1424 Emirjeta Nikshiqi 524, St-Léon 250,00 0,00 250,00 123069 Dorval QC H9P1Z9 1425 Emma Hamilton 41, Hartford 250,00 0,00 250,00 118357 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C7 1426 Emma Trayhern 223, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114176 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V7 1427 Emma-Lee Annett 146, Heather 250,00 0,00 250,00 118426 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A4 1428 Emmanuele Baudouin 1, Beaconsfield Blvd 250,00 0,00 250,00 125435 Beaconsfield QC H9W3Y5 1429 Emmanuelle Charbonneau 75, Gables Court 300,00 0,00 300,00 129651 Beaconsfield QC H9W5H3 1430 Emmet Dunne 120, Spartan Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 122702 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R5 1431 Emmie Stathopoulos 11, Carlisle 190,00 0,00 190,00 114949 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S9 1432 Emond 554, St-Léon 240,00 0,00 240,00 121654 Dorval QC H9P1Z9 1433 Empire Construction 98, Cedar 275,00 0,00 275,00 115154 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y4 1434 Enciso 319, Brookhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 114487 Dorval QC H9S2N6 1435 Enid Fuller 7, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121151 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y4 1436 Enrico Ronci 254, Strathcona 275,00 0,00 275,00 123087 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y4 1437 Enzo Caucci 377, Thorncrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 121948 Dorval QC H9S2X9


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1438 Equipements Seguin et Freres Inc 723 Route 201 2 632,92 0,00 2 632,92 6303396 St-Clet QC J0P1S0 1439 Ercolani/Arts 1715, Parkfield 250,00 0,00 250,00 121252 Dorval QC H9P1T4 1440 Eric Bell 16, Saddlewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 122421 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S6 1441 Eric Billington 575, St-Léon 250,00 0,00 250,00 121663 Dorval QC H9P1Z8 1442 Eric Bokor 266, Tudor 270,00 0,00 270,00 125901 Pointe-Claire QC H9P1Z5 1443 Eric Drolet 540, Avila - Legault 315,00 0,00 315,00 113192 Dorval QC H9P2X4 1444 Eric Gouda 360, Elmridge 275,00 0,00 275,00 117440 Dorval QC H9S2Z7 1445 Eric Hamelin/Belley 405, Lagacé 250,00 0,00 250,00 119274 Dorval QC H9S2M2 1446 Eric Laferriere 264, Hickory 275,00 0,00 275,00 118495 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S2 1447 Eric Laniel 138, Flamingo Drive 250,00 0,00 250,00 129558 Beaconsfield QC H9W2T2 1448 Eric Laverdière 68, Summerhill 250,00 0,00 250,00 123671 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K9 1449 Eric Mercier 24, Summerhill 275,00 0,00 275,00 123637 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K4 1450 Eric Ouimet 88, Montrose 275,00 0,00 275,00 120617 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S5 1451 Eric Pawlusiak 113, Ashington 250,00 0,00 250,00 113220 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z1 1452 Eric Rheaume 215, Dahlia 275,00 0,00 275,00 116298 Dorval QC H9S3N6 1453 Eric Sauvageau 55, Montrose 250,00 0,00 250,00 120598 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S3 1454 Eric Trivisonno 58, Vincennes 250,00 0,00 250,00 124544 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M2 1455 Eric Tschunitz 103, Maitland 200,00 0,00 200,00 119928 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X5 1456 Eric Vachon 86, Kings 567,44 0,00 567,44 119120 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H2 1457 Eric Van Sickle 49, Sweetbriar Drive 250,00 0,00 250,00 125856 Beaconsfield QC H9W5M4 1458 Eric Webber 105, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123805 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T7 1459 Eric Xming Wang 25, Belmont 275,00 0,00 275,00 113545 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M7 1460 Eric Yaun 1010, 2nd Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 112830 Dorval QC H9S1V9 1461 Erick Gilbert 520, St-Léon 270,00 0,00 270,00 123067 Dorval QC H9P1Z9

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1462 Erick Larose 185, Lake 275,00 0,00 275,00 119297 Dorval QC H9S2J2 1463 Erik Bedard 74, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116086 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S5 1464 Erik Dubrule 215, Cloverdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 115865 Dorval QC H9S3J2 1465 Erik Inggle 625, Graham 270,00 0,00 270,00 117276 Dorval QC H9P2B4 1466 Erik Renaud 108, Cragmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 116222 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M1 1467 Erik Thompson-Rinfret 12, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121156 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y3 1468 Erika Johnson 214, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114167 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V5 1469 Erika Mayer 63, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 115405 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J2 1470 Erin Hall/McLaughlin 36, Belton 250,00 0,00 250,00 113627 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A1 1471 Erin Haller 77, Pointe-Claire Avenue 190,00 0,00 190,00 121741 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M6 1472 Ernest Lester 237, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115730 Dorval QC H9S2T1 1473 Ernest Pastorek 5, Horizon 190,00 0,00 190,00 118666 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 1474 Ertan Cakmak 470, Lagacé 270,00 0,00 270,00 119286 Dorval QC H9S2M4 1475 Espiritu 1650, Torrence 275,00 0,00 275,00 124039 Dorval QC H9P1R5 1476 Esposito 55, Belmont 250,00 0,00 250,00 113564 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2N2 1477 Estate of Diana Pierce 61, Prince-Edward 275,00 0,00 275,00 120712 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C4 1478 Estate of Francine Perrigo 2200, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 300,00 0,00 300,00 114015 Dorval QC H9S5T2 1479 Estate of John Lecuyer 395, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123337 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A4 1480 Ester Nuguid 73, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113337 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G3 1481 Esther Zarnitz 49, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116434 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 1482 Etienne Chan 290, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120136 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 1483 Etienne Therrien 38, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114295 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z2 1484 Etsy Feldman 361, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124099 Dorval QC H9S2N3 1485 Etsy Feldman 361, Touzin 229,95 0,00 229,95 124099 Dorval QC H9S2N3

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1486 Eugene Busque 24, Parkdale 240,00 0,00 240,00 121168 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y3 1487 Eun Kyoung Sim 13, Cardiff 275,00 0,00 275,00 114759 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1C3 1488 Eva Mamon 127, Sunderland 250,00 0,00 250,00 123732 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L4 1489 Eva Morris 390, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123334 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A2 1490 Eva Szasz 142, Jasper 275,00 0,00 275,00 125714 Beaconsfield QC H9W5S1 1491 Evan Bush 303, Penn 250,00 0,00 250,00 128809 Beaconsfield QC H9W1B5 1492 Eve De Repentigny 335, Ferndale 250,00 0,00 250,00 117624 Dorval QC H9S3M9 1493 Evelyn Proteau 48, Hartford 275,00 0,00 275,00 118174 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C8 1494 Evelyn Rohrauer 55, Ballantyne Terrasse 275,00 0,00 275,00 113370 Dorval QC H9S3E4 1495 Evelyn Schafer 156, Lakeview 250,00 0,00 250,00 119395 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C1 1496 Ewa Spoczynska Samuels 102, Vincennes 250,00 0,00 250,00 124572 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M4 1497 Expertrans International 134, Douglas-Shand 275,00 0,00 275,00 115460 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2C3 1498 Eyal Avital 186, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125119 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J3 1499 Eyrauch 152, Queens 200,00 0,00 200,00 122115 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G6 1500 F Bichara 121, Charles 275,00 0,00 275,00 115352 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L4 1501 F Cesari 99, Cragmore 225,00 0,00 225,00 116213 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3K7 1502 F E Yorksie 23, Horizon 190,00 0,00 190,00 118684 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 1503 F Moeller 84, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116677 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X3 1504 F Naccache 76, Watford 275,00 0,00 275,00 125887 Beaconsfield QC H9W5N9 1505 F Ortho-Model Plus 69, Broadview 300,00 0,00 300,00 114319 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z3 1506 F Pawsey 598, Graham 275,00 0,00 275,00 118037 Dorval QC H9P2B3 1507 F Wallace 681, St-Louis 190,00 0,00 190,00 123411 Dorval QC H9P2G6 1508 Fabian Schrayer 266, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114205 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V9 1509 Fabike Ma 180, Claude 270,00 0,00 270,00 115628 Dorval QC H9S3A7


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1510 Fabrice Calando 19, Laurelwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 130329 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R3 1511 Fabricio Pereira 111, Sedgefield 190,00 0,00 190,00 122525 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 1512 Fadia Awad 2, Eliot Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 129437 Beaconsfield QC H9W6A3 1513 Fahy 18, Horizon 250,00 0,00 250,00 118679 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 1514 Faith Richard 298, Martin 250,00 0,00 250,00 120242 Dorval QC H9S3R9 1515 Faithful/Zorman 400, Elmridge 270,00 0,00 270,00 117448 Dorval QC H9S2Z7 1516 Faizabadi 244, Sedgefield 275,00 0,00 275,00 122583 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P2 1517 Fall 27, Belmont 250,00 0,00 250,00 113546 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M7 1518 Fam Chen 307, Donegani 190,00 0,00 190,00 116774 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2W5 1519 Fan Yu 56, Somervale Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 122659 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3H5 1520 Fanny Mooijekind 51, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121190 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y6 1521 Farhad Sabet 2, De L'eglise 275,00 0,00 275,00 125908 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5J2 1522 Farkouh 131, Bathurst 504,95 0,00 504,95 113423 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A2 1523 Farmer 143, Ivanhoe Cr. 225,00 0,00 225,00 118797 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z9 1524 Farthing 167, Fieldcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 117631 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A5 1525 Fasciano 94, Prince-Edward 190,00 0,00 190,00 121970 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C7 1526 Fauve Castagna 284, Touzin 275,00 0,00 275,00 124078 Dorval QC H9S2M9 1527 Fegens Clerveaux 8, Valois Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 124325 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V3 1528 Fei 226, Elie-de-Bellefeuille 570,00 0,00 570,00 117310 Dorval QC H9S5V5 1529 Felix Grondin 219, Thorncrest 270,00 0,00 270,00 123963 Dorval QC H9S2X7 1530 Felix Hilton 336, Brookhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 114494 Dorval QC H9S2N7 1531 Felix Thiel 117, Grassmere 275,00 0,00 275,00 118147 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Y7 1532 Feng Liao 53, Valois Bay 270,00 0,00 270,00 124256 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B5 1533 Fengwei Niu 1180, Montigny 270,00 0,00 270,00 120595 Dorval QC H9S5N7

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1534 Ferlaino/Deakin 126, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113418 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z8 1535 Fernado Pellicer 210, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120756 Dorval QC H9S2L4 1536 Fernande Dumont 1291, Carson 250,00 0,00 250,00 115010 Dorval QC H9S1M5 1537 Fernandes 507, Meadowvale 275,00 0,00 275,00 120349 Dorval QC H9P2E6 1538 Fernando Vieira 95, Montrose 275,00 0,00 275,00 120622 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S6 1539 Fernet 205, Tulip 229,95 0,00 229,95 124155 Dorval QC H9S3P4 1540 Fernet 205, Tulip 250,00 0,00 250,00 124155 Dorval QC H9S3P4 1541 Ferrucci 79, Prince-Edward 275,00 0,00 275,00 121894 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C6 1542 Fetherstonhaugh 50, Whitehead Terrasse 275,00 0,00 275,00 124969 Dorval QC H9S5M4 1543 Figurski 32, Kanata 200,00 0,00 200,00 118997 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V3 1544 Fikry Ywakim 6, Stewart 305,00 0,00 305,00 122848 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5T5 1545 Finance Rapide Cie Ltee 311 - 4480 Chemin de la Côte de Liesse 13 328,41 0,00 13 328,41 19-0274 Mont-Royal QC H4N 2R1 1546 Finance Rapide Cie Ltee 311 - 4480 Chemin de la Côte de Liesse 46 213,94 0,00 46 213,94 19-0456 Mont-Royal QC H4N 2R1 1547 Financière Dumas/Bergeron 43, Cartier 500,00 0,00 500,00 115040 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4R5 1548 Finbarr Travers 19, Hampton Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 118272 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 1549 Findlay 124, Sunderland 220,00 0,00 220,00 123729 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L2 1550 Fiola 98, Elgin 250,00 0,00 250,00 117306 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K2 1551 Fiona Gordon 13, Viburnum 190,00 0,00 190,00 124403 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5A3 1552 Fiorella Trinchini 160, Thrush 360,00 0,00 360,00 124026 Dorval QC H9S1S1 1553 Fiset 93, Elmwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 117483 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M5 1554 Fiset 243, Thorncrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 123967 Dorval QC H9S2X7 1555 Fitzsimons 2095, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 114001 Dorval QC H9S2G3 1556 Flaherty 139, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121995 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C9 1557 Flannery 31, Killarney Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 119063 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X8

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1558 Flannery 248, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123192 Dorval QC H9S2S4 1559 Florence Blackman 45, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116428 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 1560 Florence Goujon 265, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118736 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z3 1561 Florence Longueville 54, Little Rock 250,00 0,00 250,00 119728 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G4 1562 Florencia Marino 102, Charleswood Drive 250,00 0,00 250,00 125508 Beaconsfield QC H9W5N3 1563 Foley 337, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117070 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y5 1564 Fontaine 2175, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 250,00 0,00 250,00 114013 Dorval QC H9S2G4 1565 Ford 39, Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 115292 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4K6 1566 Forget 62, Bayview 190,00 0,00 190,00 113478 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C3 1567 Forman 85, McConnell 504,95 0,00 504,95 120322 Dorval QC H9S5L9 1568 Fornarolo 80, Bayview 250,00 0,00 250,00 113492 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C3 1569 Fortier 1015, 2nd Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 112831 Dorval QC H9S1V8 1570 Fortier 14, Murray Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 120740 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4E8 1571 Fortier/Dansereau 43, Brunet 275,00 0,00 275,00 114556 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T4 1572 Fortin 40, Hampton Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 118292 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 1573 Fouad Zaki 281, MacLean 275,00 0,00 275,00 119900 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y1 1574 Foucault 219, St-Louis 285,00 0,00 285,00 123157 Dorval QC H9S2S3 1575 Fournier 11, Saddlewood 735,00 0,00 735,00 122417 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S6 1576 Foy/Gosselin 241, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123182 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5L6 1577 Franca Pieropan 17, Val-Soleil 250,00 0,00 250,00 124344 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V3 1578 France Brunet 350, St-Louis 325,00 0,00 325,00 123302 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z5 1579 France Laporte 23, Parkdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 121167 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y4 1580 Franceen Colby 380, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120797 Dorval QC H9S2L6 1581 Frances Warne 61, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 115404 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J2


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1582 Francesca Benedetti 105, Beacon Hill 275,00 0,00 275,00 127726 Beaconsfield QC H9W1S8 1583 Francesca Orsini 182, Westcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 124857 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M9 1584 Francesco Miceli 78, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116092 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S7 1585 Francine Heng 5, John-Fisher 275,00 0,00 275,00 125333 Pointe-Claire QC H9R0A9 1586 Francine Lavoie 2195, Chanteclerc 250,00 0,00 250,00 115252 Dorval QC H9P1L9 1587 Francine Picher 18, Kamouraska 275,00 0,00 275,00 118959 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V2 1588 Francine Riel 69, Dahlia 250,00 0,00 250,00 116272 Dorval QC H9S3N3 1589 Francis Guimond 72, Little Rock 270,00 0,00 270,00 119742 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G6 1590 Francis McNabb 151, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114701 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E3 1591 Francis Roy 227, Adams 275,00 0,00 275,00 112786 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y6 1592 Francis Vaillancourt 134, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116705 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X6 1593 Franck Bilney 636, rue Neptune 1 724,64 0,00 1 724,64 Sous-traitant: Dorval Roofing Dorval QC H9S 2L7 1594 Franco Conte 170, Regatta 250,00 0,00 250,00 122262 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z6 1595 Franco Venuta 256, Applebee 275,00 0,00 275,00 113006 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S1 1596 Francois Bellay 166, Creswell 275,00 0,00 275,00 128329 Beaconsfield QC H9W1E7 1597 Francois Doyon 135, Boylan 275,00 0,00 275,00 114083 Dorval QC H9S5J7 1598 Francois Dufour 35, De La Presentation 270,00 0,00 270,00 116465 Dorval QC H9S3L2 1599 Francois Edger 251, Sedgefield 275,00 0,00 275,00 122590 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P3 1600 Francois Lallier 66, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114316 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z4 1601 Francois Lebel 7, Beaconsfield Blvd 290,00 0,00 290,00 129135 Beaconsfield QC H9W3Y5 1602 Francois Marceau 260, Canary 275,00 0,00 275,00 113065 Dorval QC H9S1J9 1603 Francois Pineau 98, Pointe-Claire Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 121754 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 1604 Francois Tremblay 560, De L'église 275,00 0,00 275,00 116516 Dorval QC H9S1R1 1605 Francoise Boyer 490, Starling 270,00 0,00 270,00 122769 Dorval QC H9S2K2

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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1606 Francoise Guidi 156, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115712 Dorval QC H9S2S9 1607 Frank and Celiane Legge/Carre 373, Duke-of-Kent 275,00 0,00 275,00 115484 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z2 1608 Frank Crooks 7, Kamouraska 250,00 0,00 250,00 118948 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V2 1609 Frank Ferrie 108, Montrose 270,00 0,00 270,00 120632 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S5 1610 Frank Italiano 314, Courtland 250,00 0,00 250,00 116174 Dorval QC H9S2R9 1611 Frank Maselli 234, Green Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 118156 Dorval QC H9S3T8 1612 Frank Radva 579, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123547 Dorval QC H9P2A3 1613 Frank Rafters 5, Marie-Anne 250,00 0,00 250,00 120032 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4E9 1614 Frank Rodi 360, Georges V 275,00 0,00 275,00 117827 Dorval QC H9S3T1 1615 Frank Ruszczynski 285, Strathmore 270,00 0,00 270,00 123110 Dorval QC H9S2J5 1616 Frank Sauro 105, Maywood 220,00 0,00 220,00 120267 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3L7 1617 Frank Semeraro 100, Winthrop 225,00 0,00 225,00 125168 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W5 1618 Fraser 107, Vincennes 275,00 0,00 275,00 124577 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M1 1619 Fraticelli/Stewart 148, Kings 260,00 0,00 260,00 119160 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H4 1620 Fred Grindley 9, Claude 260,00 0,00 260,00 130339 Beaconsfield QC H9W4E9 1621 Fred Koehler 77, Broadview 270,00 0,00 270,00 114327 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z3 1622 Fred Orthwein 176, Dieppe 250,00 0,00 250,00 116729 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X7 1623 Frederic Jarassier 178, Sedgefield 275,00 0,00 275,00 122550 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N7 1624 Frederic Mayrand 220, Strathmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 123096 Dorval QC H9S2J4 1625 Frederich Mertens 759, Clement 200,00 0,00 200,00 115849 Dorval QC H9P2H9 1626 Frederick Marcotte 608, Westwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 124941 Dorval QC H9P2M5 1627 Freeman 59, Lucerne 250,00 0,00 250,00 119852 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V1 1628 Frei 75, Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 115587 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W9 1629 Frei 76, Saddlewood 270,00 0,00 270,00 122460 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S4

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1630 Froud 561, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124924 Dorval QC H9P2M2 1631 Fujun Chen 169, Radisson 275,00 0,00 275,00 122166 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V2 1632 Furlong 70, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121204 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y5 1633 Furtado/Sevack 22, Broadview 171,00 0,00 171,00 114282 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z2 1634 G Alarcon 125, Vincennes 275,00 0,00 275,00 124590 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M5 1635 G Bernier 82, Dahlia 275,00 0,00 275,00 116279 Dorval QC H9S3N2 1636 G Brassard 35, Cedar 250,00 0,00 250,00 115119 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X9 1637 G Craddock 1995, Breezeway 275,00 0,00 275,00 114237 Dorval QC H9S1C7 1638 G D'Amato 267, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123216 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5L3 1639 G D'Aoust 26, Glendale 250,00 0,00 250,00 125607 Beaconsfield QC H9W5P5 1640 G Frew 20, Westwood 245,00 0,00 245,00 124897 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y5 1641 G Gauthier 182, Dieppe 250,00 0,00 250,00 116735 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X7 1642 G Geoffrey 49, Parkland 270,00 0,00 270,00 121315 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E9 1643 G H Lalancette 123, Windcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 125040 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W2 1644 G Illing 430, Vinet 250,00 0,00 250,00 124652 Dorval QC H9S2M8 1645 G Lalonde 104, Alexina 229,95 0,00 229,95 112806 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M9 1646 G Lalonde 104, Alexina 250,00 0,00 250,00 112806 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M9 1647 G Massie 2381, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 280,00 0,00 280,00 114034 Dorval QC H9S2G7 1648 G Montanari 126, Thorncrest Circle 499,95 0,00 499,95 124007 Dorval QC H9S2X5 1649 G Morin 12, Hampton Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 118266 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 1650 G Novosad 413, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115764 Dorval QC H9S2T5 1651 G Olivier 61, Brunet 250,00 0,00 250,00 114565 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T7 1652 G Ouellette 305, St-Louis 201,29 0,00 201,29 123267 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4Y1 1653 G Ouellette 305, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123267 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4Y1


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1654 G Penarroya 157, Sunnyside 220,00 0,00 220,00 123843 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V2 1655 G Pigeon 126, Douglas-Shand 250,00 0,00 250,00 115454 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2C3 1656 G Porter 30, Belton 275,00 0,00 275,00 113622 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A1 1657 G Saviolidis 210, Brookhaven 300,00 0,00 300,00 114456 Dorval QC H9S2N4 1658 G Scoffield 175, Lagacé 250,00 0,00 250,00 119207 Dorval QC H9S2L9 1659 G Smid 102, Hastings 250,00 0,00 250,00 118383 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P3 1660 G W Nimijean 126, Maitland 250,00 0,00 250,00 119951 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X4 1661 G Wrigglesworth 8, Westfield 275,00 0,00 275,00 124870 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S6 1662 G Yuskowski 175, Fairhaven 275,00 0,00 275,00 117546 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A6 1663 G. Huggonson 87, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116103 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S6 1664 G.L. Allard 2265, Robin 275,00 0,00 275,00 122275 Dorval QC H9S1G9 1665 Gabriel Archambault 619, Dubord Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 116957 Dorval QC H9P1N5 1666 Gabriel Larsen 230, Castle 250,00 0,00 250,00 129361 Beaconsfield QC H9W2W2 1667 Gabriel Lepine 238, Sedgefield 275,00 0,00 275,00 122577 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P2 1668 Gabriela Fung 152, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 125910 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X6 1669 Gabrielle Angers Trottier 53, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 115514 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 1670 Gabrielle Dubé 229, Ste-Claire 280,00 0,00 280,00 122820 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4E3 1671 Gaby Molteceres 55, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114312 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z1 1672 Gaetan Bédard 351, Courtland 270,00 0,00 270,00 116188 Dorval QC H9S2R8 1673 Gaetan Mercier 791, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120864 Dorval QC H9P2A9 1674 Gagné 53, Pointe-Claire Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 121722 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M4 1675 Gagnier 655, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120839 Dorval QC H9P2A7 1676 Gagnon 100, Maitland 270,00 0,00 270,00 119925 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X4 1677 Gagnon 290, Vinet 250,00 0,00 250,00 124611 Dorval QC H9S2M6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1678 Gagnon/Gauthier 58, Saddlewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 122446 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S4 1679 Gail McLeod 293, Thorncrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 123977 Dorval QC H9S2X7 1680 Gail Spillane 129, Astoria 275,00 0,00 275,00 113262 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B1 1681 Gales 460, Starling 270,00 0,00 270,00 122763 Dorval QC H9S2K2 1682 Galina Ivanisova 128, Pickwood Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 121447 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M4 1683 Gallagher 1295, Carson 275,00 0,00 275,00 114791 Dorval QC H9S1M5 1684 Gallant / Davies 140, Arrowhead Crescent 275,00 0,00 275,00 113102 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V5 1685 Ganeviava 287, Louise-L'amy 240,00 0,00 240,00 119821 Dorval QC H9S5V4 1686 Garage Carline 301, Donegani 1 400,00 0,00 1 400,00 125325 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2W5 1687 Garcia 301, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115754 Dorval QC H9S2T3 1688 Gareau/Tenorio 1245, Deslauriers 275,00 0,00 275,00 116632 Dorval QC H9P2V7 1689 Garneau 92, Montrose 275,00 0,00 275,00 120620 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S5 1690 Garner 136, Empress 275,00 0,00 275,00 117329 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R1 1691 Garry Cleary 1276, Bel-Air 275,00 0,00 275,00 113021 Dorval QC H9S1H7 1692 Garry Gosse 11, Laurelwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 118082 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R2 1693 Garry Renaud 40, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113312 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G2 1694 Gary Allikas 343, Donegani 275,00 0,00 275,00 116792 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M4 1695 Gary Griffins 74, Watford 275,00 0,00 275,00 125885 Beaconsfield QC H9W5N9 1696 Gary Hastings 75, Sevigny 250,00 0,00 250,00 122631 Dorval QC H9S3V8 1697 Gary Houghton 99, Montrose 270,00 0,00 270,00 120626 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S6 1698 Gary Marsh 595, Graham 275,00 0,00 275,00 118036 Dorval QC H9P2B2 1699 Gary Munro 132, Braebrook 504,95 0,00 504,95 114134 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T8 1700 Gary Randle 114, Winthrop 250,00 0,00 250,00 125178 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W7 1701 Gary Spiller 186, Fairhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 117552 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A8

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1702 Gary Szilagyi 21, Bras-D'or 275,00 0,00 275,00 114216 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W6 1703 Gaston Gelinas 572, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123544 Dorval QC H9P2A2 1704 Gate/Tang 106, Glasgow 275,00 0,00 275,00 117907 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M5 1705 Gaudreau 962, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 300,00 0,00 300,00 113963 Dorval QC H9S2C5 1706 Gaudreau 348, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123499 Dorval QC H9S2J4 1707 Gauthier et Olivier Lutz/Cazaban 110, Spartan Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 122692 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R5 1708 Gauthier 22, Martin 250,00 0,00 250,00 120163 Dorval QC H9S3R3 1709 Gauthier/Ferguson 719, Neptune 270,00 0,00 270,00 120849 Dorval QC H9P2A9 1710 Geall/Gargano 101, Highgate 275,00 0,00 275,00 118525 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X5 1711 Gelinas/Fortin 587, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123550 Dorval QC H9P2A3 1712 Gellner 72, Nicholson 190,00 0,00 190,00 120931 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A1 1713 Gemma Acorbelli 83, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116100 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S6 1714 Genevieve Cote 80, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116438 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N2 1715 Genevieve Cote 171, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117028 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y2 1716 Genevieve Cote 171, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117028 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y2 1717 Genevieve Deschamps 40, Hartford 250,00 0,00 250,00 118356 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C8 1718 Genevieve Marot 4, Wilton 285,00 0,00 285,00 125010 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X4 1719 Genevieve Thibault 2140, Swallow 250,00 0,00 250,00 123126 Dorval QC H9S2K3 1720 Genevieve Tourillon 305, Courtland 250,00 0,00 250,00 116173 Dorval QC H9S2R8 1721 Genevive Boyer 45, De La Presentation 275,00 0,00 275,00 116467 Dorval QC H9S3L2 1722 Gengye Zhang 4, Lakebreeze 504,95 0,00 504,95 119340 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5H9 1723 Geoff Clark 14, Rodney 275,00 0,00 275,00 122322 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L7 1724 Geoff Whitehead 415, Starling 250,00 0,00 250,00 122756 Dorval QC H9S2K1 1725 Geoffrey Hart 112, Chestnut 250,00 0,00 250,00 114862 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B1

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1726 Geoffrey Stewart 176, Lakeview 250,00 0,00 250,00 119467 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C1 1727 Geoffroy St-Hilaire 2, Canterbury Park 250,00 0,00 250,00 114744 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z7 1728 Geoffroy/Ward 370, Duke-of-Kent 275,00 0,00 275,00 115481 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z1 1729 Geordana Kuchiran 120, Rothbury 275,00 0,00 275,00 122348 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R9 1730 George Baldwin 21, Winston Circle 270,00 0,00 270,00 125131 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X5 1731 George Crawford 71, Brunet 275,00 0,00 275,00 114574 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T7 1732 George Doxas 102, Forest Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 117722 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T1 1733 George Farag 135, Glenbrook Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 117369 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X9 1734 George Jovanavich 100, Alston 275,00 0,00 275,00 112943 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3E3 1735 George Kirkwood 253, Lagacé 250,00 0,00 250,00 119230 Dorval QC H9S2L9 1736 George Lawrence 39, Pointe-Claire Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 121712 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M4 1737 George Montroukas 7, Pilon 220,00 0,00 220,00 125801 Beaconsfield QC H9W5P9 1738 George Papadimitrios 126, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114131 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T8 1739 George Papamikidis 1130, Prince Philip 275,00 0,00 275,00 121850 Dorval QC H9S5N8 1740 George Sun 375, Donegani 250,00 0,00 250,00 125312 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M4 1741 George Young 114, Hermiston 275,00 0,00 275,00 118457 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P2 1742 Georges Kamel 159, Kipling 229,95 0,00 229,95 128626 Beaconsfield QC H9W2Z9 1743 Georges Racicot 41, Brunet 275,00 0,00 275,00 114555 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T4 1744 Georgia Tsouroupakis 169, Radisson 275,00 0,00 275,00 122167 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V2 1745 Georgiana Elias 111, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114675 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E2 1746 Georgy Simpkin 30, Kanata 250,00 0,00 250,00 118995 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V3 1747 Gerald Glass 455, Courtland 250,00 0,00 250,00 116210 Dorval QC H9S2R8 1748 Gerald Hanson 7, Georgia Cr. 479,95 0,00 479,95 117835 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V7 1749 Gerald Marshall 100, Michigan 250,00 0,00 250,00 120442 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V6


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1750 Gerald Tassé 82, Ashburton 275,00 0,00 275,00 113209 Dorval QC H9S5K2 1751 Geraldine Atkinson 326, Lagacé 275,00 0,00 275,00 119253 Dorval QC H9S2M3 1752 Gerard Douville 237, Lilas 250,00 0,00 250,00 119654 Dorval QC H9S3M3 1753 Gerard Kelly 259, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120769 Dorval QC H9S2L3 1754 Gerard Waters 224, Strathcona 275,00 0,00 275,00 123476 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X8 1755 Germain 284, Stream 200,00 0,00 200,00 123598 Dorval QC H9S2P1 1756 Germano Di-Giannatonio 156, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114149 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T9 1757 Gerry and Florence Hickey/Auclair 92, Avondale 300,00 0,00 300,00 125419 Beaconsfield QC H9W5L5 1758 Gerry Castellano 149, Pointe-Claire Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 121786 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M7 1759 Gerry Drouillard 695, Rockcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 122308 Dorval QC H9P2E4 1760 Gerry Guerra 238, Strathcona 275,00 0,00 275,00 123483 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y3 1761 Gervais 107, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114116 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T4 1762 Gestion Bruno-Elie Inc 87, Aurora 275,00 0,00 275,00 113343 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G3 1763 Gestion Pierre Trudel 8 Compton 2 874,38 0,00 2 874,38 (Yard Unimanix) Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V9 1764 Ghinea Tiutiuca 259, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123207 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5L3 1765 Ghosh 197, Braebrook 229,95 0,00 229,95 113788 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V6 1766 Ghosh 197, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 113788 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V6 1767 Gianluca Pessina 82, Stockwell 275,00 0,00 275,00 123433 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V2 1768 Giannangelo 102, Ivanhoe Cr. 245,00 0,00 245,00 118209 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z8 1769 Gianni Colatruglio 276, Handfield Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 118331 Dorval QC H9S3V3 1770 Giannini/Sarry 165, Allard 500,00 0,00 500,00 113157 Dorval QC H9S3B5 1771 Gibbons/Gomez 79, Ashburton 275,00 0,00 275,00 113207 Dorval QC H9S5M1 1772 Gibson 102, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124786 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M6 1773 Gilbert Rebeiro 119, Highgate 275,00 0,00 275,00 118540 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X5


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1774 Gilbert St-Onge 85, De La Presentation 250,00 0,00 250,00 116475 Dorval QC H9S3L2 1775 Gilbert 25, Horizon 275,00 0,00 275,00 118686 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 1776 Gilbert 510, Prince Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 121819 Dorval QC H9P1Z3 1777 Giles Gauthier 173, Duke-of-Kent 275,00 0,00 275,00 117029 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y2 1778 Gilles H Bouthillier 269, Vista 275,00 0,00 275,00 124706 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R8 1779 Gilles Labranche 319, Duke-of-Kent 390,00 0,00 390,00 117061 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y4 1780 Gilles Teste 52, Aurora 275,00 0,00 275,00 113324 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G2 1781 Gillet 240, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123181 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 1782 Gillian Blanchet 314, Raimbault 190,00 0,00 190,00 122203 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5T9 1783 Gillian Kinsman 21, Hillcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 118582 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E6 1784 Gillies 119, Ashington 250,00 0,00 250,00 113226 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z1 1785 Gilligan 2185, Chadillon 275,00 0,00 275,00 115176 Dorval QC H9P1L5 1786 Gilmore 295, Handfield Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 118340 Dorval QC H9S3V1 1787 Gin Kim 118, Spartan Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 122700 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R5 1788 Gin Yu 1775, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 300,00 0,00 300,00 129141 Dorval QC H9S2E9 1789 Gina Formentini 600, Oriole Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 121076 Dorval QC H9P1P2 1790 Gina Gasparrini 315, Raimbault 250,00 0,00 250,00 122204 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5T9 1791 Ginette Campeau 1735, Surrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 123113 Dorval QC H9P1W9 1792 Ginette Lapierre 540, Strathmore 200,00 0,00 200,00 123538 Dorval QC H9P2A2 1793 Ginette Lapierre 542, Strathmore 190,00 0,00 190,00 123539 Dorval QC H9P2A2 1794 Ginette Litalien 108, Chestnut 250,00 0,00 250,00 114790 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B1 1795 Ginette Morin 16, Paris 250,00 0,00 250,00 121144 Pointe-Claire QC H9P2X3 1796 Ginnetti 290, Jaillet 250,00 0,00 250,00 118837 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X9 1797 Gino Capozzi 14, Manor 275,00 0,00 275,00 120024 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4S9


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1798 Gino De Luca 223, Monaco 250,00 0,00 250,00 120545 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R7 1799 Gino et Julie Plevano/Ladouceur 359, Mimosa 275,00 0,00 275,00 125373 Dorval QC H9S3K4 1800 Giovanni Blasi 160, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124838 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M9 1801 Girouard 87, Parkdale 245,00 0,00 245,00 121220 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y6 1802 Girouard/Theriault 270, Louise-L'amy 220,00 0,00 220,00 119815 Dorval QC H9S4K3 1803 Gisele Lapointe 211, Norwood 229,95 0,00 229,95 121031 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R5 1804 Gisele Pilon 55, Griffin 275,00 0,00 275,00 118240 Dorval QC H9S5M7 1805 Giuseppe Buono 270, Martin 390,00 0,00 390,00 120233 Dorval QC H9S3R9 1806 Glen Pearson 34, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122061 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G2 1807 Glen Pepin 53, Jasper 275,00 0,00 275,00 125676 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R7 1808 Glengarry Tire Inc 3301 Dalkeith Road P.O. Box 160 435,05 0,00 435,05 5814 Glen Robertson ON K0B1H0 1809 Glenn and Heather Bradley/Martin 26, Summerhill 250,00 0,00 250,00 123639 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K4 1810 Glenn Cranker 38, Glendale 275,00 0,00 275,00 125613 Beaconsfield QC H9W5P5 1811 Glenn Holland 153, Vanguard 250,00 0,00 250,00 124380 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T4 1812 Glenn Marquis 111, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120047 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 1813 Glenn McCartney/Waters 148, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114143 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T9 1814 Glenn Sellors 179, Duke-of-Kent 275,00 0,00 275,00 117032 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y2 1815 GMS Technologies Inc 1166, Pierre-Mallet 275,00 0,00 275,00 121474 Dorval QC H9S5V9 1816 Godin 630, Rockcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 122296 Dorval QC H9P2C9 1817 Godwin 74, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113338 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G4 1818 Goldberg 250, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123195 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 1819 Gonzales 495, Starling 300,00 0,00 300,00 122770 Dorval QC H9S2K1 1820 Goodfellow 363, Courtland 250,00 0,00 250,00 116192 Dorval QC H9S2R8 1821 Gordon Easey 150, Sunderland 275,00 0,00 275,00 123748 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1822 Gordon MacKinnon 306, Parkwood Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 121323 Dorval QC H9S3A3 1823 Gordon Schwartz 308, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123270 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 1824 Gordon 9, Condover 375,00 0,00 375,00 116032 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Y7 1825 Gordon 313, Donegani 250,00 0,00 250,00 116777 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2W5 1826 Gordon 104, Michigan 275,00 0,00 275,00 119437 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V6 1827 Gormley 166, Devito 275,00 0,00 275,00 116665 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4S9 1828 Graham Gordon 53, Bayview 250,00 0,00 250,00 113471 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C4 1829 Graham Pepper 27, Woolmer 275,00 0,00 275,00 125216 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H1 1830 Grannary 419, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115767 Dorval QC H9S2T5 1831 Gransden 52, Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 115300 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4K8 1832 Grant McCullough 565, Graham 275,00 0,00 275,00 118030 Dorval QC H9P2B2 1833 Grant Watson 7, Sunnyside 275,00 0,00 275,00 123776 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G6 1834 Grant 639, Dubord Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 116964 Dorval QC H9P1N5 1835 Grant 243, Green Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 118161 Dorval QC H9S3T7 1836 Grant 520, Strathmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 123532 Dorval QC H9P2A2 1837 Gray 8, Condover 270,00 0,00 270,00 116031 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Y8 1838 Grazyna Stepien 123, Forest Gardens 290,00 0,00 290,00 117348 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T2 1839 Green 200, Tulip 557,44 0,00 557,44 124154 Dorval QC H9S3P3 1840 Greene 128, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119150 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H4 1841 Greevy 231, Braebrook 220,00 0,00 220,00 114184 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V7 1842 Greg Bruneau 158, Lakeview 250,00 0,00 250,00 119397 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C1 1843 Greg Carruthers 58, Winston Circle 270,00 0,00 270,00 125155 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X6 1844 Greg Cavanagh 77, Aurora 275,00 0,00 275,00 113015 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G3 1845 Greg Clayton 206, Comber 250,00 0,00 250,00 115920 Dorval QC H9S2Y4


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1846 Greg MacNeil 17, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123783 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G6 1847 Greg Manuel 309, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117056 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y4 1848 Greg Mayer 61, Highridge 275,00 0,00 275,00 129738 Beaconsfield QC H9W5E9 1849 Greg Sobieraj 155, Westcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 124833 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M8 1850 Greg Winslow 152, Duke-of-Kent 275,00 0,00 275,00 117027 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X9 1851 Greg Winslow 449, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123367 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A6 1852 Gregg Abramovich 140, Duke-of-Kent 270,00 0,00 270,00 117021 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X9 1853 Gregg and Joelle Penny/Lopez 153, Radisson 275,00 0,00 275,00 122152 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E7 1854 Gregg Berretta 131, Marlin Cr. 300,00 0,00 300,00 120063 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 1855 Gregg Berretta 131, Marlin Cr. 229,95 0,00 229,95 120063 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 1856 Gregg Hemmings 771, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115853 Dorval QC H9P2H9 1857 Grégoire 553, Starling 275,00 0,00 275,00 122782 Dorval QC H9P1V3 1858 Gregory Bielby 114, Cragmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 116228 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M1 1859 Gregory Buie 20, Sunnyside 225,00 0,00 225,00 123786 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G5 1860 Gregory Desmarais 116, Windcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 125033 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W1 1861 Gregory Dottin 95, Tremont 275,00 0,00 275,00 125906 Dorval QC H9S5M5 1862 Gregory John 325, Donegani 250,00 0,00 250,00 116783 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2W5 1863 Gregrio Layos 546, Avila - Legault 210,00 0,00 210,00 113193 Dorval QC H9P2X4 1864 Grenier 84, Pardo 250,00 0,00 250,00 121128 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3H3 1865 Grenier 246, Tulip 275,00 0,00 275,00 124170 Dorval QC H9S3P3 1866 Grenon 4, Horizon 205,00 0,00 205,00 118665 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 1867 Grindley 233, Handfield Circle 190,00 0,00 190,00 118313 Dorval QC H9S3V1 1868 Grinnage 405, Allard 190,00 0,00 190,00 112927 Dorval QC H9S3C1 1869 Grozdanov 281, Pine Beach 300,00 0,00 300,00 121509 Dorval QC H9S2V8


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1870 Guangyan Feng 91, Beaconsfield Blvd 250,00 0,00 250,00 125466 Beaconsfield QC H9W3Z5 1871 Guglielmi 135, Tremont 250,00 0,00 250,00 124141 Dorval QC H9S5M5 1872 Guilbault 4, De L'église 250,00 0,00 250,00 115448 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5J2 1873 Guilbault 100, Vincennes 275,00 0,00 275,00 124570 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M4 1874 Gunning 97, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121753 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M6 1875 Guodong Xu 246, Sherwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 122644 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R8 1876 Gurekas 39, Belton 275,00 0,00 275,00 113629 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A2 1877 Gustavo San Roman 290, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124080 Dorval QC H9S2M9 1878 Gustavo Soberanis 122, Crestview 250,00 0,00 250,00 116253 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A1 1879 Guy Belliveau 103, Rothbury 275,00 0,00 275,00 122337 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R6 1880 Guy Charron 93, St-Jean 250,00 0,00 250,00 122973 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y9 1881 Guy Duhamel 16, Horizon 190,00 0,00 190,00 118677 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 1882 Guy Forest 1015, Dawson 275,00 0,00 275,00 116347 Dorval QC H9S1X7 1883 Guy Fortin 93, Nicholson 505,00 0,00 505,00 120949 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A1 1884 Guy Fradette 103, Stillview 275,00 0,00 275,00 122866 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X9 1885 Guy Gariepy 332, Allard 449,95 0,00 449,95 112910 Dorval QC H9S3C2 1886 Guy Kelada 129, Highgate 270,00 0,00 270,00 118550 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X5 1887 Guy Lemieux 130, Dahlia 390,00 0,00 390,00 116286 Dorval QC H9S3N5 1888 Guy Ménard 8, Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 115432 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X1 1889 Guy Patrice 528, Neptune 190,00 0,00 190,00 120814 Dorval QC H9P2A5 1890 Guylaine Desjardins 196, Lakeview 250,00 0,00 250,00 119479 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C5 1891 H Alcorta 11, Papillon 275,00 0,00 275,00 121099 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5C1 1892 H Daoust 123, Longmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 119796 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A4 1893 H Derry 71, Vincennes 190,00 0,00 190,00 123143 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M1


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1894 H F Miranda 237, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120099 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y2 1895 H Ghaffari 400, Claude 275,00 0,00 275,00 115677 Dorval QC H9S3B3 1896 H Hannah 151, Sunnyside 190,00 0,00 190,00 123837 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V2 1897 H Kandert 310, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118193 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z7 1898 H Lacroix 253, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118724 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z3 1899 H Parent 19, Lakebreeze 190,00 0,00 190,00 119353 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5H8 1900 Hackwell 110, Arrowhead Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 113077 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V5 1901 Haiping Ou 78, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116093 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S7 1902 Hakan Dogan 372, Raimbault 180,00 0,00 180,00 122247 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V1 1903 Haley 654, Dubord Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 116969 Dorval QC H9P1N6 1904 Halford Wilson 123, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113416 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A2 1905 Hall 25, Waverley 400,00 0,00 400,00 124746 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W6 1906 Halpin/Chartrand 2, Westfield 275,00 0,00 275,00 124864 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S6 1907 Hamel 285, Ducharme 229,95 0,00 229,95 116998 Dorval QC H9S2H8 1908 Hamel 285, Ducharme 250,00 0,00 250,00 116998 Dorval QC H9S2H8 1909 Hamel 33, Girouard 275,00 0,00 275,00 117867 Dorval QC H9S3R1 1910 Hamel 219, Springdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 122741 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R4 1911 Hamilton 370, Elmridge 275,00 0,00 275,00 117442 Dorval QC H9S2Z7 1912 Hanna 46, Saddlewood 270,00 0,00 270,00 122439 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S4 1913 Hannan / Duchastel 300, Berkeley 270,00 0,00 270,00 113634 Dorval QC H9S1H4 1914 Hannes Dupreez 51, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 115512 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 1915 Hanny Attia 89, Vincennes 310,00 0,00 310,00 124556 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M1 1916 Hans Pohl 109, Des Canots 275,00 0,00 275,00 115545 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X3 1917 Hansen 97, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125052 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H5

