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1933 Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town of Cranberry Isles, Maine. 1932-1933 Cranberry Isles (Me.)

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Repository Citation Cranberry Isles (Me.), "Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of the Town of Cranberry Isles, Maine. 1932-1933" (1933). Maine Town Documents. 4029.

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T he A merican Prin t E l l s w o r t h , Ma in e .






For the year ending

FEBRUARY 1, 1933



The A merican Pr in t Ellsw orth. Maine. TOWN OFFICERS FOR 1932

Selectmen, Assessors and Overseers of the Poor: Frank E. Stanley, Leslie M. Rice, Frank B. Bartlett-

Town Clerk, Frank B. Bartlett Treasurer and Collector, Andrew E. Stanley Superintending School Committee: Enoch A. Stanley, Leslie M. Rice, A. J. Bryant Superintendent of Schools, Winfred E. Clark Constables: Andrew E. Stanley, Joshua Alley Health Officer, Andrew E. Stanley Surveyor of Wood and Lumber, Francis W. Bunker

Road Commissioner Charles E. Stanley

Sealer of Weights and Measures George E. Turner Fire* Warden, Andrew E. Stanley Auditor, James R. Dwelley REPORT OF ASSESSORS

VALUATION 1932 Real estate, resident $115,180 00 Real estate, non-resident 172,330 00

$287,510 00 Personal estate, resident $34,235 00 Personal estate, non ■ "esident 66,475 00

Total personal estate $100,710 00

Grand total $388,220 00 Valuation of town by Islands: $146,395 00 ...... 168,100 00 Sutton’s Island ...... 66,955 00 Baker’s Island ...... 3,270 00 ...... 3,500 00

$388,220 00

APPROPRIATED AND ASSESSED Advertising Maine $25 00 Town charges 1,000 00 Support of poor 200 00 Highways, G C I 700 00 Highways, L C I 300 00 Highways, Sutton ...... 50 00 Common schools ...... 1,700 00 Janitors ...... 456 00 Tuition ...... 500 00 Text-books and supplies...... 200 00 Fuel for schools ...... 550 00 Repairs of school property ...... 125 00 In s u r a n c e ...... 100 00 Public wharf and float ...... 300 00 Supt of schools’ office rent ...... 70 00 Supt of schools’ salary ...... 275 00 Maintenance of State-aid road 4

Street lighting ...... 1,000 00 Interest on notes ...... 400 00 Principal on notes ...... 500 00 Smythe road ...... 200 00

$8,901 00 State t a x ...... $3,040 23 County tax 1,151 40 Fractional overlay ...... 445 85

$13,538 48 Number of polls taxed, 113. not taxed, 6. Rate of poll tax, $3. Amount ...... $339 00 Rate of property tax, .034. Amount 13,199 48

Total commitment...... $13,538 48 5 LIST OF TAX-PAYERS

Resident Total Total Tax Tax Alley, Joshua W $3 00 Carlson, Eric 4 70 Alley, Amaziah 3 85 Crowley, Allen C 4 02 Alley, Ruth F 23 80 Crosby, Clarence H 19 32 Alley, George A 5 33 Crosby, Vida M 24 65 Alley, Andrew 10 31 Dwelley, James R 137 47 Antonsen, Andrew K 39 72 Duren, Addie E 24 31 Ayrault, Guy 3 85 Erickson, John F 1 87 Bartlett, Irene M 43 01 Erickson, Lucy H 24 65 Bartlett, Frank B 3 68 Ellis, Ralph F 6 40 Bracy, Emma C 17 34 Eades, Persis B 239 87 Bracy, Charles W 3 68 Fernald, Everett E 33 60 Bracy, Wesley P 15 92 Fernald, George H 21 08 Bracy, James F 21 19 Fernald, Arthur L 32 58 Burton, Dudley 9 89 Fernald, Francis G 18 30 Bryant, Alonzo J 44 82 Fernald, Malcolm E 31 90 Bryant, Ralph A 34 79 Fernald, Winfred F 3 00 Bulger, Harvey E 10 65 Freeman, William A 9 80 Bulger, Charles R 20 00 Gilley, Verner A 27 99 Bulger, Sadie A 46 75 Gilley, Charles A, heirs 24 65 Bulger, Oscar S 27 99 Gott, Lulu M 28 39 Bulger, Ralph P 24 08 Ham, Agnes M 24 48 Bulger, Enoch J, heirs 11 05 Ham, Arthur E 19 66 Bulger, Mary L, heirs 6 46 Ham, Albert E 3 00 Bunker, Philip E 41 25 Ham, Daniel H, jr 14 90 Bunker, Rena A 61 71 Ham, Laura A 28 90 Bunker, James H 13 03 Hardy, Carl R 3 00 Bunker, Raymond A 21 87 Hardy, Hazel B 14 79 Bunker, Henry A 49 24 Harding, Adella A 64 23 Bunker, Linden H 14 22 Hodgkins, Adelbert S 8 10 Bunker, Alvah W 30 71 Hadlock, Grace M 179 86 Bunker, Alton H 11 50 Hadlock, George R 94 63 Bunker, Elisha G 89 37 Hadlock, Elmer C 3 00 Bunker, John M 47 54 Hamor, John H 105 00 Bunker, Percy E 38 70 Jordan, Alden H 24 14 Bunker, Francis W 48 73 Jarvis, Kenneth E 18 47 Carey, Charles B 3 00 Jarvis, Jennie M 23 97 6

Jarvis, Charles S 169 26 Spuring, Erwin 17 00 Krantz, Oscar 30 71 Spurling, Nellie A 24 65 Leighton, Frederick S 6 40 Spurling, Elmer A 15 24 Ladd, Lewis E 34 17 Spurling, Hilda A 18 70 Moore, Lilia B 21 08 Spurling, Arthur M 72 70 Morse, Mary S 113 22 Spurling, Edwin M 29 01 Phippen, Ralph C 15 58 Spurling, Millard S 8D 18 Phippen, Samuel C, heirs Spurling, Warren A 89 53 16 15 Spurling, William F 38 02 Phippen, Lawrence C 3 00 Spurring, Joseph E 94 97 Phippen, John D 43 46 Spurling, Emma F 106 59 Phippen, Inez 19 72 Sprague, James C 30 03 Phippen, Milton A 3 00 Stanley, Linda M 33 33 Phippen, Marjorie E 17 00 Stanley, Richard H 79 84 Phippen, Leslie R 13 37 Stanley, John T 3 00 Rice, Elton T 9 80 Stanley, Harvey S 62 67 Rice, Seth H 29 86 Stanley, Smith S 40 40 Rice, Charles E 18 30 Stanley, Norman F 12 52 Rice, Warren G 8 10 Stanley, John G 42 95 Rice, Leslie M 42 10 Stanley, Clifford R 19 38 Richardson, Cora 11 90 Stanley, Enoch A 32 92 Richardson, Charles E 53 32 Stanley, Frank L 35 30 Rosebrook, Gilbert H 28 67 Stanley, Arno P 61 48 Rosebrook, Willard G 22 04 Stanley, Albert E 18 30 Sawtelle, Edgerton B 3 00 Stanley, Henry E 88 51 Sawtelle, Muriel F 2 55 Stanley, Gilbert M 45 16 Sawtelle, William O 210 57 Stanley, Florence V 40 80 Sanford, Samuel C 2 38 Stan’ ey, Harold L 38 36 Spofford, Herbert E 29 18 Stanley, Elsie L 34 68 Seavey, Milton A 3 00 Stanley, Andrew E 25 27 Spurling, Agnes H 30 60 Stanley, Frank E 33 43 Spurling, George W 9 97 Stanley, Lewis G 57 23 Spurling, Clarence H 52 64 Stanley, Leah J 50 32 Spurling, Archie S 36 32 Stanley, Charles E 40 08 Spurling, Annie W 28 05 Stanley, Merrill E 38 02 Spurling, Raymond W 3 00 Stanley, Minnie M 3 91 Spurling, Harry E 3 00 Stanley, Luella, heirs 32 30 Spurling, Fred R 47 71 Swensen, Christopher 15 24 Spurling, Hervey M 6 74 Swensen, Elzada C 67 66 Spurling, Irving R 39 04 Teel, Velma — 34 85 Spurling, Francis M 40 06 Teel, Wyman S 3 00 Spurling, Eber L 34 11 7

