Florence Tribune, June 18, 1909
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mribunre Subscription, $1.00 a .Year. IFLORENCE,' NEBRASKA.!tIDfY' J E 181 1909 No,3 -------~ THfEARlYBIRD AND THE WORM LAST SATURDAY'S BALL GAME. '-,--- :BATTlE OF VR6M FLORENCE Attorney fOl' Merchants of Florence in The Gimlet Paraphrases Proverb and Americans Win From Ramblers, Wi,i'ie Rate Case Will Sue Railroad Co, Likens It'self Unto a Worm and Lee·Glass Originals Easily Defeat , \1 for Refund of Money. BAllOTS NEAR Tries to Fool the People. TO THE ARTIG Florence at Florence Park. ) ----- The decision of the railway commis- ----- ..l. \ 'The Americans defeated the Ramblers sion'in the 1:'''1orence' rate case has not Today Begins the Filings of Candidates • The Gimlet, otherWise known as the A Cigar Check Given by Florence Man Sunday at Floreuee park by a score of ended the light. for Big List of County Officers That Florence Gazette, issued a small five' Thirteen Years Ago, Returns After 4 to 2, for the second time this season. Ch:arles'E1gutter of Omaha, attorney Will Be Voted on at the Primaries COl?IlUl paper that was printed for Long Wandering and Is Welcomed Errors ~vere numerous on both sides. for the lumbel' and b'.lilding, materl'al Which. Are to Be Held August 17- dtlll'l most'h partI in Sioux City on Satnr· " Each maklllg five. Tlle Americans had dealers of Florence, who prosecutecl liJj mg t, a though it is supposed to the hitting honors, getting nine safe Only One Month to File In, l'SS'le 011 l' 'd F th the suit before the railway commis- . , , l'l ay. or e most part The world is mighty small after alL ones off Lefty Hirsch, while the Remb sio1;\ for a restoration of the old rates the news that it contains was written Go where you will you will run across leI's could only :tind Brodbeck for fOUl'. between ,Omaha and Florence on 'ViII Florence present to the county by' the editor of the Tribune over a some one who knows you or your . Brodbeck pitched a good game, striIe building material. securing ,a restora. any candidates on any of the tickets week ago and puhlished in the Tribune town. It is a far cry from fair Flor- mg out nine men and alowing uut four Thi:lre was a big crowd at the special tion of the rates" but no reparation for for county officers this fall? of ~ast week (l.nd the daily papers. ence to Wrangell Island, yet some singles. me,eting of the' city council Monday excess charges of the past, will resort Today begins t11e liJings; ,July J7 Is \Vf') are perfectly willing to have the Florence man has been 200 miles The Americans are looking for a evening when the bids for !laving were to the courts to secure the damages. when they end, and all parties will put editor use our mattel' if he hasn·t north of the Siberian coast and left game next Sunday. in or out of town. opened, There w,ere seven bidders for MI;. Elgutter was in Lincoln Monday forth candidates to be nominated at brains enough of his own to writehil~it there a souvenir which has just been Call Red 5954, after 7 p. m. Score: the. w{)rk and Ii big range'in price was on legal busines!; before the supreme the primaries August 17. but W';? do ndt J)l'opose to ha\'e returned. The cigar check was issued Americans. the result. In another column we ,pre- court, and he announced that he Here is a list of the offices to be fool tlle people of Florence by lJaby by Mr. Brennaman thirteen years ago Collins, ::11 .•.. , .••••••.. ~"}(" I:{ ~i ~; Ei sent the bids in a tabulated form so would shortly take the matter into the filled under the new law: I tall'. In his idiotorial he IJrints this and returned to him the other day l?rleY"J lb................. 2 ' 1 Q our readers can" see what the figures courts, The railway commission re. One judge. ',brilliant effusion: with this letter: ,Lpp, .1> ,.,.. - r, f1 1 '~'The U ' S 'Villiam". f' .. ,........... , S r, are. fused to make' reparation of damages One treasurer. Early Bird and the Worm." . S. teamer "Gen. ,r.. 'V. Jacobs," Denny. I[-rr.., ,[ () lUll , T!le bids Were referred to the'cit), because It doubted its jurisdiction'in One del'k. ''In th'lt much praised proverb auont Fort St. Michael, Alaska. Mar. 22, 1909, ~ygert'r If. ............•. , 0 " n ~~ engllleer and committee of the whole the case. The damages to be asked One register of deeds. the 'early hiI'd and the worm' a great Mr. James Brennaman, Florence, D~~'ni~o;,~" ;'f: :::::: ::::: ~ ~ i' 8 I' 1'01' tabulation and consideration to be will amount to $5,000 or $G,OQO. One sheriff. deal of credit is given to the bird and Neb.