MASS TIMES & INTENTIONS Saturday 28 October - Sunday 5 November 17 The Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Epping THIRTIETH SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME YEAR A Parish Priest: Father John McGrath Tel: 01992 572516 SATURDAY 28th 6.00pm Margaret Farrell RIP (Canny) Deacon: Rev Duncan Whitehouse Tel: 01992 577173 SUNDAY 29th 9.00am Lena Clohessy RIP (Clohessy) Address: 11 Church Hill, Epping, Essex, CM16 4RA October 2017 11.00am The People of our Parish . Monday 30th Oct. 9.00am Bernadette Mills RIP (Recently) – Sr Susan Email:
[email protected] Tuesday 31st Oct. 9.00am Veronica Beard RIP Website: st Registered Charity Number: 234092 Wednesday, 1 FEAST OF ALL SAINTS HOLYDAY OF OBLIGATION November 2017 10.00am L&P Knight (Anniv) Parish Mass Book Page 184 Our parish is twinned with Thistle Grove/Lebohang 8.00pm The People of our Parish Parish in the Diocese of Dundee, South Africa Thursday, 2nd Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed - ALL SOULS DAY Hall Bookings: e-mail:
[email protected] November 2017 10.00am Tullia Borelli RIP Parish Mass Book Page 188 Telephone Arnold Verrall: 07764404813 or 8.00pm The Holy Souls - our deceased relatives & friends 01992 001995 (dial 01992 even in Epping area) Friday, 3rd St Martin de Porres, Religious THIRTIETH SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME (A) 29 October 2017 9.00am Holy Souls THIRTYFIRST SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME YEAR A Dear Friends , SATURDAY 4th 6.00pm Doris & Kenneth Scott RIP (Ryecroft) In reply to the question, “Which is the greatest commandment of the law?” Jesus said th “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all SUNDAY 5 9.00am Carine Moynan RIP (Coyne family) November 2017 11.00am Frances Richards RIP (Anniv) (Mandvill) your mind.