Resilient, Productive and Sustainable Landscapes in Mali's Kayes Region
11/17/2019 Global Environment Facility (GEF) Operations Project Identication Form (PIF) entry – Full Sized Project – GEF - 7 Resilient, productive and sustainable landscapes in Mali’s Kayes Region Part I: Project Information GEF ID 10362 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund MTF CBIT/NGI CBIT NGI Project Title Resilient, productive and sustainable landscapes in Mali’s Kayes Region Countries Mali Agency(ies) FAO Other Executing Partner(s) Executing Partner Type Ministry of Agriculture; Ministry of Environment, Sanitation and Sustainable Government Development 1/73 11/17/2019 Global Environment Facility (GEF) Operations GEF Focal Area Multi Focal Area Taxonomy Focal Areas, Climate Change Adaptation, Climate Change, Livelihoods, Innovation, Mainstreaming adaptation, Least Developed Countries, Biodiversity, Mainstreaming, Agriculture and agrobiodiversity, Sustainable Development Goals, Land Degradation, Sustainable Land Management, Ecosystem Approach, Improved Soil and Water Management Techniques, Drought Mitigation, Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security, Inuencing models, Convene multi-stakeholder alliances, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision-making, Stakeholders, Type of Engagement, Partnership, Private Sector, SMEs, Individuals/Entrepreneurs, Local Communities, Beneciaries, Civil Society, Community Based Organization, Communications, Behavior change, Gender Equality, Gender results areas, Access to benets and services, Awareness Raising, Capacity Development, Participation and leadership, Gender Mainstreaming, Women groups, Gender-sensitive indicators, Sex-disaggregated indicators, Capacity, Knowledge and Research, Knowledge Generation, Professional Development, Workshop, Knowledge Exchange, Peer-to-Peer Rio Markers Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation 0 Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Adaptation 1 Duration 60 In Months Agency Fee($) 649,036 Submission Date 9/30/2019 2/73 11/17/2019 Global Environment Facility (GEF) Operations A.
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