Odyssean forward guidance in : A primer

Jeffrey R. Campbell

Introduction and summary with making its internal decision-making process The Federal Open Market Committee’s (FOMC) more transparent and therefore more forecastable. In monetary policy statement from its September 2013 this, they followed several foreign central that meeting reads in part: had already adopted explicit targets. (See Bernanke and Woodford, 2005, for a review of inflation In particular, the Committee decided to keep targeting and its implementation outside the United the target range for the federal funds rate at 0 to States.) The dramatically accelerated 1/4 percent and currently anticipates that this ex- the transition to greater openness, and the FOMC’s ceptionally low range for the federal funds rate will be appropriate at least as long as the unem- ployment rate remains above 6-1/2 percent, infla- Jeffrey R. Campbell is a senior economist and research advisor tion between one and two years ahead is projected in the Economic Research Department at the Federal Reserve of Chicago and an external fellow at CentER, Tilburg to be no more than a half percentage point above University. The author is grateful to Marco Bassetto, Charlie the Committee’s 2 percent longer-run goal, and Evans, Jonas Fisher, Alejandro Justiniano, and Spencer Krane for many stimulating discussions on forward guidance and to longer-term inflation expectations continue to be Wouter den Haan, Alejandro Justiniano, and Dick Porter for well anchored.1 helpful editorial feedback. This article is being concurrently published in Wouter den Haan (ed.), 2013, Forward Guidance— This extended reference to the conditions deter- Perspectives from Central Bankers, Scholars and Market mining the FOMC’s future decisions is Participants, Centre for Economic Policy Research, VoxEU.org. an example of forward guidance. © 2013 Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Although participants in FOMC meetings have Economic Perspectives is published by the Economic Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. The views long used speeches and congressional testimony to expressed are the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect the views discuss the Fed’s possible responses to economic de- of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago or the Federal Reserve velopments, the Committee has only issued formal System. Charles L. Evans, President; Daniel G. Sullivan, Executive Vice and regular forward guidance since February 2000, President and Director of Research; Spencer Krane, Senior Vice when it began to include in its statement a “balance President and Economic Advisor; David Marshall, Senior Vice of risks.” The first one read as follows: “Against the President, financial markets group; Daniel Aaronson, Vice President, microeconomic policy research; Jonas D. M. Fisher, Vice President, background of its long-run goals of price stability and macroeconomic policy research; Richard Heckinger, Vice President, sustainable and of the information markets team; Anna L. Paulson, Vice President, team; William A. Testa, Vice President, regional programs; Richard D. currently available, the Committee believes the risks Porter, Vice President and Editor; Helen Koshy and are weighted mainly toward conditions that may gen- Han Y. Choi, Editors; Rita Molloy and Julia Baker, Production erate heightened inflation pressures in the foreseeable Editors; Sheila A. Mangler, Editorial Assistant. 2 Economic Perspectives articles may be reproduced in whole or in future.” Less than two years later, the Committee’s part, provided the articles are not reproduced or distributed for August 21, 2001, statement noted that “... the risks commercial gain and provided the source is appropriately credited. are weighted mainly toward conditions that may gen- Prior written permission must be obtained for any other reproduc- 3 tion, distribution, republication, or creation of works erate economic weakness in the foreseeable future.” of Economic Perspectives articles. To request permission, please Between the FOMC’s first statement of risks and contact Helen Koshy, senior editor, at 312-322-5830 or email the financial crisis that began in August 2007 and in- [email protected]. tensified in September 2008, the Fed experimented ISSN 0164-0682

