P. I. C. M. – 2018 Rio de Janeiro, Vol. 1 (899–934)



Abstract We discuss recent developments in p-adic geometry, ranging from foundational results such as the degeneration of the Hodge-to-de Rham spectral sequence for “compact p-adic manifolds” over new period maps on moduli spaces of abelian varieties to applications to the local and global Langlands conjectures, and the con- struction of “universal” p-adic theories. We finish with some specula- tions on how a theory that combines all primes p, including the archimedean prime, might look like.

1 Introduction

In this survey paper, we want to give an introduction to the world of ideas which the author has explored in the past few years, and indicate some possible future directions. The two general themes that dominate this work are the cohomology of algebraic vari- eties, and the local and global Langlands correspondences. These two topics are classi- cally intertwined ever since the cohomology of the moduli space of elliptic curves and more general Shimura varieties has been used for the construction of Langlands corre- spondences. Most of our work so far is over p-adic fields, where we have established analogues of the basic results of Hodge theory for “compact p-adic manifolds”, have constructed a “universal” p-adic cohomology theory, and have made progress towards establishing the local Langlands correspondence for a general p-adic reductive group by using a theory of p-adic shtukas, and we will recall these results below. However, here we wish to relay another, deeper, relation between the cohomology of algebraic varieties and the structures underlying the Langlands corresondence, a re- lation that pertains not to the cohomology of specific algebraic varieties, but to the very notion of what “the” cohomology of an algebraic variety is. Classically, the study of the latter is the paradigm of “motives” envisioned by Grothendieck; however, that vi- sion has still only been partially realized, by Voevodsky [2000], and others. Basically, Grothendieck’s idea was to find the “universal” cohomology as the universal solution to a few basic axioms; in order to see that this has the desired properties, one however needs to know the existence of “enough” algebraic cycles as encoded in the standard conjec- tures, and more generally the Hodge and Tate conjectures. However, little progress has been made on these questions. We propose to approach the subject from the other side MSC2010: primary 14G22; secondary 11S37, 11R39, 11F80, 14G20. Keywords: Perfectoid spaces, rigid-analytic geometry, p-adic Hodge theory, Shimura varieties, , shtukas, twistors.

899 900 PETER SCHOLZE and construct an explicit cohomology theory that practically behaves like a universal cohomology theory (so that, for example, it specializes to all other known cohomology theories); whether or not it is universal in the technical sense of being the universal solution to certain axioms will then be a secondary question. This deeper relation builds on the realization of Drinfeld [1980], that in the function case, at the heart of the Langlands correspondence lie moduli spaces of shtukas. Anderson [1986], Goss [1996], and others have since studied the notion of t-motives, which is a special kind of shtuka, and is a remarkable function field analogue of mo- tives, however without any relation to the cohomology of algebraic varieties. What we are proposing here is that, despite extreme difficulties in making sense of this, there should exist a theory of shtukas in the number field case, and that the cohomology of an algebraic variety, i.e. a motive, should be an example of such a shtuka. This picture has been essentially fully realized in the p-adic case. In the first sections of this survey, we will explain these results in the p-adic case; towards the end, we will then speculate on how the full picture over Spec Z should look like, and give some evidence that this is a reasonable picture. Acknowledgments. This survey was written in relation to the author’s lecture at the ICM 2018. Over the past years, I have benefitted tremendously from discussions with many , including Bhargav Bhatt, Ana Caraiani, , Laurent Fargues, Ofer Gabber, Eugen Hellmann, Lars Hesselholt, , Mark Kisin, Arthur-César le Bras, Akhil Mathew, Matthew Morrow, , Richard Taylor, and many others. It is a great pleasure to thank all of them for sharing their insights, and more generally the whole mathematical community for being so generous, inviting, supportive, challenging, and curious. I feel very glad and honoured to be part of this adventure.

2 p-adic Hodge theory

Let us fix a complete algebraically closed extension C of Qp. The analogue of a com- pact complex manifold in this setting is a proper smooth rigid-analytic variety X over C .1 Basic examples include the analytification of proper smooth algebraic varieties over C , or the generic fibres of proper smooth formal schemes over the ring of integers OC of C . More exotic examples with no direct relation to algebraic varieties are given by the Hopf surfaces X = ((A2 )rig (0; 0) )/qZ ; C n f g where q C is an element with 0 < q < 1 acting via diagonal multiplication on A2. 2 j j Recall that their complex analogues are non-Kähler, as follows from the asymmetry 0 1 1 in Hodge numbers, H (X; ΩX ) = 0 while H (X; OX ) = C . On the other hand, some other non-Kähler manifolds such as the Iwasawa manifolds do not have a p-adic analogue. 1Rigid-analytic varieties were first defined by Tate [1971], and alternative and more general foundations have been proposed by various authors, including Raynaud [1974], Berkovich [1993], Fujiwara and Kato [2006], and Huber [1996]. We have found Huber’s setup to be the most natural, and consequently we will often implicitly regard all schemes, formal schemes and rigid spaces that appear in the following as adic spaces in the sense of Huber; his category naturally contains all of these categories as full subcategories. p-ADIC GEOMETRY 901

The basic cohomological invariants of a compact complex manifold also exist in this i setting. The analogue of singular cohomology is étale cohomology H´et(X; Z`), which is defined for any prime `, including ` = p. If ` p, it follows for example from ¤ work of Huber [1996, Proposition 0.5.3], that this is a finitely generated Z`-module. For ` = p, this is also true by Scholze [2013a, Theorem 1.1], but the argument is significantly harder. i Moreover, one has de Rham cohomology groups HdR(X/C ) and Hodge cohomol- i j ogy groups H (X; ΩX ), exactly as for compact complex manifolds. These are finite- i dimensional by a theorem of Kiehl [1967]. By the definition of HdR(X/C ) as the hy- percohomology of the de Rham complex, one finds an E1-spectral sequence Eij = H j (X; Ωi ) H i+j (X/C ) 1 X ) dR called the Hodge-to-de Rham spectral sequence. In complex geometry, a basic conse- quence of Hodge theory is that this spectral sequence degenerates at E1 if X admits a Kähler metric. This assumption is not necessary in p-adic geometry: Theorem 2.1 (Scholze [2013a, Corollary 1.8], Bhatt, Morrow, and Scholze [2016, The- orem 13.12]). For any proper smooth rigid-analytic space X over C , the Hodge-to- de Rham spectral sequence Eij = H j (X; Ωi ) H i+j (X/C ) 1 X ) dR degenerates at E1. Moreover, for all i 0,  i i j j i i X dimC H (X; ΩX ) = dimC HdR(X/C ) = dimQp H´et(X; Qp) : j =0 Fortunately, the Hodge-to-de Rham spectral sequence does degenerate for the Hopf surface – and the examples of nondegeneration such as the Iwasawa manifolds do not have p-adic analogues. Over the complex numbers, the analogue of the equality i i dimC HdR(X/C ) = dimQp H´et(X; Qp) follows from the comparison isomorphism between singular and de Rham cohomology. In the p-adic case, the situation is slightly more complicated, and the comparison iso- morphism only exists after extending scalars to Fontaine’s field of p-adic periods BdR. If X is only defined over C , it is nontrivial to formulate the correct statement, as there is no natural map C BdR along which one can extend scalars; the correct statement ! is Theorem 6.3 below. There is however a different way to obtain the desired equality of dimensions. This relies on the Hodge–Tate spectral sequence, a form of which is implicit in Faltings’s proof of the Hodge–Tate decomposition, Faltings [1988]. Theorem 2.2 (Scholze [2013b, Theorem 3.20], Bhatt, Morrow, and Scholze [2016, The- orem 13.12]). For any proper smooth rigid-analytic space X over C , there is a Hodge– Tate spectral sequence

ij i j i+j E = H (X; Ω )( j ) H (X; Zp) Z C 2 X ) ´et ˝ p 902 PETER SCHOLZE

that degenerates at E2. Here, ( j ) denotes a Tate twist, which becomes important when one wants to make everything Galois-equivariant. Note that the Hodge cohomology groups appear in the other order than in the Hodge-to-de Rham spectral sequence. Remark 2.3. If X is the base change of a proper smooth rigid space defined over a discretely valued field K C , then everything in sight carries a Galois action, and it  follows from the results of Tate [1967], that there is a unique Galois-equivariant splitting of the abutment filtration, leading to a Galois-equivariant isomorphism

i i i j j H (X; Qp) Q C M H (X; Ω )( j ) ; ´et ˝ p Š X j =0 answering a question of Tate [ibid., Section 4.1, Remark]. However, this isomorphism does not exist in families. This is analogous to the Hodge decomposition over the com- plex numbers that does not vary holomorphically in families. An interesting question is whether Hodge symmetry could still hold under some con- dition on X. Such an analogue of the Kähler condition has recently been proposed by Li [2017]. In joint work with Hansen and Li [2017], they state the following conjecture that they prove in the case i + j = 1. Conjecture 2.4. Let X be a proper smooth rigid-analytic variety that admits a formal model X whose special fibre is projective. Then for all i; j 0, one has  i j j i dimC H (X; ΩX ) = dimC H (X; ΩX ): The condition is indeed analogous to the Kähler condition; in Arakelov theory, the analogue of a metric is a formal model, and the positivity condition on the Kähler metric finds a reasonable analogue in the condition that the special fibre is projective. Note that in particular it follows from the results of Hansen–Li that for any proper formal model X of the Hopf surface (which exist by Raynaud’s theory of formal models), the special fibre is a non-projective (singular) proper surface. From the Hodge-to-de Rham and the Hodge–Tate spectral sequence, one obtains abutments filtrations that we call the Hodge–de Rham filtration and the Hodge–Tate filtration. Their variation in families defines interesting period maps as we will recall in the next sections.