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1918 Hany Gomaa 137, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124817 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M5 1919 Hao Li 247, Louise-L'amy 220,00 0,00 220,00 119810 Dorval QC H9S5V4 1920 Hao Su 407, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 125920 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A5 1921 Haraszty 150, Heather 275,00 0,00 275,00 118430 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A4 1922 Harder 90, Parkdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 121223 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y7 1923 Harland 141, Millhaven 275,00 0,00 275,00 119460 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V9 1924 Harmignies 393, Oakville 300,00 0,00 300,00 120687 Dorval QC H9S2R3 1925 Harn Yawnghwe 12, Lakebreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 119347 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5H9 1926 Harout Antonian 134, Yonge Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125286 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L9 1927 Harper 201, Norwood 285,00 0,00 285,00 121024 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R5 1928 Harrington 62, Vincennes 250,00 0,00 250,00 124548 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M2 1929 Harry Djourian 294, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123252 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 1930 Harry/Elizabeth Green 525, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123534 Dorval QC H9P2A1 1931 Hart 22, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121166 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y3 1932 Hartmann 53, Hampton Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 118304 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 1933 Harvey 74, Jefferson 270,00 0,00 270,00 118888 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J8 1934 Harvey 74, Jefferson 402,41 0,00 402,41 118888 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J8 1935 Harys Konstantarakos 16, Ponner 260,00 0,00 260,00 121802 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L9 1936 Hawke 37, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121180 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y4 1937 Hawranke 3, Golf 275,00 0,00 275,00 117975 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N4 1938 Hayes 120, Astoria 504,95 0,00 504,95 113253 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A8 1939 Healey / Fraser 100, Valois Bay 225,00 0,00 225,00 124282 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B6 1940 Heaps 573, Prince Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 121840 Dorval QC H9P1Z2 1941 Heather Dubee 17, Winston Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 125129 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X5

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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1942 Heather Maclean 95, Avondale 270,00 0,00 270,00 125420 Beaconsfield QC H9W5L6 1943 Heather Yorston 32, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121876 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C5 1944 Heather 65, Summerhill 250,00 0,00 250,00 123668 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L1 1945 Heena Patel 300, Champlain 275,00 0,00 275,00 114837 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X8 1946 Heidi Koller 61, Ponner 275,00 0,00 275,00 121811 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4W4 1947 Heidi Risch 2245, Partridge 250,00 0,00 250,00 121363 Dorval QC H9P1V7 1948 Helen Clow 266, Allard 275,00 0,00 275,00 112897 Dorval QC H9S3B9 1949 Helen Gordon 242, Allard 229,95 0,00 229,95 113172 Dorval QC H9S3B9 1950 Helen Gordon 242, Allard 190,00 0,00 190,00 113172 Dorval QC H9S3B9 1951 Helen Law 437, Delmar 275,00 0,00 275,00 116582 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A3 1952 Helen Symonds 1556, Deslauriers 190,00 0,00 190,00 116647 Pointe-Claire QC H9P2X1 1953 Helen Zako 30, McConnell 275,00 0,00 275,00 120313 Dorval QC H9S5N9 1954 Helen Zako 30, McConnell 316,18 0,00 316,18 120313 Dorval QC H9S5N9 1955 Helene Bourget 128, Saddlewood 270,00 0,00 270,00 121649 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 1956 Helene Campeau 252, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120767 Dorval QC H9S2L3 1957 Helene Coulombe 65, Lynwood Drive 275,00 0,00 275,00 125753 Beaconsfield QC H9W5L9 1958 Helene Schmidt 129, De Breslay 275,00 0,00 275,00 116459 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 1959 Helmut Winter 313, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117058 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y4 1960 Hemsworth 585, St-Léon 270,00 0,00 270,00 123077 Dorval QC H9P1Z8 1961 Hénault 275, Ferndale 250,00 0,00 250,00 117608 Dorval QC H9S3M7 1962 Henderson 59, Summerhill 537,44 0,00 537,44 123662 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L1 1963 Henderson 326, Vinet 220,00 0,00 220,00 124620 Dorval QC H9S2M8 1964 Henderson/Lichocki 69, Little Rock 225,00 0,00 225,00 119739 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G5 1965 Heng Teav 312, Linnet Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 119695 Dorval QC H9S2K7


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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1966 Henrik Lund 5, Parkland 275,00 0,00 275,00 121284 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E6 1967 Henry Ouellette 2190, Swallow 250,00 0,00 250,00 123132 Dorval QC H9S2K3 1968 Herma Patschke 25, Pilon 250,00 0,00 250,00 125811 Beaconsfield QC H9W5P9 1969 Hermann Buenter 35, Wildtree Drive 250,00 0,00 250,00 130254 Beaconsfield QC H9W5G2 1970 Hernan Porras 295, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120141 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 1971 Heron 2070, Chadillon 479,95 0,00 479,95 115160 Dorval QC H9P1L4 1972 Herve Delmas 31, Prince-Edward 275,00 0,00 275,00 121875 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C4 1973 Hesketh 157, Prince-Edward 265,00 0,00 265,00 122007 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C9 1974 Hétu 64, Elmwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 117471 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M3 1975 Hewlett / Steele 56, Hillcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 118608 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E5 1976 Hewson 181, Regatta 250,00 0,00 250,00 122273 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z5 1977 Hicks 1286, Bel-Air 250,00 0,00 250,00 113026 Dorval QC H9S1H7 1978 Hien Nguyen 115, Roy 275,00 0,00 275,00 122356 Dorval QC H9S3C4 1979 Hilary Jones 136, Hastings 270,00 0,00 270,00 118410 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P9 1980 Hilda Burdayron 686, Clement 285,00 0,00 285,00 115830 Dorval QC H9P2H8 1981 Hildebrand 18, Golf 225,00 0,00 225,00 117984 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N5 1982 Hildebrand 11, Salisbury 225,00 0,00 225,00 122504 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z2 1983 Hildegard Schmidt 8, Waverley 250,00 0,00 250,00 124734 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W3 1984 Hill 349, Brookhaven 525,00 0,00 525,00 114497 Dorval QC H9S2N6 1985 Hindie 101, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113745 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J1 1986 Ho 238, Elie-de-Bellefeuille 275,00 0,00 275,00 117313 Dorval QC H9S5V5 1987 Ho 224, Stream 270,00 0,00 270,00 123585 Dorval QC H9S2P1 1988 Hocine Bouktit 115, Vanguard 275,00 0,00 275,00 124364 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T4 1989 Hodgson 685, Rockcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 122306 Dorval QC H9P2E4

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 1990 Hoelscher 1765, Wilshire 275,00 0,00 275,00 125002 Dorval QC H9P1S3 1991 Holly Diffley 168, Sedgefield 316,18 0,00 316,18 122540 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N7 1992 Holly Diffley 168, Sedgefield 229,95 0,00 229,95 122540 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N7 1993 Holly Robertson 135, Des Canots 190,00 0,00 190,00 116627 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X3 1994 Holmes 1, Killarney Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 119037 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X7 1995 Holt 113, Arrowhead Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 113080 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V4 1996 Holt 108, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114117 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T1 1997 Home Depot c/o Citi Cards Canada (Acct 603529) PO Box 2052, Stn B 10 267,29 0,00 10 267,29 6035 2943 5026 2049 Mississauga ON L4Y 0B4 1998 Hong Jun Wang 72, Wildtree Drive 265,00 0,00 265,00 130266 Beaconsfield QC H9W5G4 1999 Hong Wong 495, De L'église 275,00 0,00 275,00 116502 Dorval QC H9S1P7 2000 Hongwei Ye 305, Thorncrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 123980 Dorval QC H9S2X9 2001 Hooper 5, Carlisle 190,00 0,00 190,00 114943 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S9 2002 Horacio Tiburcio 58, Bras-D'or 250,00 0,00 250,00 114233 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W8 2003 Horia Balas 71, Circle 270,00 0,00 270,00 115585 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W9 2004 Horner 60, Montrose 270,00 0,00 270,00 120603 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S4 2005 Horobin/Rappell 45, Lansdowne Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 119543 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B9 2006 Houston 2245, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 350,00 0,00 350,00 114020 Dorval QC H9S2G4 2007 Houston 455, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123373 Dorval QC H9S2S7 2008 Howard McIntyre 333, Donegani 250,00 0,00 250,00 116787 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M4 2009 Howison/Coulter 78, Montrose 250,00 0,00 250,00 120613 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S4 2010 Hoyano 1550, Turcot 250,00 0,00 250,00 124199 Dorval QC H9S1G3 2011 Hratch Manavian 413, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 125392 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A6 2012 Hsiao Jung Wang 1120, John-Pratt 270,00 0,00 270,00 118911 Dorval QC H9S5R3 2013 Huan Wang 159, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 122010 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C9


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2014 Huang 279, Elie-de-Bellefeuille 250,00 0,00 250,00 117389 Dorval QC H9S4H8 2015 Huazhen Zhan 271, Pine Beach 275,00 0,00 275,00 121506 Dorval QC H9S2V8 2016 Huberta Trudel 396, Allard 190,00 0,00 190,00 112926 Dorval QC H9S3C2 2017 Hugette Miyake 1195, Dawson 275,00 0,00 275,00 116372 Dorval QC H9S1X9 2018 Huggins 562, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124925 Dorval QC H9P2M3 2019 Hugh Niven 126, Longmeadow 275,00 0,00 275,00 119773 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X2 2020 Hugo Chartier 1790, Parkfield 250,00 0,00 250,00 121270 Dorval QC H9P1T5 2021 Humphries 143, Marlin Cr. 344,93 0,00 344,93 120072 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 2022 Humphries 143, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120072 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 2023 Hunain Alam 26, Kanata 190,00 0,00 190,00 118991 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V3 2024 Hunt/Bergeron 177, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125112 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J1 2025 Hunter 112, Glasgow 275,00 0,00 275,00 117913 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M5 2026 Huot 235, Louise-L'amy 220,00 0,00 220,00 119808 Dorval QC H9S5V4 2027 Hurtubise 53, Lucerne 250,00 0,00 250,00 119846 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V1 2028 Hussam Saeed 406, Delmar 275,00 0,00 275,00 116558 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4V8 2029 Huw Griffiths 315, Courtland 250,00 0,00 250,00 116175 Dorval QC H9S2R8 2030 Hydro-Québec 3ème étage 295,84 0,00 295,84 Attn: Service de Recouvrement 140 boul Crémazie O 299043458478 Montréal QC H2P 1C3 2031 I Barkhoodarian 183, Allancroft 275,00 0,00 275,00 129188 Beaconsfield QC H9W2P8 2032 I Notargiacomo 400, St-Louis 225,00 0,00 225,00 123341 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A2 2033 I Scotnotis 33, Aurora 275,00 0,00 275,00 113308 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G1 2034 I Stetiu 385, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124107 Dorval QC H9S2N3 2035 Iacovino 630, Graham 250,00 0,00 250,00 117277 Dorval QC H9P2B5 2036 Iain Fletcher 37, Kanata 250,00 0,00 250,00 119002 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V3 2037 Ian and Heather Robinson/Poirier 241, Sedgefield 275,00 0,00 275,00 122580 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P3


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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2038 Ian Arthur 118, Maitland 275,00 0,00 275,00 119943 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X4 2039 Ian Fraser 8, Brunet 275,00 0,00 275,00 114532 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T2 2040 Ian Frazier 4, Laurelwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 118075 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R3 2041 Ian Gagnon 167, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 113044 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V2 2042 Ian Harris 141, Glenbrook Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 117375 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X9 2043 Ian Howarth 109, Ivanhoe Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 118770 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z9 2044 Ian Labrosse 745, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120857 Dorval QC H9P2A9 2045 Ian Lindsay 2185, Goldfinch 250,00 0,00 250,00 117972 Dorval QC H9P1M8 2046 Ian Macgillivray 178, Westcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 124854 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M9 2047 Ian MacKinnon 105, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 114847 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J8 2048 Ian Matthews 204, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 290,00 0,00 290,00 113873 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4K2 2049 Ian Morrison 157, Heather 275,00 0,00 275,00 118437 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A6 2050 Ian Pierrie 95, Belmont 190,00 0,00 190,00 113576 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2N7 2051 Ian Pierrie 95, Belmont 229,95 0,00 229,95 113576 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2N7 2052 Ian Reeves 171, Sedgefield 275,00 0,00 275,00 122543 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N9 2053 Ian Reid 22, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124898 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y5 2054 Ian Richards 12, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 122947 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y9 2055 Ian Spencer 158, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116718 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X6 2056 Ian Tonnies 639, Wright Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 125238 Dorval QC H9P2C3 2057 Ian Vowles 223, Bruton 275,00 0,00 275,00 127968 Beaconsfield QC H9W1N1 2058 Ianos Kosa 121, Sedgefield 250,00 0,00 250,00 121913 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 2059 Ibrahim 160, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123846 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V1 2060 Iermieri 105, Highgate 250,00 0,00 250,00 118529 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X5 2061 Iffrig 113, Alexina 225,00 0,00 225,00 113139 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M8


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2062 Igino Naroella 48, Nicholson 220,00 0,00 220,00 120919 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A2 2063 Ignatius Rozario 274, Elie-de-Bellefeuille 275,00 0,00 275,00 117388 Dorval QC H9S5V5 2064 Igor Biba 425, Delmar 250,00 0,00 250,00 116571 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A3 2065 Ihab Abdel Fattah 118, Maywood 275,00 0,00 275,00 120279 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3L8 2066 Ilka Mcsween 125, Prince-Rupert 270,00 0,00 270,00 122030 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M1 2067 Imad Al-Hmouz 26, Papillon 410,00 0,00 410,00 121114 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5B9 2068 Imad Buali 34, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121178 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y3 2069 Iman Aminzadeh 374, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 115485 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z1 2070 Imelda Ariens 15, Drayton 190,00 0,00 190,00 116914 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V1 2071 Ina Gray 372, Allard 190,00 0,00 190,00 112920 Dorval QC H9S3C2 2072 Ines Cheris 498, Starling 275,00 0,00 275,00 122771 Dorval QC H9S2K2 2073 Ines Florez 580, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115802 Dorval QC H9P2H4 2074 Ingoldsby 115, Ivanhoe Cr. 225,00 0,00 225,00 118776 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z9 2075 Innes 42, Hartford 250,00 0,00 250,00 118358 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C8 2076 Intact Assurance 2450 rue Girouard O 1,00 0,00 1,00 Saint-Hyacinthe QC J2S 3B3 2077 Ioan Necsa 170, Martin 250,00 0,00 250,00 120200 Dorval QC H9S3R6 2078 Ioana Nicolaica 24, Papillon 300,00 0,00 300,00 121112 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5B9 2079 Ionescu 350, Vinet 270,00 0,00 270,00 124628 Dorval QC H9S2M8 2080 Iosif Climent 171, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114711 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5H3 2081 IoTab ( GPS) 7575 Route Transcanadienne bureau 406 1 046,27 0,00 1 046,27 St-Laurent QC H4T1V6 2082 Ireland Kronlov 6, Lanthier 250,00 0,00 250,00 119553 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4G2 2083 Irene Illich 43, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121714 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M4 2084 Irene Ramos 339, Donegani 190,00 0,00 190,00 116790 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M4 2085 Irene Steffen 1880, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 310,00 0,00 310,00 113986 Dorval QC H9S2E6


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2086 Irene Tyliakos 126, Valois Bay 270,00 0,00 270,00 124292 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B9 2087 Irene Williams 545, Graham 270,00 0,00 270,00 118026 Dorval QC H9P2B2 2088 Irmtraut Shand 175, Lake 250,00 0,00 250,00 119296 Dorval QC H9S2J2 2089 Irwin Shlafman 79, Girouard 325,00 0,00 325,00 125366 Dorval QC H9S3R1 2090 Isaac Olmstead 91, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119124 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H3 2091 Isabel Castillo 287, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123242 Dorval QC H9S2S4 2092 Isabelle Arcand 244, Elie-de-Bellefeuille 275,00 0,00 275,00 117314 Dorval QC H9S5V5 2093 Isabelle Bertolotti 252, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118723 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5K9 2094 Isabelle Coulombe 364, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117094 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z1 2095 Isabelle Debloes 153, Monterrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 120579 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W3 2096 Isabelle Laforce 20, Girouard 275,00 0,00 275,00 117861 Dorval QC H9S3P9 2097 Isabelle Lipari 15, Viburnum 190,00 0,00 190,00 124405 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5A3 2098 Isabelle Masse 292, Jaillet 270,00 0,00 270,00 118839 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y3 2099 Isabelle Millette 257, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118728 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z3 2100 Isabelle Morrisette 564, St-Léon 275,00 0,00 275,00 121658 Dorval QC H9P1Z7 2101 Isabelle Paquette 381, Courtland 250,00 0,00 250,00 116198 Dorval QC H9S2R8 2102 Isabelle Ratté 314, Stream 250,00 0,00 250,00 123604 Dorval QC H9S2P5 2103 Isabelle Sicuranzo 76, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116090 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S5 2104 Isidro Rojas 108, Windcrest 500,00 0,00 500,00 125025 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W1 2105 Islam Tito 4, St-Lawrence 375,00 0,00 375,00 123051 Dorval QC H9S6C3 2106 Ivan Okhikian 122, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122107 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G6 2107 Ivan Pikulik 110, Ashington 250,00 0,00 250,00 113218 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z2 2108 Ivan 430, Lake 250,00 0,00 250,00 119337 Dorval QC H9S2J3 2109 Ivanka Najser 185, Elisabeth 250,00 0,00 250,00 117428 Dorval QC H9S2X4


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2110 Iwan and Susan Jemcyk White 17, Brunet 275,00 0,00 275,00 114536 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T4 2111 J A Guindon 103, Metis 250,00 0,00 250,00 120373 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E5 2112 J Avon 1, Cedar 275,00 0,00 275,00 115090 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X9 2113 J Belanger 2235, Swallow 275,00 0,00 275,00 123906 Dorval QC H9S2K4 2114 J Bertrand 145, Radisson 275,00 0,00 275,00 122144 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E7 2115 J Bussiere 2, Bayview 225,00 0,00 225,00 113437 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C2 2116 J Caravolas 140, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114692 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E1 2117 J Comeau 287, Handfield Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 118336 Dorval QC H9S3V1 2118 J D Newton 145, Fairlawn Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 125567 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R5 2119 J Davey 39, Glendale 287,44 0,00 287,44 125614 Beaconsfield QC H9W5P6 2120 J Davison 10, Papillon 190,00 0,00 190,00 121098 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5B9 2121 J Duncan 51, Winston Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 125149 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X5 2122 J Echeverria 8, Karin 275,00 0,00 275,00 119014 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3K6 2123 J F Hofman 53, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113325 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G1 2124 J F Menier/Brisebois 81, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121743 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M6 2125 J Galant 400, Elie-de-Bellefeuille 250,00 0,00 250,00 117418 Dorval QC H9S4G4 2126 J Gordon 58, Elgin 250,00 0,00 250,00 117286 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K1 2127 J Gray 16, Hillcrest 275,00 0,00 275,00 118578 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E5 2128 J H Ozolins 12, Basswood Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 113391 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Y1 2129 J Hubert Saulnier 84, Aurora 225,00 0,00 225,00 113340 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G4 2130 J Huot 115, Prince-Rupert 270,00 0,00 270,00 122020 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M1 2131 J Kalaska 28, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116066 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G4 2132 J Kaur 14, Paris 220,00 0,00 220,00 121143 Pointe-Claire QC H9P2X3 2133 J Little 150, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114700 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E1


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2134 J Minelga 163, Pendennis 190,00 0,00 190,00 121405 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1H5 2135 J Mulcahy 181, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113857 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J9 2136 J Nakano 209, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 113800 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V6 2137 J P Bertrand 345, Lepage 275,00 0,00 275,00 119410 Dorval QC H9S3G1 2138 J P Grenier 58, Hampton Gardens 270,00 0,00 270,00 118308 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 2139 J Park 383, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117099 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z2 2140 J Poirier 282, Vista 275,00 0,00 275,00 124718 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R8 2141 J Proulx 322, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123283 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z4 2142 J R Roach 23, Fifth 250,00 0,00 250,00 117661 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C8 2143 J Riley 36, Sweetbriar Drive 519,95 0,00 519,95 125850 Beaconsfield QC H9W5M3 2144 J Robinson 7, Fifth 250,00 0,00 250,00 117649 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C8 2145 J Scott Waugh 26, Parkland 275,00 0,00 275,00 121301 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E8 2146 J Snell 78, Southgate 250,00 0,00 250,00 128951 Beaconsfield QC H9W6A6 2147 J St-Pierre 350, Dawson 250,00 0,00 250,00 116319 Dorval QC H9S1W5 2148 J Strike 98, Kings 285,00 0,00 285,00 119129 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H2 2149 J Sweer 345, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115498 Dorval QC H9S2T3 2150 J T Casey 99, Broadview 275,00 0,00 275,00 113189 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z3 2151 J Thomerson 130, Franklin 275,00 0,00 275,00 125586 Beaconsfield QC H9W5P7 2152 J Waller 142, Duke-of-Kent 275,00 0,00 275,00 117022 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X9 2153 J Wilson 154, Radisson 250,00 0,00 250,00 122153 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E6 2154 J. Brault 85, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113341 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G3 2155 J. Zygmuntowicz 125, Dieppe 350,00 0,00 350,00 116701 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X5 2156 J.F. Michalski 531, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120816 Dorval QC H9P2A6 2157 J/K Labbe/Douglas 105, Forest Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 117725 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T2

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2158 Jack Beaumont 146, Ivanhoe Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 118800 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z8 2159 Jack Leblanc 112, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124796 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M6 2160 Jackson 69, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 115409 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J2 2161 Jackson/Matteo 2, Cedar 550,00 0,00 550,00 115092 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y1 2162 Jaclynthe Provost 143, Glenbrook Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 117377 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X9 2163 Jacobsen 74, Ashburton 229,95 0,00 229,95 113131 Dorval QC H9S5K2 2164 Jacobsen 74, Ashburton 275,00 0,00 275,00 113131 Dorval QC H9S5K2 2165 Jacqueline Lord 435, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 121938 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A6 2166 Jacqueline Vaquer 144, Millhaven 275,00 0,00 275,00 120447 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V8 2167 Jacques Blin 350, Courtland 250,00 0,00 250,00 116187 Dorval QC H9S2R9 2168 Jacques Boisselle 1072, Gentilly 275,00 0,00 275,00 117750 Dorval QC H9S5P9 2169 Jacques Boyd 275, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123225 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5L3 2170 Jacques Desroches 155, Stillview 405,00 0,00 405,00 122907 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Y1 2171 Jacques Doyon 85, Kernan Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 119035 Dorval QC H9S3V5 2172 Jacques Kagian 115, Hastings 275,00 0,00 275,00 118394 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P4 2173 Jacques Lamothe 113, Empress 275,00 0,00 275,00 117521 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P5 2174 Jacques Legault 2205, Chadillon 587,44 0,00 587,44 115178 Dorval QC H9P1L5 2175 Jacques Monday 232, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 300,00 0,00 300,00 113894 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4K6 2176 Jacques Montpetit 47, De Breslay 285,00 0,00 285,00 116432 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 2177 Jacques Morin 14, Nicholson 275,00 0,00 275,00 120898 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A2 2178 J'Adore Tes Cils 263, St-Louis 270,00 0,00 270,00 123213 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5L3 2179 Jagmohan Malhotra 103, Sedgefield 190,00 0,00 190,00 122521 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 2180 Jagruti Patel 111, Ivanhoe Cr. 479,95 0,00 479,95 118772 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z9 2181 Jaime Pascual 1345, Carson 275,00 0,00 275,00 114795 Dorval QC H9S1M7

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2182 Jakimowicz 237, Handfield Circle 190,00 0,00 190,00 118314 Dorval QC H9S3V1 2183 James and Eileen Ross 45, Cedar 579,95 0,00 579,95 115123 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y3 2184 James Anderson 108, Stillview 250,00 0,00 250,00 122871 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X8 2185 James Burns 31, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121175 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y4 2186 James Desmond 435, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123514 Dorval QC H9S2J7 2187 James Donaghue 88, Dieppe 270,00 0,00 270,00 116680 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X3 2188 James Elliott 309, Donegani 190,00 0,00 190,00 116775 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2W5 2189 James Looseley 22, Brunet 190,00 0,00 190,00 114540 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T5 2190 James McIlwaine 105, McNicoll 275,00 0,00 275,00 120324 Dorval QC H9S3W3 2191 James Pratt 690, Wright Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 125258 Dorval QC H9P2C5 2192 James Rodinos 120, Yonge Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125275 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L9 2193 James Rowan 122, Astoria 275,00 0,00 275,00 113255 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A8 2194 James Shetler 35, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 115396 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H8 2195 James Solomon 129, McNicoll 250,00 0,00 250,00 120329 Dorval QC H9S3W3 2196 James 160, Monterrey 275,00 0,00 275,00 120586 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W4 2197 Jameson 438, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 121941 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A2 2198 Jamie Armstrong 82, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121744 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 2199 Jamie Figura 349, Berkeley 275,00 0,00 275,00 113654 Dorval QC H9S1H6 2200 Jamie Myles 106, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124790 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M6 2201 Jamie Wolfe 255, Elie-de-Bellefeuille 190,00 0,00 190,00 117381 Dorval QC H9S4H8 2202 Jana R 111, Des Canots 190,00 0,00 190,00 115546 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X3 2203 Janak Satasiya 196, Radisson 190,00 0,00 190,00 122191 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5T9 2204 Jane Bennett 62, Hyde Park 250,00 0,00 250,00 125649 Beaconsfield QC H9W5L8 2205 Jane Brereton 194, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116142 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S7


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2206 Jane Findlay 83, Aurora 275,00 0,00 275,00 113339 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G3 2207 Jane Shaw 70, Brunet 275,00 0,00 275,00 114573 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T6 2208 Janet Broxup 137, Dieppe 250,00 0,00 250,00 116707 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X5 2209 Janet Hood-Morier 139, Concord Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 116015 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N3 2210 Janet Shulist 255, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113904 Dorval QC H9S2A3 2211 Janetta Maclean 366, Lilas 250,00 0,00 250,00 119693 Dorval QC H9S3M6 2212 Janice Donnelly 2245, Swallow 350,00 0,00 350,00 123910 Dorval QC H9S2K4 2213 Janice Mills 317, Donegani 250,00 0,00 250,00 116779 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2W5 2214 Janice Murray 186, Dieppe 250,00 0,00 250,00 116739 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X7 2215 Janiszewski 95, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116685 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X2 2216 Jansen 317, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123277 Dorval QC H9S2S5 2217 Jaqueline Garner 8, Foxwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 117730 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H2 2218 Jaroslav Bures 110, Forest Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 117335 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T1 2219 Jarry 137, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113429 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A2 2220 Jason Bayne 205, Handfield Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 118310 Dorval QC H9S3V1 2221 Jason De Melo 138, Arrowhead Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 113100 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V5 2222 Jason Frey 401, Vinet 275,00 0,00 275,00 124645 Dorval QC H9S2M7 2223 Jason Gallagher 42, Hampton Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 118294 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 2224 Jason Hubert 13, Parkland 225,00 0,00 225,00 121289 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E6 2225 Jason Lariviere 2205, Chanteclerc 250,00 0,00 250,00 115253 Dorval QC H9P1L9 2226 Jason Millman 1755, Surrey 190,00 0,00 190,00 123117 Dorval QC H9P1W9 2227 Jason Moscovitch 344, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120787 Dorval QC H9S2L6 2228 Jason Purcell 105, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124789 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M5 2229 Jason Smith 161, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125102 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J1

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2230 Javad Torbati 105, Aurora 275,00 0,00 275,00 113352 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G6 2231 Jay Bodkin 231, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120093 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X7 2232 Jayanetti/Litz 263, Hickory 275,00 0,00 275,00 118494 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R9 2233 Jayne Pollock 198, Belmont 275,00 0,00 275,00 113609 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M8 2234 Jaytek Design Inc. 404, Stream 275,00 0,00 275,00 123625 Dorval QC H9S2P5 2235 Jean Beaulieu 73, Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 115586 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W9 2236 Jean Bouthillier 10, Jasper 270,00 0,00 270,00 125659 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R6 2237 Jean Cadieux 34, Saddlewood 190,00 0,00 190,00 122432 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S6 2238 Jean Desautels/Berger 109, Beechnut 275,00 0,00 275,00 113515 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2B1 2239 Jean Dumas 240, Stonehenge Drive 300,00 0,00 300,00 130132 Beaconsfield QC H9W3X9 2240 Jean Evins Jeremie 112, Hermiston 275,00 0,00 275,00 118455 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P2 2241 Jean Fortin 314, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118195 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z9 2242 Jean Geoffrion 25, Killarney Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 119059 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X7 2243 Jean L. Lortie 1780, Wilshire 250,00 0,00 250,00 125004 Dorval QC H9P1S4 2244 Jean Lawson 320, Lagacé 250,00 0,00 250,00 119251 Dorval QC H9S2M3 2245 Jean Lecavalier 370, Georges V 200,00 0,00 200,00 117828 Dorval QC H9S3T1 2246 Jean Louis St-Amand 136, Dieppe 300,00 0,00 300,00 125370 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X6 2247 Jean Luc Montreuil 125, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 122985 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z1 2248 Jean Meletios 2130, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 400,00 0,00 400,00 114006 Dorval QC H9S2E6 2249 Jean Michel Boileau 145, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120074 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 2250 Jean Paul Botto 114, Prince-Rupert 550,00 0,00 550,00 122019 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M2 2251 Jean Pierre Lamy 1655, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 430,00 0,00 430,00 113976 Dorval QC H9S2E8 2252 Jean Sebastien Maheu 91, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121224 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y6 2253 Jean-Francois Fontaine 78, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 122968 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z1

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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2254 Jean-Francois Hamel 382, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123328 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A2 2255 Jean-Francois Page 164, Stonehenge Drive 275,00 0,00 275,00 130095 Beaconsfield QC H9W3X7 2256 Jean-Francois Paradis 98, Highgate 190,00 0,00 190,00 118522 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5E2 2257 Jean-Guy Pelletier 251, Comber 275,00 0,00 275,00 115934 Dorval QC H9S3H6 2258 Jean-Luc Boulch 111, Longmeadow 275,00 0,00 275,00 119758 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X3 2259 Jean-Luc Morin 1735, Parkfield 275,00 0,00 275,00 121259 Dorval QC H9P1T4 2260 Jeanne Fortin 124, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119145 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H4 2261 Jean-Nicolas Delage 1, Cedar 619,93 0,00 619,93 115091 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X9 2262 Jeannotte 31, Lansdowne Gardens 225,00 0,00 225,00 119533 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3B9 2263 Jean-Philippe Boucher 119, Cragmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 116233 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3K7 2264 Jean-Philippe Lavoie 102, Arrowhead Crescent 270,00 0,00 270,00 113071 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V5 2265 Jean-Phillippe Ponton 116, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120052 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B3 2266 Jeeten Patel 194, Braebrook 270,00 0,00 270,00 114165 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V5 2267 Jeff Bateman 100, Aurora 275,00 0,00 275,00 113348 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G8 2268 Jeff Czerkawski 539, Meadowvale 250,00 0,00 250,00 120353 Dorval QC H9P2E6 2269 Jeff Frank 2055, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 325,00 0,00 325,00 125898 Dorval QC H9S2G2 2270 Jeff Miles 137, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116117 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S8 2271 Jeff Persaud 31, rue Bethune 4 484,04 0,00 4 484,04 Sous-traitant: JP Groundwork Kirkland QC H9H 4L5 2272 Jeff Salhany 240, Dahlia 275,00 0,00 275,00 116311 Dorval QC H9S3N7 2273 Jeff Sims 10, Drayton 250,00 0,00 250,00 116911 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V2 2274 Jeffrey Black 525, Prince Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 121824 Dorval QC H9P1Z2 2275 Jeffrey Cassoff 2, Canterbury Park 275,00 0,00 275,00 114743 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z7 2276 Jeffrey Gilchrist 307, Inglewood 270,00 0,00 270,00 118190 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z4 2277 Jeffrey King 116, Crestview 275,00 0,00 275,00 116248 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A1

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2278 Jeffrey Steinberg 69, Belmont 250,00 0,00 250,00 113573 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2N6 2279 Jen Mancini 152, Braebrook 270,00 0,00 270,00 114146 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T9 2280 Jennie Hansis 111, Pickwood Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 121436 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M3 2281 Jennifer Ann Schmidt 226, Tulip 275,00 0,00 275,00 124163 Dorval QC H9S3P3 2282 Jennifer Ardiente 119, Ivanhoe Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 118780 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z9 2283 Jennifer Casey 2155, Lark 250,00 0,00 250,00 118069 Dorval QC H9P1R1 2284 Jennifer Deschamps 21, Jervis Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 118904 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X6 2285 Jennifer Fabes 160, Allard 275,00 0,00 275,00 125334 Dorval QC H9S3B7 2286 Jennifer Jones 392, Courtland 250,00 0,00 250,00 116201 Dorval QC H9S2R9 2287 Jennifer Kurta 1, Maple Circle 300,00 0,00 300,00 120027 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S2 2288 Jennifer Leblanc 36, Summerhill 275,00 0,00 275,00 123648 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K4 2289 Jennifer Lewis 196, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 113787 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V5 2290 Jennifer Marcus 230, Strathmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 123098 Dorval QC H9S2J4 2291 Jennifer Ng 329, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118207 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A1 2292 Jennifer Ng 329, Inglewood 229,95 0,00 229,95 118207 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A1 2293 Jennifer Pastor 119, Maitland 275,00 0,00 275,00 119944 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X5 2294 Jennifer Walker 121, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116453 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 2295 Jennifer Witkowski 130, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114133 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T8 2296 Jenny Eng 2, Saddlewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 122411 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S6 2297 Jenny Fossey 174, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123860 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V1 2298 Jenny Kiat 11, Compton Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 115959 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V6 2299 Jenny Michaleski 150, Brunet 300,00 0,00 300,00 114596 Dorval QC H9S3G3 2300 Jeong Shin 1960, Carson 270,00 0,00 270,00 115022 Dorval QC H9S1N9 2301 Jeremiah Mitchell 410, Brookhaven 275,00 0,00 275,00 114516 Dorval QC H9S2N7

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2302 Jeremie Furino 132, Windward Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 125080 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H9 2303 Jeremy Fancott 9, Waverley 275,00 0,00 275,00 124735 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W4 2304 Jeremy Kenemy 2, Westwood 190,00 0,00 190,00 124881 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y5 2305 Jeremy Waring 1745, Surrey 275,00 0,00 275,00 123115 Dorval QC H9P1W9 2306 Jerome Rodrigues 730, Neptune 240,00 0,00 240,00 120852 Dorval QC H9P2B1 2307 Jerry Wong 266, Tulip 250,00 0,00 250,00 124173 Dorval QC H9S3P6 2308 Jerzy Krolikowski 129, Jasper 275,00 0,00 275,00 125707 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R7 2309 Jesse De Sousa 109, Aurora 275,00 0,00 275,00 113354 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G6 2310 Jesse Paterson 94, Drayton 250,00 0,00 250,00 116946 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V7 2311 Jesse Reeves 168, Kipling 275,00 0,00 275,00 128633 Beaconsfield QC H9W3A1 2312 Jessee/Pileggi 52, Parkdale 245,00 0,00 245,00 121191 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y5 2313 Jessica Desormeaux 29, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114287 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z1 2314 Jessica Doyle 12, Clearview 250,00 0,00 250,00 115702 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C5 2315 Jessica Gal 374, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123320 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A2 2316 Jessica Ney 117, Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 115348 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L4 2317 Jessica Tremblay 103, Westbank 275,00 0,00 275,00 124779 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X7 2318 Jf Richard 136, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114690 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E1 2319 Jhoshee Dookhun 68, Pardo 250,00 0,00 250,00 121120 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3H3 2320 Jiabel Yu 118, Stockwell 275,00 0,00 275,00 123466 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5W8 2321 Jian Ma 965, Dawson 275,00 0,00 275,00 116341 Dorval QC H9S1X4 2322 Jiang 13, Cavell 750,00 0,00 750,00 115085 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3N3 2323 Jiao Wang 117, Longmeadow 275,00 0,00 275,00 119764 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X3 2324 Jiapin Guo 104, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114668 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E1 2325 Jie Zhang 150, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114145 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T9

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2326 Jim McDermott 2305, Bord-du-lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 125919 Dorval QC H9S2G5 2327 Jim Palkhivala 60, Waverley 275,00 0,00 275,00 124766 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W8 2328 Jim Riley 86, Pointe-Claire Avenue 225,00 0,00 225,00 121746 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 2329 Jimmy Nguyen 104, Metis 250,00 0,00 250,00 120374 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E4 2330 Jimmy Woo 17, Kanata 220,00 0,00 220,00 118984 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V3 2331 Jimmy Zeng 160, Claude 275,00 0,00 275,00 115623 Dorval QC H9S3A8 2332 Jing Guo 552, Avila - Legault 275,00 0,00 275,00 113194 Dorval QC H9P2X4 2333 Jinyi Gong 183, Lepage 250,00 0,00 250,00 119589 Dorval QC H9S3E5 2334 Jiudong Wu 138, Ivanhoe Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 118792 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z8 2335 J-L Galand 9, Hansen 275,00 0,00 275,00 125615 Beaconsfield QC H9W5P2 2336 Joan Baker 9, Foxwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 117731 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H2 2337 Joan Carmichael 112, Metis 250,00 0,00 250,00 120438 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E4 2338 Joan Lunan 12, Salisbury 250,00 0,00 250,00 122505 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z1 2339 Joan Lunan 12, Salisbury 459,90 0,00 459,90 122505 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z1 2340 Joan Mitchell 2015, Chanteclerc 250,00 0,00 250,00 113815 Dorval QC H9P1L6 2341 JoAnn Aubie 112, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113408 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z8 2342 Joanna Magierowska 66, Nicholson 220,00 0,00 220,00 120928 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A1 2343 Joanna Sabatino 2135, Goldfinch 275,00 0,00 275,00 117964 Dorval QC H9P1M8 2344 Joanne Butterworth 116, Jasper 250,00 0,00 250,00 125702 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R9 2345 Joanne Darsigny Callaghan 119, Buckingham 275,00 0,00 275,00 114639 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1K9 2346 Joanne Gallagher 185, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120751 Dorval QC H9S2L3 2347 Joanne Gallagher 185, Neptune 229,95 0,00 229,95 120751 Dorval QC H9S2L3 2348 Joanne Howells 2220, Campbell 270,00 0,00 270,00 114733 Dorval QC H9P1L3 2349 Joanne Locke 315, Brookhaven 275,00 0,00 275,00 114485 Dorval QC H9S2N6


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2350 Joanne Perrier 375, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123321 Dorval QC H9S2S5 2351 Joanne Rokita 264, Ferndale 250,00 0,00 250,00 117605 Dorval QC H9S3M8 2352 Joanne Spirig 146, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119158 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H4 2353 Jocelyn Wakefield 240, Pine Beach 275,00 0,00 275,00 121494 Dorval QC H9S2V5 2354 Jocelyne Bonnaire 445, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124121 Dorval QC H9S2N3 2355 Jocelyne Duval 82, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116675 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X3 2356 Jocelyne Landry 1555, Hamilton Place 250,00 0,00 250,00 118254 Dorval QC H9S1H3 2357 Jocelyne Masse 60, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 115522 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N1 2358 Jody Leclaire 3, Brunet 270,00 0,00 270,00 114527 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T3 2359 Joe Ciccone 22, Margaret Ann 275,00 0,00 275,00 125777 Beaconsfield QC H9W5N8 2360 Joe Mandato 1005, 3rd Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 112839 Dorval QC H9S1V7 2361 Joe Mantagaris 142, Empress 275,00 0,00 275,00 117334 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R2 2362 Joe Rodrigues 140, Boylan 275,00 0,00 275,00 114084 Dorval QC H9S5L3 2363 Joel Nordin-Gernet 170, Lakeview 250,00 0,00 250,00 119463 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C1 2364 Joel-Davd Bondoc 306, Eldorado 275,00 0,00 275,00 117210 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G9 2365 Johanna Pigott 15, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116410 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 2366 Johanne St. Onge 507, Westwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 124906 Dorval QC H9P2M2 2367 Johanne/Stephen Callaghan/Arkin 105, Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 115336 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L2 2368 John Acs 185, Tremont 504,95 0,00 504,95 124148 Dorval QC H9S5M5 2369 John Amyot 106, Pickwood Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 121431 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M4 2370 John Belvedere 239, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113900 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4K6 2371 John Carey 120, Cameron Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 114682 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E1 2372 John Checkland 113, Forest Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 117338 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T2 2373 John Church 302, Cloverdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 115888 Dorval QC H9S3J7


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2374 John Conrad 110, De Breslay 275,00 0,00 275,00 116448 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N2 2375 John Courey 84, Elgin 250,00 0,00 250,00 117297 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K2 2376 John Deere Credit Inc. 3430 Superior Court 2 996,45 0,00 2 996,45 Attn: Ryan Szymusiak Oakville ON L6L 0C4 82224-80172 2377 John Dirlik 82, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121897 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C7 2378 John E. Laduke 33, Parkdale 300,00 0,00 300,00 121177 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y4 2379 John Furtado 133, Taywood 275,00 0,00 275,00 130176 Beaconsfield QC H9W1B1 2380 John G Hervieux 139, Sedgefield 220,00 0,00 220,00 121922 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 2381 John Gillis 432, Clement 275,00 0,00 275,00 115772 Dorval QC H9S2T6 2382 John Glendon 9, Salisbury 250,00 0,00 250,00 122502 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Y9 2383 John Goff 113, Vincennes 250,00 0,00 250,00 124582 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M1 2384 John Gordon 94, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121226 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y7 2385 John Grady 105, Winthrop 225,00 0,00 225,00 125172 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W6 2386 John Greevy 574, Neptune 225,00 0,00 225,00 120828 Dorval QC H9P2A5 2387 John Humes 19, Condover 250,00 0,00 250,00 116038 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Y7 2388 John Jamieson 69, Parkdale 245,00 0,00 245,00 121203 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y6 2389 John Kario-Toglou 454, Delmar 275,00 0,00 275,00 116595 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A4 2390 John Lambert 55, Hillcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 118607 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E6 2391 John Leonard 615, Pine Beach 275,00 0,00 275,00 121568 Dorval QC H9P2J9 2392 John M De Luca 156, Heather 275,00 0,00 275,00 118436 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A4 2393 John McDonaugh 16, Cavell 250,00 0,00 250,00 115087 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X2 2394 John Norquay 27, Bras-D'or 275,00 0,00 275,00 114217 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W6 2395 John Nother 2130, Goldfinch 250,00 0,00 250,00 117963 Dorval QC H9P1M7 2396 John Overton 53, Prince-Edward 504,95 0,00 504,95 121888 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C4 2397 John Palumbo 138, Marlin Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 120067 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B4


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2398 John Pasquini 117, Michigan 250,00 0,00 250,00 119450 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V7 2399 John Sheshko 116, Highgate 275,00 0,00 275,00 118537 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X4 2400 John Shone 24, Lansdowne Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 119526 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B9 2401 John Tillett 104, Valois Bay 280,00 0,00 280,00 124285 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B6 2402 John Turner 2239, Swallow 250,00 0,00 250,00 123907 Dorval QC H9S2K4 2403 John Udell 26, Brunet 250,00 0,00 250,00 114543 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T5 2404 John Van Rees 43, Victoria 270,00 0,00 270,00 124473 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4S5 2405 John W Macleod 27, Lansdowne Gardens 190,00 0,00 190,00 119529 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B9 2406 John Wilkins 356, Stream 190,00 0,00 190,00 123613 Dorval QC H9S2P5 2407 John Wright 1770, Dawson 220,00 0,00 220,00 116387 Dorval QC H9S1Z1 2408 Johnny Benedetti 534, Avila - Legault 275,00 0,00 275,00 113191 Dorval QC H9P2X4 2409 Johnny Depaola 185, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116738 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X8 2410 Johnson 2105, Pheasant 275,00 0,00 275,00 121417 Dorval QC H9P1S5 2411 Johnston 270, Jaillet 275,00 0,00 275,00 118817 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X9 2412 Johnston/Olive 99, Alston 250,00 0,00 250,00 112942 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3E2 2413 Joleen Khoury 7, Hampton Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 118261 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 2414 Joly 176, Fieldcrest 275,00 0,00 275,00 117639 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A4 2415 Jon Chiniborch 125, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120061 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 2416 Jon Eves 507, Prince Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 121818 Dorval QC H9P1Z2 2417 Jon Webb 136, Highgate 275,00 0,00 275,00 118557 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X4 2418 Jonathan Cayer 103, Sundale 250,00 0,00 250,00 123682 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B7 2419 Jonathan Fazakerley 534, St-Léon 250,00 0,00 250,00 123072 Dorval QC H9P1Z9 2420 Joncas 110, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113407 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z8 2421 Jordan Bellemare 683, Dubord Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 116980 Dorval QC H9P1N5


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2422 Jordan Blair 106, Glenbrook Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 117922 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X8 2423 Jordan Mchugh 92, Saddlewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 121627 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S4 2424 Jordan Palagian 146, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121783 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 2425 Jorge Sanchez 285, Vinet 275,00 0,00 275,00 124610 Dorval QC H9S2M5 2426 Jose Antonio Velazquez 188, Westcliffe 215,00 0,00 215,00 124860 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M9 2427 Jose Fernandez 297, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120143 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 2428 Jose Mendoza 670, Graham 270,00 0,00 270,00 117282 Dorval QC H9P2B5 2429 Jose Souto 325, Dumouchel 275,00 0,00 275,00 117118 Dorval QC H9S2H3 2430 Josee Beaulac 98, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114108 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T1 2431 Josee Bouchard 139, Duke-of-Kent 270,00 0,00 270,00 117020 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y1 2432 Josee Forest 216, Adams 275,00 0,00 275,00 112775 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y6 2433 Josee Fregeau 260, Marsh 250,00 0,00 250,00 120116 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y2 2434 Josee Gauthier 2, Lakeside 275,00 0,00 275,00 119358 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G1 2435 Josee Pilotte 335, Vinet 250,00 0,00 250,00 124623 Dorval QC H9S2M7 2436 Josee Robert 273, Elie-de-Bellefeuille 275,00 0,00 275,00 117387 Dorval QC H9S4H8 2437 Josee Thibodeau 130, Ivanhoe Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 118786 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z8 2438 Joseph and Carol Angelini 72, Waverley 275,00 0,00 275,00 124775 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W8 2439 Joseph B Desa 118, Chaucer 190,00 0,00 190,00 115369 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4V3 2440 Joseph Emed 43, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116427 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 2441 Joseph Facciola 103, Brigadoon 275,00 0,00 275,00 114250 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1J2 2442 Joseph Huss 43, Fifth 275,00 0,00 275,00 117675 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C9 2443 Joseph Sabados 134, Lincoln Drive 250,00 0,00 250,00 129849 Beaconsfield QC H9W1M6 2444 Joseph Trepanier 107, Glasgow 250,00 0,00 250,00 117908 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M6 2445 Joseph Victoria 1825, Brookdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 114433 Dorval QC H9P1X5