130 4Q/2013, Economic Perspectives forward guidance became more elaborate and detailed. exchange of future flexibility for current macroeco- After lowering the federal funds rate from 5.25 percent nomic performance becomes especially attractive. in early August 2007 to 0–25 basis points in mid- December 2008, the Committee’s statement read: Future policy actions only have impact “In particular, the Committee anticipates that weak if credible economic conditions are likely to warrant exception- In general, statements of future policy intentions ally low levels of the federal funds rate for some time.”4 have no impact (benign or otherwise) when the public “Extended period” replaced “some time” in March does not find them credible. This problem is particu- 2009, adding specificity. This phrase remained in the larly acute for a , because a central bank statement until the August 2011 meeting, when it was seeking to improve households’ current and future replaced with the even more specific “at least through welfare will be tempted to renege on past interest rate mid-2013.” The January 2012 statement pushed this promises. The interest rate that is currently optimal date back to “late 2014.” might not be consistent with promises that improved By this point, these statements had become known past economic performance, and breaking those promises as calendar-based forward guidance. Campbell et al. now does nothing to the past and improves present (2012) discuss the confusion this language had engen- and future outcomes. If the public anticipates that dered among the public and market participants as of monetary policymakers will apply such logic in the early 2012. Was “late 2014” a forecast that the economy future, then promises of low future interest rates will would remain weak until then or a reassurance that not be believed and, therefore, will have no beneficial the Committee would keep interest rates low through effect in the present. This conundrum is one example that date regardless of economic developments? The of the time-consistency problem, for the discovery of Committee’s September 2012 statement somewhat which Kydland and Prescott (1977) received a Nobel clarified this by stating that the Committee expects “that Prize in 2004. Since this kind of beneficial forward guid- a highly accommodative stance of monetary policy ance requires the policymaker to keep past promises, will remain appropriate for a considerable time after even when sorely tempted to do what seems best at the economic recovery strengthens.”5 Also, in that the moment, Campbell et al. (2012) label this Odyssean statement, “late 2014” became “mid-2015.” In its forward guidance. Like Odysseus bound to the mast December 12, 2012, statement, the FOMC changed of his ship, a monetary policymaker must forswear the nature of its forward guidance to reduce confusion the siren call of the moment and stick to plans laid in by explicitly tying increases in the federal funds rate the past. Odysseus achieved this with ropes for himself to and inflation outcomes, using lan- and earwax for his crew. Research into the analogous guage nearly identical to that from the September 2013 tools available to monetary policymakers is ongoing. meeting quoted previously.6 Of course, not every pronouncement by a mone- It might seem paradoxical that at a time when the tary policymaker is a promise. Some statements merely FOMC has done so little with its policy interest rate, forecast the evolution of the private economy. Campbell it has talked so much about its plans. Even in normal et al. (2012) label such forecast-based statements times, a policymaker promising particular future actions Delphic forward guidance. Like the pronouncements constrains her future behavior and concomitantly loses from the oracle of Delphi, they forecast but do not flexibility. However, such forward guidance (sometimes promise. While Delphic pronouncements undoubtedly called “open-mouth operations”) can substantially contribute positively to the execution of monetary policy, improve current economic performance when house- I ignore them in this article to develop instead a primer holds’ and businesses’ current decisions depend on their on the economic theory of Odyssean forward guidance. expectations of future macroeconomic outcomes. If the This primer’s basic framework is the minimal FOMC’s assurances that rates will remain low raise New Keynesian model, in which the central bank private individuals’ expectations for future inflation chooses the interest rate to achieve the best feasible and growth, then they will wish to consume more today, trade-off of output and inflation. First, I discuss this thereby lifting current and closing model, develop key results, and present some simple the output gap (the gap between actual and potential calculations of optimal monetary policy paths that start economic output). Although this benefit might indeed with the economy at the zero lower bound. Although come at the cost of future flexibility, poor enough current I review the model’s two linear equations, one inequality, macroeconomic performance might merit this sacrifice. and quadratic social welfare function in the text, I present When the zero lower bound (ZLB) on interest rates makes the main results in figures for simplicity. I conclude further conventional accommodation infeasible, the the primer with a brief discussion of current monetary policy examined through the lens of this theory.

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 131 Forward guidance in the New Keynesian model in antitrust enforcement or innovations in market seg-

Effective forward guidance requires the central mentation can show up as a positive mt. Because the bank to communicate its intentions and the public to reflects producer decisions, it is often believe that the bank is committed to their execution. labeled the economy’s “supply side.” The potential contribution of communication and Equation 2 reflects households’ split of current commitment to improved monetary policy can be most income between saving and consumption. The model’s easily appreciated in the canonical New Keynesian households can invest in a one-year risk-free at model that summarizes the behavior of producers, the nominal interest rate it. This choice yields the in- households, and a central bank with a Phillips curve, flation-adjusted returni t – πt+1. Individual households an intertemporal substitution (IS) curve, the zero lower can buy and sell this bond in unlimited amounts, but bound on interest rates, and a central bank loss function. I keep the model simple by assuming that it is in zero . The economy has no capital or other means for real wealth accumulation, so total consump- 1) πκtt=+ym βπtt+1 + , tion must equal total income. Therefore, the output

