Design & Access Statement
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DESIGN & ACCESS STATEMENT County Flats, Sandfields, Port Talbot August 2020 T: 029 2073 2652 T: 01792 480535 Cardiff Swansea E: [email protected] W: PROJECT SUMMARY COUNTY FLATS, SANDFIELDS Description of development: Proposed refurbishment of existing flats and construction of new flats with associated car parking, landscaping and infrastructure works. Location: Land North of Bevin Avenue, Sandfields, Port Talbot, SA12 6JU Date: August 2020 Asbri Project ref: S20.110 Client: Tai Tarian STATEMENT A C CE S S & DE S I G N Asbri Planning Ltd Prepared by Approved by Suite D, 1st Floor Urban Village Eleanor Sullivan Richard Bowen 220 High Street Name Swansea Senior Planner Director SA1 1NW T: 01792 480535 Date August 2020 August 2020 E: [email protected] W: Revision A UG U S T 2 0 2 0 2 CONTENTS COUNTY FLATS, SANDFIELDS Section 1 Introduction 5 Section 2 Summary of the Proposal 7 Section 3 The Vision & Brief 13 Section 4 15 Interpretation Section 5 16 Planning Policy Section 6 23 Pre-Application Discussions STATEMENT Section 7 27 Design Evolution A C CE S S Section 8 29 The Proposal & Section 9 37 Conclusion DE S I G N A UG U S T 2 0 2 0 3 REGIONAL CONTEXT MAP COUNTY FLATS, SANDFIELDS STATEMENT A C CE S S & DE S I G N A UG U S T 2 0 2 0 4 INTRODUCTION COUNTY FLATS, SANDFIELDS Synopsis Proposal The Brief The purpose of a Design & Access Statement (DAS) is This Design and Access Statement (DAS) has been In order to achieve this vision, an extensive amount of to provide a clear and logical document to prepared on behalf of Tai Tarian, to accompany a work will need to take place on site, including the demonstrate and explain the various facets of design planning application submission for the proposed refurbishment of the existing building fabric, improving and access in relation to the site and to appraise the refurbishment of 72 existing flats and construction of accessibility to and within the site, improving the proposed development against relevant planning an additional 55 flats with associated car parking, existing public realm by way of upgrading the existing policies. It also presents the details of a planning landscaping and infrastructure works. buildings (as well as creating new flats), making choices application in a way that can be read both by and good use of material that reflect sustainable design, professionals and the public. The application is supported by a site layout plan, floor improving views across and from Aberavon Beachfront, plans and full elevational plans as well as technical as well as reducing dependence on the private car. The diagram (below), extracted from Chapter 4 of supporting documents, illustrating that the site is Planning Policy Wales, summarises the five objectives capable of accommodating the development and its Careful consideration will be given to the constraints on- of good design that should be taken into account associated works. site such as movement/circulation, the parking when preparing a DAS. The circular nature of the arrangement and parking numbers, the residential and diagram represents the equal weightings that need to Tai Tarian visual amenity to those on existing neighbouring be given to each of the 5 Objectives of Good Design: Tai Tarian was founded in 2011 and they are now one properties, as well as those that live on-site within the Access; Movement; Character; Environmental of the largest social landlords in Wales. They operate existing flats. Sustainability and Community Safety. in the Neath Port Talbot area, with around 9,000 STATEMENT properties. Pre-Application Consultation, prior to the submission of This Design and Access Statement adheres to the planning application, will be undertaken to ascertain guidance embodied in the Welsh Government The company is fully committed to providing high- views and valuable feedback from members of the publication, Design and Access Statements in Wales, quality housing, while meeting and exceeding the A C CE S S public, as well as specialist consultees. This will allow the published in June 2017. expectations of their tenants. Design Team to review comments and adopt any & changes that may need consideration prior to a The Vision planning application for the scheme being submitted. The original blocks of flats have been in situ since the late 1950s/early 1960s and are typically of low quality In addition, a pre-application enquiry with the Local design and in urgent need of upgrading and Planning Authority will be made for further comment DE S I G N enhancing. They offer no contribution to the visual and feedback. By undertaking these steps, the proposed aesthetics within the