Response to clover root outbreaks in South Canterbury, Otago and Southland; the agricultural sector and government working together

S. HARDWICK1, C.M. FERGUSON2, P. McCAULEY3, W. NICHOL4, R. KYTE5, D.M. BARTON2, M.R. McNEILL1, B.A. PHILIP2 and C.B. PHILLIPS1 1AgResearch Ltd, Lincoln Research Centre, Lincoln, New Zealand 2AgResearch Ltd, Invermay Agricultural Centre, Mosgiel, New Zealand 3Beef+Lamb New Zealand, PO Box 121, Wellington 6140, New Zealand 4PGG Wrightson Seeds Ltd., Private Bag 1946, Dunedin, New Zealand 5DairyNZ, 70 Forth Street, Invercargill, New Zealand [email protected]

Abstract Southland in 2010 (Phillips et al. 2010) and Westland in Clover root weevil was first discovered in the northern 2012 (Ferguson et al. 2012). These isolated populations South Island in 2006, and an introduced biocontrol probably arose from inadvertent human-assisted agent the parasitoid wasp Microctonus aethiopoides, dispersal of CRW in association with farming activities was immediately released there in response. As the (Phillips et al. 2010; Ferguson et al. 2012). weevil spread southwards, ongoing releases and Adults of CRW feed on white clover leaves and can natural parasitoid dispersal generally supressed it to reduce establishment of seedlings, but it is the root- economically tolerable levels. However, mild winters feeding larvae that cause most damage by reducing in the southern South Island during 2013 and 2014 nitrogen fixation and weakening or killing plants allowed weevil populations to grow and spread quicker (Barratt et al. 1996 and references therein; Eerens et than the parasitoid. This severely impacted white clover al. 2005; Gerard et al. 2007). To maintain production, production and farm profitability in parts of South farmers may apply additional nitrogen fertiliser, grow Canterbury, Otago and Southland, thus, scientists and more non-susceptible forage plants, and/or increase industry conducted 18 months of intensive parasitoid supplementary feed (White & Gerard 2006). CRW releases of ca. 1.1 million parasitised at 6000 damage was estimated to cost New Zealand agriculture sites. The parasitoid rapidly established at all 50 up to NZ$2.4 billion p.a. (Dooley & Lovatt 2013). monitored release sites and dispersed from them. The Insecticidal control is usually unfeasible and biocontrol biocontrol agent now occurs at all locations in South offered the best long-term option (Eerens et al. 2005). Canterbury, Otago, Southland, and elsewhere in New After searching for potential biocontrol agents Zealand, where clover root weevil is present. in Europe and North America (Phillips et al. 2000) and conducting bio-safety tests in New Zealand Keywords: biological control, pest spread, parasitic quarantine, the parasitoid Microctonus aethiopoides wasp, obsoletus, Microctonus aethiopoides, Loan (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) was introduced South Canterbury, Southland, Otago from Ireland in 2006 (Gerard et al. 2007, 2011). It is parthenogenetic (female only), attacks the adult Introduction stage of CRW, and each female can lay eggs in up to Sitona obsoletus (=S. lepidus) Gmelin (Coleoptera: 85 weevils. One weevil can support simultaneous ), clover root weevil (CRW), is a development of 1-6 parasitoid larvae (Gerard et al. Palaearctic species that was first detected in Waikato, 2016). The parasitoid was first released in the North New Zealand, in 1996 (Barratt et al. 1996). By then Island, then soon afterwards in the South Island at it had already become widespread in Auckland, north Richmond in 2006 and the Rai Valley in 2007 (Phillips Waikato and coastal Bay of Plenty (Barker et al. 1996). et al. 2007). The parasitoid rapidly established and CRW continued to spread throughout the North Island began dispersing at approximately 15 km/year in at 10-70 km/year (Hardwick et al. 2004) and reached tandem with CRW (Phillips et al. 2010; Ferguson et al. the southern end of the North Island by 2005 (Gerard 2012). However, the discovery of additional isolated et al. 2009). populations of CRW that had established without the In the South Island, isolated populations of CRW biocontrol agent prompted further parasitoid releases in were discovered in Christchurch, Richmond and the North Canterbury in 2009 and Otago in 2010 (Ferguson Rai Valley in 2006 (Phillips et al. 2007), Otago in 2009, et al. 2012). At release sites, parasitoid establishment

