18 Righties You Should Follow on

This is by no means the first website to produce a list of must-follow conservatives on Twitter. A handful of right-wing sites have done so over the years, and even left-leaning publications like Paste Magazine and Salon have lately joined in the fun (mostly focusing on conservative Trump skeptics).

But since the political twitterverse is a vast place, where there are indeed a good number of insightful and entertaining righties worth checking in on daily, I figured that another such list isn’t going to hurt anyone.

To make this one a bit different, however, I’m going to leave out some of the conservative social-media juggernauts like Ben Shapiro and Jonah Goldberg, who everyone already follows and knows are great. In fact, I’m not going to include anyone who has more than 150k followers. Instead, along with some familiar figures in the media, I’m going to include individuals whose names you may not have heard of until now.

Here we go (in no particular order): 1. Guy Benson

A Fox News contributor and political editor atTownhall , Benson has long been known for his thoughtful and intellectually-consistent commentary. His Twitter feed is an extension of that insight:

PSA: Someone is not a “snowflake” because they don’t share your views. *You* are a snowflake if you cannot handle views you don’t share.

— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) August 15, 2017

Benson is a principled voice and strong critic of uninformed and reckless political activism, as exhibited recently by Jimmy Kimmel:

“I am to be taken seriously until I say so.” https://t.co/OCT7pvXVKx

— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) October 14, 2017

2. Michael Freeman

Freeman is a conservative speechwriter, so you’d think he’d have some trouble fitting clever insight into 140 characters or less. Fortunately, that hasn’t been the case. His sharp wit generates a chuckle from me at least a couple times a day.

I’ll combine it with my $2,500 Obamacare savings and buy a unicorn with my 6,500 mythical dollars. https://t.co/MoWuAetKoq

— Michael Freeman (@michaelpfreeman) October 24, 2017

There’s a better chance of him bringing that groundhog back to life. https://t.co/GaSlEGiZrq

— Michael Freeman (@michaelpfreeman) October 20, 2017

3. Terry Schappert

Schappert is a Fox News regular, the host of the reality show Hollywood Weapons, and one heck of a nice guy. A U.S. Army Special Forces veteran, Schappert is a warrior and a diplomat who has been known to use his Twitter feed to try and bridge the gap between the conservative movement and the Trump base. Additionally, he often provides a unique perspective on battles fought in the culture war:

My anger and hurt feelings when you burn the flag we’ve fought ( and died) for matter less than your freedom to do it. But you still suck.

— terry schappert (@terryschappert) December 2, 2016

4. Jon Gabriel

Gabriel, Ricochet.com’s Editor-in-chief, is kind of a Twitter legend, so there’s a pretty good chance you’re already following him. But in case you’re not, here are some samples of the brilliance:

Wanted more hits on my latest article. Should have headlined it KNEELING NFL TRAITORS IN DRAG MOCK DEAD VETERAN HEROES

— jon gabriel (@exjon) October 20, 2017

Lou Dobbs has uttered what may be the most preposterous statement in modern American history. https://t.co/wygwvh3y1h

— jon gabriel (@exjon) October 14, 2017 Sharpton’s boycotting ESPN for suspending Jemele Hill who is boycotting ESPN ads because Jerry Jones is boycotting players who are boycotting the national anthem. https://t.co/87kkQgNMhx

— jon gabriel (@exjon) October 9, 2017

Warning: Gabriel regularly shares his taste in music with his followers…and that taste is kind of weird.

5. Bethany S. Mandel

I’m embarrassed to say that I wasn’t familiar with until she generated (not by design) a fair amount of social-media attention by giving birth to her third child in a car on her way to the hospital .

When I say @SethAMandel delivered our baby, I’m being totally serious. He did the whole thing blind, while giving coordinates to nervous 911

— Bethany S. Mandel (@bethanyshondark) April 28, 2017

Married to Seth Mandel of the , Bethany is a principled and provocative writer who isn’t afraid to tackle culturally-complicated topics.

She’s also kind of hilarious on social media:

How many months does Trump have to be in office before the RNC stops sending me emails about Hillary Clinton?

— Bethany S. Mandel (@bethanyshondark) October 17, 2017

Older two kids got three shots between them and now we’re talking about how our chinchilla and my mom died because they got sick pic.twitter.com/1TKHXbVVyx

— Bethany S. Mandel (@bethanyshondark) October 17, 2017

Watching Manhunt and considering buying a cabin on Amazon because I can’t even go off the grid without the web. https://t.co/4TuXtliuru

— Bethany S. Mandel (@bethanyshondark) October 16, 2017

6. Angela Nelson

Nelson occasionally composes diary-style columns for RedState, and is very active on Twitter, where she not only produces conscientious commentary, but also retweets some of the more interesting social-media content from the political Right.

