Securing the commons No.7 Social inclusion: a pre-requisite for equitable and sustainable natural resource management Two experiences in Mali Aly Bocoum Katherine Cochrane Mamadou Diakite Oumar Kane April 2003 About the authors Aly Boucoum is the co-ordinator of the Natural Resource Management and Development Project (PAGRN) run by the Near East Foundation, an NGO based in Douentza that has been operating in the 5th administrative region of Mali since 1984. He can be contacted at the following address: NEF, BP 09, Cercle de Douentza, Région de Mopti, Mali; Tel: (223) 245 20 23, E-mail:
[email protected] Katherine Cochrane worked as a UNAIS Development Worker on the Environmental Management Support Project run by SOS Sahel in Bankass, in the region of Mopti. She is currently Programme Officer at SOS Sahel UK. Her e-mail address is
[email protected] Mamadou Diakité is the Director of SOS Sahel’s Environmental Management Support Project in the region of Mopti. He can be contacted at PAGE-B SOS Sahel, BP 31, Sévaré, Région de Mopti, Mali. Tel: (223) 242 04 53; E-mail:
[email protected] Oumar Kane is the head of the Boré branch of NEF (the principal town in the municipality of Dangol Boré) in the region of Mopti. His contact details are NEF, BP 09, Cercle de Douentza, Région de Mopti, Mali; Tel (223) 245 20 23; E-mail
[email protected] Acknowledgements This paper is based on the results of the action-research carried out by NEF and SOS Sahel in the context of the Shared Management of Common Property Resources programme, which was funded by Comic Relief, NORAD and DFID, and implemented by IIED and SOS Sahel UK.