ISSN 2463-2872 (Print) ISSN 2463-2880 (Online) 118 Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 78: 117-122 (2016) was often confirmed as soon as 3 months after release, stored at 5 °C, pending distribution to farmers. On 10 and parasitism rates generally reached 70% within 12 occasions when the parasitism rate in collections was months; CRW populations and clover damage declined below 60%, weevils were exposed to parasitoids in soon after (Gerard et al. 2011; Ferguson et al. 2012). the laboratory to boost parasitism levels, as described During 2013-2015 in the southern South Island, in Ferguson et al. (2012). Parasitism rates in released the parasitoid’s natural spread and population growth weevils ranged from 60-90% (Hardwick et al. unpubl. failed to keep pace with those of CRW. In Otago and data). Because multiple parasitoid larvae can develop Southland, CRW outbreaks probably arose from winter in one CRW, on average about 100 parasitoids develop temperatures that were up to 2°C warmer than average from 60 CRW (Hardwick et al. unpubl. data). Also, (Anon. 2014, 2015). This favoured CRW egg and farmers were invited to collect their own parasitised larval survival, but not parasitoid population growth. In CRW from pastures at AgResearch’s Invermay campus. the springs of 2013 and 2014, many farmers in these regions reported that clover had disappeared from Industry field days their pastures, and farm profitability plummeted due to AgResearch staff contributed to workshops run by Beef reduced production and a need to apply more nitrogen + Lamb New Zealand, DairyNZ, PGGWrightsons Seeds, fertiliser. The parasitoid’s performance elsewhere, Ravensdown, Farmlands, Ballance AgriNutrients, including some parts of Otago, indicated it would Agricom and various farmer groups, by providing eventually have gained control of CRW. However, based up-to-date information on the biology, management on parasitoid dispersal rates of 15-20 km/year (Gerard and distribution of CRW and its parasitoid. They also et al. 2011; Ferguson et al. 2012), it was estimated distributed the parasitoid to the farmers most impacted this could take up to 7 years, which was economically by CRW. Usually one container of 100 parasitised untenable for farmers. In response, AgResearch, Beef + CRW was provided per farm, but multiple containers Lamb New Zealand, DairyNZ, PGGWrightson Seeds, were given to owners of large properties if the number Environment Southland and New Zealand Landcare of containers available exceeded the number of farmers Trust funded an 18 month programme of CRW present. Records were kept of the farms or localities delimitation surveys, parasitoid releases and extension, where the parasitised weevils were destined so districts to ensure that farmers in Southland and Otago had with low coverage could be targeted for subsequent access to both the parasitoid and the latest information releases. on CRW and its management. This paper builds on the work of Ferguson et al. (2012) by describing CRW CRW and biocontrol agent detection management activity during the 2014-2015 programme The methods used to detect and monitor CRW and the of parasitoid releases, and by reporting on the current parasitoid as they spread through the South Island were distribution of CRW and its parasitoid in the southern described by Phillips et al. (2010) and Ferguson et al. South Island. (2012). In brief, a Geographical Information System was used to divide the South Island into a 20 × 20 km grid, Methods and each cell in the grid was prioritised for sampling Parasitoid collection based on the area of pasture within it and results from Between late summer 2014 and winter 2015, AgResearch any previous sampling. A subset of properties that collected parasitised CRW for redistribution to farmers belonged to farmers who had received parasitised CRW in South Canterbury, Otago and Southland. Most from AgResearch were sampled to monitor parasitoid weevils (about 80%) were obtained from a farm near establishment. Researchers also took advantage of Peel Forest in Canterbury and many of the remainder sampling from other pest management programmes from AgResearch’s Invermay farm. At Peel Forest, the to monitor for the presence of CRW and its parasitoid. parasitoid had only recently become established and CRW presence was identified by sighting CRW adults there was a dense population of CRW that was highly in pasture, or by taking blower-vac samples. Parasitoid parasitised by M. aethiopoides. presence was confirmed by maintaining ca.100 CRW/ Parasitised CRW were collected by dragging a site in cages to allow parasitoid eggs and larvae to modified