
National Honorary Cinema Fraternity HONORARY AWARDS BANQUET

honoring Wise

February 7, 1965

TOWN and GOWN University of Southern Califomia PROGRAM

Nati'onal Anthem M~ss Dordthy Sandlin


I. Opening Dr. Norman Topping, President of USC

II. Representing Cinema Dr. Bernard R. Kantor, Clra:irman, Cinema

III. Representing DKA Howard Kazanjian, President DKA

IV. Master of Ceremonies

v. Tribute to honorary members of DKA

VI. Presentation of Awards to Rosalind Russell Norman 'l'aurog

VII. In closing Dr. Norman Topping

Banquet Committee of USC Friends and Alumni

Mr. Edward Beloin Mr. Stanley Musgrove Mrs. Harry Brand M iss Eleanor Parker Mr. Jackie Coogan Miss Mr. Miss Dorothy Sandlin Mr. Delmer Daves Mr. Leonard Spigelgass Miss Mrs. Dan•i'el Taradash Mr. Henry Garson Mr. King Y.idor, Chairman Mr. Ross Hunter Miss Ruth Waterbury Mrs. Leiland Atherton Irish Mr. Weisbart Mr. Gene Kelly Mrs. Ol·in Wellborn III Mr. Arthur Knight Mrs. T 'ichi Wilkerson Mr. Mr. Jerry Wunderlich Miss

Slides shown during dinner courtesy of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, National Screen Services, and various private collections. DEPARTMENT OF CINEMA In 1929, the Un·iversity of Sout'hern Ca-lifomi·a in cooperation· with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sci•ences ·offered a cqurse described in the Liberal Arts Catalogue 'aS: Introduction to Photoplay : A general introduction to a study of the motion p'icture art and ·industry; its mechanical founda­ tion and hiS'tory; the silent photoplay •and the photoplay with sound and voice; the scenario; t he actor's •art; p•ictori·al effects; commercial requiremen·ts; principles of criticism; ethical and educa!ti•on•al fea!tures; lectures; class discussions, assigned read­ ings and reports. The Dean and instructor was Kml T. Waugh. Speci'al lesturers listed in !'he ca:ta!logue included , J. Stuart Blaclcton, , , Clara Beranger, Willi•am Oameron Menzies, Edwin Schallert, and William C. De M ille. In 1932 the Department was the first in the United States to offer tbe Bachelor of Art's degree with a major -in Cinema. In 1935 the Department was the first to offer the M•aster of Art's degree with a maj·or i'n Cinema, and was 'the first department to offer the Ph.D. in Communica!tions with a major in Gnema in 1958. The Dep·artment of Cinema of the University of Southern is the ·oldest ·and the largest in the Un·ited States. The University has received an Academy Award, has had eight films shown at Edinburgh, and has won eight Screen Producers Gu·ild Awards and numerous other awards from festivals boch here and abroad. CINEMA DEPARTMENT STAFF Glenn McMurry Irwin Bl'ack:er Eugene Petersen Jarvis Couillard Don Perrin Herbert Farmer Phyllis Rut ten James D. Finn Larry Sherman Jim Guenot Maynard Smith David W. JQhnson Melvin Sloan Bernard Kantor-Chairman Wolfram von Han wehr Arthur Knight Georga W ehbi Herbert Kosower Danid Wiegand Russell McGregor Frank Withopf Ken Miura William Allen Richard Harber-Faculty Advisor of DKA Distinguished scho~ars'hips available •to students: The Acme Schola·rship The George Cukor Scholarship TI:J'e Directors Guild of America Scholarship The Samuel Warner Employment Scholarship established by I ack L. Warner Musidans Courtesy School •of Music, USC Delta Kappa Alpha, National Honorary Cinema Fratern'ity, was founded ·at the University of Sou't'hern Californ'i'a ~n 1936. Its pur­ poses ·are to provide ·an ·opportunity for feUows'hip am'ong students of Oinem'a; t'o nra:inta:in a rel'ati•onship between the mdrion p·icture ~ndustry and film studenlts; and to promote t'he phases •of film 't:hat are symh'ol·ized by 'the 'in'i'ti'als D K A: Drama:tic; Kinem'a:tic, Aestheric.