area, with the unsightly grey scheme should be in a good position to obtain planning concrete finish visible from Aberavon beachfront. permission, thus allowing the vision to progress to the next chapter. Delivery of the scheme would contribute Therefore, the vision for the proposed development is greatly from both an affordable housing perspective and to re-define a sense of place, striving towards a zero- economic perspective. carbon community, utilising alternative sustainable approaches that can bridge the gap between new- build and refurbishment works. The project aligns itself with the Well-Being of Future Generations Act; providing homes that are cheaper to run, meet current and future needs and promote local industry. A UG U S T 2 0 2 0 5 LOCATION OF SITE WITHIN PORT TALBOT COUNTY FLATS, SANDFIELDS STATEMENT A C CE S S & DE S I G N A UG U S T 2 0 2 0 6 SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSAL COUNTY FLATS, SANDFIELDS Location and Site Features Surrounding Area Access The site is located within Sandfields, a mainly To the south-west of Bevin Way is the NSA (New Vehicular access to the majority of the blocks of flats is residential district of Port Talbot, approximately 2.5km Sandfields and Aberavon) Sustainable Regeneration via Moorland Road, leading directly into the on-site car to the west of Port Talbot Town Centre. Sandfields was Centre, and directly to the east are sports facilities which parking provision for the flats. Alternatively, there is a constructed as an expansion area for the town during include an indoor bows centre, together with an all- vehicle access for the south-eastern blocks of flats via the post war period. weather pitch, and the Afan Lido football ground. To the Bevin Avenue, which also leads to on-site parking rear of the regeneration centre is the Aberavon Leisure provision. The site, which extends to approximately 2.4 hectares, Centre and adjacent Reel Cinema. comprises 6 blocks of three storey flats which lie to the south-west of Moorland Road, east of Dalton Aberavon beach and the promenade are one of the Road, and to the north and east of Bevin Avenue. Its main attractions within Port Talbot, attracting people location in the context of Sandfields and the wider from all over the county and further afield, and is Port Talbot area is shown on Page 6. conveniently situated within walking distance south of the site. Over the years there has been expanding The flats comprise pitched roofs with intervening development of a number of uses, including cafes, play areas for parking and amenity space. The blocks are facilities, care homes and residential dwellings along the names after former Welsh counties—Morgannwg, beach frontage. Flint, Gwent, etc. STATEMENT The promenade acts as a shared pedestrian and cycle As Bevin Avenue has been closed off to through route, with National Cycle Network (NCN) Route 887 traffic, the southernmost of the blocks is served running along the promenade and linking back up at separately by a vehicular access via a roundabout from A C CE S S both ends with NCN Route 4. The map on this page The Princess Margaret Way, a main distributor road shows NCN Route 887 running along the promenade & which runs parallel with Aberavon seafront. and merging with NCN Route 4 at each end. DE S I G N NCN Route 887 connecting with NCN Route 4 A UG U S T 2 0 2 0 7 COUNTY FLATS, SANDFIELDS MAP SHOWING LOCATION OF SITE PHOTOS 1 2 3 6 STATEMENT A C CE S S & 5 DE S I G N 4 A UG U S T 2 0 2 0 8 SITE PHOTOS COUNTY FLATS, SANDFIELDS 1 2 3 View of flats looking along Moorland Road View of flats looking along Bevin Avenue View of off-street parking area from Moorland Road STATEMENT 4 5 6 A C CE S S & DE S I G N View of flats from The Princess Margaret Way View of flats and area of informal open space from View of flats from Moorland Road Bevin Avenue A UG U S T 2 0 2 0 9 COUNTY FLATS, SANDFIELDS STATEMENT A C CE S S & DE S I G N A UG U S T 2 0 2 0 10 NATIONAL PLANNING POLICY COUNTY FLATS, SANDFIELDS The planning policy framework for the determination of Planning Policy Wales (PPW) Technical Advice Notes (TANs) this application is provided by National Planning Guid- PPW (10th Edition – December 2018) is the principal The following Technical Advice Notes are considered to ance together with the statutory Development Plan. planning policy document of Welsh Government that be relevant to this application: should be taken into account in the preparation of • TAN 2 (Planning and Affordable Housing) 2006 National Planning Policy is contained within the tenth development plans and in the determination of plan- • TAN 11 (Noise) 1997 edition of Planning Policy Wales (PPW), published by the ning applications and appeals.