3 Period maps from de Rham cohomology

First, we recall the more classical case of the period maps arising from the variation of the Hodge filtration on de Rham cohomology. For simplicity, we will discuss the moduli space M/Z of elliptic curves. If E is a an elliptic curve over the complex numbers, 0 1 1 then H (E; ΩE ) = (Lie E) is the dual of the Lie algebra, H (E; OE ) = Lie E is the Lie algebra of the dual elliptic curve E (which, for elliptic curves, is canonically isomorphic to E itself), and the Hodge-de Rham filtration is a short exact sequence

1 0 (Lie E) H (E/C) Lie E 0 ; ! ! dR ! ! p-ADIC GEOMETRY 903

1 1 where H (E/C) H (E; Z) Z C. The classical period map takes the form dR Š sing ˝

M UUUU ooo UUUU wooo f UU* M(C) H = P 1(C) P 1(R) ˙ n where M M(C) is the GL2(Z)-torsor parametrizing trivializations of the first sin- f ! gular cohomology of the elliptic curve. Given an elliptic curve E/C with such a trivi- 1 2 1 2 alization H (E; Z) Z , the Hodge filtration (Lie E) H (E; Z) Z C C Š   sing ˝ Š defines a point of P 1(C) P 1(R) as n 1 1 H (E; Z) Z C H (E/C) (Lie E) (Lie E) : sing ˝ Š dR Š ˚  If now E is an elliptic curve over the algebraically closed p-adic field C , then we 0 1 1 still have the identifications H (E; ΩE ) = (Lie E), H (E; OE ) = Lie E and the Hodge-de Rham filtration

1 0 (Lie E) H (E/C ) Lie E 0 : ! ! dR ! !

To construct period maps, we need to fix a point x M(F p). Let Q˘ p be the completion 2 of the maximal unramified extension of Qp, and consider the rigid space

M˘ = Mrig : Q˘ p ˘ Let Ux M be the tube of x, i.e. the open subspace of all points specializing to x. This  is isomorphic to an open unit ball D = z z < 1 . Then the crystalline nature of f j j j g de Rham cohomology (in particular, the connection) imply that the de Rham cohomol- i ogy H (Ex˜) is canonically identified for all x˜ Ux. Now the variation of the Hodge dR 2 filtration defines a period map

˘ 1 1 rig x : Ux D P = (P ˘ ) : Š ! Qp There are two cases to consider here. If x corresponds to an ordinary elliptic curve, then there is an identification Ux D such that the map x is given by the logarithm Š map 1 1 z log(1 + z): Ux = D = z z < 1 A˘ P˘ : 7! f j j j g !  This map is an étale covering map onto A˘ 1, and the geometric fibres are given by copies of Qp/Zp; for example, the fibre over 0 is given by all p-power roots of unity minus 1, 1 rig i.e. z = pr 1. Note that this implies in particular that (A ) has interesting (non- Cp finite) étale coverings, contrary both to the scheme case and the case over the complex numbers. If x corresponds to a supersingular elliptic curve, then x becomes a map

1 x : Ux D P˘ : Š ! In this case, the map is known as the Gross–Hopkins period map, Hopkins and Gross [1994]. It is an étale covering map of P˘ 1 whose geometric fibres are given by copies 904 PETER SCHOLZE

of GL2(Qp)1/GL2(Zp), where GL2(Qp)1 GL2(Qp) is the open subgroup of all  g GL2(Qp) with det g Z . 2 2 p It is important to note that these maps x for varying x cannot be assembled into a single map from M˘ towards P˘ 1, contrary to the case over the complex numbers. We will however see a global period map in the next section. These examples are the basic examples of local Shimura varieties, which are associ- ated with local Shimura data, Rapoport and Viehmann [2014]:

(i) A reductive group G over Qp.

(ii) A conjugacy class of minuscule cocharacters  : Gm G , defined over the ! Qp reflex field E (a finite extension of Qp). (iii) A -conjugacy class b B(G; ). 2 We will say something about datum (iii) in Theorem 6.5 below. In our example, we have G = GL2, and  is the conjugacy class of t diag(t; 1). In this case, B(G; ) 7! contains exactly two elements, corresponding to the cases of ordinary and supersingular elliptic curves, respectively. Let E˘ be the completion of the maximal unramified extension of E. Corresponding ˘ to G and , one gets a flag variety F`G; over E˘, which we consider as an adic space; in our example, this is P˘ 1. The following theorem on the existence of local Shimura varieties proves a conjecture of Rapoport and Viehmann [ibid.].

Theorem 3.1 (Scholze and Weinstein [2017]). There is a natural open subspace a F` F`G;, called the admissible locus, and an étale covering map G;  a M G;b; ;K F` F`G; ( ) ! G;  with geometric fibres G(Qp)/K for any compact open subgroup K G(Qp).  Remark 3.2. The geometric fibres differ from the examples above. In the examples,

M(G;b;);GL2(Zp ) is a certain disjoint union of various Ux for x ranging through a p- power-isogeny class of elliptic curves.

The (towers of) spaces (M(G;b;);K )K G(Qp ) are known as local Shimura varieties; their cohomology is expected to realize local Langlands correspondences, cf. Rapoport and Viehmann [2014]. This is one of our primary motivations for constructing these spaces. In hindsight, one can say that in Rapoport and Zink [1996], Rapoport–Zink con- structed these local Shimura varieties in many examples, by explicitly constructing M(G;b;);K as a moduli space of p-divisible groups with extra structures such as endo- morphisms and polarization, together with a quasi-isogeny to a fixed p-divisible group. An advantage of this approach is that, at least for special choices of K such as para- horic subgroups, one actually constructs formal schemes whose generic fibre is the local Shimura variety, and it is often easier to understand the formal scheme. We will explain our construction of local Shimura varieties in Section 6, and in Sec- tion 7 we will deal with integral models of local Shimura varieties. p-ADIC GEOMETRY 905

4 Period maps from étale cohomology

A different period map known as the Hodge–Tate period map parametrizes the varia- tion of the Hodge–Tate filtration in families, and has been defined for general Shimura varieties of Hodge type in Scholze [2015]. If E is an elliptic curve over the algebraically closed p-adic field C , the Hodge–Tate filtration is given by a short exact sequence

1 0 Lie E H (E; Zp) Z C (Lie E)( 1) 0 : ! ! ´et ˝ p ! ! Note that the Lie algebra terms here appear in opposite order when compared to the situation over C. To obtain the period map, we need to trivialize the middle term. Thus, using the space M˘ = (M )rig as in the last section, we consider the diagram Q˘ p

˘ s Mf MM ss MMMHT sy ss M& M˘ P˘ 1 :

˘ ˘ 1 2 Here M M parametrizes isomorphisms H (E; Zp) Z ; this defines a GL2(Zp)- f ! ´et Š p torsor. An essential difficulty here is that this space will be very big, and in particular highly nonnoetherian. By Scholze [ibid.], it gives a basic example of a perfectoid space in the sense of Scholze [2012]. ˘ Now Mf admits the Hodge–Tate period map ˘ 1 HT : M P˘ f ! 1 2 sending a pair of an elliptic curve E/C with an isomorphism H´et(E; Zp) Zp to the 1 2 Š filtration Lie E H (E; Zp) Z C C .   ´et ˝ p Š The geometry of this map is very interesting. When restricted to Drinfeld’s upper 2 1 1 half-plane Ω˘ = P˘ P (Qp), the map is a pro-finite étale cover, while the fibres over 1 n points in P (Qp) are curves, so that the fibre dimension jumps. Let us discuss these two situations in turn. If we fix a supersingular elliptic curve x M(F p), then we can restrict the Hodge– 2 Tate period map to ˘ U x = Ux ˘ M ; e M f and arrive at the following picture:

jj U x J ujjjj e JJ JJHT x jj Ux J ujjjj $ P˘ 1 Ω˘ 2 :

1 Here, the map U x Ux is a GL2(Zp)-torsor, while Ux P˘ has geometric fibers e ! 1 ! GL2(Qp)1/GL2(Zp); in fact, in total U x P˘ is a GL2(Qp)1-torsor. To restore full e ! GL2(Qp)-equivarience, we consider the perfectoid space

GL2(Qp )1 MLT; = U x GL2(Qp) G U x ; 1 e  Š e Z 906 PETER SCHOLZE which is known as the Lubin–Tate tower at infinite level, cf. Scholze and Weinstein 2 [2013], Weinstein [2016]. On the other hand, U x Ω˘ turns out to be an O -torsor, e ! D where D/Qp is the quaternion algebra. Here, the OD-action arises from the identifica- tion OD = End(Ex) Z Zp, where Ex is the supersingular elliptic curve corresponding ˝ to x; by functoriality, this acts on the deformation space of x, and thus also on Ux and U x. In terms of the Lubin–Tate tower, e 2 HT : MLT; Ω˘ 1 ! is a D-torsor. We see that MLT; has two different period morphisms, corresponding to the Hodge- de Rham filtration and1 the Hodge–Tate filtration. This gives the isomorphism between the Lubin–Tate and Drinfeld tower at infinite level, Faltings [2002], Fargues, Genestier, and V. Lafforgue [2008],

MLT; MDr; V GL2(Qpi)i DVV it iii 1 1 VV* P˘ 1 Ω˘ 2 : A similar duality theorem holds true for any local Shimura variety for which b is basic.