gap ỹt also equals the percentage deviation of actual 2) =−1 −−π n + yittσ ()tt++11ryt , consumption expenditures from their potential. From this perspective, the IS curve relates the current con- sumption gap to the interest rate and the consumption 3) i ≥ 0, t gap in the next period. The parameter σ is called the inverse absolute intertemporal elasticity of substitution. ∞ It is typically positive, so that increases in the interest 4) Ly=+βπt 1 22λ . ∑ 2 ()tt rate induce households to increase saving and delay t=0 consumption. On the other hand, high future consump- tion reduces the incentive to save and increases current More advanced versions of this model incorporate consumption. The final term requiring explanation in uncertainty about future macroeconomic outcomes. n equation 2 is r , the natural rate of interest. This term For the sake of simplicity, this primer abstracts from t is an exogenously evolving sequence that embodies this complication and presumes that, conditional on the changes in households’ relative valuations of current central bank’s policy choices, future macroeconomic n and future consumption. If r drops but i – π remains outcomes can be calculated with certainty. t t t+1 the same, then the household wishes to reduce current In equation 1, π is the rate of price inflation in t expenditures to save more now and, thereby, allow year t and ỹ is that year’s output gap, defined to be the t more consumption in the future. In this sense, a rela- percentage deviation of actual output from its poten- n tively low value of r indicates that the household is tial. (In New Keynesian models, producers can only t unusually patient. However, this household-based inter- adjust their dollar-denominated prices infrequently. It n pretation of r is probably at best a convenient fiction. is this sluggish price adjustment that drives output away t In practice, many economists interpret low measured from its potential.) The influence of future inflation on n levels of r since the onset of the financial crisis as its current level reflects the forward-looking behavior t arising from the crisis itself and the resulting desire of producers choosing their prices. Woodford (2003) of both households and financial firms to remove both and Galί (2008) present derivations of equation 1 from debt and risk from their balance sheets.7 The IS curve the optimal pricing decisions of producers who can only can be thought of as the economy’s “demand side.” adjust their nominal prices infrequently. In those deri- The ZLB in equation 3 seems natural, because vations, the coefficient β is the discount factor producers negative nominal interest rates are rarely, if ever, ob- apply to their future profits. The Phillips curve’s slope, served. It also has empirical appeal, because κ, is an increasing function of the frequency of price can move their portfolios into (which has a zero adjustment. Perfectly flexible prices lead to a vertical interest rate by construction) rather than holding bonds Phillips curve, so that κ = ∞, while perfectly rigid prices with negative rates.8 In this article, I follow Eggertsson set κ to zero. The output gap influences producers’ prices and Woodford (2003) and Christiano, Eichenbaum, and because it reflects their current marginal costs of pro- Rebelo (2011) and make the zero lower bound relevant duction. The markup shock finishes the right-hand side with a large negative value of the natural rate of interest. of equation 1. It evolves exogenously and embodies The central bank controls the nominal rate of in- changes in producers’ prices that are unrelated to changes terest; and its choices influence inflation and the output in their marginal costs. For example, an exogenous gap through the Phillips and IS curves. The Federal decline in competitive price pressures due to leniency

132 4Q/2013, Economic Perspectives Reserve Act mandates that the FOMC use this influ- fortuitously both ỹ1 and π1 also equal zero, then the IS ence “to promote effectively the goals of maximum curve allows the central bank to achieve a zero output n employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term gap by simply setting it to rt . Since βπ1 + m0 = 0, the interest rates.” Phillips curve translates a zero output gap into zero The model’s central bank fulfills such a mandate current inflation. That is, if future inflation and the cost- by choosing interest rates to minimize the loss function push shock both equal zero and the natural rate of in- in equation 4. It penalizes current and future deviations terest is positive, then the central bank can achieve from zero of inflation and of the output gap.9 The co- the minimum possible loss by completely stabilizing efficient λ gives the central bank the relative weight both the output gap and inflation. Blanchard and Galί on its output stabilization objective.10 The central bank (2010) have referred to a similar result in a more com- uses the firms’ discount factor, β, to evaluate the trade- plicated model as a “divine coincidence.” The Phillips off between current and future losses. Woodford (2003) curve, which determines which inflation and output and Galί (2008) both give derivations of this loss function gap combinations are feasible, passes through the best as quadratic approximations of households’ welfare. possible such combination, no inflation and no output Under this interpretation, both inflation and gap. One might object that this superior outcome merely distort the relative prices of goods; and positive and reflects the good fortune of inheriting expectations of negative output gaps move households away from their price and output stability, but the fact that the central desired allocation of time between labor and leisure. bank wishes to achieve such stability gives one reason

