117 Response to clover root weevil outbreaks in South Canterbury, Otago and Southland; the agricultural sector and government working together S. HARDWICK1, C.M. FERGUSON2, P. McCAULEY3, W. NICHOL4, R. KYTE5, D.M. BARTON2, M.R. McNEILL1, B.A. PHILIP2 and C.B. PHILLIPS1 1AgResearch Ltd, Lincoln Research Centre, Lincoln, New Zealand 2AgResearch Ltd, Invermay Agricultural Centre, Mosgiel, New Zealand 3Beef+Lamb New Zealand, PO Box 121, Wellington 6140, New Zealand 4PGG Wrightson Seeds Ltd., Private Bag 1946, Dunedin, New Zealand 5DairyNZ, 70 Forth Street, Invercargill, New Zealand
[email protected] Abstract Southland in 2010 (Phillips et al. 2010) and Westland in Clover root weevil was first discovered in the northern 2012 (Ferguson et al. 2012). These isolated populations South Island in 2006, and an introduced biocontrol probably arose from inadvertent human-assisted agent the parasitoid wasp Microctonus aethiopoides, dispersal of CRW in association with farming activities was immediately released there in response. As the (Phillips et al. 2010; Ferguson et al. 2012). weevil spread southwards, ongoing releases and Adults of CRW feed on white clover leaves and can natural parasitoid dispersal generally supressed it to reduce establishment of seedlings, but it is the root- economically tolerable levels. However, mild winters feeding larvae that cause most damage by reducing in the southern South Island during 2013 and 2014 nitrogen fixation and weakening or killing plants allowed weevil populations to grow and spread quicker (Barratt et al. 1996 and references therein; Eerens et than the parasitoid. This severely impacted white clover al. 2005; Gerard et al. 2007). To maintain production, production and farm profitability in parts of South farmers may apply additional nitrogen fertiliser, grow Canterbury, Otago and Southland, thus, scientists and more non-susceptible forage plants, and/or increase industry conducted 18 months of intensive parasitoid supplementary feed (White & Gerard 2006).