Vol XVI w No 6 The Official Newsletter of the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk w NCC-1659 Nov / Dec 2005 C O N T E N T S


Volume 16 - Number 6 UPCOMING EVENTS ...... 8 is a publication of the U.S.S. Kitty Hawk, the Raleigh, N.C., chapter of , an international fan organization. This publication is provided free of charge to all chapter members in good standing. Subscriptions for non-members are $12.00 per year (six issues). Please address all corres- pondence to CATBIRD Publications, 5017 Glen Forest Dr., Raleigh, N.C. 27612. This publication is a non-profit enterprise and is not meant to infringe upon any copyright or trademark held by Paramount Pictures, Gulf & Western, or any other holder of STAR TREK copyrights or trademarks. Unless otherwise noted, ENTIRE CONTENTS ARE COPYRIGHT Ó 2005 CATBIRD Publications, THE WRIGHT STUFF. Nothing in whole or in part may be used without the written permission of the publisher. THE WRIGHT STUFF assumes all material submitted for publication is gratis. The publisher and editors reserve the right to edit all submissions.

Publisher ...... J.R. Fisher Editors ...... Jane Fisher John Troan TOOL BOX: Pentium IV-3.0GHz; HP LaserJet 1200 & DeskJet 722C; Lotus WordPro; Adobe Acrobat. IMAGES - Title Banner Wright Flyer from NASA/Ames PAO photo archive; U.S.S. Kitty Hawk (USN CV-63) from; Constitution class cruiser from IMAGE - Featured Front Page Saturn moons Rhea & Dione from Cassini; Crab Nebula from Hubble space telescope; view of 'Burns Cliff" on Mars from Opportunity (with a photo model of the rover). A View From the Catbird Seat By J.R. Fisher

Merry Christmas and the time and day will allow everyone will be a Creation event. It was happy holidays to all to get there on time with better suggested that we should try to go. of our crew and parking and no crowds. It is important Interested? We can discuss it further friends! It has been that I have a head count no later than at the January meeting. a long and the January 7th meeting! Maximum Also, at the January meeting we sometimes difficult of 36! Call early! need to decide about which dates we year for many of us, On another note, almost want to work the phones at the but it is quickly drawing to a close with everyone has renewed their Starfleet UNC-TV Festival this year. Festival a happy celebration and the hopes of membership; thank you. If you have will run from February 25th through a new year that will bring happiness not, please do so as soon as possible. March 26th. Let's try to do two and prosperity to everyone. I hope We are high on the list of ships with evenings with 20+ people each. each of you will have a safe and new members and renewals. Of Well, that's all for me for this happy holiday. course, your Kitty Hawk dues will be newsletter. I hope everyone has a We do not have a lot going on due at the beginning of the new year safe trip to wherever you go to this year so I will get to the meat of it. and our treasury has shrunk with our celebrate and return, and make the We have decided to have our giving to various charities this year. most of your time with friends and holiday/anniversary dinner at the So please pay them as soon as you family. Kanki at Crabtree again this year, can. We look forward to seeing thanks to the kindness of Tom Someone mentioned at the last everyone in January! Mukoyama, the manager and crew meeting that Paramount is having a Esse Quam Videri member. This year it will be at 7 p.m. 40th anniversary celebration of Star on Sunday, January 15th. Please call Trek at the Hilton in Las Vegas, me to reserve a seat. We hope that Nevada; probably in September and it Front Cover Photo Credits By NASA, JPL, et al.

Saturn's Moons The mosaic shows terrain on the assembled at JPL. The imaging Saturn's cratered, icy moons, Rhea trailing hemisphere of Rhea (1,528 operations center is based at the Space and Dione, come alive with vibrant color kilometers, or 949 miles across), and is Science Institute in Boulder, Colo. that reveals new information about their centered on 42 degrees south latitude. For more information about the surface properties. North is up and rotated 28 degrees to the Cassini-Huygens mission visit To create these false-color views, left. The Cassini ultraviolet, green and infrared images Images in the Dione false-color view imaging team homepage is at were combined into a single black and were acquired on Aug. 1, 2005, at a mean white picture that isolates and maps distance of 267,600 kilometers (166,300 Crab Nebula regional color differences. This "color miles) from Dione. Image scale is 1.6 This new Hubble image -- one among map" was then superimposed over a kilometers (1 mile) per pixel. the largest ever produced with the clear-filter image of each moon. The image shows terrain on the Earth-orbiting observatory -- shows the The combination of color map and trailing hemisphere of Dione (1,126 most detailed view so far of the entire brightness image shows how the colors kilometers, or 700 miles across), and is Crab Nebula ever made. The Crab is vary across the moon's surface in relation centered on 41 degrees south latitude. arguably the single most interesting to geologic features. The origin of the North is up. object, as well as one of the most studied, color differences is not yet understood, The images have not been scaled to in all of astronomy. The image is the but may be caused by subtle differences show the moons' proper relative sizes. largest image ever taken with Hubble's in the surface composition or the sizes of The Cassini-Huygens mission is a WFPC2 workhorse camera. grains making up the icy soil. cooperative project of NASA, the The Crab Nebula is one of the most The Rhea view is a two-image European Space Agency and the Italian intricately structured and highly mosaic. Images in the mosaic were Space Agency. The Jet Propulsion dynamical objects ever observed. The acquired on Aug. 1, 2005, at a mean Laboratory, a division of the California new Hubble image of the Crab was distance of 214,700 kilometers (133,400 Institute of Technology in Pasadena, assembled from 24 individual exposures miles) from Rhea and at a manages the mission for NASA's Science taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Sun-Rhea-spacecraft, or phase, angle of Mission Directorate, Washington, D.C. Telescope and is the high resolution 88 degrees. Image scale is 1.3 kilometers The Cassini orbiter and its two onboard image of the entire Crab Nebula ever (0.8 miles) per pixel. cameras were designed, developed and made.

