Online ISSN: 2236-1057 A review of marine mammal records of Cuba †,* ‡ A RTICLE I NFO Amy D. Whitt , Thomas A. Jefferson , Miriam Blanco§, Dagmar Fertl¶ and Deanna Rees# Manuscript type Review † Article history Geo-Marine, Inc., 2201 K. Avenue, Suite A2, Plano, TX 75074, USA ‡Clymene Enterprises, 13037 Yerba Valley Way, Lakeside, CA 92040, USA Received 06 January 2012 §Acuario Nacional de Cuba, Avenida 1ra y 60, Playa, CP 11300, Habana, Received in revised form 16 March 2012 Cuba Accepted 02 April 2012 ¶Ziphius EcoServices, 8112 Springmoss Drive, Plano, TX 75025, USA Available online 27 January 2014 #Naval Facilities Engineering Command, Atlantic Division, 6506 Hampton Keywords: Caribbean Sea, Cuban EEZ, occurrence, Boulevard, Norfolk, VA 23508-1278, USA distribution, cetacean, pinniped, sirenian *Corresponding author, e-mail:
[email protected] Responsible Editor: Daniel M. Palacios Citation: Whitt, A.D., Jefferson, T.A., Blanco, M., Fertl, D., and Rees, D. (2011) A review of marine mammal records of Cuba. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals 9(2): 65-122. Abstract: There has been very little research on marine mammals in Cuban waters. Much of the information on marine mammals in this region is buried in historical and gray literature. In order to provide a comprehensive account of marine mammal occurrence in Cuba’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), we reviewed and verified 659 published and unpublished sighting, stranding, capture, and tagging records. Eighteen extant species and four genera have confirmed records for Cuban EEZ waters. This includes 17 species of cetaceans (three baleen whales and 14 toothed whales) and one sirenian species.