Officers of the Nari:onal of DKA Herbert Farmer and David Johnson

Officers of 1the Alpha Chapter, FaH semester 1964-65 Presid•ent Howard Kazanjian

Viice-Presi:dent Dav'i1d Spa'id Secretary Mustapha Hij·aouy Treasurer Denn'is Lee GaUing

New active members of the Alpha Chapter Fall semesrer 1964-65

Alan Coat's R-ichard P. Crowe Linda DeJlton Paul Golding Will'iam Heskert Cardl Kamen Rand·al Kleiser Charles Lippincott j'dhn G. Moore, Jr. Howard Myrick Nichotas E. Span'os Frank S'citt ~bis certifies tbat ilalpnnu 1JT nrmnunrn bas serbeb tf)e .a1lpba

his twenty-third day of May, 1965 December 20, 1965

Mias c/o Deailu 780 Gower Street 38, California Dear Miss Ball:

In recognition of your outstanding achievements and contribut6ons to the motion picture, it is our desir to cotf r upon your Honor ry Membership in Delta Kappy Alph • Delta Kappa Alpha, the national honorary cinema fraternity wa formed twenty-eight years ago on the campus of the University of Southern California. It purpose are three­ fold: (1) to foster dramatic, cinematic, and aesthetic int rest in the motion picture; (2) to encourage the dis­ semination of information bout cinema; (3) to doordinate more closely the activiti es of students of cinema and professionals. Our list of Honorary Members is made up of people t-1ho have made great and diverse contributions to motion pictures. To commeaorate this t ty-eighth year, a banquet t-till be

held on Sunday evening, January,30 1 1966 in Town and Gown on the USC campus. We know it will be as enjoyable a previous banquets. There is no one today whom we feel is more 1orthy to become an Honor ry Member on tbi occasion than yourself. Mr. Weitzman baa already told me that you will accept the honor and be present at our banquet. Of course, we are all delighted, especially our students since this choice of honoree is theirs. The lanquet Committee is being formed. At the moment they include: Mrs. Harry Brand, Mr. Robert Crane, Mr. George Cukor, l4rs. Beatrice Gr ettough, Mr. Ross Hunter, Mr. Arthur Knight, Mr. Stanley Musgrove, ~U. Rosalind Russell, Miss Dorothy Sancllin • Mrs. Nonpan Tau&Dg, Mr. • Miss ltutb Waterbury, Mr. David Woisbart, lira. Tichi Wilkerson, Mr. Jerry Wunderlich. We will let you know further details about the banquet and th program right after the first of the year. We ffer our personal congratulations. Cordially, I \. ,_, .:r ',,.,/ p t./; ;:r;: Bernard It. Kantor Chairman, Cinema Delta Kappa Alpha

]\' ationfll H on omry Cint' lllfl Fmtt'rnity

January 11, 1965 Deparlmrnl of Cinrma U:-<1\' ERSITY Of SOL' THERN CALIFOR N IA l i S JVF. RSin PARK Los AscELF.s, C'AJ.IFORNIA 90007