blower-vac (echo ES-255ES), across the develop into adults, and/or by dissecting 50-100 pasture (e.g. Phillips et al. 2000). Material from the weevils per site. mesh sock located in the air intake tube was taken to AgResearch laboratories at Lincoln or Invermay to Results extract CRW adults. A sub-sample of weevils from each Parasitoid collection and distribution collection were assessed for parasitism as described in Over the 18 month programme, a total of ca. 900 Gerard et al. (2007, 2011). The remainder were counted 000 parasitised CRW were collected by AgResearch into lots of 100, placed into 60 ml containers, and for distribution in the southern South Island, and a Response... (S. Hardwick, C.M. Ferguson, P. McCauley, W. Nichol, R. Kyte, D.M. Barton, M.R. McNeill, B.A. Philip and C.B. Phillips) 119 further ca. 250 000 were collected from the Invermay held in South Canterbury, Otago and Southland, with Agriculture Centre by farmers and associated industry most occurring in the latter two regions (Table 1). reps. These parasitised CRW weevils were released at ca. 6000 sites in Southland, Otago, and South Current distribution of clover root weevil and the Canterbury. parasitoid Between February and June 2014, ca. 500 000 Between August 2014 and 30 May 2015, AgResearch parasitised CRW collected mainly from Peel Forest, sampled pastures on 30 farms where CRW had not and to a lesser extent Invermay, were distributed to been confirmed as being present before June 30 farmers via workshops, field days, mail outs, and direct 2014. These farms were located in Southland’s south visits to farms by AgResearch staff and industry field coast (Waikawa Valley–Bluff) and south-west coast reps. Records of workshop attendance and parasitoid (Invercargill–Waiau Valley), northern (including Te distribution activities indicated that parasitoids were Anau area) and central Southland regions, and Upper released at ca. 4000 sites. Forty five farmers also visited Clutha (Cromwell, Omarama, Makarora areas). This the Invermay Agriculture Centre and collected ca. 100 confirmed that CRW was present in pastures throughout 000-150 000 parasitised weevils for themselves, their Otago and Southland (Figure 1). friends and neighbours. During May 2015, CRW were collected from 50 Between July 2014 and June 2015, a further ca. 400 release sites, and dissections confirmed the parasitoid 000 parasitised CRW, again predominantly from Peel had established at all sites. Parasitism levels ranged Forest, were collected by AgResearch, and 40-50 farmers from 2-10% in sites where releases were made in collected another ca. 100 000-150 000 parasitised winter 2014, to over 95% at some sites where releases weevils from AgResearch Invermay. Of the releases occurred in summer 2012-2013. Since May 2015, a accurately tracked most (111 170 parasitised weevils further 15 Southland sites where the parasitoid had or 96% of traceable AgResearch releases) occurred not been deliberately introduced were sampled and the in areas where the parasitoid had not previously been parasitoid was found at all of them, with parasitism released including: the Te Anau Basin, Waiau Plain, levels ranged from 1-70%. Thus, as of May 2016, western Oreti Plain, south-west coast of Southland, the parasitoid had established everywhere CRW was Otago coast south-west of Owaka, the Waimea plains present (Figure 1). Parasitism levels at these sites will north-west of Riversdale to Te Anau, and inland East continue to build-up, with the spring emergence of Otago. A small number (5100 parasitised CRW) went to overwintered parasitoids and a new generation of adults five properties where releases had been made in 2013- to attack the spring CRW population. 2014, but where farmers reported CRW damage and/ or clover was still declining. The remaining parasitised Discussion CRW were distributed to farmers in the targeted regions This programme was designed to rapidly deliver via AgResearch, Beef + Lamb New Zealand and parasitoids to numerous sites throughout the lower DairyNZ field days in May-June 2015. South Island. Industry support for the programme was evidenced by the many releases that were facilitated via Industry field days field days. Results of follow up delimitation surveys During the 18 months of the release programme, showed that, in essence, both CRW and the parasitoid AgResearch staff, often with Beef + Lamb New now occur throughout mainland New Zealand. The Zealand, DairyNZ and PGGWrightsons agronomists, only areas where their presence remains uncertain attended a total of 50 field days (Table 1). These were are between Waitaha on the West Coast of the South