-Dear 8ir:-1 take pleasure in Smith. so;. 4 2 :1 2 ~ Broderiel~. p..............:1 0 0 4 Ii reported back, to the council at its One corOller. very little is said about the worm. It sendmg you a check. your property, next meeting. In' connection with the -~---,---~- One surveyor. should be remembered, however. that Totals.. _ ;:2 !I _I,'~ which I hope, after its wandering thus 10 ,I ... Ramblers. " :bids were two comlllunications from 1'0'11'. Feldhusen said the figures llre- One superintendent-of.schools. every time this happens somebody has far, Will be welcome home again. O. A. E. '. -- the Grant Paving 'cOll1pany and '\Var." sented uy Mr. Thompson were mis· One commissioner. to h" the worm. l\fcGugan. H :cr:. l-~. ~ 0 , A transient in this place exhibited s~ _.~ ren Bros., Saying the tar filled macad- leading, as the paving tax was a sJJe· Two police judges. "Remember this when you are of· Tracy. ,1 1 ~ .. this check to a' number of persons llan1illon. ;)h 'J () .. 0 .am pavement infl'Ingea cOn their pat- cial tax. and he had omitted special Thirty·sc\-en justices of the peace. fered votes or pI'emiums with a news· ".j .. I H gathered around the stove of a store 'l'uttl", 2b, 0 ents _and warning the couDcil against taxes in the Omaha figures; but put Thirty-seven constables. paper or any othel' article. You have Sweitz. ef. ,.......... 4 2 {1 0 1. and trading post here and stated that Thpur. lb ,, ..... 4 0 12 n using th;lt leind of paving unless tha them in the Florence figures. He also Twelve road overseers. to pay dearly for the pramiums in the ~.......... ., he had found it near the summit of Danz, c 0 5 "It specifications were so changed that said tl1at the tax would not be equal One hundred and forty-two county Bnd, as the merchant mnst add just Coad. 1'[••. , ••• , ••.•••.•• I 0 () Q f. "Berry's Peak" on the Wrangell Isl Houtz. rf. 2 () () () f\ the Grapt Paving company could bid. on aU lots, but as he understood, the officers are to be elected this fall and that n111ch nlOre to the selling price (. and. which is some 200 miles due HirsC'h, 1 ' J 1 0 4 A petition frOlll property owners of balance leIt after the street railway 14ft of them are to he nominated in the of bis goods. He expects to get his north of the Siberian coast in the TOt:lls :1:! .{ 21 '·1 ff blocks i16 'and 4-2 requesting that a and county had paid tIleir share primaries. The number is increased money back in some way, rest assured Arctic Ocean. Ameri<-ans ,0 2 () I n () 1 0 *-+ b~' Ramblpr" 0 0 il 2 () 0 () () o-~ sewer district be ci'eated ltnd sewers would be assessed 60 per cent to the forty-five a change in the state law, of that. How it got there and who dropped it put in froJii the Wlllet street sewer abutting l)l'Opert~', and then graduated which makes the deputy assessors ""'henevcr somebody gets the best Two·base hit: Rapp. Stolen bases: is impossible to guess, but thinking Collins, Rapp, Farley, Fox, Brodbecle, through the alleys of those two blocks back, becoming less the further away elective. instead of appointive IJy the of it somebody gets the worst of it. that you might be pleased to have it, Smith (2), McGugan, Sweitz, Banz. the cost to be assessed to the abuttin~ from Main street. He also called at· county assessors as in the past. A great many people think they are back again, I asked him for it and Sacrifice bits: Milliams, Dygert, Hirsch l)roperty. was read and, by suspending tention to the fad that if the prop- In addition to the above county of· playing the part of the bird when they take pleasure in enclosing it herewith. Double play: Tracy to Tuttle. Bases Tul-e siX, an ordinance was passed for erty abutting was taxed for the whole fieers, two judges, of the supreme are in reality the worm. Trusting it may reach you safely, 1 on balls: Off Hirsch. :J; off Brodbeck, this sewer, FLOR-SEVEN " ., ,. '. ., .' .. bench and two r,egents of the state "Are you the worm? n am. Sir. Yours very truly, 5. Struck out: By Brodbeck, 9; by l\!I. C, Fleming was allow,cd $57.75 as cost the intersections would have to university 1I be elected. Candidates "Printed in Florence. "i: JOHN C. SCHOCH, Hirsch, 3. Time: 1: 55. Umpire: Lynch. impactor for the cement sidewalks. be paid for ont of genel'al fund, and for these offices and for connty judge "Does, it sound good to you? First Officer, The matter of fencing Hanover street, that cost to the outsiue property and superintendent of the public in- "Come in and get acqnainted.