DKA Honoraril'S

C' h a rl e~ Rrackett Joe E. Rrown Geor~~:e C uko r John C rom well Miss Rosalind Russell, Mr. Norman Taurog, and Mr. Robert Wise •('. H. DeMille will be honored February 7th at a black tie dinner sponsored John F lo ry by Delta Kappa Alpha, national honorary cinema fraternity, Gene Fowler and the University of Southern California, Department of Marjorie Fowler J ohn G. Frayne Cinema. Karl Freund You are cordially invited to attend this event which William Goetz will be held in Town and Gown on the USC campus at 7:30 p.m. Sir edric Hardwicke J ameN \\'ong Howe John Hu~ton Friends of the University who are on the planning committee Gene Kelly for the evening include Mrs. Harry Brand, Mr. George Cukor, Mr. Delmer Daves, Mrs. Leiland Atherton Irish, Mr. Gene Kelly, • J esse Lasky Mr. Arthur Knight, Miss Frances Marion, Mr. Stanley Musgrove, Harold L loyd Miss Mary Pickford, Miss Dorothy Sandlin, Mrs. , •Willi am C'amerun Menzies Miss Ruth Waterbury, Mr. David Weisbart, Mrs. Olin Wellborn III, Fred Metzler Mrs. Tichi Wilkerson, and Mr. Jerry Wunderlich. Art hu r Miller Huri' \' . Morkovin We feel that this banquet will be as exciting and memorable C' ha rl c, Palmer as those held these past few years. We sincerely William Prr l hrr~ hope you l\1 a r~ Pick ford will join us. A card is enclosed for your reply. Seating 1 ik lo, Ro,za capacity is limited. Won't you reply as early as possible. <;eor!'< Sraton William Sritr• Cordially, Mnrk Sl·rrurier Mo~en . kot -H a n>en Robert Snyder Geor~~:e Steven, Robert Surtees King Vidor, Chairman (/Iorin Swanson Banquet Committee •<;rtgg Toland Slavko Vorkapich Kin~~:\' id or •Jerry 'v\1a lcl Jack \Varner \\'ally \i\1rstmnre Hill Wild er Elmo 'v\'illiarn, Roy \\' ol fnrcl Freel Z innemann •Duraud 6/64 Delta Kappa Alpha National Honorary Cinema Fraternity

~eember 22, 1965


DKA H onoraries Dear Friends and Alumni of DKA: Joe E. Brown A/JJ? 'J!1 The Twenty eighth Anniversary of Delta Kappa A~a is George Cukor upon us. In honor of this event, on January 18,- 196~at •c. B. DeMille 7:30 p.m. in Town and Gown at the USC campus, we are planning a banquet worthy of this occasion. This black tie John Flory affair will bring together Alumni, Associate Members, Friends, Gene Fowler and Honorary Members from the twenty-~· years of DKA Marjorie Fowler John G. Frayne existence. Arthur Freed Karl Freund Newly elected Honorary Members who will be inducted into William Goetz DKA at that time will be Miss Lucille Ball, Mr : 9regory Peck, •Sir Cedric Hardwicke ...._nd Mr. Hal Wallis. /l?l..f./ ...l'~r-Qy,~ O~.tl-I".J I'Yl'" -!'r;;., ~ 4phtt.J James Wong Howe r'\ ~ ' .J'~ C.. " 0 o).. k. I ~ j <::i .,.,e>( /"' 1- • (.J/1 J/!.._.. j-(1. ,.- ""> Gene Kelly The Planning Committee will include: Mrs. Harry Brand, Stanley Kramer ~ t1F: Ro~rt S.ane, Mr. George Cukor, Mrs. Beatrice Greenough, • Jesse Lasky Mru Ross HYA~, Mr. Arthur Knight, Mr. Stanley Musgrove, Jack Lemmon ·Miss RosaliRe RusseU, Miii l,;)gyeeh, SeRe.J.in, Mrs. Norman Taurog, Mr. King Vidor, Miss Ruth Waterbury, Mr. David •Fred Metzler Weisbart, Mrs. Tichi Wilkerson, Mr. Jerry Wunderlich. The rest of the Planning Committee will .be announced soon. Boris V. Morkovin Charles Palmer Please save the date. . .Sunday night, January ~~~96~. William Perlberg Mary Pickford a formal invitation will follow after Christmas. Miklos Rosza Rosalind Russell Thank you for your attention, and we hope to see you Sunday, January A~~ • •William Seiter Mark Serrurier Mogen Skot-Hansen Cordially, Robert Snyder Robert Surtees Bernard R. Kantor Norman Taurog • Chairman, Cinema Slavko Vorkapich King Vidor • BRK/sf Jack Warner Wally Westmore Elmo Williams Robert Wise Roy Wolford Adolph Zukor •Deceased 6/65 (;! a-. ~' ()-..' --C)...... ~ "\ 'o 1 ~ '·