The local Shimura datum (G; b; ) then has a dual datum (G; b; ), where G = Jb is the 1 1 b b b b -centralizer of b, b = b Jb, and  =  under the identification GQ GQ . b 2 b p Š b p Theorem 4.1 (Scholze and Weinstein [2013], Scholze and Weinstein [2017]). There is a natural isomorphism

lim M G;b; ;K lim M : ( ) Š (G;b;);K K G(Qp ) bb b  K G(Qp ) b bb Remark 4.2. This proves a conjecture of Rapoport and Zink [1996, Section 5.54]. One has to be careful with the notion of inverse limits here, as inverse limits in adic spaces do not exist in general. One interpretation is to take the inverse limit in the category of diamonds discussed below. 1 On the other hand, we can restrict the Hodge–Tate period map to P (Qp). In this case, the fibres of HT are curves. More precisely, consider the Igusa curve Ig parametrizing ordinary elliptic curves E in characteristic p together with an isomor- phism E[p1]´et Qp/Zp of the of the étale quotient E[p1]´et of the p-divisible group Š perf ˘ E[p1]. Its perfection Ig lifts uniquely to a flat formal scheme Ig over Zp, and then, 1 modulo boundary issues, HT (x) is the generic fibre of Ig. Let us state these results about the Hodge–Tate period map for a general Shimura variety of Hodge type. Theorem 4.3 (Scholze [2015], Caraiani and Scholze [2017]). Consider a Shimura vari- ety ShK , K G(Af ), of Hodge type, associated with some reductive group G/Q and  Shimura data, including the conjugacy class of cocharacters  with field of definition 2 E. Let F`G; = G/P be the corresponding flag variety. Fix a prime p and a prime p of E dividing p. 2There are actually two choices for this flag variety; we refer to Caraiani and Scholze [2017] for a discus- sion of which one to choose. p-ADIC GEOMETRY 907

(i) For any compact open subgroup Kp G(Ap ), there is a unique perfectoid  f space ShKp over Ep such that rig ShKp ∼ lim (ShK Kp Ep) : p ˝ Kp G(Qp ) 

(ii) There is a G(Qp)-equivariant Hodge–Tate period map

HT : ShKp F`G; ; ! where we consider the right-hand side as an adic space over Ep. (iii) There is a Newton stratification

b F`G; = G F`G; b B(G;) 2 into locally closed strata.

b (iv) If the Shimura variety is compact and of PEL type, then if x F`G; is a geo- 1 2 metric point, the fibre HT (x) is the canonical lift of the perfection of the Igusa variety associated with b. We note that the Newton strata in (iii) are only defined on the adic space: sometimes they are nonempty but have no classical points!

5 Applications to Langlands reciprocity

The geometry of the Hodge–Tate period map has been used to obtain new results on the Langlands conjectures relating automorphic forms and Galois representations, espe- cially in the case of torsion coefficients. Let us first recall the results obtained in Scholze [2015]. For any reductive group G over Q and a congruence subgroup Γ G(Q), one can look at the locally symmetric  XΓ = Γ X, where X is the symmetric space for G(R). To study Hecke operators, it is n more convenient to switch to the adelic formalism, and consider

XK = G(Q) (X G(Af )/K) n  for a compact open subgroup K G(Af ), assumed sufficiently small from now on. i  The cohomology H (XK ; C) with complex coefficients can be computed in terms of automorphic forms. By the Langlands correspondence, one expects associated Galois representations. Much progress was made on these questions in case X is a hermitian symmetric space, so that the XK are algebraic varieties over number fields, and their étale cohomology gives Galois representations. However, the groups G = GLn for n > 2 are not of this type. It was conjectured by Grunewald in the 70’s and later more precisely Ash [1992], that this relation between cohomology and Galois representations extends to the full in- i tegral cohomology groups H (XK ; Z), including their torsion subgroups, which can be enormous, especially in the case of hyperbolic 3-manifolds, cf. Bergeron and Venkatesh [2013]. 908 PETER SCHOLZE

Theorem 5.1 (Scholze [2015]). Assume that G = ResF /Q GLn for some totally real or CM field F . Consider the abstract Hecke algebra T acting on XK , generated by i Hecke operators at good primes, and let TK End(L H (XK ; Z)) be the image of  i T. For any maximal ideal m TK , there is a continuous semisimple representation 

 : Gal(F /F ) GLn(TK /m) m ! which is unramified at good primes, with Frobenius eigenvalues determined in terms of Hecke operators. If  is absolutely irreducible, then there is a nilpotent ideal Im m  TK;m in the m-adic completion TK;m of TK whose nilpotence degree is bounded in terms of n and [F : Q], such that there is a continuous representation

m : Gal(F /F ) GLn(TK;m/Im) ! which is unramified at good primes, with the characteristic polynomials of Frobenius elements determined in terms of Hecke operators. In particular, for all cohomological automorphic representations  of G, there ex- ists a corresponding continuous semisimple Galois representation  : Gal(F /F ) ! GLn(Q`) unramified at good primes. The final part of this theorem was proved previously by Harris, Lan, Taylor, and Thorne [2016]. The general strategy is to realize XK as a boundary component of the ˜ Borel–Serre compactification of a Shimura variety XK˜ associated with a quasisplit sym- plectic or unitary group, and use the known existence of Galois representations for cusp forms on that space. The key part of the argument then is to show that all torsion co- ˜ homology classes on XK˜ can be lifted to characteristic 0, which is done using certain subtle results from p-adic Hodge theory in Scholze [2015]. For applications, one needs a precise understanding of the behaviour of the Galois representations at bad primes as well, in particular for primes dividing `. To attack ˜ such questions, a better understanding of the torsion in XK˜ is necessary. This has been obtained recently in joint work with Caraiani.

Theorem 5.2 (Caraiani and Scholze [2015]). Let T be the Hecke algebra acting on the ˜ e cohomology of XK˜ . Assume that the maximal ideal m T is generic. Then e  e i ˜ Hc (XK˜ ; Z`)m = 0 e ˜ for i > d = dimC XK˜ . i ˜ Essentially by Poincaré duality, this implies that also H (XK˜ ; Z`)m = 0 for i < d, d ˜ and that H (XK˜ ; Z`)m is `-torsion free. From the realization of XKein the boundary ˜ of XK˜ , one gets a longe exact sequence d ˜ d d+1 ˜ ::: H (XK˜ ; Z`)m H ((XK )0; Z`)m Hc (XK˜ ; Z`)m = 0 :::; ! e ! e ! e ! where (XK )0 is a torus bundle over XK , and the source is `-torsion free. Now the general i d strategy is to move any cohomology class in H (XK ; Z`)m to H ((XK )0; Z`)m by d ˜ using the torus bundle to shift cohomological degrees, lift it to H (XK˜ ; Z`)me, and e p-ADIC GEOMETRY 909 then use that this group injects into its rationalization, which can be expressed in terms of automorphic forms on G˜. Let us comment on the proof of Theorem 5.2. The result works for more general 3 Shimura varieties, so let us change the notation. Let (ShK )K G(Af ) be a Shimura variety corresponding to a reductive group G over Q together with some extra data, including a conjugacy class of minuscule cocharacters  : Gm G, defined over the ! reflex field E. Fix a prime p ` so that a certain genericity condition on the fixed ¤ maximal ideal of the Hecke algebra holds true at p, and a (sufficiently small) tame level Kp G(Ap ). We get (the minimal compactification of) the perfectoid Shimura variety  f at infinite level, rig Sh p ∼ lim(Sh p Ep) ; K Kp K ˝ Kp where p is a prime of E dividing p. We have the Hodge–Tate period map

HT : Sh p F`G; : K !

