Vertical Shaft Engines CVD Preliminary Decision Memorandum
C-570-120 Investigation Public Document E&C/OVII: AH June 15, 2020 MEMORANDUM TO: Jeffrey I. Kessler Assistant Secretary for Enforcement and Compliance FROM: James Maeder Deputy Assistant Secretary for Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Operations SUBJECT: Decision Memorandum for the Preliminary Affirmative Determination and Preliminary Negative Critical Circumstances Determination in the Countervailing Duty Investigation of Certain Vertical Shaft Engines Between 225cc and 999cc, and Parts Thereof from the People’s Republic of China I. SUMMARY The Department of Commerce (Commerce) preliminarily determines that countervailable subsidies are being provided to producers and exporters of certain vertical shaft engines between 225cc and 999cc, and parts thereof (VSE) from the People’s Republic of China (China), as provided in section 703 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended (Act). II. BACKGROUND A. Initiation and Case History On January 15, 2020, we received antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) petitions concerning VSE from China, filed in proper form, on behalf of Coalition of American Vertical Engine Producers and its individual members (the petitioners).1 Pursuant to section 702(b)(4)(A)(ii) of the Act, we invited representatives of the Government of China (GOC) for consultations with respect to the Petition; however, the GOC did not request consultations.2 We describe the supplements to the Petition in the Initiation Notice and accompanying CVD 1 See Petitioners’ Letter, “Petitions for the Imposition of Antidumping and Countervailing Duties on Certain Vertical Shaft Engines Between 225cc and 999cc, and Parts Thereof from the People’s Republic of China,” dated January 15, 2020 (Petition). 2 See Commerce’s Letter, “Certain Vertical Shaft Engines Between 225cc and 999cc, and Parts Thereof from the People’s Republic of China: Invitation for Consultation to Discuss the Countervailing Duty Petition,” dated January 15, 2020.
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