University of Minnesota Mail - Several Media Items https://mail lfa64bb4&view.. JVL Brian Steeves <
[email protected]> Several Media Items Brian Steeves <
[email protected]> Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 3:01 PM To: Linda Cohen <
[email protected]>, David Larson <
[email protected]> Cc: Eric Kaler <
[email protected]>, Amy Phenix <
[email protected]>, mark rotenberg <
[email protected]> Bcc: Clyde Alien <
[email protected]>, David McMillan <
[email protected]>, Dean Johnson <
[email protected]>, John Frobenius <
[email protected]>, Laura Brod <
[email protected]>, Maureen Ramirez <
[email protected]>, Patricia Simmons <
[email protected]>, Richard Beeson <
[email protected]>, Tom Devine <
[email protected]>, Venora Hung <
[email protected]>, Angela Menzel <
[email protected]>, Ken Savary <
[email protected]>, Mary Swords <
[email protected]>, Pamela Hudson <
[email protected]>, Sarah Dirksen <
[email protected]> TO: ALL REGENTS I am writing to provide a heads up on several items that have or may generate media attention. Defibrillator Research Professor Frank Bates, head of Chemical Engineering, published a study yesterday in the journal Macromolecules that highlights significant issues with St. Jude defibrillators. The study includes clear language that identifies Bates as a paid consultant to Medtronic, and it is my understanding that the research was funded by Medtronic. Like all published research, this study was peer-reviewed. The study has already received some attention in Business Week ( shows-new-st-dot-jude-wire-problems) and may also generate local attention since both companies are located in Minnesota.