Wedge, Frank E 16 60 White, Victor 17 96 Wedge, Everett K 28 50 White, Edgar C 9 80 Wedge, Oscar G 48 39 Young, William A 29 52

Non-Resident Ash, Martha A, heirs $11 05 Dunbar, William H 119 00 Allen, Joseph 8 50 Dunn, Gano 34 00 Ames, John S 8 50 Donald, Malcolm 61 20 Bunker, Mattie L 22 10 Eversman, Walter G 8 50 Bracy, Bertha 1 70 Fry, Thomas C 23 80 Bunker, Beniah B 28 05 Foerderer, Percival E 9 35 Bunker, Mary G 85 Field, Rachel 61 20 Brooks, Helen L 15 30 Farrar, Frederick A 57 46 Brooks, Henry G 8 50 Fraley, Mrs Bradford 14 45 Brooks, Arthur H 262 65 Fox, Frederick 9 35 Bangor Hydro-Electric Co Faulkner, William J 28 90 68 00 Fay, William R 8 50 Bowditch, Eleanor 213 35 Frazier, W W 3 40 Bowditch, Nathaniel I 80 92 Guild, Annie F 89 93 Burke, Edmond S, jr 10 20 Goodwin, Hersey B, heirs Bingham Heirs 5 10 19 55 Bulger, Charles H 15 13 Grundy, Phronie P 20 40 Bartol, John W 9 35 Gibbs, H E 5 10 Bryant, Roy D 8 16 Godfrey, Lincoln, jr 8 50 Black, Ethel R 2 55 Hayes, Lloyd B 40 80 Brengle, Lawrence J 9 35 Haddon, Mrs Alexander 27 20 Barnes, Clifford W 3 40 Harrington, Everett J 3 40 Bates, John G 9 35 Hessenbruch, Herman M Clement, Arthur M 1 02 209 95 Church, Mary W 40 80 Hodges, Mrs Clarence B 68 00 Cochran, William F 13 60 Lslesford Wharf Co 3 40 Cranberry Club 27 20 Johnson, Howard C 51 00 Cranberry Island Trust Jefferys, C P 9 35 348 67 Jackson, Donald E 8 50 Crofoot, L F 9 35 Jackson, Louise W 277 95 Cuthbert, Alfred 25 84 Johnson, Frank A 51 00 Cumming, Charles G 37 40 Kendall, William M 83 30 Cromwell, Lincoln A 17 00 Keyes, Edward L 9 35 Dickey, Charles D 9 35 Lamb, Rosamond 32 30 Dunham, Edward K 5 10 Lamb, Annie L 258 40 Douglass, Malcolm G 17 00 Ladd, Walter G 77 35 8

Lord, Mabel D 18 53' Stanley, Burton T, heirs 1 70 Lippincott, Walter H 164 90 Sears, Susan D 6 80 Lyman, Elizabeth C 288 83 Simmons, Stella A 79 05 Milliken, Gerrish H 113 90 Stevenson, Margaret D 10 20 Milliken, Seth M 97 75 Savage, A Mardell, heirs 5 10 McPherson, Evelyn W 3 40 Seelye, Walter C 128 36 Monks, George H 11 90 Seelye, Ralph H 156 40 McCormick, Vance C 57 80 Shaw, Mary G 26 69 Maderia, Crawford C 9 35 Symington, Donald, jr 23 80 Maderia, Edward W 44 20 Shaw, Walter K 93 50 Morris, Casper W 10 15 Smythe, Newman 153 00 Merrill, Edwin 5 10 Spurling, Benjamin H 47 60 Moore, Russell B 11 22 Stebbins, Henry 13 60 Moore, Galen M 2 55 Stanley, J L, heirs 11 39 Memhard, Allen R 166 43 Stanley, William S 6 80 Morse, Grover A 19 80 Stanley, Freeman E 28 05 Morrison, Samuel C 11 90 Stanley, Mary E 11 90 Morrison, Evelyn G 62 22 Stout, Frederick C 14 45 Morsman, Mary V 340 00 Spurling, Frank G 6 80 Merrill, Katherine H 220 15 Stanley, William D 35 87 Mayo, Charles 10 20 Shoies, Justin G 13 60 Newman, Lyle D 3 40 Sumner, Harold E 6 80 Nelson, Frank H 45 9 ) Storer, Malcolm 90 10 N E Harbor Yacht Club 20 40 Sinkler, Wharton 157 25 Oliver, Marion L 18 70 Stimson, William B 259 03 Pearson, Helen S 5 10 Scudder, Abigail T 10 20 Paine, George L 418 71 Speddin, Frederick O 57 80 Packard, Elizabeth H 57 80 Storey, Charles M 77 35 Pierce, Margaret H 62 90 Stetson, Eleanor M 25 50 Phippen, Agnes H 18 70 Smith, Frederick H 9 35 Robinson, Elsie B 1 70 Standard Oil Co 11 05 Robinette, Edward B 9 35 Saltonstall, R 1 70 Richardson, William P 6 80 Smythe, H Weir 5 10 Robbins, Reginald C 20 40 Schieffelin, Schuyler 17 00 Rhees, Rush 143 65 Strange, William 8 50 Rockefeller, John D, jr 30 CO Thorp, Joseph G, heirs 6 80 Rowe, Elizabeth M 28 90 Tucker, Eufrasia A W 10 20 Rowe, Schassa G 36 04 Tyson, Carroll S, jr 51 00 Rawle, Henry D 27 20 Underwood, Florence F 64 43 Reath, Thomas, jr 9 35 Van Dyke, Henry 17 00 Shirley, Barbara S 123 25 Wells, L Colton 40 80 9

Wells, Marion 52 70 Wilder, Milo West, jr 51 00 Wright, Edith S 22 95 Watkins, William B 17 00 Ward, Claudia D 100 30 Yamall, Charlton 34 00 Wheelwright, Mary C 125 80 FRANK E. STANLEY, LESLIE M. RICE, FRANK B . BARTLETT, Assessors of Cranberry Isles. 10 SELECTMEN’S REPORT