.'-.._ R. J . Gilmore May 11 , 1965 Herbert E. F rmer, Funds for the Spring DKA Banquet via: B.R. Kantor, Chairman, Cinema .S~fc~ "'

Through n error caused by patterning a mailing piece after the one used for the February Delta Kappa Alpha Ban~et in Town and Gown, the invitations for the Spring Banquet to be held at the Knickerbocker Hotel requests that the check for reservations be made to USC instead of DKA . Unfortunately, these were mailed before the error wa caught. It appears the sfmplest way to cope with this situation is for u to deposit the funds received so that they will eventually be available for expenditures in account 22-1837-3170 Cinema Funds . This account alrea~ is used to handle some funds under the p rtial co~trol of Delta Kappa Alpha ~ earnings of the Film Classic Seri es which they sponsor.; It is anticipated that deposita will be made to this account which exactly equal the charges p id to the Knickerbocker Hotel on this project.

Please let me know right away if you feel that the situ tion should be handled differently as the date of the Ban~et is May 23rd and I should process the requisition requesting a purchase order to the Hotel next week .

BIF/pr cc: N.D. Warren --~~

<:.o' "''~ 3 'f ...:n ~ C'-le:;- 0 ~ ,Y .:s ...... '(\ ~ ~ J "-

I ...... ="' ~ -@~ ~ - ~ t--- >rl ~ :T'" j ('0 I ::s ~ ~' I - ® ~ - ...... ~ ~ -® ,, L" ...._ ...... 'P ~ i1 ~ Mike Preston January 10 , 1965 Robert Maners Parking for DKA Banquet, evening of February 7 (Sunday)

Would you arrange for free parking at the Town & Gown Lot and the Faculty Center Lot for guests attending the DKA Banquet on February 7th. There should be attendents availaLle for directions.

Also, please send 2u0 copies of t Jlli' Campus Map, showing these lots, to Dr. Bernie Kantor in the Cinema Department. He will mark the maps and send them to the guests with their tickets. Many thanks.

cc: Bernie Kantor Tom Nickell Roger Olson ) A November 16, 1964

Miss Rosalind Russell 706 N. Beverly Drive Beveily Hills, California

Dear Miss Russell,

In recognition of your outstanding achievements and contributions to the motion picture, it is our desire to confer upon you Honorary Membership in Delta Kappa Alpha.

Delta Kappa Alpha, the national honorary cinema fraternity was formed twenty-seven years ago on the campus of the University of Southern California. Its purposes are three­ fold: (1) to foster •ramatic, cinematic, and aesthetic interest in the motion picture; (2) to encourage the dis­ semination of information about cinema; (3) to coordinate more closely the activities of students of cinema and professionals.

Our list of Honorary Members is made up of people who have made great and diverse contributions to motion pictures. To commemorate this 27th year, a Banquet will be held on Sunday evening, February 7th, 1965 in Town and Gown on the USC campus. We know it will be as enjoyable as previous banquets.

There is no one today whom we feel is more worthy to become an Honorary Member on this occasion than yourself. We are also inviting Mr. Norman Taurog and Mr. Robert Wise as Honorary Members on this occasion. We look forward to your acceptance of this honor and to having you with us on February 7th. The banquet committee is currently being formed and will be chaired by Mr. George Cukor. The complete committee will be announced shortly.

We offer our personal congratulations.