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2446 Josephina Buluran 2240, Campbell 285,00 0,00 285,00 114737 Dorval QC H9P1L3 2447 Josette Langevin 15, Winston Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 125128 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X5 2448 Josh Chandler 251, Vista 275,00 0,00 275,00 124688 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R7 2449 Josh Lavery 356, Lilas 190,00 0,00 190,00 119689 Dorval QC H9S3M6 2450 Jossee Brissette 54, Winston Circle 290,00 0,00 290,00 125151 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X6 2451 Joulia Borg 167, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125105 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J1 2452 Joy Guerrera 288, Jaillet 275,00 0,00 275,00 118835 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X9 2453 Joyce Bouchard 130, Saddlewood 220,00 0,00 220,00 121650 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 2454 Joyce Chabot 34, Victoria 250,00 0,00 250,00 124466 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4S3 2455 Joyce Lew 255, Ste-Claire 300,00 0,00 300,00 122825 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4E5 2456 Joyce Ng 108, Hermiston 250,00 0,00 250,00 118451 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P2 2457 Judd 160, Pine Beach 250,00 0,00 250,00 121480 Dorval QC H9S2T9 2458 Judith Griffiths 262, Applebee 275,00 0,00 275,00 113012 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S2 2459 Judith Lidsay 89, Somervale Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 122675 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3H6 2460 Judith Lilly 18, Saddlewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 122422 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S6 2461 Judith Russaouen 260, Green Circle 190,00 0,00 190,00 118169 Dorval QC H9S3T9 2462 Judith Ubani 1550, Adair Place 275,00 0,00 275,00 112890 Dorval QC H9S1W1 2463 Judith Weissmann 30, Victoria 220,00 0,00 220,00 124463 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4S3 2464 Judith Wiglesworth 64, Lucerne 250,00 0,00 250,00 119857 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V2 2465 Judy Dostie 111, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 405,00 0,00 405,00 113753 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J1 2466 Judy Grant 183, Marina Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 120035 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4B4 2467 Julia Angel 315, Lepage 250,00 0,00 250,00 119616 Dorval QC H9S3G1 2468 Julia Stone 107, Pendennis 190,00 0,00 190,00 121369 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1H5 2469 Julianne Baird 153, Bisley 275,00 0,00 275,00 127916 Beaconsfield QC H9W1G5

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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2470 Julie Bates 288, Handfield Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 118337 Dorval QC H9S3V3 2471 Julie Bergeron 344, Touzin 270,00 0,00 270,00 124094 Dorval QC H9S2N2 2472 Julie Cassab 265, Louise-L'amy 220,00 0,00 220,00 119814 Dorval QC H9S5V4 2473 Julie Cattabriga 1030, 2nd Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 112834 Dorval QC H9S1V9 2474 Julie Eaves 14, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 115382 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H7 2475 Julie Hackwell 28, Cedar 300,00 0,00 300,00 115112 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y1 2476 Julie Jacques 19, Parkland 250,00 0,00 250,00 121294 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E6 2477 Julie Latendresse 73, Beaconsfield Court 250,00 0,00 250,00 129279 Beaconsfield QC H9W5G5 2478 Julie Legault 376, Duke-of-Kent 275,00 0,00 275,00 117095 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z1 2479 Julie Rousseau 101, Metis 275,00 0,00 275,00 120371 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E5 2480 Julie Royal 195, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117047 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y2 2481 Julie Scalabrini 76, Brunet 275,00 0,00 275,00 113805 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T6 2482 Julie Smith 374, Linnet Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 119712 Dorval QC H9S2L1 2483 Julie Taillon 225, Thorncrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 123964 Dorval QC H9S2X7 2484 Julie Tremblay 143, Douglas-Shand 270,00 0,00 270,00 115466 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2C8 2485 Juliette Begin 95, Vincennes 220,00 0,00 220,00 124567 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M1 2486 Jun Ping Li 94, Stockwell 275,00 0,00 275,00 123442 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5W8 2487 June Blue 85, Dahlia 250,00 0,00 250,00 116280 Dorval QC H9S3N3 2488 June Gauld 325, Duke-of-Kent 229,95 0,00 229,95 117063 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y5 2489 June Porter 1, Kamouraska 275,00 0,00 275,00 118942 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V2 2490 June Wilson 245, Allard 460,00 0,00 460,00 113173 Dorval QC H9S3B8 2491 Junsoo Yun 37, Georgia Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 117253 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V7 2492 Junwoo Lee 226, Lagacé 275,00 0,00 275,00 119221 Dorval QC H9S2M1 2493 Justin Cloghesy 123, Marlin Cr. 260,00 0,00 260,00 120059 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2494 Justin Lefoley 238, Allancroft 250,00 0,00 250,00 129211 Beaconsfield QC H9W2R5 2495 Justin Oliveira 144, Heather 275,00 0,00 275,00 118425 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A4 2496 Justine Hamelin 106, Alexina 250,00 0,00 250,00 112808 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M9 2497 Justine Lussier 147, Concord Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 116023 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N3 2498 K and H Tasso 265, MacLean 275,00 0,00 275,00 119884 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y1 2499 K and H Tasso 265, MacLean 200,00 0,00 200,00 119884 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y1 2500 K and H Tasso 265, MacLean 200,00 0,00 200,00 119884 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y1 2501 K B Cullen/Thorstad 70, Little Rock 250,00 0,00 250,00 119740 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G6 2502 K Cooper 76, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121210 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y5 2503 K Dickson 22, Compton Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 115970 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V6 2504 K J Robinson 113, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114122 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T5 2505 K N Chevrier 25, Margaret Ann 275,00 0,00 275,00 125780 Beaconsfield QC H9W5N7 2506 K Race 141, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116121 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S9 2507 K Richmond 120, Prince-Rupert 250,00 0,00 250,00 122025 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M2 2508 K Simla 98, Montrose 250,00 0,00 250,00 120625 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S5 2509 K. Strotmann 10, Paris 250,00 0,00 250,00 121140 Pointe-Claire QC H9P2X3 2510 Kacper Jurga 425, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 129134 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A6 2511 Kai He 336, Penn 275,00 0,00 275,00 128836 Beaconsfield QC H9W1B6 2512 Kai Yin 112, Astoria 275,00 0,00 275,00 113245 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A8 2513 Kailan Callaway 177, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119172 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H6 2514 Kalfin 29, Valois Bay 250,00 0,00 250,00 124241 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B4 2515 Kalinowski 694, Wright Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 125259 Dorval QC H9P2C5 2516 Kamber 1020, 4th Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 112852 Dorval QC H9S1K1 2517 Kammoun 117, Sunnyside 275,00 0,00 275,00 123817 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T7

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2518 Kanari Elassaad 32, Nicholson 190,00 0,00 190,00 120908 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A2 2519 Kang 6, Westfield 275,00 0,00 275,00 124868 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S6 2520 Kardouche 180, Lakeview 275,00 0,00 275,00 119470 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C3 2521 Kareem Brown 12, Manor 270,00 0,00 270,00 120022 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4S9 2522 Karen Boden 114, Maitland 250,00 0,00 250,00 119939 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X4 2523 Karen Carre 137, Sherbrooke 275,00 0,00 275,00 130038 Beaconsfield QC H9W1N8 2524 Karen Cheng 988, Bord-du-Lac Terrasse 275,00 0,00 275,00 114041 Dorval QC H9S5W7 2525 Karen Daley 128, Westcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 124808 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M7 2526 Karen Henrion 35, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113309 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G1 2527 Karen Henrion 71, Gables Court 250,00 0,00 250,00 129649 Beaconsfield QC H9W5H3 2528 Karen Lewis 43, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113315 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G1 2529 Karen Loupelle 104, Kipling 250,00 0,00 250,00 119193 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2B3 2530 Karen MacCormack 148, Broadview 275,00 0,00 275,00 114356 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z4 2531 Karen Peters 102, Buckingham 250,00 0,00 250,00 114622 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1K8 2532 Karen Rhodes 223, Springdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 122742 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R4 2533 Karen Robson 121, Chester 275,00 0,00 275,00 114858 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J8 2534 Karen Sargeant 29, Hampton Gardens 270,00 0,00 270,00 118282 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 2535 Karen Southin 15, Prince-Edward 275,00 0,00 275,00 121867 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C2 2536 Karen Venditti 350, Parkwood Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 121352 Dorval QC H9S3A5 2537 Karin Godin 9, Terrasse Armand 275,00 0,00 275,00 123955 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E7 2538 Karin Sutter 7, Florence 220,00 0,00 220,00 117711 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4B3 2539 Karine Dion 107, Chester 275,00 0,00 275,00 114849 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J8 2540 Karine Doiron 113, Des Canots 190,00 0,00 190,00 115547 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X3 2541 Karine Lavergne 106, Sunderland 270,00 0,00 270,00 123711 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L2


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2542 Karine Silva 390, Oakville 275,00 0,00 275,00 120686 Dorval QC H9S2R4 2543 Karine-Emmanuel Garryer 264, Green Circle 190,00 0,00 190,00 118214 Dorval QC H9S3T9 2544 Karl Fournier 350, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120789 Dorval QC H9S2L6 2545 Karl Lessard 51, Pointe-Claire Avenue 270,00 0,00 270,00 121721 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M4 2546 Karmalita 255, Boylan 275,00 0,00 275,00 114105 Dorval QC H9S5J7 2547 Karnick 9, Parkdale 258,69 0,00 258,69 121153 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y4 2548 Karnick 9, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121153 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y4 2549 Karolle Dassylva 115, Metis 250,00 0,00 250,00 120441 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E5 2550 Karyn Christie 508, Thorncrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 121959 Dorval QC H9P2M6 2551 Karyn Dunn 105, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114669 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E2 2552 Katherine Levasseur 151, Monterrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 120577 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W3 2553 Katherine Resendes 151, Heather 275,00 0,00 275,00 118431 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A6 2554 Kathleen Dunn 8, Pilon 250,00 0,00 250,00 125802 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R1 2555 Kathrin Strubel 7, Viburnum 190,00 0,00 190,00 124398 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5A3 2556 Kathryn Haralambous 114, Belmont 250,00 0,00 250,00 113583 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2P3 2557 Kathy Chen 26, Valois Bay 375,00 0,00 375,00 124239 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B3 2558 Kathy Sellyn 109, De Breslay 479,95 0,00 479,95 116447 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 2559 Kathy Wilson 45, Summerhill 250,00 0,00 250,00 123653 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K6 2560 Katia Chagnon 114, Metis 250,00 0,00 250,00 120440 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E4 2561 Kattackal/De Roth 170, Dieppe 250,00 0,00 250,00 116723 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X7 2562 Katz 256, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123202 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 2563 Kau Chong Nong 304, Raimbault 270,00 0,00 270,00 122195 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5T9 2564 Kavishen Calleemalay 293, Marsh 250,00 0,00 250,00 120139 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 2565 Kay 78, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 115416 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J4


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2566 Kazim Jaffer 4, Basswood Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 113387 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Y1 2567 Kazimierz Babinski 364, Berkeley 270,00 0,00 270,00 113658 Dorval QC H9S1H4 2568 Ke Yang 326, Brookhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 114490 Dorval QC H9S2N7 2569 Keane 102, Ventnor 430,00 0,00 430,00 124388 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4E2 2570 Kearney 101, Michigan 275,00 0,00 275,00 120443 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V7 2571 Keddie 331, Brookhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 114491 Dorval QC H9S2N6 2572 Keith Dunn 110, Montrose 275,00 0,00 275,00 120633 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S5 2573 Kelly Anne MacPherson 618, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123559 Dorval QC H9P2A2 2574 Kelly Bellware 444, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115776 Dorval QC H9S2T6 2575 Kelly Nugent 59, Kings 275,00 0,00 275,00 119105 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H1 2576 Kelly Sinnott 148, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116126 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S7 2577 Kelly 1280, Bel-Air 275,00 0,00 275,00 113022 Dorval QC H9S1H7 2578 Kelly 89, Drayton 250,00 0,00 250,00 116942 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V5 2579 Kelly 62, Mount Pleasant 250,00 0,00 250,00 120718 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2T2 2580 Kelly's Bar 88, Donegani 830,00 0,00 830,00 116750 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V4 2581 Kelvin Zelt 63, Belmont 280,00 0,00 280,00 113572 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2N4 2582 Kemper 338, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120785 Dorval QC H9S2L6 2583 Ken Covo 6, St-Jean 250,00 0,00 250,00 122942 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y8 2584 Ken Francis 150, Valois Bay 270,00 0,00 270,00 124306 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B9 2585 Ken Kardash 23, Stewart 275,00 0,00 275,00 122861 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5T6 2586 Ken Mccarthy 5, Hampton Gardens 225,00 0,00 225,00 118259 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 2587 Ken Prendergast 37, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119091 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G8 2588 Ken Su 55, Lucerne 200,00 0,00 200,00 119848 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V1 2589 Ken Wadden 154, Sunderland 275,00 0,00 275,00 123751 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2590 Ken Walker 33, Summerhill 275,00 0,00 275,00 123645 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K5 2591 Kendrick 148, Lakeview 250,00 0,00 250,00 119388 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4B8 2592 Kenick 202, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 300,00 0,00 300,00 113871 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4K2 2593 Kenneth Bilodeau 122, Highgate 275,00 0,00 275,00 118543 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X4 2594 Kenneth Gulik 48, Little Rock 225,00 0,00 225,00 119725 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G3 2595 Kenneth Van Aelst 96, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121228 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y7 2596 Kerr/Conroy 71, Little Rock 270,00 0,00 270,00 119741 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G7 2597 Kerry Pollard 530, St-Louis 190,00 0,00 190,00 123385 Dorval QC H9P2E9 2598 Kerry-Anne Kutz 6, Bayview 250,00 0,00 250,00 113441 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C2 2599 Kesic 7, Manor 250,00 0,00 250,00 120017 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4T1 2600 Ketseti 313, Lagacé 275,00 0,00 275,00 119248 Dorval QC H9S2M2 2601 Ketty Forest 82, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116439 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N2 2602 Keumsong Park 327, St-Louis 270,00 0,00 270,00 123286 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z3 2603 Kevin Bangs 420, Lagacé 250,00 0,00 250,00 119277 Dorval QC H9S2M4 2604 Kevin Bocking 148, Belmont 225,00 0,00 225,00 113599 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2P9 2605 Kevin Fong/Lee 113, Douglas-Shand 275,00 0,00 275,00 116887 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2B7 2606 Kevin Gill 66, Mount Pleasant 275,00 0,00 275,00 120722 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2T2 2607 Kevin O'Brien 16, Brunet 275,00 0,00 275,00 114535 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T5 2608 Kevin Principle 2298, Swallow 220,00 0,00 220,00 123923 Dorval QC H9S2K5 2609 Kevin Warnock 45, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114302 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z1 2610 Khaksar 21, St-Jean 250,00 0,00 250,00 122951 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y9 2611 Khamphouy 300, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120146 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 2612 Khan 620, Pine Beach 300,00 0,00 300,00 121569 Dorval QC H9P2K4 2613 Kiarash Aminollahi 222, Adams 270,00 0,00 270,00 112781 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2614 Kibaris 296, Lagacé 250,00 0,00 250,00 119244 Dorval QC H9S2M1 2615 Kilcullen 596, Starling 270,00 0,00 270,00 122793 Dorval QC H9P1V5 2616 Killeen 1740, Castlefield 220,00 0,00 220,00 115070 Dorval QC H9P1W1 2617 Killingbeck 4, Shipton Park 275,00 0,00 275,00 122652 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Y3 2618 Kim Amh Le 103, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114112 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T3 2619 Kim Courtnell 97, Lynwood Drive 250,00 0,00 250,00 125764 Beaconsfield QC H9W5L9 2620 Kim MacNicoll 243, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114189 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V8 2621 Kim Ngo 121, Kings 275,00 0,00 275,00 119143 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H5 2622 Kim Routhier 102, Highgate 250,00 0,00 250,00 118526 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5E2 2623 Kim White 128, Nightingale 225,00 0,00 225,00 129910 Beaconsfield QC H9W1C6 2624 Kimberley Kotar 263, Malcolm Circle 190,00 0,00 190,00 119992 Dorval QC H9S1T6 2625 Kimberly Critch 130, Monterrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 120560 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W4 2626 Kimberly Gardner 221, Lilas 250,00 0,00 250,00 119651 Dorval QC H9S3M3 2627 Kimberly Ryan 60, Hillside 250,00 0,00 250,00 118653 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E3 2628 Kimura 107, Sunnyside 225,00 0,00 225,00 123807 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T7 2629 Kinal 315, Duke-of-Kent 270,00 0,00 270,00 117059 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y4 2630 Kinga Rzepka 120, Dieppe 270,00 0,00 270,00 125903 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X6 2631 Kingsley/Boll 60, De Breslay 300,00 0,00 300,00 115521 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N1 2632 Kiran Dhanuta 2245, Cardinal 275,00 0,00 275,00 114928 Dorval QC H9P1Y8 2633 Kirkham 124, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114130 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T8 2634 Kirkwood 153, Malcolm Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 119963 Dorval QC H9S1T3 2635 Kirsten Smart 116, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119141 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H4 2636 Klumpenaar 296, Claude 275,00 0,00 275,00 115656 Dorval QC H9S3B2 2637 Knox 11, Glanlynn 200,00 0,00 200,00 117889 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3N6


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2638 Kodjovi Assoe 301, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120147 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 2639 Koffi Folly 320, Brookhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 114488 Dorval QC H9S2N7 2640 Kolethras 2035, Chanteclerc 250,00 0,00 250,00 113819 Dorval QC H9P1L6 2641 Kolia 122, Nicholson 270,00 0,00 270,00 120978 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5W9 2642 Kopal/Gingras 49, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121886 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C4 2643 Korwin 48, Saddlewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 122440 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S4 2644 Kosta Spanos 138, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125086 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H9 2645 Kostic 148, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120077 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B4 2646 Kowalyk 537, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120817 Dorval QC H9P2A6 2647 Kozlowska 139, Des Canots 190,00 0,00 190,00 116629 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X3 2648 Kris Mah 543, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120819 Dorval QC H9P2A6 2649 Krishna Mullahoo 198, Lake 275,00 0,00 275,00 119299 Dorval QC H9S2J3 2650 Krishnamurthy 508, Strathmore 305,00 0,00 305,00 123526 Dorval QC H9P2A2 2651 Krista Jemczyk 366, Stream 190,00 0,00 190,00 123615 Dorval QC H9S2P5 2652 Kristin Cuttell 11, Waverley 275,00 0,00 275,00 124737 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W4 2653 Kristin Fasciano 109, Sunderland 250,00 0,00 250,00 123714 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L4 2654 Kristina Clark 334, Raimbault 250,00 0,00 250,00 122218 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V1 2655 Kristina Mansson 108, Pickwood Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 121433 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M4 2656 Kristopher Viel 152, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114358 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z6 2657 Kroon/Brown 225, Lagacé 375,00 0,00 375,00 119220 Dorval QC H9S2L9 2658 Kruse 390, Claude 275,00 0,00 275,00 115675 Dorval QC H9S3B3 2659 Krystal Carty 44, Pointe-Claire Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 121715 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 2660 Kryzsztof Trembecki 27, Drayton 275,00 0,00 275,00 116917 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V1 2661 Kudzman 780, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120862 Dorval QC H9P2B1

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2662 Kulczyk 110, Pickwood Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 121435 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M4 2663 Kuldeep Singh 274, Stillview 220,00 0,00 220,00 122940 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5C2 2664 Kulycky 1279, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 270,00 0,00 270,00 113035 Dorval QC H9S2E5 2665 Kun Xu 258, Shore 275,00 0,00 275,00 130338 Beaconsfield QC H9W3T8 2666 Kuntz 92, Rockwyn 250,00 0,00 250,00 122314 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W2 2667 Kyle Robillard 181, Fieldcrest 275,00 0,00 275,00 117643 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A5 2668 L A Read 114, Mount Pleasant 225,00 0,00 225,00 120732 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2T8 2669 L A Stringer 109, Sedgefield 190,00 0,00 190,00 122524 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 2670 L Amyot 470, Starling 250,00 0,00 250,00 122765 Dorval QC H9S2K2 2671 L Bossy 296, Allard 275,00 0,00 275,00 112904 Dorval QC H9S3B9 2672 L Bouchard 65, Dahlia 250,00 0,00 250,00 116270 Dorval QC H9S3N3 2673 L Brisebois 28, Parkdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 121172 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y3 2674 L Brousseau 56, Winston Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 125153 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X6 2675 L Chiasson 17, Kings 190,00 0,00 190,00 119077 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G8 2676 L Dufort 321, Violet Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 124674 Dorval QC H9S3P1 2677 L Finlayson 269, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120773 Dorval QC H9S2L3 2678 L Fitzpatrick 51, Elm 250,00 0,00 250,00 128449 Beaconsfield QC H9W6B3 2679 L Gauvreau 2090, Nightingale 300,00 0,00 300,00 121003 Dorval QC H9S1E2 2680 L Hoycyk 269, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123217 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5L3 2681 L Iafrancesco 96, Stockwell 275,00 0,00 275,00 123444 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5W8 2682 L Komin 236, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123178 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 2683 L L Pui 271, Louise-L'amy 220,00 0,00 220,00 119816 Dorval QC H9S5V4 2684 L Legare 63, Ponner 275,00 0,00 275,00 121812 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4W4 2685 L Leger 345, Thorncrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 121944 Dorval QC H9S2X9

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2686 L Martin 90, Dieppe 250,00 0,00 250,00 116681 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X4 2687 L Mcwhinnie 96, Kirkwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 125747 Beaconsfield QC H9W5L4 2688 L Patterson 114, Livingston 250,00 0,00 250,00 119755 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1S3 2689 L Peize 17, Jasper 250,00 0,00 250,00 125663 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R7 2690 L Robichaud/Gagné 278, Vista 240,00 0,00 240,00 124715 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R8 2691 L Simard 134, Maywood 280,00 0,00 280,00 120284 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M1 2692 L Spencer 15, Chester 275,00 0,00 275,00 115383 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H8 2693 L Stanojlovic 142, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113433 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z8 2694 L Taylor 110, Brunet 250,00 0,00 250,00 114578 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T8 2695 L Ticknor 2270, Swallow 310,00 0,00 310,00 123916 Dorval QC H9S2K5 2696 L Tsirigotis 134, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114689 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E1 2697 L Webber 108, Oakridge 225,00 0,00 225,00 121032 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C1 2698 L Wolfe 85, Summerhill 275,00 0,00 275,00 123675 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6B5 2699 L. P. Carriere 2, St-Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 122795 Dorval QC H9S3T3 2700 Labbe 145, Boylan 275,00 0,00 275,00 114086 Dorval QC H9S5J7 2701 Labbe/Kennedy 111, Douglas-Shand 270,00 0,00 270,00 116885 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2B7 2702 Laberge/Wand 8, De L'église 250,00 0,00 250,00 115452 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5J2 2703 Labonville 272, Touzin 200,00 0,00 200,00 124074 Dorval QC H9S2M9 2704 Lachance/Shepherd 133, Monterrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 120562 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W3 2705 Lacombe 142, Coolbreeze 275,00 0,00 275,00 116122 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S7 2706 Lacoste 59, Pointe-Claire Avenue 190,00 0,00 190,00 121728 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M4 2707 Lacoste 658, Wright Crescent 190,00 0,00 190,00 125245 Dorval QC H9P2C5 2708 Lacroix 362, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120792 Dorval QC H9S2L6 2709 Ladislau Laza 127, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 113057 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z3

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2710 Lafleur 138, Spartan Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 122715 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R5 2711 Laframboise 1084, Le Gardeur 275,00 0,00 275,00 119560 Dorval QC H9S5N6 2712 Lafrance 6, Drayton 250,00 0,00 250,00 116908 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V2 2713 Lague 154, Valois Bay 250,00 0,00 250,00 124310 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B9 2714 Laila Lima 35, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124564 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y6 2715 Laine Roczniak 192, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114163 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V5 2716 Lakeside Heights Baptist Church 275, Braebrook 430,00 0,00 430,00 125304 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V9 2717 Lalit Vora 360, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123314 Dorval QC H9S2S6 2718 Lalonde 725, De L'église 250,00 0,00 250,00 116530 Dorval QC H9S1R5 2719 Lalonde 257, Ste-Claire 275,00 0,00 275,00 122826 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4E5 2720 Lalonde 39, Victoria 280,00 0,00 280,00 124471 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4S5 2721 Lalonde/Kurts 349, Donegani 250,00 0,00 250,00 125328 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M4 2722 Lalonde/Wilken 665, Wright Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 125248 Dorval QC H9P2C4 2723 Lamb 182, Fieldcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 117644 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A4 2724 Lambert 113, Chestnut 250,00 0,00 250,00 114863 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B2 2725 Lamontagne 201, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 113792 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V6 2726 Lamothe 76, Bayview 250,00 0,00 250,00 113488 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C3 2727 Lan Wang 118, Prince-Edward 275,00 0,00 275,00 121984 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C8 2728 Lana Weber 98, Nicholson 250,00 0,00 250,00 120954 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A1 2729 Lance Leonard 14, Pointe-Claire Avenue 225,00 0,00 225,00 121696 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 2730 Landry 1720, Castlefield 275,00 0,00 275,00 115067 Dorval QC H9P1W1 2731 Landry 32, Hillcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 118589 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E5 2732 Landry/Lenet 165, Broadview 270,00 0,00 270,00 114370 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z5 2733 Lane/Parsons 366, Allard 250,00 0,00 250,00 112918 Dorval QC H9S3C2


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2734 Langianese 240, Strathcona 275,00 0,00 275,00 123484 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y3 2735 Langis 11, Hampton Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 118265 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 2736 Lanoue/Jette 79, Charles 275,00 0,00 275,00 115315 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4K7 2737 Lanouette/Perron 161, Monterrey 275,00 0,00 275,00 120587 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W3 2738 Lanteigne 104, Ventnor 275,00 0,00 275,00 124389 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4E2 2739 Lanthier 105, Beechnut 250,00 0,00 250,00 113511 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2B1 2740 Lanthier 1885, Carson 250,00 0,00 250,00 115019 Dorval QC H9S1N6 2741 Lapierre 217, Boylan 272,00 0,00 272,00 114098 Dorval QC H9S5J7 2742 Laplante 215, Allard 190,00 0,00 190,00 113163 Dorval QC H9S3B8 2743 Laplante 1710, Castlefield 290,00 0,00 290,00 115065 Dorval QC H9P1W1 2744 Lapointe 1770, Castlefield 250,00 0,00 250,00 115076 Dorval QC H9P1W1 2745 Lapointe 1770, Castlefield 229,95 0,00 229,95 115076 Dorval QC H9P1W1 2746 Lapointe 2380, Chanteclerc 250,00 0,00 250,00 115272 Dorval QC H9P1M3 2747 Lapointe 137, Empress 275,00 0,00 275,00 117330 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P5 2748 Lareau 3, Hornell 250,00 0,00 250,00 118689 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R2 2749 Larissa Leigh 138, Valois Bay 250,00 0,00 250,00 124300 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B9 2750 Larry Barth 280, Vista 250,00 0,00 250,00 124717 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R8 2751 Larry Duke 101, Windcrest 285,00 0,00 285,00 125018 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W2 2752 Larry MacDonald 375, Claude 270,00 0,00 270,00 115672 Dorval QC H9S3B4 2753 Larry Robinson 685, Wright Crescent 270,00 0,00 270,00 125255 Dorval QC H9P2C4 2754 Larry Strulovitch 1840, Herron Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 118465 Dorval QC H9S1C6 2755 Larry Weber 119, Astoria 275,00 0,00 275,00 113252 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B1 2756 Larry Wiltshire 602, Westwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 124939 Dorval QC H9P2M5 2757 Larysa Prokhorova 236, Sedgefield 275,00 0,00 275,00 122575 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P2

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2758 Laszlo Zsebe 111, Valois Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 124287 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B8 2759 Latendresse 287, Hickory 225,00 0,00 225,00 118503 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S3 2760 Laura Bennett 214, Springdale 270,00 0,00 270,00 122736 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R5 2761 Laura Calver 195, Dahlia 270,00 0,00 270,00 116290 Dorval QC H9S3N4 2762 Laura Gavrila 98, Charles 275,00 0,00 275,00 115330 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L1 2763 Laura Glew 51, Lansdowne Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 119549 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B9 2764 Laura Lemesurier 119, Rothbury 270,00 0,00 270,00 122347 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R6 2765 Laura Pallette 56, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121194 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y5 2766 Laura Radcliffe 111, Grassmere 250,00 0,00 250,00 118143 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Y7 2767 Laura Saviano 272, Lagacé 190,00 0,00 190,00 119237 Dorval QC H9S2M1 2768 Laurel Briedon 72, Aurora 275,00 0,00 275,00 113336 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G4 2769 Laurel Chauvin Kimoff 30, Drayton 275,00 0,00 275,00 116920 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V2 2770 Laurent Girard 44, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121882 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C5 2771 Laurent Proulx 16, Jervis Bay 250,00 0,00 250,00 118900 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X7 2772 Laurette Rees 435, Claude 504,95 0,00 504,95 115684 Dorval QC H9S3B4 2773 Laurette Rees 435, Claude 229,95 0,00 229,95 115684 Dorval QC H9S3B4 2774 Laurie Woods 57, Summerhill 250,00 0,00 250,00 123660 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L1 2775 Lauzon 105, Buckingham 250,00 0,00 250,00 114625 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1K9 2776 Laverdière 414, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115765 Dorval QC H9S2T6 2777 Lavery 445, Starling 275,00 0,00 275,00 122760 Dorval QC H9S2K1 2778 Laviolette 272, Handfield Circle 270,00 0,00 270,00 118329 Dorval QC H9S3V3 2779 Lavoie 556, Oriole Cr. 210,00 0,00 210,00 120697 Dorval QC H9P1P2 2780 Lavoie/Ouellet 2240, Partridge 275,00 0,00 275,00 121362 Dorval QC H9P1V8 2781 Lawrence Galletti 14, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119074 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G7

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2782 Lawrence 350, Claude 200,00 0,00 200,00 115667 Dorval QC H9S3B3 2783 Lazaris 161, Heather 250,00 0,00 250,00 118441 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A6 2784 Le Groupe pétrolier OLCO Inc 2775 Georges V 6 000,00 0,00 6 000,00 Attn: Mr Robuteur Montréal-est QC H1L 6J7 2785 Le Nga Phan 125, Highgate 270,00 0,00 270,00 118546 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X5 2786 Leah Gilmore 17, Laurelwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 118087 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R2 2787 Leanne Bayer 344, Berkeley 275,00 0,00 275,00 113651 Dorval QC H9S1H4 2788 Leanne Bayer 150, Lepage 250,00 0,00 250,00 119575 Dorval QC H9S3E6 2789 Leaver 525, Graham 270,00 0,00 270,00 118022 Dorval QC H9P2B2 2790 Leaver/Andersen 81, Broadview 190,00 0,00 190,00 114331 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z3 2791 Lebeau 294, Tulip 250,00 0,00 250,00 124185 Dorval QC H9S3P6 2792 Leblanc 105, Astoria 250,00 0,00 250,00 113238 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A9 2793 LeBlanc/Dubois 296, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123254 Dorval QC H9S2S4 2794 Leboeuf 145, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124825 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M5 2795 Lebrun 1645, Torrence 275,00 0,00 275,00 124038 Dorval QC H9P1R4 2796 Lecavalier 27, Broadview 270,00 0,00 270,00 114285 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z1 2797 Lecavalier 85, Mount Pleasant 250,00 0,00 250,00 120728 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2T4 2798 Lecavalier 212, Tulip 275,00 0,00 275,00 124158 Dorval QC H9S3P3 2799 Leclerc/Faubert 35, Ponner 250,00 0,00 250,00 121807 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4W4 2800 Lecompte 67, Ashburton 275,00 0,00 275,00 113126 Dorval QC H9S5M1 2801 Ledent 4, Lancaster 275,00 0,00 275,00 119504 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4B1 2802 Lee Martin 57, Elgin 275,00 0,00 275,00 117285 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J9 2803 Lee Morton 40, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121881 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C5 2804 Lee 109, Metis 250,00 0,00 250,00 120379 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E5 2805 Lee-Ann Dorion 225, Martin 275,00 0,00 275,00 120215 Dorval QC H9S3S2

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2806 Lees 18, Lakeside 250,00 0,00 250,00 119374 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G2 2807 Lefebvre 1785, Castlefield 250,00 0,00 250,00 115079 Dorval QC H9P1V9 2808 Lefebvre 12, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119073 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G7 2809 Legaré 24, Waverley 275,00 0,00 275,00 124745 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W5 2810 Legault 345, Elmridge 275,00 0,00 275,00 117438 Dorval QC H9S2Z6 2811 Legault 12, Georgia Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 117840 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V7 2812 Legault 32, Parkdale 240,00 0,00 240,00 121176 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y3 2813 Legault 558, Prince Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 121835 Dorval QC H9P1Z3 2814 Lehman 149, Radisson 190,00 0,00 190,00 122148 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E7 2815 Lei Li 16, Raspberry Crescent 275,00 0,00 275,00 129943 Beaconsfield QC H9W6C9 2816 Leigh Grassby 169, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125107 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J1 2817 LeMarquand 1720, Brookdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 114418 Dorval QC H9P1X3 2818 Lemieux 53, Broadview 225,00 0,00 225,00 114310 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z1 2819 Lemire 118, Charles 275,00 0,00 275,00 115349 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L3 2820 Lemire/Charron 108, Crestview 250,00 0,00 250,00 116240 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A1 2821 LeMouel 105, Tremont 275,00 0,00 275,00 124137 Dorval QC H9S5M5 2822 LeMouel 105, Tremont 229,95 0,00 229,95 124137 Dorval QC H9S5M5 2823 Lemus 111, Winthrop 275,00 0,00 275,00 125175 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W6 2824 Leo DeMarco 35, Whitehead Terrasse 275,00 0,00 275,00 124966 Dorval QC H9S5M3 2825 Leon Harris 227, Ste-Claire 250,00 0,00 250,00 122819 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4E3 2826 Leonard 20, Parkland 275,00 0,00 275,00 121295 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E8 2827 Leonardo Andreoli 225, Lepage 220,00 0,00 220,00 119604 Dorval QC H9S3E7 2828 Leonis 113, Champs D'avions 504,95 0,00 504,95 115242 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S7 2829 Lepage 367, Donegani 250,00 0,00 250,00 116802 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M4


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2830 Lepine 228, Sedgefield 275,00 0,00 275,00 122571 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P2 2831 Leroux Theron 218, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123156 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 2832 Lesage 187, Dieppe 270,00 0,00 270,00 116740 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X8 2833 Lesley Thompson 21, Horizon 190,00 0,00 190,00 118682 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 2834 Leslie Green 1820, Windermere 275,00 0,00 275,00 125046 Dorval QC H9S1G7 2835 Leslie Szabados 60, Waverley 275,00 0,00 275,00 124767 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W8 2836 Leveille 180, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114717 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5H4 2837 Levesque 121, Des Canots 220,00 0,00 220,00 115551 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X3 2838 Levesque 139, McNicoll 275,00 0,00 275,00 120332 Dorval QC H9S3W3 2839 Levesque/Clark 2025, Chanteclerc 250,00 0,00 250,00 113817 Dorval QC H9P1L6 2840 Lewis 245, Touzin 200,00 0,00 200,00 124067 Dorval QC H9S2N1 2841 Lewis/Hammond 111, Westcliffe 220,00 0,00 220,00 124795 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M5 2842 Li Juan 163, Radisson 250,00 0,00 250,00 122160 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V2 2843 Li Pan 121, Nicholson 250,00 0,00 250,00 120977 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5W9 2844 Li Xiao Zhang 12, Compton Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 115960 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V6 2845 Li 355, Lake 250,00 0,00 250,00 119327 Dorval QC H9S2J2 2846 Lian Zhu Chai 118, Hermiston 270,00 0,00 270,00 118461 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P2 2847 Liang Zhao 10, Nicholson 275,00 0,00 275,00 120895 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A2 2848 Lianne Cartwright 173, Westcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 124850 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N1 2849 Lianne Clish 348, Allard 250,00 0,00 250,00 112914 Dorval QC H9S3C2 2850 Lianwei Gai 26, Fifth 270,00 0,00 270,00 125375 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C7 2851 Lichuan Wang 76, Wildtree Drive 265,00 0,00 265,00 130267 Beaconsfield QC H9W5G4 2852 Liette Bettez 21, Condover 250,00 0,00 250,00 116040 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Y7 2853 Liliane Tawil 30, Lansdowne Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 119532 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B9

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2854 Lilianna Vokey 3, Parkdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 121147 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y4 2855 Lillian Mitchell 170, Radisson 449,95 0,00 449,95 122168 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V2 2856 Lilly Cook 103, Astoria 275,00 0,00 275,00 113236 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A9 2857 Lin Zhang 285, MacLean 275,00 0,00 275,00 119904 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y1 2858 Lin 440, Claude 250,00 0,00 250,00 115685 Dorval QC H9S3B3 2859 Lina Huang 266, Hickory 275,00 0,00 275,00 118497 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S2 2860 Lina Polazo 41, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 122956 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y9 2861 Linda Dumas 67, Little Rock 275,00 0,00 275,00 119738 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G5 2862 Linda Haynes 47, Aurora 275,00 0,00 275,00 113319 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G1 2863 Linda Heyser 265, St-Louis 270,00 0,00 270,00 123215 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5L3 2864 Linda Huntoon 485, Lagacé 290,00 0,00 290,00 119289 Dorval QC H9S5J6 2865 Linda Jones 18, Fifth 250,00 0,00 250,00 117656 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C7 2866 Linda Marschall 221, Adams 275,00 0,00 275,00 112780 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y6 2867 Linda Noonan 369, Donegani 250,00 0,00 250,00 116803 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M4 2868 Linda Pietroniro 245, Elie-de-Bellefeuille 190,00 0,00 190,00 117315 Dorval QC H9S4H8 2869 Lindsay Doig 175, Martin 275,00 0,00 275,00 120202 Dorval QC H9S3R5 2870 Lindsay Donald 364, Parkwood Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 121357 Dorval QC H9S3A5 2871 Lindsay MacLean 44, Fifth 275,00 0,00 275,00 117676 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E1 2872 Lindsay Riddell 34, White Pine Drive 375,00 0,00 375,00 130229 Beaconsfield QC H9W5E3 2873 Line Brochu 311, Donegani 250,00 0,00 250,00 116776 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2W5 2874 Line Proulx 619, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124944 Dorval QC H9P2M4 2875 Linnel Thorne 65, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122074 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G3 2876 Lionel Rebouillat 24, Compton Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 115972 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V5 2877 Liping Wang 136, Lincoln Drive 275,00 0,00 275,00 129851 Beaconsfield QC H9W1M6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2878 Lippert 198, Radisson 190,00 0,00 190,00 122192 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5T9 2879 Lisa Doucet 101, Elmwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 117236 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M5 2880 Lisa Jarvais 279, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123232 Dorval QC H9S2S3 2881 Lisa Laviolette 537, St-Louis 210,00 0,00 210,00 123386 Dorval QC H9P2E8 2882 Lisa Merry 173, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116133 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S9 2883 Lise Bougie 1830, Herron Crescent 220,00 0,00 220,00 118464 Dorval QC H9S1C6 2884 Lise Boyer 55, De La Presentation 275,00 0,00 275,00 116469 Dorval QC H9S3L2 2885 Lise Charlebois 252, Martin 250,00 0,00 250,00 120227 Dorval QC H9S3R9 2886 Lise Darvill 7, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124885 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y6 2887 Lise Ethier 237, St-Louis 375,00 0,00 375,00 123179 Dorval QC H9S2S3 2888 Lise Lacroix 103, Eldon 225,00 0,00 225,00 117205 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B5 2889 Lise Payette 152, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114702 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E1 2890 Lise Ranger 86, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 229,95 0,00 229,95 113729 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4H7 2891 Lise Ranger 86, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 250,00 0,00 250,00 113729 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4H7 2892 Little 54, Mount Pleasant 260,00 0,00 260,00 120669 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2T2 2893 Little 172, Regatta 240,00 0,00 240,00 122264 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z6 2894 Livis Meixner 70, Pointe-Claire Avenue 285,00 0,00 285,00 121735 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 2895 Lizotte 630, Strathmore 225,00 0,00 225,00 125930 Dorval QC H9P2A2 2896 Lloyd 102, Kipling 250,00 0,00 250,00 119191 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2B3 2897 Lloyod Flanagan 62, Fifth 250,00 0,00 250,00 117689 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E1 2898 L-M Kamoso 101, Sedgefield 190,00 0,00 190,00 122520 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 2899 Location Dickie Moore 4955 Chemin St-Francois 436,90 0,00 436,90 M167703 St-Laurent QC H4S1P3 2900 Location D'Outils Simplex 9740 Boul de L'Acadie 555,85 0,00 555,85 5446 Montreal QC H4N1L8 2901 Locke/Murphy 134, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113426 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z8

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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2902 Loffredo 23, Belton 250,00 0,00 250,00 113617 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z8 2903 Logan 133, Westcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 124813 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M5 2904 Lois Champoux 242, Roy 250,00 0,00 250,00 122388 Dorval QC H9S3C6 2905 Lois Lane 379, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120796 Dorval QC H9S2L5 2906 Lombardi 392, Cloverdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 115916 Dorval QC H9S3J7 2907 Long 1980, Herron Road 250,00 0,00 250,00 118477 Dorval QC H9S1C1 2908 Long 55, Jefferson 255,00 0,00 255,00 118872 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J7 2909 Longpré/Frosst 156, Monterrey 275,00 0,00 275,00 120582 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W4 2910 Longus Equipment 4405 Autoroute Des Laurentides 5 948,08 0,00 5 948,08 213 Laval QC H7L5W5 2911 Lopez 57, Montrose 250,00 0,00 250,00 120600 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S3 2912 Lord 37, Parkland 275,00 0,00 275,00 121310 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E6 2913 Lorena Campagna 165, Lake 275,00 0,00 275,00 119295 Dorval QC H9S2J2 2914 Lorenzo Della Foresta 236, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120763 Dorval QC H9S2L4 2915 Lorezca 96, Charles 270,00 0,00 270,00 115328 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L1 2916 Lori Lepine 247, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123191 Dorval QC H9S2S3 2917 Lori Morrison 310, Lake 250,00 0,00 250,00 119315 Dorval QC H9S2J3 2918 Lori Tyrrell 230, Strathcona 275,00 0,00 275,00 123479 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y3 2919 Lori Wilkinson 125, Duke-of-Kent 275,00 0,00 275,00 125928 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y1 2920 Lorna Shillington 297, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115753 Dorval QC H9S2T1 2921 Lorraine Collin 31, Parkland 250,00 0,00 250,00 121306 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E6 2922 Lorraine De Kuyper 16, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121868 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C3 2923 Lorraine Downs 56, Montrose 250,00 0,00 250,00 120599 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S4 2924 Lorraine Laramee 483, Delmar 250,00 0,00 250,00 116616 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A5 2925 Lorraine Mello 316, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123276 Dorval QC H9S2S6


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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2926 Lothar Briones 126, Sunderland 220,00 0,00 220,00 123731 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L2 2927 Louis Beaudoin 82, Fieldsend 275,00 0,00 275,00 129536 Beaconsfield QC H9W5J1 2928 Louis Boulanger 115, Lake 275,00 0,00 275,00 119291 Dorval QC H9S2J2 2929 Louis Cuccia 310, Parkwood Circle 270,00 0,00 270,00 121325 Dorval QC H9S3A3 2930 Louis Donato 266, Vista 275,00 0,00 275,00 124703 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R8 2931 Louis Gosselin 46, Hillside 250,00 0,00 250,00 118642 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E3 2932 Louis P Bougie Bastien 91, Avondale 250,00 0,00 250,00 125418 Beaconsfield QC H9W5L6 2933 Louis Robert 355, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115501 Dorval QC H9S2T3 2934 Louise Bandet 2010, Herron Road 250,00 0,00 250,00 118479 Dorval QC H9S1C1 2935 Louise Bernard 141, Malcolm Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 119959 Dorval QC H9S1T3 2936 Louise Berthiaume 268, Vista 275,00 0,00 275,00 124705 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R8 2937 Louise Carobene 1740, Parkfield 250,00 0,00 250,00 121260 Dorval QC H9P1T5 2938 Louise Cloutier 429, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 121933 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A6 2939 Louise Couillard 2, Fifth 275,00 0,00 275,00 117645 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C7 2940 Louise Gauthier 1, Hampton Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 118256 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 2941 Louise Godin 115, Sedgefield 205,00 0,00 205,00 121910 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 2942 Louise Legault 15, Keiller Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 119018 Dorval QC H9S3W1 2943 Louise Martel 357, Donegani 270,00 0,00 270,00 116798 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M4 2944 Louise Matulis 106, Somervale Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 122683 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3H7 2945 Louise Normandin 267, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124073 Dorval QC H9S2N1 2946 Louise Rogerson 299, Cloverdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 115886 Dorval QC H9S3J4 2947 Louise St-Denis 1850, Herron Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 118466 Dorval QC H9S1C6 2948 Louisette Gitkow 687, Pine Beach 250,00 0,00 250,00 120419 Dorval QC H9P2L2 2949 Louis-Philippe Cardinal 570, Meadowvale 275,00 0,00 275,00 120357 Dorval QC H9P2E7