NECESSARY TOWN CHARGES EXPENDITURES. James R Dwelley, auditor...... $5 00 Enoch Stanley, school committee ...... 8 55 Frank Bartlett, assessor’s wages 62 50 Frank Stanley, do ...... 105 00 Frank Stanley, moderator ...... 5 00 Charles Bracy, ballot clerk ...... 15 00 Seth H Rice, do 15 00 F W Bunker, do 15 00 Charles Stanley, collector’s com, 1926 tax ...... 88 Norman Stanley, ballot clerk ...... 15 00 Frank Stanley, overseer of poor 10 00 Frank Stanley, selectman’s wages ...... 150 00 Leslie M. Rice, assessor’s wages ...... 62 50 Leslie M. Rice, selectman’s wages ...... 60 00 Leslie M Rice, overseer of poor ...... 5 00 Leslie M Rice, school committee 12 50 Frank Bartlett, town clerk ...... 29 75 Frank Bartlett, selectman’s wages ...... 60 00 Frank Bartlett, overseer of poor 5 00 Andrew Stanley, health officer ...... 22 40 Andrew Stanley, constable...... 14 00 Andrew Stanley, collector’s com, 1932-33 auto tax 8 05 Andrew Stanley, town treasurer 50 00 Andrew Stanley, fire warden ...... 5 00 Andrew Stanley, collector’s com, 1931 tax 5 23 Enoch Stanley, collector’s com, 1927 tax ...... 1 95 Andrew Stanley, collector’s com, 1932 tax 241 97

$990 28 RECEIPTS. Appropriated by town, 1932 ...... $1,000 00 Unexpended, 1931 384 29

Available, 1932 ...... $1,384 29

Unexpended Feb 1, 1933 ...... $394 01 11

CONTINGENT AND ABATEMENT EXPENDITURES. Frank Stanley, making reports $27 49 Hancock Co Pub Co, printing reports 80 81 Bangor Hydro-Electric Co, light for schools .... 10 04 Belle S Knowles, bonds 30 00 Loring, Short & Harmon, town supplies 32 81 F W Bunker, extra 12 cents paid 1 80 George Alley, State-aid road 7 68 Amaziah Alley, work 7 44 Joshua Alley 4 62 James Brown 6 54 Lewis Fernald 8 34 Kenneth Jarvis 7 98 Lawrence Phippen 7 62 Milton Phippen 8 58 Harry Spurling 8 28 Raymond Spurling 8 70 George Spurling 7 50 Hervey Spurling 7 38 Arno Stanley ...... 6 78 Merwin Stanley ...... 6 54 Robert Morse ...... 5 82 John Stanley ...... 2 40 Andrew Stanley, jr ...... 3 60 Norman Stanley ...... 2 76 Used Car Market Report, automobile book 6 00 Bangor Hydro-Elec Co., lights for schools 21 98 Charles Stanley, extra 12 cts paid men ...... 33 72 C M Robbins, boat line plumbing inspector 2 00 W E Clark, postage, parcel post, tel and tel 31 20 Seth Rice, labor on voting booths ...... 4 54 Barbara Rice, typing voting lists ...... 6 00 J B Ingraham, speed limit signs ...... 24 74 Town of Southwest Harbor, light for supt’s office 9 15 Charles Stanley, storing road machine ...... 24 00 Frank Stanley, boat line, postage, tel and tel 26 52 Albert G Hall, plumbing inspector ...... 15 00 Andrew Stanley, administering oath s ...... 3 75 Andrew Stanley, paid out, treasurer’s office ----- 11 90 Andrew Stanley, taxes allowed by assessors, poll tax of Elmer Marston and real estate tax of F B r a c e y ...... 4 19 12

Enoch Stanley, taxes allowed by assessors, boat tax of Joseph E Spurling and real estate of Wm P Preble 19 50

$545 68 RECEIPTS. Unexpended 1931 $739 53 Overlay, 1932 445 83 B H B & Trust Co, interest on deposits 15 18 A uto excise tax, 1932-33...... 402 77 Treas of State, dog license refunded.. 1 05 Treas of State, health account...... 5 00 Treas of State, R R and tel tax 40 E G Bunker, pool licenses, 1931-32 .. 20 00

$1,629 76 Minus amt taken for State-aid road 331 87

1,297 89

Unexpended Feb 1, 1933 ...... $752 21

PUBLIC WHARF ACCOUNT EXPENDITURES. George Spurling, labor ...... $26 00 Harvey Stanley, paint and rop e ...... 37 55 W C Webber, iron w ork ...... 4 00 I L Snow Co, chain ...... 49 29 C M Robbins, freight ...... 2 13 Leslie Rice, care of float ...... 15 50 Carl Hardy, labor ...... 8 00 Charles Stanley, labor 15 00

$157 47 RECEIPTS. Appropriated by town, 1932 $300 00 Unexpended 1931 ...... 64 49 Eber Spurling, use of wharf 25 00 Elisha Bunker, overpayment, 1931 .. 38 95

428 44

Unexpended Feb 1, 1933 $270 97 13

STATE-AID ROADS, 1 AND 2 Islesford, No. 2 EXPENDITURES. F W Bunker, labor $11 52 Charles Stanley 30 00 Clayton Bunker 29 88 James Brown 12 96 A J Bryant 29 88 John Stanley 11 52 Lewis Femald 11 52 George Alley 25 92 Milton Phippen 8 64 Amaziah Alley 23 04 Lawrence Phippen 11 52 Joshua Alley 25 92 Kenneth Jarvis 11 52 James Brown 28 30 Andrew Stanley, jr 11 52 Clayton Bunker 81 00 Norman Stanley 11 52 A J Bryant 81 00 Raymond Spurling 11 52 Emerson Ham 81 00 Harry Spurling 11 52 Lewis Fernald 25 92 Emerson Ham 27 00 Kenneth Jarvis 25 92 Charles Stanley 25 00 Robert Morse 25 92 Clayton Bunker 54 00 Lawrence Phippen 25 92 F W Bunker 14 40 Milton Phippen 25 92 A J Bryant 42 00 Harry Spurling 24 48 Emerson Ham 54 00 Raymond Spurling 25 92 Milton Phippen 17 28 George Spurling 25 92 Lawrence Phippen 14 40 Hervey Spurling 25 92 Kenneth Jarvis 17 28 Arno Stanley 25 92 Harry Spurling 17 28 Merwin Stanley 25 92 Raymond Spurling 17 28 John Stanley 25 92 Norman Stanley 17 28 Charles Stanley 55 00 Andrew Stanley, jr 14 88 D H Ham 57 60 Lewis Femald 17 28 C H Spurling 161 55 George Alley 14 40 Roy Bryant 24 60 Amaziah Alley 11 52 George Alley 33 12 George Spurling 8 64 Amaziah Alley 34 56 Hervey Spurling 8 64 Joshua Alley 34 56 Charley Stanley 30 00 James Brown 34 56 Arthur Ham 21 60 Clayton Bunker 54 00 George Alley 25 92 Emerson Ham 54 00 Amaziah Alley 25 92 A J Bryant 54 00 A J Bryant 81 00 Lewis Fernald 34 56 Clayton Bunker 76 50 Kenneth Jarvis 34 56 F W Bunker 11 52 Robert Morse 34 56 James Brown 11 52 Lawrence Phippen 34 56 Emerson Ham 81 00 Milton Phippen 34 56 Lewis Fernald 25 92 Harry Spurling 34 56 14