The strategy now is to rewrite RΓc(ShKp ; Z`) as RΓ(F`G;; RHT j!Z`), where j :  ShKp Sh p is the open immersion. The Hecke operators away from p act trivially ! K on the flag variety, so one can also rewrite

RΓc(ShKp ; Z`)m = RΓ(F`G;; (RHT j!Z`)m) : 

The task is now to understand the sheaf (RHT j!Z`)m. The first observation is that, p d  with a suitable definition, it lies in DÄ for the perverse t-structure; this uses that RHT is simultaneously affine and partially proper (but still has fibres of positive di- mension – a phenomenon only possible in this highly nonnoetherian setup). The other observation is that its fibres are given by the cohomology of Igusa varieties, by using Theorem 4.3. The cohomology of Igusa varieties has been computed by Shin [2010], but only with Q`-coefficients and in the Grothendieck group. Under the genericity con- dition, one finds that this always gives zero except if the point lies in F`G;(Qp)  F`G;. One can now play off these observations, which gives the conclusion that (RHT j!Z`)m is concentrated on the 0-dimensional space F`G;(Qp). Thus, there is  p d no higher cohomology, and the bound (RHT j!Z`)m DÄ implies that RΓc(ShKp ; Z`)m =  2 RΓ(F`G;; (RHT j!Z`)m) is in degrees d.  Ä One nice aspect of this strategy is that it describes the cohomology of Shimura vari- eties in terms of the cohomology of certain sheaves on the flag varieties F`G;, and it becomes an interesting question to understand those sheaves themselves. This leads to a relation to the geometrization of the local Langlands correspondence conjectured by Fargues, cf. Section 6. Finally, let us mention that these results have led to the following applications.

Theorem 5.3 (Allen et al. [2018]). Let F be a CM field.

1. For any elliptic curve E over F , the L-function L(E; s) has meromorphic con- tinuation to C. Moreover, E satisfies the Sato–Tate conjecture. 3The compact case has appeared in Caraiani and Scholze [2017]. 910 PETER SCHOLZE

2. For any cuspidal automorphic representation  of GL2(AF ) whose archimedean component is of parallel weight 2, the Ramanujan–Petersson conjecture holds true at all places. Theorem 5.3 is proved by establishing the potential automorphy of E and of all sym- metric powers of E resp. ; here “potential” means after base change to (many) ex- tensions F˜/F . Thus, the second part follows Langlands’s strategy for establishing the Ramanujan–Petersson conjecture in general, and it is the first time that this conjecture has been proved in a case where the associated motive (or some closely related motive) is not known to exist, and in particular the proof does not invoke Deligne’s theorem on the Weil conjectures. For the proof of Theorem 5.3, one wants to see that “all” Galois representations arise via Theorem 5.1. This follows Wiles’ strategy Wiles [1995]; more precisely, we use the variant proposed by Calegari and Geraghty [2017].

6 p-adic twistor theory

Further developments in p-adic geometry arose from the realization that the structures arising from the cohomology of proper smooth rigid-analytic varieties over the alge- braically closed p-adic field C can be naturally organized into a modification of vector bundles on the Fargues–Fontaine curve in a way closely resembling a reinterpretation of Hodge theory in terms of vector bundles on the twistor-P 1. Let us first recall the statements over C. Consider the twistor-P 1, i.e. the nonsplit real form P 1 of P 1, which we will take to be given as the descent of P 1 to R via z 1 . fR C 7! z We fix the point P 1 (C) corresponding to 0; P 1 . There is an action of the 1 2 fR f 1g  C nonsplit real torus U (1) (that we consider as an algebraic group) on P 1 fixing . fR 1 Proposition 6.1 (Simpson [1997]). The category of U (1)-equivariant semistable vector bundles on P 1 is equivalent to the category of pure R-Hodge structures. fR Let us briefly recall the proof of this result. As the action of the algebraic group U (1) on P 1 is simply transitive (as after base change to C, it is the simply transitive fR n f1g 1 action of Gm on itself), U (1)-equivariant vector bundles on P are equivalent to fR n f1g R-vector spaces V . Thus, given a U (1)-equivariant vector bundle E on P 1 , we get an fR R-vector space V such that E V O P 1 R P 1 jfRnf1g Š ˝ fRnf1g equivariantly for the U (1)-action. Identifying the completion of P 1 at with Spf C[[t]], fR 1 we get at the completion at a U (1)-equivariant C[[t]]-lattice Λ V R C((t)). How- 1 i  ˝ ever, this is equivalent to a decreasing filtration Fil VC VC, via the Rees construction  i i Λ = X t (Fil VC)[[t]] V R C((t)) :  ˝ i Z 2 i One then checks that E is semistable precisely when (V; Fil VC) defines a pure Hodge structure. p-ADIC GEOMETRY 911

Thus, a description of the inverse functor is that one starts with a pure R-Hodge structure (V; Fili V ) and the trivial vector bundle E = V O , and modifies it C 0 R P 1 ˝ R at via the lattice Λ defined above to obtain a new vector bundlef E which is still 1 U (1)-equivariant. A very similar formalism exists in the p-adic case. Associated with the algebraically closed p-adic field C , there is the Fargues–Fontaine curve FFC , which is a regular noetherian scheme over Qp of Krull dimension 1 with a distinguished point FFC . + 1 2 The completed local ring of FFC at is Fontaine’s period ring B , a complete discrete 1 dR valuation ring with residue field C and fraction field BdR.

Theorem 6.2 (Fargues and Fontaine [2017]). All residue fields of FFC at closed points are algebraically closed nonarchimedean extensions of Qp. Any vector bundle on FFC is a direct sum of stable vector bundles, and there is a unique stable vector bundle s OFF () for every rational slope  = Q, which is of rank r and degree s (if r and C r 2 s are chosen coprime with r > 0). Note that a similar result holds true for P 1 , but only half-integral slopes  1 Z fR 2 2 occur in that case. Given a proper smooth rigid-analytic space X over C , one can form the trivial vector bundle i E = H (X; Zp) Z OFF : ´et ˝ p C Theorem 6.3 (Bhatt, Morrow, and Scholze [2016, Theorem 13.1, Theorem 13.8]). There + is a functorial BdR-lattice i + i Ξ = H (X/B ) H (X; Zp) Z BdR : crys dR  ´et ˝ p ˆ i + If X = X0 K C for some discretely valued subfield K C , then Hcrys(X/BdR) = i ˝ +  H (X0/K) K B and the inclusion comes from the de Rham comparison isomor- dR ˝ dR phism. Thus, one can form a modification E of E along . The new vector bundle will in 0 1 general be related to the (log-) of a (log-)smooth formal model. In other words, the comparison isomorphism between étale and crystalline cohomology can be understood in terms of a modification of vector bundles on the Fargues–Fontaine curve. In fact, contrary to étale cohomology that is ill-behaved for spaces like the unit disc, it should be possible to define this modified vector bundle much more generally, with- out properness and without using formal models. The following conjecture arose from discussions of the author with Arthur-César le Bras. H i (X) Conjecture 6.4. There is a cohomology theory FFC for quasicompact separated smooth rigid spaces X over C taking values in vector bundles on FFC . If X has an over- X Ž X H i (X) convergent model (for example, if is affinoid), then the fibre of FFC at i Ž 1 is the overconvergent de Rham cohomology HdR(X /C ) in the sense of Große-Klönne H i (X) [2004], and the completion of FFC at is the overconvergent crystalline coho- i Ž + 1 mology Hcrys(X /BdR) defined following Bhatt, Morrow, and Scholze [2016, Section 13]. 912 PETER SCHOLZE

+ In other words, not only does de Rham cohomology lift naturally to BdR along the surjection B+ C as can be explained in terms of a version of crystalline cohomology, dR ! but it does actually deform into a vector bundle on all of FFC . Now we define for any local Shimura datum (G; b; ) the local Shimura variety M(G;b;);K in terms of modifications of G-torsors on the Fargues–Fontaine curve.

Theorem 6.5 (Fargues [2017]). For any reductive group G over Qp, there is a natural bijection b Eb between Kottwitz’ set B(G) of -conjugacy classes and the set of 7! G-torsors on FFC up to isomorphism. Moreover, b B(G; ) B(G) if and only if 2  Eb can be written as a modification at of type  of the trivial G-torsor E1. 1 The final statement appears in Rapoport [2017]. Now we define

M(G;b;); (C ) = lim M(G;b;);K (C ) 1 K to be the set of all modifications E1 Ü Eb at of type . The group G(Qp) is the 1 group of automorphisms of E1, and thus acts on this inverse limit; then for all K  G(Qp), M(G;b;);K (C ) = M(G;b;); (C )/K: 1 In order to make M(G;b;);K into a rigid space, we need to define it as a moduli problem. For the rest of this section, we make extensive use of the theory of perfectoid spaces, and assume that the reader is familiar with it, cf. Scholze [2014]; some of the structures that appear now will however be motivated in the next section. We use that for any ] perfectoid space S of characteristic p together with an untilt S over Qp, one can con- struct a relative Fargues–Fontaine curve FFS that is an adic space over Qp and comes ] with a section : Spa S FFS . Then M(G;b;); (S) parametrizes modifications 1 ! 1 E1 FF Ü Eb FF at of type  as before. This defines a structure of a diamond, j S j S 1 Scholze [2017b]:

Definition 6.6. Let Perf be the category of perfectoid spaces of characteristic p.A diamond is a pro-étale sheaf Y on Perf that can be written as a quotient Y = X/R of a perfectoid space X by a pro-étale equivalence relation R X X.  