The central bank’s choice of it directly influences to believe that it will occur. Indeed, if both ỹ2 and π2 the current output gap through the IS curve and, there- equal zero, then the central bank can and will achieve by, indirectly influences inflation through the Phillips complete macroeconomic stability in period 1. Con- curve. However, this traditional static view of monetary tinuing in this fashion yields the following result: If n policy is incomplete because producers and consumers mt = 0 always and rt is never negative, then the inter- n base their decisions not merely on current policy, but est rate rule irtt= is feasible and achieves complete also on their expectations for future inflation and out- macroeconomic stabilization. To prove the result to put. It is this channel that makes forward guidance yourself, simply note that the sequences ỹt = 0 and n = potentially useful. πt = 0 satisfy both the Phillips and IS curves if rit t always. Furthermore, this interest rate choice minimizes Discretionary monetary policy the current loss, so households and businesses should One cannot appreciate the value of commitment expect the central bank to follow it. without understanding outcomes in its absence, so I begin with a review of monetary policy under discre- The output-inflation trade-off When βπ + m differs from zero, the central bank tion. By discretion, I mean that the central bank can 1 0 set the current interest rate but has no direct influence cannot achieve complete stabilization because the over future rates until the future itself arises. As dis- Phillips curve no longer passes through the origin. In cussed earlier, a discretionary central bank takes no this case, the discretionary central bank faces a classic account of how expectations of its current actions in- output-inflation trade-off. Panel A of figure 1 illustrates fluenced past behavior because those bygones are just this trade-off with a familiar indifference curve budget- that, bygones. There is little room for central bank com- set diagram. Here, the Phillips curve (in red) plays the munication to alter macroeconomic outcomes, because role of the budget constraint. The central bank can the only credible forward guidance simply describes choose any inflation-output gap combination on the what the central bank will find to be optimal when the curve. Its slope equals κ, and it crosses the vertical axis at βπ + m . The family of indifference curves comes time comes. Campbell et al. (2012) place such state- 1 0 ments in the category of Delphic forward guidance. from the central bank’s loss function. Each one gives Since future interest rates determine future infla- the inflation-output gap combinations that yield a con- tion rates and output gaps, the only terms in the central stant value for the current loss function. If λ equals one, bank’s loss function under its current control give the each indifference curve is a circle. In general, the curves 2 2 are ellipses, but I have drawn only their portions in the current loss, 1 ()πλ+ y . The discretionary central 2 0 0 northwest quadrant. The points on an indifference curve bank’s optimal interest rate minimizes this current that lie inside of another give a lower total loss. If the loss by taking as given ỹ , π , m , and r n. 1 1 0 0 central bank were to choose an inflation-output gap The divine coincidence combination with an indifference curve that crosses I begin consideration of this choice with the very the Phillips curve, then it could achieve a lower loss n ≥ by sliding away from the closest axis along the Phillips special case in which mt = 0 and rt 0 always. If

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 133 insert source and footnotes figure 1 The inflation-output gap trade-off