Kenneth Jarvis 14 40 Raymond Spurling 34 56' Lawrence Phippen 14 40 George Spurling 34 56 Milton Phippen 25 92 Hervey Spurling 34 56 Raymond Spurling 25 92 Arno Stanley 34 56 Harry Spurling 25 92 John Stanley 20 13 George Spurling 25 S2 Charles Stanley 60 00 Hervey Spurling 25 92 George Alley 29 12 Norman Stanley 25 92 Amaziah Alley 29 12 Arno Stanley 17 28 Joshua Alley 29 12* Andrew Stanley, jr 25 92 James Brown 29 12 Charles Stanley 55 00 Clayton Bunker 145 00 Merwin Stanley 11 52 A J Bryant 140 50 C H Spurling 87 90 Emerson Ham 145 00 Mary Morse 24 75 Lewis Fernald 29 12 George Alley 34 56 Kenneth Jarvis 29 12 Amaziah Alley 33 12 Robert Morse 29 12 James Brown 34 53 Lawrence Phippen 29 12 Clayton Bunker 108 00 Milton Phippen 29 12 A J Bryant « 108 00 Harry Spurling 29 12 Emerson Ham 108 00 Raymond Spurling 29 12 Lewis Fernald 34 56 George Spurling 29 12 Robert Morse 34 56 Hervey Spurling 26 24 Lawrence Phippen 34 56 Arno Stanley 29 12 Milton Phippen 34 56 Merwin Stanley 63 68 Raymond Spurling 34 56 Charles Stanley 60 00 Harry Spurling 34 56 C H Spurling 238 35 George Spurling 34 56 George Alley 5 76 Hervey Spurling 34 58 Amaziah Alley 5 76 Norman Stanley 11 52 Joshua Alley 5 76 Andrew Stanley, jr 34 56 James Brown 5 76 Arno Stanley 34 56 Clayton Bunker 18 00 Merwin Stanley 34 56 A J Bryant 18 00 Charles Stanley 60 00 Emerson Ham 45 00 Kenneth Jarvis 28 80 Lewis Fernald 5 76 George Alley 15 84 Kenneth Jarvis 14 40 Amaziah Alley 15 84 Lawrence Phippen 5 76 Joshua Alley 15 84 Milton Phippen 14 40 Clayton Bunker 49 50 Harry Spurling 5 76 A J Bryant 49 50 Raymond Spurling 14 40 Emerson Ham 49 50 George Spurling 5 76 Lewis Fernald 15 84 Hervey Spurling 5 76 Kenneth Jarvis 15 84 Arno Stanley 5 76 15

Robert Morse 15 84 Merwin Stanley 5 76 Lawrence Phippen 12 93 Charles Stanley 30 00 Milton Phippen 15 84 C M Robbins 9 10 Harry Spurling 15 84 A J Bryant 4 80 Raymond Spurling 15 84 C W Smith 2 50 George Spurling 15 84 F W Morse Est 15 15 Hervey Spurling 15 84 F W Bunker 6 04 Arno Stanley 15 84 R B Dunning & Co 181 65 Merwin Stanley 15 84 $5,993 01

EXPENDITURES. Great Cranberry Island, No. 1 George Alley, labor $23 04 Christopher Swensen, do 23 04 Amaziah Alley, do 23 04 Carl Hardy, do 24 48 Oscar Bulger, do 14 40 Alton Bunker, do 10 08 A J Bryant, truck 67 50 W S Teele, do 17 28 Dudley Burton, labor 21 60 Warren Rice, do 24 48 Emerson Ham, truck 67 60 Charles Stanley, do 60 00 Marion Spurling, labor 23 04 Amaziah Alley, do 28 80 George Spurling, do 20 16 George Alley, do 28 80 Emerson Spurling, do 1 44 Dudley Burton, do 28 80 Hervey Spurling, do 1 44 A J Bryant, truck 99 00 Amo Stanley, do 23 04 Emerson Ham, truck 108 00 Enoch Stanley, do 23 04 Marion Spurling, labor 28 80 Christopher Swensen,do 23 04 George Spurling, do 28 80 Carl Hardy, do 10 08 Arno Stanley, do 28 30 Alton Bunker, do 4 32 Christopher Swensen, do 28 80 Henry Bunker, do 4 32 Carl Hardy, do 28 80 W S Teele, do 1 44 W S Teele, do 28 80 Warren Rice, do 2 88 Warren Rice, do 28 80 Charles Stanley, do 60 00 Enoch Stanley, do 24 48 Amaziah Alley, do 24 48 Charles Stanley, do 75 00 George Alley, do 24 48 Milton Phippen, do 5 76 Dudley Burton, do 24 48 Kenneth Jarvis, do 5 76 A J Bryant, truck 76 50 Charles Storey, gravel 146 25 Emerson Ham, do 76 50 Arno Stanley, stone 27 00 Marion Spurling, labor 24 48 C M Robbins, freight 3 00 George Spurling, do 24 48 R B Dunning & Co, culvert A m o Stanley do 21 60 90 72

$1,744 65 16

SUMMARY Expenditures, Islesford, No 2 ...... $5,993 01 Great Cranberry, No 1 1,744 65

$7,737 66 RECEIPTS. Received from State ...... $5,405 79 Hired from First National Bank 2,000 00 Taken from contingent account ___ 331 87

Joint fund ...... $7,737 66


EXPENDITURES. Carl Hardy, labor $12 00 Raymond Spurling, do 8 00 Charles Stanley, do 15 00 Charles Stanley, do 10 00 Charles Stanley, truck 42 00 Norman Stanley, do 4 00 George Alley, labor 12 00 Clayton Bunker, do 8 00 Arno Stanley, do 12 00 A J Bryant, truck 12 00 Emerson Spurling, do 12 00 Kenneth Jarvis, labor 4 00 Ralph Ellis, do 12 00 Harry Spurling, do 4 00 Christopher Swensen, do 12 00 Andrew Stanley, jr, do 4 00 Hervey Spurling, do 12 00 F W Bunker, do 4 00 Emerson Ham, do 20 00 C H Spurling, gravel 7 50 Lawrence Phippen, do 8 00 Mrs E M Rowe, do 12 00 Lewis Fernald, do 8 00 Milton Phippen, labor 8 00

$262 50 RECEIPTS. Appropriated by town, 1932 , ...... $250 00 Unexpended 1931 ...... 33 45 Received from State ...... 35 39

318 84

Unexpended Feb. 1, 1933 $56 34


EXPENDITURES. Carl Hardy, labor $28 00 Amaziah Alley, do 32 75 Charles Stanley, do 32 50 Emerson Spurling, do 20 75 17

Charles Stanley, truck 42 00 Ralph Ellis, do 20 75 George Alley, labor 28 00 Charles Richardson, do 32 75 Arno Stanley, do 20 00 George Spurling, do 18 00 Amaziah Alley, do 20 00 Christopher Swensen, do 20 75 Emerson Spurling, do 20 00 Hervey Spurling, do 8 00 Ralph Ellis, do 16 00 Mrs E M Rowe, gravel 30 00 Charles Richardson, do 12 00 Carl Hardy, labor 15 00 Carl Hardy, do 21 00 Charles Stanley, truck 26 00 Charles Stanley, do 18 75 George Alley, labor 19 00 Charles Stanley, truck 60 75 George Spurling, do 20 00 George Alley, labor 18 75 Carl Hardy, do 36 00 Arno Stanley, do 20 75 Charles Stanley, truck 19 00