Table 1 Number and regions industry field days used to distribute M. aethiopoides between February 2014 and June 2015.

February-June 2014 July 2014-June 2015 B+L NZA DNZB Industry OtherC B+L NZ DNZ Industry Other

Canterbury 2 2 5 2 0 0 0 0 Otago 7 1 4 1 6 0 0 0 Southland 4 1 0 3 5 2 1 4

Total 13 4 9 6 11 2 1 4

ABeef + Lamb New Zealand BDairyNZ CIncludes farmers groups, and other public meetings 120 Journal of New Zealand Grasslands 78: 117-122 (2016)

FigureFigure 1 Known1 Known distribution distribution of clover root weevil of cloverand its biocontrol root weevil agent M. aethiopoidesand its biocontrol in the South Islandagent in JuneM. 2013 and aethiopoidesJune 2015.in the South Island in June 2013 and June 2015.

Island and the Otago side of Haast Pass (McNeill & not completely eliminate CRW. There will always be FergusonDiscussion unpubl. data). Two CRW adults were found a low level of ongoing damage to clover plants which in a sample taken at Waitaha in March 2013, but they will continue to show some characteristic “u” shaped haveThis not beenprogramme found since despitewas designedsampling in 2014to andrapidly notches deliver in leaf parasitoids margins resulting to numerous from CRW sitesadult 2015 (M. McNeill pers. comm. 2016). It is possible that feeding. Inevitably, CRW will sometimes temporarily highthroughout rainfall and wetthe soils lower in this South region Island. may not Industryfavour escapesupport high for parasitism the programme levels and wa causes evidenced economic CRW, and further monitoring will help determine if damage to white clover due to climatic variables thisby is thethe case. many CRW releases has not yet that been werereported facilitated from (e.g. via Gerard field et al.days. 2010), Resultsuse of insecticides of follow that killup Stewartdelimitation Island or thesurveys Chatham show Islandsed (McNeillthat, in etessence, al. the both parasitoid CRW (e.g. and McNeill the parasitoid et al. 1996) nowor following occur 2015). pasture renewal, as has been observed for the Argentine Thethroughout parasitoid hasmainland dispersed New beyond Zealand. its Otago andThe onlystem weevilareas parasitoid where intheir New presenceZealand dairy remains pasture Southland release sites, and now occurs wherever CRW (e.g. McNeill et al. 2001). is present.uncertain While are the betweennumber of parasitoidsWaitaha releasedon the per West CoastThe programme of the Southof accelerated Island parasitoidand the releasesOtago site was generally low (≤100), released populations had cost approximately $600 000 or ca. $0.50/ parasitised potentialside of for Haasthigh rates Pass of increase (McNeill due to &their Ferguson capability unpubl.CRW released.data). Two This CRW figure adults compares were favourablyfound to complete 3-5 generations/year, via the females’ with the $1.50/ parasitised Argentine stem weevil asexualin a samplereproduction taken and athigh Waitaha potential infecundity. March 2013,(Listronotus but theybonariensis have not(Kuschel) been found(Coleoptera: since The parasitoid’s high rate of increase is illustrated by Curculionidae)) that was charged in the commercial consideringdespite samplingthat one female in 2014could potentiallyand 2015 produce (M. McNeill Microctonus pers. comm.hyperodae 2016). Loan It is possible(Hymenoptera: that over 12 million daughters in 12 months, and this has Braconidae, Euphorinae) release programme (McNeill likelyhigh contributed rainfall toand its success.wet soils in this region mayet notal. 