AVALIER \ II . .!•,: • . ( 1 M., ::niis Deadline Students share experiences from extended forRA study abroad trip to Ecuador Applications By AUie Robinson StairWriler By JuHeKaye Shorn
[email protected] StairWiiter Jln5s®uvawi9e.edn Over winter break, while many UVa-Wise students were sleeping late, banging out with old The api^icatioa deacfllne for rriends, and bringbig in the new year with style, feskknt advlson has been ex• eight students, aldgg with Spanish professor Es- tended imtUMooday, Feb. 11. teben PDoce, were hodng their Spanish skills and Although plenty of appUca- learning about a dilTereBt culture in Ecuador. tioos tyeie received, the Resi• "At the beginning, 1 didn't want to go," said dence Life depaitmeirt wdnted to sophomore Marslwll Bradley, during the pieseitta- give stHiie pec^ moie time to tion the group gave last Thunday in the Chapel of a^y that had originally backed All Faiths. "And I lUnk I bad the most fun out of out due to time omstnunts, said thegroupl" Jason Lewkowicz, the director of The eight students who participated in the trip Residence Ure at UVa-Wise. were Bradley, Nickie Fones. Joe Qatlimore. Brace "We decided to extend the Bhnsett. Jaime Herman. Joy Bryant. Allyson Craft appllcatioa deadline because the and Courtney Hammond. process itseir is rolling and the Members of the group agreed dial each traveler iidetviews do not conclude until bad a good time; including Ponce. the end of next week." Lewkow• "I really eqjoyed the trip." Ponce said. "It was icz said. most interettiiig to me to see their (the studenU'] All applications an to be positive reactioni.