JANICE CROSE’S TOP 10 GRATITUDE LIST | B1 EVERETT: RUTGERS FEATURES IN COLLEGE MIDWEEK EDITION FOOTBALL HISTORY | A7 Wednesday, November 14, 2018 Vol. 43 Issue 91 crestviewbulletin.com @cnbulletin facebook.com/crestviewbulletin 50¢ ‘Strong faith is the greatest hope’ Crestview resident’s highlights her experience “It’s important to get the essay published in coping with a failing marriage. message out that when you Chicken Soup for A nurse who retired after 40 need help: 1. Ask for it. 2. Listen the Soul years, she writes about the to your friends that say you moment a friend encouraged need to get help,” the Crest- By Kaylin Parker her to seek therapy after anxi- view author said. 682-6524 | @kparkercnb ety about the divorce led to an Sturgis said this moment
[email protected] outburst of emotions during a in her life encouraged her to work meeting. “reconnect with God.” CRESTVIEW — For over 20 “I couldn’t keep doing what I “God was watching out for years, Chicken Soup for the was doing,” Sturgis said. me and I didn’t even know Soul books have lined book- Sturgis came in contact with it,” she said. store shelves, with over 200 a therapist she trusted and By acknowledging and editions to date. Each edition actively sought help. expressing her emotions highlights 101 inspirational In the essay, she writes about through therapy, she learned stories submitted by ordinary the different techniques her to remain optimistic about the people. therapist used. future. Works by Crestview resident In one session, her therapist “There’s always hope no Mary Beth Sturgis have been gave her a difficult homework matter that happens in life,” published twice in Chicken assignment — write a letter to Sturgis said.