From: Fordham, Michael <
[email protected]> To: Wldblood, Andrelt/ <Andrer,t/.\Mldblood@irngworld,com>;
[email protected] <lkrmdi@aol,com>i Griffiths, Peter <Peter.Griff
[email protected] ; SundarRaman <
[email protected]> cc: Loffhagen, John <
[email protected]; Bcci Aol <
[email protected]>; Manning, Paul <
[email protected]> Subject: RE: IPL related issues Date: Wed, Jan 21, 2009 3:38 pm The name of the person at PVR was Gautam Dutta (Marketing Director). I will set up another meeting with him. From: Wildblood. Andrew Sent: 21 January 2009 10:04 To:
[email protected]; Grifriths, Peter; Sundar Raman Cc: Lofihagen. John; Boci Aol; Fordham, Midlael; Manning, Paul Subject! RE: IPL related issues Dear LaI it, We wiL.1 get across these three issues riqht away. P]ease see init-ia.L co(unents beLor.r. -----Original Messaqe----- From: lalit modi lrnailtoi] Sent: 21 January 2009 03:50 To: Wifdb.Lood, Andrew; criffiths, Peter; Sundar Raman .-^. r.^f fhadar .r^hn. R..i Aol Srrhitr/-f . TPT, rr'l ,ited i ssues Dear Andrer,r The IP], season is around the corner and as such there are a few things we need Lo resolve asap lrhich are eiLher oulsLanding o-r need cornpLetion. 1. In regard to our conversation abouL fPL Lheatrical riqhts, I had menLioned to you to leave the same aLone as I was in advance conversation with Sony on lhe sane. on further reflection f befieve its not in Bcci and TPLrs best interest to have all its eggs in one basket, From now on we should broadbase our partners, Therefore you have the Go ahead to get offers for theatrical Rights with the companies that have approached us for the same.