A. Optimallabel policy without the ZLB B. Optimal policy with the ZLB

βπ1 + m0 βπ1 + m0 0 0 erence curve Indi

Phillips curve i0 <0 Chosen y˜ 00, π Inflation rate, π Inflation rate, π

i0 =0 n Output gap, y˜0 0 r 0 + π1 Output gap, y˜0 0 +˜y1 σ

C. Forward guidance without the ZLB D. Forward guidance with the ZLB

↑ y˜1 & ↑ π1 βπ1 + m0 ↑ π1

↓ π1 0 0

Start End End Inflation rate, π Inflation rate, π

π ↓ 1 ↑ π1 Start n Output gap, y˜ 0 0 r 0 + π1 Output gap, y˜ 0 +˜y1 0 σ Note: ZLB indicates zero lower bound. curve. Therefore, the Phillips curve must be tangent favored outcome. The IS curve becomes more relevant to the best possible point’s associated indifference to the problem when the ZLB on i0 constrains the curve. This is marked in the figure with the red point central bank. To see how, isolate i0 on the left-hand labeled “Chosen ỹ0, π0.” The central bank tolerates side of equation 2, substitute the resulting right-hand both higher-than-desired inflation and lower-than- side into the ZLB in equation 3, and arrange the result desired output as the best feasible outcome. The exact to put ỹ0 on the lower side of the inequality, inflation-output gap chosen balances the loss from in- r n +π creasing inflation slightly with the loss from slightly ≤+01 yy01 σ . deepening the . The nominal interest rate is notable in this standard That is, the ZLB and IS curve together put an up- analysis of the output gap-inflation trade-off only by its per bound on the output gap. When this upper bound absence. The Phillips curve alone determines the output- is a negative number, it can be interpreted as a lower inflation trade-off. So long as the desired output gap bound on the size of a recession. If this lower bound is not below what can be achieved by setting i0 to zero, is high enough, then conventional interest rate policy the IS curve merely determines the nominal interest cannot mitigate a recession. Panel B of figure 1 depicts rate that guides the private sector to the central bank’s the central bank’s choice in this case. The dashed

134 4Q/2013, Economic Perspectives vertical line indicates the location of the upper bound on curve running through the point marked “End” is interior

ỹ0. Without the ZLB, optimal monetary policy would to the one passing through “Start.”) Just as in the case guide the economy to the tangent point marked “i0 < 0.” displayed in figure 1, whether this improvement in

The ZLB moves the actual outcome southwest along current outcomes is worth the required change in π1

the Phillips curve to the point marked “i0 = 0,” where and ỹ1 will depend on their initial levels. If the central the Phillips curve intersects the vertical line. Since the bank inherits expectations of future macroeconomic central bank’s indifference curve is steeper than the stability, then the cost of forward guidance is small. Phillips curve, it would like to reduce the current out- put gap at the expense of higher inflation. However, the Optimal monetary policy as a path ZLB prevents it from doing so. This illustrates how The same constraints that limit the central bank’s conventional monetary policy at the ZLB is “too tight.” actions in year zero also apply to future years, so this discussion of forward guidance would be incomplete Monetary policy with commitment and if it stopped at figure 1. To bring future years’ Phillips communication curves and IS curves into the picture, consider the Both the Phillips curve and IS curve are forward problem of a central bank in year zero choosing values looking, so each of them can serve as a channel for for πt, ỹt, and it from year zero into the infinite future. The forward guidance to influence current macroeconomic central bank chooses these to minimize the loss function outcomes. Panels C and D of figure 1 illuminate these in equation 4, but the chosen sequences must satisfy channels. Suppose that the central bank could credibly the Phillips curve, IS curve, and ZLB in equations 1, influence private expectations about inflation in year 2, and 3 for all years. This dynamic formulation of one. Lowering π1 directly shifts the Phillips curve down the monetary policy problem is necessary for the full and, thereby, expands the set of possible current output consideration of forward guidance, because it allows gap-inflation outcomes. Panel C illustrates this situation, the central bank to quantitatively compare the current in which forward guidance moves inflation and the gains from forward guidance with the future costs of output gap toward their desired levels. Economically, following through on promises made. Because Ramsey a credible promise of future lowers pro- (1927) first conceived of economic policy as choosing ducers’ current desired prices and, thereby, allows the a vector of economic outcomes to achieve the lowest central bank to achieve a given level of current inflation social cost possible subject to the constraints imposed with a smaller output gap. Of course, the promised by private decision-making, economists call this a deflation and its accompanying output gap also cost Ramsey problem and its policy prescription a Ramsey the central bank. The size of the cost depends on the solution. In this particular context, the central bank’s

initial values for π1 and ỹ1. If a substantial deflationary loss function determines the social cost of specific se- recession was already anticipated, then fighting current quences for the output gap and inflation, and the con- inflation with forward guidance might be too costly. straints imposed by private decision-making are the