THE WRIGHT STUFF PAGE 3 NOV / DEC 2005 DEEP SPACE NINE - "A Second Chance" By Brad McDonald

ACT FOUR SISKO (smiling) (moving) FADE IN: What can I do for you? Sisko to Kira. What's your INT. DEEP SPACE NINE - MEETING status? SISKO ROOM We want to question Garak, There is no immediate response, so All are present as before, but Kira has will you call for him? he tries again. still not arrived. Sisko is in a corner QUARK SISKO with and Vanir working on a way (excited) (concerned) to counter the claim. In Me? Why me? I didn't -- Sisko to Kira, respond please. the B.G., Quark is fussing with on the details about the refreshments. WORF Worried, he tries another approach. (impatient) SISKO SISKO You are the arbitrator. You Advocate? Is there a way we Sisko to Odo, what's your have the power to require can counter their claim? location? testimony. VANIR There's a moment of silence and QUARK (nervous) Sisko tenses. (shrugging) I'm not sure. It depends on If you say so... ODO'S VOICE Garak Without him, they have (beat, puzzled) Promenade, thirty meters nothing. ...exactly how do I do that? from your location. I don't Sisko thinks for a beat, then calls to think we're going to make it, SISKO Quark. Captain. Advocate Vanir? Will you SISKO explain it to him? SISKO Arbitrator?! May we call you (impatient) on a point of order? ON SISKO Explain! Quark dismisses Rom and straightens Sisko moves to one side and taps his PROMENADE CORRIDOR #1 out his tunic. comm badge. A large, boisterous crowd is present. Kira is on the floor, kneeling next to Cover Credits continued useful to mission teams by enhancing Torkin, who has been wounded. Odo perspective and a sense of scale. is standing close by, monitoring the Opportunity on Mars Opportunity captured the situation. underlying view of "Burns Cliff" after This synthetic image of NASA's ODO Opportunity Mars Exploration Rover driving right to the base of this southeastern portion of the inner wall Torkin has been shot, by inside Endurance Crater was . produced using "Virtual Presence in of "Endurance Crater." The view Space" technology. Developed at combines frames taken by Across the crowd, a security team is NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Opportunity's panoramic camera restraining two civilians. The Pasadena, Calif., this technology between the rover's 287th and 294th rest of the crowd is agitated. martian days (Nov. 13 to 20, 2004). combines visualization and image ODO processing tools with Hollywood-style This is a composite of 46 different images, each acquired in seven We have them, but the crowd special effects. The image was isn't letting anyone move. created using a photorealistic model different Pancam filters. It is an of the rover and an approximately approximately true-color rendering SISKO'S VOICE full-color mosaic. The size of the generated from the panoramic Understood, Constable. The rover in the image is approximately camera's 750-nanometer, 530- cavalry is on the way. nanometer and 430-nanometer filters. correct and was based on the size of Odo turns to assess the crowd and the rover tracks in the mosaic. The mosaic spans more than 180 degrees side to side. Because of this doesn't like what he sees. Kira Because this synthesis provides continues to administer to Torkin. viewers with a sense of their own wide-angle view, the cliff walls appear to bulge out toward the camera. In "virtual presence" (as if they were MEETING ROOM there themselves), such views can be reality the walls form a gently curving, continuous surface.