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2950 Louis-Rene Charrette 129, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113421 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A2 2951 Loukan Dankov 141, Douglas-Shand 250,00 0,00 250,00 115465 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2C6 2952 Lowry 64, Summerhill 380,00 0,00 380,00 123667 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K9 2953 Luc Buteau 234, Sedgefield 275,00 0,00 275,00 122574 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P2 2954 Luc Daoust 285, Hickory 200,00 0,00 200,00 118066 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S3 2955 Luc Ferlatte 120, Winthrop 275,00 0,00 275,00 125184 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W7 2956 Luc Lalonde 99, Chester 275,00 0,00 275,00 114844 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J5 2957 Luc Tremblay 195, Brookhaven 300,00 0,00 300,00 114452 Dorval QC H9S2N5 2958 Luc Vallee 150, Allard 275,00 0,00 275,00 113155 Dorval QC H9S3B7 2959 Luca Zanin 126, Kings 275,00 0,00 275,00 119148 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H4 2960 Lucia Cislaghi 32, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114290 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z2 2961 Lucia Sup 1425, Dawson 229,95 0,00 229,95 116376 Dorval QC H9S1Y3 2962 Lucian Coca 366, Raimbault 190,00 0,00 190,00 122241 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V1 2963 Luciano Martin 106, Empress 275,00 0,00 275,00 117516 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P6 2964 Lucie Benveniste 34, Drayton 275,00 0,00 275,00 116922 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V2 2965 Lucie Bourgeois 224, Tulip 250,00 0,00 250,00 124162 Dorval QC H9S3P3 2966 Lucie Labine 296, Jaillet 250,00 0,00 250,00 118843 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y3 2967 Lucille Brunet 37, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121711 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M4 2968 Lucy Cumyn 63, Vincennes 200,00 0,00 200,00 123135 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M1 2969 Lucy McIntosh 78, Jefferson 250,00 0,00 250,00 118889 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J8 2970 Lucy Piccolo 78, Stockwell 275,00 0,00 275,00 123431 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V2 2971 Lucy Rebeiro 363, Donegani 250,00 0,00 250,00 116800 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M4 2972 Ludmila Pikulik 130, Highgate 275,00 0,00 275,00 118551 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X4 2973 Ludmilla Brousse 80, Pardo 250,00 0,00 250,00 121126 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3H3


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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2974 Lui 281, Marsh 504,95 0,00 504,95 120127 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 2975 Luigi Discepola 269, Inglewood 225,00 0,00 225,00 118740 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z3 2976 Luisa Parente 1, Cardiff 275,00 0,00 275,00 114748 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1G1 2977 Lukasz Gruca 117, Arrowhead Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 113084 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V4 2978 Lunsford Lewis 102, Cragmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 116216 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M1 2979 Lyanne Fielding-Mcgurhill 92, Beaconsfield Blvd 275,00 0,00 275,00 125467 Beaconsfield QC H9W3Z6 2980 Lyman 64, Ashburton 275,00 0,00 275,00 113124 Dorval QC H9S5K2 2981 Lyn Barre 148, Sunderland 250,00 0,00 250,00 123747 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L6 2982 Lyn Woolward 101, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 114845 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J5 2983 Lynch 161, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123847 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V2 2984 Lynch/Luis 111, Sundale 275,00 0,00 275,00 123690 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B7 2985 Lynda Nicol 31, Belmont 270,00 0,00 270,00 113548 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M7 2986 Lynda Nicol 31, Belmont 229,95 0,00 229,95 113548 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M7 2987 Lyne Belleau 240, Frobisher 220,00 0,00 220,00 117742 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4T5 2988 Lyne L'Heureux 4, Parkland 275,00 0,00 275,00 121283 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E7 2989 Lynn Bergmame 6, Horizon 190,00 0,00 190,00 118667 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 2990 Lynn et Michel Dalpe Seguin 1120, Prince Philip 275,00 0,00 275,00 121849 Dorval QC H9S5N8 2991 Lynne Primeau 99, Elgin 250,00 0,00 250,00 117307 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K3 2992 LYS Assurances 17 Boul Cite Des Jeunes suite 200 4 096,07 0,00 4 096,07 Vaudreuil-Dorion QC J7V0N3 2993 LYS Assurances 17 Boul Cite Des Jeunes suite 200 431,40 0,00 431,40 Vaudreuil-Dorion QC J7V0N3 2994 M and P Tosques/Gaio 215, Touzin 275,00 0,00 275,00 124060 Dorval QC H9S2N1 2995 M Archer 118, Winthrop 275,00 0,00 275,00 125182 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W7 2996 M Bain 442, Carson 285,00 0,00 285,00 114971 Dorval QC H9S1K8 2997 M Beaulieu 130, Winthrop 250,00 0,00 250,00 125192 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W7


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 2998 M Bilodeau 109, Winthrop 250,00 0,00 250,00 125174 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W6 2999 M Bouthillier 355, Lepage 275,00 0,00 275,00 119411 Dorval QC H9S3G1 3000 M Brown 21, Belmont 275,00 0,00 275,00 113543 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M7 3001 M Cheung 55, Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 115581 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W9 3002 M Cinquino 22, Saddlewood 190,00 0,00 190,00 122424 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S6 3003 M Dinardo 584, Oriole Cr. 729,95 0,00 729,95 121073 Dorval QC H9P1P2 3004 M Donoso 94, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116684 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X4 3005 M Gizas 19, Clearview 250,00 0,00 250,00 115709 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C6 3006 M Gomes 606, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115806 Dorval QC H9P2H6 3007 M Hjulstrom 572, Oriole Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 120703 Dorval QC H9P1P2 3008 M Hudon 76, De Breslay 270,00 0,00 270,00 116436 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N2 3009 M Iasenza 67, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 115525 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 3010 M J Angelopoulos 135, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121993 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L9 3011 M J Moore 54, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121889 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C5 3012 M Kelly 247, Lagacé 479,95 0,00 479,95 119228 Dorval QC H9S2L9 3013 M King 16, Cedar 270,00 0,00 270,00 115105 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y1 3014 M Lokmane 108, Ashington 250,00 0,00 250,00 113217 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z2 3015 M Marinov 18, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 115386 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H7 3016 M Mc Laughlin 22, Tampico 275,00 0,00 275,00 123941 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z5 3017 M Mendonca 327, Inglewood 270,00 0,00 270,00 118205 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A1 3018 M Morin 46, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113318 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G2 3019 M Nedelcu 74, Brunswick Drive 250,00 0,00 250,00 129325 Beaconsfield QC H9W5H2 3020 M Patel 119, Des Canots 250,00 0,00 250,00 115550 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X3 3021 M Petracsek 148, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125094 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H9

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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3022 M Poirier 431, Delmar 275,00 0,00 275,00 116577 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A3 3023 M Pugh 141, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120070 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 3024 M Ranz 2245, Campbell 250,00 0,00 250,00 114738 Dorval QC H9P1L2 3025 M Rolita 220, Touzin 275,00 0,00 275,00 124061 Dorval QC H9S2M9 3026 M Shortt 437, Neptune 270,00 0,00 270,00 120383 Dorval QC H9S2L7 3027 M Thibeault 2295, Cardinal 375,00 0,00 375,00 114930 Dorval QC H9P2P7 3028 M W Holland 108, Ventnor 275,00 0,00 275,00 124391 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4E2 3029 M Wawrzyniak 175, Sedgefield 210,00 0,00 210,00 122547 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N9 3030 M Wong 267, Vista 275,00 0,00 275,00 124704 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R8 3031 M. Bouet 2185, Campbell 200,00 0,00 200,00 114728 Dorval QC H9P1L2 3032 M. Linh Ly 624, Avila - Legault 479,95 0,00 479,95 113206 Dorval QC H9P2X4 3033 M. Rousseau 49, Brunet 250,00 0,00 250,00 114558 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T4 3034 M.I.S Implants Canada 73, Ashburton 275,00 0,00 275,00 113130 Dorval QC H9S5M1 3035 Mac Leod 305, Eldorado 275,00 0,00 275,00 117209 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3H1 3036 MacDonald 137, Arrowhead Crescent 275,00 0,00 275,00 113099 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V4 3037 MacDonald 5, Jervis Bay 250,00 0,00 250,00 118895 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X6 3038 MacDonald 5, Jervis Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 118895 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X6 3039 MacDonald 671, Pine Beach 370,00 0,00 370,00 121590 Dorval QC H9P2K8 3040 MacDonald 135, Winthrop 275,00 0,00 275,00 125195 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W8 3041 MacGibbon 407, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123349 Dorval QC H9S2S7 3042 MacGillivray 1015, 3rd Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 112841 Dorval QC H9S1V7 3043 Machika 154, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114704 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E1 3044 MacIntosh 57, Vincennes 250,00 0,00 250,00 124543 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M1 3045 Mackarous 425, Clement 260,00 0,00 260,00 115769 Dorval QC H9S2T5

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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3046 Mackinnon 53, Circle 344,93 0,00 344,93 115580 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W9 3047 MacTaggart Enterprise Holdings 25, Belton 250,00 0,00 250,00 113619 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z8 3048 MacTaggart 106, Braebrook 225,00 0,00 225,00 114115 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T1 3049 MacTaggart 116, Ivanhoe Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 118777 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z8 3050 MacTaggart/Kalaganis 5, Fifth 290,00 0,00 290,00 117647 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C8 3051 Maddalena Virgona 575, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120829 Dorval QC H9P2A6 3052 Madeleine Girard Joyal 129, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114342 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z3 3053 Madjid Saibi 1535, Kirkland Place 250,00 0,00 250,00 119202 Dorval QC H9S1E1 3054 Maertens 176, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123861 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V1 3055 Maffei 295, Touzin 310,00 0,00 310,00 124081 Dorval QC H9S2N1 3056 Magali Bitursi 53, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122070 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G1 3057 Magdalena Kielak-Lemay 64, Nicholson 220,00 0,00 220,00 120927 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A1 3058 Magdalena Morawski 148, Heather 275,00 0,00 275,00 118428 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A4 3059 Magdy Fahmy 4, Clearpoint 275,00 0,00 275,00 115692 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5T7 3060 Magdy Soliman 116, Hilary 190,00 0,00 190,00 118567 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S1 3061 Maggie Marcogliese 204, Adams 275,00 0,00 275,00 112763 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X1 3062 Maggie Paar 74, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121208 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y5 3063 Maglieri 18, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122051 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E9 3064 Maglieri/Brien 100, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119131 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H2 3065 Maharaj 332, Lagacé 500,00 0,00 500,00 119255 Dorval QC H9S2M3 3066 Maher Sawaf 131, Saddlewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 122470 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 3067 Mahmoud Khobieh 107, Sedgefield 190,00 0,00 190,00 122523 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 3068 Majd Tahan 99, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113743 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J1 3069 Majid Amidi 147, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120076 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3070 Major 19, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121870 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C2 3071 Major 1660, Torrence 275,00 0,00 275,00 124041 Dorval QC H9P1R7 3072 Major/Bolduc 146, Dieppe 250,00 0,00 250,00 116711 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X6 3073 Major/Bolduc 146, Dieppe 200,00 0,00 200,00 116711 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X6 3074 Malboeuf 6, Kamouraska 190,00 0,00 190,00 118947 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V2 3075 Malcolm Andrews 127, Valois Bay 250,00 0,00 250,00 124293 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B8 3076 Malenfant / Bourbonnais 390, Strathmore 190,00 0,00 190,00 123506 Dorval QC H9S2J4 3077 Malika Chaloufi 410, Claude 504,95 0,00 504,95 115679 Dorval QC H9S3B3 3078 Mallette 568, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124927 Dorval QC H9P2M3 3079 Mamanteo 404, Vinet 250,00 0,00 250,00 124646 Dorval QC H9S2M8 3080 Mambo/Dziuba 608, Pine Beach 275,00 0,00 275,00 121566 Dorval QC H9P2K1 3081 Mammitzsch 12, Carlisle 190,00 0,00 190,00 114950 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S9 3082 Mammitzsch 12, Carlisle 229,95 0,00 229,95 114950 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S9 3083 Mammone 1000, 5th Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 112860 Dorval QC H9S1G2 3084 Manchi Liu 43, Compton Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 115991 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V5 3085 Mandy Finkelstein 86, Highgate 220,00 0,00 220,00 118516 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5E2 3086 Manharbhai Patel 74, Nicholson 190,00 0,00 190,00 120932 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A1 3087 Manning 67, Waverley 275,00 0,00 275,00 124770 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X2 3088 Manon Lemay 66, Highridge 250,00 0,00 250,00 129740 Beaconsfield QC H9W5E8 3089 Manoussos 248, Vista 250,00 0,00 250,00 124685 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R7 3090 Manseau/Pisani 266, Touzin 275,00 0,00 275,00 124072 Dorval QC H9S2M9 3091 Manuel Beaulieu 131, Pickwood Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 121450 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M3 3092 Manuel Dematos 103, Maywood 220,00 0,00 220,00 120265 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3L7 3093 Mapp Inspection Inc. 135, Malcolm Circle 270,00 0,00 270,00 119958 Dorval QC H9S1T3


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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3094 Marc Beaudoin 69, Waverley 275,00 0,00 275,00 124772 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X2 3095 Marc Belliveau 67, Jefferson 250,00 0,00 250,00 118884 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J7 3096 Marc Cardinal 135, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121776 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M7 3097 Marc Creamer 17, Coolbreeze 190,00 0,00 190,00 116057 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G3 3098 Marc Dansereau 52, Ashburton 275,00 0,00 275,00 113114 Dorval QC H9S5K2 3099 Marc Dessureault 172, Dieppe 250,00 0,00 250,00 116725 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X7 3100 Marc Faubert 180, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124856 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M9 3101 Marc Furi 226, Malcolm Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 119982 Dorval QC H9S1T5 3102 Marc Gindroz 405, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120802 Dorval QC H9S2L7 3103 Marc Guindon 84, avenue Parkdale 120 000,00 0,00 120 000,00 Pointe-Claire QC H9R 3Y5 3104 Marc L Esperance 18, Rodney 250,00 0,00 250,00 122326 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L7 3105 Marc Laberge 686, Wright Crescent 225,00 0,00 225,00 125256 Dorval QC H9P2C5 3106 Marc Lafoley 17, Stewart 275,00 0,00 275,00 122856 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5T5 3107 Marc Lajoie/Street 102, Sundale 250,00 0,00 250,00 123681 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B6 3108 Marc Lalonde 327, Handfield Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 118353 Dorval QC H9S2V1 3109 Marc Lalonde 47, Beaurepaire Drive 375,00 0,00 375,00 125474 Beaconsfield QC H9W3B4 3110 Marc Lanouette 16, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121160 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y3 3111 Marc Magar 245, Boul. Des Sources 270,00 0,00 270,00 114046 Dorval QC H9S2J1 3112 Marc Menard 301, Green Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 118229 Dorval QC H9S3T7 3113 Marc Montebello 192, Chestnut 275,00 0,00 275,00 129387 Beaconsfield QC H9W2S6 3114 Marc Provencher 45, Hampton Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 118297 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 3115 Marc Ricard 145, Spartan Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 122722 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R4 3116 Marc Solomon 520, Graham 270,00 0,00 270,00 118021 Dorval QC H9P2B3 3117 Marc St. Jean 627, Wright Crescent 190,00 0,00 190,00 125232 Dorval QC H9P2C3

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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3118 Marc Yammine 104, Forest Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 117724 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T1 3119 Marc-Andre Guitor 101, Ashington 275,00 0,00 275,00 113212 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z1 3120 Marcel Beluse 129, Maitland 479,95 0,00 479,95 119954 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X5 3121 Marcel Beluse 129, Maitland 479,95 0,00 479,95 119954 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X5 3122 Marcel et Otto Dietrich 286, Elie-de-Bellefeuille 275,00 0,00 275,00 117392 Dorval QC H9S5V5 3123 Marcel Labelle 24, Cedar 275,00 0,00 275,00 115109 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y1 3124 Marcel Lafleur 262, Strathcona 225,00 0,00 225,00 123091 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y4 3125 Marcello Biocchi 75, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119114 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H1 3126 Marchand 390, Berkeley 275,00 0,00 275,00 113668 Dorval QC H9S1H4 3127 Marchand 2185, Swallow 250,00 0,00 250,00 123131 Dorval QC H9S2K4 3128 Marchese 265, Jaillet 275,00 0,00 275,00 118812 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X9 3129 Marco Facciola 10, Victoria 479,95 0,00 479,95 124454 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4S3 3130 Marco Fedele 105, Ivanhoe Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 118212 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z9 3131 Marco Fragapane 410, Lagacé 250,00 0,00 250,00 119275 Dorval QC H9S2M4 3132 Marcotte 23, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113301 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3E9 3133 Marcotte 158, Sunnyside 275,00 0,00 275,00 123844 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V1 3134 Margani 350, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115500 Dorval QC H9S2T4 3135 Margaret Amos 159, Broadview 275,00 0,00 275,00 114365 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z5 3136 Margaret Carley 151, Lakeview 479,95 0,00 479,95 119390 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4B7 3137 Margaret Daniel 123, Hastings 250,00 0,00 250,00 118400 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P4 3138 Margaret Eastwood 345, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 250,00 0,00 250,00 113920 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4L8 3139 Margaret Fournier 131, Viking 250,00 0,00 250,00 124522 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1K6 3140 Margaret Moore 31, Waverley 250,00 0,00 250,00 124749 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W6 3141 Margaret Nicoll-Griffith 101, Drayton 190,00 0,00 190,00 116950 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V8

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3142 Margaret Norris 28, Bras-D'or 270,00 0,00 270,00 114218 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W7 3143 Margaret Scott 144, Monterrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 120570 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W4 3144 Margarida Santos 114, Highgate 250,00 0,00 250,00 118535 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X4 3145 Margo Adair 47, Waverley 250,00 0,00 250,00 124756 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W6 3146 Margot Streeter 256, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118727 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5K9 3147 Marguerite Dicer 50, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 115511 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N1 3148 Marguita Santos 485, Starling 250,00 0,00 250,00 122768 Dorval QC H9S2K1 3149 Maria Botelho Sa 425, Brookhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 114519 Dorval QC H9S2N6 3150 Maria Franco 58, Lucerne 250,00 0,00 250,00 119851 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V2 3151 Maria Fung 3, Bayview 275,00 0,00 275,00 113438 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C1 3152 Maria Gloria Maningas 331, Raimbault 250,00 0,00 250,00 122215 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5T9 3153 Maria Jaramillo 53, Elgin 250,00 0,00 250,00 117227 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J9 3154 Maria Micciche 19, Woolmer 504,95 0,00 504,95 125211 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G8 3155 Maria Popova 168, Lepage 275,00 0,00 275,00 119581 Dorval QC H9S3E6 3156 Maria Santoro 55, Tremont 275,00 0,00 275,00 124132 Dorval QC H9S5M5 3157 Maria Valente-Fernandes 600, Thorncrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 123996 Dorval QC H9P2M7 3158 Marian Morkill 193, Donegani 190,00 0,00 190,00 116764 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5E9 3159 Mariana Trindale 385, Elmridge 275,00 0,00 275,00 117445 Dorval QC H9S2Z6 3160 Marianne Ouellette 249, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115734 Dorval QC H9S2T1 3161 Marie & Robert Chryssolor 168, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113850 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J7 3162 Marie & Robert Chryssolor 168, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 229,95 0,00 229,95 113850 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J7 3163 Marie Claire Caillard 81, Mount Pleasant 250,00 0,00 250,00 120727 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2T4 3164 Marie Eve Lacroix 241, Lepage 250,00 0,00 250,00 119606 Dorval QC H9S3E7 3165 Marie France Gauthier 2360, Chanteclerc 250,00 0,00 250,00 115270 Dorval QC H9P1M3

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3166 Marie Jo Pilon 7, Golf 250,00 0,00 250,00 117978 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N4 3167 Marie Jose Forget 551, Oriole Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 120696 Dorval QC H9P1P3 3168 Marie Josee Beauregard 46, Hampton Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 118298 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 3169 Marie Kalas 134, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114135 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T8 3170 Marie Musgrove 48, Kanata 499,95 0,00 499,95 119008 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V3 3171 Marie Novak 118, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123818 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T6 3172 Marie Pepin 90, Rockwyn 275,00 0,00 275,00 122312 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W2 3173 Marie Pierre Ekoka 415, St-Louis 270,00 0,00 270,00 123357 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A6 3174 Marie-Claire O'Neil 100, Vanguard 275,00 0,00 275,00 124355 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T3 3175 Marie-Claire Vogt 142, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116709 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X6 3176 Marie-Claude Boudreau 102, Stillview 270,00 0,00 270,00 122865 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X8 3177 Marie-Claude Dubuc 15, Westfield 275,00 0,00 275,00 124877 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 3178 Marie-Claude Lapierre 256, Handfield Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 118323 Dorval QC H9S3V3 3179 Marie-Claude Vanier 64, Charles 290,00 0,00 290,00 115311 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4K8 3180 Marie-Edith Tousignant 126, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114685 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E1 3181 Marie-Eve Cloutier 115, Windcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 125032 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W2 3182 Marie-France Miron 68, Vincennes 250,00 0,00 250,00 123140 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M2 3183 Marie-France Privyk 1785, Pinewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 121670 Dorval QC H9P1X8 3184 Marie-Helene Chartier 316, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123494 Dorval QC H9S2J4 3185 Marie-Helene Daoust 10, Fairwood 200,00 0,00 200,00 117559 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R9 3186 Marie-Helene Milot 21, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116413 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 3187 Marie-Helene Mondor 100, Belmont 275,00 0,00 275,00 113577 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2N8 3188 Marie-Josee Bolduc 227, Stonehenge Drive 229,95 0,00 229,95 130125 Beaconsfield QC H9W3X8 3189 Marie-Josee Glass 105, Crestview 250,00 0,00 250,00 116237 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A2

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3190 Marie-Josee Gratton 62, Elgin 250,00 0,00 250,00 117290 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K1 3191 Marie-Josee Rouselle 701, Strathmore 220,00 0,00 220,00 123573 Dorval QC H9P2A4 3192 Marie-Josee Royal 179, Regatta 275,00 0,00 275,00 122271 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z5 3193 Mariel Ouellete 111, Hilary 270,00 0,00 270,00 118562 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R9 3194 Marie-Maude Lefebvre 102, Crestview 250,00 0,00 250,00 116234 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A1 3195 Marieve Dupuis 83, Nicholson 275,00 0,00 275,00 120939 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A1 3196 Marie-Yve Royer 110, Sundale 250,00 0,00 250,00 123689 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B6 3197 Marilyn Barrett 40, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114297 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z2 3198 Marilyn Craig 50, Brunet 275,00 0,00 275,00 114559 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T5 3199 Marilyn Jarka 136, Flamingo Drive 250,00 0,00 250,00 129557 Beaconsfield QC H9W2T2 3200 Marilyn More 147, Newton Square 250,00 0,00 250,00 120886 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5H2 3201 Marina Luis 144, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114140 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T8 3202 Marina Vrublevskaya 109, Michael Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 129890 Beaconsfield QC H9W2C5 3203 Marineau 9, Cavell 280,00 0,00 280,00 115082 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3N3 3204 Marino Rossi 220, Dahlia 275,00 0,00 275,00 116301 Dorval QC H9S3N7 3205 Mario Banville 106, Highgate 190,00 0,00 190,00 118530 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5E2 3206 Mario Colard 159, Heather 250,00 0,00 250,00 118439 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A6 3207 Mario D'Orazio 1530, Adair Place 504,95 0,00 504,95 112888 Dorval QC H9S1W1 3208 Mario Grenier 40, Whitehead Terrasse 275,00 0,00 275,00 124967 Dorval QC H9S5M4 3209 Mario Masson 256, Shore 300,00 0,00 300,00 130069 Beaconsfield QC H9W3T8 3210 Mario Sisti 21, Augusta 550,00 0,00 550,00 113284 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V4 3211 Mario Tourigny 31, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114289 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z1 3212 Marisol Gelinas-Brisebois 141, Fairlawn Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 125383 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R5 3213 Marjerison 144, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124824 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M7

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3214 Marjolaine Dubois 70, Vincennes 275,00 0,00 275,00 123142 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M2 3215 Marjorie Blanchette 1000, 4th Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 112848 Dorval QC H9S1K1 3216 Marjorie Matheson 55, Waverley 250,00 0,00 250,00 124761 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W9 3217 Mark Abley 52, Winston Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 125150 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X6 3218 Mark Adelstein 284, Jaillet 250,00 0,00 250,00 118831 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X9 3219 Mark and Lydia Yeates 69, Eastview 190,00 0,00 190,00 129132 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1H3 3220 Mark and Michelle Simpson/Lewis 108, Douglas-Shand 250,00 0,00 250,00 116883 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2B6 3221 Mark Babin 117, Cragmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 116231 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3K7 3222 Mark Chapuis 58, Pointe-Claire Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 121727 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 3223 Mark David Ellis 23, Woolmer 250,00 0,00 250,00 125214 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G8 3224 Mark Del Duca 47, Belmont 275,00 0,00 275,00 113557 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2N2 3225 Mark D'Entremont 244, Pine Beach 250,00 0,00 250,00 121495 Dorval QC H9S2V5 3226 Mark Desnoyers 4090, chemin Saint Andre 2 200,00 0,00 2 200,00 Sous-traitant: Multi Service Des Rivière-Beaudette QC J0P 1R0 3227 Mark Engelhardt 117, Spartan Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 122699 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R4 3228 Mark Frankel 190, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117042 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y3 3229 Mark Gentile 146, Hastings 235,00 0,00 235,00 118417 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R1 3230 Mark Heitmeyer 1440, Kingsley 275,00 0,00 275,00 119184 Dorval QC H9S1G1 3231 Mark Lacate 174, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 113050 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T9 3232 Mark Lavoie 243, Malcolm Circle 270,00 0,00 270,00 119987 Dorval QC H9S1T6 3233 Mark Lesiak 16, Parkland 275,00 0,00 275,00 121291 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E8 3234 Mark Parada 561, Starling 270,00 0,00 270,00 122785 Dorval QC H9P1V3 3235 Mark Paterson 196, Belmont 275,00 0,00 275,00 113608 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M8 3236 Mark Rabinovitch 288, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120134 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 3237 Mark Sankoff 138, Kings 275,00 0,00 275,00 119154 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H4

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3238 Mark Scullion 226, Allard 190,00 0,00 190,00 113166 Dorval QC H9S3B9 3239 Mark Scullion 197, Elisabeth 275,00 0,00 275,00 117430 Dorval QC H9S2X4 3240 Mark Vickery 113, Hermiston 270,00 0,00 270,00 118456 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P1 3241 Mark Vignali 33, Drayton 270,00 0,00 270,00 116921 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V1 3242 Mark Zhang 26, Basswood Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 113400 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Y1 3243 Marleau 47, Cartier 270,00 0,00 270,00 115043 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4R5 3244 Marlene Bégin 344, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117076 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y8 3245 Marlenys Llabona-Marquez 72, Brunet 275,00 0,00 275,00 113803 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T6 3246 Marna Pennell 304, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123266 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 3247 Marshall 78, Dahlia 275,00 0,00 275,00 116277 Dorval QC H9S3N2 3248 Martel 280, Ferndale 250,00 0,00 250,00 117609 Dorval QC H9S3M8 3249 Martel 155, Thrush 305,00 0,00 305,00 124025 Dorval QC H9S1R9 3250 Martha Bailey 6, Karin 250,00 0,00 250,00 119013 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3K6 3251 Marthe Jimmet 65, Girouard 275,00 0,00 275,00 117875 Dorval QC H9S3R1 3252 Marthe Latulippe 129, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 270,00 0,00 270,00 113830 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J5 3253 Martial Clermont Sr 29, Victoria 275,00 0,00 275,00 124462 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4S5 3254 Martin Bazinet 292, Champlain 275,00 0,00 275,00 114829 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X8 3255 Martin Bissonnette 137, Ivanhoe Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 118791 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z9 3256 Martin Boivin 102, Belmont 275,00 0,00 275,00 113578 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2N8 3257 Martin Croce 92, Bayview 250,00 0,00 250,00 113504 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C3 3258 Martin Fairbank 1130, John-Pratt 275,00 0,00 275,00 118913 Dorval QC H9S5R3 3259 Martin Ferns 98, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 114843 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J7 3260 Martin Fitzsimons 58, Fifth 270,00 0,00 270,00 117686 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E1 3261 Martin Golemic 301, Cloverdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 115887 Dorval QC H9S3J6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3262 Martin Haig 92, Prince-Edward 190,00 0,00 190,00 121968 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C7 3263 Martin Lebeau 166, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113848 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J7 3264 Martin Legault 2225, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 114018 Dorval QC H9S2G4 3265 Martin Longpré 101, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120041 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 3266 Martin Machabee 660, Monette 250,00 0,00 250,00 120553 Dorval QC H9S2H4 3267 Martin Maroun 88, Elmwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 117480 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M4 3268 Martin Phillips 104, Winthrop 275,00 0,00 275,00 125171 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W5 3269 Martin Rochon 243, Georges V 275,00 0,00 275,00 117777 Dorval QC H9S3S7 3270 Martin Sanfacon 124, Claude 275,00 0,00 275,00 115616 Dorval QC H9S3A7 3271 Martin 685, Boul. Des Sources 250,00 0,00 250,00 114064 Dorval QC H9P2M9 3272 Martin 110, Dieppe 250,00 0,00 250,00 116694 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X4 3273 Martin 22, Horizon 250,00 0,00 250,00 118683 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5R6 3274 Martine Chayer 367, Raimbault 250,00 0,00 250,00 122242 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V1 3275 Martine Dagenais 35, Waverley 250,00 0,00 250,00 124751 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W6 3276 Martine Legrand 23, Val-Soleil 200,00 0,00 200,00 124350 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V3 3277 Martine Lheman 103, Drayton 190,00 0,00 190,00 116951 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V8 3278 Martine Noel 540, St-Léon 275,00 0,00 275,00 123074 Dorval QC H9P1Z9 3279 Martine Pharand 935, Dawson 250,00 0,00 250,00 116338 Dorval QC H9S1X4 3280 Martineau 221, Lakeview 275,00 0,00 275,00 119492 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C8 3281 Martineau 200, Strathmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 123093 Dorval QC H9S2J4 3282 Martineau/Legault 133, Concord Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 116010 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N3 3283 Marty Fava 87, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119121 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H3 3284 Mary Ann Lecomte 17, Hornell 270,00 0,00 270,00 118698 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R2 3285 Mary Anne Petrovich 154, Heather 260,00 0,00 260,00 118434 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A4

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3286 Mary Ellen Hebb 177, Braebrook 270,00 0,00 270,00 113182 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V3 3287 Mary Gervais 19, Horizon 250,00 0,00 250,00 118680 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 3288 Mary Harris 278, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120125 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 3289 Mary Maly 115, Coolbreeze 275,00 0,00 275,00 116106 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S8 3290 Mary Moshopoulos 107, Longmeadow 275,00 0,00 275,00 118110 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X3 3291 Mary Quan 2255, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 280,00 0,00 280,00 114021 Dorval QC H9S2G5 3292 Mary Sandra Dial 51, Bras-D'or 300,00 0,00 300,00 114228 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W6 3293 Mary Stephenson 114, Windcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 125031 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W1 3294 Mary Thibault 58, Dahlia 275,00 0,00 275,00 116267 Dorval QC H9S3N2 3295 Mary Thomson 67, Elm 250,00 0,00 250,00 128456 Beaconsfield QC H9W6B3 3296 Maryke Beaudry 32, Jasper 275,00 0,00 275,00 125670 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R6 3297 Maryna Krejarova 322, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118200 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z9 3298 Maryse Breton 250, Allancroft 275,00 0,00 275,00 129216 Beaconsfield QC H9W2R7 3299 Marzieh Dardashti 96, Jasper 250,00 0,00 250,00 125693 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R9 3300 Masoud Haghdoust 63, Saddlewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 122450 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S4 3301 Masoud Sedghi 220, St-Jean 250,00 0,00 250,00 123004 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z3 3302 Massie 585, Graham 200,00 0,00 200,00 118034 Dorval QC H9P2B2 3303 Massimo Fortino 1064, Gentilly 275,00 0,00 275,00 117748 Dorval QC H9S5P9 3304 Massimo Pontarelli 1125, Dawson 305,00 0,00 305,00 116367 Dorval QC H9S1X9 3305 Masson 355, Elmridge 275,00 0,00 275,00 117439 Dorval QC H9S2Z6 3306 Mastrocola 91, Dieppe 375,00 0,00 375,00 116682 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X2 3307 Mathieu Benoit 19, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116411 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 3308 Mathieu Calpron 218, Tulip 275,00 0,00 275,00 124160 Dorval QC H9S3P3 3309 Mathieu Chatelois 631, Wright Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 125234 Dorval QC H9P2C3

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3310 Mathieu Denittis 288, Louise-L'amy 275,00 0,00 275,00 119822 Dorval QC H9S4K3 3311 Mathieu et Lise Pollock/Voyer 261, Brookhaven 220,00 0,00 220,00 114474 Dorval QC H9S2N5 3312 Mathieu Gerbaux 150, Monterrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 120576 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W4 3313 Mathieu Lacelle 103, Alexina 250,00 0,00 250,00 112805 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M8 3314 Mathieu Lacroix 49, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121188 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y6 3315 Mathieu Levesque 101, Westbank 250,00 0,00 250,00 124777 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X7 3316 Mathieu Rodgers 59, Vincennes 190,00 0,00 190,00 124545 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M1 3317 Mathiew Dibari 567, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120827 Dorval QC H9P2A6 3318 Mathiew Picciuto 80, Mount Pleasant 275,00 0,00 275,00 120726 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2T5 3319 Matichuck 995, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113967 Dorval QC H9S2C8 3320 Matilda Louis 530, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115788 Dorval QC H9P2H4 3321 Matin Greene 143, Flamingo Drive 250,00 0,00 250,00 129561 Beaconsfield QC H9W2T3 3322 Matthew Demyttenaere 300, Inglewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 118764 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z5 3323 Matthew Demyttenaere 112, Livingston 275,00 0,00 275,00 119753 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1S3 3324 Matthew Di Cricio 305, Boul. Des Sources 275,00 0,00 275,00 114049 Dorval QC H9S2J1 3325 Matthew Ellyett 41, Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 115293 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4K6 3326 Matthew Healy 131, Dieppe 250,00 0,00 250,00 116704 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X5 3327 Matthew Knox 105, Michigan 250,00 0,00 250,00 119438 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V7 3328 Matthew Leitman 43, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119095 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H1 3329 Matthew Nicholls 104, Maitland 250,00 0,00 250,00 119929 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X4 3330 Matthews 106, Livingston 275,00 0,00 275,00 119750 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1S3 3331 Matthews 109, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122100 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G5 3332 Maura Pisetta 52, Queens 275,00 0,00 275,00 122069 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G2 3333 Maureen Caron 59, Elmwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 117466 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M2

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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3334 Maureen Fontaine 147, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114142 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V1 3335 Maureen Laursen 118, Astoria 229,95 0,00 229,95 113251 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A8 3336 Maurice Cardinal 19, Fifth 250,00 0,00 250,00 117657 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C8 3337 Maurice Conti 195, Tremont 275,00 0,00 275,00 124149 Dorval QC H9S5M5 3338 Maurice Gauthier 2341, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 370,00 0,00 370,00 114030 Dorval QC H9S2G6 3339 Maurice Giroux 270, Ferndale 190,00 0,00 190,00 117606 Dorval QC H9S3M8 3340 Maurice Giroux 145, Roy 275,00 0,00 275,00 122362 Dorval QC H9S3C3 3341 Maurice Matte 22, Sunnyview 250,00 0,00 250,00 123878 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B7 3342 Maurice Parkes 227, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114180 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V7 3343 Maurice Vermette 768, Graham 275,00 0,00 275,00 118124 Dorval QC H9P2B6 3344 Maurice Vermette 768, Graham 402,41 0,00 402,41 118124 Dorval QC H9P2B6 3345 Maxime Abran 116, Queens 275,00 0,00 275,00 122104 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G6 3346 Maxime Bouchard 141, Ambassador 275,00 0,00 275,00 112993 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1S7 3347 Maxime Breton 155, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114148 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V2 3348 Maximo Handinero 1640, Surrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 123894 Dorval QC H9P1W4 3349 May 30, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114288 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z2 3350 Maya Spano 221, Comber 275,00 0,00 275,00 115926 Dorval QC H9S2Y6 3351 Mazur 2190, Campbell 325,00 0,00 325,00 114729 Dorval QC H9P1L3 3352 Mc Cusker 54, Belmont 275,00 0,00 275,00 113563 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2N3 3353 Mc Dougall/Rondeau 113, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120049 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 3354 Mc Ilhone 31, Ponner 275,00 0,00 275,00 121805 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4W4 3355 McAuliffe 13, Westfield 275,00 0,00 275,00 124875 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 3356 McCann 407, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115761 Dorval QC H9S2T5 3357 McCarthy 34, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114292 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z2

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3358 McCarthy/Galley 452, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123370 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A2 3359 McClintock 219, Donegani 190,00 0,00 190,00 116772 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R6 3360 McColl 149, Dieppe 504,95 0,00 504,95 116713 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X5 3361 McCrory 57, Mount Pleasant 300,00 0,00 300,00 120672 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2T3 3362 McGregor 169, Belmont 200,00 0,00 200,00 113604 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R1 3363 McGregor 169, Belmont 200,00 0,00 200,00 113604 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R1 3364 McGregor 169, Belmont 200,00 0,00 200,00 113604 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R1 3365 McGurty 2120, Lark 250,00 0,00 250,00 118068 Dorval QC H9P1R2 3366 McHarg 429, Neptune 190,00 0,00 190,00 120382 Dorval QC H9S2L7 3367 McIntosh 1580, Torrence 275,00 0,00 275,00 124034 Dorval QC H9P1R3 3368 McKenzie 78, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121212 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y5 3369 McKenzie 349, Vinet 190,00 0,00 190,00 124627 Dorval QC H9S2M7 3370 McKenzie/Paas 105, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116445 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 3371 McLennan 311, Berkeley 229,95 0,00 229,95 113637 Dorval QC H9S1H5 3372 McLennan 311, Berkeley 275,00 0,00 275,00 113637 Dorval QC H9S1H5 3373 McLoughlin 302, Parkwood Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 121320 Dorval QC H9S3A3 3374 McMahon 401, Clement 275,00 0,00 275,00 115509 Dorval QC H9S2T5 3375 McMahon/Gaslietta 121, Empress 275,00 0,00 275,00 117318 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P5 3376 Mearns 117, Crestview 270,00 0,00 270,00 116249 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A2 3377 Medina 1, Parkdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 121145 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y4 3378 Megannety 277, Lagacé 250,00 0,00 250,00 119238 Dorval QC H9S2L9 3379 Meghan Greig/Derail 26, Victoria 250,00 0,00 250,00 124460 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4S3 3380 Meghan Traynor 123, Astoria 250,00 0,00 250,00 113256 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B1 3381 Mei Mei 67, Ponner 275,00 0,00 275,00 121814 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4W4

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3382 Mei Zhang 59, Brunet 250,00 0,00 250,00 114563 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T7 3383 Meisletzer 8, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123777 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G5 3384 Mel Greene 605, Rockcliffe 225,00 0,00 225,00 122291 Dorval QC H9P2C6 3385 Melanie Black 2065, Chanteclerc 250,00 0,00 250,00 113822 Dorval QC H9P1L6 3386 Melanie Cameron 106, Buckingham 275,00 0,00 275,00 114626 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1K8 3387 Melanie Carbonneau 240, Strathmore 270,00 0,00 270,00 123101 Dorval QC H9S2J4 3388 Melanie Caron 118, Forest Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 117343 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T1 3389 Melanie Fournier 434, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 121937 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A2 3390 Melanie Fournier 148, Radisson 250,00 0,00 250,00 122147 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E6 3391 Melanie Gagnon 165, Brookhaven 270,00 0,00 270,00 114449 Dorval QC H9S2N5 3392 Melanie Imperiale 106, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114670 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E1 3393 Melanie Shields 345, Pine Beach 225,00 0,00 225,00 121523 Dorval QC H9S2W5 3394 Melanie Sterner 107, Kipling 275,00 0,00 275,00 119196 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2B4 3395 Melanie Theoret 108, Embleton Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 117486 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3N2 3396 Melany Berriman 153, Heather 275,00 0,00 275,00 118433 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A6 3397 Melisa Tardes 415, Lepage 275,00 0,00 275,00 119617 Dorval QC H9S3G1 3398 Melissa Briere 20, Murray Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 120743 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4E8 3399 Melissa Di Blasé 350, Touzin 275,00 0,00 275,00 124096 Dorval QC H9S2N2 3400 Melissa Everatt 10, Augusta 275,00 0,00 275,00 113273 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V4 3401 Melissa Gavrich 95, Prince-Edward 190,00 0,00 190,00 121971 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C6 3402 Melissa Miller 169, Devito 250,00 0,00 250,00 116668 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T1 3403 Melissa O Shea 63, Elm 250,00 0,00 250,00 130340 Beaconsfield QC H9W6B3 3404 Melissa Papaconstantinou 116, Ashington 250,00 0,00 250,00 113223 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z2 3405 Melissa Testa 429, Delmar 275,00 0,00 275,00 116575 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A3


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3406 Melo 670, Rockcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 122304 Dorval QC H9P2E3 3407 Ménard 100, De Breslay 275,00 0,00 275,00 116443 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N2 3408 Ménard 121, Michigan 250,00 0,00 250,00 119454 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V7 3409 Mendola / Zabal 225, Elie-de-Bellefeuille 215,00 0,00 215,00 115493 Dorval QC H9S4H8 3410 Mendoza/Barrameda 1548, Deslauriers 190,00 0,00 190,00 116638 Pointe-Claire QC H9P2X1 3411 Merikay Malonde 1558, Deslauriers 190,00 0,00 190,00 116649 Pointe-Claire QC H9P2X1 3412 Merilees 93, Montrose 240,00 0,00 240,00 120621 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S6 3413 Merouane Hamdine 120, Brunet 300,00 0,00 300,00 114583 Dorval QC H9S3G3 3414 Merrill 101, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121758 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M6 3415 Merry 545, St-Léon 260,00 0,00 260,00 121651 Dorval QC H9P1Z8 3416 Meyer 235, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120762 Dorval QC H9S2L3 3417 Michael A I Hewitt 116, Longmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 119789 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A3 3418 Michael Albu 60, Belmont 275,00 0,00 275,00 113569 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2N2 3419 Michael Anderson 38, Victoria 250,00 0,00 250,00 124470 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4S3 3420 Michael Andrasi 35, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121878 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C4 3421 Michael Baillieul 150, Stillview 270,00 0,00 270,00 122905 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X8 3422 Michael Carley 125, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122109 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G5 3423 Michael Comeau 661, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115821 Dorval QC H9P2H5 3424 Michael Daugherty 113, Sedgefield 190,00 0,00 190,00 121909 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 3425 Michael De Santis 181, Woodside Crescent 275,00 0,00 275,00 130318 Beaconsfield QC H9W2N6 3426 Michael Dionisi 57, Ponner 250,00 0,00 250,00 121623 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4W4 3427 Michael DiSandolo 360, Parkwood Circle 270,00 0,00 270,00 121356 Dorval QC H9S3A5 3428 Michael Dizgun 4, St-Jean 250,00 0,00 250,00 122941 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5C2 3429 Michael Durie 292, Green Circle 270,00 0,00 270,00 118228 Dorval QC H9S3T9

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3430 Michael Farag 105, Claude 250,00 0,00 250,00 115611 Dorval QC H9S3A6 3431 Michael Fleischer 103, Elmwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 117238 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M5 3432 Michael Giacomodonato 121, Longmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 119794 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A4 3433 Michael Golgoon 130, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113422 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z8 3434 Michael Gucciardi 120, Longmeadow 225,00 0,00 225,00 119767 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X2 3435 Michael Guglielmi 251, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 125927 Dorval QC H9S2S3 3436 Michael Guter 279, Vinet 250,00 0,00 250,00 124608 Dorval QC H9S2M5 3437 Michael Hany 1765, Brookdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 114425 Dorval QC H9P1X2 3438 Michael Johntson 1546, Marler Place 275,00 0,00 275,00 120038 Dorval QC H9P1M9 3439 Michael Kalogeras 37, Mount Pleasant 250,00 0,00 250,00 120660 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S8 3440 Michael Lanno 140, Glenbrook Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 117374 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X8 3441 Michael MacKenzie 17, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 115385 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H8 3442 Michael McGovern 109, Grassmere 250,00 0,00 250,00 118141 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Y7 3443 Michael Moffit 42, Little Rock 250,00 0,00 250,00 119719 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G2 3444 Michael Orsini 110, Livingston 275,00 0,00 275,00 119752 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1S3 3445 Michael Rinaldi 274, Jaillet 275,00 0,00 275,00 118821 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X9 3446 Michael Rodrigues 127, Yonge Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 125279 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M1 3447 Michael Snow 84, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116441 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N2 3448 Michael Speer 1544, Deslauriers 380,00 0,00 380,00 116634 Pointe-Claire QC H9P2X1 3449 Michael Thomassin 75, McConnell 275,00 0,00 275,00 120321 Dorval QC H9S5L9 3450 Michael Thomassin 75, McConnell 229,95 0,00 229,95 120321 Dorval QC H9S5L9 3451 Michael Tooker 46, Parkdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 121186 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y5 3452 Micheal Brown 32, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124561 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y5 3453 Micheal Hannan 585, Prince Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 121844 Dorval QC H9P1Z2