On the other hand, if both π1 and ỹ1 begin at zero, then Phillips curve, IS curve, and ZLB. slight changes to them have very, very small costs. The Ramsey outcome can be best appreciated Since the IS curve is irrelevant for discretionary by studying an example calculated from a particular monetary policy away from the ZLB, it should be no parameter configuration. To impose a neutral interest surprise that forward guidance works through the IS rate of 4 percent, the example set β = exp (−0.04). curve only when the ZLB constrains policy. Panel D Evans (2011) discusses the numerical values for λ of figure 1 shows how forward guidance can influence consistent with the Fed’s dual mandate of promoting outcomes in this case. The upper bound for ỹ0 derived maximum employment with stable prices, and the from the IS curve and the ZLB constraint increases in example uses his preferred value λ = 0.25. The abso- both π1 and ỹ1, so this lower bound shifts to the right lute intertemporal elasticity of substitution σ equals if the central bank’s promises of low future interest rates one; so a 1 percent reduction in the natural interest increase expectations of inflation, the output gap, or rate lowers the output gap’s upper bound by 1 percent. both in year one. Figure 2 shows the sequence of output gaps and If this were the end of the story, the forward guid- inflation rates that minimize the central bank’s loss ance would slide the inflation-output gap outcome along function with these parameters when a temporarily a fixed Phillips curve. However, the increase in prom- negative natural rate of interest drives the economy n ised inflation also shifts the Phillips curve up. As drawn, to the ZLB in year zero. That is, r0 =−00. 1 and n the cost of the additional current inflation is less than rt = 00. 4 for t ≥ 1. (The markup shock that placed the benefit from the reduced output gap. (The indifference the analysis of figure 1 into the northwest quadrant

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 135 insert source and footnotes figure 2 Optimal policy with one year at the zero lower bound

labelA. Flat Phillips curve: κ = 0.04 B. Steep Phillips curve: κ = 1.00

π t π t


0.01 tt –0.04 –0.07


∼ ∼ yt yt

0.50 0.35

t t

–0.35 –0.47

–1.00 –1.00

it it

3.52 3.54

0 t 0 t

136 4Q/2013, Economic Perspectives equals zero here.) The figure reports results for two Qualitatively, this policy can be seen in the optimal values of κ, 0.04 and 1.00. The smaller “flat” value inflation path with a steep Phillips curve. The deflation of κ is of the magnitude favored by Eggertsson and of 7 basis points is followed by an inflation of 30 basis Woodford (2003). It requires a 20 percent decrease in points. Recall that even if the ZLB does not bind, a cen- the output gap to lower inflation by 1 percent. One might tral bank facing an output-inflation trade-off resulting judge such a large sacrifice ratio to be unrealistic, be- from an inflationary markup shock would like to promise cause actual disinflations (such as that engineered by deflation in the future to move the Phillips curve back Paul Volcker in the early 1980s) have not generated toward the origin. The inflation followed by deflation such large output declines. The relatively larger value also resembles the PLT outcome. Eggertsson and for κ addresses this possibility. Woodford (2003) provide a more extensive but similar In figure 2, the black arrows pointing to the vertical argument that PLT should always be followed, both at axes indicate each variable’s value in year zero without and away from the ZLB. forward guidance. (In all future years, the discretionary The second principle can be seen in the accom-

values of πt, ỹt, and it are zero, zero, and 0.04, respec- modative interest rate in year one: Optimal forward tively.) By construction, discretionary monetary policy guidance promises to maintain an expansionary mon- can do nothing to mitigate the effects of hitting the ZLB. etary policy after the conditions that initially warranted

