Washington County News SEASON COVERAGE Page.A3 Saturday, JUne 26, 2010 www.chipleypaper.com Volume 87, Number 20 50¢ For.the.latest. breaking.news,.visit CRA plans CHIPLEYPAPER.COM alleyway Community revitalization BRIEFS project JAY.FELSBERG Blood drive Managing Editor CHIPLEY — A blood
[email protected] drive open to the WatermelONS smaller, but SWEETER community will be CHIPLEY — The Chipley Community Redevelopment held Sunday, July 11, for this year’s festival Agency is looking at a new from 8:30 a.m. to approach at revitalization 1 p.m. at St. Joseph — alleyways. There was the Worker Catholic wide-ranging discussion of Church on 1664 Main JAY.FELSBERG the subject at Wednesday’s St. in Chipley. More Managing Editor regular meeting at the Wash- information is available
[email protected] ington County Chamber of by calling 638-7654. Commerce. Mass will still be held at CHIPLEY — The melons were rolling The concept is to provide 11 a.m. on July 11. grant funding to turn alley- in — literally — on Thursday as this ways into yet another attrac- weekend’s 54th annual Watermelon tion for downtown Chipley. Varnum reunion Festival in Chipley drew closer. The initial project could be the alleyway on South Rail- CHIPLEY — The annual Washington County Extension Service Agronomist Collin Adcock said that road Avenue between State Varnum Reunion will be Road 77 (Main Street) and held July 3 at Chipley 45 entries already had been delivered 5th Avenue. Ideas considered First Methodist Church. on Thursday for today’s watermelon included lighting, cobblestone All family members and auction.