An example of a diamond is given by the sheaf Spd Qp that attaches to any perfectoid ] space S of characteristic p the set of all untilts S over Qp. More generally, if X is an adic space over Qp, one can define a diamond X } whose S-valued points are given by ] ] an untilt S over Qp together with a map S X. !

Theorem 6.7 (Scholze and Weinstein [2017]). For any nonarchimedean field L/Qp, the functor X X defines a fully faithful functor from the category of seminormal 7! } rigid spaces over L to the category of diamonds over Spd L = (Spa L)}. ˘ The diamond M(G;b;);K = M(G;b;); /K over Spd E is the image of a smooth 1 rigid space over E˘ under this functor.

The proof makes use of the results of Kedlaya [2010], and Kedlaya and Liu [2015], on families of vector bundles on the Fargues–Fontaine curve. p-ADIC GEOMETRY 913

From here, it becomes natural to consider much more general spaces, parametrizing modifications of arbitrary G-bundles at several points with modifications of arbitrary type, not necessarily minuscule. Such spaces live over the base space Spd Qp :::   Spd Qp parametrizing the points of modification: These products give good meaning to the non-existent products Spec Qp Spec F ::: Spec F Spec Qp. The resulting spaces  1  1 are now in general just diamonds. The purpose of the foundational manuscript Scholze [2017b] is to develop a solid theory of étale cohomology for diamonds with the aim of using these spaces to obtain a general local Langlands correspondence. These spaces are naturally organized into Hecke stacks acting on the stack BunG of G-bundles on the Fargues–Fontaine curve. Fargues realized that this gives rise to a picture perfectly resembling the geometric Langlands correspondence for classical smooth projective curves, Fargues [2016], Fargues [2018], Fargues and Scholze [n.d.]. This in particular involves perverse `-adic sheaves on BunG whose pullback to the flag varieties F`G; should arise globally from the construction RHT Z` sketched in the previous section.  It is too early to state the expected theorems about the applications to the local Lang- lands correspondence, but let us mention that recently Kaletha and Weinstein [2017], have used the étale cohomology of diamonds as developed in Scholze [2017b] to prove Kottwitz’ conjecture, Rapoport [1995], about the realization of the Jacquet–Langlands correspondence in the cohomology of local Shimura varieties.

Remark 6.8. As the theory of diamonds is critical to the foundations, as is the possi- bility of defining Spd Qp Spd Qp, let us quickly give a description of the product  Spd Qp Spd Qp. Consider the open unit disc DQ = z z < 1 as embedded in  p f j j j g the multiplicative group via z 1 + z; then DQp itself is a group object. Let DQp be 7! p e the inverse limit of DQ along z (1 + z) 1. Then DQ is (pre)perfectoid, and p 7! e p admits a natural Qp-action. Now

Spd Qp Spd Qp = (DQ 0 )}/Z :  e p n f g p

On the right-hand side, one factor of Spd Qp arises from the structure map DQ e p ! Spa Qp, but the other factor gets realized in terms of the perfectoid punctured unit disc, and thus has become geometric. These constructions in fact lead to a description of the absolute Galois group of Qp as a geometric fundamental group:

Theorem 6.9 (Weinstein [2017]). For any algebraically closed nonarchimedean field C /Qp, the étale fundamental group of (DC 0 )/Q agrees with the absolute Galois e n f g p group of Qp.

A search for a hypothetical space Spec Z Spec Z thus seems closely related to a  realization of the absolute Galois group of Q as a geometric fundamental group. For a step in this direction, let us mention the following result, which uses the ring of rational Witt vectors Wrat(R) Wbig(R). For all r R, there is the Teichmüller lift [r]  2 2 Wrat(R). 914 PETER SCHOLZE

Theorem 6.10 (Kucharczyk and Scholze [2016]). Let L be a field of characteristic 0 that contains all roots of unity, and fix an embedding Q/Z , L , 1/n n. Then !  7! the category of finite extensions of L is equivalent to the category of connected finite coverings of the topological space

X(L) (Spec Wrat(L))(C)  2i/n that is the connected component singled out by the condition that [n] maps to e 2 C for all n 1.  In fact, X(L) has a deformation retract to a compact Hausdorff space, which gives a realization of the absolute Galois group of L as the profinite fundamental group of a compact Hausdorff space! This formally implies that the absolute Galois group of L is torsion-free, cf. Kucharczyk and Scholze [ibid., Proposition 7.10]. The space X(L) gives rise to certain non-profinitely complete structures on natural arithmetic invariants. If L is the cyclotomic extension of Q, one can show that the actual fundamental group of X(L) given by topological loops is a proper dense subgroup of the absolute Galois group. Moreover, it acts naturally on the set log Q C of logarithms  of algebraic numbers, compatibly with exp : log Q Q. Similarly, for general L ! as in the theorem, the Čech cohomology groups H i (X(L); Z) give certain torsion-free non-profinitely completed abelian groups with

H i (X(L); Z)/n = H i (Gal(L/L); Z/nZ) for all n 1, cf. Kucharczyk and Scholze [ibid., Theorem 1.8].  7 p-adic shtukas

Going further, one can reinterpret the linear-algebraic structures that appeared in the last section in terms of a p-adic analogue of shtukas. Let us first recall the basic definition of a shtuka from the function field case. There is a version of the following definitions for any reductive group G obtained by replacing vector bundles by G-torsors.

Definition 7.1. Let X be a smooth projective curve over Fp and let S be a scheme over Fp. A shtuka over S relative to X with legs at x1; : : : ; xn : S X is a vector bundle ! E over S F X together with an isomorphism  p (Frob E) n E n ; S S F X Si Γx S F X Si Γx j  p n =1 i Š j  p n =1 i where Γx : S, S F X is the graph of xi . i !  p Drinfeld used moduli spaces of shtukas with two legs to prove the global Langlands correspondence for GL2, Drinfeld [1980]. This was generalized to GLn, still using moduli spaces with two legs, by L. Lafforgue [2002]. Recently, V.Lafforgue has used all moduli spaces with an arbitrary number of legs simultaneously to prove the automorphic to Galois direction of the global Langlands correspondence for any reductive group G, V. Lafforgue [2012]. p-ADIC GEOMETRY 915

There is a corresponding notion of local shtuka, where one works with the local curve X = Spf Fp[[t]]. The legs are now parametrized by maps x1; : : : ; xn : S X = ! Spf Fp[[t]], i.e. locally nilpotent elements ti OS (S). As this contains no topological 2 information, we pass to the world of rigid geometry. For simplicity, we discuss the case of geometric points, and so assume that S = Spa C for some complete algebraically closed nonarchimedean field C of characteristic p; we will later allow more general base spaces again. The legs are maps S X, which are parametrized by topologically ! nilpotent elements ti C , i.e. ti < 1. The fibre product S F X becomes the open 2 j j  p unit ball DC = t C t < 1 , and the legs give rise to points xi DC . There is a f 2 j j j g 2 Frobenius FrobC acting on DC , coming from the Frobenius on C . This is not a map of rigid spaces over C , but it does exist in the category of adic spaces.

Definition 7.2. A (local) shtuka over S = Spa C relative to X = Spf Fp[[t]] with legs at x1; : : : ; xn : S X given by elements ti C , ti < 1, is a vector bundle E over ! 2 j j DC = S F X together with an isomorphism  p

(FrobC E) DC t1;:::;tn E DC t1;:::;tn j nf g Š j nf g that is meromorphic along the ti . The main observation of Scholze and Weinstein [2017] is that it is possible to give a mixed-characteristic version of this definition, where X = Spf Zp. As a geometric point, one still takes S = Spa C where C is a complete algebraically closed nonar- chimedean field of characteristic p. Naively, there are now no interesting maps S = Spa C X = Spf Zp; there is exactly one, which factors over Spec Fp. We will ! see momentarily how to solve this problem. But let us first face the other problem of defining a reasonable fibre product S X”, where the product should be over Spec Fp.  The basic insight is that for any perfect ring R, Spec R Spf Zp” should be given by  Spf W (R) with the p-adic on W (R). If R is itself an adic ring with the I - adic topology, then Spf R Spf Zp = Spf W (R)”, where W (R) is equipped with the  (p; [I ])-adic topology. In particular, we should set Spf OC Spf Zp” = Spf(W (OC )). The ring W (OC )  plays an important role in p-adic Hodge theory, and is traditionally called Ainf there. If $ C is a topologically nilpotent unit, then passing from Spf OC to its generic fibre 2 Spa C amounts to inverting $. Thus, we define the open subspace

Spa C Spa Zp” = [$] 0 Spa(W (OC )) ;  f ¤ g  which is a well-defined adic space. The following proposition shows that this behaves very much like a classical smooth rigid curve, except that it does not live over any base field. Proposition 7.3 (Fargues and Fontaine [2017], Kedlaya [2016]). For any connected open affinoid subspace

+ U = Spa(R;R ) Spa C Spa Zp” ;   the ring R is a principal ideal domain. For any maximal ideal m R, the quotient  Cm = R/m is a complete algebraically closed nonarchimedean field. Moreover, there 916 PETER SCHOLZE is a canonical isomorphism

lim OC /p OC ; m Š x xp 7! [ i.e. C C is the tilt of Cm in the terminology of Scholze [2012]. Conversely, for any Š m complete algebraically closed nonarchimedean field C ] with an isomorphism (C ])[ Š C , there is a unique maximal ideal m R (for any large enough open subset U ) such  that C ] = R/m, compatibly with the identification of (C ])[ with C .

