Fusion 101

Step by Step Instructions

I. Create Your Excel Table

1. Create a table with unique header names. I recommend keeping latitude and longitude as the last two columns.

 IMAGE  IMG_URL  CAPTION  OBSERVE  REFLECT  WONDER  LATITUDE (must be in decimal degrees)  LONGITUDE (must be in decimal degrees)

2. Save your excel spreadsheet as .csv file. To do this:

 Go to File -> Save As  Give your file a unique name  Under the File name change the file type to CSV (Comma Delimited)

 Click OK if prompted by excel indicating the selected format does not support workbooks that contain multiple sheets.

 Choose Yes if prompted that there your spreadsheet may not be compatible.

 Exit Excel. If prompted with more warnings choose OK or Yes.

1 II. Use Google Fusion Tables to Create a KMZ Map of your images

1. Go to Google ( www.docs.google.com ) and log in using your Account

2. Choose Create -> Table (beta)

3. The Google Fusion Tables Window will appear in a new tab.

4. Notice you have three options – import from your computer, import from google spreadsheets, or create your own.

-> Select From this Computer -> Choose File

5. Navigate to the .csv file you just created and select it. See example below: 6.

7. Select Open


8. Maintain the default Google Fusion Table settings and choose Next

9. Inspect the preview of the table and choose Next

10. Provide some basic information about the file

11. Select Finish

12. Notice that your table is now a Google Fusion Table

13. Choose Visualize -> Map

14. Notice that each of the images in your table visualize in a Google map.

15. Format your Placemarks and Content Window

3 -> Choose Configure Styles

- > Choose what ever you would like.

- Notice that your placemarks now display as large_red

-> Choose Configure Window -> Custom

- Delete all of the code in the Custom Window

- Go to the file Content_Window_HTML_GLI_2012 and open the file:

- Highlight and copy (right click->copy) the code in the file.


IMG_URL: Click here to see the full size image


- Return to the Configure Window Custom and Paste in this code

- Choose Save

III. Sharing and Exporting

Now that you have mapped your Google Fusion table you can share it in a variety of ways.

- Send an Email link so that others can see the map. Choose Get link in top right corner.

- Share the Fusion Table and Map with collaborators. Choose Share in top Right Corner

- Export and share as a KML file. Choose:

- Get a KML Network link and share the link with users.

*Note that your table cannot be private in order to get a KML network link.

*This will allow you share a link to the KML file with others while maintaining the ability to make changes to your fusion table and not have to send a new KML file to people. This is a nice option if managing a large collection of placemarks.

5 To learn more about KML Network links visit: http://www.gelib.com/google-earth- network-links.htm

How to find and copy Image URLs

A. Open Internet Explorer or Firefox B. Go to FLICKR C. Click on the Flickr Image you are georeferencing -> Choose View All Sizes (top right corner) D. Choose “ Large 1024” E. Obtain the direct URL for the image

 -> (PC) Right click on the image and choose Copy URL (PC)


 (Apple) Right click on the image and choose properties and then swipe and copy the URL (Apple)

F. Return to your excel spreadsheet and paste this url into the cell for the IMG_URL. MAKE SURE THE IMAGE URL CONTAINS THE EXTENSION .jpg