Curdridge Parish Council 2 Berkeley Gardens, Hedge End, Southampton, Hampshire, SO30 0QW Tel: 01489 786557 or mobile 07858 491919 Email Parish Council Manager:
[email protected] MINUTES OF FULL COUNCIL MEETING OF CURDRIDGE PARISH COUNCIL HELD AT 7.00 PM ON THURSDAY 3 SEPTEMBER 2020 VIA A ZOOM ONLINE PUBLIC MEETING Present: Cllr Eric Bodger (Chairman) Cllr Steve Wallin (Vice Chairman) Cllr Larry Burden Cllr Rory Kemp Cllr Lynne Newton Cllr Sian Townsend In attendance: Jenny Whittle (Parish Council Manager - PCM) Cllr Roger Huxstep (County Councillor) Cllr Vivian Achwal (District Councillor) Cllr Roger Bentote (District Councillor) 3 members of public Public Session There were no matters arising. 20.157 Apologies for Absence Apologies had been received from Cllr Debbie Caister. 20.158 To receive Declarations of Interest Cllr Bodger declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 20.161. 20.159 To receive reports from the County Councillor, District Councillors and Hampshire Constabulary Representative, if applicable, usually given at the end of each month Cllr Huxstep reported: Five Oaks Farm Quarry application – Cllr Huxstep had requested an extension to the public consultation response period until 11 September. He will be submitting an objection himself. Heartfelt thanks to Hampshire’s volunteers - Hampshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities, Partnerships and External Affairs, Councillor Andrew Joy has expressed thanks on behalf of the Authority, for the tremendous work of the county’s army of volunteers who have been responding to the needs of communities during the coronavirus outbreak. Hampshire’s educators are ready and eager to start the new term - Pre-schools, primary and secondary schools across Hampshire were eager to welcome children and young people back at the start of the new academic year.