Title Page 2005 Kelly Lake.Cdr
TYPE OF WORK IN EXTENT OF WORK PROJECT COSTS THIS REPORT (IN METRIC UNITS) ON WHICH CLAIMS APPORTIONED (incl. support) GEOLOGICAL (scale, area) Ground, 1:5,000; 1:10,000 ~10 square km Mar 42, 106, 109, 113; Stag 1-2; William 1 $ 44,335.66 Photo interpretation GEOPHYSICAL (line-kilometres) Ground Magnetic Electromagnetic Induced Polarization Radiometric Seismic Other Airborne GEOCHEMICAL (number of samples analysed for ...) Soil Silt Rock 99 samples analyzed for whole rock constituents Mar 42, 106, 109, 113; Stag 1-2; William 1 $ 2,920.50 Other DRILLING (total metres; number of holes, size) Core Non-core RELATED TECHNICAL Sampling/assaying Petrographic Mineralographic Metallurgic PROSPECTING (scale, area) PREPARATORY/PHYSICAL Line/grid (kilometres) Topographic/Photogrammetric (scale, area) Legal surveys (scale, area) Road, local access (kilometres)/trail Trench (metres) Underground dev. (metres) Other TOTAL COST $47,256.16 GRAYMONT WESTERN CANADA INC. 2010 GEOLOGIC MAPPING AND SAMPLING OF THE KELLY LAKE LIMESTONE DEPOSITS, MARBLE RANGE WEST OF CLINTON, BRITISH COLUMBIA Clinton Mining Division MAR 42, 66-69, 101-102, 105-106, 109, 113 WILLIAM 1, MARY 1, AND STAG 1-5, 9-11 Geographic Coordinates 51° 08' 00" N 121° 52' 05" W NTS Sheet 92P/04 Owner & Operator: Graymont Western Canada Inc. 260, 4311 - 12 Street NE Calgary, Alberta T2E 4P9 Consultant: Dahrouge Geological Consulting Ltd. 18, 10509 - 81 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T6E 1X7 Authors: P. Kluczny, B.Sc., P.Geol. Date Submitted: March 21, 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. Introduction ................................................. 1 1.1 Geographic Setting.............................................. 1 1.1.1 Location and Access...................................... 1 1.1.2 Topography, Vegetation and Climate.
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