$677 25 RECEIPTS. Appropriated by town, 1932 $700 00 Overdrawn, 1931 5 41

Available 1932 $694 59

Unexpended Feb. 1, 1933 ...... $17 34


EXPENDITURES. Clayton Bunker, labor $30 00 Raymond Spurling, do 12 00 Lewis Fernald, do 12 00 Harry Spurling, do 12 00 Emerson Ham, truck 36 00 Norman Stanley, do 12 00 Kenneth Jarvis, labor 10 00 Andrew Stanley, jr, do 12 00 Hillis Bryant, do 12 00 Charles Stanley, do 15 00 Milton Phippen, do 10 00 Mary Morse, gravel 4 05 Lawrence Phippen, do 12 00 $189 05 RECEIPTS. Appropriated by town 1932 ...... $300 00 Overdrawn, 1931 ...... 106 78

Available, 1932 ...... $103 22

Unexpended Feb 1, 1933 ...... $4 17 SMYTHE ROAD, L. C. I.

EXPENDITURES. Clayton Bunker, truck $42 00 Harry Spurling, do 12 00 Kenneth Jarvis, labor 14 00 Andrew Stanley, jr, do 12 00 Milton Phippen, do 10 00 Lewis Fernald, do 8 00 Emerson Ham, truck 24 00 Lawrence Phippen, do 8 00 Norman Stanley, labor 12 00 Linda Stanley, rock 3 60 Hillis Bryant, do 5 00 Arthur Ham, do 2 70 A J Bryant, truck 18 00 Charles Stanley, labor 9 95 Raymond Spurling, labor 8 00 C H Spurling, gravel 9 75

$200 00 RECEIPTS. Appropriated by town $200 00

SUTTON ISLAND HIGHWAY EXPENDITURES. Carl Hardy, labor $6 00 Charles Stanley, do 5 00 George Spurling, do 12 00 Carl Hardy, do 4 00 George Alley, do 12 00 $39 00 RECEIPTS. Appropriated by town, 1932 ...... $50 00 Unexpended, 1931 ...... 22 88

Available, 1932 ...... $72 88

Unexpended Feb 1, 1933 ...... $33 88

BAKER’S ISLAND HIGHWAY Available and unexpended 1932 ...... $25 55 Paid Joseph Meuse ...... 20 00

Unexpended Feb 1, 1933 ...... $5 55

SNOW LABOR, G. C. I. Available and unexpended Feb 1, 1933 $93 15

SNOW LABOR, L. C. I. Available and unexpended Feb 1, 1933 ...... $54 62

CHARLES E. STANLEY, Road Commissioner. 19

TOWN HALL ACCOUNT Available and unexpended 1932 $97 81

EXPENDITURES. Helen Alley, cleaning ...... $9 00 Joshua Alley, cleaning ...... 3 00

12 00

Unexpended Feb 1, 1933 $85 81


RECEIPTS. Appropriated by town, 1932 $1,000 00 Unexpended 1931 451 22

$1,451 22 Paid Bangor Hydro-Electric Co ...... $1,074 96

Unexpended Feb 1, 1933 $376 26


RECEIPTS. Appropriated by town, 1932 ...... $275 00 Unexpended 1931 ...... 7 52

Available 1932 $282 52 Paid W E Clark, Supt ...... 274 98

Unexpended Feb 1, 1933 $7 54

SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS’ OFFICE RENT RECEIPTS. Appropriated by town 1932 ...... $70 00 Unexpended 1931 ...... 7 44

Available 1932 ...... $77 44 Paid Pemetic Lodge, I O O F, rent ...... 68 76 i; Unexpended Feb 1, 1933 ...... *...... $8 68 20


RECEIPTS. Appropriated by town 1932 ...... $100 00 Unexpended 1931 ...... 29 37

Available for 1932 $129 37

EXPENDITURES. Mary E Stanley ...... $46 87 Fred C Lynam & C o ...... 45 00

91 87

Unexpended Feb 1, 1933 $37 50

SCHOOL PHYSICIAN Available and unexpended Feb 1, 1933 ...... $41 00

MAINE DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Appropriated by town 1932 ...... $25 00 Paid Maine Development Commission ...... 25 00

POOR RELIEF EXPENDITURES. Lola J Richards $53 39 Dr G A Neal 35 00 A C Fernald 136 25 H L Graham 10 00 Harry Spurling 6 00 ------$240 64 RECEIPTS. Appropriated by town, 1932 ...... $200 00 Unexpended 1931 ...... 204 83 Reimbursed from sale of Samuel Phippen property ...... 240 64

645 47

Unexpended Feb 1, 1933 ...... $404 83

TO REDUCE TOWN DEBT Appropriated by town 1932 ...... $500 00 Paid First National B an k ...... $500 00 21


RECEIPTS. Appropriated by town, 1932 $400 00 Unexpended 1931 100 00

Available for 1932 ...... $500 00

EXPENDITURES. First National Bank ...... $107 00 Bar Harbor Banking & Trust C o 108 75

215 75

Unexpended Feb 1, 1933 ...... 284 25

SCHOOLHOUSE FUND Reed of George L Paine for schoolhouse and lot, Sutton ...... $500 00 22 TAX COLLECTOR’S REPORT

Unpaid taxes in the town of Cranberry Isles

1926 Resident Wm P Preble est ...... $18 30

Non-Resident Edgar C Black ...... $12 20 Reginald Johnson ...... 8 39

20 59

Total unpaid taxes, 1928 ...... $38 89


1927 Taxes paid in full by Enoch A. Stanley, collector.

1928 Resident James H Bunker .. $15 40 Leonard Freeman ...... 3 00 Adelbert S Hodgkins 6 88 Frank E Wedge ... 15 40 Wm P Preble est ...... 26 35

$67 03 Non-Resident Martha A Ash ...... $3 88 Truman Brown ...... 4 65 Clifford Barnes ...... 4 65 Ethel Black ...... 2 33 Arthur Clement ...... 93 Mrs Bradford Fraley ...... 4 65 Bion H Farnsworth ...... 10 85 Mrs Henry Griffin ...... 20 15 Julia P Johnson ...... 8 35 Galen M Moore 3 88 Francis Peabody 7 75 23

Benjamin H Spurling ...... 35 65 Henry Thompson ...... 4 65 Henry Van Dyke ...... 2 33 Edith Wright ...... 21 70 Ray Morris ...... 7 75

144 15

Total unpaid taxes, 1928 ...... $211 18

ENOCH A. STANLEY, Collector.