THE WRIGHT STUFF PAGE 4 NOV / DEC 2005 SISKO SISKO technicians are handing Bashir a (tapping comm badge) Major, report! rapid succession of medications and Sisko to Ops, ? instruments. She collects herself, while looking at DAX'S VOICE Torkin, speaks. BASHIR Benjamin? Are you okay? I (to N.D. technician) KIRA just -- Five c.c.'s of cordrazine. We were slowed by the crowd SISKO when two shots came out of The N.D. technician hands over a (urgent) nowhere. Odo disarmed them hypo and Bashir administers it. Red alert Dax! Have the and then the crowd became SISKO Chief lock Kira's comm badge very unfriendly... Should we transport him to and a nearby Cardassian. (to Sisko) the Cardassian ship? Beam them straight to I let you down... I let Bajor sickbay! down. BASHIR (working) DAX'S VOICE Sisko has no words of comfort or Absolutely not! He barely Right away, Dax out! advice, instead he moves closer to made it here. He's critical, a Bashir. Sisko seeks out Vanir and Quark, combination of injuries and Worf goes to his side. SISKO extreme age. What's the prognosis, doctor? SISKO SISKO Advocate, will you continue in BASHIR (interested) my absence? I'll return as (working) Really? How old would you soon as possible, but get I'm not sure. say? Garak here! We must resolve He picks up a tricorder and reads BASHIR this issue, quickly! aloud. He is very focused and (working) (to Worf) preoccupied. One hundred seventy eight Torkin's been shot, get help years old. and assist Odo, I'm going to BASHIR sickbay! (continuing) KIRA Blood pressure low, heart rate (quietly) WORF is down, fourth degree burn I had no idea At once, Sir. on chest. lived so long... (beat, serious) Be careful, I hate losing He looks up at Sisko and shakes his BASHIR commanding officers. head in dismay. Usually they don't. Military states aren't conducive to Worf nods and rushes off. Sisko BASHIR longevity. notices that Bakat seems pleased (continuing, working) with the turn of events. It's not good. I wish I had TWO SHOT - KIRA AND SISKO more experience with SICKBAY Cardassians. Sisko now speaks to Kira in a quiet Torkin is on an exam table, Bashir is but firm voice. SISKO working on him. Nearby are two N.D. (worried) SISKO medical technicians, assisting him. Can you save him? Let's leave Bashir to his work. Kira is watching, guards let Sisko in, Right now, you have a new he seeks out Kira. Bashir continues his work and does assignment, restore order to not look up. SISKO this station. (agitated) BASHIR KIRA What happened, Major? (working) (surprised) I won't make any promises... Kira is upset, mostly with herself. She You're joking! I'd need ten has failed and realizes the entire Bashir leaves the sentence times the force I have now! station may erupt in violence. unfinished, Sisko then contemplates SISKO what he's heard. KIRA Then get them! Call Norlin (distracted) SISKO and tell him to send help or It all happened so fast.. (quietly) loose this station. Is he going to die? Sisko grabs her arm, his voice is firm. Kira is now revitalized and Bashir doesn't respond right away, determined. he's still very busy. The two N.D.

THE WRIGHT STUFF PAGE 5 NOV / DEC 2005 KIRA ODO (V.O.) you arrived. While I've been Right away, Sir. (o.c.) trying to maintain order, Be right with you. you've been fanning the AS BEFORE flames. Why? Sisko follows the voice to the back of Kira turns and exits quickly. Sisko the brig. Here he finds Odo exiting a BAKAT watches her leave then turns back to cell. They have a right to know. address Bashir. Your rules state the SISKO proceedings be made public. SISKO (urgently) You want help from the What have you found out? Sisko is stunned, he retakes his seat Cardassians? and continues. Odo reestablishes the security barrier BASHIR and Worf appears from a nearby cell. SISKO No, I'm familiar with their You want them to know? ODO methods. I'll call you if there's Same story with this one, BAKAT a change... Worf. Why not? Are you afraid they Sisko takes the dismissal cue and won't like what you're doing SISKO exits sickbay. here? (confused) What story? SISKO EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (controlled) AND MORD'AN (OPTICAL) WORF I'm trying to diffuse the It seems everyone knows The Cardassian ship is still docked to situation by conducting an what's going on here. the station impartial hearing and keeping SISKO your associates alive! INT. DEEP SPACE NINE - I suppose it was only a matter RAGAN CORRIDOR #1 of time before the word got (sarcastic) out -- The corridor is crowded with more I understand you're not doing Bajorans than usual. They are yelling Worf produces a tricorder and hands well... insults and threats at the security it to Sisko. (beat) team outside the main brig. Sisko How is the Arnen-Gul? WORF pushes his way through the crowd and It was easier than that, Sisko gets quiet and Worf responds. enters. Captain. WORF ODO'S DUTY OFFICE Sisko studies the tricorder then, Our surgeon is still working angry, points to it. on him Neither Odo nor Worf are in sight, so Sisko calls out. SISKO RAGAN This was on Bajoran news In other words, not very SISKO nets? hopeful. (curious) Odo? Worf? WORF WORF Ever since the Cardassians We prefer to remain hopeful With no answer, Sisko calls out again, arrived, Bajor has been louder. SISKO getting updates on what's In any event, I want to SISKO happening here... conclude this meeting as Constable? ODO soon as possible! ODO (V.O.) ...from the Cardassians! (o.c.) ON QUARK CUT TO: In here, Captain. In the main Quark has been sitting wide eyed and brig! MEETING ROOM quiet ever since Sisko began speaking. Now he stands and tries to MAIN BRIG Everyone is present again, plus regain his feeling of importance. Garak. All are seated except Sisko, Sisko enters, but sees nothing and who is pacing and angry. QUARK calls out again. (nervous) SISKO SISKO Well, now we can resume the Bakat! I've just learned that Odo? hearing. The next item is the you have been sending news questioning of tailor Garak. releases to Bajor ever since

