Nervous System - PNS AND CNS

Locate the following structures on the appropriate model or diagram. Understand the function of ea

Neuron Spinal nerves Cerebrum axon cervical plexus cerebral hemisphere dendrite phrenic cerebral cortex cell body gray matter Schwann cell brachial plexus white matter node of Ranvier axillary gyrus (convolution) myelin sheath radial longitudinal fissure neurolemma median Nissl bodies ulnar central sulcus synaptic knobs lateral sulcus synaptic vesicles lumbar plexus frontal lobe femoral parietal lobe obturator occipital lobe central canal temporal lobe posterior column sacral plexus insula lateral column sciatic corpus callosum anterior column tibial olfactory bulb posterior sulcus common fibular olfactory tract anterior fissure superficial fibular posterior horn deep fibular Diencephalon lateral horn thalamus anterior horn intercostal nerves intermediate mass gray commissure hypothalamus conus medularis Autonomic NS infundibulum dorsal nerve root sympathetic trunk pituitary gland dorsal root ganglion ganglia (paravertebral) pineal gland ventral nerve root mammillary bodies spinal nerve Brainstem optic nerve cauda equina = medulla, pons, mid, optic tract cranial nerves optic chiasm

Meninges Midbrain cerebral peduncles Cranial Nerves dural sinus superior colliculus I olfactory inferior colliculus II optic III oculomotor subarachnoid space Pons IV trochlear arachnoid granulations (villi) V trigeminal Medulla Oblongata VI abducens pyramids VII facial denticulate ligament olive VIII vestibulocochlear IX glossopharyngeal Cerebellum X vagus Ventricles cerebellar hemisphere XI accessory lateral ventricles vermis XII hypoglossal septum pellucidum transverse fissure third ventricle tentorium cerebelli cerebral aqueduct falx cerebelli fourth ventricle arbor vitae