1929 Resident James H Bunker...... $9 15 George F Worcester ...... 6 80

Total unpaid taxes, 1929 ...... $15 95

1930 Resident Adelbert S Hodgkins ...... $13 40 Hervey M Spurling ...... 7 80 George T Worcester ...... 3 00

$24 20 Non-Resident L W Lewis and H H Horn...... $ 6 84 Edith S Wright 22 40

29 24

Total unpaid taxes, 1930 $53 44

1931 Resident Charles R Bulger $20 17 Ralph Ellis H 50 Lucy H Erickson 12 20 Willard H Rosebrook 23 23 Hervey M Spurling ••• 5 55 24

Edwin M Spurling 31 39 Edgar C White 9 80

$113 84 Non-Resident Russell B Moore ...... $11 22 Edith S Wright ...... 23 80

35 02

Total unpaid taxes, 1931 $148 86

1932 Resident Joshua Alley $3 00 Charles E Rice 18 30 James F Bracy, bal 3 00 Warren G Rice 8 10 Ralph A Bryant 34 79 Charles E Richardson 53 32 Harvey E Bulger, bal 5 00 Gilbert H Rosebrook 28 67 Charles R Bulger 20 00 Willard G Rosebrook 22 04 Elisha G Bunker 89 82 Wm O Sawtelle 210 57 Eric Carlson 4 70 George W Spurling 9 97 John F Erickson 1 82 Hervey M Spurling 6 74 Lucy H Erickson 24 65 Nellie A Spurling, bal 14 65 Ralph F Ellis 6 40 Edwin M Spurling 29 01 Arthur L Fernald 32 58 Millard S Spurling 80 18 Daniel H Ham, jr 14 90 Linda M Spurling 33 83 Laura A Ham 28 90 Elzada C Swensen, bal 7 00 Adelbert S Hodgkins 8 10 Frank E Wedge 16 60 Frederick S Leighton 6 40 Everett K Wedge, bal 18 50 Marjorie E Phippen 17 00 Victor White 17 96 Leslie R Phippen 13 32 Edgar C White 9 80 Elton T Rice 9 80 ------$909 57 Non-Resident Roy P Bryant ...... $ 8 16 Mrs Bradford Fraley ...... 14 45 Islesford Wharf Co ...... 3 40 Russell B Moore ...... 11 22 Galen M Moore...... 2 55 Allen R Memhard ...... 166 43 Henry D Rawle ...... 27 20 Barbara S Shirley, bal ...... 73 25 25

Newman Smythe, heirs 153 00 Benjamin H Spurling ...... 47 60 Edith S Wright ...... 22 95

530 21

Total unpaid taxes, 1932 $1,439 78

ANDREW E. STANLEY, Collector for 1929-30-31-32.

SUMMARY Unpaid taxes, 1926 ...... $ 38 89 Unpaid taxes, 1928 211 18 Unpaid taxes, 1929 15 95 Unpaid taxes, 1930 53 44 Unpaid taxes, 1931 148 86 Unpaid taxes,...1932 ...... 1,439 78

Total uncollected taxes Feb 1, 1933 $1,908 10


LIABILITIES First National Bank, notes ...... $3,500 00 Bar Harbor Banking & Trust Co, notes ...... 1,500 00 Arthur M Spurling, note ...... 2,000 00 Leslie M Rice, n ote ...... 2>000 00

$9,000 00 RESOURCES Unpaid taxes ...... $1,908 10 Cash in treasury ...... 2,074 35


.ANDREW E . STANLEY, Treasurer, In account with the TOWN OF CRANBERRY ISLES

DR. Balance in treasury Feb 2, 1932 $2,792 71 Rec’d of Bar Harbor Banking & Trust Co, interest 15 18 Treas of State, health account 5 00 Andrew E Stanley, auto excise tax, 1932., 343 12 Enoch A Stanley, taxes A D 1928 20 15 Andrew E Stanley, do 1932 12,098 70 Eber L Spurling, wharf lease 25 00 Frank B Bartlett, dog licenses, 1932 20 00 E G Bunker, pool licenses 20 00 E G Bunker, overpayment, public wharf acct, 1931 38 95 Bar Harbor Banking & Trust Co, town note by selectmen 1,000 00 Treas of State, State-aid road 5,405 79 Treas of State, maintenance State-aid road 35 39 Arthur M Spurling, town note by select­ men 2,000 00 Leslie M Rice, town note by selectmen .. 2,000 00 First Nat’l Bank, town note by selectmen 2,000 00 Andrew E Stanley, auto excise tax, 1933.. 59 65 Treas of State, dog licenses refunded .. 1 05 State school fund 1,530 65 railroad and tel tax ...... 40 Charles E Stanley, taxes A D 1926 44 18 Frank E Stanley, reimbursement, S C Phippen 240 64 Andrew E Stanley, taxes A D 1931 262 65 Andrew E Stanley, do 1930 3 00 Enoch A Stanley, do 1927 117 00

$30,079 21 CR. Paid Treas of State, dog licenses, 1932 $ 20 00 County treas, county tax, 1932 ___ 1,151 40 27

Treas of State, State tax, 1932 .... 3,040 23 Orders of selectmen 23,793 23 Balance in treasury, Feb 1, 1933 2,074 35

$30,079 21


To the Voters of Cranberry Isles: I have carefully examined the books and accounts of the selectmen and treasurer for the year ending February 1, 1933, and find them correct. The sum of $30,079.21 has been received, and $28,004.86 ex­ pended, leaving a balance in favor of the town of $2,074.35. This balance consists of deposits in the bank of $714.56 and cash and checks in the hands of the treasurer amounting to $1,359.79. Respectfully submitted, JAMES R. DWELLEY, Auditor. 28 TOWN CLERK’S REPORT

Births, marriages and deaths recorded for the year 1932 are as follows: BIRTHS March 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Amaziah Alley, a son (Morris Peter­ son) . August 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ellis, a son (George Dennis). October 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Leighton, a daugh­ ter (Virginia Louise). October 5, to Mr. and Mrs. Elton T. Rice, a daughter (Annie P atricia). November 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Bryant, a daughter (Lena Marie). November 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meuse, a daughter (Prudence May).

MARRIAGES March 2, Willard Rosebrook to Bertha Lear, at Bar Marbor, Me. Sept. 26, Samuel E. Chapman to Cora L. Richardson, at Southwest Harbor, Me. Sept. 28, Wesley P. Bracy to Annie A. Scott, at Jonesboro, Me.

DEATHS Jan. 14, Luella Stanley, aged 76 years, 3 months, 22 days. Jan. 31, Samuel C. Phippen, aged 89 years, 5 months, 11 days. March 31, Harold D. Phippen, aged 24 years, 10 months, 26 days. Aug. 23, Ronald T. Meuse, aged 12 years, 8 months, 29 days. Oct. 29, George H. Fernald, aged 85 years, 5 months, 15 days.