The negative 1 percent natural interest rate drives ỹ0 it have passed. to −1 percent, irrespective of the Phillips curve’s spec- ification. The Phillips curve’s slope determines the size Conclusion of the associated disinflation. With the flat Phillips curve, Since economic growth remains below potential, this equals only ‒4 basis points, but with the steep inflation is running below the FOMC’s target of 2 per- Phillips curve, inflation falls 1 full percentage point. cent, and the ZLB prevents further conventional mon- When the central bank instead employs forward etary accommodation, the FOMC has turned to two guidance, the decline in the output gap is substantially nontraditional monetary policy tools, quantitative easing reduced, to ‒47 and ‒35 basis points with the flat and and forward guidance. This article has shown how the steep Phillips curves, respectively. To achieve such latter, through “open mouth operations,” can improve moderation of the initial recession, the central bank current macroeconomic outcomes by altering current engineers a future inflationary expansion. In year one, expectations of future inflation and output. In the Ramsey the output gap equals 50 and 35 basis points with the problem, the central bank’s ability to manipulate ex- flat and steep Phillips curves, respectively. With the flat pectations is assumed to be perfect. Campbell et al. Phillips curve, inflation in year one is hardly noticeable, (2012) review the considerable evidence that FOMC but it equals 30 basis points with the steep Phillips members did indeed influence private expectations curve. More noticeable is the effect of forward guid- before the financial crisis, and they expand upon it by ance on year zero inflation when the Phillips curve is showing that FOMC statements continued to move steep. It rises from ‒1 percentage point to ‒7 basis asset prices in the post-crisis period. Such influence is points. The experiments with both slopes feature very undoubtedly helpful for implementing forward guidance, small deviations from steady state after year one, and so it seems reasonable to assume that FOMC partici- they have nearly identical associated paths for the in- pants have built up enough influence with the public terest rate. By construction, i0 = 0. The interest rate to credibly commit to forward guidance. equals about 3.54 percent in year one and thereafter This primer reviewed the theory of such guidance, stays very close to the natural rate. but the question of how well the FOMC’s current These numerical results illustrate two principles guidance matches that of the theory remains open. emphasized by Eggertsson and Woodford (2003). First, In the simple model I used to solve the Ramsey prob- optimal monetary policy at the ZLB resembles the lem, the natural interest rate follows a simple prede- prescriptions of price-level targeting (PLT). Under termined path and there are no markup shocks. In PLT, the central bank announces targets for a relevant practice, both the FOMC and the public face consid- price index, such as the deflator for consumer expen- erable uncertainty about the path of the natural interest ditures excluding food and energy goods, for several rate. Furthermore, shocks to supply (through the mark- dates. The central bank then chooses policy in order up shock) and demand (through the natural interest rate) to come as close as possible to these targets. If inflation continue to impact the economy even though they are falls short of its expected value, then the central bank more pedestrian than those that caused the financial crisis. deliberately tolerates a later overshooting of inflation, Mimicking the Ramsey solution in such circumstances which brings the closer to its stated target. would require the FOMC to specify a comprehensive

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago 137 rule for its interest rate decisions and associated forecasts of the Ramsey solution. Of course, the simple model for inflation and the output gap. In such a complex presented here gives just a qualitative guide to opti- world, where the possible sources of future economic mal forward guidance. The more sophisticated model turbulence cannot even be reliably listed (not to men- of Eggertsson and Woodford (2003) differs from it tion quantified), such a complete solution is unrealistic. only by randomizing the time at which the natural What the FOMC has done instead is provide rate of interest permanently returns to its long-run threshold-based guidance. The Committee expects the value, so that provides hardly more quantitative guid- current interest rate of approximately zero to remain ance for the current situation. Extending this policy appropriate at least as long as the unemployment rate framework to include a more realistic random evolu- n remains above 6.5 percent and medium-term inflation tion of rt and ongoing markup shocks is the subject expectations remain below 2.5 percent. This guidance of current research. can be consistent with the “overshooting” prescription


1The full press release from the September 18, 2013, FOMC meeting 8One might object that the simple model economy at hand has no is available at www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/press/monetary/ cash, only one-period bonds. Woodford (2003) asserts that adding 20130918a.htm. cash to the model leaves its basic economics unchanged. This article uses the cashless version of the New Keynesian model to maintain 2See www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/press/general/2000/ simplicity. 20000202/default.htm. 9Virtually by definition, bringing the output gap closer to zero improves 3See www.federalreserve.gov/boarddocs/press/general/2001/ social welfare. However, zero inflation is not necessarily the socially 20010821/default.htm. optimal definition of “price stability.” Reifschneider and Williams (2000) discuss this in more detail. For simplicity, this primer abstracts 4See www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/press/monetary/ from this issue by defining “price stability” with a zero inflation rate. 20081216b.htm. 10One might object that the output gap appears in equation 4 rather 5See www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/press/monetary/ than an analogously defined employment gap. Since Okun’s law 20120913a.htm. connects these two gaps, the stabilization of the output gap is in- deed consistent with the Fed’s dual mandate. See Evans (2011) 6See www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/press/monetary/ for a discussion of this issue. 20121212a.htm.

7Since it corresponds to no specific market interest rate, rn cannot t be directly observed. However, it can be inferred from observations of actual interest rates and households’ consumption and savings decisions. See Justiniano and Primiceri (2010) for a review of this procedure.

138 4Q/2013, Economic Perspectives references Bernanke, B. S., and M. Woodford (eds.), 2005, Galί, J., 2008, Monetary Policy, Inflation, and the The Inflation-Targeting Debate, Chicago: University : An Introduction to the New Keynesian of Chicago Press. Framework, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

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