We are a nation of spoiled children who have NO IDEA what actual hardship is. But with this attitude on the rise, I’m afraid we will learn. https://t.co/mieyt89obJ

— Angela (one of many) (@angelaisms) October 19, 2017

7. T. Becket Adams

A commentator for the , Adams is a must- follow on Twitter for his sharp, timely takes on the news of the day. He calls out political tribalism and double-standards whenever he sees them, and he does so with style.

Ppl flaming Kelly for going to bat for Trump are guilty of what they criticized Trump for doing to Khan, who was also a political operative. pic.twitter.com/X792vLzZgA

— T. Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) October 19, 2017 is there a reason why these NRA ads sound like excerpts from sarah connor’s diary?

— T. Becket Adams (@BecketAdams) October 20, 2017

8. Kimberly Corban

Corban is a rape survivor and Second Amendment advocate who uses her horrific experience to educate audiences across the country on sexual assault, the lasting impact it has on survivors, and self-protection. As an advocate and mentor for young women, Corban’s insight on Twitter has been particularly prudent to recent high-profile news stories involving sexual harassment and assault in the workplace.

#MeToo isn’t just about rape. It’s all kinds of abuse, including harassment. One experience does not negate another. They’re all important.

— Kimberly Corban (@Kimberly_Corban) October 16, 2017

She also happens to be uproariously funny:

“Dear Customer Service, First of all, you should know I’m typing this with my middle finger.”

— Kimberly Corban (@Kimberly_Corban) January 26, 2017

Kimberly hates three things: 1) When people talk about themselves in the third person 2) Contradictions 3) Lists

— Kimberly Corban (@Kimberly_Corban) September 25, 2017 Beyond all that, she’s a tremendous free-throw shooter.

9. Jay Caruso

Caruso writes for the Dallas Morning News and RedState, among other publications. He also co-hosts the entertaining Fifth Estate podcast with Neal Dewing.

A conservative and staunch Trump critic, Caruso has little patience for media-sycophants who’ve traded in their ideological principles and sense of decency for ratings and website-clicks.

Re-upping. The right wanted a version of Jon Stewart & The Daily Show. They got it w Tucker. Not a good thing. https://t.co/z4kxIcsntQ

— Jay Caruso (@JayCaruso) October 15, 2017

Whatever Trump is paying John Kelly he should get a waiver to triple his salary.

— Jay Caruso (@JayCaruso) October 19, 2017

10. Christian Toto

For those worn out on the exhaustively-preached left-wing orthodoxy of the entertainment industry, Christian Toto hears you. He’s a Denver-based entertainment reporter and commentator who examines the industry from a unique right-of- center perspective via his website, Hollywood in Toto. The content is always interesting, as are his Twitter takes.

Folks behind #onlythebrave movie should have reached out to conservative media for an extra push — heartland values front and center pic.twitter.com/18gAJg5v4y

— Christian Toto (@HollywoodInToto) October 22, 2017 Outlets reporting Chelsea Handler’s show ending as ‘her decision’ w/o skepticism is why we don’t trust Hollywood reporters, either pic.twitter.com/FheLN4QpuX

— Christian Toto (@HollywoodInToto) October 19, 2017

11. Allen Ginzburg

Ginzburg has written for multiple conservative websites, but most of his commentary these days can be found on Twitter. He’s a sane voice in insane times, who calls out both sides of the political aisle.

Where are all the liberals who were outraged by Trump’s attacks on Khan to call out people like @JoyAnnReid for their ugly attacks on Kelly?

— (((AG))) (@AG_Conservative) October 20, 2017

GWB was one of the most decent men to serve as POTUS. I objected to left smearing him 4 years. Certainly won’t let Trump cultists do it now.

— (((AG))) (@AG_Conservative) October 20, 2017

12. J.R. Salzman

A veteran and wounded warrior of the Iraq war, Salzman is insightful and strongly spoken on issues relating to the military, foreign policy, and Veterans Affairs.

This shrapnel is from my amputated arm & came from the Iranian IED that almost killed me. Should I mail it back now? pic.twitter.com/tT80mdd8HI

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 15, 2015 Plus, he’s always posting awesome stuff like this (which alone is worth a follow):

I have a prosthetic arm chainsaw debarker attachment. Why? Because I’m a badass, that’s why.… https://t.co/Z4RYsG3Npn

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) October 19, 2017

And this:

I just pushed a sawmill for 8 hours. Your uppity post yoga prancing around Trader Joe’s doesn’t impress me.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) October 20, 2017

Make sure you check out Salzman’s word-work creations too. They’re fantastic.