In other words, “classical points” ofSpa C Spa Zp” parametrize untilts of C . This  shows that we should reinterpret the data of the maps xi : S = Spa C X = Spa Zp ] ] ! as the data of untilts C1 ;:::;Cn of C .

Definition 7.4. A (local/p-adic) shtuka over S = Spa C relative to X = Spf Zp with ] ] legs at x1; : : : ; xn given by untilts C ;:::;Cn of C , is a vector bundle E over Spa C 1  Spa Zp” together with an isomorphism

(FrobC E) Spa C Spa Zp ” x1;:::;xn E Spa C Spa Zp ” x1;:::;xn j  nf g Š j  nf g that is meromorphic along the xi . In the case of one leg, these structures are closely related to the structures that ap- peared in the last section, by the following theorem of Fargues.

] Theorem 7.5 (Scholze and Weinstein [2017]). Assume that C is an untilt over Qp, ] 4 let : Spec C FFC be the corresponding point of the Fargues–Fontaine curve, 1 + !+ ] and let B = B (C ) be the complete local ring at with quotient field BdR. The dR dR 1 following categories are equivalent.

] (i) Shtukas over S = Spa C relative to X = Spf Zp with one leg at C .

+ (ii) Pairs (T; Ξ), where T is a finite free Zp-module and Ξ T Z BdR is a B -  ˝ p dR lattice.

(iii) Quadruples (F1; F2; ˇ; T ), where F1 and F2 are two vector bundles on the Fargues–

Fontaine curve FFC , ˇ : F1 FFC F2 FFC is an isomorphism, and T is j nf1g Š j nf1g a finite free Zp-module such that F1 = T Z OFF is the corresponding trivial ˝ p C vector bundle.

(iv) Breuil–Kisin–Fargues modules, i.e. finite free Ainf = W (OC )-modules M to- 1 1 gether with a '-linear isomorphism M [ ' 1() ] M [  ], where  Ainf is a Š 2 generator of ker(Ainf O ] ). ! C Note that local Shimura varieties are parametrizing data of type (iii). The equivalence with (i) shows that one can regard local Shimura varieties as moduli spaces of shtukas, and it gives a possibility of formulating an integral model for the local Shimura varieties that we will now discuss. 4The Fargues–Fontaine curve depends only on the tilt of C ], but the point depends on C ]. 1 p-ADIC GEOMETRY 917

In Scholze and Weinstein [ibid.], we construct moduli spaces of shtukas with any number of legs. However, already the case of one leg has important applications, so let us focus on this case. In addition to the group G over Qp, we need to fix a model G of G over Zp, and the most important case is when G is parahoric. To define the moduli problem, we need to bound the modification at the leg; this leads to a version of the affine Grassmannian. Here, Spd Zp denotes the functor on Perf taking any perfectoid ] + space S of characteristic p to the set of untilts S over Zp. If S = Spa(R;R ) is ] ] ]+ + ] affinoid, then S = Spa(R ;R ), and there is a natural ring BdR(R ) that surjects onto R] with kernel generated by some nonzerodivisor  B+ (R]) such that B+ (R]) 2 dR dR is -adically complete. This interpolates between the following cases:

] ] 1. If R = C is an untilt over Qp of an algebraically closed nonarchimedean field + ] R = C of characteristic p, then BdR(C ) is Fontaine’s ring considered previ- ously.

] + ] 2. If R = R is of characteristic p, then BdR(R ) = W (R) is the ring of p-typical Witt vectors.

Definition 7.6. Let G be a parahoric group scheme over Zp. The Beilinson–Drinfeld Grassmannian GrG; Z Spd Zp Spd p ! is the moduli problem on Perf taking an affinoid perfectoid space S = Spa(R;R+) ] ] ]+ of characteristic p to the set of untilts S = Spa(R ;R ) over Zp together with a + ] ] G-torsor over BdR(R ) that is trivialized over BdR(R ). In the following, we make use of the following proposition to identify perfect schemes or formal schemes as certain pro-étale sheaves. In both cases, one can define a functor X X , where X parametrizes untilts over X. 7! } } Proposition 7.7. The functor X X defines a fully faithful functor from the cate- 7! } gory of perfect schemes to the category of pro-étale sheaves on Perf. Similarly, for any nonarchimedean field L over Qp, the functor X X from normal and flat formal 7! } schemes locally formally of finite type over Spf OL to pro-étale sheaves over Spd OL is fully faithful. The proof of the second part relies on a result of Lourenço [2017], that recovers formal schemes as in the proposition from their generic fibre and the perfection of their special fibre, together with the specialization map. Theorem 7.8 (Zhu [2017], Bhatt and Scholze [2017], Scholze and Weinstein [2017]). W The special fibre of GrG;Spd Zp is given by the Witt vector affine Grassmannian GrG constructed in Zhu [2017] and Bhatt and Scholze [2017] that can be written as an increasing union of perfections of projective varieties along closed immersions. The + generic fibre of GrG;Spd Zp is the BdR-affine Grassmannian of G, and can be written as an increasing union of proper diamonds along closed immersions. For a conjugacy class of minuscule cocharacters  defined over E, there is a natural closed immersion F`} , GrG; Z Spd Z Spd E: G; ! Spd p  p 918 PETER SCHOLZE

We let loc M GrG; Z Spd Z Spd OE (G;)  Spd p  p be the closure of F`G;} . We conjecture that it comes from a normal and flat projec- tive scheme over Spec OE under Proposition 7.7. This would give a group-theoretic definition of the local model in the theory of Shimura varieties, cf. e.g. Pappas [2018]. Definition 7.9. Given local Shimura data (G; b; ) and a parahoric model G, let int ˘ M Spd OE (G;b;) ! ] ˘ be the moduli problem taking S Perf to the set of untilts S over OE together with 2 ] loc a G-shtuka over S Spa Zp” with one leg at S that is bounded by M , and a  (G;) trivialization of the shtuka at the boundary of S Spa Zp” by Eb.  For a precise formulation of the following result, we refer to Scholze and Weinstein [2017]. Theorem 7.10 (Scholze and Weinstein [ibid.]). This definition recovers Rapoport–Zink spaces. Using this group-theoretic characterization of Rapoport–Zink spaces, we can obtain new isomorphisms between different Rapoport–Zink spaces. Corollary 7.11. The conjectures of Rapoport and Zink [2017], and Kudla, Rapoport, and Zink [n.d.], on alternative descriptions of the Drinfeld moduli problem hold true. In particular, by Kudla, Rapoport, and Zink [ibid.], one gets an integral version and moduli-theoretic proof of Čerednik’s p-adic uniformization theorem, Cerednik [1976]. To prove Theorem 7.10, one needs to see that p-adic shtukas are related to the co- homology of algebraic varieties or p-divisible groups. This is the subject of integral p-adic Hodge theory that we will discuss next.

8 Integral p-adic Hodge theory

The following question arises naturally from Theorem 7.5. As it is more natural in this section, let us change notation, and start with an algebraically closed p-adic field C and consider shtukas over its tilt C [ with one leg at the untilt C of C [. Given a proper smooth i rigid-analytic space X over C , consider T = H´et(X; Zp)/(torsion) with the finite free + i + B -module Ξ = H (X/B ) T Z BdR from Theorem 6.3. By Theorem 7.5, dR crys dR  ˝ p there is a corresponding Breuil–Kisin–Fargues module H i (X); we normalize it here Ainf so that the Frobenius is an isomorphism after inverting  resp. '(). Can one give a direct cohomological construction of this? We expect that without further input, the answer is no; in fact, Fargues’s equivalence is not exact, and does manifestly not pass to the derived category. However, in joint work with Bhatt and Morrow, Bhatt, Morrow, and Scholze [2016], we show that it is possible once a proper smooth formal model X of X is given.5 5All of these results were recently extended to the case of semistable reduction by Cesnavičius and Koshikawa [2017]. p-ADIC GEOMETRY 919

Spec Zp

Spec W (k) crystalline

Spec OC de Rham ´etale

Spec W (C [) Spec OC [

Figure 1: A picture of some parts of Spec Ainf = Spec O [ Spec Zp”. C 

Theorem 8.1 (Bhatt, Morrow, and Scholze [ibid.]). Let X be a proper smooth formal scheme over Spf OC with generic fibre X. There is a perfect complex RΓAinf (X) of Ainf-modules together with a '-linear map ' : RΓA (X) RΓA (X) that becomes inf ! inf an isomorphism after inverting  resp. '(). Each H i (X) is a finitely presented A - Ainf inf 1 module that becomes free over Ainf[ p ] after inverting p. Moreover, one has the follow- ing comparison results.