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3454 Micheal Mancini 114, Glenbrook Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 117930 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X8 3455 Micheal Raptis 11, Hornell 275,00 0,00 275,00 118695 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R2 3456 Micheal Smith 1285, Bel-Air 250,00 0,00 250,00 113025 Dorval QC H9S1H8 3457 Micheal Van Aelst 65, McConnell 275,00 0,00 275,00 120320 Dorval QC H9S5L9 3458 Michel Barakat 99, Stockwell 275,00 0,00 275,00 123447 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5W8 3459 Michel Brunet 87, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 258,69 0,00 258,69 113730 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4H7 3460 Michel Cardinal 26, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122055 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E9 3461 Michel Charette 137, Glenbrook Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 117371 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X9 3462 Michel De Lafontaine 432, Delmar 275,00 0,00 275,00 116578 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4V7 3463 Michel Faucher 1, Eliot Crescent 275,00 0,00 275,00 129436 Beaconsfield QC H9W6A3 3464 Michel Francois 395, Thorncrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 121950 Dorval QC H9S2X9 3465 Michel Gagné 256, Ferndale 250,00 0,00 250,00 117603 Dorval QC H9S3M8 3466 Michel Hamelin 249, Thorncrest 270,00 0,00 270,00 123968 Dorval QC H9S2X7 3467 Michel Jahjah 39, Beaconsfield Blvd 554,95 0,00 554,95 125918 Beaconsfield QC H9W3Y8 3468 Michel Lacroix 2335, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 430,00 0,00 430,00 114029 Dorval QC H9S2G6 3469 Michel L'Esperance 4, Clearview 250,00 0,00 250,00 115695 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C5 3470 Michel McClish 94, Saddlewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 121628 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S4 3471 Michel Robitaille 83, Harwood Gate 275,00 0,00 275,00 128566 Beaconsfield QC H9W6A5 3472 Michel Saucier 1130, Montigny 275,00 0,00 275,00 120591 Dorval QC H9S5N7 3473 Michel Sauve 1730, Castlefield 190,00 0,00 190,00 115068 Dorval QC H9P1W1 3474 Michel St Louis 327, Parkwood Circle 400,00 0,00 400,00 121336 Dorval QC H9S3A4 3475 Michel Sydor 147, Lakeview 250,00 0,00 250,00 119387 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4B7 3476 Michel/Raphaelle Racine/Curtis 114, Longmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 119787 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A3 3477 Michele Beaudet 82, Bayview 190,00 0,00 190,00 113494 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C3

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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3478 Michele Harvey 244, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114190 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V9 3479 Michele Houde 626, Strathmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 123561 Dorval QC H9P2A2 3480 Michele Rozon 19, Coolbreeze 190,00 0,00 190,00 116059 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G3 3481 Micheline Croze 135, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117018 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y1 3482 Michelle Aboud 332, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123289 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z5 3483 Michelle Falardeau 44, Waverley 250,00 0,00 250,00 124755 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W5 3484 Michelle Jirava 297, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123257 Dorval QC H9S2S3 3485 Michrl Hebert 206, Tulip 250,00 0,00 250,00 124156 Dorval QC H9S3P3 3486 Midgley 8, Drayton 240,00 0,00 240,00 116909 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V2 3487 Migneault 17, Jervis Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 118901 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X6 3488 Mike & Doris Lizotte 642, Strathmore 225,00 0,00 225,00 123562 Dorval QC H9P2A2 3489 Mike and Betty Clark 119, Hastings 275,00 0,00 275,00 118398 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P4 3490 Mike and Betty Clark 119, Hastings 300,00 0,00 300,00 118398 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P4 3491 Mike Angelicchio 1605, Birchview Place 270,00 0,00 270,00 130341 Dorval QC H9P1X9 3492 Mike Di Loreto 2, Georgia Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 117830 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V7 3493 Mike Dorais-Bunn 373, Neptune 270,00 0,00 270,00 120794 Dorval QC H9S2L5 3494 Mike Gentile 25, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119085 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G8 3495 Mike Glazer 40, Summerhill 225,00 0,00 225,00 123650 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K4 3496 Mike Hogan 73, Pointe-Claire Avenue 300,00 0,00 300,00 121737 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M6 3497 Mike Kelly 520, Javelin 250,00 0,00 250,00 118853 Dorval QC H9P2B9 3498 Mike Marak 95, Elmwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 117230 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M5 3499 Mike Nardi 744, Pine Beach 275,00 0,00 275,00 120434 Dorval QC H9P2L7 3500 Mike Nyisztor 92, Elmwood 225,00 0,00 225,00 117482 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M4 3501 Mike Simmons 14, Laurelwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 118084 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R3

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3502 Mike Sukosd 83, Maywood 275,00 0,00 275,00 120253 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3L2 3503 Mikhail Tadros 149, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 122996 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z2 3504 Mikulec 19, Brunet 250,00 0,00 250,00 114538 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T4 3505 Mikus 113, Longmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 119786 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A4 3506 Milard 71, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121205 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y6 3507 Miljenka Sablich 1010, 3rd Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 112840 Dorval QC H9S1V6 3508 Miller 2035, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 300,00 0,00 300,00 113998 Dorval QC H9S2G2 3509 Milmine 54, Valois Bay 270,00 0,00 270,00 124257 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B3 3510 Milton Thomas 190, Braebrook 265,00 0,00 265,00 114161 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V5 3511 Ming Xiao Yu 89, Queens 275,00 0,00 275,00 122091 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G3 3512 Min-Juan Pan 5, Bord-du-Lac 275,00 0,00 275,00 129133 Beaconsfield QC H9W4H2 3513 Minoto/Ouellette 1835, Forest 250,00 0,00 250,00 117718 Dorval QC H9S1V1 3514 Min-Woo Shin 1124, Pierre-Mallet 275,00 0,00 275,00 121462 Dorval QC H9S5V9 3515 Miozzi 2130, Swallow 275,00 0,00 275,00 123124 Dorval QC H9S2K3 3516 Mira Okshevsky 81, Prince-Edward 275,00 0,00 275,00 121896 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C6 3517 Mireille Savard 8, Pilon 250,00 0,00 250,00 129136 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R1 3518 Miriam Lombardi 384, Cloverdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 115914 Dorval QC H9S3J7 3519 Miron 675, Dubord Cr. 499,95 0,00 499,95 116977 Dorval QC H9P1N5 3520 Misha and Melanie Artzy Keirl 59, Bras-D'or 275,00 0,00 275,00 114234 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W6 3521 Mishka Linetsky 36, Kanata 220,00 0,00 220,00 119001 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V3 3522 Missins 175, Dieppe 250,00 0,00 250,00 116728 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X8 3523 Mitchell Ferguson 39, Winston Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 125142 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X5 3524 Mme. Atallah 597, Westwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 124936 Dorval QC H9P2W2 3525 Moffat/Di Ruzzo 61, Lucerne 250,00 0,00 250,00 119854 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V1

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3526 Moffatt 149, Duke-of-Kent 275,00 0,00 275,00 117025 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y1 3527 Mohabir 712, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123418 Dorval QC H9P2G9 3528 Mohamed Rafiq Jaffer 385, Brookhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 114509 Dorval QC H9S2N6 3529 Mohammadreza Motamedi 128, Longmeadow 275,00 0,00 275,00 119775 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X2 3530 Mohammed Awad 122, Saddlewood 190,00 0,00 190,00 121645 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 3531 Mohammed Zarghami 300, MacLean 275,00 0,00 275,00 119919 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y3 3532 Mohan Eappen 264, Jaillet 275,00 0,00 275,00 118811 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X9 3533 Mohsen Zamani Fekri 108, Concord Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 116005 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N2 3534 Mojado 329, Donegani 250,00 0,00 250,00 116785 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M4 3535 Molloy 6, Rodney 275,00 0,00 275,00 122318 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L7 3536 Molly Laduke Wheatley 785, De L'église 250,00 0,00 250,00 116538 Dorval QC H9S1R8 3537 Monaco 29, Westwood 375,00 0,00 375,00 124558 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y6 3538 Moneris Solutions West Tower 16th Floor 1,00 0,00 1,00 Attn: Natalie Deineka 3300 Bloor Street W Etobicoke ON M8X 2X2 3539 Monette/Levesque 128, Astoria 275,00 0,00 275,00 113261 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A8 3540 Mongeau 83, Ashburton 275,00 0,00 275,00 113210 Dorval QC H9S5M1 3541 Mongeau 24, Condover 270,00 0,00 270,00 116041 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Y8 3542 Monic Fournier 425, De L'église 250,00 0,00 250,00 116501 Dorval QC H9S1P6 3543 Monica Bulford 155, Claude 275,00 0,00 275,00 115622 Dorval QC H9S3A9 3544 Monica Golarz 132, Glenbrook Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 117367 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X8 3545 Monica Knowels 616, Clement 275,00 0,00 275,00 115810 Dorval QC H9P2H6 3546 Monique Bleau 396, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123338 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A2 3547 Monique Lalonde 5, Westfield 275,00 0,00 275,00 124867 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S6 3548 Montagano 15, Claude 275,00 0,00 275,00 125513 Beaconsfield QC H9W4E9 3549 Montmarquette 167, Belmont 275,00 0,00 275,00 113603 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2P9


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3550 Montoya 2230, Campbell 250,00 0,00 250,00 114735 Dorval QC H9P1L3 3551 Monzione 141, Seigniory 275,00 0,00 275,00 122622 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4S5 3552 Moo Woong Kim 350, Mimosa 250,00 0,00 250,00 120528 Dorval QC H9S3K6 3553 Moores 480, Starling 250,00 0,00 250,00 122767 Dorval QC H9S2K2 3554 Moothoosamy 56, Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 115304 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4K8 3555 Morel 135, Dieppe 680,00 0,00 680,00 116706 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X5 3556 Morgan 125, Charles 500,00 0,00 500,00 115356 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L4 3557 Morgane Chenu 4, Killarney Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 119042 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X8 3558 Morielli/Roberts 229, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114182 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V7 3559 Morissette 210, Ducharme 275,00 0,00 275,00 116989 Dorval QC H9S2H7 3560 Morris Trudeau 146, Glenbrook Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 117937 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X8 3561 Morris 279, MacLean 275,00 0,00 275,00 119898 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y1 3562 Morrisette/Boisvert 512, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115782 Dorval QC H9P2H4 3563 Morrison 1760, Herron Road 270,00 0,00 270,00 118474 Dorval QC H9S1B9 3564 Morrison 241, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123183 Dorval QC H9S2S3 3565 Mortensen 1725, Surrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 123901 Dorval QC H9P1W9 3566 Mosca 430, Delmar 275,00 0,00 275,00 116576 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4V7 3567 Moshe Dalva 116, Forest Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 117341 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T1 3568 Mosienko 316, Allard 220,00 0,00 220,00 112907 Dorval QC H9S3C2 3569 Mossir El-Baraka 665, Monette 250,00 0,00 250,00 120554 Dorval QC H9S2H6 3570 Motta 247, Martin 200,00 0,00 200,00 120222 Dorval QC H9S3R8 3571 Mouhtar Tsoutsiev 1165, Pierre-Mallet 275,00 0,00 275,00 121473 Dorval QC H9S4K4 3572 Mourad Mekhdjian 39, Wildtree Drive 250,00 0,00 250,00 130256 Beaconsfield QC H9W5G2 3573 Mourad Mekhdjian 39, Wildtree Drive 229,95 0,00 229,95 130256 Beaconsfield QC H9W5G2

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3574 Mournir Kazi-Aoual 410, Delmar 275,00 0,00 275,00 116562 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4V8 3575 Mr. Jansons 25, Keiller Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 119019 Dorval QC H9S3W1 3576 Muench 128, Sunderland 275,00 0,00 275,00 123733 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L2 3577 Mukesh Patel 176, Cameron Cr. 240,00 0,00 240,00 114715 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5H4 3578 Mullaly 57, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121195 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y6 3579 Munby 550, De L'église 275,00 0,00 275,00 116513 Dorval QC H9S1R1 3580 Munden 117, Hermiston 275,00 0,00 275,00 118460 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P1 3581 Murch 541, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115791 Dorval QC H9P2H3 3582 Murch 1770, Parkfield 250,00 0,00 250,00 121268 Dorval QC H9P1T5 3583 Murielle Bush 316, Vinet 190,00 0,00 190,00 124617 Dorval QC H9S2M8 3584 Murielle Legault 113, Longmeadow 250,00 0,00 250,00 119760 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X3 3585 Murphy 103, Arrowhead Crescent 275,00 0,00 275,00 113072 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V4 3586 Murphy 2, Lancaster 275,00 0,00 275,00 119502 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4B1 3587 Murray VanEgmond 14, Lakeside 275,00 0,00 275,00 119370 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G2 3588 Murrison 126, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122110 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G6 3589 Murtaza Aminzada 340, Louise-L'amy 220,00 0,00 220,00 119832 Dorval QC H9S5V8 3590 Murthy 2145, Pheasant 479,95 0,00 479,95 121421 Dorval QC H9P1S5 3591 Mylene Bourget-Levesque 151, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116127 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S9 3592 Myreille Campeau 45, Little Rock 250,00 0,00 250,00 119722 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G1 3593 N Aguilar 317, Eldorado 275,00 0,00 275,00 117218 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3H1 3594 N Blanchard 15, Fairwood 190,00 0,00 190,00 117562 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S1 3595 N Gudzio 260, Strathcone 270,00 0,00 270,00 123090 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y4 3596 N Hooper 150, Prince-Edward 225,00 0,00 225,00 122001 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C8 3597 N Hossari 5, Killarney Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 119043 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X7


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3598 N Loayza 91, Vincennes 275,00 0,00 275,00 124557 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M1 3599 N Paquette 36, Carlisle 220,00 0,00 220,00 114965 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S9 3600 N Robitaille 223, Adams 250,00 0,00 250,00 112782 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y6 3601 N Spadoni 167, Lakeview 287,44 0,00 287,44 119406 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4B9 3602 N Spadoni 167, Lakeview 250,00 0,00 250,00 119406 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4B9 3603 N Wheaton 1551, Torrence 250,00 0,00 250,00 124033 Dorval QC H9P2Y8 3604 N. Antier 113, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123813 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T7 3605 N. Briffett 730, Clement 230,00 0,00 230,00 115840 Dorval QC H9P2J1 3606 N. Kudeki 114, Forest Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 117339 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T1 3607 Nabil Belhaj 127, Ivanhoe Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 118784 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z9 3608 Nabil Kozman 60, Somervale Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122661 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3H5 3609 Nabila Yahia-Aissa 141, Concord Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 116017 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N3 3610 Nachaty 237, Brookhaven 205,00 0,00 205,00 114466 Dorval QC H9S2N5 3611 Nadejda Niculita 1741, Parkfield 275,00 0,00 275,00 121261 Dorval QC H9P1T4 3612 Nader Abadir 188, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114160 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V5 3613 Nader Daou 67, Lucerne 250,00 0,00 250,00 119860 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V1 3614 Nadia Ahsan 172, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113852 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J9 3615 Nadia Lawand 104, Ivanhoe Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 118211 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z8 3616 Nadia Szaniszlo 28, Hampton Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 118281 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 3617 Nadya Borisova 328, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123287 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z4 3618 Nager pour La Vie 39, Drayton 275,00 0,00 275,00 116926 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V1 3619 Naggyah 100, Hilary 275,00 0,00 275,00 118560 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R6 3620 Namta Gupta 133, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113425 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A2 3621 Nancy Bourguet 79, Fifth 250,00 0,00 250,00 117705 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C9

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3622 Nancy Brougham 535, St-Léon 240,00 0,00 240,00 123073 Dorval QC H9P1Z8 3623 Nancy Gervais 109, Glenbrook Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 117925 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X9 3624 Nancy Grigg 263, Pine Beach 250,00 0,00 250,00 121502 Dorval QC H9S2V6 3625 Nancy Kay 143, Stillview 275,00 0,00 275,00 122898 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X9 3626 Nancy Lee 151, Sedgefield 190,00 0,00 190,00 122528 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 3627 Nancy Long/Coughlan 97, Elmwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 117232 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M5 3628 Nancy Mccarthy 1, Viburnum 190,00 0,00 190,00 124392 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5A3 3629 Nancy Rockbrune 53, Hartford 250,00 0,00 250,00 118360 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C7 3630 Nancy Stewart 23, Hampton Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 118276 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 3631 Nancy Stewart 23, Hampton Gardens 344,93 0,00 344,93 118276 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 3632 Nancy Thompson 1085, Dawson 275,00 0,00 275,00 116365 Dorval QC H9S1X9 3633 Nancy Wynands 34, Bras-D'or 275,00 0,00 275,00 114221 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W7 3634 Nann 5, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121149 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y4 3635 Naomie/Phillippe Laplante/Le Blancq 110, Prince-Rupert 270,00 0,00 270,00 122017 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M2 3636 Nash 110, Charles 709,90 0,00 709,90 115341 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L3 3637 Nasseri 1068, Gentilly 275,00 0,00 275,00 117749 Dorval QC H9S5P9 3638 Natacha Doche 29, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121703 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M4 3639 Natale 68, Ashburton 250,00 0,00 250,00 113127 Dorval QC H9S5K2 3640 Natalie Cousineau 78, pointe-claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 129138 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 3641 Natalie Giroux 524, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123533 Dorval QC H9P2A2 3642 Natalie Hay 124, Astoria 275,00 0,00 275,00 113257 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A8 3643 Natalie Hess 9, Jasper 250,00 0,00 250,00 125658 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R7 3644 Natalie Joncas 272, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118743 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5K9 3645 Natalie Lauzon 113, Jasper 275,00 0,00 275,00 125701 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R7

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3646 Natalie Russetskaya 305, Inglewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 118189 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z4 3647 Natalie Steppacher 371, Brookhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 114505 Dorval QC H9S2N6 3648 Natasha Boisvert 255, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 125317 Dorval QC H9S2L3 3649 Natasha D'Alessandro 118, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120054 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B3 3650 Natasha Ponari 21, Parkland 250,00 0,00 250,00 121296 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E6 3651 Natasha Sassoon 431, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115771 Dorval QC H9S2T5 3652 Nathalie Blais 93, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 250,00 0,00 250,00 113735 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G5 3653 Nathalie Castonguay 41, Kings 275,00 0,00 275,00 119094 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H1 3654 Nathalie Daoust 89, Dahlia 250,00 0,00 250,00 116282 Dorval QC H9S3N3 3655 Nathalie Eldert 128, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117014 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X9 3656 Nathalie Jelmi 6, Wilton 565,00 0,00 565,00 125012 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X4 3657 Nathalie Laberge 13, Claude 499,95 0,00 499,95 125512 Beaconsfield QC H9W4E9 3658 Nathalie Tremblay 53, Dahlia 250,00 0,00 250,00 116264 Dorval QC H9S3N3 3659 Nathalie Ying Ma 247, Marsh 250,00 0,00 250,00 120109 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y2 3660 Nathalie/ David Bealieu/Lee 98, Brunet 220,00 0,00 220,00 113806 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T8 3661 Nathan Hua 230, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124063 Dorval QC H9S2M9 3662 Nathaniel Drouillard 628, Wright Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 125233 Dorval QC H9P2C2 3663 Nathaniel Drouillard 628, Wright Crescent 287,44 0,00 287,44 125233 Dorval QC H9P2C2 3664 Nation 28, Winston Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 125134 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X6 3665 National leasing 1430 Hocquart Street Suite 200 0,00 62 479,10 62 479,10 2824671 Saint-Bruno QC J3V 6E1 3666 Navdeep Glory 1570, Deslauriers 479,95 0,00 479,95 116661 Pointe-Claire QC H9P2X1 3667 Naylor 261, Elie-de-Bellefeuille 190,00 0,00 190,00 117383 Dorval QC H9S4H8 3668 Ncholas Cloutier 132, Ivanhoe Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 118787 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z8 3669 Neal 106, Newton Square 275,00 0,00 275,00 120681 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1H9

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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3670 Neil Archer 97, Valois Bay 250,00 0,00 250,00 124279 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B7 3671 Neil Clelland 40, Fifth 250,00 0,00 250,00 117674 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C7 3672 Neil Dixon 56, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121725 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 3673 Neil Kowalewski 68, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121202 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y5 3674 Neil Mancor 115, Sunnyside 275,00 0,00 275,00 123815 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T7 3675 Neilson 632, Thorncrest 275,00 0,00 275,00 124001 Dorval QC H9P2M7 3676 Nelda McMullen 117, Sedgefield 190,00 0,00 190,00 121911 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 3677 Nelligan 30, Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 115570 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X1 3678 Nelly Haccouin 514, St-Léon 250,00 0,00 250,00 123065 Dorval QC H9P1Z9 3679 Nelson Yu 257, St-Louis 270,00 0,00 270,00 123204 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5L3 3680 Nelthorpe 137, Newton Square 270,00 0,00 270,00 120881 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5H2 3681 Nely Benfeito 230, Sherwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 122635 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R8 3682 Nenita Hufancia 1655, Parkfield 275,00 0,00 275,00 121243 Dorval QC H9P1T2 3683 Ness 112, Windcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 125029 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W1 3684 Neumann 67, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 250,00 0,00 250,00 113720 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4H4 3685 Nevina Sarlos 113, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113409 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A1 3686 Newby 255, Brookhaven 190,00 0,00 190,00 114472 Dorval QC H9S2N5 3687 Newhook 120, Michigan 275,00 0,00 275,00 119453 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V6 3688 Nga Le 234, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123176 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 3689 Nghia Dinh 441, St-Louis 270,00 0,00 270,00 121942 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A6 3690 Nicholas Havill 102, Glasgow 270,00 0,00 270,00 117903 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M5 3691 Nicholas Samaan 102, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114111 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T1 3692 Nick Carter 103, Longmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 119780 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A4 3693 Nick Ciambella 675, St-Louis 190,00 0,00 190,00 123410 Dorval QC H9P2G6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3694 Nickolai Vincelli 450, Allard 250,00 0,00 250,00 112936 Dorval QC H9S3C2 3695 Nico Desjardins 23, Charles 275,00 0,00 275,00 115276 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4K6 3696 Nicolaas Vanderwerf 89, Pointe-Claire Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 121748 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M6 3697 Nicolae Ilies 140, Monterrey 275,00 0,00 275,00 120566 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W4 3698 Nicolai Iachimciuc 220, Adams 275,00 0,00 275,00 112779 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y6 3699 Nicolas Bastien 174, Thorncrest Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 124016 Dorval QC H9S2X5 3700 Nicolas Chaaya 267, MacLean 275,00 0,00 275,00 119886 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y1 3701 Nicolas Martineau 237, Lakeview 275,00 0,00 275,00 119497 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C8 3702 Nicolas Neron 75, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113013 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G3 3703 Nicole Forsythe 283, Inglewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 118750 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z3 3704 Nicole Brisse 49, Jasper 275,00 0,00 275,00 125379 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R7 3705 Nicole Constantineau 385, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120798 Dorval QC H9S2L5 3706 Nicole Gauthier 225, Malcolm Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 119981 Dorval QC H9S1T6 3707 Nicole Hebert 108, Arrowhead Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 113076 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V5 3708 Nicole Lay 225, Strathmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 123097 Dorval QC H9S2J5 3709 Nicole Roberts 121, Maitland 250,00 0,00 250,00 119946 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X5 3710 Nicolina Liberta 1840, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 650,00 0,00 650,00 113984 Dorval QC H9S2E6 3711 Nienaltowska 104, Sunnyside 225,00 0,00 225,00 123804 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T6 3712 Nieuwendyk 361, Lagacé 250,00 0,00 250,00 119264 Dorval QC H9S2M2 3713 Nieuwendyk 361, Lagacé 229,95 0,00 229,95 119264 Dorval QC H9S2M2 3714 Nigel Hughes 185, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 250,00 0,00 250,00 113859 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J9 3715 Niki Mirra 336, Vinet 170,00 0,00 170,00 124624 Dorval QC H9S2M8 3716 Nil Ataogul 154, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 122004 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C8 3717 Ning Yan 40, Kanata 250,00 0,00 250,00 119004 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V3

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3718 Nita Kotiuga 259, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118730 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z3 3719 Noce 103, Marlin Cr. 229,95 0,00 229,95 120042 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 3720 Noce 103, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120042 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 3721 Noel Burke 151, Valois Bay 250,00 0,00 250,00 124307 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B8 3722 Noel 341, Vinet 190,00 0,00 190,00 124625 Dorval QC H9S2M7 3723 Noftall 460, Lagacé 275,00 0,00 275,00 119284 Dorval QC H9S2M4 3724 Nolan 571, St-Léon 250,00 0,00 250,00 121661 Dorval QC H9P1Z8 3725 Nolan 236, Vinet 250,00 0,00 250,00 124220 Dorval QC H9S2M6 3726 Nomand Pelletier 256, Green Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 118167 Dorval QC H9S3T9 3727 Norcott 325, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123285 Dorval QC H9S2S5 3728 Norma Farr 135, Arrowhead Crescent 275,00 0,00 275,00 113097 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V4 3729 Normand Gauthier 255, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118726 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z3 3730 Normand Lord 89, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113344 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G5 3731 Normand Plante 315, Claude 275,00 0,00 275,00 115660 Dorval QC H9S3B4 3732 Norris Light 108, Alexina 275,00 0,00 275,00 113134 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M9 3733 North 4, Rodney 275,00 0,00 275,00 122317 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L7 3734 Nowak 305, Brookhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 114484 Dorval QC H9S2N6 3735 Nunez 465, Allard 250,00 0,00 250,00 112938 Dorval QC H9S3C1 3736 Nutbrown 140, Heather 250,00 0,00 250,00 118423 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A3 3737 Nuttall / Neill 87, Nicholson 275,00 0,00 275,00 120943 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A1 3738 O Agbaba 2, Viburnum 190,00 0,00 190,00 124393 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5A7 3739 O Ramkerath 240, Stillview 380,00 0,00 380,00 122923 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5C2 3740 Oana Calinel 133, Brunet 275,00 0,00 275,00 125336 Dorval QC H9S5R5 3741 O'Connor 110, Michigan 250,00 0,00 250,00 119443 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3742 Odell McGovernl 115, Forest Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 117340 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T2 3743 Odette Forest 680, Hyde Park 250,00 0,00 250,00 118716 Dorval QC H9P1Z6 3744 Oke 271, Lagacé 250,00 0,00 250,00 119236 Dorval QC H9S2L9 3745 Okeke 111, Chestnut 275,00 0,00 275,00 114861 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B2 3746 Olena Smulska 2, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121146 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y3 3747 Olga Leitao 501, Graham 250,00 0,00 250,00 118015 Dorval QC H9P2B2 3748 Olga Lobodenko 233, Tulip 250,00 0,00 250,00 124165 Dorval QC H9S3P4 3749 Olga Van Setten 120, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121768 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 3750 Oliver and Gabrielle Godard/Dufort 111, Glenbrook Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 117927 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X9 3751 Oliver Dubois 119, Sunderland 275,00 0,00 275,00 123724 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L4 3752 Oliveri/Asenjo 19, Stewart 275,00 0,00 275,00 122857 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5T6 3753 Olivier Barthomeuf 82, Fairlawn Crescent 275,00 0,00 275,00 125541 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R2 3754 Olivier Bourgeois 47, Pointe-Claire Avenue 205,00 0,00 205,00 121718 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M4 3755 Olivier Gavinet 136, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124816 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M7 3756 Olivir Cosson 37, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 122955 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z1 3757 Omar Chammaa 19, Queens 275,00 0,00 275,00 122052 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E8 3758 O'Neil/Stacey 40, Saddlewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 122436 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S6 3759 Onesi/Bailey 31, Summerhill 275,00 0,00 275,00 123643 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K5 3760 Ong Long Duc 1566, Deslauriers 190,00 0,00 190,00 116657 Pointe-Claire QC H9P2X1 3761 Orchard 1, Stewart 275,00 0,00 275,00 122843 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5T5 3762 O'Reilly 140, Ivanhoe Cr. 225,00 0,00 225,00 118794 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z8 3763 Orr/MacKenzie 107, Queens 270,00 0,00 270,00 122099 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G5 3764 Osborne 139, Glenbrook Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 117373 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X9 3765 Oscar Firbank 57, Brunet 270,00 0,00 270,00 114562 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T7

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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3766 Oswald Weaver 125, Spartan Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 122705 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R4 3767 Ouellette 46, Hartford 275,00 0,00 275,00 118172 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C8 3768 Ouellette/Rowsell 160, Malcolm Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 119966 Dorval QC H9S1T4 3769 Ouellette/Rowsell 160, Malcolm Circle 229,95 0,00 229,95 119966 Dorval QC H9S1T4 3770 Ovidiu Mancas 217, Adams 275,00 0,00 275,00 112776 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y6 3771 Owen Funnell 124, Ashington 250,00 0,00 250,00 113231 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z2 3772 P & G Gareau/Poirier 2250, Nightingale 275,00 0,00 275,00 120401 Dorval QC H9S1E6 3773 P Assouad 72, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 115528 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N2 3774 P Coté 50, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121189 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y5 3775 P Dicriscio 236, Adams 275,00 0,00 275,00 112795 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y4 3776 P Flaherty 2, Kamouraska 250,00 0,00 250,00 118943 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V2 3777 P Fredette 195, Norwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 121018 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R5 3778 P Grizenko 159, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119167 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H5 3779 P Herrmann 220, Allancroft 275,00 0,00 275,00 129203 Beaconsfield QC H9W2R3 3780 P J Bolger 101, Fieldsend 275,00 0,00 275,00 129548 Beaconsfield QC H9W5J1 3781 P Lecomte 148, Pointe-Claire Avenue 479,95 0,00 479,95 121785 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 3782 P Legault 675, London 250,00 0,00 250,00 118101 Dorval QC H9P1Z1 3783 P M Campbell 4, Ovide 250,00 0,00 250,00 121087 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E8 3784 P M Geukers 95, Lexington Drive 275,00 0,00 275,00 129816 Beaconsfield QC H9W5J7 3785 P Martinez 139, Douglas-Shand 310,00 0,00 310,00 115463 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2C6 3786 P Montroukas 307, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120778 Dorval QC H9S2L5 3787 P Murray 125, Boul. Des Sources 275,00 0,00 275,00 114042 Dorval QC H9S2J1 3788 P Notargiacomo 193, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114164 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V6 3789 P Papapanos 126, Crestview 260,00 0,00 260,00 116255 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A1

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3790 P R Grant 385, Claude 250,00 0,00 250,00 115674 Dorval QC H9S3B4 3791 P Rochefort 160, Lakeview 225,00 0,00 225,00 119399 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C1 3792 P Seguin 180, Sedgefield 275,00 0,00 275,00 122552 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N7 3793 P Singleton 129, Pickwood Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 121448 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M3 3794 P Sullivan 294, Mimosa 270,00 0,00 270,00 120516 Dorval QC H9S3K3 3795 P. Plamondon 1685, Surrey 275,00 0,00 275,00 123897 Dorval QC H9P1W7 3796 P.L Landscaping 59 Avenue Saddelwood 13 121,53 0,00 13 121,53 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S4 3797 P.R Carter 1235, Morris 275,00 0,00 275,00 120650 Dorval QC H9S1Z8 3798 Pabari 1140, John-Pratt 229,95 0,00 229,95 118914 Dorval QC H9S5R3 3799 Pabari 1140, John-Pratt 275,00 0,00 275,00 118914 Dorval QC H9S5R3 3800 Pablo Schrader 184, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 113186 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V3 3801 Padma Ghoshal 159, Bexhill 229,95 0,00 229,95 127903 Beaconsfield QC H9W3A6 3802 Padma Ghoshal 159, Bexhill 275,00 0,00 275,00 127903 Beaconsfield QC H9W3A6 3803 Padma Iyengar/Krishnaswamy 217, Donegani 190,00 0,00 190,00 116771 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R6 3804 Padvaiskas 175, Kings 275,00 0,00 275,00 119171 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H6 3805 Pages Jaunes 1751 Richardson Suite 2.300 72,78 0,00 72,78 Attn: Accounts Receivable Department Montréal QC H3K 1G6 1000160274 3806 Paige Cheasley 9, Westwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 124887 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y6 3807 Paige O'Keefe 14, Salisbury 250,00 0,00 250,00 122506 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z3 3808 Palangiewicz 18, Cavell 275,00 0,00 275,00 115089 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X2 3809 Paling 10, Clearview 250,00 0,00 250,00 115700 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C5 3810 Palley 146, Bathurst 504,95 0,00 504,95 113435 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z8 3811 Palmquist 178, Regatta 250,00 0,00 250,00 122270 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z6 3812 Pam Stewart 90, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114337 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z4 3813 Pamela Glowacki 191, Sherbrooke 275,00 0,00 275,00 130057 Beaconsfield QC H9W1P3

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3814 Pamela Macdonald 135, Windward Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 125083 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H7 3815 Pamela Manning 10, Julien 190,00 0,00 190,00 118939 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4G6 3816 Pamela Moris 98, Saddlewood 190,00 0,00 190,00 121630 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 3817 Pamela Nugent 18, Westfield 275,00 0,00 275,00 124880 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 3818 Pamela Ogura 585, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124932 Dorval QC H9P2M2 3819 Panaitescu Coca 346, Raimbault 250,00 0,00 250,00 122225 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V1 3820 Panciuk 1565, Denis Place 275,00 0,00 275,00 115533 Dorval QC H9S1S9 3821 Paolo Mercuri 2124, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 600,00 0,00 600,00 125301 Dorval QC H9S2E6 3822 Paquet 113, Winthrop 220,00 0,00 220,00 125177 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W6 3823 Paquette 57, Broadview 270,00 0,00 270,00 114313 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z1 3824 Paquette 245, Brookhaven 190,00 0,00 190,00 114470 Dorval QC H9S2N5 3825 Paquette 670, London 250,00 0,00 250,00 118100 Dorval QC H9P1Y9 3826 Paquin 144, Broadview 499,95 0,00 499,95 114352 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z4 3827 Pare/Beazley 25, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122054 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G1 3828 Parisien 131, Hastings 275,00 0,00 275,00 118406 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P7 3829 Parker 109, Alexina 275,00 0,00 275,00 113135 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M8 3830 Parker 2155, Chadillon 250,00 0,00 250,00 115170 Dorval QC H9P1L5 3831 Parker 280, Comber 275,00 0,00 275,00 115945 Dorval QC H9S2Y4 3832 Parker 54, Elmwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 117461 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M3 3833 Parker 5, Laurelwood 225,00 0,00 225,00 118076 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R2 3834 Parrot Holdings LTD 134, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 258,69 0,00 258,69 113833 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J3 3835 Parrot Holdings LTD 134, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 316,18 0,00 316,18 113833 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J3 3836 Pascal Bergeron 35, McConnell 275,00 0,00 275,00 120315 Dorval QC H9S5L9 3837 Pascal Coursol 15, Kings 210,00 0,00 210,00 119075 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G8

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3838 Pascal Larin 334, Tulip 250,00 0,00 250,00 124191 Dorval QC H9S3P7 3839 Pascal Proulx 177, Fairhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 117548 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A6 3840 Pascal Richer 220, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120759 Dorval QC H9S2L4 3841 Pascale Perez 178, Dieppe 250,00 0,00 250,00 116731 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X7 3842 Pasqua Francois 107, Ivanhoe Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 118768 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z9 3843 Pasqualina Di Dio 138, Saddlewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 122474 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 3844 Pasternak 12, Circle 225,00 0,00 225,00 115555 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X1 3845 Pat Bradley 405, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123347 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A5 3846 Pat Cannon 111, Arrowhead Crescent 229,95 0,00 229,95 113078 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V4 3847 Pat Cannon 111, Arrowhead Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 113078 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V4 3848 Patel 172, Cameron Cr. 240,00 0,00 240,00 114712 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5H4 3849 Patel 115, Des Canots 250,00 0,00 250,00 115548 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X3 3850 Patel 50, Nicholson 190,00 0,00 190,00 120920 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A2 3851 Patel 1690, Surrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 123898 Dorval QC H9P1W6 3852 Patenaude 203, Neptune 300,00 0,00 300,00 120753 Dorval QC H9S2L3 3853 Paton 163, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116720 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X5 3854 Patrica Brisson 234, Vista 270,00 0,00 270,00 124678 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R7 3855 Patrica Kadowaki 115, Windward Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 125065 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H7 3856 Patrice Pelletier 241, Adams 275,00 0,00 275,00 112800 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y4 3857 Patricia Brome 2, Horizon 250,00 0,00 250,00 118663 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 3858 Patricia Brown 198, Malcolm Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 119974 Dorval QC H9S1T4 3859 Patricia Bursey 59, Mount Pleasant 250,00 0,00 250,00 120715 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2T3 3860 Patricia Christiano 1790, Brookdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 114429 Dorval QC H9P1X4 3861 Patricia Fortier 112, Belmont 275,00 0,00 275,00 113582 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2P3

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3862 Patricia Funnell 163, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 113040 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V2 3863 Patricia Kelly 374, Raimbault 250,00 0,00 250,00 122249 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V1 3864 Patricia Krautgasser 107, Metis 250,00 0,00 250,00 120377 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E5 3865 Patricia Macauley 74, Little Rock 450,00 0,00 450,00 119743 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G6 3866 Patricia McDonald 7, Clearview 275,00 0,00 275,00 115697 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C6 3867 Patricia McGee 120, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114127 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T8 3868 Patricia Morris 111, Longmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 119785 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A4 3869 Patricia Reid 117, Yonge Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125273 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M1 3870 Patricia Reid 117, Yonge Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125273 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M1 3871 Patricia Ridgway 369, Berkeley 275,00 0,00 275,00 113660 Dorval QC H9S1H6 3872 Patricia Schofield 43, Hartford 250,00 0,00 250,00 118359 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C7 3873 Patrick and Stephanie Leroux/Bolster 128, Highgate 250,00 0,00 250,00 118549 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X4 3874 Patrick Barrette 103, Embleton Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 117243 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3N1 3875 Patrick Boghosian 115, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121982 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C9 3876 Patrick Bourque 81, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 122969 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z1 3877 Patrick Bremshey 59, Little Rock 250,00 0,00 250,00 119733 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G5 3878 Patrick Carroll 205, Boylan 275,00 0,00 275,00 114096 Dorval QC H9S5J7 3879 Patrick Conrad 281, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123234 Dorval QC H9S2S3 3880 Patrick Dubé 118, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113412 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z8 3881 Patrick Fahey 157, Prince-Edward 225,00 0,00 225,00 122008 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C9 3882 Patrick Fauque 18, De Breslay 270,00 0,00 270,00 125332 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N1 3883 Patrick Fortier 224, Lakeview 250,00 0,00 250,00 119493 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C9 3884 Patrick Harrison 119, Spartan Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 122701 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R4 3885 Patrick Hebert 49, Cedar 250,00 0,00 250,00 115125 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y3

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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3886 Patrick Lee 19, Chester 275,00 0,00 275,00 115387 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H8 3887 Patrick Waegeli 114, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120050 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B3 3888 Patterson 381, St-Louis 425,00 0,00 425,00 123327 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A3 3889 Patterson 598, Westwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 124937 Dorval QC H9P2M3 3890 Paul Allen 341, Berwick 275,00 0,00 275,00 127827 Beaconsfield QC H9W1B8 3891 Paul and Anne Edwards/Belanger 135, Viking 245,00 0,00 245,00 124526 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1K6 3892 Paul and Jasmine Blouin/Stuart 106, Elgin 275,00 0,00 275,00 115491 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K2 3893 Paul Beaudoin 334, Violet Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 124677 Dorval QC H9S3N9 3894 Paul Bostock 8, Laurelwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 118079 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R3 3895 Paul Boucher 278, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123230 Dorval QC H9S2S4 3896 Paul Bourdeau 119, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116451 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 3897 Paul Bradley 753, Clement 200,00 0,00 200,00 115847 Dorval QC H9P2H9 3898 Paul Chesser 196, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116145 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S7 3899 Paul Clarke 165, Lakeview 250,00 0,00 250,00 119404 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4B9 3900 Paul Dionne 7, Terrasse Armand 310,00 0,00 310,00 123953 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E7 3901 Paul Forsythe 750, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120858 Dorval QC H9P2B1 3902 Paul Fortin 106, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120044 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B3 3903 Paul Gattuso 323, Strathmore 200,00 0,00 200,00 123495 Dorval QC H9S2J6 3904 Paul Gohier 106, Parkdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 121238 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y7 3905 Paul Kalogritsas 63, Elgin 250,00 0,00 250,00 117291 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J9 3906 Paul Kuwik 102, Fieldsend 275,00 0,00 275,00 130337 Beaconsfield QC H9W5J1 3907 Paul Lupien 379, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123324 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A3 3908 Paul McManus 1940, Brookdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 114443 Dorval QC H9P2T9 3909 Paul Morris 139, Marlin Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 120068 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3910 Paul Pacis 279, Martin 250,00 0,00 250,00 120236 Dorval QC H9S3S1 3911 Paul Rouleau 63, Summerhill 250,00 0,00 250,00 123666 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L1 3912 Paul Sabapathy 39, Brunet 275,00 0,00 275,00 130334 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T4 3913 Paul Spence 264, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120118 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y2 3914 Paul Sublett 11, Circle 300,00 0,00 300,00 115433 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W9 3915 Paul Timm 99, Valois Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 124281 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B7 3916 Paul Ukrainetz 27, Westwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 124903 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y6 3917 Paul Vincelli 300, Parkwood Circle 270,00 0,00 270,00 121318 Dorval QC H9S3A3 3918 Paul Widden 49, Charles 275,00 0,00 275,00 115297 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4K7 3919 Paul Wilkinson 391, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124109 Dorval QC H9S2N3 3920 Paul 362, Lilas 190,00 0,00 190,00 119691 Dorval QC H9S3M6 3921 Paul/Arthur 143, Monterrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 120569 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W3 3922 Paula Doucet 10, Tampico 275,00 0,00 275,00 123930 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z5 3923 Pauletto 163, Sunnyside 270,00 0,00 270,00 123849 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V2 3924 Paulina Podgorska 18, Viburnum 190,00 0,00 190,00 124408 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5A7 3925 Paulo Magalhaes 93, Sedgefield 190,00 0,00 190,00 122516 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 3926 Paupelain 45, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113317 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G1 3927 Pavlica 676, Dubord Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 116978 Dorval QC H9P1N6 3928 Pavlina Krivankova 161, Lakeview 250,00 0,00 250,00 119400 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4B9 3929 Pawsey 2300, Chanteclerc 200,00 0,00 200,00 115264 Dorval QC H9P1M3 3930 Payagiste Michael C. 43, Hampton Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 118295 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 3931 Payba Huot 86, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 122971 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z1 3932 PayPal 2211 N 1st Street 1,00 0,00 1,00 San Jose CA 95131 US 3933 Pearson 17, Hillcrest 275,00 0,00 275,00 118579 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3934 Pearson 60, Summerhill 225,00 0,00 225,00 123663 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K9 3935 Peippo 1860, Parkfield 250,00 0,00 250,00 121275 Dorval QC H9P1T9 3936 Pelletier 356, Strathmore 270,00 0,00 270,00 123501 Dorval QC H9S2J4 3937 Peloquin 335, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117069 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y5 3938 Penelope Gibb 122, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116454 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N2 3939 Peng Peng Hu 129, Des Canots 220,00 0,00 220,00 116624 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X3 3940 Penny Katsos 430, Claude 275,00 0,00 275,00 115683 Dorval QC H9S3B3 3941 Pepe Yun 225, Claude 250,00 0,00 250,00 115638 Dorval QC H9S3B1 3942 Pepin 345, Donegani 230,00 0,00 230,00 116793 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M4 3943 Pepiniere Des Sources 1789 Boul Des Sources 1 674,07 0,00 1 674,07 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5A2 3944 Perego 69, Bayview 225,00 0,00 225,00 113483 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C4 3945 Perkov 15, Killarney Gardens 270,00 0,00 270,00 119053 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X7 3946 Perlman 251, Martin 275,00 0,00 275,00 120226 Dorval QC H9S3S1 3947 Perras 22, Kamouraska 190,00 0,00 190,00 118963 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V2 3948 Perreault 555, Javelin 250,00 0,00 250,00 118857 Dorval QC H9P2C1 3949 Pertus/Young 570, De L'église 275,00 0,00 275,00 116518 Dorval QC H9S1R1 3950 Pesayan 61, Vincennes 205,00 0,00 205,00 124547 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M1 3951 Peter & Judy Cartright 138, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116708 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X6 3952 Peter and Helene Matulis 147, Millhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 120450 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V9 3953 Peter Bailey 175, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125111 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J1 3954 Peter Bauer 129, Sunderland 250,00 0,00 250,00 123734 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L4 3955 Peter Bunce 29, Bayview 275,00 0,00 275,00 113455 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C1 3956 Peter Campbell 24, Hampton Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 118277 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 3957 Peter Choo-Foo 280, MacLean 275,00 0,00 275,00 119899 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y1