13. Liam Donovan

Donovan, a contributor to National Review, works in Washington DC and has a sharp and wonky political mind. His thoughts are always worth paying attention to.

Cochran’s return is as big a relief for budget vote as his absence was a nuisance, but health Q injects real uncertainty moving forward.

— Liam Donovan (@LPDonovan) October 17, 2017

The irony here is that Bannon is essentially doing lead blocking for red state Dems. Laying the groundwork for precisely this message.

— Liam Donovan (@LPDonovan) October 18, 2017 14. Darrick Johnson

Johnson is a regular guy whose Twitter-follow caught my eye when I realized that he lives in the town next to mine. Though I’ve never met him, I thoroughly enjoy his smart and funny tweets, and I can’t for the life of me figure out why fewer than 300 people follow him. Perhaps we can change that.

Raise your hand if you would like the President and his Cheif of staff to switch jobs. (And then have the President get a new CoS) ‍♂️

— Darrick Johnson (@darrickjohnson) October 19, 2017

The world is safer when America sucks at soccer. Gives the world a needed outlet, without challenging American dominance in other areas.

— Darrick Johnson (@darrickjohnson) October 11, 2017

Columbus, the first Dem: He left, not knowing where he was going, returned, not knowing where he had been, and did it all on government

— Darrick Johnson (@darrickjohnson) October 9, 2017

15. Ben Howe

Howe is a popular political writer (for RedState), filmmaker, and straight-shooter who has an uncanny gift for nailing profound, air-tight points in just a few words.

I can’t stress how easy it is to not sexually harass anyone.

— Ben (@BenHowe) October 12, 2017 Doing the right thing has nothing to do with winning. If you win, great. If you don’t, do it anyway. https://t.co/cXUfHRWirY

— Ben (@BenHowe) October 23, 2017

Doing the right thing has nothing to do with winning. If you win, great. If you don’t, do it anyway. https://t.co/cXUfHRWirY

— Ben (@BenHowe) October 23, 2017

16. Tom Nichols

A number of people on Twitter have remarked on how much I remind them of Nichols (who’s a fellow author and political writer), and that they pay close attention to both of us. I have no reason not to believe this, other than the fact that he has a hundred-thousand more followers than I do (maybe I’m just a late bloomer). Anyway, his popularity is well-deserved:

Me: We shouldn’t have so many generals in appointed positions,it’s bad for civ-mil relations

MAGA Twitter: So you hate George Washington

— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) October 23, 2017

If you’re going into teaching to demonstrate your pet social theories or showcase what sort of person you are, you’re in the wrong job. /4

— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) October 22, 2017

Old and busted: Trump doesn’t care about traditions, so suck it, libtard New hotness: Wasn’t Kelly great about sacred American institutions?

— Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) October 20, 2017

17. Salena Zito

CNN’s Salena Zito is a very thoughtful journalist who has made it her job to examine the political tides in our country through the eyes of regular people. She recognized the power of Donald Trump’s appeal to working-class voters during the 2016 campaign, and has written several respectful pieces on these folks. That respectfulness has carried across to her Twitter feed where she is always a measured, informative purveyor of news.

Every Tweet has my Mom and Dad on one shoulder & my kids and granddaughter on the other. Have to be responsible for my words. Thank you! https://t.co/72b0QF5ooe

— SalenaZito (@SalenaZito) May 8, 2017

18. Haley Byrd

Byrd is a congressional reporter for the Independent Journal Review, and doesn’t throw out a ton of a personal commentary on Twitter. However, her light-hearted approach to political reporting is always appreciated:

James Comey is so tall pic.twitter.com/SUHvSELVvj

— Haley Byrd (@byrdinator) October 23, 2017

“when are you going to start breaking news?” is a fun question to be asked at a social event

— Haley Byrd (@byrdinator) October 22, 2017

why isn’t Ted Cruz doing a Sanders impression right now. why isn’t Bernie doing a Ted Cruz impression. this would fix the national discourse

— Haley Byrd (@byrdinator) October 19, 2017

Well, I hope you all found the list useful, and if you’re looking for one more conservative worth a follow, I hear this guy has a way with words:

If you believe that Bush stabbed you in the back by denouncing racism and conspiracy theories, it might be time to do some self-reflection.

— John A. Daly (@JohnDalyBooks) October 19, 2017

Because there’s a difference between exposing legitimate media bias and declaring any negative coverage of Trump to be “fake news.” https://t.co/pKuEtwAufD

— John A. Daly (@JohnDalyBooks) October 22, 2017

Working on a list of must-follow conservatives on Twitter (because totally no one has done one of those this year).

— John A. Daly (@JohnDalyBooks) October 23, 2017

Happy tweeting.