L (i) Crystalline comparison: RΓA (X) A W (k) RΓcrys(Xk/W (k)), inf ˝ inf Š '-equivariantly, where k is the residue field of OC .

L (ii) De Rham comparison: RΓA (X) A OC RΓdR(X/OC ). inf ˝ inf Š [ [ (iii) Étale comparison: RΓA (X) A W (C ) RΓ´et(X; Zp) Z W (C ), '- inf ˝ inf Š ˝ p equivariantly.

Moreover, if H i (X /W (k)) is p-torsion free6, then H i (X) is finite free over A , crys k Ainf inf and agrees with H i (X) as defined above.7 Ainf The theorem implies a similar result for p-divisible groups, which is the key input into the proof of Theorem 7.10. On the other hand, the theorem has direct consequences for the behaviour of torsion under specialization from characteristic 0 to charateristic p.

i i Corollary 8.2. For any i 0, one has dimk H (Xk/k) dimF H (X; Fp), and  dR  p ´et i i length H (Xk/W (k))tor length H (X; Zp)tor : W (k) crys  Zp ´et 6 i Equivalently, HdR(X/OC ) is p-torsion free, cf. Bhatt, Morrow, and Scholze [2016, Remark 14.4]. 7 i In that situation, part (iii) implies that also H´et(X; Zp) is p-torsion free. 920 PETER SCHOLZE

For example, for an Enriques surface X over C , so that it has a double cover by a K3 surface, there is 2-torsion in the second étale cohomology group. By the theorem, this implies that for all Enriques surfaces in characteristic 2 (all of which deform to characteristic 0), one has 2-torsion in the second crystalline cohomology, or equivalently H 1 0, contrary to the situation in any other characteristic. This is a well-known dR ¤ “pathology” of Enriques surfaces in characteristic 2 that finds a natural explanation here. In this case, one actually has equality in the corollary; however, in Bhatt, Morrow, and Scholze [2016] we give an example of a projective smooth surface over Z2 whose étale cohomology is torsionfree while there is torsion in crystalline cohomology. The construction of the Ainf-cohomology given in Bhatt, Morrow, and Scholze [ibid.] was the end result of a long detour that led the author to study topological Hochschild and cyclic homology. This started with the paper Hesselholt [2006] of Lars Hesselholt that computes THH(OC ). This is an E -ring spectrum with an action by the circle 1 1 group T = S . In particular, one can form the homotopy fixed points TC(OC ) = hT THH(OC ) to get another E -ring spectrum. 1 Theorem 8.3 (Hesselholt [ibid.]). The homotopy groups of the p-completion of hT TC(OC ) = THH(OC ) are given by Ainf in all even degrees, and 0 in all odd degrees. The generators in degree 2 and 2 multiply to  Ainf. 2

If now X is a proper smooth (formal) scheme over OC , it follows that the p-completion of TC(X) is a perfect module over the p-completion of TC(OC ), and in particular its homotopy groups are Ainf-modules. Moreover, topological Hochschild homology comes with a T-equivariant Frobenius operator THH(X) THH(X)tCp , tCp ! hCp where Cp T is the cyclic group of order p and S = cone(Nm : ShC S )  p ! denotes the Tate construction. This gives rise to the desired Frobenius on TC by pass- ing to homotopy T-fixed points. In the classical formulation, THH has even more struc- ture as encoded in the structure of a cyclotomic spectrum. However, in joint work with Nikolaus, we proved that this extra structure is actually redundant.

Theorem 8.4 (Nikolaus and Scholze [2017]). On respective subcategories of bounded below objects, the -category of cyclotomic spectra (in the sense of Hesselholt and 1 Madsen [1997], and made more precise by Blumberg and Mandell [2015]) is equivalent to the -category of naïvely T-equivariant spectra S together with a T-equivariant 1 tCp 8 map 'p : S S for all primes p. !

The only issue with this construction of the Ainf-cohomology theory (besides its heavy formalism) is that one gets an essentially 2-periodic cohomology theory. To get the desired cohomology theory itself, one needs to find a filtration on TC(X) and then pass to graded pieces; this is similar to the “motivic” filtration on algebraic K-theory with graded pieces given by , and the existence of such a filtration was first conjectured by Hesselholt. Using perfectoid techniques, it is possible to con- struct the desired filtration on TC; this is the content of Bhatt, Morrow, and Scholze [n.d.]. On the other hand, in the original paper Bhatt, Morrow, and Scholze [2016], we were able to build the theory independently of THH. We refer to Bhatt, Morrow,

8 No compatibility between the different 'p is required. p-ADIC GEOMETRY 921 and Scholze [ibid.] and the surveys Bhatt [2016], Morrow [2016] for details on this construction.

9 Shtukas for Spec Z

Roughly, the upshot of the Ainf-cohomology theory is that the “universal” p-adic coho- mology theory is given by a shtuka relative to Spf Zp. Currently, the author is trying to understand to what extent it might be true that the “universal” cohomology theory is given by a shtuka relative to Spec Z. It seems that this is a very fruitful philosophy. Let us phrase the question more precisely. Given a proper smooth scheme X over a base scheme S, what is “the” cohomology of X? Experience in arithmetic and alge- braic geometry shows that there is no simple answer, and that in fact there are many cohomology theories: singular, de Rham, étale, crystalline, etc.9 It helps to organize these cohomology theories according to two parameters: First, they may only defined for certain (geometric) points s S, and their coefficients may not be Z but only Z/nZ 2 or Z` or R. This makes it natural to draw a picture of a spaceS Spec Z”, where at a point (s; `) i  we putH (Xs; Z/`Z)”, whatever we want this to mean. Note that inside this space, we have the graph of S, taking any s S to (s; char(s)) where char(s) is the characteristic 2 of s. For simplicity, we assume that S = Spec Z in the following; then the graph is given by the diagonal Spec Z Spec Z Spec Z”. We will use p to denote a point of   p S = Spec Z, and ` to denote a point of the vertical Spec Z. 2 Thus, let X be a proper smooth scheme over S = Spec Z.10 We include the following cohomology theories in the picture:

i (i) Singular cohomology Hsing(X(C); Z). This gives a vertical line over the infinite point of Spec Z.

i (ii) De Rham cohomology HdR(X/Z). Note that (up to torsion problems)

i i H (X/Z) Z Z/`Z = H (XF /Fp) dR ˝ dR p i for p = `, so a horizontal fibre of HdR(X/Z) agrees with a vertical fibre. Thus, it sits on the diagonal. It meets singular cohomology, via the comparison isomor- phism i i H (X/Z) Z C H (X(C); Z) Z C : dR ˝ Š sing ˝

i m (iii) Étale cohomology H´et(Xs; Z/` Z), which is defined for all geometric points s Spec Z ` . This gives a horizontal line with a hole at `, and in fact an 2 n f g 9We use the word “cohomology theory” in a loose sense, but it should be of Weil type and compatible with base change, so for example H 1 of an elliptic curve should be of rank 2 over some ring, and base changing the elliptic curve should amount to a corresponding base change of its H 1 along an associated map of rings. In particular, “absolute” cohomologies such as motivic cohomology or syntomic cohomology are disregarded. 10 1 The known examples are not too interesting, so the reader may prefer to take S = Spec Z[ N ] for some N to get more interesting examples. He should then remove the vertical fibres over p N from the picture. j 922 PETER SCHOLZE


Spec Z de Rham


´etale ` singular 5 crystalline



2 3 5 7 Spec Z 1 p

Figure 2: A picture of known cohomology theories. p-ADIC GEOMETRY 923

infinitesimal neighborhood of the horizontal line. It meets singular cohomology via the comparison isomorphism

i m i m H (XC; Z/` Z) H (X(C); Z/` Z) : ´et Š sing

i (iv) Crystalline cohomology Hcrys(XFp /Zp). This sits in a vertical fibre over p, and extends de Rham cohomology infinitesimally.

If we zoom in near a point (p; p) in this picture, we arrive at a picture that looks exactly like Figure 1 depicting the Ainf-cohomology theory! And indeed, one can use the Ainf-cohomology theory to fill in this part of the picture. The picture bears a remarkable similarity with the following equal-characteristic structure.

Definition 9.1 (Anderson [1986] and Goss [1996]). For a scheme S = Spec R over Spec Fp[T ] sending T to t R, a t-motive is a finite projective R[T ]-module M to- 2 gether with an isomorphism

1 1 'M : FrobR M [ t T ] M [ t T ] : Š Let us briefly discuss the similar specializations.

(i) If R = K is an algebraically closed field mapping to the infinite point of Spec Fp[T ] (which, strictly speaking, is not allowed – but we can compactify Spec F [T ] into P 1 ) we get a vector bundle on P 1 together with an isomor- p Fp K phism with its Frobenius pullback.11 These are equivalent to vector bundles on P 1 , and by restricting back to Spec F [T ], we get an F [T ]-module. Fp p p (ii) Restricting along R[T ] R sending T to t we get a finite projective R-module. ! Moreover, 'M gives rise to a R[[t T ]]-lattice in M R[T ] R((t T )), which ˝ gives rise to a filtration of M R[T ] R similarly to the discussion in the case of + ˝ 12 BdR-lattices or C[[t]]-lattices in Section 6.