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3958 Peter Clarke 98, Elmwood 535,00 0,00 535,00 117233 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M4 3959 Peter Collins 115, Empress 275,00 0,00 275,00 117523 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P5 3960 Peter Curtis 219, Lakeview 270,00 0,00 270,00 119491 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C8 3961 Peter DeKoos 55, Mount Pleasant 250,00 0,00 250,00 120670 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2T3 3962 Peter Devos 245, Lake 250,00 0,00 250,00 119305 Dorval QC H9S2J2 3963 Peter Ducree 35, Summerhill 270,00 0,00 270,00 123647 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K5 3964 Peter Ejupovic 116, Hermiston 250,00 0,00 250,00 118459 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P2 3965 Peter Henchey 76, Elgin 225,00 0,00 225,00 117296 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K1 3966 Peter Hickson 10, Rodney 250,00 0,00 250,00 122320 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L7 3967 Peter Larnder 210, Strathmore 270,00 0,00 270,00 123095 Dorval QC H9S2J4 3968 Peter Levidis 6, Hampton Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 118260 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 3969 Peter MacDonell 82, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121216 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y5 3970 Peter Malo 17, Wilton 275,00 0,00 275,00 124236 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X3 3971 Peter Matajic 250, Bermuda Drive 275,00 0,00 275,00 129297 Beaconsfield QC H9W2S8 3972 Peter Nice 119, Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 115350 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L4 3973 Peter Oberegelsbacher 361, Linnet Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 119709 Dorval QC H9S2K8 3974 Peter Svoronos 219, Monaco 270,00 0,00 270,00 120544 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R7 3975 Peter Sykes 48, Sweetbriar Drive 250,00 0,00 250,00 125855 Beaconsfield QC H9W5M3 3976 Peter Tellier 49, Hillcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 118602 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E6 3977 Peter Tijssen 76, Winston Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 125165 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X6 3978 Petrovich/Lague 17, Queens 275,00 0,00 275,00 122050 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E8 3979 Pevec 7, Queens 275,00 0,00 275,00 122043 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E8 3980 Phil and Kathy Bridgeman 647, Oriole Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 121083 Dorval QC H9P1P5 3981 Phil Carpenter 106, Hastings 220,00 0,00 220,00 118385 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P3


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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 3982 Philip Lenor 92, Dieppe 250,00 0,00 250,00 116683 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X4 3983 Philip Maguire 130, Cameron Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 114687 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E1 3984 Philip Passudetti 325, Georges V 275,00 0,00 275,00 117817 Dorval QC H9S3S8 3985 Philip Sawoszczuk 130, Prince-Rupert 275,00 0,00 275,00 122035 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M2 3986 Philip/Linda Lalonde 127, Vanguard 190,00 0,00 190,00 124369 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T4 3987 Philipe Ruel 28, Horizon 250,00 0,00 250,00 118688 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 3988 Philippe Camet 266, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118737 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5K9 3989 Philippe Keough 46, Ponner 250,00 0,00 250,00 121612 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X9 3990 Philippe Kfoury 110, Ivanhoe Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 118771 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z8 3991 Philippe Mennesson 420, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123361 Dorval QC H9S2S6 3992 Philippe Vivian/Dastous 21, Woolmer 250,00 0,00 250,00 125212 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G8 3993 Phillip Misner 89, Charles 270,00 0,00 270,00 115321 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L2 3994 Phillipe Chevalier 226, Clement 270,00 0,00 270,00 115727 Dorval QC H9S2T2 3995 Phillipe Trottier 481, Delmar 250,00 0,00 250,00 116615 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A5 3996 Phillips 263, Jaillet 275,00 0,00 275,00 118810 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X9 3997 Phillips 11, Parkland 275,00 0,00 275,00 121287 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E6 3998 Phung Tran 284, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120130 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 3999 Picard 247, Georges V 275,00 0,00 275,00 117779 Dorval QC H9S3S7 4000 Pichirallo 268, Jaillet 275,00 0,00 275,00 118815 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X9 4001 Pichler 66, Summerhill 250,00 0,00 250,00 123669 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K9 4002 Pierette Hachey 360, Louise-L'amy 250,00 0,00 250,00 119835 Dorval QC H9S5V8 4003 Pierre and Jacqueline Murray 137, Vincennes 275,00 0,00 275,00 124598 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M5 4004 Pierre Beaudoin 253, Sherwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 122648 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M5 4005 Pierre Bourbonnais 243, Comber 275,00 0,00 275,00 115932 Dorval QC H9S2Y6

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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4006 Pierre Brossard 264, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118735 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z3 4007 Pierre Brunet 77, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 115415 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J2 4008 Pierre Calzadilla 97, Drayton 250,00 0,00 250,00 116948 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V8 4009 Pierre Dagenais 12, Golf 275,00 0,00 275,00 117981 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N5 4010 Pierre Dagenais 34, Kanata 175,00 0,00 175,00 118999 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V3 4011 Pierre Donato 215, Donegani 225,00 0,00 225,00 116770 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R6 4012 Pierre Dubois 122, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113415 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z8 4013 Pierre Francois 370, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124102 Dorval QC H9S2N2 4014 Pierre Gauthier 1088, Gentilly 275,00 0,00 275,00 117754 Dorval QC H9S5P9 4015 Pierre Guindon à venir 260 000,00 0,00 260 000,00

4016 Pierre Hamelin 249, Malcolm Circle 170,00 0,00 170,00 119989 Dorval QC H9S1T6 4017 Pierre Ilantzis 262, St-Louis 225,00 0,00 225,00 123211 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 4018 Pierre Laplante 238, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 300,00 0,00 300,00 113899 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4K6 4019 Pierre Levesque 295, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120776 Dorval QC H9S2L3 4020 Pierre Lussier 12, Murray Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 120739 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4E8 4021 Pierre Lussier 119, Windward Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 125069 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H7 4022 Pierre Matteau 39, Belmont 225,00 0,00 225,00 113555 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M7 4023 Pierre Menard 107, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125058 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H7 4024 Pierre Monpetit 76, Hartford 250,00 0,00 250,00 118371 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3E1 4025 Pierre Ngoboy 152, Douglas-Shand 250,00 0,00 250,00 115474 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E3 4026 Pierre Proulx 341, Strathmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 123498 Dorval QC H9S2J6 4027 Pierre Provencher 399, Thorncrest 229,95 0,00 229,95 121951 Dorval QC H9S2X9 4028 Pierre Raiche 160, Broadview 275,00 0,00 275,00 114366 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z6 4029 Pierre Richard 555, Graham 250,00 0,00 250,00 118028 Dorval QC H9P2B2

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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4030 Pierre Seguin/Latreille 124, Crestview 250,00 0,00 250,00 116254 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A1 4031 Pierre Sinotte 41, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114298 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z1 4032 Pierre Smith 522, St-Louis 190,00 0,00 190,00 123383 Dorval QC H9P2E9 4033 Pierre Tremblay 99, Kings 270,00 0,00 270,00 119130 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H3 4034 Pierre-Paul Brunet 46, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121717 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 4035 Pietro Maiolo 14, Foxwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 117736 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H2 4036 Pilgrim 405, Claude 250,00 0,00 250,00 115678 Dorval QC H9S3B4 4037 Pilgrim 405, Claude 229,95 0,00 229,95 115678 Dorval QC H9S3B4 4038 Ping Zhao 1140, Dumont 380,00 0,00 380,00 117106 Dorval QC H9S5W1 4039 Piobici 268, Handfield Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 118327 Dorval QC H9S3V3 4040 Pisa Chan 156, Radisson 250,00 0,00 250,00 122155 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E6 4041 Pizzingrilli 337, Lake 479,95 0,00 479,95 119322 Dorval QC H9S2J2 4042 Plante 111, Astoria 275,00 0,00 275,00 113244 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A9 4043 Podsiadlo 61, Ashburton 275,00 0,00 275,00 113122 Dorval QC H9S5M1 4044 Poirier 324, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118202 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z9 4045 Poirier/Gagnon 252, Pine Beach 275,00 0,00 275,00 121498 Dorval QC H9S2V5 4046 Pollock 108, Longmeadow 275,00 0,00 275,00 118111 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X2 4047 Pooyan Haghighat 101, Buckingham 235,00 0,00 235,00 114621 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1K9 4048 Pope 144, Glenbrook Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 117378 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X8 4049 Potash 137, Marlin Cr. 591,18 0,00 591,18 120066 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 4050 Poteet 275, Strathmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 123108 Dorval QC H9S2J5 4051 Potel 287, Violet Cr. 220,00 0,00 220,00 124664 Dorval QC H9S3N8 4052 Potter 14, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124891 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y5 4053 Potter 14, Westwood 229,95 0,00 229,95 124891 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y5

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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4054 Potts 670, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120841 Dorval QC H9P2A8 4055 Power 255, Touzin 316,18 0,00 316,18 124069 Dorval QC H9S2N1 4056 Power 255, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124069 Dorval QC H9S2N1 4057 Pratt 22, Drayton 250,00 0,00 250,00 116916 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V2 4058 Praxair Canada Inc - Corporate accounts 1200 - 1 City Centre Dr 301,02 0,00 301,02 Attn: Credit Department Mississauga ON L5B 1M2 4059 Préfontaine 775, De L'église 375,00 0,00 375,00 116537 Dorval QC H9S1R8 4060 Primavera 666, Wright Crescent 440,00 0,00 440,00 125249 Dorval QC H9P2C5 4061 Prime Technology 108, Forest Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 117728 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T1 4062 Principe 570, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115800 Dorval QC H9P2H4 4063 Pritesh Patel 20, Carlisle 250,00 0,00 250,00 114957 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S9 4064 Privée 202, Norwood 405,00 0,00 405,00 121025 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R4 4065 Priya Karnick 51, Mount Pleasant 275,00 0,00 275,00 120668 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2T1 4066 Probec 6175 Boul Leger 1 284,35 0,00 1 284,35 3095 Montreal QC H1G1L2 4067 Protection Lato Sinsu 133, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116114 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S8 4068 Proulx 225, Boul. Des Sources 275,00 0,00 275,00 114045 Dorval QC H9S2J1 4069 Provost 191, Donegani 275,00 0,00 275,00 116763 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5E9 4070 Pryce 299, Ferndale 275,00 0,00 275,00 117614 Dorval QC H9S3M9 4071 Pryce 725, Pine Beach 250,00 0,00 250,00 120428 Dorval QC H9P2L3 4072 Pugsley 166, Valois Bay 270,00 0,00 270,00 124316 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C1 4073 Pullan 250, Lake 250,00 0,00 250,00 119306 Dorval QC H9S2J3 4074 Pynn/Black 77, Maywood 225,00 0,00 225,00 120250 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3L2 4075 Qiang and Ping Ma/Xia 256, Strathcona 275,00 0,00 275,00 123088 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y4 4076 Qingwei Zhou 181, Norwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 121007 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R3 4077 Quammie 627, Dubord Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 116960 Dorval QC H9P1N5

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4078 Quennec 44, Winston Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 125145 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X6 4079 Quenneville 78, Ashburton 270,00 0,00 270,00 113133 Dorval QC H9S5K2 4080 Quirion 20, St-Joachim 450,00 0,00 450,00 123032 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4P1 4081 R A Boudreau 1325, Carson 275,00 0,00 275,00 114794 Dorval QC H9S1M7 4082 R A Grant 145, Cameron Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 114695 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E3 4083 R and C Hillman 2, Rodney 275,00 0,00 275,00 122316 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L7 4084 R Cameron 86, Chester 275,00 0,00 275,00 115421 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J6 4085 R Cass-Beggs 15, Julien 250,00 0,00 250,00 118941 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4G7 4086 R Cusson 58, Ashburton 275,00 0,00 275,00 113120 Dorval QC H9S5K2 4087 R Daniyel 149, Monterrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 120575 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W3 4088 R Fisher 73, Cedar 250,00 0,00 250,00 115140 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y3 4089 R G Day 611, Dubord Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 116953 Dorval QC H9P1N5 4090 R Gouin 263, Tulip 250,00 0,00 250,00 124172 Dorval QC H9S3P5 4091 R Gratton 555, De L'église 500,00 0,00 500,00 116515 Dorval QC H9S1R2 4092 R Landry 14, Waverley 250,00 0,00 250,00 124739 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W3 4093 R MacDonald 120, Longmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 119793 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A3 4094 R Maytan 165, Norwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 120406 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R3 4095 R Menard 114, Alexina 275,00 0,00 275,00 113140 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M9 4096 R Mendoza 309, Eldorado 250,00 0,00 250,00 117213 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3H1 4097 R Mutch 136, Sherbrooke 250,00 0,00 250,00 130037 Beaconsfield QC H9W1N9 4098 R Paquin 68, Lucerne 250,00 0,00 250,00 119861 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V2 4099 R Poirier 266, Cloverdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 115870 Dorval QC H9S3J5 4100 R Robert 117, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 122982 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z2 4101 R Robertson 119, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120055 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2


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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4102 R Robertson 119, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120055 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 4103 R Shaughnessy 102, Elmwood 500,00 0,00 500,00 117237 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M4 4104 R Sidhu 1562, Deslauriers 250,00 0,00 250,00 116653 Pointe-Claire QC H9P2X1 4105 R Stibor 60, Vincennes 250,00 0,00 250,00 124546 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M2 4106 R Stutz 100, Livingston 245,00 0,00 245,00 119744 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1S3 4107 R Sumner 146, Arrowhead Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 113108 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V5 4108 R Theriault 1350, Kingsley 275,00 0,00 275,00 119176 Dorval QC H9S1G1 4109 R Van Hell 57, Drayton 275,00 0,00 275,00 116939 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V4 4110 R Wolfe 6, Valois Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 124323 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V3 4111 R Zaklama 8, Papillon 190,00 0,00 190,00 121096 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5B9 4112 R. Nelson 445, Brookhaven 229,95 0,00 229,95 114523 Dorval QC H9S2N6 4113 Rachel Bouthillier 152, Lincoln Drive 275,00 0,00 275,00 129860 Beaconsfield QC H9W1M8 4114 Rachel Legault 106, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 250,00 0,00 250,00 113750 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J3 4115 Rachel Richer 372, Strathmore 270,00 0,00 270,00 123503 Dorval QC H9S2J4 4116 Rachelle Aubichon 146, Radisson 250,00 0,00 250,00 122145 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E6 4117 Racine 4, Terrasse Villeneuve 275,00 0,00 275,00 123957 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y7 4118 Radcliffe/Lang 131, Highgate 250,00 0,00 250,00 118552 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X5 4119 Radin Hamakiotis 4915 De Salaberry suite 104 1 379,70 0,00 1 379,70 Montreal QC H4J1H8 4120 Radu 102, Cedar 270,00 0,00 270,00 115157 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y4 4121 Rafael Decastro 201, Vinet 275,00 0,00 275,00 124603 Dorval QC H9S2M5 4122 Rafael Padilha 21, Hansen 275,00 0,00 275,00 125623 Beaconsfield QC H9W5P4 4123 Raffaele Giancola 660, Graham 250,00 0,00 250,00 117281 Dorval QC H9P2B5 4124 Rafic Dagher 120, Arrowhead Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 113087 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V5 4125 Rafika Mesli 285, Thorncrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 123975 Dorval QC H9S2X7

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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4126 Rainer Ullmann 116, Yonge Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125272 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L9 4127 Rajeed Malik 147, Sedgefield 220,00 0,00 220,00 122526 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 4128 Rakesh Malhotra 264, Cloverdale 375,00 0,00 375,00 115869 Dorval QC H9S3J5 4129 Ralickas 51, Belmont 250,00 0,00 250,00 113560 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2N2 4130 Ralph Notargiacomo 122, Forest Gardens 260,00 0,00 260,00 117347 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T1 4131 Ralph Santini 10, ParkDale 1 724,60 0,00 1 724,60 Sous-traitant: 9174-3153 Québec Pointe-Claire QC H9R 3Y3 4132 Raluca Lupu 175, Roy 275,00 0,00 275,00 122375 Dorval QC H9S3C3 4133 Ramir Joson 87, Vincennes 270,00 0,00 270,00 124555 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M1 4134 Ramona Ramdas 89, Bayview 275,00 0,00 275,00 113501 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C4 4135 Ramsagur 189, Lakeview 275,00 0,00 275,00 119475 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C4 4136 Ramsaroop 222, Strathcona 260,00 0,00 260,00 123475 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X8 4137 Randall Newton 3, Lancaster 250,00 0,00 250,00 119503 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A9 4138 Randell 142, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114693 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E1 4139 Randy Severa 143, Ambassador 250,00 0,00 250,00 112994 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1S9 4140 Randy Vincent 231, Allard 190,00 0,00 190,00 113167 Dorval QC H9S3B8 4141 Ranger 46, Hillcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 118601 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E5 4142 Raphael Lespoux 146, Stillview 250,00 0,00 250,00 122901 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X8 4143 Rassani 2195, Chadillon 250,00 0,00 250,00 115177 Dorval QC H9P1L5 4144 Raymond Beaulieu 1915, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113992 Dorval QC H9S2G1 4145 Raymond Beaulieu 1915, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 229,95 0,00 229,95 113992 Dorval QC H9S2G1 4146 Raymond Fong 107, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124791 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M5 4147 Raymond Francoeur 665, London 270,00 0,00 270,00 118099 Dorval QC H9P1Z1 4148 Raymond Francoeur 155, Sunderland 275,00 0,00 275,00 123752 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L7 4149 Raymond Levesque 75, Watford 275,00 0,00 275,00 125886 Beaconsfield QC H9W5P1


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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4150 Raymond Lord 72, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114322 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z4 4151 Raymond Miller 101, Arrowhead Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 113070 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V4 4152 Raymond Murphy 690, Graham 212,55 0,00 212,55 118042 Dorval QC H9P2B5 4153 Raymond Murphy 690, Graham 275,00 0,00 275,00 118042 Dorval QC H9P2B5 4154 Raymond Noel 285, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118751 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z3 4155 Raymond 376, Raimbault 270,00 0,00 270,00 122250 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V1 4156 Rayner 44, Little Rock 250,00 0,00 250,00 119721 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G2 4157 Raza 10, Fifth 250,00 0,00 250,00 117651 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C7 4158 RBC Royal Bank Visa c/o BankruptcyHighway.com PO Box 57100 10 715,47 0,00 10 715,47 Attn: Razel Bowen Etobicoke ON M8Y 3Y2 451607******7163 4159 Real Lafleur 110, Bannister 275,00 0,00 275,00 113383 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M7 4160 Réal Pelletier 398, Linnet Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 119717 Dorval QC H9S2L1 4161 Rean Sayegh 44, Nicholson 220,00 0,00 220,00 120917 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A2 4162 Rebecca Geller 90, Prince-Edward 190,00 0,00 190,00 121967 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C7 4163 Rebecca Komguep Siyam Siddiqui 112, Hastings 250,00 0,00 250,00 118391 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P3 4164 Rebecca Zuckermann 1835, Brookdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 114435 Dorval QC H9P1X5 4165 Redivo 209, Clement 275,00 0,00 275,00 115722 Dorval QC H9S2T1 4166 Reggie Mabe 116, Prince-Rupert 270,00 0,00 270,00 122021 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M2 4167 Regimbald 59, Fifth 250,00 0,00 250,00 117687 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C9 4168 Regina Misner 118, Longmeadow 275,00 0,00 275,00 119765 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X2 4169 Reine Bou-Nadar 101, Valois Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 124283 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B7 4170 Reinhold Fuchs 562, Thorncrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 123989 Dorval QC H9P2M6 4171 Rejean Beaudoin 712, Clement 275,00 0,00 275,00 115834 Dorval QC H9P2H8 4172 Rejean Latour 1550, Erin Place 250,00 0,00 250,00 117533 Dorval QC H9S1S4 4173 Remi Breval 101, Hilary 270,00 0,00 270,00 118561 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R7

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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4174 Renato Priolo 76, Ashburton 275,00 0,00 275,00 113132 Dorval QC H9S5K2 4175 Renaud Vallieres 363, Lilas 275,00 0,00 275,00 119692 Dorval QC H9S3M7 4176 Renaud 126, Hastings 250,00 0,00 250,00 118403 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P5 4177 Renaud/Barajas 223, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 270,00 0,00 270,00 113890 Dorval QC H9S2A3 4178 Rene Gagnon 149, Ivanhoe Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 118803 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z9 4179 Rene Gendreau 18, Hillcrest 275,00 0,00 275,00 118580 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E5 4180 Rene Neveu 1725, Torrence 375,00 0,00 375,00 124046 Dorval QC H9P1R8 4181 Rene Paquette 100, Forest Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 117720 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T1 4182 Renee Smith 80, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116098 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S7 4183 Renee-Claude Beauchemin 27, Belton 275,00 0,00 275,00 113621 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z8 4184 Renelle Summers 152, Monterrey 240,00 0,00 240,00 120578 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W4 4185 Renelle Summers 152, Monterrey 200,00 0,00 200,00 120578 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W4 4186 Reni Fee Inc. 125, Donegani 1 638,00 0,00 1 638,00 125343 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2W3 4187 Renmeng Xiao 2115, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 430,00 0,00 430,00 114003 Dorval QC H9S2G4 4188 Renwick 105, Rothbury 275,00 0,00 275,00 122338 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R6 4189 Requena 85, Nicholson 300,00 0,00 300,00 120941 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A1 4190 Residence Surrey Inc 301, Pine Beach 316,18 0,00 316,18 121515 Dorval QC H9S2W2 4191 Revenda 1775, Surrey 350,00 0,00 350,00 123121 Dorval QC H9P1W9 4192 Reynolds 360, Berkeley 190,00 0,00 190,00 113657 Dorval QC H9S1H4 4193 Reza Hosseini 264, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123214 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 4194 Rheault/Papineau 341, Linnet Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 119702 Dorval QC H9S2K8 4195 Rhodes 235, Comber 275,00 0,00 275,00 115930 Dorval QC H9S2Y6 4196 Rhyn-Marsh 2135, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 200,00 0,00 200,00 114007 Dorval QC H9S2G4 4197 Ricafort 34, Carlisle 250,00 0,00 250,00 114964 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S9

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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4198 Ricard 236, Comber 275,00 0,00 275,00 115931 Dorval QC H9S2Y4 4199 Ricard 277, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123227 Dorval QC H9S2S4 4200 Ricardo Hisano 292, MacLean 275,00 0,00 275,00 119911 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y3 4201 Ricci 308, Berkeley 275,00 0,00 275,00 113636 Dorval QC H9S1H4 4202 Ricci 38, Kanata 190,00 0,00 190,00 119003 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V3 4203 Richad and Sabreena Abuani/Mohamed 1, Augusta 275,00 0,00 275,00 113264 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V4 4204 Richard & Francine Pleau Raymond 19, De L'église 270,00 0,00 270,00 116491 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5J1 4205 Richard and Jennifer O'Loughlin 72, Winston Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 125163 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X6 4206 Richard Cauchon 109, Vincennes 250,00 0,00 250,00 124579 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M1 4207 Richard Cuddihy 59, Coolbreeze 335,00 0,00 335,00 116077 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S6 4208 Richard Fugere 405, Pine Beach 250,00 0,00 250,00 121535 Dorval QC H9S2X1 4209 Richard Gagnon 120, Maitland 250,00 0,00 250,00 119945 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X4 4210 Richard Genest 395, Elie-de-Bellefeuille 275,00 0,00 275,00 117417 Dorval QC H9S5V6 4211 Richard Gurekas 8, Basswood Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 113389 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Y1 4212 Richard Harris 65, Brunet 250,00 0,00 250,00 114568 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T7 4213 Richard Held 9, Lakebreeze 412,50 0,00 412,50 119344 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5H8 4214 Richard Held 9, Lakebreeze 412,50 0,00 412,50 119344 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5H8 4215 Richard Jeffries 420, Brookhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 114518 Dorval QC H9S2N7 4216 Richard Joly 369, Mimosa 275,00 0,00 275,00 120532 Dorval QC H9S3K4 4217 Richard Larsen 3, Stewart 275,00 0,00 275,00 122845 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5T5 4218 Richard Leonardo 1780, Brookdale 270,00 0,00 270,00 114428 Dorval QC H9P1X4 4219 Richard Marineau 140, Lakeview 250,00 0,00 250,00 119382 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4B5 4220 Richard Marineau 140, Lakeview 200,00 0,00 200,00 119382 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4B5 4221 Richard Moreau 291, Cloverdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 115882 Dorval QC H9S3J4


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4222 Richard Morrison 57, Bras-D'or 275,00 0,00 275,00 114232 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W6 4223 Richard Starck 289, Malcolm Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 120001 Dorval QC H9S1T6 4224 Richard Starck 289, Malcolm Circle 229,95 0,00 229,95 120001 Dorval QC H9S1T6 4225 Richard Starr 285, Clement 270,00 0,00 270,00 115748 Dorval QC H9S2T1 4226 Richard Tritt 109, Glasgow 250,00 0,00 250,00 117910 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M6 4227 Richard Wilding 150, Broadview 275,00 0,00 275,00 114357 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z6 4228 Richard/Sylvie Breton/Leduc 190, Dahlia 270,00 0,00 270,00 116289 Dorval QC H9S2N5 4229 Richardson 28, Brunet 225,00 0,00 225,00 114545 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T5 4230 Richardson 176, Regatta 250,00 0,00 250,00 122268 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z6 4231 Rick Genereux 332, Stream 350,00 0,00 350,00 123607 Dorval QC H9S2P5 4232 Rick Maitland 297, Malcolm Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 120005 Dorval QC H9S1T6 4233 Rikui Zhu 340, Georges V 275,00 0,00 275,00 117821 Dorval QC H9S3T1 4234 Riley 103, Yonge Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 125263 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M1 4235 Rina Razanakoto 123, Ivanhoe Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 118782 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z9 4236 Rita Tohme 1805, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113981 Dorval QC H9S2E9 4237 Rita Yeung 765, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115851 Dorval QC H9P2H9 4238 Ritch 535, Graham 250,00 0,00 250,00 118024 Dorval QC H9P2B2 4239 Ritchie Henman 120, McNicoll 270,00 0,00 270,00 120327 Dorval QC H9S3W4 4240 Rivera/Arakelian 165, Boylan 260,00 0,00 260,00 114091 Dorval QC H9S5J7 4241 Roanlad Lepage 16, Papillon 190,00 0,00 190,00 121104 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5B9 4242 Rob Aitken 41, Little Rock 270,00 0,00 270,00 119718 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G1 4243 Rob Davies 110, Kings 190,00 0,00 190,00 119135 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H4 4244 Rob Dlhosh 121, Grassmere 385,00 0,00 385,00 118151 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Y7 4245 Rob Kennedi 114, Sundale 250,00 0,00 250,00 123693 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4246 Robb MacKinnon 125, Chester 275,00 0,00 275,00 114782 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J8 4247 Robb Mackinnon 57, Little Rock 275,00 0,00 275,00 119731 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G5 4248 Robb Mills 64 A, rue Donegani 4 139,10 0,00 4 139,10 Sous-traitant: 9199-2651 Québec Pointe-Claire QC H9R 2V4 4249 Robbie Poulton 83, Fifth 270,00 0,00 270,00 117709 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4K2 4250 Roberge 445, Allard 250,00 0,00 250,00 112935 Dorval QC H9S3C1 4251 Roberge 445, Allard 229,95 0,00 229,95 112935 Dorval QC H9S3C1 4252 Robert A. N. Brown 1545, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113783 Dorval QC H9S2E5 4253 Robert and Andrea Zamboni 90, Kirkwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 125743 Beaconsfield QC H9W5L4 4254 Robert Beauregard 550, St-Léon 250,00 0,00 250,00 121652 Dorval QC H9P1Z9 4255 Robert Bourbeau 274, Ferndale 190,00 0,00 190,00 117607 Dorval QC H9S3M8 4256 Robert Brackenridge 423, Delmar 275,00 0,00 275,00 116570 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A3 4257 Robert Burron 117, Pickwood Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 121439 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M3 4258 Robert Butler 52, Elmwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 117459 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M3 4259 Robert Carlsen 263, Martin 275,00 0,00 275,00 120230 Dorval QC H9S3S1 4260 Robert Carroga 49, Mount Pleasant 270,00 0,00 270,00 120667 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2T1 4261 Robert Coté 89, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 250,00 0,00 250,00 113732 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4H7 4262 Robert Dodier 197, Creswell 275,00 0,00 275,00 128354 Beaconsfield QC H9W1G2 4263 Robert Fishwick 148, Valois Bay 250,00 0,00 250,00 124305 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B9 4264 Robert G. Samson 295, Vinet 499,95 0,00 499,95 124612 Dorval QC H9S2M5 4265 Robert Gauthier 76, Pointe-Claire Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 121740 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 4266 Robert Gauthier 76, Pointe-Claire Avenue 229,95 0,00 229,95 121740 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 4267 Robert Gillelan 13, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116409 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 4268 Robert Gouldson 355, Linnet Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 119707 Dorval QC H9S2K8 4269 Robert Grassby 62, Winston Circle 270,00 0,00 270,00 125158 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4270 Robert Guttman 1, Paris 250,00 0,00 250,00 121131 Pointe-Claire QC H9P2X3 4271 Robert Hebert 106, Elmwood 475,00 0,00 475,00 117240 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M4 4272 Robert Henri 5, Compton Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 115953 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V6 4273 Robert Impellezzeri 145, Millhaven 225,00 0,00 225,00 120448 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V9 4274 Robert J Rondeau 415, Courtland 250,00 0,00 250,00 116206 Dorval QC H9S2R8 4275 Robert Kline 208, Lakeview 275,00 0,00 275,00 119485 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C5 4276 Robert Legault 35, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116422 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 4277 Robert Marcucci 61, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121199 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y6 4278 Robert Marcucci 151, Spartan Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 122727 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R4 4279 Robert Ouellette 11, Horizon 190,00 0,00 190,00 118672 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 4280 Robert Poole 105, Alexina 185,00 0,00 185,00 112807 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M8 4281 Robert Roy 174, Regatta 275,00 0,00 275,00 122266 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z6 4282 Robert Serban 150, Claude 275,00 0,00 275,00 115621 Dorval QC H9S3A8 4283 Robert Trudel 1075, Dawson 275,00 0,00 275,00 116364 Dorval QC H9S1X9 4284 Robert Van Eyk 550, Oriole Cr. 205,00 0,00 205,00 120695 Dorval QC H9P1P2 4285 Robert Varese 15, Hornell 250,00 0,00 250,00 118697 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R2 4286 Robert Veilleux 293, Violet Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 124666 Dorval QC H9S3N8 4287 Robert Vineberg 54, Brunet 390,00 0,00 390,00 114560 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T5 4288 Robert W Steadman 149, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114144 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V1 4289 Robert White 2128, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 400,00 0,00 400,00 125925 Dorval QC H9S2E6 4290 Robert Wu 227, Lakeview 275,00 0,00 275,00 119494 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C8 4291 Robert Zeliger 144, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114694 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E1 4292 Roberto Mazzone 60, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 122962 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z1 4293 Robichaud 749, St-Louis 190,00 0,00 190,00 123426 Dorval QC H9P2H1

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4294 Robin Drew 54, Drayton 275,00 0,00 275,00 116937 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V3 4295 Robin Gurr 460, Stream 250,00 0,00 250,00 123634 Dorval QC H9S2P5 4296 Robinson 550, Meadowvale 250,00 0,00 250,00 120355 Dorval QC H9P2E7 4297 Robinson/Russell 28, Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 115568 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X1 4298 Robyn McBoyle 115, Chartwell Crescent 275,00 0,00 275,00 128157 Beaconsfield QC H9W1C2 4299 Rock Cadieux 18, Waverley 270,00 0,00 270,00 124743 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W5 4300 Rod & Peggy LeRoy 108, Astoria 275,00 0,00 275,00 113241 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A8 4301 Rod Fallon 213, Braebrook 270,00 0,00 270,00 114166 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V7 4302 Rod Sudia 105, Sedgefield 250,00 0,00 250,00 122522 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 4303 Rodica Liliana Soltan 2265, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 290,00 0,00 290,00 114022 Dorval QC H9S2G5 4304 Rodney Ramsey 309, Cloverdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 115890 Dorval QC H9S3J6 4305 Rodrigo De Saro 360, Starling 250,00 0,00 250,00 122750 Dorval QC H9S2J9 4306 Rodrigue 116, Spartan Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 122698 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R5 4307 Roessler 138, Broadview 373,67 0,00 373,67 114347 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z4 4308 Roessler 138, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114347 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z4 4309 Roger A Tellier 192, Alton Place 250,00 0,00 250,00 127613 Beaconsfield QC H9W1Y7 4310 Roger Bouthillier 425, Lepage 275,00 0,00 275,00 119618 Dorval QC H9S3G1 4311 Roger Yau 121, Windcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 125038 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W2 4312 Rojas 16, Georgia Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 117844 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V7 4313 Rokahr 310, Touzin 499,95 0,00 499,95 124082 Dorval QC H9S2N2 4314 Roland Loew 691, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115831 Dorval QC H9P2H5 4315 Roman Slowik 332, Vinet 275,00 0,00 275,00 124622 Dorval QC H9S2M8 4316 Romana Kowalska 106, Cedar 250,00 0,00 250,00 115159 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y4 4317 Romeo Saunders 303, Jaillet 275,00 0,00 275,00 118850 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y3

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4318 Romo Milone 11, Claude 275,00 0,00 275,00 125511 Beaconsfield QC H9W4E9 4319 Ron Cumming 550, Graham 270,00 0,00 270,00 118027 Dorval QC H9P2B3 4320 Ron Hemsworth 1710, Parkfield 250,00 0,00 250,00 121249 Dorval QC H9P1T5 4321 Ron Hildebrand 115, Chester 275,00 0,00 275,00 114855 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J8 4322 Ronald Beaulne 24, Brunet 190,00 0,00 190,00 114541 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T5 4323 Ronald Bryant 107, Empress 275,00 0,00 275,00 117517 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P5 4324 Ronald O'Shaughnessy 45, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 122957 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y9 4325 Ronald Rice 105, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119132 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H3 4326 Ronald Rosen 295, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 125374 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4Y1 4327 Ronald Trifiro 1145, John-Pratt 250,00 0,00 250,00 118915 Dorval QC H9S5R4 4328 Ronald Wiebe 105, Kipling 270,00 0,00 270,00 119194 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2B4 4329 Ronald Zeiger 73, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 115412 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J2 4330 Ronald/Patricia Pinet/Duggan 63, Lucerne 270,00 0,00 270,00 119856 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V1 4331 Rong Wang 124, Valois Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 124290 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B9 4332 Ronghua Li 548, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115794 Dorval QC H9P2T2 4333 Ronnie Martorana 103, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113748 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J1 4334 Rosario Gonzalez 79, Fairlawn Crescent 537,44 0,00 537,44 125540 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R3 4335 Rosario 269, MacLean 270,00 0,00 270,00 119888 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y1 4336 Roscoe 289, Thorncrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 123976 Dorval QC H9S2X7 4337 Rose Foster 1510, Fortin Place 285,00 0,00 285,00 117349 Dorval QC H9S1K5 4338 Rose Marie Hess 239, Lakeview 275,00 0,00 275,00 119498 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C8 4339 Rose Marie Roy 297, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123256 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4Y1 4340 Rose 170, Claude 250,00 0,00 250,00 115625 Dorval QC H9S3A8 4341 Rose-Marie Ranger 146, Malcolm Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 119960 Dorval QC H9S1T4

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4342 Rosemary Vaupshas 332, Courtland 250,00 0,00 250,00 116180 Dorval QC H9S2R9 4343 Ross Cardazzi 215, Adams 275,00 0,00 275,00 112774 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y6 4344 Ross Findleton 47, Summerhill 250,00 0,00 250,00 123655 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K6 4345 Ross Pollock 120, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123820 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T6 4346 Ross Riley 287, Inglewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 118752 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z3 4347 Ross 101, Cragmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 116215 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3K7 4348 Rouselle 150, Boylan 275,00 0,00 275,00 114087 Dorval QC H9S5L3 4349 Rowe 215, Comber 275,00 0,00 275,00 115923 Dorval QC H9S2Y6 4350 Rowe 375, Elmridge 250,00 0,00 250,00 117443 Dorval QC H9S2Z6 4351 Roxane Walsh 60, Coolbreeze 275,00 0,00 275,00 116078 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S5 4352 Roxanne Doucet 543, Prince Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 121830 Dorval QC H9P1Z2 4353 Roy Bradley 102, Yonge Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 125262 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L9 4354 Roy Carter 151, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113842 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J7 4355 Roy Mahfoud 293, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123251 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5L3 4356 Roy 44, Aurora 229,95 0,00 229,95 113316 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G2 4357 Roy 44, Aurora 275,00 0,00 275,00 113316 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G2 4358 Roy 64, Brunet 250,00 0,00 250,00 114567 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T6 4359 Roy 440, Lagacé 250,00 0,00 250,00 119281 Dorval QC H9S2M4 4360 Roynat 401 - 200 Portage Avenue 0,00 2 000,00 2 000,00 Winnipeg MB R3C 3X2 4361 Rozon 347, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 250,00 0,00 250,00 113922 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4L8 4362 Rubin 135, Spartan Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 122712 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R4 4363 Ruby Baxter 138, Concord Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 116014 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N4 4364 Ruby Liew 140, Douglas-Shand 275,00 0,00 275,00 115464 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2C7 4365 Rudge/Campbell 112, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125062 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H9

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4366 Rudolph 113, Pendennis 250,00 0,00 250,00 121372 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1H5 4367 Rupnik 423, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 121928 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A6 4368 Russell Tisshaw 120, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113413 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z8 4369 Russo 1025, 3rd Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 112843 Dorval QC H9S1V7 4370 Ruta Gabruss 184, Duke-of-Kent 229,95 0,00 229,95 117036 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y3 4371 Ryan Branston 150, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121787 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 4372 Ryan Cooper 144, Ivanhoe Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 118798 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z8 4373 Ryan Gigandet 141, Jasper 504,95 0,00 504,95 125713 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R7 4374 Ryan Kennedy 194, Lakeview 270,00 0,00 270,00 119477 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C5 4375 Ryan Standley 35, Nicholson 275,00 0,00 275,00 120911 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A2 4376 Ryan Taberner 195, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113864 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4K1 4377 Ryan 147, Stillview 250,00 0,00 250,00 122902 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X9 4378 S and S Luis/Marcq 590, Oriole Cr. 225,00 0,00 225,00 121074 Dorval QC H9P1P2 4379 S Arkin 58, Jefferson 275,00 0,00 275,00 118875 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J8 4380 S Brazeau 332, Raimbault 250,00 0,00 250,00 122216 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5T9 4381 S De-Lavari 203, Adams 275,00 0,00 275,00 112762 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X1 4382 S Donato 154, Pointe-Claire Avenue 190,00 0,00 190,00 121791 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 4383 S Dottin 519, Graham 275,00 0,00 275,00 118020 Dorval QC H9P2B2 4384 S Fafoutis 64, Eastview 300,00 0,00 300,00 125915 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5N6 4385 S Ferreira 124, Nicholson 220,00 0,00 220,00 120980 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5W9 4386 S Haley 61, Hillside 275,00 0,00 275,00 118654 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E4 4387 S Heifets 347, Donegani 250,00 0,00 250,00 116794 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M4 4388 S J Bush 147, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123833 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V2 4389 S Jolin 53, Ponner 250,00 0,00 250,00 121619 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4W4


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4390 S Lafortune 396, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123339 Dorval QC H9S2S6 4391 S Leggett 191, Duke-of-Kent 270,00 0,00 270,00 117043 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y2 4392 S Lucchini 188, Dieppe 270,00 0,00 270,00 116741 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X7 4393 S Mc Clements 132, Hastings 250,00 0,00 250,00 118407 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P6 4394 S McIsaac/McKenna 370, Linnet Cr. 240,00 0,00 240,00 119711 Dorval QC H9S2L1 4395 S McMillan 175, Devito 275,00 0,00 275,00 116672 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T1 4396 S Nguyen 108, Ivanhoe Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 118769 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z8 4397 S Noseworthy 411, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123353 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A6 4398 S Paré 14, Ponner 275,00 0,00 275,00 121801 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L9 4399 S Senecal 98, Victoria 275,00 0,00 275,00 124500 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4S7 4400 S Sloveskiy/Slovetskaya 282, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120128 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 4401 S Usher 344, Raimbault 250,00 0,00 250,00 122224 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V1 4402 S V Jackson 36, Hampton Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 118288 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 4403 S Whiston 157, Monterrey 225,00 0,00 225,00 120583 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W3 4404 Saba 135, McNicoll 270,19 0,00 270,19 120331 Dorval QC H9S3W3 4405 Saba 135, McNicoll 250,00 0,00 250,00 120331 Dorval QC H9S3W3 4406 Saban 132, Spartan Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 122710 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R5 4407 Sabbagh 976, Bord-du-Lac Terrasse 300,00 0,00 300,00 114039 Dorval QC H9S5W7 4408 Sabrina Carroll 598, Thorncrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 123995 Dorval QC H9P2M6 4409 Sabrina Migliaccio 540, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120818 Dorval QC H9P2A5 4410 Sabrina Thibeault 104, Dieppe 250,00 0,00 250,00 116691 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X4 4411 Sadoun 185, Claude 190,00 0,00 190,00 115629 Dorval QC H9S3A9 4412 Sahadath 253, Pine Beach 270,00 0,00 270,00 121499 Dorval QC H9S2V6 4413 Said Abouheif 254, Touzin 229,95 0,00 229,95 124068 Dorval QC H9S2M9

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4414 Said Abouheif 254, Touzin 275,00 0,00 275,00 124068 Dorval QC H9S2M9 4415 Said 62, Belmont 250,00 0,00 250,00 113571 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2N3 4416 Saiful 170, Broadview 562,44 0,00 562,44 130332 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z7 4417 Saini 1, Papillon 250,00 0,00 250,00 121089 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5C1 4418 Sakineh Shahrestani 244, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123187 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 4419 Salazar 595, Oriole Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 121075 Dorval QC H9P1P4 4420 Salim 1040, Carson 275,00 0,00 275,00 114990 Dorval QC H9S1L9 4421 Salim 61, Little Rock 250,00 0,00 250,00 119735 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G5 4422 Sam Chehrazi 87, Valois Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 124272 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B7 4423 Sam Mc Lauchlan 130, Arrowhead Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 113094 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V5 4424 Sam Mountain 625, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123560 Dorval QC H9P2A3 4425 Samantha Emory 71, Broadview 275,00 0,00 275,00 114321 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z3 4426 Samar Abdel Aziz 1525, Glengarry Place 190,00 0,00 190,00 117947 Dorval QC H9S1J5 4427 Sami Soltan 71, Cedar 290,00 0,00 290,00 115139 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y3 4428 Sami Stephan 80, Whitehead Terrasse 229,95 0,00 229,95 124975 Dorval QC H9S5M4 4429 Sami Stephan 80, Whitehead Terrasse 275,00 0,00 275,00 124975 Dorval QC H9S5M4 4430 Samir El-Kary 134, Radisson 275,00 0,00 275,00 122138 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E6 4431 Samoluk-Strange 361, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120791 Dorval QC H9S2L5 4432 Samson 1745, Brookdale 229,95 0,00 229,95 114422 Dorval QC H9P1X2 4433 Samson 1745, Brookdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 114422 Dorval QC H9P1X2 4434 Samuel Foucher 232, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 114185 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V5 4435 Samuel Ouellette 330, Ste-Marie 250,00 0,00 250,00 122840 Dorval QC H9S2H1 4436 Samuel Rosales 320, Inglewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 118198 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z9 4437 Sanchez 330, Linnet Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 119699 Dorval QC H9S2K7

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4438 Sandi Lawlor 56, Coolbreeze 265,00 0,00 265,00 116074 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S5 4439 Sandra Coté 278, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115745 Dorval QC H9S2T2 4440 Sandra Daoust 294, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120140 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 4441 Sandra Donolo 2240, Swallow 479,95 0,00 479,95 123908 Dorval QC H9S2K3 4442 Sandra Kallil 112, Maywood 250,00 0,00 250,00 120274 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3L8 4443 Sandra Keightley 2235, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 405,00 0,00 405,00 114019 Dorval QC H9S2G4 4444 Sandra Kingsland 171, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 113048 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V2 4445 Sandra Reid 299, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120145 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 4446 Sandra Wasson 370, Brookhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 114504 Dorval QC H9S2N7 4447 Sandrine Ng Cheng Hin 30, Summerhill 275,00 0,00 275,00 123642 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K4 4448 Sandro Morello 258, Inglewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 118729 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5K9 4449 Santarelli 302, Stream 280,00 0,00 280,00 123602 Dorval QC H9S2P5 4450 Santek/Abboud 352, Raimbault 250,00 0,00 250,00 122231 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V1 4451 Santschi 148, Stillview 275,00 0,00 275,00 122903 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X8 4452 Sara Castaneda 1695, Surrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 123899 Dorval QC H9P1W7 4453 Sara Englesberg 14, Horizon 190,00 0,00 190,00 118675 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 4454 Sara Hope Wilson 146, Lakeview 250,00 0,00 250,00 130331 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4B7 4455 Sara Ramezanpour 171, Sunderland 275,00 0,00 275,00 123768 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L8 4456 Sarah Cartwwright 207, Lakeview 250,00 0,00 250,00 119484 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C7 4457 Sarah Galazzo 430, Starling 270,00 0,00 270,00 122758 Dorval QC H9S2K2 4458 Sarah Howard 376, Stream 250,00 0,00 250,00 123618 Dorval QC H9S2P5 4459 Sarah Momennia 290, MacLean 275,00 0,00 275,00 119909 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y1 4460 Sarry/Morin 191, Elisabeth 270,00 0,00 270,00 117429 Dorval QC H9S2X4 4461 Sasseville 116, Buckingham 250,00 0,00 250,00 114636 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L1