DOGS LICENSED Males, 15; females, 1. Respectfully submitted, FRANK B. BARTLETT, Town Clerk. 29 VOTING LIST

An alphabetical list of voters in the town of Cranberry Isles, in the County of Hancock, as made out and revised by the selectmen on the 1st day of February, A. D. 1933 A Bartlett, Irene M Alley, Andrew Bunker, Gertrude M Alley, George Bunker, Percy E Alley, Joshua W Bunker, John M Alley, Helen M Bunker, Francis W Alley, Amaziah Bunker, Flora E Alley, Ruth F Bunker, Alvah W Alley, Bertie B Bunker, Dorothy I Ayrault, Guy Bunker, Marjorie E B Bryant, Alonzo J Bracy, Charles W Bryant, Ida M Bracy, Emma C Bryant, Ralph A Bracy, Wesley P Bryant, Eleanor G Bracy, Annie S Bryant, Barbara Bulger, Charles R Beal, Natalie Bulger, Georgia F C Bulger, Emma Carlson, Laura M Bulger, Harvey E Crosby, Vida M Bulger, Sadie A Carey, Charles B Bulger, Oscar S Chapman, Cora A Bulger, Millie A Crowley, Allen C Bulger, Ralph P Crowley, Ruth L Bunker, James H D Bunker, Elisha G Duren, Addie E Bunker, Annie L Dwelley, James R Bunker, Henry A Dwelley, Ada M Bunker, Alta I E Bunker, Alton H Erickson, John F Bunker, Philip E Erickson, Lucy H Bunker, Raymond A Ellis, Ralph F Bunker, Rena A Ellis, Gladys M Bunker, S Ruth Eades, Persis B Bunker, Lindon H F Bunker, Ada W Freeman, William A Brown, James Freeman, Ollie E Burton, Dudley H Fernald, Grace E Bartlett, Frank B Fernald, Everett E 30

Fernald, Sadie M Morse, Mary S Fernald, Arthur L P Fernald, Francis G Phippen, Leslie R Fernald, Malcolm E Phippen, Marjorie E Fernald, Winfred F Phippen, John D Fernald, Reta Phippen, Viola O G Phippen, Ralph O Gott, Lulu M Phippen, Lawrence O Gilley, Verner A Phippen, Inez Gilley, Wattie E Phippen, Milton A H R Hamor, John H Rice, Seth H Hamor, Sadie B Rice, Ida C Hardy, Carl R Rice, Leslie M Hardy, Hazel B Rice, Nellie M Harding, Charles H Rice, Charles E Hadlock, Grace M Rice, Elton T Hadlock, George R Rice, Warren G Hadlock, Edna C Rice, Effie Hadlock, Elmer C Richardson, Charles E Hadlock, Wendall S Richardson, Nellie Ham, Daniel H Rosebrook, Gilbert H Ham, Laura A Rosebrook, Cora A Ham, Daniel H, Jr Rosebrook, Willard G Ham, Arthur E Rosebrook, Vivian C Ham, Agnes M S Ham, Albert E Sanford, Samuel C J Spurling, George W Jarvis, Charles S Spurling, Nellie A Jarvis, Hattie M Spurling, Millard S Jarvis, Jennie M Spurling, Joseph E Jarvis, Kenneth E Spurling, Ella B Jarvis, Mildred Spurling, Eber L Jordan, Alden H Spurling, Lena E K Spurling, Erwin L Krantz, Oscar Spurling, Emma F Krantz, Inez Spurling, Francis M L Spurling, Esther M Ladd, Lewis E Spurling, Hervey M Leighton, Frederick S Spurling, Daisy Leighton, Evelyn L Spurling, Elmer A M Spurling, Hilda A Moore, Lilia B Spurling, Edwin M Stanley, Frank L Spurling, Lillian Stanley, Maggie M Spurling, Fred R Stanley, Albert E Spurling, Nellie F Stanley, Gilbert M Spurling, Warren A Stanley, Mabel M Spurling, Ella F Stanley, Arno P Spurling, Arthur M Stanley, Mabel P Spurling, Cora M Stanley, Lewis G Spurling, William F Stanley, Leah J Spurling, Blanche E Stanley, John G Spurling, Geneva M Stanley, Mary F Spurling, Clarence H Stanley, Charles E Spui'ling, Rena W Stanley, Eliza B Spurling, Irving R Stanley,Enoch A Spurling, Raymond W Stanley, Beatrice B Spurling, Marion E Stanley, Harvey S Spurling, Harry E Stanley, Jennie A Stanley, Henry E Stanley, Harold L Stanley, Smith S Stanley, Lena M Stanley, Frank E Stanley, Richard H Stanley, Maud R Stanley, Alice M Stanley, Andrew E Stanley, Clifford R Stanley, Elsie L Stanley, Merrill E Stanley, Florence V Stanley, John T Stanley, Norman F Swensen, Christopher T Swensen, Elzada C Teel, Wyman S Sawtelle, William O Teel, Velma S Sawtelle, Louise B W Sawtelle, Egerton B Wedge, Rose Sawtelle, Muriel F Wedge, Everett K Seavey, Milton H Wedge, Frank E Seavey, Ella M Wedge, Lillian A Spofford, Herbert E Wedge, Oscar G Spofford, Marion A Wedge, Ethel M Sprague, James C White, Victor Sprague, Nannie E White, Edgar C Sprague, Kathleen E Worcester, Madeline Spurling, Agnes H Y Spurling, Annie W Young, William A Spurling, Archie S Young, Lulu S FRANK E. STANLEY, LESLIE M. RICE, FRANK B. BARTLETT, a of the Town of Cranberry Isles. SCHOOL REPORT

REPORT OF SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS To the Superintending’ School Committee and Citizens of Cranberry Isles: Teachers and Salaries Islesford primary, Geneva Spurling’, $22 per week. Islesford grammar, George Milner, $23 per week. G. C. I. primary, Charlotte Sadler, $21 per week. G. C. I. grammar, James Brown, $23 per week. Janitors Islesford, George Milner, $5 per week. G. C. Isles, Josiali Alley, $7 per week. There have been two changes in the teaching force, caused by resignation, v iz: Geneva Spurling, Isles­ ford primary, and Charlotte Sadler, G. C. I. primary. Both of these teachers are normal graduates with ex­ perience . Following is the number of pupils in each grade and also the number in each school: Grade 1 5 boys 2 girls Grade 2 7 boys 5 girls Grade 3 5 boys 4 girls Grade 4 0 boys 3 girls Grade 5 5 boys 3 girls Grade 6 5 boys 2 girls Grade 7 2 boys 1 girl Grade 8 1 boy 3 girls

30 boys 23 girls Islesford, 17 pupils; G. C. Isle, 36 pupils. Total, 53 pupils. This makes the same number at Islesford as 33

last year, while there has been a gain of four pupils at G. C. Isle. Everything necessary has been supplied for the schools and the work is progressing in a very satis­ factory manner. There are eight pupils receiving higher education in different schools of the State, as follows: Southwest Harbor, 4 Bucksport, 1 Coburn, 1 Ellsworth, 2 I should like to correct the erroneous impression which seems to prevail regarding the duties of the superintending school committee. Some people seem to have the impression that the superintending school committee is merely an “ honorary committee,” or a committee in name only, and that the sole authority is vested in the superintendent of schools. This is not the case at present, nor has it ever been so. The committee, both present and past, has exer­ cised its full authority as given in the public laws. It has exercised its full authority relative to teachers, janitors and their salaries; it has had complete charge of repair work; it has examined every bill, and no bill has been paid without the approval of the committee. I am making this explanation, not only in justifica­ tion of the superintending school committee, but also in my own defense, if necessary. The superintendent merely follows the orders or dictates of the committee in the above matters. The committee makes its recommendations for ap­ propriations, and is ready at all times, I believe, to answer any questions the taxpayers desire, to the best of its ability. In closing, I wish heartily to thank the superintend­ 34 ing school committee and citizens for their support during the year. Respectfully submitted, WINFRED E. CLARK, Superintendent of Schools.