2002).favour A cost-benefitCRW, and furtheranalysis monitoringof the parasitoid Observationswill help determine suggest that if thiswinter is parasitismthe case. ofCRW release has programmenot yet been estimated reported that biological from Stewart control CRW reaches its expected maximum of 75-95% of CRW would return $14.78/ha/year or $2.3 million aboutIsland 18-24 or months the Chatham after release, Islands which (McNeillis consistent et alover. 2015). the 158 017 ha of dairy farms in Southland, and with previous results (Phillips et al. 2010; Gerard $6.86/ha/year or $4.7 million over the 719 854 ha of et al. 2011; Ferguson et al. 2012). Such parasitism sheep and beef farms in Southland (Basse et al. 2015). levels cause adult weevil densities to decline, but it is Thus, the cost of the 2014-2015 release programme was importantThe parasitoid that farmers hasrecognise dispers that edthe parasitoidbeyond willits Otagolikely andrecouped Southland within 18 release months. sites, When andmaximum now occurs wherever CRW is present. While the number of parasitoids released per site was generally low (≤100), released populations had potential for high rates of increase Response... (S. Hardwick, C.M. Ferguson, P. McCauley, W. Nichol, R. Kyte, D.M. Barton, M.R. McNeill, B.A. Philip and C.B. Phillips) 121 suppression of CRW is achieved, probably by winter Eerens, J.P.J.; Hardwick, S.; Gerard, P.J.; Willoughby, 2017, the programme will result in total savings in B.E. 2005. Clover root weevil (Sitona lepidus) in Southland of about $5.4 million/year when taking into New Zealand: the story so far. Proceedings of the account the standard treasury discount rate of 8% per New Zealand Grassland Association 67: 19-22. annum (Anon. 2008), with a similar figure likely for Ferguson, C.M.; McNeill, M.R.; Phillips, C.B.; Otago. Hardwick, S.; Barton, D.M.; Kean, J.M. 2012. Status The programme of accelerated biocontrol agent of clover root weevil and its biocontrol agent in the releases against CRW in the southern South Island was South Island after six years. Proceedings of the New rapid and successful because of strong collaboration Zealand Grassland Association 74: 171-176. between scientists, industry specialists, industry-funded Gerard, P.J.; Eden, T.M.; Hardwick, S.; Mercer, C.; organisations and farmers. It reduced the economic Slay, M.; Wilson, D.J. 2007. Initial establishment of impact of CRW on farmers and local communities, the Irish strain of Microctonus aethiopoides in New and enhanced communication and good-will between Zealand. New Zealand Plant Protection 60: 203-208. science, industry and farmers. Gerard, P.J.; Wilson, D.J.; Eden, T.M. 2010. Clover root weevil biocontrol distribution in the North Island ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS release tactics and outcomes. Proceedings of the New We thank the many farmers who supported this Zealand Grassland Association 72: 85-90. programme by attending field days, releasing Gerard, P.J.; Wilson, D.J.; Eden, T.M. 2011. Field parasitoids on their properties, and providing access release, establishment and initial dispersal of to their properties for sampling. Financial support was Irish Microctonus aethiopoides in Sitona lepidus provided by AgResearch, Beef + Lamb New Zealand populations in northern New Zealand pastures. and DairyNZ, and practical assistance by Beef + Lamb BioControl 56: 861-870. New Zealand, DairyNZ, PGGWrightsons, Environment Gerard, P.J.; Kean, J.M.; Cameron, C.A. 2016. 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