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4462 Satmali Ali Sevzi 1076, Courcelles 275,00 0,00 275,00 116169 Dorval QC H9S5P8 4463 Saul Ticktin 132, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113424 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z8 4464 Sauvé 355, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124097 Dorval QC H9S2N3 4465 Sauvé 89, Victoria 250,00 0,00 250,00 124496 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4S5 4466 Savada/Bernes 84, Maywood 290,00 0,00 290,00 120255 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3L4 4467 Savard 121, Alston 270,00 0,00 270,00 112960 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3E2 4468 Scallan 162, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116130 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S7 4469 Schahrazed Aissaoui 341, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124093 Dorval QC H9S2N3 4470 Scheffer 33, Bord-du-Lac 275,00 0,00 275,00 125900 Beaconsfield QC H9W4H5 4471 Scheiwiller 81, Parkdale 200,00 0,00 200,00 121215 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y6 4472 Schetagne 44, Cartier 250,00 0,00 250,00 115041 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4R5 4473 Schiopu 260, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115739 Dorval QC H9S2T2 4474 Schmidt 6, Bellevue 275,00 0,00 275,00 113531 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Y5 4475 Scholes 217, Lepage 275,00 0,00 275,00 119602 Dorval QC H9S3E7 4476 Schwartz 19, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121163 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y4 4477 Schwartz/Allaire 650, Westwood 285,00 0,00 285,00 124955 Dorval QC H9P2M5 4478 Sciamanna 233, Boylan 250,00 0,00 250,00 114100 Dorval QC H9S5J7 4479 Sciamanna 239, Boylan 250,00 0,00 250,00 114101 Dorval QC H9S5J7 4480 Scott and Pamela Antonation/Gauvin 13, Killarney Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 119051 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X7 4481 Scott Corbett 59, Chester 225,00 0,00 225,00 115403 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4J2 4482 Scott Hunt 146, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122112 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G6 4483 Scott Kim 29, Tampico 275,00 0,00 275,00 123948 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z7 4484 Scott Martin 276, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123226 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 4485 Scott Morin 94, Victoria 250,00 0,00 250,00 124499 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4S6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4486 Scott Pichette 6, Bellevue 275,00 0,00 275,00 113530 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Y5 4487 Scott Taylor 37, Brunet 250,00 0,00 250,00 114552 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T4 4488 Scott 24, Aurora 275,00 0,00 275,00 113302 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3E8 4489 Scott/Alexandra Mattsson/Lyon 76, Stockwel 275,00 0,00 275,00 123430 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V2 4490 Sean Davey 125, Windcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 125042 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W2 4491 Sean Donavan 61, Broadview 375,00 0,00 375,00 114314 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z3 4492 Sean Duckett 103, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124787 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M5 4493 Sean Finlay 379, Touzin 275,00 0,00 275,00 124105 Dorval QC H9S2N3 4494 Sean Landry 242, Vinet 275,00 0,00 275,00 124222 Dorval QC H9S2M6 4495 Sean Mockler 395, Claude 305,00 0,00 305,00 115676 Dorval QC H9S3B4 4496 Sebastien Plante 101, Hurstwood 270,00 0,00 270,00 118702 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1S2 4497 Sebastien Pomerleau 122, Maywood 250,00 0,00 250,00 120281 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3L8 4498 Sebastien Vittecoq 24, Westwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 124900 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y5 4499 Seema 417, Delmar 275,00 0,00 275,00 116566 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A3 4500 Seiji Matsushita 644, Wright Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 125241 Dorval QC H9P2C2 4501 Selim Bigio 213, Adams 275,00 0,00 275,00 112772 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y6 4502 Sellmann 127, Highgate 270,00 0,00 270,00 118548 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X5 4503 Semeteys 20, Pointe-Claire Avenue 375,00 0,00 375,00 121699 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 4504 Senecal/Daigle 255, Malcolm Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 119990 Dorval QC H9S1T6 4505 Sepulveda 1550, Glengarry Place 250,00 0,00 250,00 117950 Dorval QC H9S1J4 4506 Serge Berthiaume 289, Inglewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 118753 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z4 4507 Serge Girard 210, De La Presentation 275,00 0,00 275,00 115445 Dorval QC H9S3L6 4508 Serge Massie 293, Ferndale 275,00 0,00 275,00 117613 Dorval QC H9S3M9 4509 Serge Stephan 260, Thrush 504,95 0,00 504,95 124030 Dorval QC H9S1S3

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4510 Serge Voisine 375, Stream 275,00 0,00 275,00 123617 Dorval QC H9S2P8 4511 Serge/Chantal Rocheleau/Debing 165, Braebrook 250,00 0,00 250,00 113042 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1V2 4512 Sergei Mikhailov 229, Hampshire 255,00 0,00 255,00 129713 Beaconsfield QC H9W3P1 4513 Sergei Titov 67, Saddlewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 122453 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S4 4514 Sergi 50, Pointe-Claire Avenue 300,00 0,00 300,00 121720 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 4515 Sevy Nazarene 265, Vista 275,00 0,00 275,00 124702 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5R7 4516 Sewell/Miller 42, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114299 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z2 4517 Shady Ghonaim 239, Dorchester 275,00 0,00 275,00 116877 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y2 4518 Shafii 2, De L'église 275,00 0,00 275,00 115447 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5J2 4519 Shahrzad Alijani 155, Beacon Hill 275,00 0,00 275,00 127766 Beaconsfield QC H9W1T4 4520 Shane Bourgaise 140, Windward Cr. 200,00 0,00 200,00 125088 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H9 4521 Shane Conway 101, Forest Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 117721 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T2 4522 Shane Mullen 192, Acres 275,00 0,00 275,00 130336 Beaconsfield QC H9W1Y6 4523 Shannon Houle 15, Sunnyside 275,00 0,00 275,00 123781 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G6 4524 Shannon 311, Handfield Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 118346 Dorval QC H9S3V1 4525 Sharham Pashaei 656, Rockcliffe 190,00 0,00 190,00 122301 Dorval QC H9P2E3 4526 Sharon Bercovitz 25, Hampton Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 118278 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 4527 Sharon Buchi 27, Martin 220,00 0,00 220,00 120165 Dorval QC H9S3R2 4528 Sharon Clark 365, Donegani 250,00 0,00 250,00 116801 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M4 4529 Sharon Clegg 174, Windward Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 125110 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J2 4530 Sharon Healey 102, Glenbrook Cr. 229,95 0,00 229,95 117918 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X8 4531 Sharon Healey 102, Glenbrook Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 117918 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X8 4532 Sharon Jeanniot 211, Stonehenge Drive 250,00 0,00 250,00 130117 Beaconsfield QC H9W3X8 4533 Sharon Kelly 143, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116710 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X5

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4534 Sharon London 10, St-Joachim 250,00 0,00 250,00 123020 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4P1 4535 Sharon Mcpherson 92, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114338 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z4 4536 Sharyn Robillard 109, Forest Gardens 270,00 0,00 270,00 117729 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T2 4537 Shaun-Simon Langlois 26, Hampton Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 118279 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 4538 Shawn Brown 274, Violet Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 124661 Dorval QC H9S3N9 4539 Shawn Coveny 365, Parkwood Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 121358 Dorval QC H9S3A4 4540 Shehata 370, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123319 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z9 4541 Sheila Bonney 258, Pine Beach 250,00 0,00 250,00 121500 Dorval QC H9S2V5 4542 Sheila Chin 182, Lakeview 250,00 0,00 250,00 119471 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C3 4543 Sheila Featherstone 122, Windcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 125039 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W1 4544 Sheila Forbes 263, Violet Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 124657 Dorval QC H9S3N8 4545 Sheila Richmond 8, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121152 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y3 4546 Shelton 1148, Pierre-Mallet 275,00 0,00 275,00 121469 Dorval QC H9S5V9 4547 Shen Wang 568, Pine Beach 250,00 0,00 250,00 125934 Dorval QC H9P2N3 4548 Sherine Boukri 146, Spartan Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 122723 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R5 4549 Sherratt 12, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113296 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3E7 4550 Sherry Harper 283, Louise-L'amy 220,00 0,00 220,00 119820 Dorval QC H9S5V4 4551 Sherry Hogan 6, Compton Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 115954 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V6 4552 Sherry Wyse 1520, Turcot 250,00 0,00 250,00 124195 Dorval QC H9S1G3 4553 Shields 101, Beechnut 250,00 0,00 250,00 113509 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2B1 4554 Shim 232, Elie-de-Bellefeuille 275,00 0,00 275,00 117312 Dorval QC H9S5V5 4555 Shimotakahara 132, Arrowhead Crescent 275,00 0,00 275,00 113095 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V5 4556 Shirin Mirdanadi 183, Coolbreeze 190,00 0,00 190,00 116138 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S9 4557 Shirley Groves 102, Queens 270,00 0,00 270,00 122097 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G4

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4558 Shirley Hunter 236, St-Jean 229,95 0,00 229,95 123005 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z3 4559 Shirley Hunter 236, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 123005 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z3 4560 Shirley Jones 178, Sunnyside 275,00 0,00 275,00 123863 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V1 4561 Shirley Taylor/Graham 310, Vinet 190,00 0,00 190,00 124615 Dorval QC H9S2M8 4562 Shkarmantseva 34, Summerhill 275,00 0,00 275,00 123646 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K4 4563 Short's Fabric Center 60, Donegani 1 149,75 0,00 1 149,75 116748 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V4 4564 Shu Yang 2165, Chadillon 275,00 0,00 275,00 115172 Dorval QC H9P1L5 4565 Shuangjiang Yu 145, Seigniory 250,00 0,00 250,00 122624 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4S5 4566 Shugar 324, Handfield Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 118352 Dorval QC H9S3V3 4567 Shunamon 420, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115768 Dorval QC H9S2T6 4568 Shyamprasad 26, Lilas 275,00 0,00 275,00 119627 Dorval QC H9S3L9 4569 Shyamprasad 26, Lilas 229,95 0,00 229,95 119627 Dorval QC H9S3L9 4570 Sibylle Brandt 2249, Swallow 250,00 0,00 250,00 123912 Dorval QC H9S2K4 4571 Sidhu 41, Ponner 275,00 0,00 275,00 121607 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4W4 4572 Sigrid Alfers 22, Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 125302 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X1 4573 Silva 340, Allard 250,00 0,00 250,00 112912 Dorval QC H9S3C2 4574 Silvana Novembre 263, Green Circle 190,00 0,00 190,00 118213 Dorval QC H9S3T7 4575 Silver 1770, Herron Road 250,00 0,00 250,00 118475 Dorval QC H9S1B9 4576 Silver 570, Starling 175,00 0,00 175,00 122788 Dorval QC H9P1V5 4577 Silverio Jr. Saul Mendoza 315, Eldorado 270,00 0,00 270,00 117217 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3H1 4578 Silvia Pedicelli 164, Valois Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 124315 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C1 4579 Silvia Zanini 1825, Dawson 275,00 0,00 275,00 116396 Dorval QC H9S1Z2 4580 Sima Boiangiu 427, Delmar 275,00 0,00 275,00 116573 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A3 4581 Simard 1555, Birchview Place 250,00 0,00 250,00 113678 Dorval QC H9P1X9

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4582 Simon Albert 39, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113311 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G1 4583 Simon Allotey 1978, Jean-Prévost 275,00 0,00 275,00 118870 Dorval QC H9P2S3 4584 Simon Belliveau 232, Allard 190,00 0,00 190,00 113168 Dorval QC H9S3B9 4585 Simon Coté 455, Strathmore 250,00 0,00 250,00 123518 Dorval QC H9S2J7 4586 Simon Hebert 170, Allard 275,00 0,00 275,00 113158 Dorval QC H9S3B7 4587 Simon Laplante Lajois 41, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121182 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y6 4588 Simon Levert 128, Glenbrook Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 117365 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X8 4589 Simon Yee 91, Stockwell 275,00 0,00 275,00 123439 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5W8 4590 Simonelli 671, Dubord Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 116976 Dorval QC H9P1N5 4591 Sims 29, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121173 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y4 4592 Singer 127, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121990 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C9 4593 Skinner 100, Ventnor 260,00 0,00 260,00 124387 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4E2 4594 Slessor 56, Brunet 275,00 0,00 275,00 114561 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T6 4595 Smart 47, Hartford 250,00 0,00 250,00 118173 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C7 4596 Smart 50, Hartford 275,00 0,00 275,00 118176 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C8 4597 Smart 103, Highgate 275,00 0,00 275,00 118527 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X5 4598 Smith 10, Cavell 275,00 0,00 275,00 115083 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X2 4599 Smith/Horan 156, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 122006 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C8 4600 Smruti Kritikumar Patel 252, Strathcona 275,00 0,00 275,00 123086 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y4 4601 Smyth 71, Hartford 250,00 0,00 250,00 118366 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3C9 4602 Snippe/Lamarre 352, Linnet Cr. 190,00 0,00 190,00 119706 Dorval QC H9S2K9 4603 Snow 1840, Denton 250,00 0,00 250,00 115541 Dorval QC H9S1E9 4604 Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec CP 19600 Succursale Terminus N-3-14 1 325,05 0,00 1 325,05 Attn: Service à la clientèle 333 boulevard Jean-Lesage Québec QC G1K 8J6 4605 Sohair Jarry 115, Newton Square 250,00 0,00 250,00 120870 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1H9

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4606 Sok Won Kim 25, Saddlewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 122426 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S6 4607 Solarik 2114, Goldfinch 250,00 0,00 250,00 117961 Dorval QC H9P1M7 4608 Solonyna 16, Chester 250,00 0,00 250,00 115384 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H7 4609 Sonali Karnick 260, Neptune 270,00 0,00 270,00 120770 Dorval QC H9S2L4 4610 Song Lin 19, Bras-D'or 275,00 0,00 275,00 114215 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W5 4611 Song 128, Spartan Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 122707 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R5 4612 Sonia De Stefano 15, De L'église 250,00 0,00 250,00 116486 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5J1 4613 Sonia Galindo 98, Thackeray 275,00 0,00 275,00 130206 Beaconsfield QC H9W1B2 4614 Sonia Miron 261, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123210 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5L3 4615 Sonia Nagi 605, Wright Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 125225 Dorval QC H9P2C3 4616 Sonia Osera 178, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114716 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5H4 4617 Sonia Zamozdra 110, Astoria 275,00 0,00 275,00 113243 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A8 4618 Sonjali Di Guida 92, Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 115324 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L1 4619 Sonjali Di Guida 106, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123806 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T6 4620 Sonny Sunstrum 53, Parkland 225,00 0,00 225,00 121317 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E9 4621 Sophia Couillard-Duval 124, Pendennis 270,00 0,00 270,00 121383 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1H6 4622 Sophie Bolduc 616, Oriole Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 121078 Dorval QC H9P1P2 4623 Sophie Gelinas 50, Dahlia 250,00 0,00 250,00 116263 Dorval QC H9S3N2 4624 Sophye Levesque 111, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119136 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H3 4625 Sorin Popa 335, Donegani 380,00 0,00 380,00 116788 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M4 4626 Sorin Taiatu 114, Saddlewood 190,00 0,00 190,00 121640 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 4627 Southin 14, Saddlewood 240,00 0,00 240,00 122419 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S6 4628 Spalding 34, Pointe-Claire Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 121708 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 4629 Sparkes 131, Concord Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 116008 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N3

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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4630 Sparkes 129, Westcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 124809 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M5 4631 Sparks 218, Windwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 125331 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3X8 4632 Spencer 53, Belmont 250,00 0,00 250,00 113562 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2N2 4633 Spigelski 263, Handfield Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 118324 Dorval QC H9S3V1 4634 Spinelli/Cardinal 692, Clement 270,00 0,00 270,00 115832 Dorval QC H9P2H8 4635 Spirk/Comeau 46, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121884 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C5 4636 St. James 35, Parkland 220,00 0,00 220,00 121309 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E6 4637 Stacey 350, St-Louis 250,00 0,00 250,00 123303 Dorval QC H9S2S6 4638 Staffilano 127, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 250,00 0,00 250,00 113829 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J5 4639 Stan Rutkauskas 21, Sunnyview 250,00 0,00 250,00 123877 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B5 4640 St-André 1745, Parkfield 229,95 0,00 229,95 121262 Dorval QC H9P1T4 4641 Stanfl 175, Claude 190,00 0,00 190,00 115627 Dorval QC H9S3A9 4642 Stangle 18, Ponner 225,00 0,00 225,00 121803 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L9 4643 Stanko Patacic 76, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113014 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G4 4644 Stanley Smith 36, Queens 225,00 0,00 225,00 122062 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G2 4645 Stefan Dodev 114, Charles 270,00 0,00 270,00 115345 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L3 4646 Stefan Redmond 103, Buckingham 235,00 0,00 235,00 114623 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1K9 4647 Stefania Cincik 302, Inglewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 118766 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z6 4648 Steinson 74, Victoria 250,00 0,00 250,00 124485 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4S6 4649 Stelmach 68, Winston Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 125161 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X6 4650 Stephan Jomphe 145, McNicoll 275,00 0,00 275,00 120333 Dorval QC H9S3W3 4651 Stephan Mizera 14, Bayview 270,00 0,00 270,00 113446 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C2 4652 Stephan Springer 375, Lepage 229,95 0,00 229,95 119413 Dorval QC H9S3G1 4653 Stephane Alix 237, Vinet 275,00 0,00 275,00 124221 Dorval QC H9S2M5

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4654 Stephane Amyot 9, Prairie Drive 275,00 0,00 275,00 125819 Beaconsfield QC H9W5K5 4655 Stephane Boisselle 23, Sunnyview 275,00 0,00 275,00 123879 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B5 4656 Stéphane Downs 315, Handfield Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 118347 Dorval QC H9S3V1 4657 Stephane Favreau 22, Hampton Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 118275 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 4658 Stephane Lamontagne 105, Empress 275,00 0,00 275,00 117515 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P5 4659 Stephane Nesciorek 331, Lagacé 375,00 0,00 375,00 119254 Dorval QC H9S2M2 H9S2M2 4660 Stephane Pigeon 103, Michigan 250,00 0,00 250,00 120445 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V7 4661 Stephane Vincent 679, Dubord Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 116979 Dorval QC H9P1N5 4662 Stephane/Marie Domicent/Hebert 110, Crestview 275,00 0,00 275,00 116242 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A1 4663 Stephanie Bernard-Legault 563, St-Louis 190,00 0,00 190,00 123392 Dorval QC H9P2E8 4664 Stephanie Brown 379, Lagacé 250,00 0,00 250,00 119270 Dorval QC H9S2M2 4665 Stephanie Bureau 103, Pickwood Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 121428 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M3 4666 Stephanie Cantello 2, Parkland 275,00 0,00 275,00 121281 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E7 4667 Stephanie Clarke 152, Millhaven 270,00 0,00 270,00 120455 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V8 4668 Stephanie Crombie 265, Claude 275,00 0,00 275,00 115649 Dorval QC H9S3B1 4669 Stephanie Girard 57, Lucerne 250,00 0,00 250,00 119850 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V1 4670 Stephanie Myers 55, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 115516 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 4671 Stephanie Normandin 159, Malcolm Circle 479,95 0,00 479,95 119965 Dorval QC H9S1T3 4672 Stephanie Pino 394, St-Louis 270,00 0,00 270,00 123336 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A2 4673 Stephanie Purcell 264, MacLean 250,00 0,00 250,00 119883 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y1 4674 Stephanie Seebeck 341, Brookhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 114495 Dorval QC H9S2N6 4675 Stephanie Surveyer 1760, Surrey 250,00 0,00 250,00 123118 Dorval QC H9P1W8 4676 Stephen Boluk 117, Prince-Rupert 270,00 0,00 270,00 122022 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M1 4677 Stephen Cheasley 341, Berkeley 275,00 0,00 275,00 113650 Dorval QC H9S1H6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4678 Stephen Gaudette/Hopper 10, Murray Gardens 225,00 0,00 225,00 120738 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4E8 4679 Stephen Low Productions 1015, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 300,00 0,00 300,00 113970 Dorval QC H9S2C9 4680 Stephen Mulrooney 154, Millhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 120457 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V8 4681 Stephen Pickrell 17, Hampton Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 118270 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 4682 Stephen Sawoch 61, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 115523 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 4683 Stephen Shalom 16, Manor 250,00 0,00 250,00 120026 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4S9 4684 Stephen Wiencke 6, St-Joachim 250,00 0,00 250,00 123017 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4P1 4685 Stephenson 451, Delmar 275,00 0,00 275,00 116592 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A3 4686 Stephenson 70, Waverley 250,00 0,00 250,00 124773 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4W8 4687 Sterling 565, Starling 225,00 0,00 225,00 122787 Dorval QC H9P1V3 4688 Steve Angelini 58, Montrose 270,00 0,00 270,00 120601 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S4 4689 Steve Brown 51, Aurora 275,00 0,00 275,00 113323 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G1 4690 Steve Garwood 80, Valois Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 124270 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B3 4691 Steve Guetre 97, Alston 275,00 0,00 275,00 112941 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3E2 4692 Steve Hooton 537, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124916 Dorval QC H9P2M2 4693 Steve J Marak 177, Radisson 250,00 0,00 250,00 122175 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V2 4694 Steve Johnston 56, Vincennes 275,00 0,00 275,00 124542 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M2 4695 Steve Leng 1084, Gentilly 275,00 0,00 275,00 117753 Dorval QC H9S5P9 4696 Steve Mitchell 710, De L'église 250,00 0,00 250,00 116526 Dorval QC H9S1R6 4697 Steve Turner 681, Wright Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 125253 Dorval QC H9P2C4 4698 Steve Yardley Jones 127, Spartan Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 122706 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R4 4699 Steven and Susan Jackson/Broden 655, London 275,00 0,00 275,00 118097 Dorval QC H9P1Z1 4700 Steven Barriga 46, Summerhill 275,00 0,00 275,00 123654 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K7 4701 Steven Chiu 283, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123238 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5L3


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4702 Steven Hartley 151, Arrowhead Crescent 220,00 0,00 220,00 113111 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V4 4703 Steven Hopwood-Jones 124, Yonge Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 125277 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L9 4704 Steven J Harper 787, Graham 190,00 0,00 190,00 118129 Dorval QC H9P2B7 4705 Steven Lewis 172, Fieldcrest 270,00 0,00 270,00 117636 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A4 4706 Steven McTavish 1630, Dery Place 250,00 0,00 250,00 115543 Dorval QC H9S1Z6 4707 Steven Ponari 60, Ballantyne Terrasse 504,95 0,00 504,95 113371 Dorval QC H9S3E3 4708 Steven Woo 236, Bruton 275,00 0,00 275,00 127975 Beaconsfield QC H9W1N2 4709 Stewart Allan 102, Valois Bay 225,00 0,00 225,00 124284 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B6 4710 Stewart 38, Circle 620,00 0,00 620,00 115574 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X1 4711 Stewart 405, Elmridge 275,00 0,00 275,00 117449 Dorval QC H9S2Z8 4712 Stokes/Cunningham 662, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124959 Dorval QC H9P2M5 4713 St-Onge 205, Lilas 275,00 0,00 275,00 119648 Dorval QC H9S3M3 4714 Stosser 8, Cavell 250,00 0,00 250,00 115081 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X2 4715 St-Pierre 58, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122072 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G2 4716 St-Pierre 89, Valois Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 124273 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B7 4717 Strano 673, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115825 Dorval QC H9P2H5 4718 Stratton 296, Inglewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 118760 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z5 4719 Strong 105, Vincennes 450,00 0,00 450,00 124575 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M1 4720 Stroobants 685, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115829 Dorval QC H9P2H5 4721 Stuart Hamilton 7, Raynor 190,00 0,00 190,00 122251 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5H7 4722 Stuart M Corbett 564, Oriole Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 120700 Dorval QC H9P1P2 4723 Stuart 7, Laurelwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 118078 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R2 4724 Stuart/Lori Kemp 194, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117046 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y3 4725 Stubbs 68, Saddlewood 270,00 0,00 270,00 122454 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S4


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4726 Suarez/Cooper 315, Thorncrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 123981 Dorval QC H9S2X9 4727 Sue Ellen Dopud 148, Spartan Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 122725 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R5 4728 Sue Evans 86, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119119 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H2 4729 Sue Rose 113, Spartan Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 122695 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R4 4730 Suha Fraij 124, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114684 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E1 4731 Sulek 2025, Cardinal 250,00 0,00 250,00 114924 Dorval QC H9P1Y6 4732 Suleyman Karsidag 207, Norwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 121029 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R5 4733 Sullivan 1525, Dawson 250,00 0,00 250,00 116380 Dorval QC H9S1Y5 4734 Sullivan/Gagnon 591, Prince Charles 270,00 0,00 270,00 121846 Dorval QC H9P1Z2 4735 Sunny Samman 11, Westfield 275,00 0,00 275,00 124873 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 4736 Sunny Sun 1695, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113978 Dorval QC H9S2E8 4737 Supriya Dubey 71, Saddlewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 122456 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S4 4738 Susan Barwick 5, Terrasse Villeneuve 275,00 0,00 275,00 123958 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y7 4739 Susan Davidson 45, Dahlia 250,00 0,00 250,00 116260 Dorval QC H9S3N3 4740 Susan Eichholz 124, De Breslay 270,00 0,00 270,00 116456 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N2 4741 Susan Ellison 154, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114147 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T9 4742 Susan Franche/DI Pasquo 101, Braebrook 220,00 0,00 220,00 114110 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T2 4743 Susan Franche/DI Pasquo 101, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 114110 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T2 4744 Susan Hanson-Buckland 27, Prince-Edward 250,00 0,00 250,00 121874 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C4 4745 Susan Palfree 132, Embleton Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 117504 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3N2 4746 Susan Roberts 2, Killarney Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 119039 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X8 4747 Susan Roberts 36, Cedar 275,00 0,00 275,00 125364 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y1 4748 Susan Roy 145, Claude 250,00 0,00 250,00 115620 Dorval QC H9S3A9 4749 Susan Sayfy 2, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116402 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M9

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Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4750 Susan Smith 26, Westwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 124902 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y5 4751 Susan Snyder 156, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 250,00 0,00 250,00 113846 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J7 4752 Susan Snyder 155, Pointe-Claire Avenue 205,00 0,00 205,00 121792 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M7 4753 Susan Weaver 10, Bras-D'or 275,00 0,00 275,00 114210 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W4 4754 Susana Franco 112, Michigan 250,00 0,00 250,00 119445 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V6 4755 Sutherland 28, Lansdowne Gardens 270,00 0,00 270,00 119530 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B9 4756 Suzan Duval 138, Cameron Cr. 290,00 0,00 290,00 114691 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E1 4757 Suzanne Arpin 261, Boylan 275,00 0,00 275,00 114106 Dorval QC H9S5J7 4758 Suzanne Arrelle 45, Hillcrest 405,00 0,00 405,00 118600 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5E6 4759 Suzanne Boutin 153, Lakeview 310,00 0,00 310,00 119392 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4B9 4760 Suzanne Daningburg 102, Windcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 125019 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W1 4761 Suzanne Godin 522, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120812 Dorval QC H9P2A5 4762 Suzanne Hudson 26, Belton 250,00 0,00 250,00 113620 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Z9 4763 Suzanne Lessard 104, Chestnut 250,00 0,00 250,00 114786 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B1 4764 Suzanne Quick 54, Hyde Park 250,00 0,00 250,00 130328 Beaconsfield QC H9W5L8 4765 Suzanne Robb 625, Monette 275,00 0,00 275,00 120549 Dorval QC H9S2H5 4766 Suzanne Robinson 205, Castle 275,00 0,00 275,00 129351 Beaconsfield QC H9W2V7 4767 Suzanne Roche 47, Parkland 175,00 0,00 175,00 121314 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E9 4768 Suzanne Roche 47, Parkland 250,00 0,00 250,00 121314 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E9 4769 Suzanne Smith 21, Margaret Ann 275,00 0,00 275,00 125776 Beaconsfield QC H9W5N7 4770 Suzie Dalpe 200, Belmont 275,00 0,00 275,00 113610 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M8 4771 Swail 107, Yonge Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125266 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M1 4772 Swaminathan 153, De La Roche 275,00 0,00 275,00 128369 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5B6 4773 Sykes/Cousineau 91, Valois Bay 250,00 0,00 250,00 124274 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4B7

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4774 Sylvain De Montigny 1076, Gentilly 275,00 0,00 275,00 117751 Dorval QC H9S5P9 4775 Sylvain Foucart 234, Tulip 275,00 0,00 275,00 124166 Dorval QC H9S3P3 4776 Sylvain Harper 50, Charles 275,00 0,00 275,00 115298 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4K8 4777 Sylvain Lalonde 195, McNicoll 275,00 0,00 275,00 120344 Dorval QC H9S3W3 4778 Sylvain Major/Foisy 663, Dubord Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 116974 Dorval QC H9P1N5 4779 Sylvain Parent 69, Coolbreeze 275,00 0,00 275,00 116083 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S6 4780 Sylvain Tessier 1530, Kirkland Place 275,00 0,00 275,00 119201 Dorval QC H9S1C9 4781 Sylvain Trottier 267, Cloverdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 115871 Dorval QC H9S3J4 4782 Sylvana Tanzi 623, Dubord Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 116958 Dorval QC H9P1N5 4783 Sylvia Lee 573, Oriole Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 120704 Dorval QC H9P1P3 4784 Sylvie Bertrand 356, Berkeley 275,00 0,00 275,00 113656 Dorval QC H9S1H4 4785 Sylvie Brazeau/Mongrain 260, Lagacé 270,00 0,00 270,00 119233 Dorval QC H9S2M1 4786 Sylvie Hurtubise 104, Hastings 250,00 0,00 250,00 118384 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P3 4787 Sylvie Lafond 42, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116426 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N1 4788 Sylvie Legault 1790, Morin 275,00 0,00 275,00 120646 Dorval QC H9P1P7 4789 Sylvie Perrier 1525, Turcot 250,00 0,00 250,00 124196 Dorval QC H9S1G4 4790 Szekula 122, Yonge Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125276 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L9 4791 T Almond 180, Braebrook 275,00 0,00 275,00 113184 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1T9 4792 T Beaupre 28, Sunnyside 375,00 0,00 375,00 123794 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G5 4793 T Bourdon 302, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115755 Dorval QC H9S2T4 4794 T Buffitt 6, Perrier 275,00 0,00 275,00 121411 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3N9 4795 T Fain 157, Vanguard 250,00 0,00 250,00 124382 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T4 4796 T Glawdecki 291, Handfield Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 118338 Dorval QC H9S3V1 4797 T Hagyard 80, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119116 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H2


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4798 T Jory 315, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124083 Dorval QC H9S2N3 4799 T Khadhar 440, Delmar 275,00 0,00 275,00 116585 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4V7 4800 T Muanza 193, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113863 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4K1 4801 T Proudfoot 24, Claremont 290,00 0,00 290,00 115599 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C5 4802 T Stainforth 115, Highgate 275,00 0,00 275,00 118536 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X5 4803 Tadgell 199, Creswell 275,00 0,00 275,00 128355 Beaconsfield QC H9W1G2 4804 Takahiro Kushida 440, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124120 Dorval QC H9S2N2 4805 Takla 111, Cragmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 116225 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3K7 4806 Tam 3, Augusta 275,00 0,00 275,00 113266 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V4 4807 Tamara Rose 8, Rodney 225,00 0,00 225,00 122319 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L7 4808 Tammy Dery 23, Winston Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 125132 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X5 4809 Tanguay 2240, Chanteclerc 250,00 0,00 250,00 115257 Dorval QC H9P1M2 4810 Tanguay 339, Courtland 250,00 0,00 250,00 116184 Dorval QC H9S2R8 4811 Tania Marchitello 110, Creswell 504,95 0,00 504,95 128286 Beaconsfield QC H9W1E2 4812 Tania Wehlan 240, Neptune 275,00 0,00 275,00 120764 Dorval QC H9S2L4 4813 Tanis Lavallee 149, Sunnyside 220,00 0,00 220,00 123835 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V2 4814 Tanya Castelani 113, Livingston 250,00 0,00 250,00 119754 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1S5 4815 Tanya DiGiacomo 1080, Gentilly 275,00 0,00 275,00 117752 Dorval QC H9S5P9 4816 Tanya Hobbs 64, Mount Pleasant 275,00 0,00 275,00 120720 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2T2 4817 Tanya Nouwens 34, De Breslay 275,00 0,00 275,00 116421 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N1 4818 Tanya Simkus 111, Crestview 250,00 0,00 250,00 116243 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A2 4819 Tara Doyle 107, Hermiston 250,00 0,00 250,00 118450 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3P1 4820 Tara Newmann 11, Wilton 250,00 0,00 250,00 124231 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X3 4821 Tara O'Donnell 370, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115504 Dorval QC H9S2T4

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4822 Tardif 31, De Breslay 270,00 0,00 270,00 116420 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 4823 Tarte 317, Clement 429,95 0,00 429,95 115758 Dorval QC H9S2T3 4824 Tarunkumar Patel 1550, Deslauriers 190,00 0,00 190,00 116642 Pointe-Claire QC H9P2X1 4825 Tassé 1005, 6th Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 112873 Dorval QC H9S1J1 4826 Tatiana Dragutan 138, Westcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 124818 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M7 4827 Tatyanna Belkina 230, Sedgefield 275,00 0,00 275,00 122572 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P2 4828 Taylor 29, Brunet 405,00 0,00 405,00 114546 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T4 4829 Taylor 148, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123834 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V1 4830 Tayu Yuan 185, Canary 305,00 0,00 305,00 113062 Dorval QC H9S1J7 4831 TD Canada Trust Visa 4720 Tahoe Blvd, 3rd Flr, Bldg 1 24 466,64 0,00 24 466,64 Attn: CC&R Insolvency and Credit Counselling Mississauga ON L4W 5P2 4520737001371880 4832 Ted Cox 108, Livingston 275,00 0,00 275,00 119751 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1S3 4833 Teigeiro/Landry 1261, Carson 250,00 0,00 250,00 115004 Dorval QC H9S1M5 4834 Telus Residential/Business Services 3rd Fl - 4519 Canada Way 372,57 0,00 372,57 Attn: Rick Wan Burnaby BC V5G 4S4 19947594 4835 Tenthorey 74, Brunet 275,00 0,00 275,00 113804 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T6 4836 Teresa Esposito 21, Papillon 220,00 0,00 220,00 121109 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5C1 4837 Teresa Mac Pherson 86, Dieppe 250,00 0,00 250,00 116679 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X3 4838 Terry and Andrea Gearey/Brown 2035, Goldfinch 250,00 0,00 250,00 117957 Dorval QC H9P1M4 4839 Terry Bissonnette 610, Graham 229,95 0,00 229,95 118039 Dorval QC H9P2B5 4840 Terry Doucet 377, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123323 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A1 4841 Terry Pimm 69, Kings 225,00 0,00 225,00 119110 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H1 4842 Terry Pizio 20, Coolbreeze 280,00 0,00 280,00 116061 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G4 4843 Terry Quinn 321, St-Louis 225,00 0,00 225,00 123282 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Z3 4844 Tessy Thoppil 18, Papillon 190,00 0,00 190,00 121106 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5B9

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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4845 Tetreault 202, Belmont 275,00 0,00 275,00 113611 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M8 4846 Tewlik Zebida 7, McBride 275,00 0,00 275,00 125923 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y8 4847 Thakrar 53, Ashburton 504,00 0,00 504,00 113115 Dorval QC H9S5M1 4848 Thamason Fireman 135, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120065 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 4849 Thauvette 137, Des Canots 190,00 0,00 190,00 116628 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X3 4850 The Collins Group Inc 51, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 310,00 0,00 310,00 113713 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4H4 4851 The Den 117, Donegani 1 000,00 0,00 1 000,00 116756 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2W3 4852 Themens 124, Winthrop 275,00 0,00 275,00 125188 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W7 4853 Theresa Jerome 19, Winston Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 125130 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X5 4854 Theresa Kralik 194, Sherbrooke 275,00 0,00 275,00 130058 Beaconsfield QC H9W1P2 4855 Theresa Rindress 51, Kings 250,00 0,00 250,00 119102 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H1 4856 Therese Dicaire 173, Boylan 275,00 0,00 275,00 114093 Dorval QC H9S5J7 4857 Therese Gentes 1020, 1st Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 112823 Dorval QC H9S1W3 4858 Therese Lewertoff 513, Graham 275,00 0,00 275,00 118018 Dorval QC H9P2B2 4859 Therrien 2195, Campbell 220,00 0,00 220,00 114730 Dorval QC H9P1L2 4860 Therrien 295, Cloverdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 115884 Dorval QC H9S3J4 4861 Thi Tuyet Lan Vo 144, Radisson 250,00 0,00 250,00 122143 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E6 4862 Thierry Desrosiers 2390, Chanteclerc 250,00 0,00 250,00 115273 Dorval QC H9P1M3 4863 Thierry Doutre 265, Strathmore 270,00 0,00 270,00 123106 Dorval QC H9S2J5 4864 Thierry Ebata 70, Charles 275,00 0,00 275,00 115312 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4K9 4865 Thoa Nguyen 385, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123330 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A2 4866 Thomas A Brown 140, Willowbank 275,00 0,00 275,00 124982 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3K8 4867 Thomas Boulanger 136, Prince-Edward 275,00 0,00 275,00 121994 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C8 4868 Thomas Cipriani 1100, Montigny 275,00 0,00 275,00 120588 Dorval QC H9S5N7


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4869 Thomas Davidson 136, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117019 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X9 4870 Thomas De Souza 1830, Windermere 250,00 0,00 250,00 125048 Dorval QC H9S1G7 4871 Thomas Dornoy 102, Hurstwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118703 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1S1 4872 Thomas Findlay 85, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114333 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z3 4873 Thomas Gardner 124, Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 115355 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L3 4874 Thomas Kuntz 207, Springdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 122731 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R4 4875 Thomas Litchfield 12, Karin 250,00 0,00 250,00 119016 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3K6 4876 Thomas McKenzie 39, Hampton Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 118291 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 4877 Thomas Poirier 130, Pickwood Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 121449 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M4 4878 Thomas Strumas 359, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 125371 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M1 4879 Thompson 127, Bathurst 275,00 0,00 275,00 113419 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A2 4880 Thompson 147, Cameron Cr. 225,00 0,00 225,00 114697 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E3 4881 Thompson 147, Cameron Cr. 200,00 0,00 200,00 114697 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E3 4882 Thorne 17, Fairwood 190,00 0,00 190,00 117564 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S1 4883 Tian Yi Wang 115, Boylan 275,00 0,00 275,00 114078 Dorval QC H9S5J7 4884 Tiberiu Pirlog 95, Nicholson 275,00 0,00 275,00 120951 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A1 4885 Ticehurst 114, Windward Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 125064 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H9 4886 Tiffany Freienstein 238, Bruton 275,00 0,00 275,00 127977 Beaconsfield QC H9W1N2 4887 Tiffany Lee-Wo 351, Oakville 250,00 0,00 250,00 121067 Dorval QC H9S2R3 4888 Tim Hamelin 54, Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 115302 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4K8 4889 Tim Johnson 109, Windcrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 125026 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W2 4890 Tim Rickets 5, Wilton 250,00 0,00 250,00 125011 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X3 4891 Timothy Campbell 119, Empress 250,00 0,00 250,00 117317 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P5 4892 Timothy Tabing 343, Duke-of-Kent 250,00 0,00 250,00 117075 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1Y5

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4893 Tina D'Amico 34, Mount Pleasant 250,00 0,00 250,00 120656 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S7 4894 Tina Desantis 201, Rowan 250,00 0,00 250,00 130004 Beaconsfield QC H9W1J7 4895 Tina Georgakatos 135, Sherbrooke 250,00 0,00 250,00 130036 Beaconsfield QC H9W1N8 4896 Tina Mallette 115, Ashington 250,00 0,00 250,00 113222 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2Z1 4897 Tina Stamatakis 292, Ferndale 270,00 0,00 270,00 117612 Dorval QC H9S3M8 4898 Tingting Li 24, Stewart 275,00 0,00 275,00 122862 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5T6 4899 Tittel 1730, Brookdale 275,00 0,00 275,00 114420 Dorval QC H9P1X4 4900 Todd Barlow 15, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121159 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y4 4901 Todd Brule 140, Stillview 250,00 0,00 250,00 122895 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X8 4902 Todd Edwards 104, Elmwood 270,00 0,00 270,00 117239 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M4 4903 Todd Ferland 18, Bayview 250,00 0,00 250,00 113449 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C2 4904 To-Dong Sec 22, Cedar 250,00 0,00 250,00 115108 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y1 4905 Toguri 1, Clearpoint 275,00 0,00 275,00 115689 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5T7 4906 Tom Dunlap 132, Highgate 250,00 0,00 250,00 118553 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X4 4907 Tom Kingsbury 18, Westwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 124895 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y5 4908 Tom Malone 413, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120803 Dorval QC H9S2L7 4909 Tom Murray 450, Stream 250,00 0,00 250,00 123632 Dorval QC H9S2P5 4910 Tom Ventser 6, Carlisle 190,00 0,00 190,00 114944 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S9 4911 Tom Yee 133, Yonge Cr. 245,00 0,00 245,00 125285 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M1 4912 Tomiuk 475, Neptune 250,00 0,00 250,00 120387 Dorval QC H9S2L7 4913 Tommy Vavougios 18, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114279 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z2 4914 Tomonori Tsuruzono 11, Chester 275,00 0,00 275,00 115380 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H8 4915 Tong Li 277, Louise-L'amy 275,00 0,00 275,00 119818 Dorval QC H9S5V4 4916 Tony Antonetti 33, Nicholson 275,00 0,00 275,00 120909 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A2

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4917 Tony Gentile 36, Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 115573 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X1 4918 Tony Yee 1178, Pierre-Mallet 250,00 0,00 250,00 121477 Dorval QC H9S5V9 4919 Touchette 84, Cedar 270,00 0,00 270,00 115148 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y4 4920 Townshend 515, Meadowvale 250,00 0,00 250,00 120350 Dorval QC H9P2E6 4921 Tracey Meyers 286, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115749 Dorval QC H9S2T2 4922 Tracy Becker 97, Sedgefield 190,00 0,00 190,00 122518 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 4923 Traffic Tech 32, Cedar 1 400,00 0,00 1 400,00 115116 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y1 4924 Tran 324, Allard 190,00 0,00 190,00 112908 Dorval QC H9S3C2 4925 Traynor 21, Hampton Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 118274 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 4926 Tremblay 203, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 300,00 0,00 300,00 113872 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4K2 4927 Tremblay/Pasquin 219, Malcolm Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 119979 Dorval QC H9S1T6 4928 Trempe/Lauzon 266, MacLean 275,00 0,00 275,00 119885 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y1 4929 Trenholm 9, Chester 275,00 0,00 275,00 115378 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H8 4930 Trevor Lane 110, Westcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 124794 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M6 4931 Trias 300, Eldorado 375,00 0,00 375,00 117206 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G9 4932 Tricia Flint 142, Millhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 119461 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V8 4933 Trickey 151, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122114 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G5 4934 Trish Mansfield 96, Highgate 190,00 0,00 190,00 118521 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5E2 4935 Trottier 239, Green Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 118159 Dorval QC H9S3T7 4936 Trotto 262, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120117 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y2 4937 Trovor Smith 345, Courtland 250,00 0,00 250,00 116186 Dorval QC H9S2R8 4938 Tsunokawa 1515, Turcot 250,00 0,00 250,00 124194 Dorval QC H9S1G4 4939 Tuccia 168, Broadview 300,00 0,00 300,00 114372 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z7 4940 Turcotte 23, Belmont 270,00 0,00 270,00 113544 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M7

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4941 Turcotte 322, Parkwood Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 121332 Dorval QC H9S3A3 4942 Turcotte 119, Sedgefield 210,00 0,00 210,00 121912 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 4943 Turner 1965, Carson 250,00 0,00 250,00 115023 Dorval QC H9S1P1 4944 Turner 15, Foxwood 270,00 0,00 270,00 117737 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H2 4945 Turpin 36, Brunet 270,00 0,00 270,00 114551 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T5 4946 Una Graham 38, Summerhill 270,00 0,00 270,00 123649 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K4 4947 Urovitch 109, Hilary 275,00 0,00 275,00 118185 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R9 4948 V Gritsas 28, Summerhill 260,00 0,00 260,00 123640 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K4 4949 V Jimenez 97, Charles 250,00 0,00 250,00 115329 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L2 4950 V Russo 10, Hampton Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 118264 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 4951 V Shepley 455, Delmar 250,00 0,00 250,00 116596 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A3 4952 V Traynor 17, Cavell 275,00 0,00 275,00 115088 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3N3 4953 V/Stephane Mascis/Beauregard 39, Bras-D'or 250,00 0,00 250,00 114224 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W6 4954 Vaccarino/Leroux 390, Elmridge 270,00 0,00 270,00 117446 Dorval QC H9S2Z7 4955 Vachon 585, Rockcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 122289 Dorval QC H9P2C6 4956 Vadboncoeur 170, Dahlia 270,00 0,00 270,00 116288 Dorval QC H9S3N5 4957 Vadim Simanovsky 325, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118203 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A1 4958 Valcourt 55, Vincennes 479,95 0,00 479,95 124541 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M1 4959 Valentin Nikolov 103, Kipling 270,00 0,00 270,00 119192 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2B4 4960 Valerie Biguet 22, Bayview 250,00 0,00 250,00 113452 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C2 4961 Valerie Chiasson 150, Windward Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 125095 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2H9 4962 Valerie Desprey 134, Stillview 250,00 0,00 250,00 122890 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X8 4963 Valerie Leblanc 249, Sedgefield 275,00 0,00 275,00 122588 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1P3 4964 Valerie Moisan 280, Vinet 250,00 0,00 250,00 124609 Dorval QC H9S2M6