Herbert E. Farmer President, National DKA

Bernard R. Kantor Chairman, Cinema ****************************************************************

!J...KA BANQUET February 7, 1965 (definitely)


HONORARY ~mERS Norman Taurog Robert Wise Rosalin Russell 1 December 1965

Mr. ~26 s. Cliffwood Avenue Loa Ange11a, California

Dear Mr. Peckr In recognition of your outetanding achievementa and contributions to the motion picture, it is our deaire to cODIIer upon you Honorary Membership in Delta K4appa Alpha. ' . Delta Kappa Alpha, the national honorary cinema fr.aternity was formed twenty•eight years ago on the campus of the University of Southern California. Ita purposes are three• fold: (1) to foster dramatic, cinematic, and aeethetic interest in the motion picture; (2) to encourage the dia­ seminatton of information about cinema; (3) to coordinate more closely the activitie8 of atudenta of cinana and professionals.

Our list of Honorary Members is made up of people who hav~ made great and diverae contributions to motton pictures. To cOIIIlemorate thie 28.th year. a Banquet will be held on Sunday eveuinst January 30, 1966 in ·Town and Gown on the USC campus., We know it will be aa enjoyable aa p-revious baqueta •. ·

There is no one today whom we feel is more worthy to become an Honorary Member on this occaeion than yourself. We look forwaJ:"d to your acceptance of this honor and to having you with us on January 3fth.

The Banquet Committee 18 currently being formed. The complete committee wiU be announced shortly.

We offer our pe-rsonal eon~ratulationa. Cordially,

He-rbert 1. Fanner P;eaident, Nati~~l ~~ - Bernard R. Kantor Chai~n • Cinellia BJP/pr 1 December 1965

Mr. Hal Wa1U.s 515 S. Mapleton Drive Los Angeles, OaU.fornia Dear Mr. Wallisa In recognition of your outstanding achievements and contributions to the motion picture, it ia our desire tc confer upon you Honorary Memberehip in Delta lappa Alpha. Delta Kappa Alpha. the national honorary cinema fraternity waa formed twenty-eight years ago on the campua of the University of Southern California. lte purposes are three• fold; (1) to foeter dramatic• cinematic, and aesthetic interest ln the motion picture; (2). to encourage the die• aemiaatton of information about cinema; (3) to coordinate more closely the activittee of students of cinema and professionals. Our list of Honorary Members ta made up of people who have made great and diverse contributions to motion ptcturea. To c~orate tbie 28th year, a Banquet will be held on Sunday evening, January 30 1 1966 in Town and Gown on the USC c.-pus. We know it will be as enjoyable as previout banquets. There is no one today whoa we feel is more worthy to become an Honorary Member on this occasion than yourself. We look forward to your acceptance of thia honor and to having you with ue on January 30th. The Banquet Committee te currently being formed. The complete c~ittee will be announced abortly.

We offer our peraonal congratu1etions, Cordially,

r Herbert E. Parmer President 1 ~t~OD41 _ D1CA r '' Bernard R.. Kantor Chairman, Cinema HBP/pr UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Campus Memo

To: Thomas Nickell, Vice-President DATB: November 29, 1965 Planning FRoM: Bernard R. ~tor, Cinema SuBJECT: Tentative Budget for DKA fJRk~ Banquet . D K A BANQUET, January 30, 19§{ (tentative budget)

EXPENSE 550 dinners at $5.50 each

Decorations 360.00

Flowers 125.00

200.00 ' . Stationary & programs Stamps 350.00

Printing awards · 20.00

2 perma placks 60.00

R9botyping 3000 letters 200.00

Gifts to committee 250.00

Faculty club snacks & tomato · cocktails 50.00

Miscellaneous 150.00 $4,790.00 INCOME Seat & serve r550 people

130 free invites

420 to pay

390 to pay at $10 per ticket $3,900.00

. c 30 to pay a.t $5< per ticket 150.00 $4,050.00 NOTE: About $600 in the red probably could cut this down a bit.