RESOURCES Appropriated for common schools ...... $1,700 00 high school tuition 500 00 janitors 456 00 text-books and supplies 200 00 fuel 550 00 received from State 1,530 65 Balance Feb. 1, 1932 ...... 667 84

$5,604 49 EXPENDITURES. Teachers: George Milner . $828 00 Marjorie Bunker 460 00 Geneva Spurling 352 00 James Brown . 828 00 Irene Gilley ... 750 00 Charlotte Sadler 21 00

$3,239 00 Janitors: George Milner ...... $190 00 Ruth Peterson ...... 140 00 Josiah Alley 119 00

449 00 Text-books and Supplies: Longfellow League .... $ 12 90 Clark, The Printer .... 9 25 J L Hammett Co ___ 138 19 35

Ginn & Co ...... 5 62 J L Hammett C o 7 44

Fuel: Charles E Stanley ___ $ 13 00 Erwin Spurling ...... 19 50 Irving Spurling ...... 451 00 A J Bryant ...... 27 75 Ami Peabody ...... 17 00 Joshua A lley ...... 6 00

High School Tuition: City of Ellsworth ...... $155 88 Town of Bingham ...... 35 00 Coburn Institute ...... 132 04 Bucksport Seminary .. 125 03 Southwest Harbor .... 275 00 Bar Harbor ...... 40 00

762 95

Total expenditures ...... 5,158 60

Balance ...... $445 89


RECEIPTS. Appropriated by tow n ...... $125 00 Balance Feb 1, 1932 ...... 21

$125 21 EXPENDITURES. Pd A J Bryant $45 83 Gilley Plumbing Co ...... 5 40 Enoch Stanley ...... 5 80 Beatrice Stanley ...... 15 00 J H Bunker ...... 1 15 Carl Hardy ...... 4 00 Ruth Crowley ...... 9 00 36

R B Dunning .. 9 00 Charles Stanley 10 00 Joshua Alley .. 4 00

$109 18

Balance $16 03


To the Citizens of Cranberry Isles: We have examined the report of the superintendent of schools, and approve the same. We make the fol­ lowing recommendations for appropriations: Common schools ...... $1,500.00 High school tuition ...... 400.00 Janitors ...... 456.00 Text-books and supplies .... 100.00 F u e l...... 550.00 Repairs ...... 100.00 This is a reduction of $425 from last year, or 12%. Respectfully submitted, E. A. Stanley, Chairman, Leslie M. Rice, A. J. Bryant. Superintending School Committee. 37 WARRANT


To Andrew E. Stanley, a constable of the town of Cranberry Isles, in said county, GREETING: In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town of Cran­ berry Isles, qualified by law to vote in town affairs, to assemble at Town Hall, Great Cranberry Island, in said town, on Mon­ day, the sixth day of March, A. D. 1933, at ten o’clock in the forenoon, to act on the following articles, to wit:

1 To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting.

2 To choose a clerk for the ensuing year.

3 To hear and act on the report of town officers.

4 To choose by ballot, three selectmen, who shall be asses­ sors and overseers of the poor. 5 To choose a treasurer and vote his compensation.

6 To choose a collector of taxes and vote his compensation.

7 To choose one member of the superintending school com­ mittee for three years.

8 To choose constables for the ensuing year.

9 To choose surveyors of lumber and measurers of wood and bark for the ensuing year. 10 To choose road commissioners for the ensuing year and vote their pay.

11 To see if the town will vote to hold the next annual town meeting at Neighborhood House, Little Cranberry Island. 12 To see what sum of money the town will vote to grant and raise to be expended and used for advertising the nat­ ural resources, advantages and attractions of the State o f Maine. 13 To see what sum of money shall be raised for necessary town charges. 38

14 To see what sum of money shall be raised for the support of the poor.

15 To see what sum of money shall be raised for highways on the different islands.

16 To see what sum of money shall be raised for snow re­ moval on the different islands.

17 To see what sum of money shall be raised for common schools.

18 To see what sum of money shall be raised for janitors for common schools.

19 To see what sum of money shall be raised for high school tuition.

20 To see what sum of money shall be raised for text-books and supplies. 21 To see what sum of money shall be raised for fuel for common schools. 22 To see what sum of money shall be raised for repairs of school property.

23 To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise for insurance on school buildings.

24 To see if the town will vote and authorize the superin­ tending school committee to employ a school physician. 25 To see if the town will vote to raise a sum of money to employ a school physician. 26 To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise for repairs and maintenance of public wharf and float, Great Cranberry Island. 27 To see if the town will vote to appoint a caretaker of public wharf and act thereon. 28 To see if the town will vote to raise the sum of $70 for superintendent of schools’ office rent. 29 To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise for superintendent of schools’ salary. 30 To see if the town will vote “Yes” or “No” on the question of appropriating and raising money necessary to entitle 39

the town to State-aid, as provided in section 20 of chap­ ter 28 of the Revised Statutes of 1930. 31 To see what sum of money the town will appropriate and raise for the improvement of the section of State-aid road as outlined in the report of the State Highway Commission, in addition to the amounts regularly- raised for the care of the ways, highways and bridges, under the provisions of section 19, chapter 28, of the Revised Statutes of 1930, or under the provisions of section 22, chapter, 28 of the Revised Statutes of 1930. 32 To see what sum of money the town would recommend to take from the joint State-aid account for the purpose of applying bituminous surface treatment to State-aid roads built within the past five years, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 271, P. L. 1931. 33 To see if the town will vote to raise a sum of money for the maintenance of State-aid highways, according to the provisions of sections 9, 18, 36 and 37, chapter 28 of the Revised Statutes of 1930. 34 To see if the town will vote to authorize the assessors to rescind any amounts appropriated by the town for State-aid highway construction in excess of the amount required to meet State apportionments.

35 To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise for street lights. 36 To see what sum of money the town will vote and raise to pay interest on notes. 37 To see what sum of money the town will vote and raise to pay on the principal of notes. 38 To see if the town will vote to authorize the selectmen and treasurer to issue the town’s negotiable notes or bonds in a sum not exceeding $3,000 for the purpose of refunding, renewing, or paying certain indebtedness of the town due now or to become due during the year 1933, to wit: First National Bank of Bar Harbor, notes, $1,500. Bar Harbor Banking & Trust C o., notes, $1,500. 39 To see what sum of money the town will vote to raise for the extermination of mosquitoes. 40

40 To see what sum of money the town will raise for mothers’ aid.

41 To see if the town will vote to elect a fire warden, accord­ ing to section 6 of chapter 35 of the Revised Statutes of 1930.

42 To see if the town will vote to authorize the assessors to look over taxable property.

43 To see if the town will vote to authorize the selectmen and treasurer to make a temporary loan or loans, not ex­ ceeding in the aggregate the sum of $2,000, in antici­ pation ofand to be paid out of current taxes for the municipal year of 1933.

44 To choose a town auditor for the ensuing year.

45 To transact any other business that may legally come be­ fore said meeting.

46 To vote pay of moderator for his services.

The selectmen give notice that they will be in session for the purpose of correcting the list of voters in said town and hearing and deciding on applications of those claiming the right to have their names upon said list, at the Town Hall, Great Cranberry Island, in said town, at 9 o’clock in the fore­ noon on the day of said meeting.

Given under our hands this 18th day of February, A. D. 1933. FRANK E. STANLEY, LESLIE M. RICE, FRANK B. BARTLETT, Selectmen of Cranberry Isles.