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4965 Valerie Sorschak 43, Bayview 325,00 0,00 325,00 113463 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C1 4966 Valerie Vien 32, Parkland 250,00 0,00 250,00 121307 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E8 4967 Vallée 278, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124076 Dorval QC H9S2M9 4968 Vallieres 420, Stream 275,00 0,00 275,00 123627 Dorval QC H9S2P5 4969 Valois 135, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116116 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S8 4970 Valrie Carpenter 316, Violet Cr. 190,00 0,00 190,00 124673 Dorval QC H9S3N9 4971 Van Geffen 87, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121747 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M6 4972 Van Hartesveldt 9, Drayton 240,00 0,00 240,00 116910 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V1 4973 Vanasse 620, Westwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 124945 Dorval QC H9P2M5 4974 Vanderwal 38, Sunnyside 225,00 0,00 225,00 123798 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5G5 4975 Vanderzon 36, Saddlewood 190,00 0,00 190,00 122434 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S6 4976 Vaneskegian/Akopian 2180, Chanteclerc 250,00 0,00 250,00 115250 Dorval QC H9P1M1 4977 Vanessa Gray 5, Golf 275,00 0,00 275,00 117976 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4N4 4978 Vanessa Paradis 102, Pointe-Claire Avenue 280,00 0,00 280,00 121759 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 4979 Vanessa Tulli 530, St-Léon 250,00 0,00 250,00 123070 Dorval QC H9P1Z9 4980 Vanessa Vescio 118, Buckingham 275,00 0,00 275,00 114638 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1L1 4981 Vanmanh Huynh 141, Winthrop 220,00 0,00 220,00 125200 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W8 4982 Vanni/Mastrocola 125, Tremont 275,00 0,00 275,00 124139 Dorval QC H9S5M5 4983 VanWaardenburg 35, Fifth 275,00 0,00 275,00 117669 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C8 4984 Varin 752, Graham 250,00 0,00 250,00 118120 Dorval QC H9P2B6 4985 Varna Lafaro 52, Hyde Park 480,00 0,00 480,00 125642 Beaconsfield QC H9W5L8 4986 Varvarikos 30, Killarney Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 119062 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X8 4987 Vasiliou 66, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121201 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y5 4988 Vasquez 123, Des Canots 250,00 0,00 250,00 115552 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X3

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 4989 Vaughan 83, Broadview 190,00 0,00 190,00 114332 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z3 4990 Veilleux 25, Augusta 275,00 0,00 275,00 113288 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V4 4991 Vema Transport 216, Monaco 275,00 0,00 275,00 120541 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2R6 4992 Vendramini 73, Girouard 275,00 0,00 275,00 117876 Dorval QC H9S3R1 4993 Venuta 280, Elie-de-Bellefeuille 275,00 0,00 275,00 117390 Dorval QC H9S5V5 4994 Venuta 280, Elie-de-Bellefeuille 229,95 0,00 229,95 117390 Dorval QC H9S5V5 4995 Vera Lamarre 374, Mimosa 250,00 0,00 250,00 120533 Dorval QC H9S3K6 4996 Verenieks 82, Aurora 250,00 0,00 250,00 113020 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3G4 4997 Veronica Aguirre 1980, Carson 275,00 0,00 275,00 115024 Dorval QC H9S1N9 4998 Veronica Sangster 27, Cedar 275,00 0,00 275,00 115120 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X9 4999 Veronica Valentine 38, Brunet 250,00 0,00 250,00 114553 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T5 5000 Vezina 736, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115842 Dorval QC H9P2J1 5001 Viau 139, Maywood 275,00 0,00 275,00 120288 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3L9 5002 Vicki Scholten 141, Boylan 275,00 0,00 275,00 114085 Dorval QC H9S5S7 5003 Vicky Kyriakakos 167, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113849 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4J9 5004 Victor Allen 2, Clearpoint 275,00 0,00 275,00 115690 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5T7 5005 Victor Caravan 284, Brookhaven 200,00 0,00 200,00 114481 Dorval QC H9S2N4 5006 Victor Tsemko 128, Prince-Edward 275,00 0,00 275,00 121991 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4C8 5007 Victoria Watters 177, Fieldcrest 275,00 0,00 275,00 117640 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A5 5008 Videotron S.E.N.C. 865 rue Sainte-Catherine E, 4e étage Tour 3 S 941,93 0,00 941,93 Attn: Service de la perception Montréal QC H2L 4S8 70765375-001-8 5009 Vijay Patel 34, Nicholson 190,00 0,00 190,00 120910 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A2 5010 Vina Jayphait 308, Raimbault 275,00 0,00 275,00 122197 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5T9 5011 Vince Mercuri 205, Oakville 275,00 0,00 275,00 121054 Dorval QC H9S2R1 5012 Vincent Delle Donne 320, Raimbault 250,00 0,00 250,00 122208 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5T9


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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 5013 Vincent et Pascale Lemieux/Boulianne 25, Woolmer 250,00 0,00 250,00 125215 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G8 5014 Vincent Guay 211, Dahlia 250,00 0,00 250,00 116296 Dorval QC H9S3N6 5015 Vincent Latendresse 119, Pickwood Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 121441 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3M3 5016 Vincent Morello 35, Jasper 275,00 0,00 275,00 125671 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R7 5017 Vincent Perron 293, Georges V 250,00 0,00 250,00 117804 Dorval QC H9S3S8 5018 Vincent Tremblay 77, Watford 275,00 0,00 275,00 125888 Beaconsfield QC H9W5P1 5019 Vincent Van Hinsberg 118, St-Jean 250,00 0,00 250,00 122983 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Z2 5020 Vincenzo Morello 35, Jasper 275,00 0,00 275,00 125378 Beaconsfield QC H9W5R7 5021 Virgil Popescu 177, Sedgefield 210,00 0,00 210,00 122549 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N9 5022 Virginia Bortollotte 225, Brookhaven 205,00 0,00 205,00 114462 Dorval QC H9S2N5 5023 Virginia Briggs 149, Sedgefield 190,00 0,00 190,00 122527 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 5024 Virginia Shute/Bithell 83, Parkdale 225,00 0,00 225,00 121217 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y6 5025 Vision Sales Inc. 8, Hampton Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 118262 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 5026 Vitale Di Criscio 325, Lake 504,95 0,00 504,95 119319 Dorval QC H9S2J2 5027 Vitiya Pou 261, Jaillet 275,00 0,00 275,00 118808 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X9 5028 Vito Pelosi 6, Jervis Bay 225,00 0,00 225,00 118896 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X7 5029 Vitrerie G.L. 98, Donegani 574,88 0,00 574,88 116753 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2V4 5030 Vittorio Insogna 68, Jefferson 250,00 0,00 250,00 118885 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2J8 5031 Vivianne Fortier 155, Radisson 250,00 0,00 250,00 122154 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E7 5032 Vivier 2225, Wren 190,00 0,00 190,00 125219 Dorval QC H9P1N2 5033 Vladimir Ivanov 131, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124811 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M5 5034 Vladimir Platonow 614, Graham 250,00 0,00 250,00 118040 Dorval QC H9P2B5 5035 Volpi/Charron 163, Norwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 120405 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R3 5036 Volpi/Charron 163, Norwood 229,95 0,00 229,95 120405 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R3

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No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 5037 Vourdousis 2, Bellevue 250,00 0,00 250,00 113528 Pointe-Claire QC H9S3Y5 5038 W Barber 25, Val-Soleil 190,00 0,00 190,00 124352 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V3 5039 W Beckett 6, Westwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 124884 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y5 5040 W Corbett 3, Jervis Bay 275,00 0,00 275,00 118893 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X6 5041 W Desmarteaux 28, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114286 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z2 5042 W Lannaman 20, Horizon 250,00 0,00 250,00 118681 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5V1 5043 W Schultz 622, Wright Crescent 275,00 0,00 275,00 125231 Dorval QC H9P2C2 5044 W Sewell 345, Caledonia 250,00 0,00 250,00 114647 Dorval QC H9S2Y1 5045 W Stockwell 107, Chestnut 250,00 0,00 250,00 114789 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3B2 5046 Wade 139, Viking 270,00 0,00 270,00 124530 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1K6 5047 Wafaa Khadir 146, Franklin 250,00 0,00 250,00 125594 Beaconsfield QC H9W5P7 5048 Walker 99, Elmwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 117234 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M5 5049 Walker 101, Yonge Cr. 225,00 0,00 225,00 125261 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M1 5050 Wallace McKeaveney 374, Courtland 250,00 0,00 250,00 116195 Dorval QC H9S2R9 5051 Walls/Metcalfe 64, Saddlewood 250,00 0,00 250,00 122451 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S4 5052 Walsh 34, Belton 205,00 0,00 205,00 113625 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4A1 5053 Walsh 224, Dahlia 250,00 0,00 250,00 116303 Dorval QC H9S3N7 5054 Walsh 390, Martin 250,00 0,00 250,00 119435 Dorval QC H9S3S3 5055 Walter Campoli 85, Somervale Gardens 275,00 0,00 275,00 122671 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3H6 5056 Walter Kahan/Krajewski 30, Brunet 250,00 0,00 250,00 114547 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4T5 5057 Walter Peck 203, Norwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 121026 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R5 5058 Wang Meng 2395, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 290,00 0,00 290,00 114036 Dorval QC H9S2G7 5059 Wang 1830, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 700,00 0,00 700,00 125938 Dorval QC H9S2E9 5060 Warner 108, Yonge Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 125267 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L9

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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 5061 Warren Thomas 88, Mount Pleasant 250,00 0,00 250,00 120729 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2T5 5062 Warren 149, Queens 275,00 0,00 275,00 122113 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G5 5063 Wassim Turk 4, Stewart 290,00 0,00 290,00 122846 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5T5 5064 Watson 56, Elgin 250,00 0,00 250,00 117284 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2K1 5065 Watson 114, Spartan Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 122696 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R5 5066 Wayne Allan 502, Graham 250,00 0,00 250,00 118016 Dorval QC H9P2B2 5067 Wayne and Carol Ann Rickaby 629, St-Louis 220,00 0,00 220,00 123402 Dorval QC H9P2G3 5068 Wayne and Sandra Hopkins Macleod 331, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118208 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3A1 5069 Wayne Brennan 574, Westwood 287,44 0,00 287,44 124929 Dorval QC H9P2M3 5070 Wayne Clifford 227, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113892 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4K6 5071 Wayne Gager 623, St-Louis 190,00 0,00 190,00 123401 Dorval QC H9P2G3 5072 Wayne Gould 130, Crestview 275,00 0,00 275,00 116257 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A1 5073 Wayne Hossack 117, Buckingham 275,00 0,00 275,00 114637 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1K9 5074 Wayne Seguin 101, Sunnyside 225,00 0,00 225,00 123801 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T7 5075 Webster 20, Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 115560 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X1 5076 Webster/ Perreault 130, Kings 275,00 0,00 275,00 119151 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H4 5077 Wei 305, Claude 250,00 0,00 250,00 115658 Dorval QC H9S3B4 5078 Weili Ren 383, St-Louis 270,00 0,00 270,00 123329 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A3 5079 Weiner/Dubois 118, Cameron Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 114681 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4E1 5080 Weir 381, Thorncrest 250,00 0,00 250,00 121949 Dorval QC H9S2X9 5081 Weisha Tang 274, Comber 275,00 0,00 275,00 115944 Dorval QC H9S2Y4 5082 Weishar 60, Saddlewood 240,00 0,00 240,00 122448 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S4 5083 Welch 335, Berkeley 275,00 0,00 275,00 113647 Dorval QC H9S1H6 5084 Wendy Crowley 95, Kings 275,00 0,00 275,00 119127 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H3

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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 5085 Wendy Evans 11, De Breslay 250,00 0,00 250,00 116408 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M8 5086 Wendy Herron 89, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114336 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z3 5087 Wen-Fang Xie 417, St-Louis 270,00 0,00 270,00 123359 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2A6 5088 Wesley Ng Cheong Pun 301, Parkwood Circle 275,00 0,00 275,00 121319 Dorval QC H9S3A4 5089 Electronics 78, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116094 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S7 5090 Whelan 90, Cedar 275,00 0,00 275,00 115150 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y4 5091 Whiston 6, Killarney Gardens 250,00 0,00 250,00 119044 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4X8 5092 Whitehouse 2275, Partridge 310,00 0,00 310,00 121365 Dorval QC H9P1V7 5093 WIAIH 111, Donegani 574,88 0,00 574,88 125318 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2W3 5094 WIAIH 111, Donegani 574,88 0,00 574,88 125318 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2W3 5095 Wieczorek/Lavoie 425, Boul. Des Sources 270,00 0,00 270,00 114061 Dorval QC H9S2J1 5096 Wieslaw Frac 1765, Carson 275,00 0,00 275,00 115011 Dorval QC H9S1N4 5097 Wilkinson 185, Thorncrest Circle 250,00 0,00 250,00 124019 Dorval QC H9S2X6 5098 William Gamble 29, Drayton 275,00 0,00 275,00 116919 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V1 5099 William Heelan 142, Glenbrook Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 117376 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3X8 5100 William Landry 29, Eastview 250,00 0,00 250,00 117120 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1H3 5101 William Lewis 171, Westcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 124848 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N1 5102 William Osgoode 428, Delmar 275,00 0,00 275,00 116574 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4V7 5103 William Price 130, Spartan Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 122709 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R5 5104 William Rogers 2085, Cardinal 390,00 0,00 390,00 114926 Dorval QC H9P1Y7 5105 William Skinner 91, Elmwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 117481 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M5 5106 William Wienand 30, Westwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 124559 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y5 5107 Williams 183, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116736 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X8 5108 Wilma Christiansen 335, Tulip 250,00 0,00 250,00 124192 Dorval QC H9S3P8

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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 5109 Wilson Chan 117, Hilary 275,00 0,00 275,00 118568 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R9 5110 Wilson 14, Hampton Gardens 270,00 0,00 270,00 118267 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B8 5111 Wilson 111, Sunnyside 250,00 0,00 250,00 123811 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3T7 5112 Wilson 165, Westcliffe 250,00 0,00 250,00 124843 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M8 5113 Winikoff 80, Sevigny 250,00 0,00 250,00 122632 Dorval QC H9S3V9 5114 Wojciech Wydrych 1711, Parkfield 270,00 0,00 270,00 121250 Dorval QC H9P1T4 5115 Wolak/Rivard 61, Bras-D'or 270,00 0,00 270,00 114235 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1W6 5116 Wolf/Durrant 142, Kings 270,00 0,00 270,00 119156 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H4 5117 Wong 116, Astoria 275,00 0,00 275,00 113249 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5A8 5118 Wong 104, Montrose 250,00 0,00 250,00 120630 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S5 5119 Wong 1, Westfield 275,00 0,00 275,00 124863 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S6 5120 Woodard 523, Meadowvale 250,00 0,00 250,00 120351 Dorval QC H9P2E6 5121 Woods 60, Tremont 275,00 0,00 275,00 124133 Dorval QC H9S5M8 5122 Woschitz 89, Parkdale 250,00 0,00 250,00 121222 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Y6 5123 Wright 2030, Chanteclerc 220,00 0,00 220,00 113818 Dorval QC H9P1L7 5124 Wright 614, Wright Crescent 200,00 0,00 200,00 125229 Dorval QC H9P2C2 5125 Wroblewski 15, Kanata 200,00 0,00 200,00 118982 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5V3 5126 Wu 390, Mimosa 275,00 0,00 275,00 120535 Dorval QC H9S3K6 5127 Wykes 38, Drayton 250,00 0,00 250,00 116925 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4V2 5128 X Trevino 294, Meredith 275,00 0,00 275,00 120369 Dorval QC H9S2Y9 5129 X Zhang 262, Jaillet 275,00 0,00 275,00 118809 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X9 5130 Xang Xiu Deng 262, MacLean 275,00 0,00 275,00 119881 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y1 5131 Xianfeng Sheng 231, Elie-de-Bellefeuille 190,00 0,00 190,00 117311 Dorval QC H9S4H8 5132 Xiao Li Yu 31, Eastview 250,00 0,00 250,00 117121 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1H3

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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 5133 Xiaomzi Zhu 229, Louise-L'amy 240,00 0,00 240,00 119807 Dorval QC H9S5V4 5134 Xiarong Yang 113, Saddlewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 121639 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 5135 Xilin Zhang 18, Nicholson 275,00 0,00 275,00 120900 Pointe-Claire QC H9R6A2 5136 Xin Xue 92, Bayview 275,00 0,00 275,00 113505 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C3 5137 Xinting Cai 237, St-Louis 270,00 0,00 270,00 125339 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5L6 5138 Xinye Qiang 246, Bruton 250,00 0,00 250,00 127985 Beaconsfield QC H9W1N2 5139 Xue Liang Zhai 282, Jaillet 275,00 0,00 275,00 118829 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X9 5140 Xuhua Shen 54, Saddlewood 190,00 0,00 190,00 122443 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S4 5141 Y Paquet 20, Ponner 250,00 0,00 250,00 121804 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4L9 5142 Y Sutton 110, Rothbury 275,00 0,00 275,00 122341 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R8 5143 Y. Girouard 196, Norwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 121019 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R4 5144 Yael Gutner 156, Queens 250,00 0,00 250,00 122119 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4G6 5145 Yan Luo 142, Pointe-Claire Avenue 250,00 0,00 250,00 121781 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4M5 5146 Yan Ma 640, Wright Crescent 250,00 0,00 250,00 125239 Dorval QC H9P2C2 5147 Yan Xiao 162, Park 275,00 0,00 275,00 129923 Beaconsfield QC H9W2M8 5148 Yang 340, Lake 275,00 0,00 275,00 119323 Dorval QC H9S2J3 5149 Yang 210, Touzin 305,00 0,00 305,00 124059 Dorval QC H9S3M9 5150 Yanhui Zeng 164, Ruskin 250,00 0,00 250,00 128925 Beaconsfield QC H9W2Y2 5151 Yann Rooseboom 330, Ferndale 250,00 0,00 250,00 117622 Dorval QC H9S3N1 5152 Yannick Donnelly 97, Montrose 270,00 0,00 270,00 120624 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2S6 5153 Yaressi 297, Thorncrest 190,00 0,00 190,00 123978 Dorval QC H9S2X7 5154 Yelle 1825, Forest 250,00 0,00 250,00 117716 Dorval QC H9S1V1 5155 Yelle 226, Strathcona 250,00 0,00 250,00 123477 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5X8 5156 Yeung 132, Duke-of-Kent 275,00 0,00 275,00 117016 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X9

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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 5157 Yi Ding 129, Sedgefield 190,00 0,00 190,00 121917 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 5158 Yi Zhao 231, Hollis 275,00 0,00 275,00 129754 Beaconsfield QC H9W2M6 5159 Yifei Yao 199, Coolbreeze 250,00 0,00 250,00 116148 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3S9 5160 Ying Luo 220, Martin 300,00 0,00 300,00 120213 Dorval QC H9S3R7 5161 Ying Wang 295, MacLean 250,00 0,00 250,00 119914 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y3 5162 Yip 70, Sevigny 250,00 0,00 250,00 122630 Dorval QC H9S3V9 5163 Yiptong/Damblant 298, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120144 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 5164 Yiu Li Lai 325, Lepage 250,00 0,00 250,00 119408 Dorval QC H9S3G1 5165 Yolande Church 268, Inglewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 118739 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5K9 5166 Yolande Khechene 1705, Castlefield 250,00 0,00 250,00 115064 Dorval QC H9P1V9 5167 Yolande Proust 142, Stillview 250,00 0,00 250,00 122897 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2X8 5168 Yong Fong 40, Ponner 275,00 0,00 275,00 121606 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X9 5169 Yong Ge 95, Stockwell 275,00 0,00 275,00 123443 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5W8 5170 Yong Zhang 168, Andover 275,00 0,00 275,00 127659 Beaconsfield QC H9W2Z8 5171 Yong-Hunt Yeung 12, Chester 275,00 0,00 275,00 115381 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4H7 5172 Youcef Berkane 640, Oriole Cr. 300,00 0,00 300,00 121082 Dorval QC H9P1P2 5173 Youhue Thau 312, Raimbault 275,00 0,00 275,00 122201 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5T9 5174 Younes Alaoui 729, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115839 Dorval QC H9P2H9 5175 Young 155, Millhaven 250,00 0,00 250,00 120458 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3V9 5176 Youri Pommepuy 130, Handfield Circle 500,00 0,00 500,00 118052 Dorval QC H9S3V2 5177 Yu Ling Tan 270, Marsh 275,00 0,00 275,00 120121 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y5 5178 Yu Qiong Zhu 17, Bayview 275,00 0,00 275,00 113448 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5C1 5179 Yu 341, Donegani 220,00 0,00 220,00 116791 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5M4 5180 Yuan 38, Wildtree Drive 265,00 0,00 265,00 130255 Beaconsfield QC H9W5G3

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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 5181 Yu-Ping Chen 115, Marlin Cr. 275,00 0,00 275,00 120051 Pointe-Claire QC H9S5B2 5182 Yuwen Xie 1005, 4th Avenue 275,00 0,00 275,00 112849 Dorval QC H9S1K2 5183 Yuzhen Ye 265, Vinet 250,00 0,00 250,00 124605 Dorval QC H9S2M5 5184 Yvan Gamache 2245, Wren 270,00 0,00 270,00 125221 Dorval QC H9P1N2 5185 Yves Davignon 262, Claude 190,00 0,00 190,00 115648 Dorval QC H9S3B2 5186 Yves Leblanc 288, St-Louis 275,00 0,00 275,00 123244 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4X7 5187 Yves Lebon 274, MacLean 275,00 0,00 275,00 119893 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5Y1 5188 Yves Parent 33, St-Jean 275,00 0,00 275,00 122954 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4Y9 5189 Yves Quenneville 2145, Bord-du-Lac Lakeshore 200,00 0,00 200,00 114008 Dorval QC H9S2G4 5190 Yves Simard 35, Saddlewood 275,00 0,00 275,00 122433 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S6 5191 Yves Trepanier 200, Norwood 275,00 0,00 275,00 121023 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1R4 5192 Yvon Blache 324, Ferndale 229,95 0,00 229,95 125326 Dorval QC H9S3N1 5193 Yvon Blache 324, Ferndale 250,00 0,00 250,00 125326 Dorval QC H9S3N1 5194 Yvon Daoust/Labbe 74, Broadview 250,00 0,00 250,00 114324 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z4 5195 Yvonne Shehata Said 469, Delmar 275,00 0,00 275,00 116610 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A3 5196 Z Stomal 21, Broadview 270,00 0,00 270,00 114281 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z1 5197 Zakaa 77, Vincennes 275,00 0,00 275,00 124552 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4M1 5198 Zakaib 76, Elmwood 250,00 0,00 250,00 117476 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2M3 5199 Zaki Syed 86, Saddlewood 190,00 0,00 190,00 122467 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S4 5200 Zamira Rama 396, Touzin 250,00 0,00 250,00 124112 Dorval QC H9S2N2 5201 Zampini 246, Meredith 275,00 0,00 275,00 120368 Dorval QC H9S2Y7 5202 Zanti 662, Clement 190,00 0,00 190,00 115822 Dorval QC H9P2H8 5203 Zeina Gedeon 111, Cartier 275,00 0,00 275,00 114778 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4R9 5204 Zenon Myziuk 105, Cragmore 275,00 0,00 275,00 116219 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3K7

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List "A" Unsecured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of creditor Address Unsecured claim Balance of claim Total claim 5205 Zenon Myziuk 105, Cragmore 229,95 0,00 229,95 116219 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3K7 5206 Zhan Jie Li 99, Sedgefield 190,00 0,00 190,00 122519 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 5207 Zhan Zhang 154, Westcliffe 275,00 0,00 275,00 124832 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1M9 5208 Zhang Fan 165, Douglas-Shand 250,00 0,00 250,00 116900 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2E2 5209 Zhang 14, Westfield 275,00 0,00 275,00 124876 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S5 5210 Zhang 110, Yonge Cr. 270,00 0,00 270,00 125268 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2L9 5211 Zhao Lu 179, Andover 275,00 0,00 275,00 127669 Beaconsfield QC H9W2Z6 5212 Zheng Xie 142, Spartan Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 122719 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3R5 5213 Zhigang Wang 101, Dieppe 275,00 0,00 275,00 116689 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1X2 5214 Zhimin Zhang 199, Bord-Du-Lac Lakeshore 275,00 0,00 275,00 113868 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4K1 5215 Zhiqing Huang 285, Boul. Des Sources 275,00 0,00 275,00 114048 Dorval QC H9S2J1 5216 Zhong Chen 23, Papillon 220,00 0,00 220,00 121111 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5C1 5217 Zhong Zhao 123, Sedgefield 190,00 0,00 190,00 121914 Pointe-Claire QC H9R1N8 5218 Zhu 98, Stockwell 275,00 0,00 275,00 123446 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5W8 5219 Zhuang Liu 70, Saddlewood 220,00 0,00 220,00 122455 Pointe-Claire QC H9R5S4 5220 Zoe Apostolakis 134, Winthrop 275,00 0,00 275,00 125194 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3W9 5221 Zofia Davis 210, Lakeview 275,00 0,00 275,00 119486 Pointe-Claire QC H9S4C5 5222 Zohrab Keropian 118, Ivanhoe Cr. 250,00 0,00 250,00 118779 Pointe-Claire QC H9R3Z8 5223 Zouhaire Sekkat 435, Delmar 275,00 0,00 275,00 116580 Pointe-Claire QC H9R4A3 5224 Zsigmond Dezso 282, Clement 250,00 0,00 250,00 115747 Dorval QC H9S2T2 5225 Zullo 47, Little Rock 250,00 0,00 250,00 119724 Pointe-Claire QC H9R2G1

Total: 2 097 246,00 64 479,10 2 161 725,10

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List "B" Secured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

Amount of claim Estimated Estimated No. Name of creditor Address Particulars of security When given value of surplus from Balance of claim security security unsecured

1 ARC - Taxe - Québec Shawinigan-Sud National 9 968,11 Other - Comptes à recevoir 9 968,11 DAS-142848837RP001 Verification and Collection Centre 4695 Shawinigan-Sud Blvd Shawinigan-Sud QC G9P 5H9

2 Bodkin Leasing Corporation 102 - 1465 North Service 20 238,68 Motor Vehicles - Other - 20 238,68 349064 Rd E 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Oakville ON L6H 1A7 Z9BD09689 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD10820

3 CNH Capital Canada Ltd. 301 - 4475 North Service 7 575,92 Motor Vehicles - Other - 7 575,92 Attn: Kelly Nicholas Road 2014 - New Holland - T5-105 02812001 Burlington ON L7L 4X7 - ZDJJ10510 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2013 - New Holland - T5-105 - ZDJJ10704

4 Crédit Meridian 1550-4710 rue Kingsway 69 447,23 Motor Vehicles - Other - 69 447,23 Attn: Chelsey Spence Burnaby BC V5H 4M2 2016 - New Holland - T6-140 412095 - ZFBD02365 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2014 - New Holland - T6-155 - ZEBD01782

5 CWB National Leasing Inc./ 1525 Buffalo Pl 3 000,00 Other - 1 Pelle Fisher 8,6, 3 000,00 (formerly National Leasing Group Winnipeg MB R3T 1L9 XTV, 3 Inc) 16060820193044785-2, Attn: Bankruptcy Designate Pelle Fisher 7,6, #160628204120277775 et Une Salleuse Fisher, Modèle : 900, #16011330467580190

6 Ford Credit Canada Limited PO Box 2400 1,00 Motor Vehicles - Automobile - 1,00 Attn: Bankruptcy Department Edmonton AB T5J 5C7 2019 - Ford - F250 - 1FTBF2B64KED20481

7 Ford Credit Canada Limited PO Box 2400 1,00 Motor Vehicles - Automobile - 1,00 Attn: Bankruptcy Department Edmonton AB T5J 5C7 2016 - Ford - F250 - 1FT7W2B69GEC92772


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List "B" Secured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

Amount of claim Estimated Estimated No. Name of creditor Address Particulars of security When given value of surplus from Balance of claim security security unsecured

8 LBC Capital 5035 South Service Road, 105 781,46 Motor Vehicles - Other - 48 000,00 C.P 5060 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Burlington ON L7R 4C8 Z9BD08862 Motor Vehicles - Other - 48 000,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09765 Motor Vehicles - Other - 9 781,46 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09752 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09370 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09764


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List "B" Secured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

Amount of claim Estimated Estimated No. Name of creditor Address Particulars of security When given value of surplus from Balance of claim security security unsecured

9 Lendified Inc. 372 Bay Street, 20th 18 000,00 Other - Outils variés 18 000,00 Universalité de biens Floor, Toronto ON M5H 2W9 Motor Vehicles - Automobile - 0,00 2007 - Ford - F150 Furniture - Ameublements 0,00

Other - 18 Souffleurs 0,00 Pronovost P920 - (Libre de lien) Other - 4 Pronovost Blower 0,00 P920 - 2017 - série: 44549, 44559, 44561, 44562 Other - 4 Pronovost Blower 0,00 P920 et Equipement de paysagement Other - 3 Souffleurs 0,00 Pronovost 2014, P-920, série: 38735, 38738 & 38751 Other - 1 Pelle Fisher 8,6, 0,00 XTV, 3 16060820193044785-2, Pelle Fisher 7,6, #160628204120277775 et Une Salleuse Fisher, Modèle : 900, #16011330467580190 Motor Vehicles - Automobile - 0,00 2015 - Ford - F250 - 1FTBF2B68FEB34433 Motor Vehicles - Automobile - 0,00 2016 - Ford - F250 - 1FT7W2B69GEC92772 Motor Vehicles - Automobile - 0,00 2019 - Ford - F250 - 1FTBF2B64KED20481 Other - Comptes à recevoir 0,00

Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2005 - New Holland - TS100 - ACP244353 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD08862 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09336 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09370

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List "B" Secured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

Amount of claim Estimated Estimated No. Name of creditor Address Particulars of security When given value of surplus from Balance of claim security security unsecured

9 Lendified Inc. 372 Bay Street, 20th Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 Universalité de biens Floor, 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Toronto ON M5H 2W9 Z9BD09688 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09689 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09752 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09764 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09765 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09767 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD10815 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD10816 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD10817 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD10818 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD10819 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD10820 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2011 - New Holland - T6020 - ZABD07107 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2011 - New Holland - T6020 - ZABD07113 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2012 - New Holland - T6020 - ZBBD09870 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2013 - New Holland - T5-105 - ZDJJ10704

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List "B" Secured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

Amount of claim Estimated Estimated No. Name of creditor Address Particulars of security When given value of surplus from Balance of claim security security unsecured

9 Lendified Inc. 372 Bay Street, 20th Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 Universalité de biens Floor, 2014 - New Holland - T5-105 Toronto ON M5H 2W9 - ZDJJ10510 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2014 - New Holland - T6-155 - ZEBD01782 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2016 - New Holland - T6-140 - ZFBD02365

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List "B" Secured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

Amount of claim Estimated Estimated No. Name of creditor Address Particulars of security When given value of surplus from Balance of claim security security unsecured

10 Merchant Advance Capital PO BOX 64008 SPEERS 22 000,00 Other - 18 Souffleurs 20 000,00 52 000,00 Attn: MAC Collections Department RD Pronovost P920 - (Libre de Universalité de biens Oakville ON L6L 0A1 lien) Other - Outils variés 2 000,00

Furniture - Ameublements 0,00 10 000,00

Motor Vehicles - Automobile - 0,00 4 000,00 2007 - Ford - F150 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 65 000,00 2014 - New Holland - T6-155 - ZEBD01782 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 60 000,00 2013 - New Holland - T5-105 - ZDJJ10704 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 56 000,00 2012 - New Holland - T6020 - ZBBD09870 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 52 424,08 2014 - New Holland - T5-105 - ZDJJ10510 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 52 000,00 2011 - New Holland - T6020 - ZABD07113 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 48 000,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD10819 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 48 000,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD10820 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 48 000,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09767 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 48 000,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD10817 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 48 000,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09764 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 48 000,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09336 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 48 000,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09370 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 48 000,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09688


Date Marc Guindon

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List "B" Secured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

Amount of claim Estimated Estimated No. Name of creditor Address Particulars of security When given value of surplus from Balance of claim security security unsecured

10 Merchant Advance Capital PO BOX 64008 SPEERS Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 38 218,54 Attn: MAC Collections Department RD 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Universalité de biens Oakville ON L6L 0A1 Z9BD09752 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 27 761,32 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09689 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 25 552,77 2016 - New Holland - T6-140 - ZFBD02365 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 13 955,58 2011 - New Holland - T6020 - ZABD07107 Other - 1 Pelle Fisher 8,6, 0,00 12 000,00 XTV, 3 16060820193044785-2, Pelle Fisher 7,6, #160628204120277775 et Une Salleuse Fisher, Modèle : 900, #16011330467580190 Other - Comptes à recevoir 0,00 10 031,89

Motor Vehicles - Automobile - 0,00 10 000,00 2015 - Ford - F250 - 1FTBF2B68FEB34433 Other - 4 Pronovost Blower 0,00 10 000,00 P920 - 2017 - série: 44549, 44559, 44561, 44562 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 4 153,37 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD10818 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD10815 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD10816 Motor Vehicles - Automobile - 0,00 2016 - Ford - F250 - 1FT7W2B69GEC92772 Motor Vehicles - Automobile - 0,00 2019 - Ford - F250 - 1FTBF2B64KED20481 Other - 4 Pronovost Blower 0,00 P920 et Equipement de paysagement Other - 3 Souffleurs 0,00 Pronovost 2014, P-920, série: 38735, 38738 & 38751

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List "B" Secured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

Amount of claim Estimated Estimated No. Name of creditor Address Particulars of security When given value of surplus from Balance of claim security security unsecured

10 Merchant Advance Capital PO BOX 64008 SPEERS Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 Attn: MAC Collections Department RD 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Universalité de biens Oakville ON L6L 0A1 Z9BD09765 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2005 - New Holland - TS100 - ACP244353 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD08862

11 National leasing 1430 Hocquart Street 62 479,10 0,00 62 479,10 2824671 Suite 200 Saint-Bruno QC J3V 6E1

12 RCAP Leasing Inc. 300 - 5575 North Service 10 000,00 Other - 4 Pronovost Blower 10 000,00 Attn: Collection Department Road P920 - 2017 - série: 44549, Burlington ON L7L 6M1 44559, 44561, 44562

13 RCAP Leasing Inc. 300 - 5575 North Service 83 044,42 Motor Vehicles - Other - 45 000,00 Attn: Collection Department Road 2005 - New Holland - TS100 90136757558 Burlington ON L7L 6M1 - ACP244353 Motor Vehicles - Other - 38 044,42 2011 - New Holland - T6020 - ZABD07107 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2011 - New Holland - T6020 - ZABD07113 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2012 - New Holland - T6020 - ZBBD09870

14 Roynat 401 - 200 Portage Avenue 17 000,00 Other - 3 Souffleurs 15 000,00 2 000,00 Winnipeg MB R3C 3X2 Pronovost 2014, P-920, série: 38735, 38738 & 38751

15 Scotiabank c/o Canaccede PO Box 758 Stn B 10 000,00 Motor Vehicles - Automobile - 10 000,00 International Management Ltd. London ON N6A 4Y8 2015 - Ford - F250 - 1FTBF2B68FEB34433

16 Vault Credit Corporation 41 Scarsdale Road, Unit 5 1,00 Other - 4 Pronovost Blower 1,00 Toronto ON M3B 2R2 P920 et Equipement de paysagement

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List "B" Secured Creditors

Bo Pelouse Inc.

Amount of claim Estimated Estimated No. Name of creditor Address Particulars of security When given value of surplus from Balance of claim security security unsecured

17 Wells Fargo Equipment Finance 1100 - 1290 Central 139 846,63 Motor Vehicles - Other - 48 000,00 Company Parkway West 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Attn: Kristin Pereira Mississauga ON L5C 4R3 Z9BD10815 9924947001 Motor Vehicles - Other - 48 000,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD10816 Motor Vehicles - Other - 43 846,63 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD10818 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD10819 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD10817 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09336 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09688 Motor Vehicles - Other - 0,00 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - Z9BD09767

Total: 578 384,55 513 905,45 887 097,55 64 479,10

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List "C" Preferred Creditors for Wages, Rent, etc.

Bo Pelouse Inc.

Period during which Amount of claim Amount payable Difference No. Name of creditor Address and occupation Nature of claim claim accrued in full ranking for dividend

1 Alex Guindon 84, avenue Parkdale - 700,00 0,00 700,00 Employé Pointe-Claire QC H9R 3Y5

2 Andrei Spataru 9370, rue de Brome - 1,00 0,00 1,00 Employé LaSalle QC M8R 2H5

3 Carmel Hachey 69 Eastview - 1,00 0,00 1,00 Employé Pointe-Claire QC H9R 1H3

4 Cody Howarth 62, rue de Chantilly - 1,00 0,00 1,00 Employé Candiac QC J5R 6S6

5 Dave Pye 180, 6th Avenue - 1,00 0,00 1,00 Employé L'Île-Perrot QC J7V 4V2

6 George Minadakis 2605 Place Joseph Casavant - 1,00 0,00 1,00 Employé Montréal QC H3M 1W1

7 Glenn Westlake 25, Chester - 1,00 0,00 1,00 Employé Pointe-Claire QC H9R 4H8

8 Greg Woods 4393, rue Rupert - 363,48 0,00 363,48 Employé Pierrefonds QC H9H 3B4

9 Kiran Kaushik 5709, avenue Edgemore - 1,00 0,00 1,00 Employé Côte-St-Luc QC H4W 1V8

10 Kyrell Spinali - 1,00 0,00 1,00 Employé

11 Lisa Currie Mckay 10411 rue Belmont - 512,13 0,00 512,13 Employé Pierrefonds QC H9Y 2J1

12 Marco Argento 781 boul de Salaberry - 1,00 0,00 1,00 Employé Kirkland QC H9H 5B1

13 Mark Croney 5200, Rivera - 1,00 0,00 1,00 Employé Pierrefonds QC H8Z 2Z5

14 Mike Carrier 725, avenue Lacombe - 413,04 0,00 413,04 Employé L'île-Bizard QC H9C 2B3

15 Nicolas Legault 68, avenue Coolbreeze, apt 403 - 1,00 0,00 1,00 Employé Pointe-Claire QC H9R 3S5

16 Orlando Gaslain 187A Avenue du Mont Vernon - 1,00 0,00 1,00 Employé Lachine QC H8R 1K2

17 Pete Donais 109, rue Davignon - 479,10 0,00 479,10 Employé Dollard-des-Ormeaux QC H9B 1Y4

18 Pierre de Haerne 1490, st-Andre - 363,48 0,00 363,48 Employé Rivière-Beaudette QC J0P 1R0

19 Richard Parmentier 432, Bellini - 1,00 0,00 1,00 Employé Vaudreuil-Dorion QC J7V 0M7

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List "C" Preferred Creditors for Wages, Rent, etc.

Bo Pelouse Inc.

Period during which Amount of claim Amount payable Difference No. Name of creditor Address and occupation Nature of claim claim accrued in full ranking for dividend

20 Ryan Dempster - 1,00 0,00 1,00 Employé

21 Sean Petrovich 17, avenue Queen - 1,00 0,00 1,00 Employé Pointe-Claire QC H9R 4E8

22 Stephano Gallo 4010, boul des Sources, apt 504 - 1,00 0,00 1,00 Employé Dollard-des-Ormeaux QC H9B 2C8

23 Stephen Cripton 19, Salisbury - 1,00 0,00 1,00 Employé Pointe-Claire QC H9S 3Z3

24 Zachary Lafontaine - 1,00 0,00 1,00 Employé

Total: 2 849,23 0,00 2 849,23

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List "D" Contingent or Other Liabilities

Bo Pelouse Inc.

Name of creditor Address Amount of liability Amount expected Date when liability No. or claimant and occupation or claim to rank for incurred Nature of liability dividend

Total: 0,00 0,00

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List "E" Debts Due to the Bankrupt

Bo Pelouse Inc.

No. Name of debtor Address and occupation Nature of debt Amount of debt Folio of ledgers or When Estimated to Particulars of any (good, doubtful, other book where contracted produce securities held for bad) particulars to be found debt

0,00 Total: 0,00 0,00 0,00

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List "F"

Bills of Exchange, Promissory Notes, Lien Notes, Chattel Mortgages, etc., Available as Assets

Bo Pelouse Inc.

Particulars of any property Name of all promissory, Amount of bill Estimated to No. held as security for payment acceptors, endorsers, Address Occupation or note, etc. Date when due produce mortgagors, and guarantors of bill or note, etc.

Total: 0,00 0,00

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List "G" Real Property or Immovables Owned by Bankrupt

Bo Pelouse Inc.

Description of property Nature of In whose name Total value Particulars of mortgages, hypothecs, bankrupt interest does title stand or other encumbrances (name, Equity or surplus address, amount)

Total: 0,00 0,00

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List "H" Property


Nature of property Location Details of property Original cost Estimated to produce

(a) Stock-in-trade 0,00 0,00

(b) Trade fixtures, etc. 0,00 0,00

(c) Cash in financial institutions 0,00 0,00

(d) Cash on hand 0,00 0,00

(e) Livestock 0,00 0,00

(f) Machinery, equipment and plant 0,00 0,00

(g) Furniture Ameublements 10 000,00 10 000,00

(h) Life insurance policies, RRSPs, etc. 0,00 0,00

(i) Securities 0,00 0,00

(j) Interests under wills, etc. 0,00 0,00

(k) Vehicles Other - 2005 - New Holland - TS100 - 0,00 45 000,00 ACP244353 Other - 2011 - New Holland - T6020 - 0,00 52 000,00 ZABD07107 Other - 2011 - New Holland - T6020 - 0,00 52 000,00 ZABD07113 Other - 2012 - New Holland - T6020 - 0,00 56 000,00 ZBBD09870 Other - 2014 - New Holland - T5-105 - 0,00 60 000,00 ZDJJ10510 Other - 2013 - New Holland - T5-105 - 0,00 60 000,00 ZDJJ10704 Other - 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - 0,00 48 000,00 Z9BD08862 Other - 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - 0,00 48 000,00 Z9BD09765 Other - 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - 0,00 48 000,00 Z9BD09752 Other - 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - 0,00 48 000,00 Z9BD09764 Other - 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - 0,00 48 000,00 Z9BD09370 Other - 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - 0,00 48 000,00 Z9BD09689 Other - 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - 0,00 48 000,00 Z9BD10820 Other - 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - 0,00 48 000,00 Z9BD10816 Other - 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - 0,00 48 000,00 Z9BD10815 Other - 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - 0,00 48 000,00 Z9BD10818

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List "H" Property


Nature of property Location Details of property Original cost Estimated to produce (k) Vehicles Other - 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - 0,00 48 000,00 Z9BD09688 Other - 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - 0,00 48 000,00 Z9BD10817 Other - 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - 0,00 48 000,00 Z9BD10819 Other - 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - 0,00 48 000,00 Z9BD09336 Other - 2009 - New Holland - T6020 - 0,00 48 000,00 Z9BD09767 Other - 2016 - New Holland - T6-140 - 0,00 95 000,00 ZFBD02365 Other - 2014 - New Holland - T6-155 - 0,00 65 000,00 ZEBD01782 Automobile - 2015 - Ford - F250 - 0,00 20 000,00 1FTBF2B68FEB34433 Automobile - 2019 - Ford - F250 - 0,00 1,00 1FTBF2B64KED20481 Automobile - 2016 - Ford - F250 - 0,00 1,00 1FT7W2B69GEC92772 Automobile - 2007 - Ford - F150 0,00 4 000,00

(l) Taxes 0,00 0,00

(m) Other 4 Pronovost Blower P920 et Equipement 1,00 1,00 de paysagement 4 Pronovost Blower P920 - 2017 - série: 20 000,00 20 000,00 44549, 44559, 44561, 44562 1 Pelle Fisher 8,6, XTV, 3 15 000,00 15 000,00 16060820193044785-2, Pelle Fisher 7,6, #160628204120277775 et Une Salleuse Fisher, Modèle : 900, #16011330467580190 3 Souffleurs Pronovost 2014, P-920, 20 000,00 15 000,00 série: 38735, 38738 & 38751 Outils variés 20 000,00 20 000,00 18 Souffleurs Pronovost P920 - (Libre de 72 000,00 72 000,00 lien) Comptes à recevoir 0,00 20 000,00

Total: 1 401 003,00


Date siMarc Guindon

Page 236 of 236 Court No.

File No.

In the matter of the bankruptcy of Bo Pelouse Inc. having operated in the city of Pointe-Claire in the Province of Quebec

Form 78 (Bill C-12) Statement of affairs (Business bankruptcy)

Ginsberg, Gingras & Associates Inc. - Licensed Insolvency Trustee