THE WRIGHT STUFF PAGE 6 NOV / DEC 2005 (to Garak) Bakat, Ragan and Minak react visibly. Minak back to their ship. Would you please answer a Bakat sits forward in his chair, giving Then, reestablish the trans- few questions, Garak? Garak a knowing look. porter blocks, understood? O'BRIEN'S VOICE AS BEFORE ON GARAK Right away, Sir! Garak is surprisingly easy going and GARAK As the meeting breaks up, Sisko turns willing to help. (looking at Bakat) to Vanir. My dear sir. Why else would I GARAK live on a station where SISKO (smiling) everyone despises me? I'm You did a wonderful job, Of course, I'd be happy to. not even officially a Advocate. Unfortunately, we Bakat looks very cocky and smug. Cardassian citizen. may have a war! Quark sits and speaks. VANIR'S VOICE Vanir reacts with sheer terror. QUARK (o.c.) Off his reaction... (sitting) Then you have not been Advocate Vanir? FADE OUT. acting on behalf of the VANIR Cardassian government. END OF ACT FOUR Thank you. First of all, Garak, There is a deafening silence as Garak do you know why you have thinks. been called? Comp Ops Report GARAK AS BEFORE By John Troan Of course, you're attempting GARAK to determine ownership of this (smiling at Bakat) After not having space for my report station. No. I have not. last month, I have only a little space this VANIR month, so this one's going to be short. With Garak's words, Bakat jumps to Correct. What is your Shuttle Discovery is being processed his feet and yells in a rage. for the next flight, currently set for no business? earlier than May. NASA is still working BAKAT GARAK on fixing the foam-shedding problems. You traitor! Tailor extraordinaire, I carry They're looking at removing the piece of a-- Bakat pulls a hidden weapon and foam that broke off, but need to do more points it at Garak. Just as he fires, testing to make sure this fix doesn't VANIR cause other problems. Worf wrestles him to the floor, (interrupting) Cassini is continuing its tour around deflecting the shot. Garak looks at I'm sure. Have you always Saturn, with new reports that it has found Worf and smiles. been a tailor. geological activity at Enceladus. Images GARAK show multiple icy jets leading away from GARAK (appreciative) the moon's surface. No. I once served Cardassia Nice work, Klingon. Opportunity and Spirit just celebrated in an official capacity. a full Martian year (687 Earth days) of SISKO activity. Both are still operating in good VANIR Mister Worf! Place Gul Bakat condition, with Spirit doing nighttime And you retired to pursue under arrest! astronomical observations because of another career? good power supply from the solar cells. WORF GARAK News this week from Hubble (smiling) observations shows that Uranus now has (bitter) Gladly. more moons and rings than previously Actually, I was asked to thought. Voyager 2 actually saw them leave, for the good of RAGAN first in 1986, but they were so faint and Cardassia. You can't do that! He is part so far out from the planet that no one of the official delegation -- Vanir smiles, he senses a means of looked there. Recent reexaminations do show their existence then, too. proving a point. SISKO Looking to the future and the farthest (interrupting) VANIR planet, NASA is preparing the New A status he lost by using a (smiling) Horizons probe for a trip to Pluto and concealed weapon! Then you're no longer an Charon. Launch is scheduled for January (tapping comm badge) official representative of and Jupiter flyby is planned in early 2007 Chief? Transport Worf and to provide a gravity assist slingshot and a Cardassia. his prisoner directly to the test of the probe's instruments and flyby brig. Next, return Ragan and capabilities.

THE WRIGHT STUFF PAGE 7 NOV / DEC 2005 Upcoming Events

Jan. 7 4 p.m. Ship Meeting, Fisher Home 15 7 p.m. Anniversary Party Kanki at Crabtree (see J.R.'s article for details) Feb. 4 4 p.m. Ship Meeting, Fisher Home