
Women. in- American------, Histo:rt,,-� 1. 2. 3.

(1744-1818) (1860-1935) wrote many letters founrled a (1832-1888) durin� neighborhood waR the nuthor of Revolutionarv ... center that helped manv hook!'!, timC's that gi�·e us a gnod immigrnnts who �r.ttlccl in inclu.ding the wrll­ picture of life then. She was Chicago. She led the fight for loved "Little Women."{i She sold 1;1gainst slavery. Her husband many cnu�es, including her first storv when she was 16 and her son both became women's ri�hts and child labor to raise rnon�y to help support president. laws. hn f.,rnil�·-

.. ·•.- ·.. : .·. -;IJ��� Notional 5 . .-�;820�19?6).- · ·. '\\'omen's (1821-1912) Hist.orv \V('ek 11 t,, � �!:'O:��e ::1 fomn11s · th� fi�h=t'to���in /'\' · is n spE'cinl nurse durin� the \'. ·. women the right , \ . · \ week Rct aside Ci'-;1 W nr. She to vote. She also wnrkrd ·\ \ b....- the U.S. Inter wr.nt to Europe, where !-he as::ninst slavery. She was a c·onJ,!rcs�. In this issue urc enw the Hcd CrosA in action. great friend of anothrr famous fcntured juRt n few women She came back to thi� countr.· fo::hter for women's right.a, who hn\'c cont:-ibutcd so nnd founded the American H�-d Elizabeth Cody Stan ton. much to our country's pnst. Cross.

6. 8. - 7 • �� (1892-1973) 5) : . \���1" · (1870-195 ' was nn awnrd­ (1B07-19(H) wnR a black winning writer of WilA n marine educator who rrinnv books nbout biolodst nnd founded Bethunf'-Cookman lifr i�1 China. She was the nuthor. She wrote Collei!e in Daytona Beach, Fla. daughter of missionaries and hooks warning of the dangers She became an nd'-'iser to spent many years in that of pollution. She received many President Franklin Hoosevelt. country. awards.

...... � 9. ([:�� �1� \::30-1886) �7-l!J37) (1859-1947) did not want .was n record• � ® \,:. woe a leader in nnvone to know (·_ .. 1 '- setting pilot. She (1 I the fight to nllow - nb�ut her �.,;. ,., ' was the first i�/ (,�J\�t women to vote. She also����� ) v.riting. Only two of her 1,500 womon to receive the founded the League of Women poemA were published while Di,-tin�uishcd Flyin� Cross Voters. a �oup that studies �he wn<1 nlive. Todny !'lheiA nnrl oo fly olone ncro8R tlie political issues in order to make thought to be one of the great and the United wisevoting decisions. American poels. Stat.es.

1 · MATQ-I·1HE FOLLO\\°I?\G:

Dr. Florence Rena Sabin Harriet Tubman Pearl S. Buck Annie Oakley ... Madame C.J. Walker . j, Elearnor Roosevelt Susan B. Anthony Phillis Wheatley Mary McLeod Bethune ----•----- ' . . � . -

12. 13� 14. � (1880-1968) (1860-1927) ( l 8(i0-1926) - . became blind and founded the Girl· was one of the � . deaf before the wor I s ,,�fy' /� Scouts of America Id great cs t �i,:,•'-•-i c;}..� age of 2. She and served as its sharpshooters ·. - leurneJ tu �µea� aud ....,,itc. 3:1.: prt.;i.:!-:�t f:,:: :.:·;c:-:.L:;�:!r!j. She with pistol. rifle> nnd sliotg-un.'·• worked to help blind people was from a wealthy family in For 17 years, she was the star and bec·ame a symbol of hope Savannah, Ga. Her nickname. of Ouffalo Bill's Wild West for the handicnpped. was Daisy. Show.

15. .:..;:.�� 16. 17. l-' � (1882-1965) "!" t (1884-HlG2) iJ ' I l�,..-�}). · ecryed as r- (lBR0-1973) assumed mnnv -�'. w�fe (J secretary of labor ��,.,,�-_;.,-- wns the first roi('s ns the · .,.. •0, . under President "',;}', woman to be of !'resident Franklin Roosevelt. She was elected to the Frnnklin Roosevelt. She /,,/ �/ / /' the first woman to become a Congress. She became nn important person in U.S. Cabinet member and run served two te:rrns ns a member hrr own right nnd worked hard a big department of the of the House of Represent.Hives for civil rif,!hts nnd other f:!Overnment. from �1ontnna. causes. 19. GI: :o. (�:�1-1953) �\ (1820-1913) f-2-9-· wos a medical /�( :-1/ helped over 300 e researcher, ·,��,i slaves flee to � ,. (18(,B-1919) scientist and o/ \_ freedom. She was wns nn teacher at the Johns Hopkins a "conductor" in the 1.V ex-washc>rwoman MedicalSchool in Bnltimore, Under�round Railrond, a who Lccnme n Md., for 28 years. She also AyAtem design£'d to help sl:wes millionnire ma kin� beauty aids helped refonn the health care escape. She was also n nurse for black women. She gave a lnws of . nnd n spy for the Union side. lot of money to charity. r�i� 21. 22. 23. f-I ·-;-_ � (1753-1784) (191·1-1956) �.?, ;;:;: ·:::f1\ wa!:I on '<.l g_, ,.;_ _ (1728-1814) wns the first outstanding 'Ii..� 1-,':'.: wns one of the American black �- \.. "'7,) . She set· � first women in womnn to be --�,-:,. [A), many records in track-an

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