(iii) Restricting modulo a power of T (or T a, a Fp), the pair 2 1 n (Mn;'M ) = (M R[T ] R[t ;T ]/T ;'M ) n ˝ n 1 is equivalent to an étale Fp[T ]/T -local system on Spec R[t ] by taking the 'Mn =1 étale sheaf Mn .

(iv) Restricting to the fibre t = 0 (or t = a, a Fp) and taking the T -adic com- 2 pletion, M R[T ] (R/t)[[T ]] with 'M defines a structure resembling crystalline ˝ cohomology.

11One might think that one has to allow a pole at , but the analogy seems to suggest that it is in fact not there. 1 12 A subtle point is that M R[T ];T t R is the analogue of Hodge(-Tate) cohomology, and de Rham ˝ 7! cohomology corresponds to the specialization M R[T ];T tp R. ˝ 7! 924 PETER SCHOLZE

(v) Similarly, by the analogy between local shtukas and local p-adic shtukas, the picture near (t; T ) = (0; 0) resembles the picture of the Ainf-cohomology theory.

An interesting question is what happens in vertical fibres, i.e. for S = Spec F p. In the function field case, we get generically the following structure.

Definition 9.2. A (generic) shtuka over Spec F p relative to Spec Fp(T ) is a finite- dimensional F (T )-vector space V together with a Frob -semilinear isomorphism p Fp 'V : V V . Š Amazingly, Kottwitz [2014] was able to define an analogue of this category for num- ber fields.

Construction 9.3 (Kottwitz). For any local or global field F , there is an F -linear -category KtF , constructed as the category of representations of a gerbe banded by ˝ an explicit (pro-)torus which is constructed using (local or global) class field theory. Moreover, one has the following identifications.

(i) If F = Fp((T )), then KtF is the category of finite-dimensional F p((T ))-vector spaces V with a semilinear isomorphism V V . Š

(ii) If F = Fp(T ), then KtF is the category of finite-dimensional F p(T )-vector spaces V with a semilinear isomorphism V V . Š 1 (iii) If F = Qp, then KtF is the category of finite-dimensional W (F p)[ p ]-vector spaces V with a semilinear isomorphism V V . Š

(iv) If F = R, then KtF is the category of finite-dimensional C-vector spaces V to- gether with a grading V = Li Z Vi and a graded antiholomorphic isomorphism 2 2 i ˛ : V V such that ˛ = ( 1) on Vi . Š

Remark 9.4. In the local cases (i) and (iii), one can replace F p with any algebraically closed field of characteristic p without changing the category. However, in the global case (ii), the equivalence holds only for F p; for this reason, we fix this choice.

It is an important problem to find a linear-algebraic description of KtQ. There are natural global-to-local maps, so there are functors KtQ KtQ and KtQ KtR. The ! p ! analogy between cohomology theories and shtukas suggests the following conjecture.

Conjecture 9.5. There is a Weil cohomology theory H i (X) for varieties X over F KtQ p taking values in KtQ. Under the functor KtQ KtQ , this maps to crystalline coho- ! p mology, and under the functor KtQ KtQ for ` p, this maps to étale cohomology ! ` ¤ (considered as an object of KtQ` via the fully faithful embedding of finite-dimensional Q`-vector spaces into KtQ ). Under the restriction KtQ KtR, it gives a Weil coho- ` ! mology theory H i (X) with values in Kt . KtR R This conjecture is known to follow from the conjunction of the standard conjectures and the Tate conjecture (over F p) and the Hodge conjecture (for CM abelian varieties) by the work of Langlands and Rapoport [1987]. In fact, Langlands–Rapoport show that p-ADIC GEOMETRY 925


1 Hodge theory

Spec Z KtQ de Rham

7 Integral p adic Hodge theory ` singular 5




2 3 5 7 Spec Z 1 p

Figure 3: A picture of the known, and some unknown, cohomology theories. 926 PETER SCHOLZE

these conjectures imply that the category of motives over F p can be described as the category of representations of an explicit gerbe, and it is clear by inspection that there is a surjective map from Kottwitz’ gerbe (which is independent of p!) to Langlands– Rapoport’s gerbe. In particular, KtQ conjecturally contains the category of motives over F p as a full subcategory, for all p. It may be interesting to note how Serre’s objection to a 2-dimensional R-cohomology theory is overcome by the R-linear cohomology theory H i , in an essentially minimal KtR way: For a supersingular elliptic curve E/F , its associated H 1 (E) will be given by a p KtR 2-dimensional C-vector space V = V1 together with an antiholomorphic isomorphism ˛ : V V such that ˛2 = 1, so ˛ does not give rise to a real structure; instead, it Š gives rise to a quaternionic structure. But the endomorphism algebra of E, which is a quaternion algebra over Q that is nonsplit over R, can of course act on the Hamilton quaternions! It is also interesting to note that there are functors from the category of isocrystals

KtQp to the category of vector bundles on the Fargues–Fontaine curve, and similarly 1 from the category KtR to the category of vector bundles on the twistor-P , which in both cases induce a bijection on isomorphism classes. This gives another strong indication of the parallel between the Fargues–Fontaine curve and the twistor-P 1, and how Kottwitz’ categories play naturally into them. In particular, one can also draw a horizontal line at ` = , where for all s S 1 2 one gets a vector bundle on the twistor-P 1 (via the previous conjecture in finite charac- teristic, and via the twistor interpretation of Hodge theory in characteristic 0). In other words, the complex variation of twistor structures must, in a suitable sense, be defined over the scheme S (which is a general scheme over Spec Z, not necessarily over C).

10 q-de Rham cohomology

One may wonder what the completion of Spec Z Spec Z” along the diagonal looks  like; in the picture of cohomology theories, this should combine p-adic Hodge theory for all primes p with usual Hodge theory. One proposal for how this might happen was made in Scholze [2017a]. This paper builds on the following observation on the Ainf-cohomology theory. Namely, one can write down explicit complexes computing this cohomology on affines. For example, if R = OC T is the p-adic completion of h i OC [T ], then one looks at the following complex:

q r n n n 1 Ainf T Ainf T : T q(T ) = [n]qT ; h i ! h i 7! r

n 1 qn 1 where [n]q = 1 + q + ::: + q = q 1 is Gauß’s q-integer, and q = [] Ainf is 2 a certain element of Ainf. This is precisely the q-de Rham complex studied by Aomoto [1990]; it sends a general function f (T ) to the Jackson q-derivative

f (qT ) f (T ) ( qf )(T ) = : r qT T p-ADIC GEOMETRY 927

Unfortunately, the q-de Rham complex depends heavily on the choice of coordinates, and it is not clear how to see the independence of the Ainf-cohomology from the choice of coordinates using this picture. However, in recent work with Bhatt, Bhatt and Scholze [n.d.], we were able to prove the following theorem, proving a conjecture of Scholze [2017a]. Theorem 10.1 (Bhatt and Scholze [n.d.]). There is a Z[[q 1]]-linear q-de Rham coho- mology theory for smooth schemes over Spec Z that for any smooth Z-algebra R with a choice of an étale map Z[T1;:::;Tn] R is computed by a q-deformation qΩ of ! R the de Rham complex ΩR . For example,

q r n n n 1 qΩ = Z[T ][[q 1]] Z[T ][[q 1]] : T q(T ) = [n]qT : Z[T ] ! 7! r

After base change along Z[[q 1]] Ainf via q [], this recovers the Ainf-cohomology ! 7! theory. In particular, this suggests that the completion ofSpec Z Spec Z” along the diagonal  is related to Spf Z[[q 1]]. Previous progress towards this result was made by Pridham [2016], and Chatzista- matiou [n.d.], and announced by Masullo. In particular, Chatzistamatiou was able to write down explicitly the quasi-automorphism of qΩZ [T ] for an automorphism of Z[T ], like T T + 1; this is a highly nontrivial result!13 7! Unfortunately, the proof of Theorem 10.1 proceeds by first constructing such com- plexes after p-adic completion, and then patching them together in some slightly artifi- cial way, so we believe that there is still much more to be understood about what exactly happens along the diagonal. In fact, the prismatic cohomology defined in Bhatt and Scholze [n.d.] gives in the p- 14 adic case a Breuil–Kisin variant of the Ainf-cohomology theory for varieties over OK where K is a finite extension of Qp. This Breuil–Kisin module contains some slightly finer information than the q-de Rham cohomology and is in some sense a Frobenius descent of it, but it is not clear how to combine them for varying p. This is related to the observation that in the analogy with t-motives, the diagonal T = t corresponds to Hodge(-Tate) cohomology, while the Frobenius-twisted diagonal T = t p corresponds to de Rham cohomology. In this picture, the q-de Rham cohomology would sit at the completion at T = t p, while the prismatic picture seems more adapted to a picture corresponding to the completion at the diagonal T = t.


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Received 2017-12-05.

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